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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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 [Last 50 Posts]

This is not a debate thread. I encourage debate on this topic to happen in /leftypol/, as it would have anyway. This is an /edu/cational thread only.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the third and highest stage of communist theory, was synthesized in 1982 by the Peruvian Communist Party (known in bourgeois sources by the epithet "Sendero Luminoso"). Here is the document they published concerning this: http://library.redspark.nu/1982_-_Maoism._On_Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Parties and organizations that uphold MLM theory in the modern day include:
>Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun
>Peru People’s Movement (Reorganisation Committee)
>Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)
>Red Faction of the Communist Party of Chile
>Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Columbia
>Revolutionary Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico
>Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist
>Committee Red Flag, FRG
>Maoist Communist Party, French State
Red Flag Collective, Finland
>Committees for the Foundation of the (Maoist) Communist Party of Austria
>Tjen Folket - Communist League, Norway
>Committee to Reconstitute the Communist Party of the USA
>Communist Nucleus Nepal
Two other well-known parties are affiliated in part with MLM, although their political orientation overlaps significantly with what we'd call "Mao Zedong Thought" which is not the same thing:
>Communist Party of India (Maoist)
>Communist Party of Philippines


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What has been the most successful mlm organization to their goal?


The Peruvian party was the one which synthesized the theory, and so in a theoretical sense they reached the highest point of advancement. they also controlled 60% of the territory of Peru in the year 1992. in the present day, however, the Indian and Philippine Maoists are the ones with the greatest hold in their respective countries, followed by Turkey, then Peru. there was also a people's war fought by Maoists in Nepal which successfully overthrew the monarchy there, but this was only accomplished by the Maoists making huge concessions and basically turning themselves into social democrats, so that is a mixed victory.


What ever happened to that 60% of territory in Peru?


in 1992, the Chairman Gonzalo (pictured in his cell in the OP) was captured. his was not the only capture, and by the end of the 1990s the Peruvian state had removed a great deal of the leadership of the revolution. this combined with factional disputes within the party to cause them to lose most of their gains. the remnant of the party still fights on in the most impoverished regions of Peru. if I recall correctly, the tide turning so fast after 1992 had a lot to do with increased collaboration from the US.


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>latin america
>any socialist/communist movements
yep sounds about right


What's the MLM tactic for a protracted people's war in the "developed/1st world"? How do you fight a guerrilla war in the centres of global capital?


I am no expert in military tactic, but the best way I've heard it put by another Maoist is "if the Irish of PIRA and INLA, the Québecois of FLQ, the Basque of ETA, the Germans of RAF, and the Italians of BR could do it, we can probably figure it out too."


>"if the Irish of PIRA and INLA, the Québecois of FLQ, the Basque of ETA, the Germans of RAF, and the Italians of BR could do it"
What is it they did? Fail? No one is saying it is impossible for a group of people to get armed and start fighting street battles, gang shootings have been happening on the streets of American cities for decades now. What's the plan for winning that war? How do you supply that war? Maoist rebels generally use the countryside villages as bases and surround the cities. The villages provide them with food and shelter. It would be trivial for a Western European government to cut the supply lines of your troops.

There's also hardly any "jungles" where you can hide in Western Europe. The US and Canada are big enough but you'd either stay on the periphery attacking small cities and towns or you'd be wiped out by their superior military.

MLM doesn't make sense in the West because most, if not all, of the Maoist stuff doesn't apply.


I can't give you much more than that myself, so I would recommend reading through this article here: https://struggle-sessions.com/2019/10/07/on-the-urban-guerrilla/


What are the differences (if any) between regular maoism and mlm?


These’s an MLM party here in Pakistan as well, the Awami Tehreek in Sindh. They seem to be pretty good, they’ve helped in establishing more secular relations in the province and they have pretty convincing ideals.


Didn’t mean to reply :«


Hold on, writing a comprehensive reply to this question


That article is all style and no substance.
>IRA wasn't completely destroyed, therefore PPW is possible in the West
I need more to be convinced. And Gonzalo quotes just don't do it for me.


Not OP, btw. "Maoism" can refer to many ideologies, among them Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought (MZT) and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM). Originally, the only ideology that "Maoism" had described was MZT, and within the PRC this was (and continues to be) considered Marxism-Leninism as applied to the conditions of China.
By the early fifties, the two major developments that MZT had over ML as it was understood up until that point were: the ascertainment that the peasantry were the revolutionary agents in semi-colonial*(1), bureacratic capitalist*(2) countries, and that the way to break free from imperialism and towards a socialist construction for the semi-colonial, bureaucratic capitalist Republic of China was New Democracy*(3). These two elements of MZT made up the basis for the military strategy of People's War*(4). The other components that had been peculiar to MZT were its emphases on: the Mass Line*(5) within the framework of Democratic Centralism, and a philosophical contribution on the law of contradiction discussed in "On Contradiction" within the framework of dialectical materialism. All of these components were gathered from Mao's pre-WW2 writings and praxis.
The next major components of MZT that are now downplayed by the current CPC are the insistence: that class struggle continues even under socialism, and that there is a two-line struggle (between an oppositional line of a wrong and opportunist bent and a correct, anti-revisionist line) within Communist parties that last throughout that period until the communist mode of production is reached. These anticipated the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR).
The final pillar of MZT is the Three Worlds Theory*(6), it is a theory of international relations. It basically provides a justification for the PRC's foreign policy at the end of the GPCR and beyond. It is perhaps the most contentious of MZT's components between post-Deng MZT adherents and MLMs, and even between different MLMs.
While MZT was conceived and treated as Marxism-Leninism as applied to China, MLM has been conceived and treated as a higher stage of Marxist theory. It is Maoism that can be applied universally. Although there were various Western Communist organizations that adopted "Maoist" as a descriptor for their thought, none really claimed a universal application of a core of Mao's teachings until the late 70s by the Communist Party of Peru (Shining Path). Everything listed prior has been adopted into the Shining Path's general political line, including the Three Worlds Theory albeit with a different take than what Deng had. Soon, other MZT parties worldwide arrived at the same of conclusion of the universal applicability of MZT tenets and either joined the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM, the first MLM International) or did their own thing. The Communist Party of India (Maoist), for instance, wasn't formed until after the RIM seems to have dissolved.
There's a lot of info I have glanced over, but I hope this served as a neat little intro to the difference between MZT (the first thing that comes to mind when "Maoism" is brought up) and MLM. I apologize if it all sounds too Communist Party of Peru-centered. Please correct me if I got anything wrong, Maoist comrades.

1. semi-colony,
> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/semi-colony
2. bureacratic capitalism,
> https://www.reddit.com/r/communism101/comments/5vc41g/what_exactly_is_bureaucrat_capitalism/
3. New Democracy,
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democracy (overview)
> http://lesmaterialistes.com/english/communist-party-peru-democratic-revolution
(Shining Path's conception of ND)
4. People's War,
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_war
5. Mass Line,
> http://massline.info/sum1p.htm (a great summary)
6. Three Worlds Theory,
> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Worlds_Theory

Further Reading:
&lt"Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basic Course", a great overview of the Five Teachers (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao), their lives, the material conditions they inhabited, and how it all culminates in MLM. http://massalijn.nl/theory/marxism-leninism-maoism-basic-course/
&lt"General Political Line of the Communist Party of Peru", published in 1988 as the Shining Path kept gaining ground—talks about everything discussed here. https://gplpcp.wordpress.com/

P.S.: Mao wrote much about all the topics, most are pamphlet-sized in length. I believe that you should read about these topics in chronological order.


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Of course I fucked up the formatting.


Well, I don't think this thread is focused on the Nepalese (well, I think that acording to Gonzaloists are now revisionist no?) So I'll post some G-man books/memoirs. Sadly is in spanish only.


Well, said infighting happened because Gonzalo sign the "peace treaty" with Fujimori & Montesinos. The rupture between the Peace faction and the Proseguir (Continue) faction, headed by Feliciano
Pretty much, the head of the finance was captured, he agreed to collaborate with the police and show who was the person that guard Guzman latest safehouse, then they followed her and wollah! The 1st and 2nd members of the Politburo fall (Plus one top member) in a stream of captures.
And yes, there is knowledge that therr was 1 CIA operative in the intelligence group dedicated to capture them. And they received some finance from them too, this begun when Garcia acepted collaborate with the US in the late 80s.


