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Lately I’ve seen a huge influx of good games that try to update the outdated capitalist realist Cyberpunk genre to the current political and economic landscape. Stuff like Disco Elysium is getting more and more recognition they rightfully deserve for depicting the hopeless and bleak death of modern revolution. However they’re still have some semblance of hope like with Ghostrunner having the corporation being destroyed by a revolution in contrast to the sad oppression of the system.

Another great but obscure example is whatever the fuck Cruelty Squad is. It’s fully embraced the boring drug fueled dystopia aesthetic while delivering basically Deus Ex but without the stealth. Compared to the faux shell of a Cyberpunk game 2077 was (full of cyber but nothing about the societal implications of such technologies other than some edgy infantile “message” about “soul”), this game have everything and everyone be miserable using the cyber-enhancements. Space colonization and AI being pipe dreams. Corporations are not knowingly malicious but only apart of the rot of capitalism.
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looks like naturally dyed denim jeans too, which tend to be pretty expensive


I was going to say square toe boots are ugly as shit but I think he was going for that.


Those pieces of shit in the shape of 2 loafs of bread cost how much?
>The average consoom gaymer


Just played it, and did not dissapoint.
Those are the most interesting ugly shoes I have ever seen in my life. Seem like some mix of running shoes with elegant ones.


Some TF2 Drip he is getting over here.


Should've got the Barenciaga rainboots instead.


>>11922 (me)
Jesus, I can't believe I'm still hyped for this game. Unironically the only thing in videogames I care about.


High hopes, low expectations fam.
Also, the new composer is mid as fuck. So lower your expectations at that.


>The same can be said for disco elysium, it’s openly communist doomerism

That's like saying Nietzsche was a nihilist. The game's message is the opposite of doomerism.


Yeah, a shame the old composer is comically anti-semitic. I think one of the main reasons the pilot captured me so was because the music fit the mood so perfectly.


Seriously, I do not give a shit about an artist's awful personal opinions as long as they keep them out of their works and keep delivering. Case in point: Factorio's Kovarex going on a (rather mild) rant about SJWs and getting dunked on by the community for it back in 2020 had no effect on the game itself nor its development and was quickly forgotten because of it.


conspiracy theory game has anti-semites involved in it???


disco elysium's depiction of the dead revolution was geniunely sad and depressing, one of the rare moments i felt something while playing a video game


lol exactly what I was thinking. schizo game is made by schizos? real shit????


Too bad Kovarex et al. couldn't spend less time whining about social justice narcissists and more time finishing their fucking game.


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The old composer's input on the development of the game was near non-existent. The actual dev just asked the guy if he could use his songs that were released like a decade back.
And in terms of conspiracy theories, they're not really rightoid schizo shit like the earth is flat or muh jews. More stuff that everyone will silently acknowledge as being true like Epstein not killing himself. Picrel is a screenshot from the game that you can activate by playing after midnight.


<Mr. Cruelty looking out the window on phone talking about his new job.
Lmao, his delivery actually got a giggle out of me


This post radiates cowardice.


The new mechanics looks good as fuck too
>Epstein bad
<anti Semitism


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More talking about this


>What do you mean a people largely marginalized were undocumented and had to hide their identity?
He probably don't believe in the existence of gypsies or Armenians. Lmao.


Played Cruelty Squad, somewhat fun but I can't really say it really deserves that much hype. It felt like kind of a chore to play a lot of the time with the confusing level design and ugly textures. I liked the level where you have to escape your apartment, kind of wish the rest of the game was more like that rather than the absurdist kinda crap.


that's literally a parody of Nick Land's Meltdown


this was my game of the year and probably my top 5 games of all time. i've talked about storytelling before but the story in this game is absolutely my favorite, maybe only second to Hotline Miami 2.
a lot of people who call this game "ugly" or "absurdist crap" clearly don't know anything about office design and what this game and its design are satirizing(that the mundane office design trends and taking it to an extreme).
This is a game that breathes through its mechanics. there's literally a gun that deales damage based on your stock market holdings. you can and should exchange your body parts for practicality. what valuates your playthrough is the duration, not how many people you kill, or how you kill them, meaning that your boss only cares about doing it quick, rather than doing a good job on missions.
this is a game that satirizes Capitalism not only through its dialogue and endings, or premise, but through its gameplay and mechanics.


I'm sorry but I don't see what a wall made entirely of a mosaic of repeated screaming faces is 'satirising'


>he has never seen fascist and hostile architectural designs in his life


>can't provide an example

Also how come some levels looks relatively normal like the yacht level whereas others are a fucking nightmare mess. Also, my interpretation from the level at your apartment (which looks almost completely normal) is that the fucked up architecture is mostly caused by the combat drugs which your character is doped up on during missions (as the briefing pig guy establishes in the description of the first mission). So therefore it's mostly a hallucination and not really satirising anything, and the dev was just up his own ass about his fugly 'biopunk' artstyle.


Also, having a game that's full of 'secrets' and incredibly arcane mechanics which 99/100 players will have to use a guide to understand is bad game design, I'm sorry but it just is. Maybe in the 80s/90s when there was no internet and you and your friends had to discover these things together or hear about them through urban legends there was some point to it, but nowadays it's just stupid.


