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of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction is awful one way or the other, The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny, House is a egotistical maniac and probably appeals to Musk bros and Yes man is just a libertarian wet dream

I'm not counting Yes Man cuz it's just a wildcard utopia. Mr House would probably be the best choice for a marxist due to the centralization of power, resources and mop in and near Vegas which would be good once revolution hits (see Marx on monopolies)

I choose not playing overhyped, overrated meme games that are only popular because they managed to appeal to 12yo "deep thinkers" by pandering to their meme political ideologies. I only play games made to appeal to 16 year old hyperonline political radicals and that is why I am off to do another TNO run as IRA Ireland.

>Mr House would probably be the best choice for a marxist due to the centralization of power
except he literally states he doesn't care what others are doing as long as they don't interfere with his aims

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Independent ending is dystopian, the player becomes tyrant of New Vegas with total control of the city including: electricity production, the Securitron army (the ultimate repressive apparatus), food production, and water production. I see it as the analogue to the House ending, in both New Vegas ends up under domination by a Pisistratus-like enlightened tyranny.
>Mr House would probably be the best choice for a marxist due to the centralization of power, resources and mop in and near Vegas
House just doesn't have the workforce. His speech about sending out colony ships in 100 years is pure hubris and marketing. The NCR, unlike House's New Vegas, actually has the features that are common in real capitalist societies: a large workforce, a state apparatus, a legal system, organized healthcare, social welfare, i.e., the elements that have historically proven to be useful for capitalist production. Look at the NCR's activity in New Vegas, they have actively built up the productive forces around the city of Vegas, they greatly expanded agriculture, introduced freshwater irrigation, repaired Hoover Dam, created trade networks, constructed railroads, and provided food aid to the residents of Freeside; all of which are independently more substantive than all of House's actions combined, with respect to the development of an industrial capitalist economy. Go with the NCR ending if you want to see Victorian England 2.0 and potentially social revolution.

The real right choice is unfortunately not an option in the game unfortunately. It would be to travel the Mojave fighting off all the above factions and knitting together the various communities into a larger, singular entity. The region has a ton of extremely useful resources when pooled together (The Hoover Dam, the Boomers' artillery, the rocket factory, the remnants of varous vaults, New Vegas, etc). There's a golden opportunity here to unite the Mojave as its own nation that could outdo any of the foreign powers contending for the region. This is, however, a very ambitious project that would require a huge amount of work and banding together a large number of allies. Given what is possible in the games story, though, certain versions of the Courier should be up to the task. There are enough people in the setting who could fit into the needed leadership roles for a project like that, some of them being follower NPCs. It would also be a much more interesting questline than simply recruiting the various factions for somebody else. The groundwork is already laid in that respect, so it probably wouldn't have been too hard to implement this as one of the quest options (maybe even what Yes Man was originally going to be). The game is pretty famously rushed though, so a huge amount of content had to be cut in the end. It's quite good as it is, but could have been even bigger/better. Yes Man does suggest that the developers understood that history isn't simple multiple choice, but it's a shame they couldn't have implemented that side of things better.

>The NCR, unlike House's New Vegas, actually has the features that are common in real capitalist societies:
And these are things that the Courier could bring to bear relying only on everyone and everything already in the region
>a large workforce,
For a desert wasteland the Mojave is pretty populated, but more notably it has a number of abandoned factories that could (and should) be salvaged.
>a state apparatus,
This is the most tricky part, and would probably work best with a system like democratic confederalism given how dispersed people are and how much the different micronations vary. Something that provides more structure than nothing but isn't as repressive as Caesar or the NCR would probably be pretty popular. There are already plenty of people with guns or even with experience in the existing factions who could be put to use establishing political power.
>a legal system,
That's not especially hard to set up, considering there are already existing models to work from. And given how dispersed the population is, there would probably need to be a lot of room for the local communities to handle things according to their rules. Some of the factions already have reasonably well established legal and political systems. Having some kind of constitutional convention and bringing people from each community to the table would need to be part of it.
>organized healthcare,
The Followers of the Apocalypse and scattered doctors/medics have enough expertise to handle this if they just had the resources but nobody wants to pay for that. Not really difficult to solve. This would probably be one of the biggest draws for people since health care is so lacking.
>social welfare,
Well there's enough vacant housing to supply that, Vegas has plenty of food growing, healthcare I covered, and in terms of other aid, Vegas is constantly colleting huge sums of money so it's not hard to take some of that and put it into social welfare if there is the political will to do that. But with House's securitron army and the support of the people it would not be hard to roll over the mobsters running Vegas (including the NCR) and appropriate all those facilities for the public.
>i.e., the elements that have historically proven to be useful for capitalist production.
Don't forget the capital part, and there's plenty of that lying around not being put to use yet.

It appears that you don't understand the level of social development in the Mojave Wasteland. All of the social groups in the Mojave must be interpreted as tribes; even if some have access to high technology. New Vegas itself is not a polity, there is no “public”, it’s a territory populated by many distinct and segregated groups of people with distinct modes of social organization, ranging from family households to large tribes. The largest three tribes are called the Three Families, and these control the Strip through the casinos, large commercial enterprises that depend on a transient population to be profitable. Robert House is a power broker and not a political leader, he can only exercise coercive control with his Securitron army, and he isn’t in command of any particular social group. Nearly all of the groups living in the territory of New Vegas are in extreme destitution, and have a low level of social and political development as a result. It’s likely that the majority of the residents of New Vegas are illiterate. These groups are too loosely organized to be capable of uniting and forming a community without an external force, and both the Courier and House are internal forces (The Courier themselves may be external, but the real controlling force is the Securitron army). Both the Legion and NCR are external forces, and only the NCR is going to develop and grow the territory. The NCR is the progressive Bonapartist, arriving to impose citizenship, a legal code, and a political existence on the residents of New Vegas. Realistically, the Courier is not capable of being as equal a modernizer as the NCR; coercion is a limiting mechanism of action. The NCR is the most progressive option.
>This is, however, a very ambitious project that would require a huge amount of work and banding together a large number of allies.
>There are enough people in the setting who could fit into the needed leadership roles for a project like that, some of them being follower NPCs.
>The groundwork is already laid in that respect, so it probably wouldn't have been too hard to implement this as one of the quest options.
The Courier is able to recruit different tribes as a favor or by convincing them that it is in their self-interest, but this does not bring the tribes any closer to forming a community. The speculative storyline in which the Courier unites the tribes is impossible under the circumstances of the Mojave, neither House nor the Courier have the agency to coerce or convince these groups that it’s more in their interest to dissolve and form a community in a desert under the auspices of a tyrant instead of joining either the Legion or the NCR.
>There's a golden opportunity here to unite the Mojave as its own nation that could outdo any of the foreign powers contending for the region.
The groups that the Courier tries to recruit in-game are the barriers to this kind of political organization. They are armed gangs, and each can be ignored, allied with, driven out of the Mojave, or destroyed in all endings. They can only be absorbed in the NCR endings, and it’s heavily implied that they will be absorbed by the either NCR or the Legion after the independent ending. For example, this text from the ending slide that appears if Veronica stays with the Brotherhood and the Courier has not destroyed the Brotherhood bunker, completed the Independent questline, and didn’t form a truce between the BoS and the NCR:
>Veronica put her moral sensibilities aside and supported the Brotherhood's new campaign of aggression as best she could. Yet deep down, she understood that it meant their end would surely be soon to follow.
The implication is that the BoS, by taking HELIOS One, will eventually be targeted and destroyed by either the Legion or the NCR. Endings like these put in perspective the relative scale of the social forces that the developers of the game were imagining; New Vegas is much smaller, more isolated and highly fragmented than either the NCR or Caesar’s Legion. Even with the Securitron army, it doesn’t have the ability to defend itself from Vertibirds and artillery. If it did have the firepower, there isn’t a cohesive population that can be drawn from to create a military, and the Securitrons are a limited resource, capable of controlling a relatively small territory.

As I said in my last post, the NCR is the only group which is actively building up the productive forces and developing the infrastructure required for industrialization, the further development of the productive forces. The NCR has already gained the favor of many residents in the Mojave through their activity, by introducing employment, electricity, agriculture, social welfare, etc. The NCR are already an industrial society to an extent, capable of producing cement, clothing, tools, weapons, armor, of constructing railroads and brick buildings. That level of development is why it’s the “best choice for a marxist”, and the most capable option for producing the social classes and material conditions required for a communist revolution.

Raider Alliance

i couldn't give half a shit about what is "better for the wasteland"
i just want post-civ anarcho-pantheist commune alliances
the followers of the apocalypse are more than welcome to work in our occupied clinics
every single securitron will be destroyed, except yesman he'll be painted and stored in my barracks
i'll start my own tribe adjacent to the black vultures but more focused on christianity rather than islam
we still worship "madre" tho
Fiends are also welcome as long as they stop raping people
Cannibalism is still allowed tho.

>except yesman he'll be painted and stored in my barracks
anon, please don't turn yesman into a fuckbot

I just want to rp as Ulysses

Wait what's wrong with the Brotherhood of Steel? I thought they were the good guys in Fallout Verse to the extent that any side could be classifies as having more humanitarian impulses than others. Wasn't Fallout 3 just helping BoS find a cure or something?

Fallout 3 BoS were highly abnormal, in the other games they're mostly just assholes that hoard technology for themselves and attack other people who have it. The Eastern Brotherhood chapter basically was just like 'hey fuck it, why don't we actually help people'.

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Yes Man is just whatever you want. You can become Chairman of the People's Republic of the Mojave with a council of Followers under you, leading an alliance of the surrounding towns bolstered by your Securitrons. Then you can either be a Dengoid and let the Strip continue to operate or just turn it into some kind of Pitt-esque industrial center.
The game gives you ample opportunity to ensure that neither the Legion nor the NCR ever fuck with the Mojave again. With both Caesar and the Legate dead, they'll just turn into a bunch of raider bands/successor states within years. Then, of course, you have the opportunity to bump off the executive and the military leadership, leaving the NCR scrambling to recover for years if both Kimball and the general are dead.
You're forgetting the fact that Vegas has an enormous population in the form of unorganized slum-dwellers in Freeside, as well as already-organized communities in Westside with their own co-op farming and militia and sheit. Just tear down some junkie dens, put the degenerate Freesiders into re-education camps and turn the bombed-out buildings into workshops, bunkhouses, schools, everything a society needs. Once they're raised above subsistence level, the residents can be an ample labor force. Westside can serve as the "model city" for the Vegas region, you can reclaim the entire ruins and extend the Strip's walls little by little. The Followers will serve as an educational cadre and provide technical know-how for infrastructure like they do with the water pump and those two guys you get off of drugs.
With the power from Hoover Dam, the clean water from Lake Mead, all the minor groups like Fiends already cleared out by the courier, and every amenable group and Vegas citizen organized into militias, you can form a good core around which to ally the surrounding towns.
Goodsprings, the quarry, Novac, Boulder City, Jacobstown, and Primm aren't raider factions, they're all sedentary towns with an interest in mutual security and stable trade. And without the NCR around to provide structure, they'll be looking for something to replace it.
And you'd be surprised how easily the tribal/raider factions are pacified or their members siphoned off to more productive pursuits. After all, House did it with the three families, Caesar formed the Legion out of absolute barbarians, and the Kings are fine providing security.

Based. Too bad you don't see much of the Chinese.

the Fo3 Brotherhood are the typical hollywood american good guys,all the other are assholes that rush down and brutally murder everybody that find any old war tech to hoard it,with a massive emphasis on their "family" that is slowly dying.
even in Fo4 they're cunts,so it's not just the fault of bethesda writing,they're just an anomaly,and they actually got basically excommuniated because Elder Lyons refused an order,so they have to interact with the "savages" to stay alive instead of waiting for outside help.
Not sure you could really convince the Followers to become teachers,I think their motto is mostly to wander around the Wasteland helping random people (including cannibals because muh hippocratic oath) but I can pretty much see what you're going to answer me to that one.