Sorry, I needed to continue. After the fall of Guzman, Fujimori capitalized a lot on the "Terrorism menace" fear. And meanwhile, enacted a law that was "snitch and free" instead of the common "torture, then snitch, then kill" tactic. Which debilitated more the forces of SP. So much, that when the Fujimori regime fell, like +30% of people jailed for terrorism were never members of SP and MRTA. Also, the hand of the US was in the idea or new trials

Plus, the source about the CIA role was discovered in CIA papers



If someone speakes chinese


By Ariel Colmenares.
August 2, 2011
The intelligence services of the police and the army have been very active in infiltrating the revolutionary and democratic forces in Peru. During the armed conflict (1980-2000) they made efforts to destroy the people's war through two forms: repression and infiltration. They seeded agents in the intermediate and base organisms. The infiltration began on the weaker side of the revolutionary apparatus. The target was focused on the student movement and on the Peru People's Movement (MPP) (organism generated by the PCP) operating abroad. In the case of the PPM, it was formed without ties to the revolutionary struggle and its members were mostly Peruvians who had left Peru denying the armed struggle. That MPP, due to its ideological-political weakness, was easy prey for the police. Some “generated organisms” remain in this infiltration, both in Peru and abroad. For example, Sol Rojo and Mantaro Rojo, are two supposed “spokesmen” of the people's war who act from abroad whose activity exclusively serves the police.
These “generated bodies” (of the police) do not tire of saying that the PCP “is the greatest threat to the Peruvian State”, or that the “people's war is uncontrollably advancing towards its objective of capturing power and establishing the Democratic Republic " Shout out Chairman Gonzalo alive and shriekly ask that they "publicly present the chief of the PCP." If you compare the propaganda of these police agencies (Sol Rojo and Mantaro rojo), it can be seen that the coincidences with the police and the army and state media are like two drops of water. This is the propaganda carried out by the newspaper Expreso, La Razón, Ojo, Correo, etc. and all the high command of the Armed Forces and the police that worked with the dictatorship (Benedicto Jiménez, Giampietri, etc.). These are the main animators of the sporadic armed actions of the VRAE (which do not exceed 10 a year). Neither Alan García nor any criminal politician should deny this Fujiminist version because precisely this version is useful to the Peruvian State as a scapegoat and a perfect pretext to criminalize spontaneous popular protest.
Therefore, it is not strange that Sol Rojo and the Fujiminist press constantly share and exchange information and make mutual propaganda, as evidenced, among others, by No. 32 of Sol Rojo on page 32 where they copied and pasted the front page of Expreso with a sensational report that that day no other newspaper fell so low to publish. He never resorts to information from other media such as La Primera or others from the legal left, which are disadvantaged with the criminalization of the protest and, therefore, given their contradiction with Fujimintesinism and thanks to the little dignity they have left, they are forced to report truthfully within their limitations.
Sol Rojo and Mantaro Rojo, as well as what he called New Flag, were the creators of Fujimori and their permanence is related to the plans of the police and the military to continue militarizing Peru. There is much evidence of the connection of these groups with the Peruvian police. In 1994 the United States-based Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) published a complaint against Luis Quispe, the sinister police officer sent by Montesinos and the SIN to New York, with abundant material seized from the PCP, to lead the New Flag and an alleged “Peru People's Movement” (in the United States). The objective of Quispe and his publication was to attack and denigrate Europeans or Americans who sympathized with and supported the people's war.
Luis Quispe, when he was discovered, moved to Denmark to join Tomás Pérez and form Sol Rojo. Tomas Pérez is a mixed individual of lumpen and political trafficker. He left Peru in the mid-80s and settled in Malmo (Sweden). At the beginning he kept a low profile and joined the MPP that Javier Esparza, brother of Abimael Guzmán, was running from Stockholm (Sweden). In 1993 Fujimori published the "peace letters" and this generated tremendous confusion in all the organizations generated and in support of the PCP. That moment was magical for Pérez, who immediately formed his own "Peru People's Movement," "the only representative of the PCP abroad," he said to himself. Thus began the trafficking of Pérez, who in Malmo is known to have raped two of his daughters and to have committed misdeeds (robbed, swindled, and beaten) against several Peruvian women. What is alarming and highly suspicious is that this individual acts as if he has the protection of the Swedish police. On the other hand, the "Maoist Pérez" is dedicated to defrauding revolutionary groups in Turkey, India and other countries. It makes them believe that the people's war in Peru is at the top and that it is urgent to have "economic aid". In this way, Turks, Indians and others in the name of proletarian internationalism have delivered thousands of dollars that went directly into the pockets of the publishers of Sol Rojo.
About the guerrillas in the VRAE, the following must be said: everyone agrees that this small armed group (wandering guerrilla) has no more than 250 armed guerrillas. Its isolation is total and it does not have the slightest relationship with the popular movement, even less with peasants and workers. Their radius of action is in a geography without inhabitants and beyond the reach of the Armed Forces (that is why they have lasted from 92 until now). It can be said that this group is a controlled and surrounded guerilla, and it follows that they cannot leave there without running the serious risk of being annihilated or imprisoned, as the news shows every year, which Sol Rojo does not show. nor will it ever show.
Where is the strategic balance? The one that Sun Red talks about stupidly. What percentage of territory has the PCP taken compared to 1992?
These are two questions that Sol Rojo and all the informants will never be able to answer to the comrades from abroad, they will always avoid those questions and whoever is an honest foreign comrade and does not seriously investigate, visit Peru or consult with spontaneous Peruvian visitors may be the victim of farce and the figures and accommodative quotes (and in most cases invented) of Sol Rojo and all the informants.
And it is true what this anonymous agent says, it is the bourgeois press that says that Sendero Luminoso is the greatest threat, but not the entire bourgeois press, but precisely the Fujimtesinist sector on which Red Sun depends so much. That is why certain provocative "hikers" in our country only repeat what the agents of Sol Rojo say in front of the police and are never arrested! And whenever we see them, 40 to 50 thugs stop and insult, extort money, ¡ betraying! and physically assaulting honest Maoism sympathizers.

Do maoists really hate between themselves so much??


Writing note: We republish this article by our late director Luis Arce Borja who appeared in Rebelión on September 27, 2003. This month we commemorate the resistance of the prisoners of the PCP in the Cantogrande prison between 6 and 9 May 1992. We believe that we must keep the memory alive, which implies not forgetting the betrayal of characters like Osmán Morote. Until that date, Luis Arce was not absolutely certain that the capitulation of the Letters of Peace had been orchestrated by Abimael Guzmán, which constituted treason to the revolution in Peru.
In November 1994, we wrote an investigative article (1), where we tried to get closer to the truth about the "peace letters" that the government since 1993 falsely awarded to Chairman Gonzalo. We made a meticulous tour of the actions of the National Intelligence Service (SIN) to manufacture the capitulation letters. There we drew a line between the plans of the SIN and the participation of some prisoners and militants of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) who had succumbed to the temptation of capitulation and treason. Osmán Morote Barrionuevo, propagandized since 1988 by the official press as "historical leader" of the PCP, deserved our most diligent attention. And regarding him we deduce his secret connection with the plans of the SIN to stop the people's war and assassinate the head of the Maoist guerrilla.
Specifically, we said that Morote was the leader of the groups of traitors who, since the beginning of the Fujimori government, had collaborated with the anti-subversive plans of the army and the police. We also point out that the group led by Morote, until before May 1992, had formed its headquarters in the Canto Grande prison where they met clandestinely with agents of the National Intelligence Service (SIN). We note this deduction in the following way: "..the National Intelligence Service (SIN) reaches an agreement with some treasonous elements who were in different prisons in the country. During the months of September and October 1992, The first rounds of conversations between the SIN agents and the capitulators began. The contacts are clandestine and take place in the Canto Grande prison. " (Operation Capitulation, November 1994).
We also denounce, and this was extremely serious, that the murder of 100 prisoners of war carried out in May 1992 by the Fujimori government, was carried out with the complicity of Morote and his followers. In the bloody events in the Castro Castro prison (May 1992), a criminal command of the National Intelligence Service (SIN) intervened. The objective of this command led from the government palace was to eliminate the 14 cadres and senior leaders of the PCP who were in said prison.
All the imprisoned leaders of the Party were shot when they went abroad as a sign of having concluded the battle. The illogical and curious part of this massive crime was that Osmán Morote, accused of being "number 2" in the rank of PCP leaders, suffered only a scratch on one of his buttocks. He survived quietly and then dedicated himself to coordinating with Vladimiro Montesinos and preparing gifts that he sent to Fujimori from prison. In the analysis we carried out in 1994, we interpreted Morote's strange invulnerability as an additional element that proved his link with the plans of the counter-insurgent forces. We point this out as follows:
"It is almost certain that a secret agreement already existed before May 1992 between the agents of the SIN (National Intelligence Service) and the capituladotes. In the massacre of the Canto Grande prison (May 1992), the police and the Selectively, nearly 100 prisoners of war were assassinated by the army, most of whom were considered "MEMBERS OF THE HIKING DOME." The assassins with a list in hand looked for the "LEADERS" whom, after locating them, they were shot, curiously , some of the "LEADERS" who were saved in that massacre, are the ones who are now working for the "peace accord." They even appear on television hugging and offering gifts to Fujimori. They, with the support of the police, are mobilized by the different prisons of the country Some of the capitulators have been presented as part of the "HISTORICAL CONTINGENT" of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) … ". (Operation Capitulation, November 1994).
Morote, the treason and the slaughter of the leaders of the Party Our analysis, drawn up almost 6 years ago, has not only come out unscathed over time, but the arguments that we delivered on that occasion have been verified. What we said there in 1994, and which for some was an excess of investigative journalism, has been proven by facts and reality. Since the fall of Fujimori in 2000, and with the publication of the famous vladivideos (2), it has been verified that Osmán Morote, Maria Pantoja, and other treasonous prisoners, became, before 1992, undercover agents of the SIN. But the most spectacular thing about this fact results from the recent revelations of Martín Rivas, former army major and one of the heads of the National Intelligence Service (SIN). Rivas was the right arm of Vladimiro Montesinos, and the chief of operations of the paramilitary group called "Grupo Colina", which the Fujimori government organized to clandestinely execute syndicated groups or people of "Senderistas".
Rivas' testimony has special resonance in the reconstruction of the events of '92 in the Canto Grande prison. Why? Because Rivas was not only an important head of the SIN and the Colina Group, but because he took an active part in the planning and killing of the PCP leaders incarcerated in the prison. What does Martín Rivas say? The executor of the Colina Group has confessed to the journalist Humberto Jara (3), and narrates in great detail how the killing of the prisoners of war was organized. According to Rivas' testimony, "Alberto Fujimori, then President of the Republic, knew and authorized the plan for the extrajudicial elimination of the prisoners of the Canto Grande prison. The planning for the taking of the Canto Grande prison was carried out at the SIN (National Intelligence Service). The objective was to end the Luminous Combat Trench and restore the principle of authority ".." (La República, 09/24/03).
According to Martín Rivas: "A military platoon entered the prison (which was run by himself) with a defined objective: to annihilate each of the members of the Senderista leadership, leaving only one of them safe: Osmán Morote Barrionuevo." "Thirteen members of the Senderista leadership were shot to death without requiring their surrender, and their deaths were officially reported by President Fujimori as" fallen in the aforementioned fray. " According to the testimony, "Osmán Morote was evacuated with a gunshot wound to the right buttock. He saved his life for a military reason not without logic."
According to La República's summary, "That Saturday, May 9, 1992, by order of Fujimori and Montesinos, the members of the Sendero leadership were subjected to extrajudicial executions: Deodato Juárez Cruzatt, Yovanka Pardavé Trujillo, Tito Valle Travesaño, Janet Talavera Arroyo, Elvia Zanabria Pacheco, Ana Pilar Castillo Villanueva, Andrés Agüero Garamendi, José Antonio Aranda Company, Victoria Trujillo Abanto, Ramiro Mina Quispe Flores, Servio Campos Fernández, Fidel Rogelio Castro Palomino and Marcos Ccallocunto Núñez. "The total number of leaders of Sendero Luminoso was nineteen. Fourteen were in prison. One was left alive. Thirteen founders of the terrorist group were eliminated.
Osman Morote was spared


