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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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 [Last 50 Posts]

ITT: resources and tips about navigating the Internet and researching topics

Feel free to post your own resources and tips too.

I'm going to post a lot of my own that I have gathered over the years.
I ask that random chit-chat in this thread is kept to a minimum except regarding technical questions & answers on the topic matter.
This is so that resources are kept as compact as possible, and so, readable.

First I'll dump resources and tips for researching various topics.
Note: I don't even have access to or use some of these myself (e.g. LexisNexis which seems to be pay-to-use), but I figure they could be helpful in some narrow cases. I use most of these myself. If the initial things I post don't interest you, keep reading anyway. I'm going to be dumping a lot of content.

Find key terms in newspapers and magazines.
I would say this is more helpful for finding sources that do exist rather than for reading them, per se. You can try to read the articles elsewhere than PressReader if you know their titles or part of their body text. The site appears to brand itself as pay-to-use, however you can use the search tool anyway and even read some resulting articles.
e.g. https://www.pressreader.com/search?query=Facebook

Nexis newspaper database
I can't speak much about it because I have not used it. I learned it existed because of a mention in a FAIR.org article. It's apparently a searchable database of newspapers similar to the above-mentioned PressReader. So I can't vouch for it (plus it's pay-to-use). But it's worth a mention. It seemed like at least one university system uses it.

Chronicling America
Library of Congress project that lets you search some historical American newspapers. By no means is it an archive of *all* historical newspaper content.

The Wikipedia Library
This is a list of various resources compiled or provided by the Wikipedia Library, which is a system aiming to help the site's editors gain better access to sources. Some of this requires you to be an active editor on the site to access, some of it doesn't.
A. https://wikipedialibrary.wmflabs.org/partners/
Their main program, which provides access to partnered pay-walled content for active Wikipedia editors.
B. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Find_sources
'Find sources', for finding sources in the first place. Useful for non-editors, too.
C. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Find_your_source
'Find your source', for finding a source you already know about but can't access. Just a general advice page, much of it you don't need to be an editor to exploit.
One editor's misplaced advice supplementing C.
D. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:RD
Wikipedia's reference desk. You don't need to be an active editor to ask questions here. You might also try /marx/ (see later planned entry about /marx/ for best info).
E. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Find_your_library
Some advice from WPL about finding a library with a source you are seeking (like a book).
F. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:The_Wikipedia_Library/Free_resources
Free resources list. Compilation of resources on a plethora of topics usable by non-editors.
G. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Free_English_newspaper_sources

Project Gutenberg
Free e-book library.

The Internet Archive
Also a free e-book library. Has video and audio too. Make an account and you can freely check out e-books as though it were a physical library.

Google stuff
A. Google's "Talk to Books"
Enter natural queries, get related books.
Related projects: https://research.google.com/semanticexperiences/
Broadly, but rarely helpful.
B. Google Scholar
I recommend unchecking "include citations" on the side, will save you a lot of asshurt.
C. Google Newspapers
I have no idea why this isn't visible from the main Google search area.
D. Google Books
E. Programmable Google search engine
This was programmed to find Wikipedia references but it should be broadly useful.
F. Tips to improve your Google search effectiveness.



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Thanks Junko.


These types of things are better maintained in the git.leftypol.org repo.


You should CyberLeninka which is a search to find and read Sci-Hub papers online without having to download hem.
Another YouTube frontend is Piped. This project is separate from Invidious.


He only did 9 actually 🤔
Good post Junko this will really come in handy. Way better than googling everything lol


LocalCDN by Nobody is more up to date and encompassing than Decentraleyes I've been told


Forgot about Wikibooks till now. Occasionally I find good info in it. A lot is very incomplete though.


Great thread junko, learned a few new things here


File: 1641541149235.pdf (47.21 KB, 197x255, how-to-read-a-paper.pdf)

I wanted to recommend Microsoft Academic but they just shut it down last week? Damn. It was really great because you could search by topics instead of actual content.



This is really good. I'm going to do as anon above and some in the matrix suggested and start a git repo for all this so we can collectively add stuff.


I'll add some of my own. They are from my bookmarks. I haven't used all of them. Use at your own risk yada yada. Hope they are useful.

Pretty much what this thread is about

Paywall bypassing

supports 24 periodicals

General Web Utilities

Collection of Direct Links to delete your account
Note: You should scrub everything you have on the account and then wait a few weeks for cached versions to update before deleting it.