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> All of the social groups in the Mojave must be interpreted as tribes; even if some have access to high technology. New Vegas itself is not a polity, there is no “public”, it’s a territory populated by many distinct and segregated groups of people with distinct modes of social organization, ranging from family households to large tribes. The largest three tribes are called the Three Families, and these control the Strip through the casinos, large commercial enterprises that depend on a transient population to be profitable. Robert House is a power broker and not a political leader, he can only exercise coercive control with his Securitron army, and he isn’t in command of any particular social group. Nearly all of the groups living in the territory of New Vegas are in extreme destitution, and have a low level of social and political development as a result. It’s likely that the majority of the residents of New Vegas are illiterate
True, for all of House's talk about how "ridiculous" Caesar's legion was for playing Romans he was equally if not more ridiculous for getting a bunch of unwashed tribal savages to LARP as figures from his contemporary era
the white gloves society especially, they were cave dwelling cannibal savages that Mr. House had playing as high class socialites

The Followers as a whole move around the wasteland, but the chapter in the Mormon fort is pretty much there to stay, and must have been there for years when the game starts.
They've already done a considerable amount of work around Vegas. They set up the water pump in Freeside, and in addition to performing medical services, you can convince them to make medicinal alcohol.
Did you go to Westside in the game? The Followers helped them set up a way to use the irrigation system to water their own co-op farm that makes a ton of produce and the town is relatively thriving, independent, and has its own militia.
All you have to do is give them permission to keep using the fort, and all they have to do is realize that helping you is the best way they can turn the Mojave into a developed region where people don't starve or die of simple diseases. House didn't give a shit about them, the NCR just let them do their thing. Now they get to be in on the ground floor of a new state in the wasteland, which comes with influence and respect. And probably resources, not to mention the continued safety of their fort as a base of operations in the east.
I don't mean schoolteachers, by the way, I mean using their expertise to educate a class of people who can lead the development of the Mojave. Basically what they did with Westside but on a larger scale.

we do see some,the ones in fallout 2 basically established San Fransisco as a research and knowledge center,which is pretty big
In the third game,it's mostly crazed military ghouls that shoot on sight.
There is no chinese presence in the Mojave.
and we have Captain Zhao in 4 as the only chinese character that you can interact with,a ghoul that lost his entire submarine crew because they became feral,and that just wants to go back to China.
There is probably more US presence in China than Chinese in the US tbh,because Beijin was nearly taken,Shanghai was taken,and Nanjing was occupied for some time.
I don't think it would be that hard to make a game set in Mainland China honestly (even playing as a American if Bethesda really wanted that),even if it would be a lot of blank to fill.
yeah that makes sense,I forgot about the fort.

Hear me out, I think the Legion might actually have some benefits(this isn't what you think it is) I think the Roman LARP fantasy of the Legion is a means to an end
Caesar was an academic who get lucky by getting the favor of a bunch of uneducated tribals and it snowballed from there. he leads a cult of personality over uneducated savages and uses the "Caesar" persona to keep them in check, he doesn't seem to respect any of his Legionaries and views them as tools for his political aims

when Caesar meets the Courier it legitimately feels like he's having an enjoyable and open conversation after decades of speaking with illiterate tribals, also to note if Arcade is sold to him as a slave, he is so amused by him and legitimately mourns him after he commits suicide. even though Arcade furiously rejects everything Caesar believes in constantly throughout the game, he'd still want someone to have an intelligent conversation with
I think Caesar planned to reconstruct the Legion after taking Vegas, he says so himself
>That's right. Decades of warfare, absorbing lesser tribes, gathering power. Forging the dross into a vast, razor-sharp scythe, We have cities of our own, but nothing compared to Vegas. Finally, my Legion will have its Rome,
>The NCR council will be eradicated, but the new synthesis will change the Legion as well from a basically nomadic army to a standing military force that protects its citizens, and the power of its dictator.

I think he planned after acquiring actual educated citizens and state structures, he planed to phase out the roman LARP and integrate his tribal Legionaries into a more civilized state


what? no i'll just into a TV or something like that

fisto is the only fuckbot anyone needs

>In the third game,it's mostly crazed military ghouls that shoot on sigh
Any mods that makes them not shoot you on sight?

How come the USA shot the nukes first (basically confirmed by this point) if they were invading China already?

cuz aliens

no im not jk its a possible reason if you check the lore videos

>cuz aliens

That's retarded

>no im not jk its a possible reason if you check the lore videos
Is that from lore in 1 and 2 or from Bethesda Fallout?

beethesda fallout

also some of the lore suggests that vault tech launched some of the nukes
aka a private company caused ww3

China shot first according to the ingame terminals (made by Enclave propaganda),there are some "jokes" about mothership Zeta,the film adaptation was supposed to be about vault tech dropping test nukes in the US and kickstarting it by not warning the US military….
The point is to keep it ambiguous on purpose,even if it's pretty obvious it can't be the US itself.
They annexed Canada and were steamrolling the chinese mainland with their power armor.
China didn't even have fusion power at the time,so they probably did the only thing conceivable.
there is also an AI in the second game suggesting his "AI friend" sends them to add to the confusion.
no,because they have no dialogue of note,and aren't actual characters,they're just a new flavor of ennemy NPCs and nobody has expanded on it.

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>also some of the lore suggests that vault tech launched some of the nukes
Didn't the Fallout Bible (made by the Interplay-Devs as some sort of loose canon) straight-up say that Vault-Tec shot first? And not even as a "test drop" but in a "WE ARE THE FUCKING MASTERS OF AMERICA, WE WILL DESTROY AND REBUILD IT IN OUR IMAGE" sorta way?

On that note, I am really tired of modders always resorting to Enclave fuckery to justify bases, anatagonists ETC. . Enclave this, Enclave that, how hard is it to make a quick cursory glance at the wiki, see what pre-war companies got up to, and have them (or some twisted remnant of such) as some sort of antagonist?

>no,because they have no dialogue of note,and aren't actual characters,they're just a new flavor of ennemy NPCs and nobody has expanded on it.
ngl, kinda disappointing


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The Old World Blues mod for HOI4 has what's essentially an Idiocracy cargo cult built around the remnants of Petro-Chico down in Mexico. They have a religion built around quarters and an annual report that's akin to Ragnarok.
I didn't play as them, I just read their thing in the new game menu though.
There's also another raider group that calls itself The Executives, built around the remnants of Vault-Tec. I don't think they have any content yet, though.

And then there's this gem.

>it's hegelian dialectics

Lmao that's great

>file name


>He even has less Charisma too
Fucking kek

Lmao. Is this the end of the Washington BoS path, judging from that guys armor, and their leader being an excommunicated Paladin? Anyway, we totally forgot the Texan Ancaps, which are the first antagonist of the Rio Grande Republic.


What complete fucking tool. It's called IMMANENT critique, not imminent.

And the stupid larper has the audacity of saying it not once, nor twice, but THREE FUCKING TIMES.

Dust is a sequel to NV, and you have to deal with the consequences of the courier.
As foreshadowed in the end of the Lonesome Road, tunnlers begin making their way toward vegas, and the humans left in the wake of the courier are powerless to stop them.
More forshadowing in the end of Dead Money, the fog starts spreading across the Mojave and with it, the ghost peoples.
Basically, there is a lot of foreshadowing from all of the DLCs, which makes this mod very interesting to me. It appears a lot of love and care went into it, and it would be a shame for you to not try it out, if you consider yourself a fallout fan.

Pretty sure it's a copypasta but people mixing up imminent/immanent will never not be funny to me.

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What would fallout 4 be like if it had vehicles including cars, tanks, jets, submarines, helicopters, boats, motorcycles and the ability to travel to different continent? Along with other weapons like drones, chemical bombs, and turrets

It would be Warzone 2100, not Fallout.

Based off the games lore this should’ve actually been in the original games since it would make sense when you consider how the story unfolds, you should also add trucks and trains to that list along with artillery

they would fly into the sky when colliding with anything.

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Fuck the NCR

Your right it wouldn’t be fallout it would be fun

Warzone 2100 is not fun (by modern standards)

Modern games are shit
Cod mw 2019 was genuinely the last actually fun cod game and that should’ve been its own separate complete game not a part of the cod franchise. Fallout 3 wasn’t perfect but it was actually still fun along with borderlands 3 and that’s it for the FPS world. The rest post 2013 is shit

Go play Warzone 2100 or Earth 2150 and tell me honestly that they are good enough to still play.

They aren’t I’ve already have

Why you arguing with me then????? Damn uygha


let the NCR have it
they could develop the Strip into more than just a coalition of the Three Families under Mr. House, give the smaller and more peaceful factions a voice, and keep the Legion at bay
i don't think they're anything like the US doing manifest destiny, they're just a bunch of vault survivors that want to keep democracy in the wasteland

>they're just a bunch of vault survivors that want to keep democracy in the wasteland
They're capitalists and if their poison is allowed to spread we'll be right back where we started 200 years ago

I either go with House or yesman just because we get to kick both the NCR and the legion out.

>i don't think they're anything like the US doing manifest destiny, they're just a bunch of vault survivors that want to keep democracy in the wasteland
that's exactly what they are meant to represent though, its like missing the point fight club is a critique of Toxic masculinity

>keep """"democracy""""
did you miss out on everything related to the NCR government,the oligarchy,the massive bourgeois controlling the industies in the newly annexed territories ?

oh no they actually develop the wasteland instead of enslaving ppl or leaving them to a life of kill or be killed

capitalism is slavery retard

um ok

it's actually not okay you massive faggot

>they actually develop the wasteland
they don't tho,they're basically engaged in nazy germany tier economics where they constantly expand to get more ressources and market or they die,and they're spreading the NCR army thinner and thinner every year,to the point that a single general ends up in charge of the quarter of a state,and can get BTFO by a band of slavers unless miracle courrier man saves their asses.
It simply isn't sustainable,even if it does look like "glorious capitalism of the past",the point is to show that it's not applicable at such a small scale.

>nazy germany tier economics where they constantly expand to get more ressources and market or they die
sooo capitalism?

;lets be honest here fallout nv isnt fucking accurate at all
like at this point and supposedly in the lore the ncr is supposed to have things like fucking tanks artillary verti birds and etc
and while i can understand supply lines are stretched the fact that none of these show up at new vegas at all is really fucking sus

realistically if they went full lore ncr i dont think the legion would have won

iirc they got smashed after what happened at the Divide
also development on New Vegas was really stunted in a lot of ways, the game world is actually way more limited than it could've actually been if bethesda/zenimax hadn't sabotaged obsidian

literal only18 months development

18 months



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>As a child his parents were members of the Great Khans living in Bitter Springs. His father was a sadistic murderer with an alcohol problem who used to take Bitter-Root out shooting members of the NCR, military personnel and civilians alike, since the age of three, later laughing with his fellow drug addicts about the killings. Bitter-Root's mother was an insipid person whose only useful quality to the group seemed to be her being, to quote Bitter-Root's father, "a smokin' hot piece of ass," attempting unsuccessfully to sell her son into slavery on numerous occasions in exchange for jet. He loathed his parents and the upbringing he received.[6]
wow the Indian allegory really fits with the Khans, this had to be intentional

No shit?

Sorry, that was a bit rude. But the native allegory with the NCR versus tribals is incredibly obvious.

I knew that already, I'm taking about the negative aspects, did they have to add in the alcoholism and drug addiction

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Theres only one thing I can think of whenever I see Mew Vegas

>Caesar is more right-wing then the Enclave.
Caesar is a LARP'ing /lit/ nerd reactionary UtopSoc who enslaves people for crimes and pissing him off Thomas moore Utopia style.
He isn't a straight up genocidal Nazi America allegory
>BoS is middle of the road.
Depends on Chapter.
West coast are basically reduced to a technology worshipping cult by NV,
East coast are feel good hippie commandoes handing out free food and water to people.
Chicago can be straight up commies and literally THE BEST faction in the entire series in some of the good endings of tactics.
>House is a Lolberg.
Lul wat?
He's literally doing Deng Xiaoping style reform and opening up to help develop productive forces and create a base of manpower big enough to improve the social-means.
He's Auth-VerySlightlyRight at least if not Slightly Auth-Left.