In the final meeting before carrying out the complete plan - Martin Rivas confesses - two decisions were made. One was to leave Osmán Morote alive. He was Abimael's enemy because his own boss had turned him in and sent him to prison for dissenting with him. So, he was going to be very useful to us, he was going to owe us his life and we would give him a better treatment. Remember that time Morote was hurt? That was why. "
"All the leaders except him died. If he came out unscathed, suspicions arose, that is why he was shot in the buttocks, where there is no danger, and then the press was in charge of putting together the story that Morote was a coward and wanted to flee and that's why he was shot in the ass. It wasn't. It made sense to leave him alive. "
"That time the message was very clear: We are in total war, just as you knock me down to my highest cadres, I turn you to your records, your spine, but I leave your dissident alive; Morote is now my friend." (The Republic, 09/24/03).
We make no further comment on what Martín Rivas said (summarized by the newspaper La República), and that regardless of his inaccuracies shows the serious damage that the treason did inside the PCP. Now we just add something. Martín Rivas, the bloodthirsty criminal on behalf of the Peruvian State, still has many things to reveal. For example, he should say (he surely knows) what has happened to the head of the Maoist guerrilla, and say the identity of that clown who appears "officially" as Chairman Gonzalo and who since 1993 has been dragging himself at the feet of the rulers. Likewise, we must take the Morote case as an experience (in negative) in the process of social struggle in Latin America. Possible infiltration and capitulation must be taken very seriously not only at the base of the revolutionary organization, but even at its highest ranks, including its Central Committee.

Brussels, September 24, 2003
(one). Luis Arce Borja, Operation Capitulation, Secret History of the Peace Letters, published in El Diario Internacional number 24, November 1994. This article was widely disseminated in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese.
(2). Vladivideos, with this word, refers to the video cassette filming that Vladimiro Montesinos made of all his activities within the National Intelligence Service (SIN). In these videos appear, apart from the traitorous prisoners, almost all the Peruvian politicians, as well as many journalists, owners of television channels, owners and directors of newspapers and magazines.
(3). Umberto Jara collects the testimony of Martín Rivas in a book titled "Ojo por ojo", and a comment on this publication is made by the newspaper La República in its edition of September 24, 2003. The extracts that we reproduce here have been taken from said media.


I’m sure this get asked a lot, but how would work places work? The most basic definition of socialism I’ve found that isn’t “when the government does stuff” is “when the workers control the means of production”. Would this be satisfied by simply having the DOtP controlling all economic development, or would their be more workplace democracy?


>Mass Line (a great summary)
Can you explain to me what this means in actual practice? The ruling party needs to listen to the masses - OK, what communist party would claim it doesn't listen to the masses? Structurally, it doesn't seem like the "mass line" represents that much of a change.


that would be like saying that dialectics is "things change into other things" or imperialism is "capitalism but with wars n stuff". the theory of the Mass Line goes into more detail about the relation between the party and the masses than what you've dismissively claimed. also, yes there are in fact "communist" parties that have shitty to non-existent connections with the masses, so the need for a theory of Mass Line is clear.


to expand on this: the Mass Line concerns the dialectical flow of knowledge, as well as the attitude towards different sections of the masses. the first part is summarized with the slogan, "from the masses, to the masses", meaning that the party must get its information about the ground situation from the masses, combine that with their theoretical knowledge, and go back to the masses with a plan of action, continuing the cycle. the party cannot attempt to obtain information without the aid of the masses, nor can it aid the masses without applying theory. the second part is summarized with the slogan, "unite the advanced, elevate the intermediate, win over the backwards, isolate the die-hards". as the masses always have advanced, intermediate, and backwards sections, and some among the masses will always refuse the revolutionary movement, the Mass Line adapts the party strategy to match the different sections of the masses.


OK, say I persuade my party to adopt the Mass Line strategy. What changes? What are the specific ways that we learn the attitude of the masses (surveys, interviews, etc?) Are party members bound by charter to vote for policies favored by the masses in polls, etc, or are they free to vote against mass opinion if necessary? The present-day Dengoid CPC still claims to employ a Mass Line strategy - how can they have diverged so far from the "mass" political line under Mao?


Bump for this question


What is marxism and leninism and maoism
Is it some form of system or different tactics to achieve communism



We don't know yet. Theory develops through practice and we haven't had a breakout Maoist movement in the first world yet. When we do we can evaluate their successes and failures.


Is the CR-CPUSA already operating and do they have any online presence I can read through?


File: 1608528113599.mp4 (1.59 MB, 640x358, gonzaloid.mp4)

ah if only shinning path had done this


>Gonzalo boiled babies!
&ltsource: Peruvian state media


As far as I know, the CR-CPUSA is just the Red Guards and their successors meeting on an ad hoc basis to sign international declarations by other MLM groups. To my knowledge, they did hold at least one meeting to discuss the formation of the reconstituted Communist Party US by uniting as one and they agreed to withhold from that for some more time. The Red Guards project was disbanded in 2018 but much of the same membership still make up the various 'Serve the People' groups. These STPs have their autonomy but they very much see themselves as comrades in a future rCPUSA, as such, they cooperate more and more as time goes on. The "Tribune of the People" newssite and "Struggle Sessions" theoretical/polemical site are examples of this; previously, "Incendiary News" relied more on Red Guards Austin contributors and the theoretical/polemical work fell on the individual Red Guards chapters' wordpress sites. Even more recently, several STPs have decided to unite their pro-tenant activities under the umbrella of the United Neighborhood Defense Movement, which you can check out here: http://www.undm.org/


Good books to learn about the struggle in Peru?


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Hikmet Kıvılcımlı's book titled "What is Revolution" is a unique source analysing the matter of revolutions in Modern Society. After Lenin's early demise, the book is Kıvılcımlı's another great contribution to Marxism-Leninizm of 20th and 21st Century.


>We stand for active ideological struggle because it is the weapon for ensuring unity within the Party and the revolutionary organizations in the interest of our fight. Every Communist and revolutionary should take up this weapon.
>But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.
>Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.
>To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate. Or to touch on the matter lightly instead of going into it thoroughly, so as to keep on good terms. The result is that both the organization and the individual are harmed. This is one type of liberalism.
>To indulge in irresponsible criticism in private instead of actively putting forward one's suggestions to the organization. To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs, or to say nothing at a meeting but to gossip afterwards. To show no regard at all for the principles of collective life but to follow one's own inclination. This is a second type.
>To let things drift if they do not affect one personally; to say as little as possible while knowing perfectly well what is wrong, to be worldly wise and play safe and seek only to avoid blame. This is a third type.
>Not to obey orders but to give pride of place to one's own opinions. To demand special consideration from the organization but to reject its discipline. This is a fourth type.
>To indulge in personal attacks, pick quarrels, vent personal spite or seek revenge instead of entering into an argument and struggling against incorrect views for the sake of unity or progress or getting the work done properly. This is a fifth type.
>To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened. This is a sixth type.
>To be among the masses and fail to conduct propaganda and agitation or speak at meetings or conduct investigations and inquiries among them, and instead to be indifferent to them and show no concern for their well-being, forgetting that one is a Communist and behaving as if one were an ordinary non-Communist. This is a seventh type.
>To see someone harming the interests of the masses and yet not feel indignant, or dissuade or stop him or reason with him, but to allow him to continue. This is an eighth type.
>To work half-heartedly without a definite plan or direction; to work perfunctorily and muddle along–"So long as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell." This is a ninth type.
>To regard oneself as having rendered great service to the revolution, to pride oneself on being a veteran, to disdain minor assignments while being quite unequal to major tasks, to be slipshod in work and slack in study. This is a tenth type.
>To be aware of one's own mistakes and yet make no attempt to correct them, taking a liberal attitude towards oneself. This is an eleventh type.
>We could name more. But these eleven are the principal types.
>They are all manifestations of liberalism.
>Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads. It is an extremely bad tendency.
>Liberalism stems from petty-bourgeois selfishness, it places personal interests first and the interests of the revolution second, and this gives rise to ideological, political and organizational liberalism.
>People who are liberals look upon the principles of Marxism as abstract dogma. They approve of Marxism, but are not prepared to practice it or to practice it in full; they are not prepared to replace their liberalism by Marxism. These people have their Marxism, but they have their liberalism as well–they talk Marxism but practice liberalism; they apply Marxism to others but liberalism to themselves. They keep both kinds of goods in stock and find a use for each. This is how the minds of certain people work.
>Liberalism is a manifestation of opportunism and conflicts fundamentally with Marxism. It is negative and objectively has the effect of helping the enemy; that is why the enemy welcomes its preservation in our midst. Such being its nature, there should be no place for it in the ranks of the revolution.
>We must use Marxism, which is positive in spirit, to overcome liberalism, which is negative. A Communist should have largeness of mind and he should be staunch and active, looking upon the interests of the revolution as his very life and subordinating his personal interests to those of the revolution; always and everywhere he should adhere to principle and wage a tireless struggle against all incorrect ideas and actions, so as to consolidate the collective life of the Party and strengthen the ties between the Party and the masses; he should be more concerned about the Party and the masses than about any private person, and more concerned about others than about himself. Only thus can he be considered a Communist.
>All loyal, honest, active and upright Communists must unite to oppose the liberal tendencies shown by certain people among us, and set them on the right path. This is one of the tasks on our ideological front.