Login Detail Sharing

Supply chain map

Find Unlisted Youtube videos

YouTube comment search:

Twitter trend map

Map of Political YouTube

Anarchist PeerTube instance

Save an entire web page—including images and styling—as a single HTML file.

Find IRC chats

List of academic databases and search engines - Wikipedia


Better front-ends for mainstream services
SimplyTranslate / Google Translate & DeepL
Google Translate and DeepL proxy. Works without JavaScript and can be used with Tor Browser

Libreddit / Reddit
Instances: https://github.com/spikecodes/libreddit
Proxy for reddit like teddit but is similar in style to the reddit redesign. Also works without JavaScript

pic8 / Image hosting sites
Image hosting site that doesn't actually store the images itself, but uploads it to various other image hosting sites that it uses as its own storage. This makes the site less likely to shutdown in the future due to smaller hosting costs and less legal accountability. It can also do Webpage Screenshots.

Alternative Search engines
Experimental search engine that favors text-heavy and simpler (in terms of web-design) webpages.

Indexes only user-submitted websites. Attemps to catalogue the so-called small web.

Fagan Finder
Quickly change between search engines. Not open-source.



The world's largest library catalog


You know who

Standard eBooks
Project Gutenberg literature but nicely formatted

A large Audiobook collection

Public Domain Audio Books

Mobilism Forum
You can also find cracked .apks (android apps)

Pole Shift Survival Information (14.8 GB 6922 files)
Collection of resources about practical skills. The site is actually for preparation for a potential pole-shift, but many of the skills are very useful anyway.

MEGA: Books on Cybersecurity (8.1 GB, 6900 files)
MEGA: Another collection of Books on Cybersecurity (4 GB)
MEGA: History Audiobooks (105 GB, 2440 files)
MEGA: Books from Nazi Germany (40 GB, 1600 files)

Books from the Soviet era
Textbooks from the DPRK

Other places to find books/texts:
https://www.deadseascrolls.org.il/ Antiquity
https://www.sacred-texts.com Religious
http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/ Greco-Roman
https://g.sicp.me/books/ Computer-Science


Collections of Resources
Github awesome lists
On github there are repositories of "awesome lists" that collect resources on various topics. Vast majority of them relate to computers and technology but not all. You can also find them by googling "SUBJECT awesome list site:github.com" Examples:
Search engine of awesome lists:

Wikipedia's resource lists

Collection of AI tools:

Collection of leftist technology collectives
Collection of instances that host invidious/PrivateBin/Etherpad/SearX etc

Collection of piracy resources:

Soviet archives:
https://rusarchives.ru/federal/rgaspi/ Russian language
http://istmat.info/ Russian language

Cuban encyclopedia
Marxist-Leninist wiki made by users of Lemmygrad
/g/ wiki
Archived /cyb/+/sec/ general wiki
Another technology wiki focusing on "alt-tech"

Resources to find privacy-respecting alternatives to mainstream services and software:
Prism break

A collection of AI-generated things that don't actually exist.
Fediverse instances that claim to support free speech




Make sure you actually need one. Don't fall for marketing.
VPN providers:


<Barebacking LibGen files
As far as I understand you should be fine if you only read .epubs and .pdfs with a pdf reader that doesn't support scripting. Don't know about other formats.
It's questionable whether or not those privacy extensions are a good way to improve your privacy. Every extension that you download makes your browser's fingerprint more unique. If you want to improve the privacy of firefox look into arkenfox.js
The extensions they recommend to use and not to use:

Or consider the Tor Browser.

Smart HTTPS > HTTPS Everywhere. The former tries to actually upgrade your connection and the latter simply maintains a whitelist. You can also enable HTTPS-only mode from you browser settings. NoScript is redundant if you have uBlock Origin. LocalCDN > Decentraleyes as the other anon said. But you shouldn't be using those anyway. See the arkenfox.js wiki. uMatrix is abandonware. Privacy Badger is snake oil.


I agree, it looks like someone is already working on it.

>https://riseup.net/ (potential glow)
uygha wat?
Would you like to give a quick explanation of why you would consider riseup.net out of all of them a potential glow?


4plebs has a great FAQ page that has a table of a couple of dozen archival sites and the boards they specialize in. Props for adding archiveteam: one of their members are responsible for (IIRC) desuarchive.