>Caesar is a LARP'ing /lit/ nerd reactionary UtopSoc who enslaves people for crimes and pissing him off Thomas moore Utopia style.
finally someone who gets it, I truly don't understand how people miss the obvious shit about the Legion being a tool for Ceaser's personal ambition
Caesar was an academic who get lucky by getting the favor of a bunch of uneducated tribals and it snowballed from there. he leads a cult of personality over uneducated savages and uses the "Caesar" persona to keep them in check, he doesn't seem to respect any of his Legionaries and views them as tools for his political aims

Because revolution requires an urbanized proletariat under liberal democracy, the NCR are vanguards of the revolution.

the NCR is hardly even capitalist though, the majority of their production is based around agriculture (and their agriculture is run by mega-kulaks at that, Brahman barons which basically crown the president) and have such a notoriously shit industry that they can barely equip their men on the frontlines of the most massive war that the nation has faced since the Enclave. Not to mention their main military base can't feed its own soldiers with anything more than fucking beans and corn. Its far closer to like 1890's Tsarist Russia than it is a proper capitalist economy, but with no Lenin or Bolsheviks in sight. If anything their decisive defeat in the Mojave might lead to enough destabalization that a revolution is feasible, a la how Russia's effective defeat in WW1 sparked the Bolshevik uprising. Especially so considering that the NCR parasitically depends on the Mojave for not only power, but water and food as the country is experiencing drought and massive crop failure. If they lose in the Mojave campaign they'd unironically be at the brink of a civil war.

eh idk about that chief

the ncr force in new vegas seems like a minor expeditionary group against gurrelia soldiers. which honestly says a lot about the ncrs government opinion on the conflict. Tbh its possible that the ncr has a decent industry back home that can produce tanks, and all sorts of vehicles but they arent sending it against the legion because by new vegas the conflict in the mojavee has the same reputation the late vietnam war had. Why are we doing this, and why should we fight in the war

its not tandamount to the Vietnam war on the scale of strategic significance - the NCR is in Vegas for literally the sustenance of life in power from the dam and helios, food from the sharecropper farms, and water from lake mead - without it, the nation would be crippled and mass-starvation and panic would ensue. the war in the Mojave is akin to vietnam because the prosecution of the war is literally just that bad, they are losing several-fold to fucking tribals with spears and machetes as a supposedly industrialized army because the nation is just that bad. even in the Long 15, the gate from the Mojave into the heartland of NCR, a stone throw's away from Shady Sands, there is hardly more than 5 vertibirds and a handful of armored vehicles, plus a smattering of trucks. its not that the NCR has an actually competent army somewhere and just doesn't deploy it, the stuff in the Mojave is on aggregate what the NCR military is like. If they had substantial tank and artillery reserves, Helios One wouldn't have been won by drowning the BoS in bodies but through coordinated shelling of the outer regions and strangling supplies from the building itself. they wouldn't fight the battle for the dam with massed infantry, they'd roll their tanks across the dam and use them as mobile cover to smash through the Legion camp and kill the hapless Legionaries.

also not to mention irl the war in vietnam had basically the best of the best of the US in it pretty much the entire time, the reason the US lost was because of insubordination in the army (mostly manifest in fragging officers and sabotaging their own patrols and returning to base under false pretenses) plus civilian pressure at home, but that is separate to the point of the game

Pretty much on-point except
>NCR parasitically depends on the Mojave for not only power, but water and food as the country is experiencing drought and massive crop failure.
While NCR Forces make no secret of wanting the dam, it is mostly for electricity it produces. There is only one NCR character who mentions that they're going to face shortages… is the local head of the OSI, who is brazenly incompetent AND open about how he views the solution to such a POTENTIAL problem solely as a means to get a seat at the bosses table. Every other person from the NCR almost complains about how safe and well-off they are.

The NCR couldn't finish the Legion of for two main reasons. 1) The Divide happened. Joshua Graham mentions how around the time of the 1st Battle, Hopeville exploded under the NCRs feet, which at that point was their main reinforcement route. Without it, they didn't see themselves able to pursue a retreating Legion. 2) their general is a gloryhound who thinks that winning the bloodiest battles will earn him a place in the history books. Which is also why they can't supply their troops to well, their entire strategy is essentially infantry spam.

>There is only one NCR character who mentions that they're going to face shortages… is the local head of the OSI
Well not only the OSI head, but sharecroppers and a handful of soldiers guarding them (and indeed them hiring non-NCR citizens to work for them reflects the loss of manpower in farmers being drafted, which is likely a part of it), the head cook at Camp McCaren (who tasks you to secure local sources of food for the NCR which they will trade in the sharecropper's food and NCR dollars for) and I think that one quest where you discover that Westside is stealing NCR water it gets mentioned but I forgot by who. The food situation in the NCR is unstable at the very least, and will only get worse the longer the war goes on/the bigger the front stretches.

>their general is a gloryhound who thinks that winning the bloodiest battles will earn him a place in the history books

More than that, Oliver is a goddamn moron. Him and Cassandra Moore believe that Legion will go for a frontal assault on the dam and that their main strategy would be to reappropriate NCR arms as they pushed, so they ordered the NCR soldiers which get captured to throw their guns over the dam. The actual strategy of the Legion, as it turns out, is that they have found secret entrances into the dam through old and unused outflow pipes which the Legion uses to overrun the dam from the inside, and then mass-charge from all angles coming from inside the dam, eliminating the numerical superiority and firearms advantage the NCR has and preventing them from even enacting their dumb idea of throwing their guns over the side of the dam or even pulling out of the dam back into Boulder City, because they'd be encircled. In a normal NCR run these places are basically completely unguarded and the only condition which it is guarded is if you recruit allies for the NCR (namely the BoS) which the NCR literally vilifies you for doing. You should try watching this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7lBYg-9MGU), it does a good job of showing just the totality of ineptitude of the NCR and how close they are to defeat without the Courier's help.

>Well not only the OSI head, but sharecroppers and a handful of soldiers guarding them (and indeed them hiring non-NCR citizens to work for them reflects the loss of manpower in farmers being drafted, which is likely a part of it), the head cook at Camp McCaren (who tasks you to secure local sources of food for the NCR which they will trade in the sharecropper's food and NCR dollars for) and I think that one quest where you discover that Westside is stealing NCR water it gets mentioned but I forgot by who. The food situation in the NCR is unstable at the very least, and will only get worse the longer the war goes on/the bigger the front stretches.
Ah, I think there is a misunderstanding here. I assumed you were talking about the entire NCR, even back in California, but the things you refer to are the NCR WITHIN the Mojave. In that regard I pretty much agree.

>More than that, Oliver is a goddamn moron. Him and Cassandra Moore believe that Legion will go for a frontal assault on the dam and that their main strategy would be to reappropriate NCR arms as they pushed, so they ordered the NCR soldiers which get captured to throw their guns over the dam. The actual strategy of the Legion, as it turns out, is that they have found secret entrances into the dam through old and unused outflow pipes which the Legion uses to overrun the dam from the inside, and then mass-charge from all angles coming from inside the dam, eliminating the numerical superiority and firearms advantage the NCR has and preventing them from even enacting their dumb idea of throwing their guns over the side of the dam or even pulling out of the dam back into Boulder City, because they'd be encircled. In a normal NCR run these places are basically completely unguarded and the only condition which it is guarded is if you recruit allies for the NCR (namely the BoS) which the NCR literally vilifies you for doing. You should try watching this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7lBYg-9MGU), it does a good job of showing just the totality of ineptitude of the NCR and how close they are to defeat without the Courier's help.

Same as above, we are pretty much on the same page here. My only issue was that we don't exactly know 100% sure just how developed actually is in regards to their military equipment, and making a judgement on that based on the in-game tactics the boneheads in charge use seems futile. You can pretty much make the point to Lanius that basing his success against the nation when they have home-advantage is futile, since they are barely "trying" (for a lack of better words) in the Mojave. A proper invasion is another business. But yeah, within the confines of New Vegas, chances aren't looking too hot for the NCR.

assuming Caesar croaks, Lanius taking over would probably be very bad for the NCR - he doesn't have the philosophical flights of fancy as Caesar does, who wants an imminent collapse of the NCR, where Lanius is fine going further east and conquering and getting stronger to face NCR with a far better chance of victory. So it'd be a period of cold war before Legion would grow exponentially through conquering their way through Mexico and the central US, probably only halting at Chicago (if you take Tactics as canon, because they'd run up against the Midwest BoS, who would be a bigger threat than NCR if they instigated against them). then they'd finally turn back around and lay into the NCR with far greater numbers, training, resources, ect. meanwhile I can't see the NCR mustering the will to do total war with Legion, they have no viable routes of expansion, not enough resources to continue industrializing and improving their productive forces, and they'd be recovering from a long and disastrous war. In this kind of Long War scenario, I'd give it 70-30 odds for a Legion victory.

He also noticed how awful the Omertas were and was like "Heh, you're kinda like the Mob." and reinforced their behaviour by introducing them to the Mafia aesthetics. He could have totally worked to curb their culture but he does not care. He's a retard.

You would also have to add in physics, modern armour, friendly fire, squad tactics applied to raiders, organized monsters etc along with removing shit like hit markers, hp bars, that black background games use for snipers. based off fallout lore the game really should play out more like arma than it does as an rpg being that every weapon in game is used on earth. Coincidentally an arma like fallout would also be 10 times more terrifying because of the ever present chance of getting sniped by scouts or air strikes by an unidentified aircraft along

>The Courier: "You recruited the Omertas as one of the Three Families?"
>Robert House: "Yes, though at the time they called themselves the "Slither Kin." A vicious clan, not that that's changed, exactly. They were nomads, capable fighters, but their specialty was betrayal. They'd invite travelers into their yurts, drug them, murder or enslave them. They took pride in their craft. I don't think Omertas saw other people as people at all. Everyone else was just… prey. They reminded me of a certain criminal element Vegas used to attract. I told them some stories, gave them some clothes - and they ran with it."


NCR, they're basically America during the manifest destiny but without genocidal tendencies

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>America during the manifest destiny but without genocidal tendencies
but they literally are through, Ceaser despite his shit talking of the NCR praises Kimbell for being ruthless towards the tribes of the Mojave, The NCR forcefully relocates and "civilizes" any and all tribals they come across

also: Great Khans

The Great Khans are very bad examples tho, being neither actually natives (Vault Dwellers LARPing as ones), nor are they actually peaceful, having terrorized the wastes for years before the NCR kicked their shit in. Hell, Papa Khan is pretty fucking unapologetic about all their pillaging.

I kinda wish people would stop putting them on a pedestal.

Well, they are more native than the rest (having been kicked out of the vault prior to everyone else leaving), and mostly took up raiding and pillaging cause they were exiles without many resources. its not even like they don't have skills that could be useful - you can convince them to make medicine instead of drugs for the followers, they are pretty competent survivalists that can eek out a living in places which would be unlivable for everyone else, ect. NCR just didn't see them fit inside their idea for society and thus set out to exterminate them.

As for violence, the NCR will easily forgive the crimes of New Reno and integrate them into the NCR, crime gangs more numerous, violent, corrupt, and evil than the Great Khans without blinking an eye so non-violence isn't a real category to exclude people on. Hell, the NCR constantly antagonizes the Followers, which is probably the most pacifistic people in the Wasteland. It's more about who fits into the NCR's re-imagination of American society, just as House would selectively integrate the 3 families and exterminate and/or evict the rest of the tribals in New Vegas. They are taking static categories of the Old World and trying to fit the New World into it, trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Really not unlike European colonizers in that way.