>Many Marxist–Leninist–Maoist organizations such as the RIM and the Revolutionary Communist Party of Canada have put forward that much of a hypothetical people's war in the First World would take place in urban areas.
Can someone summarize the theory of this? I've read two MLM articles on the topic and I still don't get it. They hardly addressed the topic as directly as above quoted, rather going over failed ML(!) urban guerilla movements in Europe and South America, criticizing their shortcomings.


Can MLM's (Protracted?) People's War be applied to urban areas of the imperial core?
Where can I read 'official' theory on this? Was this written about by Guzman, for example?


>Start fighting peoples war
>Get drone striked


Anybody here know what the fuck Leading Light Communism is?


Posting this book from the Maoist Jose Lora Cam. Idk the history behind it, only that the guy had to leave Peru in the 80's because the Aprista Killing Commandos put a hit on his life.
Looks like he did a book about MLM in 1975.


Not the "expert" on this, so feel free to check those books posted in the thread (like really, someone should get the second collection of complete works, from the 3rd plenary onwards.
We can argue that the yemenis are doing a people's war, not a maoist one, but a people's war (correct me if I'm wrong, I feel it)
Wasn't the group that has some stuff about maoism and third-worldism that Unruhe was supporting. I only know that, hopefully theyre actions in (was it Ghana?) give fruits.


I only know of them cause of an "anarcho-maoism" thread which started out as a joke bu then someone talked about how some party members of the CPC had a vision of their ideal socialism which was de facto anarcho-maoism. Then he brought up LLCO, a communist org which talked more about this type of socialism and described their ideology (inspired by them) as a post-maoist communist ideology


Bumping with the death of senderologist Carlos Tapia.


I'm gaining appreciation for Maoism (ML-MZT & MLM).
While I have reservations about the the Shining Path, the Philippine Maoists are a beacon in the world today and are carrying out very impressive praxis.


How much of what is said about the Peruvian Communist Party's atrocities is true? I'm not really a fan of theirs though like >>4905 I appreciate the Filipinos


What is Unruhe's type of MLM supposed to be?


the "truth and reconciliation committee" that published its findings on the death tolls of the Peruvian PPW was a committee created by the same fascist state that fought that same war. taking seriously the claims about "boiling babies" and "slash up a whole village of peasants for no reason" is kind of like taking seriously Chiang Kai-Shek's opinion about the PRC.sendero_luminosoSendero Luminoso


Unruhe is a Third Worldist and a defender of DPRK, and neither of those things are really MLM. Third Worldism was an adventurist theory invented by the traitor Lin Biao, and the so-called "Three Worlds Theory" was an opportunist theory devised by the usurper Deng Xiaoping. when Mao spoke of "three worlds" or of the "Third World", he was not advocating that people in the First World abandon revolution, but simply that the communist movement must unite with the anticolonial movement in the Third World and act as its vanguard section.sendero_luminosoSendero Luminoso



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Thoughts on Sam Marcy?
Also, when did the soviet union stop being socialist? Why wouldn't they be classified as socialist after this time?lenin_capLenin Cap


Why was the Soviet economic system so reliant on foreign aid? The SU owed 22 billion dollars by the time of its collapse to the Paris Group.




I haven't even read the first thing about Maoism. Does anyone have a Maoist chart for when I get round to doing that reading?read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


start with On Contradiction for the philosophical foundations


Bump for this question.



CPPs achievements in 50 years: https://cpp.ph/2018/08/23/great-achievements-of-the-cpp-in-50-years-of-waging-revolution/

CPP Mass Work: http://massline.info/Philippines/masswork.htm

2020 statement: https://cpp.ph/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/20200828en_special_ver2.pdf

On the Current Character of PH society: https://cpp.ph/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/20200831en.pdf

CPP newspaper: https://cpp.ph/category/ang-bayan/downloads/

CPP Constitution and program: https://cpp.ph/2016/11/07/cpp-constitution-and-program/ (This one can be confusing without context)

NDFP “about”: https://ndfp.org/about/ (Recommended: Program (similar but slightly different from CPP program) Policy regarding land mines, power of taxation, agrarian revolution, NPA, OPPs, “our story”)

Philippine Society and Revolution: http://bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1970s/PhilippineSocietyAndRevolution-4ed.pdf

Rectify Errors and Rebuild the Party: http://bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1960s/RectifyErrors-RebuildParty-681226.pdf

NPA Minimum Age Recuirements: http://bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1999/MinimumAgeForNPA-991015.pdf

Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism:

Reaffirm Our Basic Principles and Rectify Errors:


Paul Morrin's Big Fat 'Is China Imperialst' Reading List

Reading List:

General Resources on Capitalist-Imperialist China:

Is China an Imperialist Country?


Banned Thought Section on Modern Capitalist-Imperialist China


The Restoration of Capitalism in China:

The Capitalist Roaders Are Still on the Capitalist Road - The Two-Line Struggle and the Revisionist Seizure of Power in China - A Study for the Use of Marxist-Leninist Comrades, China Study Group, 1977


Veteran Maoist Resigns: “Without Rejection, There Can Be No Rebirth”, My Declaration of Withdrawal from the Party, Zhang Lushi, 2001


Rethinking Socialism: What is Socialist Transition?, Deng-Yuan Hsu, Pao-yu Ching, 1998 (2017 edition)


From Victory to Defeat: China's Socialist Road and Capitalist Reversal, Pao-yu Ching, 2019


The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy, Li Minqi, 2008


The Great Reversal: The Privatization of China,1978-1989, William Hinton, 1990


On China, klifo, 2017


China’s Emergence as a Social-Imperialist Power In General:

Is China An Imperialist Country? - Considerations and Evidence, N. B. Turner, 2014


China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power, An Integral Part of the Capitalist-Imperialist System, Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), 2017


China – A Social Imperialist Power, Ragnar V. Røed, Tjen Folket, 2018


How Chinese loans become unrepayable, José María Sison, 2018


Chinese Imperialist motivations and initiatives in relation to US and other imperialist powers, José María Sison, 2019


Examples of Chinese Social-Imperialism in particular:

Financial Sovereignty or A New Dependency? How China is Remaking Bolivia, Emily Achtenberg, 2017


The price of gold: Chinese mining in Ghana documentary, The Guardian, 2013


150 independent brand cars from China delivered to Nigeria Police, Xinhuanet, 2018


How the Chinese are taking over Nigeria’s economy, Abiola Odutola, 2019


Dining with the tiger:Towards a critique of the Sino-Nigeria partnership, Osaze Lanre Nosaze, 2019


The maltreatment of Nigerians in China isn’t likely to end anytime soon, Abdul-Gafar Tobi Oshodi, 2020


Migori residents invade mining site which claim was grabbed by a Chinese national, KBC Channel 1, 2020


China and 14 Asia-Pacific countries agree historic free trade deal, Jasper Jolly, 2020


Social Issues in Capitalist-Imperialist China:

Is Anticonquista really Anti-Imperialist Media? A Criticism of the Anticonquista Media Collective, Red Flag Group, 2020


Income inequality in today’s China, Yu Xie, Xiang Zhou, 2013


(Shoutout to Six Heads Study Circle for most of these sources)


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For anyone still unsure what the main lines of Maoism today are, here is a little rundown (according to their definitions in 'Critique of Maoist Reason' by Joseph Moufawad-Paul):

>Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM)

This is the main line of Maoism that is active in the world today.

This is the line practiced by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) (CPI(M)) as well as the Communist Party of Afghanistan among others.
Said two former parties are waging Protracted People's Wars against their respective nation-states and represent the height of actual Communist struggle in the 21st Century so far.

This line was first articulated in the 1995 document 'Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism'(1), which was authored by the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM).
The RIM which was a collection of anti-revisionist Communist parties and organizations (which opposed the Khrushchevite revisionism of the USSR post-Stalin and allied themselves to Mao the then CPC).

The main contributor in the RIM was the Peruvian Communist Party (PCP), who was at the time waging a significant and highly successful Protracted People's War (PPW), which was being practiced both as the USSR fell.

Truthfully, this was the most significant development in Communist practice since the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

<This line is basically the correctly understanding of the The Paris Commune, Russian and Chinese revolutions, the three world-historical revolutions.

>Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Principly-Maoist (MLM-pM)

This a line spun off from the main MLM trend and chooses to only adhere to the PCP's conception of MLM before it was concretely systematized through the RIM.
This is the line that insists that PPW is universally applicable based on the experience of the PCP and their relative success in practicing this strategy in a country (Peru) with a significantly urban population.

The other key concept from this trend is 'Jefatura' which involves the most senior members of the party making executive decisions above anyone else.
This tragically backfired as the Peruvian state was around the time of the articulation of MLM in the RIM able to capture or execute most of senior members of the PCP including it's main theoretician, Abimael Guzmán AKA Chairman Gonzalo, who was been in jail since 1992.

This line has not been put into actual practice since.

These are the two main lines, now onto the outliers:

>Maoist Third-Worldism (MTW)

The infamous ideology practiced Jason Unruhe among others.

