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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I am very glad, that I have 1 whole year off for myself and id like to extreme educate myself. Besides math, biology etc. I want to study Philosophy in that time and political science so please, help me gather some quality Books, Its ok if its just the name i have my places to get them.

If possible, id love to read books made in the USSR.

In philosophy, Metaphysics, Ethics and political philosophy
and in political science, books written by Lenin, stalin, translations of kurginyan?

OP here* the reason im asking here for books is because im overwhelmed by how many there are and I dont want to choose shit books, propaganda books, or so

Why are you interested in philosophy? Why are you interested in "political science"?

Why do you have a year off?
Can we have some contextual background to know how educated you already are?
What big books have you already read?
Are you already an effective reader?

I am not very good YET at reading these high level books, but I plan on reading them carefully and if i dont know something study it much, until i am able to read these books very well. I need to start somewhere right?

Books i have read so far are
- Novels like 1984, metro 2033, science fiction and fantasy books yaknow like ~8
- just bought a dostoevsky book, and i have read Lenin Karl marx and Friedrich engels (As far as i remember it was a booked version of a university visit, was very interesting)

I dont understand why it matters how I have a year off, but I have a year off because I escaped from the extremely retarded toxic school system and am doing Homeschooling right now, and I will choose it as a class where I will educate myself about these things deeply.
I, to be honest, am not a very effective reader, but will be in this year, I lately started reading way more books, and trough reading i will be one.

I love communism, as it is the real democracy. I have a basic understanding of it, and want to read political science books to be able to analyze the world and perhaps in future work in a thinktank. So that is also why philosophy and sociology, besides that I find philosophy interesting, didnt start with sociology much yet.

Read Capital


Here is a good list of authors

The boundaries between philosophy, sociology, politics etc. get blurrier the more you read, and the lines drawn between them are often artificial. For example, Master Mo is often taught in PoliSci classes but Zhuangzi and Confucius might not be. Imo the best works are often the most interdisciplinary, although disciplines in the academic sense is kind of a spook. as is academia.

Read Stirner lol

Thank you very much brothers.

Reading is a skill. You have to work up to it.

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I ask these questions so that I have information to base my recommendations on. The what and why of who you are become part of the contextual key to understanding your reading level and helps us anons point you in the right direction. The easy example is that you would not recommend the same books to a kid straight out of highschool the same books as a 50 year old with a PHD who's written his own academic texts on a given subject. This is, of course, the extreme example, but context is king, and the more books you read the more you will understand that.

The most important information I've gleaned from asking these questions is your lack of confidence in reading. So I would attach something like pic related to help prime you on your journey. You know how in some games you can put points into a skill that helps you with all your other skills? That's what these books do. You'll be more confident, faster, and more analytical when you tackle something like Capital after you have read some other books about reading and learning and focus. Other anons will give you great recs, but some of the books that have helped me in my leftist journey have been

Communist Manifesto*
Graeber’s 5000 years of debt
Bullshit jobs*
Capitalist realism*
A people’s history
Manufacturing consent
Simulacra and simulation
Anything by Michael Parenti*
The end of policing*
Amusing ourselves to death*
The new Jim crowe
Food politics
Forget the Alamo

The one's with stars are the shorter easier reads of this list. But the list, at a certain point is arbitrary. There are dozens of good leftist books people will rec, but you need to be primed to read them and truly understand them. What's the point in spending 200 hours grinding on Phenomenology of Spirit when it's 30 levels above you?

thank you very uch foir the book recomandations i escreenshotted it . I actually already read deep work and atomic habits.

Make it stick is my favorite learning/productivity book. If we boiled it down to one that is the one I would recommend. How to read a book is old but I think it’s still worth it if your plan is to read nonfiction.

I just want to make sure that you use your year effectively.

How to read a book seems retarded. Ive been skimming about 100 pages, this is all shit everybody basically knows.

Read carefully, analyze, ask questions, read awake, be comfy, know what its about, and rethink what you read.

I feel like its unnecsary to read that, basically just read and read until you can do it concentrationally and dont forget to know what u read thats pretty much it.

If someone was never taught or never picked up how to read systematically then the book is a good read. People who already know how to skim and think don’t need to read it. But I’d hate for you to fall in that “it could be summarized in a picture” bullshit when the whole point is the process of reading.

oh nono dont get me wrong. The only thing i really need to work on is concentration, tho i have these problems in general. They exist because of "tiktok" and all these retarded things, my mental state and shitlife etc. etc. I generally want to use that year to better myself at everything.

>translations of kurginyan
have you considered reading literally anything else

what do you have against him? he is a very intelligent and good person.

6 days later, kohai. How much reading have you done?

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