And why would Papa Khan be apologetic towards a nation which has not only gone on a campaign of extermination of their tribe, but also killed scores of women and children in Bitter Springs? Like, there is no reason in the world to be like "ooooh sorry NCR", fuckers are actively genociding your people.

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>being neither actually natives
they were Vault Dwellers at some point, but over the course of 2 centuries they don't even know of their own origins, as far as they have known they have always been like the way they are
also being tribal raiders doesn't excuse killing innocent women and children, the comanche were horrific raiders that even other natives despised but they didn't deserve to have their women and children to be killed and be confined to a reservation

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>They tracked us to Bitter Springs and surrounded us
>When our children, our sick and old, fled through a nearby pass, the NCR gunned them down.
That stuck me with me after all these years, It honestly got me looking into the history of mascaras against Natives

wtf does "native" even mean in the context of a nuclear apocalypse?

that is a good question tbh, my take is just the people that lived there and made their own culture and tribes.


<Making a raider expansion for New California

<A couple Enclave expansions as well
>although someone still needs to mod the original Enclave path
>Maybe maybe a smaller NCR expansion in the future (so i can raid the shit out of them)

Updated the compass map because fuck you i'm hungry

>tfw 4 fallout threads so i can't make a new one just for New California and mods

Fuck ya'll flooders

how are vault dwellers not natives then, since they live there and have their own tribes and culture? they just live inside vaults

>Fuck ya'll flooders
Retard, the problem isn't people posting about fallout, it's the shitty, dick sucking, brain dead mods that force every post into general threads on a board with 30+ pages, a catalog, and that moves at a pace of 10 posts a week

general threads are cancer and their supporters are retarded

I assume everybody that isn't chinese is a native tbh,they're just in extremely fragmented communities of different natives.
even the atzlans aren't even native americans and they act like wannabe aztecs.

You are retarded.

literally anything but caesar's

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chingas a tu madre Tandi

I'm right and you're not and I wish you luck in hopefully becoming less of a defective person.


when my mod comes out i'm making a FNC and NV mod thread and the only ones that can stop me are the fucking jannies fuck you motherfuckers

remind me in ten years.

they actually all suck. What i wanted to do when i found out what the game is about was to create my own faction, or maybe pull a couple together but that's not an option, deciding a choice was hard and i ended up believing in my own ego so i betrayed house and created an independent vegas which i regret somewhat.
>Mr. House
is batshit insane while having his head so far up his ass the only heat he feels is internal. dealing with him always felt off, like he was selling me something.
actual autists and larpers, i'm not sure how anyone can take them serious. I understand a hint of the desire to return to past ways of thinking of structure but i can't take the legion as being mentally sound. A bunch of wacko slave drivers.
literally retarded. what the fuck do you mean you value old world tech only and why are you weirdos in a bunker like this and why do you all come off as insane.
america 2.0? no thanks, that ideology is what most likely got us in this situation in the first place, why would i want you back in control just for the same thing to happen again.

honestly though i was stumped on picking a choice, going the independent route felt right when doing it but the ended left me questioning if i made the right choice, i don't like being a fence sitter.

>the independent route felt right when doing it but the ended left me questioning if i made the right choice, i don't like being a fence sitter.

I feel you. I blame the ending being sequested for it. Even if you did everything that'd end you a pretty good ending for every other faction, the result is either inexplicably worse (Fiends terrorizing the Vegas outskirts, despite all their leadership dead and your robot army upgraded), or clashes with the main component of the Indy ending ("secured indepence but the place faces chaotic years blablabla"). It comes of as Obsidian trying desperately add something bad to the ending so it doesn't become the morally good default choice (similarely to how the truce with the BoS was removed from Mr House).

side with china or any other normal country who has already fully rebuilt itself. turns out 200 years is more than enough to do that if you're not an amerimutt.

China got nuked to hell, but the USSR seems to have been untouched by the nuclear exchange. One FO3 mod even had the Soviets join forces with your faction, although you will have to thwart their equivalent of GKChP for it to happen.

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I wonder how many levels of revisionism they'd be on to still exist by 2077 and then not even participate against America or hunt down the Enclave afterwards.
Is the only hope Zapata's robot armies from OWB?

>side with china or any other normal country who has already fully rebuilt itself. turns out 200 years is more than enough to do that if you're not an amerimutt.
this…this isn't an option in the game, anon.

the zapata tree is a meme if you read the focus descriptions. everyone is enslaved by the AI and its robots, gets killed if they vote wrong, and gets turned into food when they die
i like playing the random little states without backstories, all the ones with stories are fucked up in some way

Right now (at least "canonically"), the only chance we got are the FoA radicalizing, since they DO have a variety of left-tendencies amongst themselves, even if they themselves are by and large anarchists. And pretty much all named members are clearly disgruntled with the NCR, who are starting to see them as an obstruction in their plans. And Arcade did mention spending his time reading about "failed socioeconomic theories", so communist literature may still be around.

>Joshua Sawyer: "'Any plans for a communist faction in New Vegas?'

>No, the Followers of the Apocalypse are probably the most 'left' you could get. And they're more like social-dem, I would say, personally."
>"The Followers of the Apocalypse: Libertarians, socialists, communists, or greens?"
>Joshua Sawyer: "They vary significantly, but range from anarcho-syndicatists to socialists to communists. Their general tendency to be inclusive and non-hierarchical means they don't have a single outlook or 'platform.'"

Any like those for NV?

Seriously, I'm surprised that there's a lack of commie mods for NV outside of uniforms and radio stations (At least on the Nexus)

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Maybe if we get enough attention into a Fallout Mexico they won't have any other option but to get into Zapatismo
i'm already working on a project like that doe

Funny enough, there IS a mod set in Mexico in the works called Nuevo Mexico. While we still don't know anything about the story at all, we do know that, while set in an Legion-occuppied territory, it is said in heavy upheaval, with several resistance groups having popped up. And a comment wishing to dwelve into the characters like Zapata, Santa Anna etc. was liked by the team, so who knows.


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i'll join the team but my project idea for "Fallout: Tijuana" is still better

Hmm I wonder what will win, my Laser RCW or an legionaries' shitty throwing spear. God these guys are retards

Personnaly, i think a Fallout game set in Cuba would have a lot of potential.

I mean, the point of the Legion is how expendible the common soldier is, while your electron charge packs are far less expendible (assuming you aren't a player character with super-plot armor). The NCR, a partially industrialized nation, has its military stretched to the breaking point and soldiers running around with scrounged weapons and armor, which is pretty bad considering that the NCR already uses majority very simple equipment like an AR-10 and leather body armor. A lot of the time the average soldier on the Mojave front is more poorly equipped than a Legionaire, seeing how many are running around with handguns and break-action shotguns.

Damn I wish there was a Nationale Volksarmee uniform mod

the brotherhood of steel got murdered by numbers alone,by the ncr,with conventional ballistic weaponry and explosives at helios one.
tech is cute,but you're not going to go full valkiria chronicle with your tank and conquer half the mojave with it.

I think it's disappointing they (being fallout modders/official devs/etc.) have not tried to incorporate more commie shit into the games

I'd love for J.E. and some of those old NV writers, if they're around, to take a crack at making a serious socialist faction in the games.

Bethesda is full of brain friend level designers who'll just default to some stupid stereotype and you'll kill the ghoul-ifed CPC chairman for a legendary leg bracer so there's no hope from them

are you sure? without amerifats around to fuck them they would have rebuilt and thrived fast. it would be boring.

I think the followers of the apocalypse was pretty cool

I mean it will probably end up at being made up of followers anyway,because they're the ones with books,or chinese remnants because they actually give a shit about that,but all the one we see just want to go back to "their nation" even tho it burned to ashes.
The closest we have to "commies" is the entire written lore is probably the twin mothers from van buren since their vault was to be an agrarian commune with no overseer except the human computer that has to constantly make sure they stay that way (most people don't consider canceled games canon tho,but I don't consider any bethesda games canon),but they also got wiped by the legion too. (almost like the only guys that were good were all conveniently east and too "pacifist" to survive hmmm)

>I mean it will probably end up at being made up of followers anyway
The Followers of the Apocalypse?

Interesting, would they be a splinter group of the original group?

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This is taking too long. We can't let Salt-Upon-Wounds escape. I'm going to find a way around. God willing, we will finish this together.

Real talk, as much as I usually like Obsidians writing, I think they genuinely shot themselves in the foot by making the White Legs into "Bethesda-tier Raiders, but Ooga Booga"-Edition, which almost, combined with the Sorrows own desires to defend Zion, siding with Graham a no-brainer (Daniel being correct about Graham's lack of awareness about his own darkness). Would have been better if the White Legs too were a tribe approached by Joshua to join the Legion like the Dead Horses, but unlike them still insist on Grahams promise to lead them to glory and to show them how well they emulate him, generally foreshadowing just what the tribes can end up being in the hands of someone like him.

The white legs were approached by Caesar to end the legend of the burned man. If they succeed, they join the legion, if they fail, they get massacred.
I think this a problem with the lack of content on the legion side of things in general, because I would have loved an option to ingratiate myself to Caesar by killing Graham.

>The white legs were approached by Caesar to end the legend of the burned man.
Yeah, but that's not what I meant. I meant personally by Joshua Graham, because it would have given Daniel's side more weight. That you can't conceivably do the stuff for the Legion is something I thought was a waste of opportunity as well, but as far as I know, lack of time and experience on the engine made that difficult to enact.

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when were u when u realized they were the same thing

Woah dude they made the enclave in real life!!!!

POV: You're a simp for the Enclave

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Trips do not lie. Fuck those deep state nazi snakes.

>tfw it's half of the posts on the oldworldblues subreddit
really makes me think.

Man, reminds me how much I'm tired of this "UNITED AMURIKA HOO-HA"" the averge Enclave player is. If you are going to play the submod, at least go down the federation tree instead of the reunification one and stop jerking yourselves off.

I was going to say there is no way The Institute is "auth left" but they're such a terribly written faction with no real goal or objective that you can headcanon them as being any ideology you want and you'd be correct either way.

The Institute is Chaotic Stupid

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Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck went wrong?

employing furry pedos that use the same account name for everything instead of having some opsec.
the project wouldn't have explosed at the very least,and the egregious content would've probably been removed anyway.

I don't really get what the big scandal was, people need to chill. Who cares if someone likes stinky feet or cub art.

>I don't really get what the big scandal was
As far as I'm aware, what >>16270 said, and the NCR Exiles campaign being a complete shitshow, and that's just what I know for certain

Probably the fact that it's another shitty fucking Fallout game that can't resist shoving tabletop role-playing mechanics where they don't belong.

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the story wasn't good and the slave girl thing was extremely weird fetish fuel, pic 1 is her ending slides. there was also the vault of seductive lizard people and the deathclaw bestiality """"easter egg"""" in pic 2. these come across less as wild wasteland quirkiness and more brazen insertion of fetishes that people don't want to be part of

All pedos must hang.

Real talk, everything:
>mod was about to be released, picked the absolutely worst guy to demonstrate it, promptly gets trolled to death
>4chan smells lolcows, AND throw tantrums because openly expressed their big dislike for both the Enclave ("they are fascist power fantasy") and Trump, despite including the Legion as a joinable faction
>they start digging shit up, amongst them:
<dude who drew cub porn was exposed, and the team knew about it beforehand
<unrestrained fetish shit, like the teenage enslavement thing with creepy undertone, the deathclaw bestiality etc.
<devs VERY obviously trying to weasel themselves out of any criticism, i.e. threw the cub artist under bus to save themselves and publicy accused him of being the perpetrator of the majority of things despite proof to the contrary
<stolen assets from other games, and people who raised very justifiably questions regarding their use were banned from their fbi.gov
<exceptionally thin-skinned, even by standards of the modding community
And that's not even the "story" itself
<NCR is a fucking mess, with literally throwing you into setpiece after setpiece straight-up taking from other games, from Cawadooty to Wolfenstein, Enclave involvement, contrived coincidences which ends in a wannabe Metal Gear-esque plot twist, including quoting a fucking MGS-Phantom Pain meme to console your companion while you see a part of the NCR nuked
<Legion and Crusaders are kinda mediocre, but the former doesn't even make sense being there, and the later play like your standard F3 BoS faction; not nearly enough to salvage things
<vehicles are nothing more than an obvious flex

Real talk, despite VERY obviously trying to flex on Bethesda about "how we gonna do reel fallout", they sure as hell doubled, if not tripled-down on every mistake Bethesda did, even some of Obsidians, and every fanfic writer. What a mess.