This line proposes that no revolution can happen in the 'first world' nations as the working classes there have been bought-off through the concessions made possible under imperialism made by the respective nation's ruling classes, focusing on the concept of the 'labour aristocracy' as outlined by Lenin and the 'Three Worlds Theory' Mao expressed near his death and was perpetuated by Lin Bao.

This conception did not come from theoreticians in the third world, but the first.
The logical (non-dialectic) contradiction is obvious; MTW is a theory that says first-worlders can't wage successful revolutions, and thus never conceive of the correct theory, but said first-worlders were the ones to conceive said theory, thus invalidating their own understanding of things.

>Mao-Zedong-Thought (MZT)

<This line is basically ML+Mao

This was the ideology made famous by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China.

Here Maoism is not considered to be a theoretical rupture to Marxism-Leninism (ML) and define a new trend to address the inherent problems with ML theory and practice (party bureaucracy and endemic revisionism due to the rejection of class struggle under socialism), but simply the specific revisionism of the USSR post-Stalin and other Third International parties who followed suit.

This was the main trend of Maoism until MLM was formulated.


The ideology practiced currently by the Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCP-USA) and Alan Baidou among others.

This proposes that Maoism, despite being the most recent significant development in Communist theory and history, needs to not be put into practice but theoretically superseded somehow.

The main manifestation of this comes in the form of he RCP-USA's 'New Synthesis' as theorized by Bob Avakian, which since its theorization has made said party a glorified cult for Bob and his theory.

The absolute lack of concrete results concerning this line in actual class struggle speaks for itself.

(1) library.redspark.nu/1995_-_Long_Live_Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

>If I am incorrect in any points, please correct me and I will amend this at a later date.

>Hope this helps!
read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book




Also if anyone is wondering where they can learn more about all this stuff just look up and read through the 'Colourful Classics' and 'New Roads' collection of foreignlanguages.press , starting with 'MLM Basics Course' by the CPI(M) and 'Activist Study' by the CPP
As noted in the edu post 'Critique of Maoist Reason' (foreignlanguages.press/new-roads/critique-of-maoist-reason-j-moufawad-paul/) is the best thing for understanding the current terrain of Maoism and it's many linesread_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


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Would anyone here be interested in doing a regular study circle based on studying specifically Marxist-Leninist-Maoist literature?

This would also include MZT stuff from the beginning of the Chinese rev as a general earliest cutoff point.read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


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Anyone has info about campaign against Four Olds? Wikipedia isn't good enough (as usual), and I want to know more.


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Marxism-Leninism is currently the dominant trend of Communist thought and practice in the world, with a significant legacy to back up it's validity overall.

But as has been made quite clear by the formal collapse of the USSR, and the uniform reversion of all still-existing states calling themselves 'socialist' towards liberal, capitalist economies, there are serious flaws in Marxism-Leninism which led to this sorry state of affairs.

In light of this, how can we rebuild our strength, and how can we make sure this historic collapse never happens again?

I believe Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM) holds the answers.

>Why should you consider learning about and practising Marxism-Leninism-Maoism?

>Why should it be considered superior to Marxism-Leninism?
This is what I aim to answer here.


First off, so we are on the same page, let's define what I mean by 'MLM':

>This is the line practised by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the Communist Party of India (Maoist) (CPI(M)) as well as the Communist Party of Afghanistan among others.

>This line was most concretely articulated in the 1995 document 'Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism', which was authored by the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM).

>It is the third and currently highest stage of Marxist theory and practice, featuring a correct understanding of experience of the Russian revolution post-Stalin and the Chinese revolution up to the current day.


Let's jump straight to the why: "Why should I care about MLM?"

Because the only Marxist line to both survive into the 21ST century in practice and carry forward successful armed revolutionary struggle anywhere in the world is MLM.
It's as simple as that.

No other explicitly communist movement has done as much as the Filipino and Indian Maoist movement have been able to past the millennium, and both have been able to solve issues specific to our general period in time through their constant practice and refinement of MLM.

For instance; the single-most essential figure in the Filipino revolution, Jose Maria-Sison, was able as a university student to wed petty-bourgeois student struggles to both working-class and peasant struggles through a vast network of inter-connected organisations sharing common (although not immediately Communist), class-based, democratic ideals.

This was in the 1960s, when the student movements in the Imperial core, although radical, failed to build into anything more than spasmatic movements and clashes with their respective states before running out of steam due to a lack of cohesive class-based understanding and strategy.

This is unfortunately still relevant in the modern day with similar radical student and petty-bourgeois movements in terms of identity (racial, gender and national), environmental and economic struggles.

The other, perhaps more even more universal example is that the Peruvian, Indian and Filippino Protracted People's Wars waged by their respective parties were and are able to survive and thrive without support from any vanguard socialist state, both before and after the collapse of the USSR and reversion of the People's Republic of China back to capitalism.


Okay then, how is MLM different to ML?

The principle difference between the two systems, which colours every aspect of the MLM understanding of history, current events and practice is their understanding of dialectics.

In short: The MLM understanding of dialectics says that inner contradictions within a thing are primary and exterior pressures (caused also by contradictions) can only influence what contradictions already exist within a thing.

What this means for practical politics is that, to give a historical example, the revision (removing) of the necessity of class struggle in class society (and thus socialist society) out of Marxism in practice as is so often pinned on Khrushchev and the post-Stalin Soviet Union and it's eventual, formal collapse in 1991 was not due primarily to outside forces sabotaging it, but internal ones doing it from within.

As history has shown, the revisionism and collapse of the Soviet union post-Stalin was not due primarily to CIA sabotage (not until the tail-end with Yeltsin, at least), but an incorrect understanding of Marxism in practice being left unchallenged and uncorrected with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

This was later proved as pattern of Marxism-Leninism itself revisionism arising from within the party repeated itself with the Right line of the Chinese Communist Party as led by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping becoming dominant after Mao's death and instigating sweeping privatising reforms of industry and agriculture which allowed China to integrate itself into the nascent Neoliberal capitalist order and thus totally abandon the project of socialism in all but rhetoric.

You can pretty much extend this to all still-existing Third International Communist Parties across the world and in your own country, who almost all uniformly followed the CPSU's line well past their initial revisionism under Khruschev.
There are many specific reasons why each of those national parties have fallen into irrelevancy, but this incorrect understanding of history and the lessons of the Chinese revolution and Russian revolution post-Stalin is the principle one.

Simply put: The uncorrected errors of Marxism-Leninism itself is primarily to blame.

But does this mean we should throw the baby out with the bathwater?
No, Marxism and Dialectical Materialism has proven themselves to be the most powerful tools for understanding and thus changing the world in human
history thus far, all that is and was needed was a rupture, which came in the form of 'Maoism'.

So, where did Maoism come from?

Maoism, and thus MLM, emerged from the 'New Communist' or 'anti-revisionist' movement that first emerged in the 1950s in response to the abject revision of core tenants of Marxism-Leninism first under Nikita Khruschev and later his successors.

This movement was lead first by Mao Zedong and the left wing of the CPC until his death in 1974, and later by the Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA and then the Communist Party of Peru under the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (a congress of New Communist parties).

The aim of this movement was to scrub out the revisionism of the USSR under Khrushchev and later the CPC under Deng Xiaoping and all parties that followed their lines; they saw a return to a 'pure' Marxism-Leninism as being the goal of this.

To do this they pooled their knowledge into correctly evaluating the lessons of the Russian post-Stalin and especially the Chinese revolution, as this had not been formally done yet by any collective body.

The conclusion these parties came to was that Marxism-Leninism had not been perverted and transformed by outside actors such as Khrushchev, but that by it's own logic had produced such figures.
In other words; ML had sown the seeds of it's own reversion to capitalism.

How could this be overcome, they asked.
Their answer was to follow the lessons of the Chinese revolution, which they had just evaluated collectively.


There were three big takeaways that all RIM bodies gleamed here:
>Mass Line
>Cultural Revolution
>Protracted People's War

Let's go over each:


The mass line is a organisational technique that is key to every successful revolutionary movement, but was first systematised as such by Mao Zedong during the Chinese Revolution.

This strategy is a key process to making sure that the party, which due to the limits on access to education imposed by capitalism on the working and peasant classes naturally has petty-bourgeois foundation, remains a tool for the exploited classes to maintain class domination over the capitalists above anything else.

This is done by physically going out to the exploited masses and ingratiating yourselves with them, hearing their problems thoughts generally, taking the issues they have and creating a plan of action through a Marxist lens and presenting said plan back to them for further refinement.

This is how the technique gets it's name, it is literally the 'line' of the revolutionary 'mass' of people.


Just practising the mass line isn't enough, even in China, where it was practised throughout the revolution, bourgeois thinking and practice within it's respective Communist party was able to gain strength despite this and a stagnant bureaucracy grew in tandem.
This is where the cultural revolution kicks in.

The cultural revolution is an event which takes place after the dictatorship of the proletariat is established and acts as a revolution within a revolution, one within socialist society aimed at scrubbing all the remaining remnants of capitalism from the Communist party and the entire societal superstructure in general.

This is done through a bottom-up mass movement directed not by the party, but organised and carried out by the revolutionary masses in revolutionary committees, who actively criticise every element of the existing socialist society no matter how sacred or seemingly exempt from criticism.

The end-result would be to viciously criticise the Communist party and to ultimately remove those party members belonging the new bourgeoisie that grows within their ranks through bureaucracy and the remaining shreds of capitalist morality and ideology within socialism.

Whilst it's specific expression in China didn't succeed, it did reveal an essential, universal feature of socialism: that class struggle continues and that the masses can and must use their collective strength to continue the struggle until communism is achieved.