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>Would you like to give a quick explanation of why you would consider riseup.net out of all of them a potential glow?
I had a vague memory that they had at one point released user information despite claiming not to. It seems that picrel was what I had in mind, which is a nothingburger. Sorry, I didn't mean to fedjacket.


oh sweet thanks for using a username. totally respect you bro and appreciate your efforts have an upvote +++++++++++karma. when I see you post, I'll be more generous to your opinion because I can see all the work you do. 👍👏💪


Japanese web archival tool

Looks through several web archives to find archived versions of websites


I like this thread

Thanks :)


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Actually, I know this is all tldr already, but is there a Junko's Starter Pack selection novices can just srat using as they learn other stuff…


Just found this:
It will give you temporary gmail addresses you can use. This should be better for temporary emails what with so many site blacklisting known temp-mail sites these days.



>I put this starter pack together for you


links to mirrors of nitter, including tor and i2p: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances


Buying used books
Abebooks is supreme, alongside Amazon from time to time. Independent brick-and-mortar bookstores can be a bit undesirable since their inventories tend to be limited in a lot of arbitrary ways, so it's best to look online.

Buying used records
Likewise, online bazaars are best for musical records, although IRL record stores can have a lot of obscure local stuff too.


Browser extension for quickly saving a page to the Wayback Machine, archive.is, and other web archives


Browser extension that lets you navigate entirely with your keyboard, for convenience sake


Browser extension that automatically proxies YouTube and Dailymotion and Vimeo, as well as letting you load them in a specific codec, including audio-only and video-only options


You can use these to browse the clearnet anonymously as well as discover underground censorship-resistant websites/mirrors

Most VPN hosts will provide UDP and TCP config files to connect to with OpenVPN.
Also that article doesn't touch on it at all but VPNs (and the p2p proxy networks linked above) don't guarantee against your metadata being collected or stop you from making opsec slips, obviously. All they do is help mask certain points of transmission over the internet.


I click on the chromium installation link but it gives me a 404.


oh yeah it’s kinda unmaintained. that’s a shame. i only used it on chrome a couple years ago


you can download the source and add through developer mode or whatever though i think


Marx/Engels Collected Works:

Marx2Mao PDF Library:
—Marx: Volume 1 of Capital and all 3 volumes of Theories of Surplus-Value
—Lenin: All 45 volumes of his Collected Works by Progress Publishers
—Stalin: First 14 volumes of his Works published by Foreign Languages Publishing House (Moscow)
—Mao: All 5 volumes of his Selected Works by Foreign Languages Press (Beijing)



Privacy add-on for Chrome/Chromium browsers that disables the WebRTC API functionality which can leak your IP even if you're using a proxy (better yet, get a better browser lol)

Thread on where to download music: >>>/music/3520
Includes this guide on downloading youtube-dl for Windows

FOSS translation platform

Static HTML/CSS website hosting:
https://neocities.org/ (Requires you to pay monthly to link your own domain, which is stupid)

Nitter but for Instagram


Static site generators that use bash. As minimal and UNIX as you get.


>been reading The betrayed Revolution by Leo Trotsky
even if your not a trot its a really good analysis of the Soviet Union and its Problems



plugins that support many different forms of online search queries. lots of niche stuff and you can even write your own for something if you can’t find it on there



Can we please have an /econ/ thread here like we do chem, lit and the others? I'm taking an interest in the subject lately and hoping it'll make me a more competent leftist. I'd start a thread myself but I don't have much to share on the subject myself unfortunately.


Can someone tell me how to find all the Soviet Journals that lib historians tend to cite? Web and Scholar searches give me nothing for these things, only the source that cited them in the first place.

A. G. Goikhbarg, "Pervyi Kodeks Zakonov RSFSR," Proletarskaia re- voliutsiia i pravo, 7 (1918): 4, 8, 9.


I managed to find it by searching for "Пролетарская революция и право 7" at the National Electronic Library, see attached .pdf and the link to it here: https://rusneb.ru/catalog/000199_000009_60000270773/
Here is the link to a collection for this journal: https://rusneb.ru/catalog/000199_000009_008754830/
There's a smaller collection as well, at the B. Yeltsin Presidential Library: https://www.prlib.ru/section/684670
Additionally, they handily had created a section for "journals" in general here: https://www.prlib.ru/section/684568
Finally, you can also find them in the digital collections at Saint Petersburg University (and I imagine any other big university with a digital repository, this one just came up first when searching): https://dspace.spbu.ru/handle/11701/28454 Unfortunately they didn't file them under a specific category there, just dumped them into "legal journals".
I think you should be able to find more journals via these resources, usually by searching for the title in Russian. Hope this helps you, anon.