Kek someone should make that a mod or at least a fanfic. Basically China has fully rebuilt Itself into the Neo-PRC and it’s sending the PLA to reconnect with the rest of the world but when they arrive at America, they realize it still is a massive shithole where it looks like only 2 weeks have passed since the bombs dropped and not 200 years.

>First pic

>in pic 2. these come across less as wild wasteland quirkiness
Apparently the sexy time stuff was supposed to be part of the Wild Wasteland perk, but wasn't because they forgot to code it lmao

Well, there's a HoI IV mod set in the Fallout 'verse where one of the playable countries are remnants of PLA that were in the US at the time

OG New Vegas had a gay sexbot literally named Fisto and one prostitute voiced by an underage VA. In Fallout 2 you could be a porn actor/actress and even a fluffer.
Shit like this just sounds like par of the course for the series and it seems to me that detractors of the game are just looking for extra things to hate the game for when the abysmal story and awkward as fuck game design are more than enough.

there are 3 nations in OWB,but none have content for now. (even the Shi only have a submod that I'm pretty sure needs an update)

>In Fallout 2 you could be a porn actor/actress and even a fluffer.
Kek, what?

>>16290 (me)
also it just came to me that prostitution was entirely removed from FO4,when it was in skyrim and FO3 as well.

Fucking kek

You can fuck the singer at one of the bars. Maybe the Synths were the Institute’s attempt at creating sentient sex toys/sex workers that went horribly wrong.

Exactly. The Kiwitards are just pissed because they never made anything in their lives.

there is the zapata communist path in mexico if you want some communism

no,it's litterally anti communist,did you even read the focuses ? probably unironically written by a libertarian,zapata is just larping as a commie while being a slaver dictator robot.

I dunno if I would call it anticommunist, I think the joke is just 'lol insane robot'

I'm probably going too far yes,but it's not at all "communist" that's for sure.
Moctezuma does human sacrifices (like the others nations that are there,so it doesn't look that crazy compared with the rest of the region)
I'm pretty sure Maximillian is the "good" path too,but I don't remember it.

to be fair, lorewise tlaloc gets all its history from rabidly anticommunist and chauvinist american sources and constructs its personalities from them

i can’t organize the sharecroppers into worker’s power, shit RPG

What RPGs let you do that?

Tyranny? IDK


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I do have slight hopes that Update 5, playing in formerly US-occupied Canada, will have something in store for us. I is apparently (very) loosely based on Fallout Extreme, a canceled game by Interplay. Looks like the map guys are so far ahead in development that they'll release said map in a Beta state, as well as a handful of nations that already have focuses done.

Looks cool, I wish the OWB people would have a bit more of a 'quality not quantity' focus though.

>I is apparently (very) loosely based on Fallout Extreme, a canceled game by Interplay
Interesting, what was that supposed to be about?

To be fair, a vast majority of them are guaranteed going to cannon fodder. And update 4 still has to roll out, Canada will be rather lacking in content initially.

Well, let's just say Bethesda got their BoS obsession from somewhere.
>"According to the design document the game would have taken place almost a century after the Great War."

>"The Brotherhood of Steel, the "once silent organization," has been expanding and seizing more and more territory under their control. Their area of influence stretches as far as Alaska, where their new headquarters is now located. Their agenda "leaves little room for the survival of radiation or Forced Evolutionary Virus outbreak victims." Local humans are either drafted into their ranks as cannon fodder or enslaved, and mutants are outright eradicated. They are whom the player would oppose during the first half of the game."

>"The player controls a squad of revolutionaries known as the Cause. Throughout the game, they would gain momentum, starting in Oregon, then north through Washington, Canada, and eventually reaching Alaska. Each reclaimed town would vow loyalty to the Cause."

>"However, after defeating them, the player would learn why the Brotherhood set out to Canada and Alaska in the first place. The Cause must now venture across the Bering Strait, through the Russia, Mongolia and finally into China, in order to disarm the Doom's Day Missile that would obliterate what is left of the United States of America. The endgame would then take place within the Forbidden City, where the Chinese Emperor resides."

>To be fair, a vast majority of them are guaranteed going to cannon fodder. And update 4 still has to roll out, Canada will be rather lacking in content initially.

Sure of course, but their 'main' countries are often a bit threadbare, a great lack of events, many fairly boring focusses, no real choices, etc.

>"However, after defeating them, the player would learn why the Brotherhood set out to Canada and Alaska in the first place. The Cause must now venture across the Bering Strait, through the Russia, Mongolia and finally into China, in order to disarm the Doom's Day Missile that would obliterate what is left of the United States of America. The endgame would then take place within the Forbidden City, where the Chinese Emperor resides."
The idea looked pretty good, but then I read this lmao, I mean, that whole paragraph looks like it could be part of a couple games lmao

TBH it would be pretty cool for a post apocaylpse game to fucking be outside America for once (even if only part of it)

>it would be pretty cool for a post apocaylpse game to fucking be outside America for once
never heard of stalker/metro?

Caesar’s Legion are the real face of bourgeois “progress”. The NCR is also not much different, they just have euphemized slavery in the form of sharecropping and they’re autocratic in a lot of ways. Turning New Vegas into a weird automated police city state via Yes Man isn’t much better either.

>Caesar’s Legion are the real face of bourgeois “progress”.
Care to elaborate?

Okay, fair enough, 1 example (Stalker doesn't really count), but most of those games take play in subway tunnels anyway.

Caesar’s Legion is built on the political philosophy of historicism, necessity, self-sacrifice, human nature, etc and enforces patriarchy and social darwinism. It’s pure ideology, and what it unleashes is probably even worse than the feudalism/tribalism that it abolishes.

i think it's literally just meant to represent the transition from primitive tribal society to the ancient mode of production (slave society). it's obviously pretty terrible from a moral perspective, but i do think it's interesting at the very least and not really any more "pure ideology" than any other major faction. they're all larpers to some extent.

I choose Fallout 3 because it's clearly the superior game.

fallout new vegas is the true fallout 3. the so-called "fallout 3" is actually fallout brotherhood of steel 2.

>fallout 3 is not fallout 3

did you just want to post that frog or something?
it's a good frog. saved thanks

it's just a lie Bethesda is trying to sell you.
Reject archaic naming conventions.

nope, they have capitalism, however the bourgeoisie aren’t in political control and the caste system keeps them under control while also benefitting them in some ways, like providing cheap or even free labour through slavery

>capitalism is when markets

i don't remember their society being particularly different than rome, which did have economic elites, private property, markets, etc. and yet still was not capitalist since they were limited to simple commodity production at most.


'Coalition' playthrough
>Help every town you come across
>Defeat the powder gangers
>Distribute HELIOS energy to the full region
>Befriend the Followers
>Steal the chip to set up Yes Man ending
>Do the 'Side Bets' quest line
>Unite with the Boomers
>Unite with the Brotherhood
>Unite with the Khans
>Murder White Glove Society (they are bourgeois, and also cannibals)
>Stop the Omertas' bomb plot
>Upgrade Securitrons
>Recruit Enclave remnants through Arcade Gannon to side with the NCR
>Complete Wild Card tree and gain support of Followers
>Kick Caesar's ass at Hoover Dam, then throw General Oliver into the canyon

At this point you have the support of most communities within the Mojave. Banditry and crime are on the decline and foreign powers have been beat back. The political project for the future (after the events of the game) would be unifying the disparate tribes into a single polity. Obviously this is more of a liberal-democratic approach to the ending than the NCR ending (which could be seen as historically progressive), but I find that in a game set in such a different world it's better to simply do what seems right than try to play as a Marxist.

>the Doom's Day Missile that would obliterate what is left of the United States of America
finally, the authleft solution to the fallout problem

wish you could take over all of new vegas with great khans

p sure there's an ending where peace is made with them and they're left alone on their own territory

that's not what I want, I want the great khans to take over vegas

No it’s not the difficulty or RPG elements it’s how primitive the base game actually is

Don’t ADS
Don’t interact with NPCs
Why? Because the camera when you ADS literally pulls itself forward instead of exclusively shifting the way your arms positioned meaning if you have a modified FOV every time you try ADSing you’ll feel the camera either pulling you to close or to far from your target, for NPCs enjoy constantly watching this nauseating effect where the camera path finds itself to whoever the fuck is talking to you instead of making NPCs only intractable within a certain range, and that’s just the start of the bullshit

This games buggy as fuck, you get a fucking grenade launcher at the start, and if you shoot bottles or objects most of the time they’ll move just fine but not explode due to the shockwave or the explosion itself, neither does your in game character move at all or even has the camera shake to imply you hit yourself, movement feels clunky and guns feel like complete shit to use compared to any other game and at best tolerable when not ADSing, I found another bug where mutant enemies were spawning at the fucking tutorial level not even late in the tutorial just at the start purely due to a bug and it wasn’t just one but 3, another bug where shooting bottles didn’t cause them to explode but just load in a decal that didn’t even match up with the ammunition used, another bug where even if you were standing directly next to NPCs the camera would still pull itself to where it thinks it should be, another bug you get the point
Holy I need mods to patch this into being a stable game

My dude it's like 13 years old now, I feel like you're nitpicking

Half life 2 was released in 2004, unreal tournament was released in 1999, l4d2 2009, black ops was made in the same year as new Vegas

I get obsidian only had 18 months to make the game but not bothering to update and immediately patch out the bugs since it’s initial release even after the special editions really hamps on what could’ve been

Saying new Vegas is primitive is an understatement the games half broken

The sprint button doesn’t work at all
You can visibly see pop in of basic assets fucking everywhere
Shooting human NPCs in the head doesn’t instakill hell it doesn’t even do extra damage
Bullets can sometimes clip through enemies
Rag dolls are constantly egected to separate dimensions and that’s just the surface

You need dozens of mods just for the game to even play as if it’s in its beta stage

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>be me
>reinstall new vegas for the hundredth time
>install all the unofficial patches, an alternate start mod and the jsawyer mod
>char: enclave super soldier named MD Geist (enclave remnant start, logan's loophole, hardcore mode enabled, guns/explosives/energy weapons build with literally 0 speech skill)
>start in shack safehouse with Legion and some miners. Kill everyone because everything must be solved with violence.
>Make my way north and recruit Boone.
>Kill Legion patrols until hated.
>Boone gets upset when I kill the NCR soldiers because they decided to get violent when I had a minor altercation with a gun runner. He leaves, then learns the hard way that you don't leave Geist's company alive.
>Recruit Veronica because she was the only one who didn't aggro when I shot the gun runner.
>Rest, wake up to a Khan hit squad.
>Veronica dies , so do the Khans.
>Head crippled, barely any ammo.
>Survive fiend attacks and make it to Westside to heal up.
>Use the sewers to get to the NCR base
>kill the guards and use their uniforms to take the monorail to the Strip
>kill Benny, kill the Tops casino
>meet house and go to the Bunker
>Activate Bunker
>go back to starter shack where I dumped my enclave armor and gatling laser
>pick em back up and return to House
>Personally show House my awesome armor and weapons
>Get Yes Man
>Yes Man uploads himself.
>Game glitches and I cannot interact with Yes Man
>I've been using a single save the entire playthrough
Yes this game is pain, but its good pain.