As for actually seizing the capitalist state and achieving the dictatorship of the proletariat, Protracted People's War is the strategy to be employed.

This runs counter to the ML strategy of insurrection in the state capital and instead chooses a military strategy of slowly building up power in the countryside to then surround the towns and cities and take them one-by-one.

The decreased ability to surveil and control rural areas due to a lack of development there (an endemic symptom of capitalism), the separation from the sources of capitalist ideology and exposure to market economics as well the ability to procure fresh food and water make them infinitely more viable to carry out this strategy.

While it is contested theoretically whether such a strategy can work outside (neo)colonial, semi-feudal contexts, it is worth noting that modern states are specifically designed against insurrectionary strategies, but almost universally struggle against guerilla warfare and PPW where it has been applied, even in the significantly urban nations of Peru and the Philippines by Maoists, Ireland by Republicans and even in the Middle East and North Africa by ISIS and other Islamic Fundamentalist militants.

This strategy has shown to work particularly well in the absence of a major supporting state in the case of the Peruvian, Filipino and Indian People's Wars, all of which having received no significant aid from the USSR, PRC or any other socialist state as did many national liberation struggles in the 20th Century.

There is a saying that 'Insurrection is an art but Protracted People's War is a science'.

I hope this has piqued your interest and, if not, given you a very basic primer into Marxism-Leninism-Maoism either way!

In closing, I will leave you with this:

>ML held to key to achieving socialist revolution, MLM holds the key to maintaining and carrying it forward.


If you would like to know more about MLM and start studying it yourself I would recommend these books:

>'Activist Study - Araling Akitbista (ARAK)' by the Communist Party of the Philippines

>'Continuity and Rupture' & 'Critique of Maoist Reason' by Joshua Moufawad-Paul
>'Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basics Course' by the Communist Party of India (Maoist)
>'Five Essays on Philosophy', especially 'On Contradiction' & 'On Practice' by Mao Zedong
>'Stand For Socialism Against Modern Revisionism' by Armanda Liwang
>'Rethinking Socialism: What is Socialist Transition' & 'From Victory to Defeat: China's Socialist Road and Capitalist Reversal' by Pao-Yu Ching & Deng-Yuan Hsu
>'Selected Reading from the Works of Jose Maria Sison'

(Almost) All of which are available from foreignlanguages.press/

For audiovisual resources, check out:
>The Peace Report yewtu.be/channel/UC9BpQd-PJNr_R2iyToRnoww
>Space Babies yewtu.be/channel/UC__UuPAX7TvF3hGYb5ciVpQ
>Premier Liles yewtu.be/channel/UCSX5GRWdk2Vxwqk0yRg7adg
>On Mass onmasspodcast.com
>Revolutionary Voices maoism.buzzsprout.com

For official party documents from the Peruvian, Filipino and Indian Maoist parties, visit:
https://bannedthought.net/India/index.htmread_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


Thank you for writing this, anon. I just read it and it does clear up a lot, especially these passages:

>In short: The MLM understanding of dialectics says that inner contradictions within a thing are primary and exterior pressures (caused also by contradictions) can only influence what contradictions already exist within a thing.

>What this means for practical politics is that, to give a historical example, the revision (removing) of the necessity of class struggle in class society (and thus socialist society) out of Marxism in practice as is so often pinned on Khrushchev and the post-Stalin Soviet Union and it's eventual, formal collapse in 1991 was not due primarily to outside forces sabotaging it, but internal ones doing it from within.

That does make me think. I'll have to give those recommended books a read sometime soonthinkThink



I want to get into mlm but god man I just dont give a fuck about the chinese revolution or any of that shit


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Lucky for you the most interesting part of MLM are the current-day practitioners of it both in the Philippines and India!

For the former consult: >>5401

For the later consult: https://bannedthought.net/India/CPI-Maoist-Docs/index.htm



https://www.redspark.nu/en/read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


The modern classic now available in EPUB and TXT formats for your studying pleasure!

(included is the original PDF)read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


Interesting post, but there's a question I have. You said this:
>This strategy [the mass line] is a key process to making sure that the party, which due to the limits on access to education imposed by capitalism on the working and peasant classes naturally has petty-bourgeois foundation, remains a tool for the exploited classes to maintain class domination over the capitalists above anything else.
However, in modern first world countries, these "limits on access to education" simply don't exist in the way they did in revolutionary Russia, China, etc. For example, the vast majority of the Chinese population was illiterate in the early 20th century, while the vast majority of 21st century Americans can read just fine. Given the general educational enrichment of the working classes today, why should we expect any revolutionary party to have a petty bourgeois base? On the contrary, the Black Panther Party, for example, filled its ranks with the proletariat and even the lumpenproletariat. Given this change in circumstances, is the mass line still necessary, at least as theorized by Maoists?tankieTankie


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I will answer your question by the two sides you laid out:

>in modern first world countries, these "limits on access to education" simply don't exist in the way they did in revolutionary Russia, China, etc.

This is true to an extent, public schooling allows even lumpens the ability to learn at least basic knowledge on a range of subjects.

With that said, the fact still stands that to go out of your way to stumble onto and then go on to research Marxism in it's theory and history in any great depth you need to have a good amount of time and energy to bother taking up the task.

I am approaching this from the current situation in the imperial core (what I assume you're talking about) where Communist are universally anaemic and can barely attract college students let alone the working and lumpen masses.

Marxism and all that is connected with it will never be taught in public schools nor will it be exposed to the general public as anything less than a bogeyman with the usual anti-communist rhetoric ('good in theory but….').

The lack of access to education is not the same as it was is in semi-feudal societies, yes, but it's still present in more subtle way; you may have full access to key Marxist texts to read in print or online as we do, but again most don't have the sheer willpower after a hard, draining day's work to push through a dense text with archaic, academic language when they could instead veg out to TV or scroll through social media.

I suppose today's the petty-bourg' base is not due to the traditional brick wall of separation to education that once existed, but is more so a thorny bramble that most believe they can't bothered with.

Again, it's not a coincidence that the one's to start off revolutionary parties, even in the case of the Black Panthers, are college/university students with both direct access to learning materials, and much more importantly, lots of time on their hands.
If you read Revolutionary Suicide you'd know Huey Newton in particular educated himself in revolutionary theory by flunking classes and reading at his own pace, a rare luxury for most who need to work to eat.

>Given this change in circumstances, is the mass line still necessary, at least as theorized by Maoists?

Even if hypothetically the revolutionary party was totally composed of non-middle class members, you are never truly free from the reality that you will for a number of reasons become detached from the masses and do things counter to their interests.

If you don't listen to what the masses want themselves, can you really serve them as Communists must?

The most important theoretical contribution of the Chinese revolution was the discovery that under socialism a new bourgeois emerges from within the party itself, the pattern was observed in Russia but it was only combated directly during the (Great Proletarian) Cultural Revolution.

It showed us that the mass line is the most fundamental building block to both making, preserving and pushing forward revolution. It's not the be-all-end-all, but it's depth and latent potential as a method for achieving as much as it can is astounding.read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


Whilst i'm here have a load of books I found related to Maoism.read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


Here's some good streams that cover MLM and it's history:

>People's War in the Philippines: The CPP-NPA w/Space Babies


>Combatting Imperialism with The Peace Report


>Revolutionary Nationalism with Black Red Guard


>Vučko Answers Your Questions about the PCP

https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kIbPizj-xK4read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


The Shanghai textbook is very good and it needs to be spread more.


Any update on Nepal? Seems like Maoists are regaining momentum against the sellout ML that cucked the Nepali workers out to imperialism.


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A thread of short essays and articles related to Maoism and China, translated by OP from Chinese:

https://nitter.cc/ChunqiaoC/status/1359284576154247169read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


Hey all, anyone know any good accounts/histories of the Shining Path?

I've heard most of them are negatively skewed from a bourg perspective.


>bourgeois perspective is when you no like same group I like, especially if you are brown person from Peru, silly 3rd worlder


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Why Maoism?

Marxism–Leninism–Maoism Is Not Just Marxism–Leninism Plus Mao

Continuity and Rupture: Philosophy in the Maoist Terrain


On Practice & Contradiction

On Guerrilla Warfare

On Protracted War


Interview With Chairman Gonzalo

General line of the PCP

Marxism, Mariategui and the Women's Movement


Against Avakianism (AJITH)

Eight Historic Documents (AZAD)

Urban Perspective


Araling Aktibista - Activist Study ARAK

Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism

Philippine Society and Revolution
bannedthought.net/Philippines/CPP/1970s PhilippineSocietyAndRevolution-4ed.pdfread_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


Just thought I'd throw these sources in here into a slower thread so they can be on hand for when the
>muh baby boiler
brigade show up again:


>The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Peru is usually cited as an example of how capture–recapture methods can help improve our understanding of mass violence from incomplete observed data. Using 25,000 documented death records, the TRC estimated a total of 69,000 killings, and that the Shining Path was the main perpetrator, in contrast with the raw data where the Peruvian State appears to be responsible for the most killings. One feature not often noticed is that the TRC applied an unusual indirect procedure, combining data on different perpetrators and lumping together missing perpetrator data in one group. I show that direct estimations with strict stratification by perpetrator and accounting for missing data do not support the results of the TRC’s indirect approach. I estimate a total of 48,000 killings, substantially lower than the TRC estimate, and the Peruvian State accounts for a significantly larger share than the Shining Path. Rather than an example of correcting biases in the observed data through capture–recapture methods, the TRC actually introduced further distortion.


