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of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction is awful one way or the other, The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny, House is a egotistical maniac and probably appeals to Musk bros and Yes man is just a libertarian wet dream
442 posts and 92 image replies omitted.

>Give me an plausible scenario where the Legion can actually win against an organized military .
>Play the game lol
The ending where the legion wins is not explained in great detail. I would even go to say that basically all ends are unrealistical. In the yes man ending you end up controlling the whole new vegas region. In the house ending, mr house creates an technocratic utopia and you live in a luxurious way of life. If i an not mistaken, in the NCR ending you are greated by the president or something.
None of the endings should be taken at face value.
>they use anti material rifles, regular rifles, artillery, explosives, salvaged brotherhood armor, potent herbal medicines, limited autodoc, and powerfists

How many of this equipment you think they have. How much does the NCR have in comparison.

Yea i did not remember the endings very well

>I would even go to say that basically all ends are unrealistical
all endings are intentionally open ended whether you think it is realistic is debatable
>mr house creates an technocratic utopia
no, he only consolidates his power in the region and rapes the ncr economy
>in the NCR ending you are greated by the president
no you are awarded a golden branch(gold star) by no one in particular lol
>None of the endings should be taken at face value.
pretty much it relies many implications left by throughout the playthrough
>In the yes man ending you end up controlling the whole new vegas regio
no, it more a liberation ending really and it is the most open ended and vague
>The ending where the legion wins is not explained in great detail
they enslave much of the population what do you expect?
>How many of this equipment you think they have. How much does the NCR have in comparison.
likely more yet in reality less since the ncr is corrupt and uncoordinated in allocation of resources. probably has its share of Fast and Furious Scandals, example being the ncr smuggler you can make deals with

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also not a legion fan, chose yes man ending, asswipe. Las Vegas in-game and irl is a dogshit american city anyone who visits know this

>post deleted
What the fuck is up with the jannies lmao?

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retard take

he is a known liar and pedantic

What if we established underground communist communes and simply outlived all the capitalists?

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hit a wall in FO1 after finding the water chip and decided to take a break and skip straight to New Vegas. Kinda bored of it, ironically, because of how good it is. The game was so memorable that even after not playing it since it was new I find myself anticipating everything that happens. Oh well. The highlight so far has been No-Bark Noonan, that dudes dialog had me laughing out loud.
As for the politics, I agree with the folks saying the Followers have the best intentions but they seem like a charity more than a political organization. So far I haven't seen any evidence that they want to be anything more than that. They're really just helping whoever's in charge maintain power by acting as a release valve for the system, be it the folks running the strip or the NCR, so for that reason I'm throwing in my lot with the NCR as the least bad option.
The most interesting decision I've had to make so far was deciding where to send power from Helios. Do you guys think spreading it around equally at the cost of brownouts or just sending it to the under-served areas is the best move? I went with the former but in retrospect I think I should've done the latter.

>hit a wall in FO1
head south
>they seem like a charity more than a political organization

isnt that how rpgs are designed in general

what is your video

If you pay attention to the dialog more you'll understand that the NCR are the apex of neoliberal imperialism. In NV, the land barons have been given absolute power by Kimball through deregulation. The NCR basically just collects rent for the landowners under Kimball. It's a common meme to call House the libertarian but it's way more accurate to call NCR libertarian. The first thing they ask you to do is to go murder House so they can steal his resources. They are entirely driven by profit for the wealthy class.

Any token, small community aid by the Followers is irrelevant as are the quest outcomes that benefit them like wasting the Poseidon Energy output with a totally equal distribution with frequent blackouts instead of focusing it on the productive forces or even the death laser is pretty useful as a deterrent. The Followers are a band aid on a gaping axe wound.

House at least has altruistic plans with production and technological development. The NCR want the dam so they can give it to private landowners to make a profit with. The arguments against him usually point at Freeside, which I don't think is valid because Freeside is just a shanty town around the outskirts of what he considers "his" property. He's one-track mind on what benefits Vegas, rather than grasping for profits like the NCR. He also treats the courier fairly even in the ending slides. People acting like he's a greedy miser I just don't see where that is coming from. He respects your perspective in the ending slides if you're good karma.

Yeah House is hardly libertarian. His preparation for the endgame revolves around exterminating people he doesn't like lol.

