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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Thread dedicated to debunking western propaganda and information relating to the NATO encirclement of Russia, Ukrainian government's mistreatment of ethnic Russian minorities and support of fascist militias to do its bidding. Criticism of Russia and its occupation is welcomed aswell.
94 posts and 101 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>assuming it's a liberal not a neonazi


>N-not muh libruls!
Germany is full of fucking liberals, and liberals have consistently demonstrated nazi sympathies in the past 4 months, stanning for Azov and a priori having rhetoric that mirrored nazi ones.


An anon in the Ukraine General posted an informative thread about Centuria and Azov's recent "totally non-nazi" rebranding:


The funny thing is that the Centuria march photo is rather reminiscent of the Nazi Cathedral of Light.


The sub "UkraineNaziWatch" which is mostly a one man project it seems, has compiled quite a bit of media supporting the pervasiveness of institutionalized Nazis in Ukraine. I'm surprised that ,however small or unseen it is, it hasn't been closed down by Reddit admins on keywords and stray reports alone lol



Is there any compilation of images showing swastikas being used by far-right ukrainians? The sort of stuff you'd just throw at a liberals face to shut him.
I know there's plenty in the archives, but it'd be better to not have to go through it all.


Here's a pretty blatant example. This Ukrainian soldier jokes about people saying that there's no nazism in the Ukrainian military, then he shows his comrade's swastika tattoo


These aren't swastikas specifically but they're all Ukrainian troops wearing other nazi symbols like the totenkopf, sonnenrad and SS Galicia patch. (And yes that 2nd one was really posted by Zelenskiy lol)


>Criticism of Russia and its occupation is welcomed aswell.
My take is: Russia should've organized a coup and oust Zelensky


The Maidan coup only worked because of existing anti-corruption and anti-Yanukovich sentiments that got fueled into a blaze by the USAID. The same can be said for Ukrainian Russophobia being popular. This is the reinforced norm so it'd be tough to topple, and lacks the cohesion needed to create a counter-coup.


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>Turns out the Pentagon brought Jon Stewart to Disney World to give an award to a Ukrainian fascist last week—but don't worry, they covered up his Nazi tattoo first.



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I need the expose on the tornado battalion and their abduction and rape of children so I can repost on reddit.





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anyone have the full catalog of pic rels


3/4 of those are from this article


the 4th one is from some communist subreddit that probably doesn't exist anymore



Everyone knows about Bandera, But many people don't know about the other collaborators.

Роман Шухевич, Ярослав Стецько, Дмитро Паліїв, Тарас Бульба-Боровець, Андрій Мельник, Олекса Бабій, Іван Рогач, Олег Ольжич, Іван Кедюліч, Кость Гіммельраїч, Іван Климів-Легенда, Олександр Гасин, Ярослав-Михайло Старух, Юрій Полянський, Олександр Луцький, Василь Василяшко, Омелян Польовий, Петро Гудзоватий, Василь Сидор, Олексій Демський, Іван Гриньох, Дмитро Гах, Терентій Пігоцький, Олексій Химинець, Данило Рудак, Петро Хамчук, Василь Андрусяк, Степан Трохимчук, Петро Мельник, Микола Твердохліб, Дмитро Мирон. , Роман Сушко, Володимир Щигельський, Петро Самутін, Юрій Горліс-Горський, Омелян Грабець, Леонід Ступницький, Микола Якимчук, Улас Самчук, Степан Скрипник, Демид Бурко, Леонід Пархомович, Андрій Шукатка, Володимир Чав’як, Сергій Богдан, Костянтин. Петро, ​​Мартин Мізерний, Василь Івахів, Юрій Долішняк, Павло Вацик, Василь Скригунець, Олекса Шум, Роман Ризняк, Микола Арсенич, Ярослав Дякон, Степан Ленкавський, Володимир Кубійович, Віктор Курманович, Микола Угрин-Безрішний, Михайло Омелянович-Павленко, Йосип Сліпий, Аверкій Гончаренко, Василь Косюк, Михайло Мулик, Юрій Гарасимів, Любомир Макарушка, Теодор Барабаш, Володимир Депутат, Іван Ремболович, Мар’ян Лукасевич, Роман Рудий, Павло Шандрук, Йоусип Позичан. , Петро Дяченко, Дмитро Клячківський