>how come some level look relatively normal
what? what kind of fucking question is this honestly?
what I mean by satirizing "interior design trends" is what we actually had in the early 2010s as well. it's called "seapunk". I've talked about it in a vaporwave thread somewhere iirc, but the whole shtick is satirizing souless capitalist design with surreal 90s cgi graphics and a collective nostalgia for a capitalist utopia that is not really relevant to this thread. I recommend you looking at some Seapunk design, since the design really is present in some levels like Archon Grid.
One other part of the design is the new trend of ps1 low-polygon aesthetics. Again, this deals with "nostalgia". There are a lot of games that are currently throwbacks to that era, like that cement mixer simulator, and they all deal with this "nostalgia" in a different way. Some critique Capitalism and today's hyperrealistic games, some not.
as to the question of "why do some levels look normal?" because they don't? do you think the dev's whole point was to make an ugly crayzy video game?
>it's a hallucination and not really satirizing anything
that's not how satire works
>dev was just up his own ass about his fugly biopunk artstyle
lmao, you assume something incorrect, then use that as talking points to prove the dev was up his own ass? some capital G Gamer right here.
>game has simple mechanics that adapts to trends and is easy to figure out
>gamers whine
>game has mechanics that are slightly more difficult to use
>gamers whine
how does this work exactly?
gamers don't really need a guide to play this game, if you have played games like Rainbow Six in the past, you clearly are familiar to most of how the game "functions". none of the secrets are required to find, and that's the point of fucking secrets to be hidden. i don't exactly know why you are mad at this game, but the anti-intellectualism between gamers is mind-blowing. go back to playing call of duty please.


your opinion is bad


Does Brigador count? The game is openly telling that you’re playing as the bad guy working for a mega corporation trying to retake a former banana republic that has declared independence through a revolution.

The two main sides of the Solo Nobrean civil war are both leftists. One side is basically juche Fidel Castro with the loyalist fighting to keep their standards of living. The Corvids their opponents are a bunch of misguided anarcho syndicalists that fought against the isolationism of the state that is unknowingly working for the SNC. The only unambiguously evil faction is the hedonistic decadent spacer bourgeoisie that only uses the mayhem as entertainment for their sick brains.

The upcoming sequel on the other hand has you play as the loyalist counterattack infiltrating the main corporate headquarters to seek revenge against the mercenaries that attacked Solo Nobre. Hence the title Brigador Killers.


From what I remember of the sequel that's been teased you're essentially terrorists bombing a Mar-A-Lago/Miami stand in where all the brigadors and SNC bureaucrats retired to, which is pretty funny and bound to make for some entertaining cognitive dissonance from the /v/ types who praise a game until the political content dawns on them (ie it's explained to them explicitly).
Brigador's premise is also much more interesting than say Jagged Alliance where you're the good guy mercenaries, which as a design choice is basically just to avoid making the player think too hard about anything.


I had a half finished analysis video on Brigador from like 2018 but I never finished it cause depression etc :(


The recent dev blogs revealed that the game basically became stuck in development he’ll for two years because they dev didn’t want to just make another arcade game like the first one. However the ebooks outlining the entire prelude to the sequel is already out.

They’re now trying to make something of a hybrid between GTA Chinatown war and the first Brigador with added armor penetration system. And from what the soundtrack is hinting at you’ll be hunting down all the loyalist traitors that got paid off by SNC.



Scifi shooters like Void Bastards and STRAFE make it clear from the very beginning that you're completely expendable to the corporate you're working for


disco party has ended. fuck zaum


Capitalism strikes again


Pyrocynical is actually going to be making a long-form review of cruelty squad soon. Wonder if he’ll touch on the Nick Land and George Battaile references.




Updates in the ZA/UM situation

The company is responding to previous allegations by claiming Kurvitz, Rostov, etc. were actually toxic to the company and employees, tried selling the IP, and did not fulfill their work obligations. GameIndBiz claims that they are "confirming" all this with this statement.

Kurvitz and Rostov meanwhile are alleging that the capitalists who took over may have done so with fraud and stealing from the company, which the company will of course deny.

I don't doubt that they were probably difficult to work with, a lot of creatives (especially those with substance abuse issues) probably struggle with working collaboratively, but this is a pretty clear attempt to muddy the waters in what is a brazen attempt but a bunch of money to men to steal someone else's work and pretend like it's yours.

The appeal to recognize this was a large team of people that made the game is particularly devious, trying to dilute the work of the creatives who also contributed a significant amount of work themselves. Nevermind that ZA/UM's statement doesn't actually discuss the treatment of the creatives during this time, being minority shareholders and being excluded from company information.


Reality often immitates art


He didn't or I was too drunk to notice them


Is it just me or did he do his hardest to be as unpolitical as possible in this video? Cyberpunk is a very political genre/setting, it’s simply impossible to not be political when discussing it, but he seems to have kind of avoided really discussing the politics.


YTers being cowards, name a more iconic combo


It's almost impressive how you can spend 4 hours talking about a game like this and barely spend any of that time talking about its themes beyond surface level explanations despite how unsubtle they are.


>4 hour """analysis""" video
>look inside
>plot synopsis

Every time


And? Are we going to abolish capitalism if enough people play Shadowrun or whatever?


Oh people are mad they didn't bring up some shitty philosophers. What a blow for communism.


And I'm aware Bataille isn't even really a philosopher (actually a plus for his works).


Pyro is a smart guy but he's not an analyst (culture theorist, whatever you wanna call it). Don't expect discourse/textual analysis on youtube. Most people wouldn't "get" it either.
Smart move


We need Shadowrun LARPs to steal all the schizos from CIA/Salafism.

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