Textbook libertarian

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I said the NCR is the least bad option, not that they're paragons of virtue, and yet, "neoliberal imperialism" is progressive compared to what's going down in the agrarian, even borderline feudal backwater that is the Mojave, both in but especially outside of the Strip.
I don't care what Mr. House's professed intentions are, in practice he's a rich dictator running a somehow even seedier recreation of Las Vegas (ironic seeing as how he lambasts both the NCR and the legion for trying to recreate the past) while anyone outside of the pearly gates can get bent. He can't even extend a helping hand out to Freeside, which is similarly defended by the walls he had built, for seemingly no reason other than being an elitist prick. What progress has be brought about after so many years? A walled fortress comprising of a couple of casinos run by raiders-turned-mob-bosses that suckle at the teat of the NCR, it's soldiers, citizens, and oligarchs to survive. Meanwhile the NCR is in control of the only thing resembling a modern society back West and is trying to export that revolution to the Mojave. They are the only ones trying to do anything at all to help the ordinary people, as bittersweet (and this is me being charitable, in reality I think the NCR's ending slides are unambiguously the best outcome for just about everyone involved) as that deal is. They are the only ones advancing "production and technological development"–restoring the dam, Helios ONE, the railroads–in short, the means of production. They are the only ones keeping the Legion and raiders at bay and protecting the movement of people and trade that Mr. House relies on to fund his ambitions. In fact, if the wiki is to be believed, since I haven't played a House run myself, after waking up from his coma, Mr. House sat around twiddling his thumbs for 150 years until the NCR arrived to restore some semblance of order. The guy is completely at the mercy of the charity of strangers to accomplish anything he actually succeeded in achieving let alone his frankly outlandish aspirations which depend entirely on the courier to come about. Sure, the same can be said for the NCR but for all of their folly and incompetence–which, let's remember, is largely by design, the NCR isn't exactly treating the Mojave like a high priority target; everyone in the NCR complains about being undermanned and under-supplied–they at least have the best shot at accomplishing their long term goals even in the event where the player character sees to it that they fail at everything they attempt to do. They can always come back stronger the next time around
Like, I can totally understand not liking the NCR for being capitalists (not that there's any progressive alternative in this world) but to turn around and simp for the autocratic billionaire Mr. House based purely on vibes is giving me whiplash. At least be like the typical headcanonfag and go for the Yes Man route, a scenario only marginally better than Mr. House's that totally won't collapse the next time the NCR or Legion comes a-knocking or the courier-turned-caesar croaks.

Does anyone else find the first two games to be kinda weird stylistically? The Bethesda games went all in for the failed retro-futuristic 50s style, but it seems like for the first two fallout games that's something more alluded to than obviously the case.

Like they've got random statues of heads and vaguely art deco architecture that makes pre-war America look kinda fascist, they've got settlements that have a tribal aesthetic, they've got settlements that kinda resemble ancient Egypt or something like that, there's loads of places that look very 90s sci-fi and retro-futurism is just part of the blend of random styles.

That temple at the start of Fallout 2 for example just seems weird and out of place for a pre-war society that was stuck in the 1950s culturally and a post-war society that has most people living in shacks made of corrugated iron.

Seems like they just threw a load of ancient civilisation shit at the wall and then placed a few 1950s styled ads on top of it.

""BTW, the Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older Pre-War building, most likely a church. The carved head at the entrance and some of the carvings/wall decorations on the three sub-levels were done by the Arroyo inhabitants.""

Because the first two Fallout games had aesthetic of post apocalypse, retro-futuristic 50s and its decay into fascism are a thing of the past, it got all blown to shits, Bethesda then took the most marketable elements and stripped them of all substance.

The NCR is a liberal democracy, of course it's more libertarian
House is weird to map onto any political system
Obviously libertarians worship people with more capital but I don't think they want one person to own everything in a feudal type arrangement

Ever since you brought this dude to my attention I've been slowly ramping up my consumption of his vids. I don't know why since i don't care about the OG fallouts, his career as a dev or the industry in general, i.e. the subject matter of 99% of his vids but I just love his vibe lol. He's like your cool, gay uncle. I think binge watching his stuff put the author of vidrel into my recs whom I'm also enjoying
Anyways I beat FNV save for Lonesome Road (just a bit burnt out atm, I'll get to it eventually) and returned to FO1 and decided to try an unarmed build for the first time in my fallout playing career and it's hilariously fun. Power armor+power fist ftw. Most things can't even touch me meanwhile I killed the Master first try in 4 turns. Now I just need to figure out these red force fields in the military base and I assume it's gg.

