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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I'm starting this after asking in reading general because there was some interest shown. A thread for the encouragement, maintenance, and organisation of different reading groups- a regular thread will be maintained in order for reading groups to rhizomatically organise. No specific topic of reading is mandated. I would like to start by organising a group, I have a few texts I would be interested in reading but would like to get any kind of feedback because I don't want to propose we read a book and then have a buncha people be like 'nooo i dont like that book' so here are some initial suggestions for what we could read to begin with:

CURRENT BOOK: engels' origin of the family (prehistoric society)

- Baruch Spinoza's 'Ethics'
- Vladimir Lenin's 'Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism'
- Murray Bookchin's 'Post-Scarcity Anarchism'
- Felix Guattari's 'Three Ecologies'
- Alfred North Whitehead's 'Process and Reality'
- Guy Debord's 'Society of the Spectacle'
- Theodor Adorno's 'Negative Dialectics'
- Fredy Perlman's 'Against His-Story, Against Leviathan'
- Friedrich Engel's 'The Origin of the Family'

We humbly invite you all! Feel free to organise and maintain your own group here!
82 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I think there's way more anons organized than 1%
Plus some people can read it for entertainment if they want


If you're not picking up on this, it's litterally petit bourgoies salon philosophy, learning for the sake of having shit to do and impressing other petit bourgoies idiots.

People who read fucktons of books and are useful to orgs like I know are people who delve into historical accounts of previous parties, who do this and come out with conclusions and plans of actions which we can try and apply directly in our modern orgs, or who can pinpoint possible causes of mistakes or previous movements and warm us against them.
It's never people who read kant or Spinoza or anything else. Dont pretend it's anything more than just a hobby. It's no different than learning Minecraft trivia or names of train types.


Organize people or strengthen the party.


It basically means reading Lenin's pertinent works on relevant issues like whether or not Bogdanov was a revisionist and how to fight the Menshevik menace


That's the only thing that's useful? Which party?


Damn you guys are insufferable. Feels like an ego-defense thing tbh.
>people reading books! this is an indirect attack me for not reading!
But uh, keep preaching (in your posts on an obscure imageboard) about the need to organize the workers and absolutely not doing anything bourgeois like read a book.


The Frequently Asked Questions should help with formatting → https://leftypol.org/faq.html


Yeah bud if you aren't making pipe bombs and sending active shooter threats to the FBI, what are you REALLY doing for the revolution?


>If you're not picking up on this, it's litterally petit bourgoies salon philosophy, learning for the sake of having shit to do and impressing other petit bourgoies idiots.
From experience, it impresses virtually no one. The people who don't know of it have no idea what you're talking about, and the people who do know of it largely haven't read it and will become defensive if you try to talk about it.

People who pride themselves on being "smart" or "knowledgeable" in some way dislike being challenged on this terrain. These are typically the "college educated, petit bourgeois" types you think "philosophy" will impress, and they believe knowing about that sort of thing "ought to impress" others as well, much like you do. And if you want a good example of what actually happens, take a look at your own comments.

If you're wanting to impress people, you'd do better by going to the gym before reading anything. Even joining a socialist party would be a better way of impressing people.


>Information that can't be usefully applied is just trivia.
Reading basically any substantive content seriously as a regular habit is just straight up good for your brain and makes you better at reading comprehension and analysis. You are a giant fucking retard.


I knew a guy who read too much and his head exploded. True story.


>thread turns into a serious debate on whether or not reading is sinful
The channer strikes again


to be fair you can only fit so many books inside your skull


ime if you pulp them first you can fit more in.


what if they're ebooks stored in an sd card


I don't get it.


pls stop responding to bait, it is shitting up the thread


File: 1681704064161.png (95.27 KB, 434x650, ClipboardImage.png)

Society of the Spectacle if it was actually good


this gem post was under-rated


>philosophy is bad because of thing that is predicated on philosophy



hope you guys are getting the reading done!


