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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Post Military, Insurgency, General warfare and Military history and Insurgency history books and miscellaneous guides, preferably in pdf format, ZIP Files or torrents of these would also be apricated


Clausewitz is probably the most important one.

Military science is neither "left" nor "right"


from the soviet wars thread



Napoleon's Art of War is also good.



Ismail just dropped this


Some classics.


Only thing you shall need



mm yes, very based


fucking /edu/ is full of /his/nerds


File: 1627404007274.png (632.71 KB, 666x799, Comfy.png)

And that's why it's good


Fry the Brain


>torrents of these would also be apricated

yo gonna be saving this pdfs
in case someone need they in the future
here is my small contribution



here is from our boys in brasil


File: 1628425765001.pdf (4.66 MB, 398x300, mini manual.pdf)

here is a old times version



"Stay comfy, Stalin"


I think the IRA had a short pamphlet that gave their tl;dr which was basically
>don't talk
>go train

Also, honestly, were Mao and Trotsky *really* that good, or is that more legacy building based on a few texts?


File: 1628522410451.png (565.25 KB, 1619x1080, Yu Chi Chan.png)

Can't speak for Trotsky, but the PDF anon posted here >>6548, shows Mao as being an incredibly ingenious military leader, and this is said by a fucking US marine of all people.

He had a very good understanding on how raise, maintain and expand a guerrilla force, talking about its importance in helping orthodox troops, its role in revolutionary warfare (as opposed to national guerrilla warfare), how the people must be won to their side and so on.


maybe, I have tons of pds where I'm coastally organizing, editing and deleting useless stuff


taken from r/Ask Historians comment
>Trotsky's success with the Red Army wasn't as a general as such, he wasn't directing the battles for example. It was more a question of organsiation, getting the Red Army up to a standard where it could pose a threat to the Whites. The initial phases of the civil war had been fought on a relatively small scale and that could be carried by the militias and relatively small units like the Latvian Riflemen. As the conflict continued and the Whites got organised, the Bolsheviks needed to put together a larger force. That meant conscription, marshalling their forces and so forth. I forget whether it was Mawdsley or Lincoln who made the argument that the Bolsheviks actually had a really good position to win the civil war despite being surrounded by enemies, for example they had a large chunk of the population, controlled key transport hubs and even had a lot of the industrial base. But without someone to actually put all that together, the Reds would have been finished.

>Trotsky's prior political work gave him some background in organising under pressure and with mixed resources. His skill and understanding of the use of propaganda etc. probably helped contribute to Red Army morale too (though he wasn't alone in this area). The armoured trains used during the civil war often had an attached Agitprop (agitation and propaganda) unit for this purpose.

>Trotsky's support for former Tsarist officers makes sense in light of his not taking a field command role. He was willing to acknowledge his own (and his fellow Bolsheviks) lack of qualification (and also noting that elected officers were not a great idea) and hence left field command to the 'experts' essentially.


Based thread
Pls don't get vanned uploaders


>He was willing to acknowledge his own (and his fellow Bolsheviks) lack of qualification (and also noting that elected officers were not a great idea) and hence left field command to the 'experts' essentially.

This lack of idealism fill my heart with joy;


very cool
interesting, and yes >>6813 I've often believed even i my own life, if the goal needs a certain objective achieved, get the best person to use their skills to achieve it and put one's personal ego aside

probably how while I've not recieved many promotions in my life, I've always been able to get a better job or more compensation for less work via "this dude is chill and helps be do the thing I like doing, let's hire him/give him more days off"



Idk, Brazil hasn’t had a successful revolution. I am doubting this is effective.


Does anyone have anything on cyber security or cyber warfare?


I'd suggest everyone to read this, its relatively short and an incredibly enlightening and entertaining read.



There are aspects to a revolution other than combat, anon. Material conditions at the time were not nearly favorable (read: fucked up) enough for a popular uprising to occur. Well, at least not in the ways we've seen so far.


Anyone have a good book on the use of agitprop during the Civil War?


>There are aspects to a revolution other than combat, anon. Material conditions at the time were not nearly favorable
You could have the most die hard, well trained and well equipped insurgents in the world but it wouldn't matter against a strong state with a competent military
a lot of successful revolutions have more to do with the military incomitances of the State, see syria and Iraq during the ISIS situation and Afghanistan


Yet Brazil is still a capitalist shithole. I doubt there is any hope for them so as long as the US interferes in their domestic affairs.


Friendo, I wish I could blame all of our faults on the USA, but the feat of having a food insecurity crisis worse than fucking Venezuela was achieved – mostly – by us and us alone:



Please, someone get Xi In line and tell him to come liberate us immediately.


Does anyone have the CIA manual given to the Contras?



Agreed. This got me really hooked for some reason.



All the landowners and farmers are right wing though. I don't have any local knowledge tbh but surely It can't be ignored.


Someone get Xi on the phone to Lula to help liberate


Collaboration including Ho Chi Minh and Tukhachevsky


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