Roman Shukhevych, Yaroslav Stetsko, Dmytro Paliiv, Taras Bulba-Borovets, Andryi Melnyk, Oleksa Babiy, Ivan Rohach, Oleg Olzhych, Ivan Kedyulich, Kost Himmel’raich, Ivan Klymiv-Legenda, Oleksandr Gasyn, Yaroslav-Mykhailo Starukh, Yuri Polyanskiy, Oleksandr Lutskyi, Vasyl Vasylyashko, Omelyan Polovyi, Petro Gudzovatiy , Vasyl Sydor, Oleksiy Demsky, Ivan Hrynokh, Dmytro Gakh, Terentiy Pihotskiy, Oleksiy Khymynets, Danylo Rudak, Petro Khamchuk, Vasyl Andrusyak, Stepan Trokhymchuk, Petro Melnyk, Mykola Tverdohlib, Dmytro Myron, Roman Sushko, Volodymyr Schygel’skiy, Petro Samutin, Yuriy Gorlis-Gorsky, Omelyan Hrabets, Leonid Stupnytskiy, Mykola Yakymchuk, Ulas Samchuk, Stepan Skrypnyk, Demid Burko, Leonid Parhomovych, Andriy Shukatka, Volodymyr Chav’yak, Serhei Bogdan, Kostiantyn Peter, Martin Mizernyi, Vasyl Ivakhiv, Yuri Dolishnyak, Pavlo Vatsyk, Vasyl Skrygunets, Oleksa Shum, Roman Ryznyak, Mykola Arsenych, Yaroslav Dyakon, Stepan Lenkavskiy, Volodymyr Kubiyovych, Viktor Kurmanovych, Mykola Ugryn-Bezrishniy, Mykhailo Omelyanovych-Pavlenko, Iosif Slipyi, Averkiy Goncharenko, Vasyl Kosiuk, Mykhailo Mulyk, Yuri Garasymiv, Lyubomir Makarushka, Teodor Barabash, Volodymyr Deputat, Ivan Rembolovich, Mar’yan Lukasevich, Roman Rudiy, Pavlo Shandruk, Iosyp Pozychanyuk, Petro Dyachenko, Dmytro Klyachkivskiy


Source Archived: https://archive.ph/tBrSa


here's an article by Josh Shifrinson from 2016 that analyzes NATO's promise to Gorbachev, its obfuscation of that promise in public records, and the subsequent betrayal of that promise in the years that followed. We all know about the broad strokes of this already, but I found the specific details of this quite interesting. Chomsky, who is against NATO expansion and sees it as the root cause of this war, fondly spoke of this article in "Internationalism or Extinction."

The article is 38 pages and 185 citations. it's from 2016. It is very thoroughly researched. Pro-NATO academics at harvard scrambled to put out a pathetic "rebuttal" the next year that was 7 pages and 13 citations, which I have also attached for the sake of laughing at.

Also attached is a video of the author discussing the paper. I also posted this in the /ukraine/ general but thought it would fit in better here since this one doesn't cycle.


The Ukrainian State was installed by German military authorities after the socialist-leaning Central Council of the Ukrainian People's Republic was dispersed on 28 April 1918. Ukraine turned into a provisional dictatorship of Hetman of Ukraine Pavlo Skoropadskyi, who outlawed all socialist-oriented political parties, creating an anti-Bolshevik front. It collapsed in December 1918, when Skoropadskyi was deposed and the Ukrainian People's Republic returned to power in the form of the Directorate.

On 29 April 1918, a coup d'etat toppled the Ukrainian People's Republic and Skoropadsky became Hetman of Ukraine. The coup d'état had been sanctioned by the Imperial German Army, which in the spring of 1918 had occupied Kyiv and other parts of Ukraine. While living in Weimar Germany, Skoropadsky maintained close personal friendships with senior government and army officials originating as far back as his military-college days. His movement continued into the early 1980s, influencing a Ukrainian monarchist program based on the Cossack State model.

In Paris, Petliura directed the activities of the government of the Ukrainian National Republic in exile. He launched the weekly Tryzub, and continued to edit and write numerous articles under various pen names with an emphasis on questions dealing with national oppression in Ukraine.