>>I've been using a single save the entire playthrough

Rookie mistake man, I'm sorry tho

Or do the smart thing and install over a dozen mods so that the game actually feels finished

Patching the games bugs with mods make the game go from painful to boring due to how old it is and it’s features compared to other games you need even more mods to make the game fun

>Camera isn't the position I want
you're nitpicking with most of the stuff, and mutants spawning in goodspring? how about reinstaling the game? I've never heard of a bug like that.
also unpopular opinion I love the guns in new vegas, I don't understand at all why people hate it. enemies can be bulletsponges but that's just part of the game being a role playing game.

>that’s part of being a role playing game
<shooting a guy several times in the head with a fucking shotgun and he still survives, and doesn’t even look phased or indicate he’s injured by it
<immersive role playing

have you ever played any worthwhile role playing game in your life? if you spec out your character properly you won't have any problems with the combat.
even tho I like the guns in the game, it's combat is known to be underwhelming the game is popular mostly because of it's writing, world building and roleplaying elements in general.

>use the right builds for the best experience
It’s a role playing game, I play and customize the game in a way that suits me, that’s literally the fucking point of having customization options in games that’s literally the reason why RPGs have so much appeal

Also no there’s like 2 fucking threads exclusively shitting on how bad the combat in every 3d fallout game is, new vegases combat is merely tolerated

if you don't build a guns build than don't fucking play with guns dumbass

I’ll play the fucking way I want fuckwit. If the devs told the NV community to only play a specific way people would fucking leave because the game would be sterile in what people could do with it due to gatekeeping

you have to build the character to be able to play the way you want you fucking moron

>you have to follow this very specific method of building a character to be able to build a character using a nonspecific build
Yeah fuck off. I can’t tell if you genuinely believed that was an argument or your retarded either way fuck off fag

New Vegas shines as an RPG where it fails as a shooter OP

You’re right, the sprint button doesn’t work, ADSing and moving feels janky to the point where you can’t even move diagonally, AI is bugged out, peripheral vision is blocked with scopes and binoculars are straight up useless but that’s not why people play new Vegas, if you either mod the game to patch out its flaws you can step in to the real heart of the game which is immersing yourself into its expansive and emergent world, sure a lot of it is empty space but being able to interact with it the way you want, see factions fight each other, gain and lose reputation with whoever you align with, die constantly and get spooked by mutants all are what bring people back to this beloved title not to mention the customizability

that quote doesn't even replicate what I'm saying, if you're not going to build a guns character you're not going to be gunning, that's literally how every role playing game works. just go back playing some crappy shooter games if you have a problem with that

If fallout 4 did anything right it was locational based damage

SO MANY enemies in new Vegas can be described as bullet sponges because obsidian spent so much time building the rpg mechanics of the game they forgot it was an fps meaning most enemies when shot in the head isn’t different from being shot anywhere else discouraging actually trying to get good at aiming, some enemies don’t have any vulnerable regions at all like radscorpions or robot enemies like sentries that take an unfair and comical amount of ammo to kill where it’s possible to fire a fucking missile at these fucks over and over again and they still won’t die, it’s not fun

Combine that with janky ass gunplay and you get pure fucking misery and constant death


you can tell the majority of people who use this website are more on the reddit-side rather than being people from 4chan because they bitch about the shooty shooty from a series with its roots from something that's basically a visual novel not being comparable with fucking COD lol


you guys call yourselves communists yet your standard of culture is so low. new vegas isn't even high culture but it's better than something that's literally US state propaganda like CoD is

both of these issues are fixed with mods

cod has terrible gunplay

the more pretense for realism the gunplay has the worse it is

There needs to be a balance of realism and arcade like features to a games gunplay
We’re not expecting new Vegas to be like arma especially considering half the mutants and robots only have their status justified by being bullet sponges but at the same time we’re not expecting titanfall levels of violence and easy kills. I just want the guns to feel good and the difficulty to be reasonable, not necessarily easy or needlessly difficult but fair like having locational based damage that can quickly end fights like in fallout 4 but at the same time enemies can kill you as quickly if you play like shit

I don't like replaying it because it is a dogshit game

cod 2 was pretty fun tho

What keeps me coming back are the 52 mods I installed exclusively dedicated towards fixing the games dogshit gameplay and patching out most of its weird as shit bugs. From what I’ve seen new Vegas tends to have the best mods because it’s core gunplay and attempts to integrate RPG mechanics into an FPS is so awful at times it genuinely created the incentive to pump out the best mods like B.L.E.E.D, new Vegas bounties, AWOP, solid project when that shit was still around, hitman47101s animations, cover based stealth mechanics etc that make the game bearable to genuinely fun play and not completely unbalanced

I like playing it Vanilla :)

Yup, it was a pretty good game out of the box, which I cannot really say about Fallout 4. Just make sure to save often and in multiple slots.
Following the Viva New Vegas guide is pretty much a must if you want to bring the game to an approximation of its finished state and make a stable base for further modding, so I prefer to first do it and then install the mods on top. So far it is pretty fun, with no crashes in sight.

30 hours in with ranger gear, nuked both the NCR and legion, have a Gatling laser and an anti material rifle…

Don’t know how much content this game has but its looking like I’ll be patrolling until my fucking death considering I have 2 DLCs to finish plus AWOP quests and new Vegas bounties before I can say I finished this dumbfuck game and I can’t stop…

I just hate the story, not new vegases story but fallouts story as a whole, pretty much every interesting idea that could’ve been explored in a post nuclear war torn planet gets eradicated the moment the GECK program gets retconned so the enclave could exists and fallout goes from a story about war, political discourse and civilian response to some weird sci fi thing, they don’t even acknowledge the rest of the planet in this series the moment the Great War starts or give you the option to play in different countries in any of the games made about it man…

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>>Yes Man uploads himself.
>>Game glitches and I cannot interact with Yes Man
That's not a glitch, he just decided he was captain now.

More on this

t. newer fan

In the original game there is something called a Garden Of Eden Creation Kit which can basically bring back nature and undo the damage of the nuclear war (albeit in a relatively small area), the whole point of the first game is to go and get one of these (and some other stuff later), this lore is basically ignored in the 3d games though to stick with the dusty wasteland type thing, the fact that there are places with nature again isn't even mentioned IIRC (and the fact that the Enclave was already destroyed in Fallout 2, whoops they're back now)

Short explanation of fallouts story

Oil becomes scarce, Cold War doesn’t finish but continues with china a lot of wars start breaking out and eventually it goes nuclear, citizens get locked in bunkers in case of such an emergency and are handed GECK kits to restore the planet. That’s where the story should’ve ended but the original writers are fucking idiots and reconned it with enclave, brotherhood of steel(there not the good guys just angry mole men with stolen tech there as evil as every other faction) and ncr shit while legion and the raiders feel like something out of a fucking sitcom both in their aesthetic design in every fallout game and how they’re written

I thought the first game was about getting a water chip

My bad, you need to get the GECK in the second game.

the enclave having multiple outposts (especially in washington) is something that was even proposed in van buren,with a montana chapter and the oil rig blowing up just force them underground like the BoS.
Arcade Gannon in New Vegas for exemple had the same exact backstory already written for it in van buren.
The USA are huge and it's been stated that there are a ton of BoS chapters,so it didn't strike me as odd that the Enclave had smaller bases,they're just never going to really recover from the chosen one.
John Henry Eden is a pure Beteshda creation tho,even if the idea of ZAX units being that important was also explored by the original writers.
it's true that the world being dead as fuck 200 years after the first and second game is ridiculous on top of being a massive plothole,even fallout 4 that tries to make it look like nature came back has shitty weed,and 76 that happens 60 years BEFORE THE FIRST GAME has a world more colorful (which is also dumb)

No anon new Vegas isn’t painful enough

Pip boys freeze time along with looting
VATS is an overglorified aimbot
Bullet sponges are everywhere and the player is also one of them making fights always one sided often to the player
You’ll notice how limited the field of view for NPCs really is pretty quickly by setting your actor distance to max


>even fallout 4 that tries to make it look like nature came back has shitty weed

It's two games now and no one has told any environment artist at Bethesda that 200 year old skeletons wouldn't be in the same place with a stogie in their hand and their clothes undisturbed

I don't know why they didn't just set both of their games after the bombs fell. Nothing in those games requires such a large time gap lol.

Also in Bethesda games skeletons stick together in a human shape somehow post-death

Conflicted, I like wasteland look and feel but messed up lore is never good.

That’s not really the fault of Bethesda as much as it was the fault of the original authors. Say what you want but the guys at the studio weren’t the guys that thought making the enclave pointlessly evil was a smart idea they just make the games.
Download istewie tweaks ini mod, and the disabled vats mod, ctrl f and search for the settings for exp and quest popups, enemy NPC markers and combat music, disable all those settings and replay the game. Believe me you’ll get jumped alot due to the lack of audio and visual feedback informing you about what your enemy is doing and if they’re even dead

Pointlessly evil? They're the ones who started the war in the first place!

Personally I always thought that twist was utter garbage because it obliviates the games central ideas even more than enhance anything because destroying the enclave in 2 would be the end of fallout as a franchise while the word reverts back to normal as if literally fucking nothing happened and nothing would be learnt because the story was forced rather than being the natural byproduct of geopolitical tension that readers could’ve invested their time into understanding

The raiders are the biggest problem honestly

Obsidian and Bethesda really make these guys look far more stupid than they’re, these people can take over towns, build bases, craft and fend off for each other they shouldn’t be looking like a bunch of bdsm kids on fucking crack especially not in a place as dangerous as the Mojave, obsidian really should’ve given them more respect when designing them

Actually I’m not even gonna stop at how goofy as fuck raider designs are but how often ignored how people transport things in new Vegas is

Like fuck you see wastelanders hauling around their junk everywhere on Brahmins and you go “well shit that makes sense” then you go out and see raiders carrying fucking hundreds of rounds of ammo and entire fucking miniguns out of jack shit no where while every aspect of raider society from how they defend themselves, how they transport things, how they feed and nurture each other is all ignored man. It’s fucking strange considering how much the RPG elements were mastered in this game all to know that raiders truly get their asses handed to them in the one game where they really should’nt have been. Fucking fo4 treats these people with more respect

Thread re-designated to Fallout General.

The map size

Yes it makes sense from a game developers perspective to make the maps smaller in every new title because having large worlds filled with nothing in them is boring as shit, but
And I fucking repeat this
Do not take this out of context
<out of personal preference I prefer the larger open spaces
Why? Because it genuinely makes these games feel larger, even if most of those areas are small levels in between the actually fun gameplay I’d like having cool shit to do in those regions like building thinks, hunting, getting lost in the map etc. I know it’s not for everyone and there’s legitimate reasons beyond game design why this isn’t implemented like floating point precision but that’s what I’d want

Here’s what I think of it

It’s the shittiest revolutionary game of all time

Revolutionary because it defined most aspects of what’s associated with 3d open world shooters which gave us far cry, the outer worlds, metro, stalker etc

Shitty because not even ID tech and modders could save how unbelievably fucking shit, clearly unfinished and blatantly broken the core gameplay is. It’s so fucking janky and distracting to the point where it’s frustrating to put up with and makes you forget about the RPG mechanics of the game

If you like it you either love it out of nostalgia or like the RPG mechanics. If your new to old fallout games play this only for the main quest and try your hardest to ignore the sway, bullet sponges, and constant recycling of assets because underneath all that shit is genuinely a heartwarming RPG

>Revolutionary because it defined most aspects of what’s associated with 3d open world shooters which gave us far cry, the outer worlds, metro, stalker etc
did it?