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Welp, time to either:
1) Actually learn Russian
2) Put the text into Google Translate 1 paragraph at a time

This will be a fun one, people. Book that cited this is picrel if anyone cares.


how about just leave it alone instead of trying to study something that you don’t understand for stalinist denialism happy hour




What would you recommend I do with my time then?


My contribution
A lot of italian books(especially early medieval), but also books in other languages. A lot of them are not present on archive.org. I suggest to translate with google translate, because the the english search engine has no division by topics.

Does anyone have a good website where i can get russian (preferably soviet) books? I want to read the primary chronicle translated in russian by the soviet ministry, but the version on archive.org makes my eyes bleed…


Im gay. Didnt skimmed the thread. Thanks anyway


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How do you guys research topics that you are interested in? I want to learn about the civil war in china but I'm not sure how to go about it.


Don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for, but People's History of Ideas podcast about China is pretty excellent and show notes include sources and names to research


I don't know where else to ask this but does anyone have know or have a good biography of Ho Chi Minh? I know of The Selected Works but I'm looking to learn more about the man himself


Is there any sort of pastebin for images, instead of text? I've been putting mine on a personal whatsapp group, but it's very disorganized. I also have no interest in saving them all in my computer.


That's exactly it. Thanks, anon.


https://imgbb.com/, not that dumb channer shit that’s gonna link rot in a year or 2 tops


Hello I'm a brainlet but this seems the right place to post something like :
It searches a lot of sources from Wikileaks to newspapers in many languages to sci-hub, locally without a server and you can add new sources, export results and do all sorts of fancy filters. IDK how good or new this is actually, but it's blowing my fucking mind tbh, and it wasn't posted so here. Enjoy.



Meta-Press.es is a tool to search the online press (international reference press, specialized reviews, general purpose press…). It can be used to make press reviews for big associations for instance or scientific press coverage (via dedicated sources). Researches are keyword driven and you can select precisely in which sources to search (via type, language, theme, result type…). So users have full control over the sources queried to perform their searches and they even can add their own sources.

Then it’s possible to schedule daily searches (or monthly ones).

This search engine is shaped as a web browser addon (WebExtension standard format). The search and sort job is handled by the the extension itself, on the computer of the user and it allows to gives the user fine grained control over the tool.

Meta-Press.es is already able to search through hundreds of sources and this number regularly grows.

Using Meta-Press.es, there is no central server involved, to watch over and profile users, to adapt search results to their behavior and habits or to add targeted ads. So there is no bubble effect like with commercial mainstream search engines.

Meta-Press.es works great with the Tor Browser (which have been made, among other goals, to read the press with more confidentiality than with an ordinary web browser).

Meta-Press.es is a free / libre software with open sources. Those whom know HTML and JavaScript can explore its source code and adapt the tool to their needs (or easily add new sources).

To finish, Meta-Press.es is an energy efficient tool : there is no need for polar circle datacenters to perform searches through the online press…


I just want to thank OP for this post! Really useful websites!




Hello everyone! If you can speak/read in russian there's an awesome reading list by Marxist Science. If you've been following on "drama" they've been destroying others on topics such as bourgeois counterrevolution of 1953, were nuking philosophy out of marxism, all in all pretty consequent scientific communists. this reading list is a gem, i'm gonna be studying mainly guided by this.


>were nuking philosophy out of marxism
revisionist garbage.


Can someone get me a digital copy of Pikkety's Capital?


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marx and engels were revisionist garbage


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>nuking philosophy out of marxism
<hurr durr, i'm gonna butcher marxism because my STEMautism tells me so
Reminder that saying that philosophy is useless is philosophy in and of itself (also know as metaphilosophy).
Feel free to stop calling yourself marxist anytime then, pseud.