Petliura is considered a controversial figure connected with the pogroms of Jews during his rule of the Ukrainian National Republic. According to Peter Kenez, "before the advent of Hitler, the greatest mass murder of Jews occurs in the Ukraine in the course of the Civil War. All participants in the conflict were guilty of murdering Jews, even the Bolsheviks; however the Volunteer Army had the largest number of victims." The number of Jews killed during the period is estimated to be between 35,000 and 50,000. A total of 1,236 violent attacks on Jews had been recorded between 1918 and 1921 in Ukraine.

For part of the Western Ukrainian diaspora, Petliura is remembered as a national hero, a fighter for Ukrainian independence, a martyr, who inspired hundreds of thousands to fight for an independent Ukrainian state. Almost the entire commanding staff of the Ukrainian State armed forces consisted of officers of the former Imperial Russian Army.

In the 1920s, Poland's authorities had closed Ukrainian schools and failed to fulfill the promise of national autonomy for Ukrainians. Tadeusz Hołówko, an advocate of concessions to the Ukrainian minority, was assassinated by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to prevent Polish-Ukrainian rapprochement.

In the early 1930s, OUN members carried out over 60 successful or attempted assassinations, many of them directed against Ukrainians who disagreed with the OUN's policies (for example a respected pedagogue Ivan Babij).

On 15 June 1934, Poland's Minister of the Interior, Bronisław Pieracki, was also assassinated by the faction led by Stepan Bandera within the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

With the outbreak of war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in 1941, many nationalists in Ukraine thought that they would have an opportunity to create an independent country once again. An entire Ukrainian volunteer division of the SS had been created.

The primary goal of OUN was "the rebirth, of setting everything in order, the defense and the expansion of the Independent Council of Ukrainian National State." The OUN also revived the sentiment that "Ukraine is for Ukrainians." In 1943, the UPA adopted a policy of massacring and expelling the Polish population. The ethnic cleansing operation against the Poles began on a large scale in Volhynia in late February, or early spring, of that year and lasted until the end of 1944. 11 July 1943 was one of the deadliest days of the massacres, with UPA units marching from village to village, killing Polish civilians. On that day, UPA units surrounded and attacked 99 Polish villages and settlements in the counties of Kowel, Horochów, and Włodzimierz Wołyński. On the following day, 50 additional villages were attacked. On 30 June 1941, the OUN, led by Stepan Bandera, declared an independent Ukrainian state.

In 1928, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) , as formed in Prague. It was led by WW1 veterans in Western Europe and younger nationalists in western Ukraine known as Galicia.

After the OUN leader was killed in 1938, the organization split into two factions, led by Andriy Melnyk and Stepan Bandera respectively. They both called themselves the OUN, but the OUN(m) and OUN(b), also written OUN-M and OUN-B, denotes their factions

In April 1944 Stepan Bandera and his deputy Yaroslav Stetsko were approached by Otto Skorzeny to discuss plans for diversions and sabotage against the Soviet Army.

Stetsko's book "Two Revolutions" (1951) is the ideological cornerstone of the Neo-Nazi party All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda". The essence of this doctrine is: "the revolution will not end with the establishment of the Ukrainian state, but will go on to establish equal opportunities for all people to create and share material and spiritual values and in this respect the national revolution is also a social one".

It was an appropriately somber day that I finally made the trip to South Bound Brook, New Jersey to visit the grave of the Ukrainian nationalist leader Mykola Lebed —a Nazi collaborator and war criminal who worked for the CIA throughout the Cold War — and the memorial he helped establish at St. Andrew’s Ukrainian cemetery.

Thirty-five years ago, in 1984, his longtime partner in crime Ivan Hrinioch, a Greek Catholic priest with ties to Nazis and Vatican intelligence “led a procession of hundreds of Ukrainians to the unveiling and blessing of [this] memorial dedicated to the unknown soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).” After the war, the CIA recruited Hrinioch as its principal agent in early postwar Ukrainian operations

According to accepted propaganda, UPA, formed in 1943, heroically fought both the Nazis and Soviets as the partisan militant leg of the OUN(b), the fanatical Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists led by Stepan Bandera.

In reality, the UPA prioritized the mass murder of Poles and Jews behind Nazi lines in western Ukraine before it terrorized Ukrainian “traitors” and “collaborators” under Soviet occupation.