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Now that I've played (though evidently I have commitment issues as I haven't beaten any of them yet) the first 5 games sans Tactics and BOS I'd rank them as 1>NV>3>2>4. Having 2 ranked so low is probably sacrilegious for most but imo I just found the game to be extremely tedious. It's a bunch of fetch quests and go find/kill x so I give the edge to 3 in that regard, particularly for the side quests but even the main quest is slightly better. Looking for your dad is far a more compelling objective than some random vault tech that you don't even find any convincing leads for until well into the game but both are pretty shit tbh; go find Dad/G.E.C.K. and then beat up the Enclave. I only bothered to get around to them after exhausting the side quests or if I wanted XP.
Another observation: contrary to my initial impression when these games were new, FNV is clearly superior to Fo3 in just about every way. I guess I was too young to appreciate story, dialog and worldbuilding the first time around, preferring instead more surface levels aspects like the map and the atmosphere more generally, things that I still prefer in Fo3 but which are ultimately just facades in front of a rather shallow game. That said I think the voice acting in 3 might be better? Still need to play through to confirm whereas I pretty much 100%ed FNV but man was I getting sick of the one mf'er that voices seemingly every male in the Mojave. In that one regard FO3 has been a refreshing change of pace so far with some standout performances to boot, such as Dr. Li's empathic pleas to be let into The Citadel among others. Meanwhile I'm still groaning at that 10 of Spades attempt at a stutter. IDK if I'm just imagining things or if the voice acting was one of the victims of the game being rushed but ya if I had to nitpick the game it'd be over that.
pic/vid unrelated just thought it was kino

I really enjoyed the Tranquillity Lane section, probably the thing I find most memorable about FO3

Funny how it’s 2024, and there are still people LARPing as Roman legionnaires in New Vegas instead of playing Fallout 76. Fallout 76 just got a big map update, and you're missing out.

The new update is pretty sick. I played the pts and they had a communist base in the new area. The lightning people are scary too

Here are some photos of my playthrough.

Are they historically progressive?

A militarist technocratic autocracy… progressive…

dumbass cant read
i would say not as much as many other factions, the ncr and house have done much more for productive forces, even the brotherhood and institute on the east coast have done little infrastructure, if the enclave ever actually took the continental us and rebuilt it then they would be historically progressive.

before the war you might make the argument that starting a nuclear war so the pigs could go hide in their oil rig was a posadist 4d chess move, but nowhere seen post-war is it very progressive historically from what came before.

They still aren’t. Fascism and the principles that follow it (autocracy, enforced social hierarchies, militarism, subordination to the state, patronage to capitalists, and more) have never been progressive. These ideas were dogshit reactions to a series of societal and economic failures caused by capitalism. The enclave isn’t any different; not even by fallout standards.

their ideology is killing everyone else while larping as the government that killed everyone 200 years ago

>killing everyone else while larping as the government that killed everyone 200 years ago
Pretty well done larp then

To some degree yes as the wasteland is chaotic and without a unified state.

They’re still better than the NCR the worst faction of all time.

They literally caused the war

The Fallout London mod is out. Has anyone tried it yet?

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Not yet, I've heard it's a pain to install

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I'm waiting at least a few months until the game is fixed and to make sure there isn't sex slave foot fetishist companions or fuckable deathclaws

The most convenient way seems to be, as often, to just pirate the game, fitgirl made a release here

>I'm waiting at least a few months until the game is fixed and to make sure there isn't sex slave foot fetishist companions or fuckable deathclaws

Which Fallout 4 alignment is the most /leftypol/ one? To me it seems like either the Railroad or the Minutemen. I went with the Railroad in my run.

Caesar’s Legion are the best faction. I would say that NCR are the absolute worst and most fascist.

Let’s be honest here, the legion never stood a chance. The NCR has access to brotherhood tech, missile systems, assault rifles, and an unholy number of soldiers. The legion is literally a collection of raider tribes with marksmen carbines and submachine guns at best. Those dumbass larpers were using actual spears and machetes in their encounters with the NCR. In the lore-accurate battle of Hoover dam, the Legion is fucking obliterated and it isn’t even a fight.

Legion in NV is both unfinished and fundamentally badly designed. As you wrote, even to undermanned, undersupplied and disorganized NCR military, they would not be a road bump in an open fight. The only way this would work as a serious conflict is if Legion was in control of a region before NCR came, already recruited local tribes, and is now waging guerilla warfare on its home turf, completely avoiding direct confrontation.
Second, it should have been portrayed as a tribal confederation, not this weird totalitarian unitary empire. It is supposed to conquer other tribes, suppress their identity and fully integrate them into the legion, which would be fine if it was going on over the course of generations, but the whole history of Legion is couple decades old, you meet legionaries who were fighting against the Legion before being forced to join telling you "Ceasar burned my house down and enslaved my wife, I will give my life for him".
Third issue, from roleplaying perspective, there is no reason to join Legion whatsoever. The only reason anyone does is because its your 4th playthought and you already saw all the other endings. They are catoonishly evil, every member of their you meet is a dick to you personally, Caesar treats you as if you should be honoured to receive orders from him, if you play good character then obviously you will shoot all of them on sight, if you care about money and power then Mr. House or Yes Man are far better choices, if you value stability over all then also the organisation which is going to collapse the moment their elderly cancer-ridden leader heels over is not going to be your first choice, so why would you possibly pick them?

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>i want to better humanity
>…this i will achieve by killing the most advanced industrial society known, creating a better society

Even the brotherhood destroys the institute in their ending its so stupid.

True but I was talking about the legion

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