It’s that old and most RPG and exploration mechanics like fast travel, discovery, survival shit etc was indirectly or directly based off this garbage. Still wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone because the design decisions made for it are so hilariously awful it’s amazing they’re not bugs like attaching weapon sway by default making aiming in the game literally impossible for the entire play through in a first person shooter game, or making the game a massive waste land with not much in it like in fallout 2 but using a genre defined by fast paced gameplay and linearity in level design, or making food not even like uncooked raw food I mean just generic food normal people can eat irradiated for no fucking reason beyond tediousness. It all feels like an even bigger chore to play with than fo4 because at least bethesda learned their lesson with new Vegas and fo3 and fixed the horrible gunplay to being just mediocre

This is seriously what Bethesda thought was an acceptable standard for the game to be in

During a time where left 4 dead 2 WAS FUCKING COMING OUT?????

Far Cry and Stalker both pre-date Fallout 3 as well, so I also question this statement.

Unless there are some clearly defined "things" that Fallout 3 did to "revolutionize" the industry, you can hardly attribute much to it.

There's more to say about its status among RPGs than there is to its status as a "revolutionary game".

Fallout 3 really just popularized open world sandboxes, but you are right it's real bad. The main gameplay is FPS, but the engine handles camera rotation using what must be some kind of int variable instead of a float, because you can see that the crosshair moves in tiny discrete jumps instead of smoothly. It was also so unfinished that they didn't do a proper pass for LODs and there's several places where you can see an entire building appear suddenly when you arrive within about 50 feet of it.


It isn’t plenty of diverse threads get made all the time

I see the game as one of the first real attempts at changing how shooters were imagined to be
Most shooters at the time of fo3 d release were centered around action, co op and multiplayer especially with the rising influence of games like cod and halo

There is a lot of problems to unpack with these games. I think the jannies should eventually just combine these threads into one though.

Just did my first playthrough and this is exactly what I did minus the fact I missed Gannon's quest line completely because I forgot to go ever recruit him as a companion

>some enemies don’t have any vulnerable regions at all like radscorpions or robot enemies
radscorpians take extra damage to the tail and robots take extra damage to their combat inhibitors (and as a bonus, crippling it makes it berserk)
every enemy does have a weak point somewhere, its just that the way that DT works can really dampen damage. been a while since I looked at the formula, but DT was applied universally, so armor on your body would also work on your head, and DT subtracts damage from incoming bullets by its armor rating (up to 80%) [unless the bullet is AP, which subtracts DT by however much the bullet penetrates for), and then the resulting damage is multiplied by what area it hits - 1x for the chest, 1.5x on the head, 0.9x for limbs to use humans as an example.

tl;dr even if you get a headshot, the armor might reduce damage so much that even the damage multiplier can leave it with pitiful damage

oh, to boot, if you are using hollow point ammunition, it MULTIPLIES the DT of enemies by a certain amount (usually either 2x or 3x) which can further reduce damage, and a lot of creatures like deathclaws have inherent DT as well (like 15 DT, the same as a full set of combat armor). Generally you always want some kind of AP rounds on hand in New Vegas, cause most enemies bar fiends tend to have at least some armor.

Why are supermutants green?

In bethesdas original design they were like ghouls, they had flesh coloured skin, they were generally larger, had more shit on them and by design we’re supposed to have deeper voices and generally sharper claws and teeth

Why the nerf in appearance and colouring?

>bethesdas original design

Yeah I know fallout wasn’t originally made but the following was concept art supposed to be implemented in the 3d games

Instead we got some goofy ass ork looking dudes

Hell even new Vegas fucked them up and made them look even goofier and less scary compared to fo3

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>Why are supermutants green?

it is true to the Fallout 1 talking head

as to why super mutants are predominately green, nobody really knows. nightkin show that the skin color can change, so it may be that their skin tones can be changed by design - the green and yellows of super mutants might be a form of natural camouflage, while the purple skin of nightkin is to help them blend into the dark for their stealth missions.

of course the truth probably died with the Master, so its all speculation unless Todd decides to throw the answer on some terminal somewhere

Fallout: New Vegas is the most glorified walking simulator known to history
Also the gamershit "community" doesn't deserve Todd Howard

>walking simulator
/v/ermin moment

>game involves walking from one location to another
>ergo it is a walking simulator

He’s not completely wrong

New Vegas tried to balance the meta of fallout 3 but didn’t go far enough

Carry weight is too high
There’s no penalties for having a gorrilian guns and stim packs on you
Every boss uses the same ai script as the super mutants from fo3 but compensate by being massive annoying bullet sponges
Deathclaws are completely unbalanced like seriously you can’t even wound their armour stats at all kind of unbalanced
Despite the introduction of more ammo types it really doesn’t feel like there’s enough nor are there enough types of guns considering the map and word size
A shit
SHIT load of assets are reused in fnv from fo3 you get the just
The games meta should’ve been retested and rebalanced before release, the gameplay once you get past level 10 requires 0 stealth or weapons other than ordinary firearms which is why gameplay can get so boring so quickly

none of those make it a walking sim, you can just say "I think it's bad"

? /v/ sucks that game’s dick
literally every major and minor quest is a variation on “get to this place and/or object”
there’s pretty much no story or gameplay besides that
not really a fault of the developers since they were under a pretty unreasonable time-crunch at the time, but yeah it’s not a fun or interesting game at all

The difference between the harsh wasteland aesthetic of fallout 3 vs the happy to the point of cartoonish aesthetic of fallout 4 is literally just a minor adjustment to the colour pallet

A modification to do that or playing around on an image editor and discovered it?

Why you wanna apply a video filter to fo4?

Sure? Maybe?

Or one to fo3 for shits and giggles

being a contrarian with dumb /v/ terms is still /v/, hell, being contrarian is maybe even the most /v/ thing possible

Mf want play with the Mexico filter.

i hate that fucking shit so much

im gonna go out on a limb and assume ascribing abstract phenomenon to /v/ for no reason is a /v/ thing

FO4's art style reminds me of Wolfenstein and pulp fiction inspired movies like Rocketeer and I kind of prefer it over FO3/FNV's grimy shit look. People who say its entirely cartoonish clearly are either too used to the grimdark shit aesthetic or have not seen the game beyond the opening scene, the entire point of which is stealthily lampooning the idyllic image of a 50's suburban sugar bowl before the facade is dropped and the Chinese start purging everything with righteous nuclear fire.

Honestly that description is fucking perfect

My issue is mostly in that it doesn't really go far enough to critique Americana or America really. Bethesda always treats the world as a setting rather than as a story itself, which is pretty ironic considering how many little micro-stories they like to put into their games as funny little props. That America ever even existed feels almost tangential to the game, and its only surviving legacy is banal aesthetics and a hellish planet, but the fact that is its only legacy is never even really commented upon.

So in the end, it comes across more as an unironic endorsement of the nuclear americana than it does anything else.

that is incredibly /v/, yes

Take your meds.

The games are wacky I love it and hate it

That’s genuinely the most genuine thing I can say about fallout. It’s wacky, the story is fucking weird not because of Bethesda it was always strange but my god playing the games in 3d amplifies the wackiness to a new degree. Fallout 3 sees you destroy Washington under a fucking robots command while new Vegas sees you nuke the state of California for no fucking reason or destroy it again under a robots command. The meta is fucking confusing, like they probably should’ve nerfed bartering and carry weight because holy fuck they do not affect gameplay at all to the level where being at or above level 30 actually matters. Either way I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever have as much fun or play something that makes me feel the same way as those two games

You mfs always talking about fallout here. You are gonna make me play it in the end.

It's fun but it also requires you to be a bit autistic about modding lol.

Did either game stand out as being better in ur opinion?

That’s a really vague question as each of the main 5 games have different appeal ignoring fallout tactics and 76

Fallout 1 you’d play for nostalgia and wanting a down to classical RPG experience
Fallout 2 if your like me and hate seeing the sun
Fallout 3 if you simultaneously want the RPG feel of fallout 1 but also want to play in 3d with a level of cinematic effect
Fallout NV if you’ve already played fallout 3 and wanna play another game like it
Fallout 4 if you hated the gameplay of 3 and NV and thought some aspects of it like radiation wasn’t harsh enough

You can tell new Vegas is an unfinished game because everything excluding the left side of the image that’s brown isn’t a playable portion of the map

Play Fallout 4
head over to Nexus and mod the shit out of it if you're gonna play New Vegas and/or 3

yes,the entirety of the legion territory is basically cut content.

consider the following: the problem of super mutants not being able to reproduce can easily by solved by establishing communication with an untouched vault's population and making a deal with the overseer to send out humans once in a while to become mutants, in exchange for resources and technology necessary for upkeep of the vault, essentially creating human farms to keep giving us intelligent mutants

It’s still possible to access some parts of it using tcl or reload dashing to move past the terrain if you can get past Hoover dam

the entire point of super mutants were to make humanity obselete, even ghouls probably. that there was such a weapons grade fuckup by the master meant it was all over before it could even begin, and all the justification he gave himself for his atrocities disappeared.

>following a nuclear war instead of focusing on rebuilding society or exploring how society would naturally respond to such a catastrophe through writing emphasizing realism instead what happened was a hyper technologically advanced organization comprised of super wealthy American nationalists on a oil miner controlled by sentient ai whose troops use laser rifles and miniguns created an FEV virus to wipe out humanity but the plan went wrong and uhh

Fallouts story truly has always been a continuous chain of disappointment since it’s inception…

it's supposed to be a satire, not realism

Cool than I guess Bethesda fallout games are the best ones because they take themselves the least seriously with Black Isles fallout 2 being in second place

>they didn't make the game I wanted them to make so I'll be a cunt for no reason

welcome to the world of gamershit

why is the institute auth left?

The institution isn’t political it’s a facility of robots and schizos trying to prevent humans from going extinct due to the fact that well
A lot of ‘‘em are either gonna turn to ghouls or mutants or just flat out dead due to how long it’s been since the war

the institute might be the worse written faction in AAA gaming history, their actions literally make no sense and the leader refuses to actually explain why they are doing the things they do

Huh I thought their actions were pretty clear
>develop cool tech to prevent human extinction
>if shit goes south use synths to replace them

They doesn't even have the decency to at least be cool. Nerds with toilet armor.

But they never actually use their technology to help anyone and also infiltrate communities with synths by murdering people for seemingly no reason whatsoever. Like what do they learn or gain from this?

I have a feeling early on during development the writers wanted the Institute to be more explicitly xenophobic towards people on the surface and wanted to restore a "pure" humanity via the synths. Then they realized this made them resemble the Enclave too much and scrapped that characterization and just left a huge blank with no explanation for why they do the shit they do.

That would make sense.

I wuld say Yesman

That would also explain a shitload of random plot holes since it’s clear the writers didn’t want a repeat of the enclave and the autistic supporters it had but ran out of time to come up with a different faction

So many games fucked over by time constraints, it ain't right…

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I was thinking, with the advent of IAs it would be possible to dramatically extend, add or alter storylines in the fallout modding community, just feed the voices of actors to the machine and synthetize from text.


we already have a bunch of plot goblins working on HOI4 mods like OWB
just get them out their estrogen caves and put them to work in a new fallout game.

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can i work on a new fallout game? i have concept art for a Fallout: Tijuana i was brainstorming :3

I am waiting for there to be some large-scale modding project to turn Fallout 3 into a game with actual story content.

There already is. It is called Fallout: New Vegas :^).

New Vegas doesn't have much of a story either

Much more of a story than Daddy Issues Simulator 2008.

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hello fags

i have my own sort of engine im working on

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will it ever be finnished you will ask

i dunno, because the progress is slow and im schizo


what is it based on? also that mp4 is not working for some reason

the video is working if you download it


cool stuff, so it's 3D? some friends and me actually wanna make a game just like that.
i can work 3D and one of my friends is a coder, the other one makes music.

>welcome as long as they stop raping people
wats the point then



Mexico filter is yellow/orange/brown.
Green is Matrix filter.