The OUN in Galicia was in conflict with the Polish state in the 1930s, waging a terrorist campaign of bombings and assassinations. During the Second World War the OUN fought a vicious struggle against the Armia Krajowa (Home Army) resistance group for the control of Galicia, a region the OUN saw as part of the future Ukrainian state it wished to establish. Because of this background, Polish emigre groups shunned the ABN, which was regarded as a vehicle for the anti-Polish OUN.

Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) was an international organization founded as a coordinating center for anti-communist and nationalist émigré political organizations from Soviet and other socialist countries. The ABN formation dates back to a conference of representatives of non-Russian peoples that took place in November 1943, near Zhytomyr as the Committee of Subjugated Nations/the Anti-Bolshevik Front on the initiative of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

The goal of the ABN was to remove communists from power, abolish the Soviet Union and divide it into national states. Given an organizational structure in Munich in 1946 sponsored by MI6, the ABN extended its range of activity and began to include Eastern European emigration from other countries apart from Ukraine.

ABN chairman Yaroslav Stetsko, who prided Ukrainians as pioneers of antisemitism in 1939, declared his allegiance with Hitler in 1941, and began to agitate for World War III no later than 1946. Stetsko, who all but explicitly called for the United States to launch a surprise nuclear strike on Soviet Russia during the Cold War (believing World War 3 to be “inevitable” and necessary), wrote an article that appeared in an OUN affiliated Canadian publication in 1939 in which he prided Ukrainians as “the first people in Europe to understand the corrupting work of Jewry.” Two years later, he endorsed “the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine.”

In its founding statement in April 1946, the ABN declared "Bolshevism is the criminal theory and practice of terroristic nonparty dictatorship which excluded even the slightest bit of freedom, democracy and nationality". The ABN declared that the Soviet Union to be the "prison of nations", and announced that the break-up of the Soviet Union was its principle goal. As a part of its critique of the USSR, the ABN identified the Soviet Union with Russia, presenting Soviet policies as merely a continuum of the policies of Imperial Russia.

The ABN presented Russians as biologically different from the rest of humanity, portraying the Russians as having a genetic predisposition towards extreme violence and aggression. The ABN argued that the peoples of Eastern Europe were white and thus had a "natural" love of freedom while the Russians were portrayed as having a "natural" inclination towards cruel despotism owning to an unfortunate infusion of Asian genes going back to the Mongol conquest of Russia in the 13th century. Because of what the ABN argued was this biological difference between the white peoples of Eastern Europe vs. the Russians whose Asian genes had deformed them, the ABN excluded Russia from the list of nations it wished to liberate. Throughout its existence, the ABN equated Russians and Communism as one and the same, engaging in propaganda that sought to "demonize" Russians as an utterly evil people for whom no redemption was possible.

The ABN envisioned a federation of independent states in eastern Europe after it broke up the Soviet Union to be called the "New Order". All of these states were to be "ethnically pure" with no place for minorities. As such, all of the minorities were to "return" to their proper homelands once the "New Order" was established. In particular, there was to be no place for Jews, who were portrayed as an "alien" people who did not belong in any of the envisioned states. The OUN was described by the historian Anna Holian as a "deeply anti-Semitic" group, citing the OUN's resolution at its Second Great Congress in 1941 that it "combats Jews as the prop of the Muscovite-Bolshevik regime".

In 1946–1947, the OUN-B's secret police, the Sluzhba Bezpeky conducted with Anglo-American support, Operation Ohio, an assassination campaign in the Displaced Persons' camps in western Germany. The victims were suspected Soviet agents, members of rival Ukrainian groups, and those who knew too much about the collaborationist background of the ABN's leaders.

In 1950, Stetsko hosted an ABN conference in Edinburgh funded by MI6 that was attended by several collaborators such as Alfrēds Bērziņš of Latvia; Dr. Stanislaw Stankievich who had headed the Belorussian National Council; and Kajum Khan of the National Turkestan Unity Committee. Representing Romania at the conference was the Legion of the Archangel Michael (better known as the Iron Guard); Bulgaria the Bulgarian National Front and Croatia members of the Ustaše. The conference attracted much publicity in Britain, most of it very favorable.