We going chapter by chapter?


yes, the introduction continues until saturday



I was saying at >>13393 that reading philosophy impresses no one normally, so the explanation doesn't make sense. I wasn't saying it's bad, but you do have to read philosophy for yourself.


yup, to add to this, in my opinion the people who complain about reading philosophy in favour of myopic focus on 'organisation' have also fallen into the same capitalist mentality: securing the conditions of existence cannot be the answer for what those conditions make possible. politics is a vital part of our orientation in the world, but it cannot be the 'end' goal of our lives. we read philosophy in order to interpret and understand the world as best as possible, such that we can live meaningful lives- both in a political sense, and in a personal one. The point is to change it, so that we can….. what? Orient ourselves towards it in a way that is meaningful to us.


on that note


are also equally 'in le sin' because anyone who loves wisdom would be happy to engage on the point, rather than shaming anti-intellectuals, which in my opinion really plays into valid point they DO have which is that people turn philosophy into a meaningless hobby of 'author collection' and only has the effect of Oedipal repression.

Affirm this life


Marx didn't see philosophy as interpreting the world sufficiently, he explicitly attacked Feuerbach, Braun and Stirner in the German Ideology for being overly philosophical. Later in his life, he intensely studied the latest developments in physics and anthropology.


want to read this…!


sooo did anyone dothe reading


What was the reading? Put it in the OP I wasn't following due to the petty squabble going on.


how am I supposed to put it in the op you cant edit this stuff.

It's engels' origin of the family (prehistoric society)


Unsolicited advice, but I've ran and participated in a few internet book clubs. You need solid commitment from at least 5 people to have anything steady. From 5, you'll be lucky to get 3 show up regularly for a whole book. Unfortunately, posting in a thread like this saying "sounds cool, I want to read that too!, then we'll post about it sometime" isn't enough, imo. I don't know how you can have a bookclub and not do it on something like fbi.gov where everyone is meeting regularly and has identities. Hope it works here though, even with the shitposters. But that's also a problem, bunch of fuckin interlopers in your bookclub.


We should each pick a flag, name or trip for this thread.
Ideally another thread should be created with the book in the OP.


Was a book even chosen? everyone started whining and bitching and acting like little children and it became impossible to follow.


oh i missed this, derp.
no. I did start to re-read against his-story though.


If it's that bad, I'll join. I wanted Spinoza, or anything else, but I'm not even that opposed to "The Origin of the Family"; I just wanted to read more books on related topics before approaching it.

Some place to meet off this website should probably be chosen. While I'd prefer that it stay on imageboards in the abstract, it's difficult to organize a book discussion here due to the format, and even more people than usual are going to shirk reading when it's all completely anonymous. Flags would work to mitigate this to an extent, if you're determined not to have the discussion elsewhere.

I also agree with >>13418 that a new thread should be made for the reading group, with a link to where it'll be discussed (if elsewhere) and, ideally, a schedule.


I think we can make it happen I'll be doing the reading each friday after I get off work ready for saturday an offsite thing might be a good adjunct but I won't be participating there only here

If you need a ramp on → >>13378 is good

>how am I supposed to put it in the op you cant edit this stuff.
No but the vols can I've asked on >>>/meta/ @ → >>/meta/26563


Fug fixed final link → >>>/meta/26563


Got a physical copy, will attempt to read this chapter today, if not oh well.


IMO start a new thread with the first few paragraphs to entice readers.



bro if you have this much time to shitpost on /leftypol/ i cant imagine your "cell" is doing too well lmao


Well in the meantime let's continue here

To sum the chapter the shift from barbarism to civilization is marked by writing?


found out about this guy on /lit/ he's been going over hegel recently


im gonna force ppl to participate here whether they like it or not



it was interesting to me some of the developments of like how fishing and pottery play into human development. I didnt realise that yeah humans probably did start by moving across the coasts and fishing


>it was interesting to me some of the developments of like how fishing and pottery play into human development.
Yup, and how the ones who chose to research animal husbandry got horsemen first.


ok. i gave u bitches enuf time to read and discuss. next chapter!!!


We are on chapter II, the family


I'd like to emphasize the end of this chapter


right, Morgan says (and Engels seems to be agreeing) that reproductive relations may still evolve with society


File: 1683348403084.pdf (723.55 KB, 197x255, origin_family.pdf)

Chapter III. The Iroquois Gens
>Outside the tribe was outside the law.
Nota Bene

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