>Even after President Alejandro Toledo increased the number of commissioners to twelve from seven (adding Ames, Arias, Lay, Antúndez, Morote, and the observer Bambarén), the commissioners still reflected elite sectors of Peru least affected by the violence. All were residents of Lima, all were urban dwellers, only one spoke Quechua, only one understood it, and none self-identified as Indigenous or campesino. As Commissioner Carlos Iván Degregori later commented, “even the composition of the CVR reflected the gaps in the country” that underlay the political violence

>It is crucial to remember that survivors of the violence made decisions about what they would and would not share with the CVR. Anthropologist Kimberly Theidon observed that in many rural Ayacucho communities devastated by the violence, campesinos held local assemblies prior to the arrival of the CVR’s testimonial teams. At those assemblies, community authorities decided what local residents should say and what they should leave unsaid, lest some community members’ initial support for Shining Path militants somehow cast the community as less deserving of reparations. As Theidon notes, “There was an effort to close narrative ranks, prompted by the many secrets people keep about a lengthy fratricidal conflict and the numerous expectations a commission generates.”

>The CVR also conducted interviews with more than one thousand leaders and rank-and-file members of the Shining Path and MRTA. Commissioners decided against allowing any of these individuals to participate in the public hearings,

>Politicians from the period, including former president Alan García, gave testimonies and participated in public hearings.

>Some have also argued that the CVR was too narrow in its focus, upset that the Final Report did not highlight their communities’ experiences or investigate their claims. Others contend that the CVR should have discussed the forced sterilizations carried out by the Fujimori government’s Family Planning Program. Those sterilizations of over two hundred thousand predominantly impoverished women of Indigenous descent occurred without informed consent and sometimes against the women’s will, often with grave health consequences


Does anyone have a PDF/epub of the 1995 document 'Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism'?


bumping for this >>5950


here you go

taken from http://library.redspark.nu/1995_-_Long_Live_Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


Do you think Shining Path had enough support from Peruvians to consider its efforts as a failed revolution? Mao won many hearts and minds, it seems that Gonzalo did not.


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Don't know if these are all the same person, but would you be interested in writing this up into one article explaining modern Maoism for publication in New Multitude?


File: 1629126075787.gif (3.96 MB, 240x240, GET SWOLE WITH MAO.gif)

OP of the latter two posts here, I would be more than willing to write something for NM!

What email would you prefer I contact you by?


so does Maoism completely ignore the role of proletariat and bourgeois in the first world? by painting all first world workers as labor aristocracy?


refer to

>Maoist Third-Worldism (MTW)


can contact me through [email protected] or just directly message via twitter twitter.com/newmultitude/



Since the old man is dead, and the thread on the other side will fade into obscurity, this is a good place to leave all this links.

Stuff (audiovisual material) that was produced by the SP in their heyday and some of the remnants antiGonzalo, most of them are dead of course


PCP congress 1989 (taken in a raid by the GEIN to the archive of the SP)


I believe this one is one of the Quispe Palomino brothers, who according to investigation (or was it a interview?) admitted being in the Lucanamarca massacre, he died in the VRAEM when a link of them in the area ambushed him with the police by blowing the house he was in. Action movie style.


Red flag, hip hop group. Chilean gonzaloites. The rescatable are some raps but primarily the cassete tapes in it. From what I've read they were common to mantain moral (mentioned in the book of the childsoldier turned soldier turn priest turned sociologist Gavilan, or was it another book but similar experience?)


Tape from a prison (Cantogrande?) of the female SP prisoners. The representation of Cultural Revolution plays or native ones were common.


Various things, from music to movies, the one that says recovered from the 90s is indeed interesting.


And to close, Jovaldo (poet from the streets of Lima, inmortalized if not how I could have found him? who died in the siege/massacre of El Fronton and Estudiantina Cordillerana (it was common that bands of school or university students were called Estudiantinas). Looks like recently a movie about Jovaldo was done, it is in yt and is in spanish, a documentary, a biography.


And of course, Walter Humala




Looking back to the mirages of the past, and hearing voices and music of dead people, one can only wonder, sick joke, that this feels like the palace of some mummified ancient Sapa Inca.

September 19th 2021
>It is not easy to write an epitaph about Abimael Guzmán Reynoso (1934-2021). Because even though he capitulated and sold, for a plate of beans (or a cake), the revolutionary process that he himself initiated in 1980 in a very poor and forgotten village in the Peruvian highlands called Chuschi (where neither the State with its power groups, nor the pseudo-parliamentary left, ever reached nor will ever reach), one cannot deny his contribution to that unprecedented feat in Peru in the 80s and 90s. Nor can it be denied that he was a fundamental architect of the armed struggle carried out by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP): the most important project of radical transformation in the republican era of that country.

>Guzmán is owed three fundamental achievements in the revolutionary camp in Peru. The first is to have ostensibly influenced the party line, which applied Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the specific analysis of Peruvian society. In the light of Marxist ideology (and braided to the path of Amauta, which he embodied in his masterpiece "7 Essays"), the PCP characterized Peruvian society as semi-feudal and semi-colonial, as well as tied to imperialism, mainly Yankee. The analyses of the PCP, as early as the 1970s, shed light on the social relations of production, power and property which were denied by the analyses of the right and the revisionist left.

>Guzmán's second achievement was to lead the reconstruction of a political-military organization; making it capable of leading an armed struggle from the countryside to the city, and following Lenin's principle of the party of cadres. The ideological formation, discipline and mystique of the cadres, militants and members of the Party, the Army and the Front, were central pillars of the advance of the PCP.

>His third achievement is to have led the PCP to initiate the armed struggle. The People's War led by this organization, until the end of the 1990s, was undoubtedly the greatest popular and revolutionary epic in the history of the republic. By the beginning of that decade, the armed struggle of the PCP had already spread over 70% of the national territory, putting the Peruvian State in check, which had to make use of a policy of assassinations, massacres, disappearances, tortures and laws of exception, besides using all its armed forces, police and almost half a million ronderos, to defeat the Maoist guerrillas. This fact alone contradicts the hackneyed discourse of the right wing and academic revisionism, that the PCP's struggle would have been about a handful of "terrorists" trained to cause panic in the population. Nothing in politics spreads and lasts so long because of fear, but because of genuine adhesions and commitments.

>However, it must be emphasized that, although Guzmán was fundamental in the restructuring of the PCP and the subsequent armed struggle, neither can everything be reduced to his person, far from it. In the PCP, there were great cadres who were also vital in the development of the Party and the initial impulse of the armed struggle. It is worth mentioning Augusta La Torre and Antonio Díaz Martínez: two historical figures of this militarized political party. Specifically, Augusta La Torre is credited with an essential role in promoting the actions of the PCP, translating theory into practice. The People's War was forged, in turn, through militants who sealed their youth with heroism; such as Edith Lagos, Carlota Tello and "Jovaldo". Finally, the PCP would never have reached where it did without the dedication of thousands of militants who gave their lives; for example, in the massacres of the Lurigancho and Santa Barbara panels in 1985, El Fronton in 1986 and Canto Grande in 1992.

>In spite of having been the greatest revolutionary gesture of the republican era, the PCP was defeated by the Peruvian State. This should not be attributed, however, only to the brutal repression of the State (known as "the dirty war") and the crucial intervention of Yankee imperialism, but also to strategic and tactical errors of the PCP. One of the biggest was to have underestimated the enemy. This was expressed, for example, in the Maoist guerrilla offensive in the countryside, especially in the southern highlands of the country. Such military actions hit the peasantry of the south so hard that a large part of them decided to support the State. The PCP also underestimated the capacity of the people to resist such an offensive for such a long period of time, for years. A related problem was the failure to take proper care of its own forces. On this aspect, it is worth asking, was it correct to declare the Strategic Balance when the PCP forces had been hard hit in the southern and central highlands and in Puno? These are just a few examples of the errors that were expressed at the national, regional and local levels. Guzman dies without having made the necessary balance of the war. The comrades, who gave their lives and their freedom for the Party and the socialist revolution, deserve that balance sheet that Guzman denied and the former Central Committee continues to deny.

>The above-mentioned contributions made by the former "Chairman Gonzalo" to the development of the PCP and the revolutionary struggle in Peru were largely tarnished by the betrayal of the armed struggle that he himself initiated and led. In 1993, together with other members of the Central Committee in jail (in dialogues with Vladimiro Montesinos: the power behind the shadows of the Fujimorato regime), he called to "fight" for a Peace Agreement aimed at "solving the problems derived from the war". Unusually, that is what Guzmán asked for. Even though, until shortly before his capture, he was shouting to the winds that the PCP would never negotiate anything, and that they would only sit down at a table as victors, to define the terms of surrender with the representatives of the defeated and old Peruvian State.

>Once in jail, Guzmán forgot his preaching and together with the entourage of his Central Committee threw everything overboard. This betrayal was the most accurate and effective attack against the PCP militants. It divided the Party between the followers of the aforementioned Peace Accord and those in favor of continuing the armed struggle. What the Armed Forces and the police could not achieve with their massacres, tortures and disappearances, Abimael Guzman achieved in a few minutes. Thus, the legendary "Gonzalo" and his Central Committee managed to break the main strengths of the Party as a whole: its indeclinable morale and its more than generous dedication.

>This capitulation was not entirely a surprise, however. Guzmán was able to capitulate because he had built a party around himself. In this respect, our director Luis Arce Borja wrote: "The loyalty and 'subjection' expressed by the militancy to Gonzalo, as was seen in practice, did not mean loyalty to Marxism or even to the party and the process no longer depended on the strength of the historical movement of the oppressed classes, but rather on the decision and will of the absolute leader" (1).

>In this way, Guzmán forged party structures where there was no room for criticism or self-criticism. The so-called two-line struggle, which should sanction the party line, was applied only to sanction the directives of the omnipresent "Chairman Gonzalo". In other words: "The party leadership, as well as Gonzalo thought, appear as absolutes in the high ranks of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP). They are placed above the structures of participation of the militants: congresses, conferences and other instances. With this, the two-line struggle and democratic centralism which, as Marxism proves, are the pillars of the communist organization, are abolished" (2).