In 1959, the ABN's American branch successfully lobbied Congress to proclaim the public holiday of Captive Nations week and to declare American support for independence for all of the "captive nations" as defined by the ABN. In several states in the Northeast and the Midwest, there were sufficient concentrations of voters influenced by the ABN to give the movement a degree of power as a lobbying group. The American Vice President, Richard Nixon, was visiting Moscow at the time the resolution was passed, and the Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, was extremely angry about the resolution. Khrushchev asked Nixon how it was possible for him to negotiate with a nation that just proclaimed the break-up of his country as its foreign policy goal.

From 1962 onward, the ABN worked closely with Lady Birdwood, described as the "largest individual distributor of racist and antisemitic material" in Britain. The leader of the British branch of the European Freedom Council, founded in 1967, was Lady Birdwood. The ABN activists in Britain who worked with Lady Birdwood expressed anti-Semitic and far-right views.

In the 1968 election, a Hungarian-American ABN activist, Laszlo Pasztor who began his political career as a student activist for the Arrow Cross while attending university in his native Hungary, campaigned hard for the Republican candidate, Richard Nixon. Pasztor had been convicted of crimes against humanity in Hungary in 1946 for his role in the Holocaust in Hungary as he served as a diplomat for the short-lived Arrow Cross regime of 1944-45 in Berlin. In 1969, Nixon rewarded Pasztor by creating the Republican Heritage Groups Council of the Republican National Committee with Pasztor as its first chairman.

On 20 July 1988, the Republican candidate for the presidency, Vice President George H.W. Bush, spoke at an ABN rally in the company of a Ukrainian emigre and OUN/ABN member, Bohdan Fedorak. Fedorak, who served as president of Ukrainians for Bush, organized the rally at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, Michigan. At the rally, Fedorak denounced the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), which was in charge of investigating and deporting Nazi war criminals from the United States.

[…]After Askold Lozynskyj became the president of the UWC in addition to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)—taken over by the “Liberation Front” in 1980—the conservative Ukrainian American columnist Myron Kuropas, who himself used to be associated with a rival faction of the OUN, opined that Lozynskyj is “someone I have known (and disagreed with) for decades. He is bright, brash, articulate (often given to demagoguery), thoroughly bilingual and dynamic. I have watched him mature over the years from a firebrand Banderite to a more nuanced Banderite.” Over twenty years later, Kuropas has said, “In retrospect I don't see Askold maturing for the better politically. He seems to still follow Bandera's dictum that ‘those who are not with us are against us.’ He still seems to push for OUN-B domination of the Ukrainian American community.” Of course, the transnational OUN-B’s goals extend far beyond the United States, but the Ukrainian American community and its allies in Washington are an important asset for the Bandera cultists in their perpetual struggle to take over Ukraine.

[…]Ivan Dmytryk, a Suchasnist contributor, is among the forty other UPA veterans buried in South Bound Brook, New Jersey. In addition to Lebed, Prokop, and Lopatinsky, the same goes for at least three other members of the zpUHVR: Bohdan Kruk, Mykola Haliw, and Lev Shankovsky. This means at least a handful of CIA assets were buried here, and perhaps significantly more. It’s certainly possible that a large share of those buried in the UPA section of St. Andrew’s Ukrainian cemetery were affiliated with the CIA-backed zpUHVR, as opposed to the Bandera/Stetsko-led ZChOUN/OUN(b).

According to Stephen Dorril, Bohdan Kruk was “sometimes referred to as the Director of the UPA [Medical Service and/or OUN(b)] Red Cross,” led the OUN-UPA effort to “pacify the [Galician] countryside” of “Soviet partisan activity” in late 1943, and was an early member of the zpUHVR. Kruk participated in the UPA’s 1947 “Great Raid to the West,” that is, the American Zone of occupied Germany, from which he and others eventually resettled in the United States and elsewhere. Mykola Haliw’s grave has “zpUHVR” on the tombstone, and declassified CIA files indicate the Agency had some sort of interest in him, at least in 1962.

“OUN historian” Lev Shankovsky, another early member of the zpUHVR, and a “special correspondent” for Suchasnist, joined an AERODYNAMIC “Psychological Warfare Panel” chaired by Mykola Lebed in the 1950s. Among other things, it was tasked to “begin a systematic collection of names of personalities in the Ukraine who the panel feels have been designated as Soviet ‘sleepers’ in the Ukraine. In the event of a hot war and should the Ukraine be occupied by a Western power, these people will propagate the Soviet cause.” (During World War 2, Lebed supplied Nazis the names of Polish professors who were then shot.) In 1960, Shankovsky declared that organized anti-Semitism “never existed in Ukraine. But there exists a myth about Ukrainian anti-Semitism.”