Marx, famously a huge fan of interpreting the world in various ways


>implying philosophy can't do that while also being made into concrete action
That was precisely Marx's inovation in the field, jfc.


thesis: change da world
antithesis: interpret da world
synthesis: interpret da world so you can better change da world


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>Philosophy is nothing else but religion rendered into thought and expounded by thought, i.e., another form and manner of existence of the estrangement of the essence of man; hence equally to be condemned


Yeah yeah yeah, the fact that he criticised philosophy didn't mean he wasn't actively partaking in it. Otherwise he wouldn't have thought of concepts such as hismat and diamat later in his life, which are nothing but philosophical products.


marx never thought up histmat or diamat
historical materialism was already developed by french enlightenment thinkers and barely referenced by marx himself, with engels mostly referencing it
dialectical materialism was developed by the second international from an interpretation of capital and later on adopted by the "marxist-leninists"


Recurso para los hispanohablantes


This is a list of SearX instances. SearX is a meta-search engine. This means you can search on Yandex, Bing, Google, etc. all at once. I haven't preferred to use it but it's a way to not be tracked by Google. From my experiments you can't actually use the Google power-searching tips listed at the end of my last post, so I haven't really preferred it for that reason.

https://sci-hub.se/ (main site)
https://twitter.com/ringo_ring (social media)
https://twitter.com/Sci_Hub_tweets (social media)
https://vk.com/sci_hub (social media)
For accessing scientific literature. Works on some books I think, particularly if they're hosted on sites that also host scientific papers.
With Sci-Hub, it's often useful to try multiple existing links for the same paper if you want to access it and it doesn't work the first time. For example, you would try the regular page URL for where the paper is hosted, and also its DOI code that should be on the page somewhere, and also URLs for any alternative hosts of the same paper you may find through Google (exact searches with quotation marks around available text strings or the exact title are often most helpful for academic papers), plus the alternate DOI codes for those.
And here's Sci-Hub's own advice about what to try if you need access to a paper and Sci-Hub doesn't have it.

Library Genesis (LibGen)
Not even going to link the actual site because I don't know which one is the best instance up right now. There's several mirrors up. You may find best info on that subreddit.
To my knowledge anybody can upload things there. I would suggest exhausting other means of obtaining access to a book before this, or else only read it in a virtual machine if possible, though I didn't bother with that and just took the risk because I'm not too experienced with good VMs. I don't want to FUD this site, I might just be overcautious.

While you can generally read papers hosted here on Sci-Hub, it isn't really foolproof. I recommend making an account, you can get access to up to 100 papers a month on there for free. You can also use this:
JSTOR's text analyzer. It will analyze a PDF you feed to it and then show you papers it thinks are related.

RationalWiki's recommended sites
A lot of this is shit. I still thought it was worth a mention since some of it isn't shit.

The Free Library
Research anything, organized by topic


Anti-paywall tools for news, magazines, etc.

12 Foot Ladder
Hops most news paywalling.

Saves an archive of article without scripts. Works to hop paywalls on some sites like the Financial Times.

A comment on this, it's best practice to replace the domain endings (e.g. ".is", ".ph", ".md") with a ".today". This is because from there it will direct you to an Archive.Today instance that isn't blocked in your country. I found that a friend in a foreign country wasn't able to access archive.ph or a few others, but when he used the archive.today link for that archive he was able to view it.

So I used https://archive.today/XIoH1 instead of https://archive.is/XIoH1 for an example

The Wayback Machine by the Internet Archive
Hops some pay-walling.

Hops some straggler paywalls like The Economist, also gives you a shareable URL that break sometimes for whatever reason.

This Chrome extension
Plugin for Chrome. I haven't tested it and thus can't vouch for it.

Honorable mentions
PressReader and the Wikipedia Library again.


Some resources of /leftypol/'s own and co.

Notable for some reasons given here: https://archive.today/cDhZe
Ismail is thus a competent reference desk operator, especially for topics directly concerning Marxism.
A note, as was mentioned in that /meta/ thread, though: it doesn't currently have a standard HTTPS related certificate. This means that you should assume anything that you post on that website is exposed. This includes passwords used to register to the site. This remains true until the site gets such a certificate. If you register, use a password you have never used and never will use anywhere else.
You can post pseudo-anonymously as a "guest" if you prefer that.

Questions that don't need their own thread:
Reading General:
Our booru (image arsenal):
highlights (keep in mind some of it is parody like the Hibernian conspiracy shit lol):
Welcome thread which links some resources:


Archiving tools.
The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and Archive.Today are basically the standard archiving services at time of writing. I will list some others for fallback options.

The kings


Google Cache
Note this seems to purge itself after a while. Usable as a stopgap option.