>Guzman has died without having made, together with his Central Committee, a balance sheet of the People's War that he led. That political balance sheet is essential to carry out the second reconstruction of the Communist Party of Peru, and in this way to once again become the revolutionary vanguard that is absent today.

>Failure to comply with the above will only contribute to weaken and disarm (in every sense) the movements and the just popular protests which, even more so in these last years, have been raging in that country and in the world. That is to say, it will contribute to the fact that all that heroic resistance of the masses exploited and deceived by capitalist power, sooner rather than later -and as has already been happening-, will vanish without achieving its goals among the mills of time. This is another lesson of Peru's recent history, and something common to the experiences of other peoples of the world: without a legitimate organized leadership, without a Party, it will continue to be (and hurt) a mere illusion to take power and the sky by storm.

(1) Luis Arce Borja (2009) Memoria de una Guerra 1980-2000, p. 269.
(2) Ebd., p. 365.


>Those workers (proletarians) in the developed countries who benefit from the superprofits extracted from the impoverished workers of developing countries form an "aristocracy of labor". The phrase was popularized by Karl Kautsky in 1901
I'm noticing this really is a recurring theme with Lenin, but I'll leave this for another thread…
>and theorized by Vladimir Lenin in his treatise on Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. [b]According to Lenin, companies in the developed world exploit workers in the developing world where wages are much lower. The increased profits enable these companies to pay higher wages to their employees "at home" (that is, in the developed world), thus creating a working class satisfied with their standard of living and not inclined to proletarian revolution. It is a form of exporting poverty, creating an "exclave" of lower social class. Lenin contended that imperialism had prevented increasing class polarization in the developed world and argued that a workers' revolution could only begin in one of the developing countries, such as Imperial Russia.[/b]

By contrast, the definition within revolutionary syndicalism is that trade union bureaucracy, 'yellow unions', or social democratic unions were labelled 'labor aristocracy', (the IWW for example instead being a revolutionary industrial union, created within the orthodox Marxist theories of De Leonism).

This also implies that this imply that as places like China become more 'developed' and wages rise, wages will balance out between the developed/developing world and perhaps agitate the proletariat in developed countries to revolution?

>What is to be done as class-conscious proletarians of the developed countries if Revolution can only arise from developing nations, and those populations do not desire our adventurist migration there?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neI-ol2AowM How to Think Like a Vietnamese Communist: An Intro to Dialectical Materialism!


I do not think that I understood this part well:
>Some people might think that if the value of a commodity is determined by the quantity of labour spent on it, the more idle and unskilful the labourer, the more valuable would his commodity be, because more time would be required in its production. The labour, however, that forms the substance of value, is homogeneous human labour, expenditure of one uniform labour power. The total labour power of society, which is embodied in the sum total of the values of all commodities produced by that society, counts here as one homogeneous mass of human labour power, composed though it be of innumerable individual units. Each of these units is the same as any other, so far as it has the character of the average labour power of society, and takes effect as such; that is, so far as it requires for producing a commodity, no more time than is needed on an average, no more than is socially necessary.
Is Marx meaning that what matters is the average time used to make the commodity, and not the indiviual's pace?


"Foreign Languages Press" (Paris) are kind of hacks but they do provide paperbacks of stuff for cheap. They also have PDF's on their site


File: 1643916995362-0.pdf (1.43 MB, 173x255, MaoSW1.pdf)

File: 1643916995362-1.pdf (1.89 MB, 173x255, MaoSW2.pdf)

File: 1643916995362-2.pdf (1.44 MB, 173x255, MaoSW3.pdf)

File: 1643916995362-3.pdf (1.83 MB, 173x255, MaoSW4.pdf)

File: 1643916995362-4.pdf (1.88 MB, 173x255, MaoSW5.pdf)


Consider posting these in the pdf thread >>1250


>Page not found

Seriously? Articles don't even stay up for two years?




Does anybody know any good books on the GPRC? Specifically documentaries? I already watched *how yukong moved the mountains*

Also does anybody know of any books presenting a good argument that argue for the universality of MZT principals? Or any good starting point with MLM? I am not convinced from discussions that I have had with MLMs. There is a difference between universality and applicability outside of china.






i'll direct you towards:

the DotP will incorporate workplace democracy. (Though for modern conditions, unless the union wave grows and spreads, it might be more workable to go for taking delegates from poor neighborhoods as well as workplaces). At the same time, historical example has shown that the DotP centralizes into a state form, at least under the conditions of being besieged by capitalist countries - this is the condition of any revolution, so i wouldn't hold on to the idea of councils of workers (and other proletarian) delegates being the main force of economic planning for long, but being incorporated into a larger system as the human side. (There can be some professional specialization into the subject of ordering production, since it's a technical rather than political job. The political aspect should belong to the councils who directly represent the people and their interests, and who ultimately control production of a given area. This ordering follows democratic centralism (or the mass line) - take the particular knowledge and desires of the people, give it to professionals to analyze and figure out how to make workable, then hand this back down to the people as a plan of action)


Castro on the shining path:

http://lanic.utexas.edu/projec>Oscar Eduardo Bravo] Oscar Eduardo Bravo of Radio Programs of Peru.
>Commander Fidel Castro, I have two questions. First, what is the Cuban Government's position regarding the terrorist group Shining path, which is operating in Peru, and now according to reports is also in Bolivia, Chile,and in Tucuman, Argentina?
>Second, do you have doubts about President Alan Garcia's abilities? This I ask based on your message in which you seem to question him, as if doubting what he has promised. Do you have any fear of losing some of your leadership in Latin America, especially among the group of debtors?
>[Castro] You have asked at least three questions in one, which do not seem to have any relation. You ask me about Shining Path. I absolutely have no links with Shining Path. I do not know and have never known anyone linked to Shining Path. I know as much about Shining Path as you do. It is a mystery. I have said in some of my inter views that it seems to confirm the country's state of social instability. It seems to confirm a very deep economic crisis in the country. That is what Shining Path seems to mean – more so, when you read the statistics on Cuzco, about the number of illiterate and hungry peasants and undernourished children.
>A Peruvian peasant leader who spoke here recently complained about very few people having more than 200 calories daily and according to what the charts recommended a person should consume 2,500 calories daily. There are children who are only getting 10 to 15 calories [corrects himself] 15 to 20 grams of protein daily, who should be consuming an average of 60, 70 or 80 grams of protein. More than 100 children for every 1,000 die every year. I call this terrorism of the worst kind. How many children are going to be born in Peru? Peru has approximately 20 million inhabitants. Suppose we place the birthrate at 3 percent.This means that at least half a million will be borne and if 10 percent of these die in their first year of life,this will mean that 50,000 children will die. However, with a health system like the one we have in Cuba, more than 40,000 of those children could be saved. This means that the existing social system is the cause of the death of 40,000 children every year. To this we must add those children who die between the age of 1 and 5 and those who grow up with physical and mental problems. There is not a more heinous form of terrorism than the one created by that exploitation system.
> Yet, I only hear about the other type of terrorism, never about this terrorism. I would like to hear more talk about this type of terrorism. The other terrorism is a social outburst.
>Anyone can understand that whenever there is a movement advocating a program that has unknown objectives and intentions, but that remains active after so many years, this means that the country is facing a terrible social situation.
>I realize that this problem cannot be solved with weapons. Peru's internal peace problem can only be solved through political means. Among such means, are the eradication of the social factors and causes that originated the problem and when the people of the rural areas and cities and the abandoned children stop dying of hunger and when there is no malnutrition,poverty, and unemployment.
>The problem must be faced by going to the roots of what is causing these conditions and not by the use of force. The problem will never be solved by weapons. The social cause of the problem is clear and deep. Any politician, scientist, or sociologist can perfectly explain the situation.
>I think that if a patriotic and nationalist effort is made; if an
anti-imperialist struggle for independence is carried out to solve these problems, you could be on the path to solving the existing situation.
>You mentioned to me that the Shining Fath is deployed all along the Andes Cordillera. But how can I tell? You tell me that it is also in Bolivia. I know that Bolivia has similar social conditions. It is in Paraguay, also. I think that there has been some exaggeration and that such reports have a purpose. It has been disseminated by someone interested in having the people believe so.
>I think that my message was clearly and frankly supportive. We published a note wishing the government success. We said that if he [Peruvian President Garcia] really carries out a serious, steady and upright struggle to free the country from imperialism and to solve social calamities, he could count on Cuba's support. I think the message was clear and categorical. He can count on our firm support. I did not express any lack of confidence. However, I have a responsibility to my people. I cannot a priori express
unconditional support. I expressed support as we usually do for everyone within given circumstances. You must realize that there has been a great deal of rhetoric in this hemisphere. We cannot be guided just on plain words, we must wait for facts. If the deeds live up to the promises, then we will not hesitate to give him all our support.



What's it like being so retarded that you idolize a grifting Peruvian schizo?


Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. He is notably understanding in his statement on the growing civil war, even though he gives reserved support for Garcia. Of course from the PCP's point of view, they found this non-sufficient, as they were building force to overthrow the bourgeois state of Peru.
Pointless to throw around words you can't define


Thanks anon, some nice pdfs right there


These books are expensive as shit on Amazon Kindle, even for us in the Philippines.

These are Ka Joma's writings, by topic. They go from the 1960s to before his death in 2022.

Parts 1-3 are easily findable online so I won't upload them.




I know that Marxism compares itself to Newtonian physics in being correct enough inasmuch as it can be applied, which I agree with, but maybe figure out a little more than Newtonian physics before defining 'materialism,' because though that flies in 1848, today's not gonna take that seriously.

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