Also buried among the Ukrainian Insurgent Army veterans at St. Andrew’s Ukrainian cemetery in South Bound Brook, New Jersey is the late chairman of its UPA “memorial building committee,” Julian Kotlar, a former executive publisher and vice-chair of “Litopys UPA.” The latter began as a revisionist history project “published jointly by two UPA veterans’ organizations,” one Canadian and the other from the United States. In the 1970s, the CIA was happy to report that “many student groups and intellectuals [in North America] have established close ties” with the zpUHVR, which was then affiliated with the Association of Former Members of the UPA in the US and Canada, plus two obscure “civic organizations [the Association for Free Ukraine and Ukrainian-Canadian Society]…which have branches in various cities in both countries.” A former head of the Litopys UPA “publication committee” and “the so-called ‘spiritus movens’ behind the entire endeavor,” Dr. Modest Ripeckyj of Chicago, was (formerly, if not actively) a member of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council. “I don’t know how the heck we are going to proceed, because he was extremely important to the project,” a leader of the Canadian UPA veteran society said when Ripeckyj died in 2004.

That being said, Litopys UPA and the organized UPA vets were probably more influenced by the OUN(b) than the zpUHVR. By 2001, the “Chronicle of the UPA” found a new friend in the notoriously problematic Volodymyr Viatrovych, who is affiliated with the present-day OUN(b). If not already, he was soon made the deputy director of a “Litopys UPA Publishing House” in Lviv, and in 2002 became the director of an OUN(b) “Center for Research of the Liberation Movement,” also in Lviv. As it were, the archives of the zpUHVR’s Prolog Research Corporation, which shut down in 1992, are today at the OUN(b) Research Center. From 2008 to 2010, Viatrovych directed the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)’s archives, after which Harvard University’s Ukrainian Research Institute invited him to study Mykola Lebed’s papers. Following the 2013–2014 “Revolution of Dignity,” Viatrovych was appointed to head the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance. In 2015, he participated in several events with Ukrainian-American leaders honoring Stepan Bandera and the OUN-UPA in the United States.[…]

Lebed retired in 1975 but remained an adviser and consultant to Prolog and the ZP/UHVR. Roman Kupchinsky, a Ukrainian journalist who was a one-year-old when the war ended, became Prolog’s chief in 1978. In the 1980s AERODYNAMIC’s name was changed to QRDYNAMIC and in the 1980s PDDYNAMIC and then QRPLUMB. In 1977 President Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski helped to expand the program owing to what he called its “impressive dividends” and the “impact on specific audiences in the target area.” In the 1980s Prolog expanded its operations to reach other Soviet nationalities, and in a supreme irony, these included dissident Soviet Jews.110 With the USSR teetering on the brink of collapse in 1990, QRPLUMB was terminated with a final payout of $1.75 million. Prolog could continue its activities, but it was on its own financially.

In June 1985 the General Accounting Office mentioned Lebed’s name in a public report on Nazis and collaborators who settled in the United States with help from U.S. intelligence agencies. The Office of Special Investigations (OSI) in the Department of Justice began investigating Lebed that year. The CIA worried that public scrutiny of Lebed would compromise QRPLUMB and that failure to protect Lebed would trigger outrage in the Ukrainian émigré community. It thus shielded Lebed by denying any connection between Lebed and the Nazis and by arguing that he was a Ukrainian freedom fighter. The truth, of course, was more complicated. As late as 1991 the CIA tried to dissuade OSI from approaching the German, Polish, and Soviet governments for war-related records related to the OUN. OSI eventually gave up the case, unable to procure definitive documents on Lebed. Mykola Lebed, Bandera’s wartime chief in Ukraine, died in 1998. He is buried in New Jersey, and his papers are located at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University.

The Soviet Union’s secret police, the infamous KGB, praised her savvy and erudition, even as she frustrated their attempts to spy on her in Cold War Ukraine. They tagged her with the code name Frida. But today we know Chrystia Freeland as Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. What business, the Kyiv newspaper Pravda Ukrainy asked, did someone from Edmonton have leading a civic organization for the preservation of the Ukrainian language in Ukraine? Why did someone in Ukraine to study Ukrainian spend so little time doing so at the university sponsoring her visit – and why study when, as the televised rallies at which she spoke time and again clearly showed, she spoke the language flawlessly?