This is more intended for scholars and I haven't used it yet. It might not be usable by laypeople, I have no idea.

Misc archiving tools + how-to's


Email: some options.
a. Tutanota. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tutanota
b. ProtonMail. https://protonmail.com/

a. Temp-Mail. https://temp-mail.org/en/ (plus alt. domains)
b. 10Minutemail. https://10minutemail.com/
c. Guerilla Mail. https://www.guerrillamail.com/
d. StartMail. https://alternativeto.net/software/startmail/


Misc. missed

I've heard some good about this meta-search engine but no idea yet if it's better than SearX:

Web Archives: Firefox add-on for viewing already created archives of the page you're on.

Search for "(topic) handlist" to find some recommended works.
"Marxism handlist" returned me these for example:


Some alternative social media.
Similar to Twitter. Part of the fediverse.

YouTube alternative.

Similar to Fandom/Wikia, but non-profit. A lot more customizable as well it seems.

Front-ends for mainstream social media.
Invidious / YouTube
This is a list of Invidious instances. Some are more private than others.
IncogTube will proxy your connection to the video through their own servers, for instance, so you never have to connect to Google's servers (probably better recommended if you're accessing via the Tor Browser where you must allow the video-hosting site to run scripts to see the video). But it has no log-ins and it has no thumbnails for videos that haven't been loaded by anybody yet.
You can alternatively use this for some convenience as it doesn't have the pitfalls of the above, but it will expose your IP to Google. This is less information given to Google than just straight up using YouTube, but it's something.
Either of these allow you to download the video or audio from what you're viewing.

Bibliogram / Instagram
I don't know how well this works, I don't use it. It seems to at least be partly working. It lets you view Instagram profiles without Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) gathering data on you.

Nitter / Fritter / Twitter
View Twitter posts on PC without Twitter collecting data about you.
Some general info: https://www.inputmag.com/tech/nitter-is-a-new-front-end-for-twitter-that-helps-hide-you-from-advertisers

Same concept as Nitter, but for mobile devices.

Teddit / Reddit
View Reddit without the site collecting data on you.


Stuff about chans.

A. Search tools
(both broke for me lol)
https://find.4chan.org/?q=test (not broke)

B. General archives
also https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/4chan

C. Find when somebody saved an image from 4chan using the unix code generated when they saved it.
Stick their filename into here and then remove the last three numbers. So >>9307 (1641521876691) returns "07 Jan 2022" (though in this case that number was generated because anon posted an image, not because anon saved an image) when the last 3 digits are removed.

also I generally would recommend using 4chan-X. https://www.4chan-x.net/


Some misc.

Link shorteners
Link unshortening

Organizing files

Shareable file/document storage tools
CryptPad: collaborative, openly viewable. https://cryptpad.fr/
GhostBin: Private. Instances known to go down unannounced. https://ghostbin.com/
Streamable: store and share video files easily. https://streamable.com/

Web scraping tools
A. LinkGopher: grab all links from a page. Includes ability to filter. Plugin is also on Chrome. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/link-gopher/
B. How to screenshot an entire page:
Firefox has it built in. Just click the three dots in the URL bar (…) then 'take screenshot' and then you can select full web page in the top right corner.
C. Gesturefy has an option for saving a whole page (in a sometimes wonky fashion) as a PDF if you create a custom gesture for doing so.


Social media
A. Map of Reddit: Offers a view into how different subreddits relate. https://anvaka.github.io/map-of-reddit/
B. Just a random tip but if you go to the top of your Twitter feed, press the sparkles symbol and do "latest tweets" I swear it makes the site so much less cancerous. Also, utilizing the "lists" feature is helpful. I created a list for compiling news items for example.
C. Tips about shadowbans on Twitter. Don't repost identical text or images a lot, they'll think you're a spambot. The more followers (ratio of followers/following matters) and interaction (read: likes and retweets) your account has the less likely you are to be penalized. Don't tweet too rapidly, and don't follow-unfollow people rapidly. Having an older account protects you from penalization to an extent. Blue checkmarks (verified accounts) are probably immune. Tweeting in an aggressive way will get you penalized.
D. Twitter video downloader. https://twittervideodownloader.com/
E. Glowcord server finders.
F. Finding quote-tweets (example), you would insert the desired tweet ID from the URL. This is useful because Twitter doesn't always show you all of the quote tweets for some reason. https://twitter.com/search?q=-from%3Aquotedreplies%20url%3A1477752056471506948&src=typed_query&f=live