Ms. Freeland’s time in the Soviet Union came to an end when customs agents at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, tipped off by the KGB, searched her luggage as she returned from a trip to London and found anti-Soviet materials. Even more worrying, they discovered a veritable how-to guide for running an election destined for use by non-Communist Party candidates campaigning for Ukrainian independence in the Soviet Union’s first-ever free elections. She was denied re-entry on March 31, 1989.

According to the KGB, Ms. Freeland was more than just an agitator for, as Col. Stroi derisively put it, “the liberation of Ukraine” who coerced Soviet citizens into staging marches and rallies to attract Western support. She delivered cash, video- and audio-recording equipment, and even a personal computer to her contacts in Ukraine. Ever since Canadian Banderites succeeded Lozynskyj as the presidents of the UWC and ICSU in 2008 and 2013, respectively, both international organizations have been headquartered in Toronto. Eugene Czolij, former president of the OUN-B’s international Ukrainian Youth Association (Спілка української молоді, CYM) and more recently the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), became the new president of the UWC in 2008. He was succeeded by Paul Grod, another UCC leader and fellow “CYMivtsi,” in 2018.

Those “elections” to the World Congress saw Stefan Romaniw, longtime chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations and former CYM leader in Australia, named general secretary and then first vice president of the UWC. In 2009, the year Romaniw became the new global OUN-B leader, he spoke at an event at Stepan Bandera’s grave in Munich honoring that year as the 100th anniversary of his birth, as did Lozynskyj and Czolij. Three years later in Munich, Czolij addressed an ICSU conference, held in part to honor the belated 100th birthday of the late Yaroslav Stetsko—Bandera’s deputy, ideologist, and successor, who was likewise a fascist war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and anti-Semite.

After the 2013-14 “Euromaidan” (aka the “Revolution of Dignity”) in Kyiv, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and the spark of an armed conflict in eastern Ukraine between the new Western-backed Ukrainian government and Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas, the Atlantic Council launched its Ukraine in Europe Initiative following a visit to the United States by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the new Prime Minister of Ukraine. Part of that initiative included the AC’s “UkraineAlert” newsletter, for which Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Irena Chalupa shortly became a leading contributor. Although she briefly conceded in an article that year that Bandera collaborated with Nazi Germany, Chalupa has apparently never publicly acknowledged that before her stint with the US broadcaster RFE/RL, she worked for Stetsko in the OUN-B’s Cold War-era international headquarters building in Munich.[…]




The CIA: 70 years in Ukraine (excerpt from, The CIA As Organized Crime by Doug Valentine)


The Hidden History of the Cold War: Anti-Fascist Archive #1 & 2 w/ Dave Emory (1984)
The formation of guerilla groups established by the Nazis during the war’s closing days in order to fight against the Soviet Union; the adoption of the Nazi guerrilla groups by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies; the fierce warfare conducted by the fascist guerillas (under Western sponsorship) in Poland and the former Soviet Union until 1953; the incorporation of the Nazi Eastern Front intelligence organization into the CIA (under the stewardship of its wartime head, General Reinhard Gehlen); the role of SS veterans in the formation of the Green Berets.

hundreds of video and image documentation of fascism in ukraine
https://archive.ph/DAtnK https://twitter.com/DaniMayakovski/status/1497671602523279362

TrueAnon interview with Moss Robeson (banderalobby.substack.com)

The Farm interview with Moss Robeson (banderalobby.substack.com)
World Anti-Communist League, WACL, Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, ABN, Ukraine, OUN-B, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Yaroslav Stetsko, Stepan Bandera, CIA, MI6, Gehlen Org, BND, Nazis, Spas T. Raikin, Otto Skorzeny, Alfred Rosenberg, HUAC, stay-behind operations, KGB, assassinations



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Anyone have access to this video about the BTR-4E? I lack a Boosty and if anyone has access or a method to download the video I'd love to see it.









btw mods, please archive this thread if it ever reaches full, because I have linked many of the videos externally in attempt to educate and agitate people in opposing NATO


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>I was quite shocked to discover that Yaroslav Hunka — the Nazi veteran invited to the House of Commons — was actually previously honored (along with several dozen other Waffen SS veterans) by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in 2007. Notably, the Ukrainian ambassador to Canada was a special guest at the ceremony and gave a celebratory speech:

>Previously, in 2003, Yaroslav Hunka represented the very same Ukrainian Canadian Congress at the 8th Ukrainian World Congress in Kiev. Since 1989 he frequently visited Ukraine and even ran for Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) in 1994.

>In 2004 he was made an honorary citizen of Berezhany; war criminals Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych were given the same honor in 2011:

>Given Christia Freeland’s close ties with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, I can’t help but wonder whether she knew Yaroslav Hunka personally and/or was well aware of his invitation to the House.

>Translated photos of the honorary citizens of Berezhany — Yaroslav Hunka, Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych:



John Paul himka the guy quoted in article defending the Nazis from Ukraine is married to….. the daughter of Michael chomiak! Michael chomiak is the nazi grandfather of chrystia Freeland the deputy pm of Canada. The wife of John Paul himka is the the aunt of chrystia Freeland. He is freelands uncle!

Bro this goes deep



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On Wikipedia when the war started for 2022 they deleted the "alley of angels" page which was a memorial for hundreds of kids killed on the donbass. The memorial is still there in real life but they erase from history online this way to avoid the killing Ukraine did

You can see the talk page below and some articles

A Russia language Wikipedia page of it still exists


And on the talk page part for English one where says "Nothing will ever be good enough" a person posted tons links of articles about it
>Western State propaganda like BBC: good
>Russian State propaganda like Sputnik: bad


>"Nothing will ever be good enough"
A Canadian-Ukrainian, probably a glowie.

He relentlessly edits everyday about the holodmor, Soviet history, Russia, this war, Ukraine and so on. Been a user for 19 years. I found this reddit post that stated he had role in creating the holodmor page in 2005.

He has made 64000 edits on Wikipedia and it is primarily on Russia/Ukraine/ussr if you scroll thru his edits. He's ranked 1536 for most edits in Wikipedia history. Think of all the topics that exist on there and he ranks that high focusing on this


great contributions to this thread. Thank you, anon.


Всегда пожалуйста!


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Long thread with links and info on the Euromaidan snipers:

>Wow! Unreported 1,000,000-word Maidan massacre trial verdict corroborates my academic studies by stating as its “categorical conclusion” that there were snipers shooting from Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & that it cannot be ruled out that 8 protesters were killed & 20 wounded by “unknown persons,” who were not "law enforcement officers." This implies Maidan snipers since the verdict states that the trial disproved claims about presence of Russian snipers.

>The verdict also confirms my study findings that there is no evidence of order given by Yanukovych or his ministers to massacre Maidan protesters and that 4 police officers were killed & 39 wounded by Maidan-snipers. In addition to acquitting two Berkut policemen for killing and wounding protesters, it states that all accused Berkut members were baselessly blamed for killing 13 & wounding 29 Maidan protesters. As usual there are zero media reports.

>Prosecution, Maidan lawyers, media with some exceptions, self-proclaimed experts & propaganda peddlers denied shooting by snipers located in Maidan-controlled Hotel Ukraina & called it conspiracy theory.



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<Inside the PoW camp where Ukraine ‘re-educates’ Russians
>“I grew up in the Soviet Union so I feel that we are one country,” he said, sitting in the camp’s sick bay where he is recovering from a bullet wound in his arm.
>It is this neo-imperialist ideology, famously expounded by President Putin in a 7,000-word essay, that the camp authorities are trying to deprogramme from their charges before they are returned home.
>“Russians have been subjected to propaganda their whole lives,” said Petro Yatsenko, spokesman for Ukraine’s co-ordination headquarters for the treatment of PoWs, during a tour of the camp at an undisclosed location in western Ukraine. “It’s like trying to pull someone out of a religious sect.”
<To get from their living quarters to the canteen, prisoners must pass along an alleyway lined with photographs of figures from Ukraine’s past, such as Stepan Bandera, the divisive and controversial leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) during and after the Second World War, and Taras Shevchenko, the 19th-century national bard.


It doesn't seem to be working either however, although I suppose it's preferable to prior Ukrainian treatment of POWs (torture, murder, etc.)


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I know their ilk all too well living in Alberta. This is interesting shit

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