Some privacy tools
1. Anti-surveillance by EFF. https://ssd.eff.org/
2. Some recommended to try: Noscript, uMatrix Decentraleyes, HTTPS Everywhere, uBlock Origin.
3. Worth a look: SessionBox. Decent for hopping some paywalls as well.
4. The Tor Browser. Some documentation here. https://www.reddit.com/r/onions/wiki/index

Some advice about URL "campaign" trackers… >>>/leftypol/676218
And more:

A tip about your HTTP referer header. If you leave this setting at default, I think websites are able to view what the last page you were on prior to visiting theirs was. I know this is true if you clicked a link that brought you to their website (thus, it shows them your "referrer").

This gives you instructions

I generally recommend Firefox over Chrome-based browsers but there are some okay browsers out there that are Chrome based, like Brave browser.
Note that disabling your referer header WILL break some pages. I've sometimes found it difficult to launch games, use various tools (like unshorten.it), etc. So you'll have to keep flipping this setting on and off throughout the day if you're as active as I am. I'm willing to do this for the extra privacy, but know what you're getting into there.

I think there's a Chrome extension that makes this process a lot easier. Don't know about Firefox.

With the URL "campaign" trackers, you have to be discerning.
There are other symbols than "?" which demarcate the beginning/end of tracker crap in a URL.
In this case you have "&" symbols, you might see those.
But actually, in this case you want the stuff after "?" and "&" to remain. Because it's altering what content you're looking at. It shows you a particular page and all. You can basically deduce this by what the rough encoded text on the URL looks like. For a tracker URL campaign it will look different.


Some other random browser tools.

Search by Image
Easily reverse image search. I have mine set so I can quickly use Google, Yandex, Bing, TinEye, Karma Decay, Pinterest and trace.moe

This actually works on certain Invidious instances! Go and tamper with the settings. You have to feed it which Invidious instance you're using. I also recommend flipping on certain switches in the settings, to skip things other than sponsors in videos. Such as non-music in music videos, self-promotion, all sorts of crap.

Privacy Badger
You may have to temp disable this on some pages since it'll break some content on a rare occasion. It blocks trackers.

Cookie Quick Manager
I use this on Firefox, you'll have to find an equivalent for Chrome-based browsers. It's good for purging cookies

And a bonus. Here's a porn-free search engine if you care about that. It's also meant to be a more private search engine, as many alternative search engines claim


Academic metadata search engine:

Another academic search engine. Poached from 4chan. Looks good, tested it once.

Directory of searchable, curated open-access (freely accessible content) journals

Free educational books

Brief resources list curated for the /dprk/ Matrix chat, and partially from their recommendations: https://ghostbin.com/Erc03

Just generally worth digging around in despite the random garbage you'll encounter:


Starter Pack selection:

Archive.org (they have a big online library at https://openlibrary.org/ ), Sci-Hub, LibGen, Google Scholar, the Google power search tips (which you can find at various compilations online, not just the ones given above).
My main anti-paywall tools ( 12ft.io, archive.today, outline.com, SessionBox ).
Lately I would recommend our own leftybooru more than ever after seeing how much is there plus adding a lot of my own images to it.

Protonmail is decent for email, never been very fussy to use. If you can get a Riseup email (invite-only but seems like invites aren't impossible to find) it may be worth it.
TagSpaces seems really good for organizing if you have a lot of files like me.
uBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere (an anon above said Smart HTTPS is better though), you can just install and basically done, don't have to think of it again most likely. Sponsorblock and Search by Image you install and tune the settings and done, don't have to think of it again although you'll probably use them daily if you're like me.

Not a substitute for looking through each of the above but I put this starter pack together for you and it's mostly focused on some basic quality-of-life improvements and basic research tools that people may not know of than on stuff like privacy (if you want to start looking at that, SponsorBlock works with some Invidious (YouTube proxying) instances which may be a fun place to start tinkering). There's plenty of stuff that's cut out that's still worth checking out above.


Does an archived version of this thread exist? It would be a shame if it was lost.


Im trying to digitalize my library of 75~ish books and my uni scanners arent always available. What scanning device is best for books of various sizes?
Ive been saving up all year, and Id rather have them publicly available for all.



tried one of those and broke my camera :( im awful with shit like this


https://archive.ph/dMn5N, save with control+s.
if you feel savvy, you can use https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/wpull
a comparison of web archiving tools exists here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FqxwaZnIhhQ7jDCC-W64NMRf5rDeh2Shx3u01MsBmTQ
or as pdf version in file attached. (if the pdf doesn't render well use zathura (linux) or sumatra pdf (windows)



File: 1680211189814.jpg (218.33 KB, 2490x1057, website.JPG)

Absolutely based ads.


you're shown ads based on your browsing history


That makes it even better.


Hello looking for complete works of Tiqqun, preferably still divided into Tiqqun 1 and Tiqqun 2. I can only find certain selected works on t@l and even then its not comprehensive. Would appreciate if anyone has copies of both issues.




lol what a bunch of bullshit. how pretentious can you fucking get?


Can anyone recommend a way to listen to Pimsleur (obviously downloaded with communist torrents) on my android phone? There's no good audio player on my phone, and its a pain to have to find where I was etc.



Here's MARXdown, a digital edition of Capital annotated by Marxists from CMU. Incomplete (annotated up to Ch 4) but high-quality so far.


Arthur Bough is a Trotskyist, but his "Marx's Capital Translated For The 21st Century" series has helped me a ton, but it's not so easily available. I had to buy it with my dirty third worlder debit card.

Here's the PDF.


Volume 1


Full zero exploration of labour isomorphic to abolishing the value form

Problem for the ultra left communist providing the geriatrics who unable to work a somewhat independent lifestyle with some privacy and help on demand when needed immediately reintroduces the value form and turns the communism into geriatric welfare capitalism

This I think is the fundamental theoretical error ultras and leftcoms often fall into

That of introducing metaphysics to replace dialectics


Fucking autocorrect

Worth reading if you've already read the OG?


>Worth reading if you've already read the OG?

Not at all. The original is always better. But English is not my and my collectives' first language, and this is shorter and much easier to understand than the full text.

Marx has a habit of presenting the same concept over and over again slightly differently, and he sticks in a lot of Western literary allusions that are honestly lost on me. So, it's a more practical solution to take Bough's version when educating the workers and students.


I'm trying to learn Chinese, send me some good news websites, blogs or whatever for me to practice reading.


>he sticks in a lot of Western literary allusions
literally the only thing that makes it entertaining. i don't think i could read him without it.


i did it in high school and my main caution is that you need to hammer the tones into your skull before you try to do anything else and never ignore them, or else you'll end up entrenched in your unawareness like i did. the radicals and an understanding of their phonetic significance is a good way to start with the hanzi


Does anybody knows here critique of stand-ups and these so called 'comedians'? I am talking about adorno style, the culture industry making people laugh and all. are comedians actually subversive or sign of modernity, how they differ from pre capitalistsocietal comedians?
something along thse lines:
" “there is laughter” because “there is nothing to laugh at.” In fact, laughter only happens when “some fear passes.” For them, laughter will always be in the wake of what is most. It is an “escape” or “liberation” from “either physical danger or from the grip of logic.” Laughter, in other words, also indicates an inability to face the world and to think in a serious manner. It is a vacation from the world and its problems."
Cause fatfucks like Ricky gervais n all, I've never found em funny plus this sudden increase of supposedly funny rectionary dark humor where sudden horrific shit is somehow 'funny' gets on my nerves a lot.


Talk To Books has been shut down, any replacements?


Archive.org now has a collection for scientific articles:


Does anybody have the ElecBook pdf of selections from political writings 1 and 2 by gramsci? i cannot find them anywhere online. all the versions of selections from political writings are scans and not the actual ebook.


This is on their website, but it's on a CD. http://www.elecbook.com/gramsci.htm


Not entirely true, I get those ads too despite never having read anything Korean whatsoever.


Can anyone recommend me books or chapters or writings talking about the overproduction and ineffective production of capitalism? And how is the communist is different



Currently reading this. This book is terrifying, amazing and probably the most important thing you can currently read.


Guide To English Pornstars: The Intermediate Guide To English Pornstars
English Pornstars


Looking for Michael Hudson's book, "Privatization and the Ancient Near East". Not on Anna's, anyone have it? Tysm


Does anyone got the book "Anarchism, Organization and Management: Critical Perspectives for Students" pdf?


>>22276 (me)
Found a book that is quite close to that, did someone already read it? It looks exactly like what i was looking for:
"ephemera: theory & politics in organization management business anarchism"


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