Look what some modder did guys

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This is way better man

>"How come I never finished Fallout, I remember that game being great."
>give it another try
>15 minutes into the game fighting radscorpions in a cave
>RNG decides to critically hit me for for 2/3ths of my health, stunned for next turn and murdered before getting chance to respond

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git gud

M8, you're actually SUPPOSED to save/load in old PC RPGs.

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Makes it very unimmersive though. Even outside of combat, sometimes NPCs will just attack you out of nowhere because you chose a wrong dialogue option. Like in Khan base, everybody is reasonably nice to you, but their leader will simply try to murder you for talking to him. It just doesnt communicate information to you properly, relying on player learning through reloading.
I noticed this design philosophy is still around with Obsidian. In New Vegas, you learn to not fuck with Casadors by getting killed by them, because the game fails to communicate their danger. Deathclaws there are a very good example of how it should be done. There are signs telling you to stay away from them, NPC tells you to not go near them or you will be killed, and visually you can look at them and just from their design immediately tell this is going to be a strong, tough and fast enemy. Unlike Casadors, who are just big bugs. A lot smaller and frailer looking than radscorpions who you can kill with relative easy.
Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire, again, there is an early game quest in which you are supposed to get rid of high-level thugs that will murder you if you fight them, meant to teach you to look for alternative solutions to problems. But there is nothing in the game that would communicate to you these are exceptionally dangerous enemies, you find out by getting your entire part wiped in 10 seconds and loading a save. In fact it communicates exact opposite, by having the very first fight in the game be against bunch of pirates you beat easily, thus setting expectation that random bandit enemies are not powerful and can be taken in early levels.

just go do something else for a bit and come back when you've leveled up recruit ian

I did. And there is not need to, the fight is easy, even non-combat focused character can clean up that cave. But that is my problem with how RNG heavy this game is, you can die in utterly trivial encounter not because you did something wrong, made a bad choice, but because of dice roll you have no control over. Some amount of randomness makes game more interesting, but damage ranges should not be from 10% of your health to instakill.

just wait until you hear dice rolls play a role in dialogue in FO1 (but not in FO2)

I still don't don't see anything unimmersive about it. Quite opposite, actually. Unimmesrsive things for me are unrealistic things, and there is nothing less realistic than some kind cliche-ridden obvious progression path. Yeah, you get killed sometimes just for going in the wrong direction or just a bad dice roll, big deal. Are you physically hurt by game over screen? You know, s/l was a real part of game design. Devs literally spent months and put serious constrains on game and engine design to make sure you can save and load when and where you want. It's part of intended experience.
Oh, and cazadores are giant ugly motherfucking wasps, if that doesn't scream "danger" to you i don't know what will.

Yeah, because this kind of games actually imitated tabletops. Fallout was originally meant to use GURPS, for instance, but devs couldn't get the license.

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>there is nothing less realistic than some kind cliche-ridden obvious progression path
Its not about progression, but communicating information to player, internal consistency and immersion. Cazador visual design communicates that they are fast, most likely hard hitting, poisonous. As a player, you immediately understand you need to prevent them reaching melee range. So far so good. They have more health than giant radscorpions. Nothing about their visual design would lead you to believe that. And at the point you meed cazarods, chances are you already killed couple radscorpions and maybe even giant radscrorptions. So the game gives you certain expectation as to what level of danger can you expect and how to deal with it (i.e. a big armored insect takes one magazine to head to kill) and then breaks its own implied rules (smaller, frailer, unarmored insect takes number of magazines to head to kill).

Now that i remember it, first cazadors you can encounter are in the area you repeatedly and very explicitly told to avoid. Bruh. It had warning road signs and everything.
If you complaining about particular monster design, this kind of inconsistency is pretty much all over video games. Besides, radscorpion chitin is grey. Cazador chitin is black. It's obviously T H I C C E R.

>If you complaining about particular monster design, this kind of inconsistency is pretty much all over video games.
And thats bad. Gothic is probably the best example of it being done right. First section of the game has you kill handful of rats, goblins, giant flies and young wolfs. They are at that point a real thread, which imediatelly lets player know where they stand in a food chain. The bigger the creature, the more dangerous it is. The fancier armor someone wears, the better they fight.

nah its fine actually

>The bigger the creature, the more dangerous it is

When taking the necessary precautions, any real-life spider is easier to subdue than a large mammal. Rpgs usually preclude dying because your character failed at scouting vermin. Therefore spiders in combat are usually quite large and robust.

Gothic? Really? Honestly, i felt more annoyed dying to weird controls that game had than any rng shit or strange design choices in other RPGs. It's like they were made for gamepad, but switched to keyboard in the last minute. If anything, that felt much more like a fake difficulty.

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git gud

I did, duh. Finished fist and second. Point about shitty controls still stands.

Interesting video from one of the developers for Fallout, he also has a followup for Fallout 2.

the 'ol crunch fallowed by more crunch and also receiving shit pay. this is why I stay away from the game industry

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also the humor in FO2 being over the top is a complaint I've heard elsewhere. the FO1.5 fan project is partly an attempt to make a more "Fallout" sequel to Fallout

Video games aren't meant to be immersive. They're meant to be fun and a way to waste your free time.

i think that downplaying singular cultural structures that arose as tribes in the mojave and supporting one of the major factions that will erradicate their uniqueness is too close to colonialism
your comment has some merit. i believe that cesar is extremely pragmatic, and would be able to steer society in a more moderate direction as a political strategy to reduce friction
reactionary dictatorships were seen to fail aswell, if the society he built manages to stray towards a high tension moment hell do everything to remain as an important figure, even if he must change his behaviour and appear as a "reformist" king of the people. this too can become a seed for revolutionary struggle. charismatic latin american autocrats like juan domingo peron and getulio vargas come to mind

I found a thread on /vrpg/ talking about the politics of Fallout and it's pants on head retarded.

first time I played I had ian with me, and I used him as a human shield so I never had that problem. I had a smooth playthrough considering the shit I keep hearing from other zoomers

There are various kind of fun and immersiveness is one of them.

In my current run I for the first time sided with the powder gangers and went into the correctinal facility and these guys seem to have genuinly some revolutionary potential. They were slaves in the facility and basically just did a slave revolt. They don't seem to have much of an organization and keep fighting against each other, but this guy "Cooke" apparently went north to organize a payback to the NCR. Couldn't find him from the Facility to Quary junction tho and I can't fight deathclaws with my lvl 2 courier. Can't believe /leftypol/ hasn't mentioned powder gangers in this thread yet.
Imo, there should have been a powder ganger + great khan general ending. Destroying the NCR western control and fighting off the legion at the same time, would have been cool.

maybe they shouldn't have been raider scum?

maybe you shouldn't be some gusano ass kulak that deserves to get raided

>>Distribute HELIOS energy to the full region
I'd actually only would distribute energy to Freeside and Westside. Reason being the Lucky 38 actually has a fully functioning fusion reactor that's activated near the end of the game that would most certainly be able to supply energy to New Vegas (and hell, Vegas already being all lit up like that is a sign that they aren't lacking energy). This is all despite the fact that having control of the dam pretty much solves the need for energy.

I agree with the other points tho. Don't forget to kill Caesar before fighting at the dam, to ensure complete Legion annihilation lol

Funny that you said that, someone actually had a similar idea, and made a pretty big mod around it: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74958

TL;DR: A former inmate formed an independent, good-aligned militia, and you are tasked to recruit reformable PGs and establish them as a major faction.

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>le survival horror dlc whose gameplay is only conducive to a few specific builds
What the fuck were they thinking?

Ironically you can cheese the DLC just fine if your at a lower level and just do enough avoiding.

Is there any reason not to support the ncr?
roman larpers that will collapse when ceaser is gone. Unironically promotes slavery, and women inferiority.
technophiles that are a shadow of themselves. Literally hides in one bunker
Great khans:
yeah, nah
Mr. house:
A old world capitalist thats recreated a worser version of singapore. Is a megalomanic
see the great khans

They're a capitalist bourgeois """democracy""" controlled by brahmin barons and hampered by corruption & a bloated bureaucracy.

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I think I finally understand why Ulysses hates house and the NCR
When he talks about becoming smiling faces on someone's robot, when he talks of someone who can't let go: it's because the world that House wants to bring back, keep going, died in nuclear fire. No matter how much House may want to deny it, the old world is gone, dead. The new world is made up of tribes, not a massive city overseen by a president or anything. No matter how much he wants the way of the old world to return, it can't. The NCR is more or less the same; they are trying to be a government like the United States was, yet all they got right was that there is corruption among the higher-ups.
He okay with Caesar's Legion because it's not the ghostly shadow of the world that burned itself in nuclear fire. Caesar's Legion is more or less what any one of the more violent tribes would have done, would have become, had they the know-how and the muscle to see it through. Caesar fashions himself the Caesar of old, old even by the old world's standards, and it's fine by Ulysses because it's essentially one massive tribe obeying its chieftain. Maybe that's why he doesn't really 'blame' the Legion for what it did to his own tribe: it's in the nature of the various tribes, and it's human nature essentially

The NCR is a mostly stable society that makes up most of the west coast though.

I support the followers

Great khans:
Mr house:
casino den but megalomaniac singapore

actually this is a decent choice, i respec t that.

Well it's a copout since they aren't a government, and the NCR is the territory where the followers are the strongest anyways

Could the NCR reform the United States?

In the actual game canon, no, because that would end the series, but realistically, I see no reason why they wouldn't eventually, they have already progressed back to 20th century technology levels and realistically nothing like the legion could actually stand against a modern army. I doubt the NCR could field a massive airforce but they could sure as fuck reinvent artillery and obliterate any raiders or tribals that stood against them.

Actually, there is a reason they can't. Unlike the early US, they don't have a population of mostly agrarian settlers. The vast majority of their population lives in urban areas and is content living there. The only NCR citizens who move further east are the stationed soldiers.

From what I understand the NCR mainly grows by integrating the people already living in a given place, not by colonisation. There are some NCR settlers in New Vegas from my remembering but I think in the NCR victory ending they make New Vegas a state outright.

"The New California Republic celebrated its second victory at Hoover Dam, establishing definitive control over the entire Mojave Wasteland. Soon after, they negotiated terms to annex The Strip, Freeside, and many surrounding communities. The Mojave Wasteland, at long last, had entirely fallen under the NCR's banner."

They'll shove their cocksucking flag up New Vegas' ass and call it a state. Get your head out of your cunt and read a fucking book.

what did anon mean by this?

obviously the NCR is imperialist in some senses, it doesn't mean bringing civilisation and order back to the wastes is bad

>Unlike the early US, they don't have a population of mostly agrarian settlers. The vast majority of their population lives in urban areas and is content living there.

Isn't it like, the complete opposite? A majority of settlers from NCR tell you that, sure, work is there… if you like mining or farming. Not to mention that a lot of farmers are fled out of the NCR into New Vegas to escape the emerging kulaks, who have a firm grip on politics and are not above using mercs to bully people of their land.

That's an issue that does pop up elsewehre, for example with the leader of the rangers, Hanlon, or OSI.

The Follower situation could be interesting, since it is fairly clear that many within the NCR feel that the FoA ae overstaying their welcome, but that they can't get rid of them since they form a major part of the formers intelligencia… which the advent of the OSI ruined.

>A majority of settlers from NCR tell you that, sure, work is there… if you like mining or farming.

Not sure what else anyone would expect given how fucked the former USA is, surely farming in the NCR is better than living in a shack in the wasteland

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>10-15 minute ending slideshow (if you do everything) for a fetch-quest DLC with early 2010s reddit humor
Also yes I'm the same anon as >>33872 every DLC is shit but these two especially. Thanks for subscribing to my video game review blog.

long endings are good though

It's a DLC, it's not supposed to have long endings comparable to the base game.
Not to mention, it's also the fastest DLC to fully complete (all quests, challenges, unique items, locations etc). I only noticed that recently since this last playthrough was an autistic completionist min-maxing one.

What was the way that you guys used to reach New Vegas in your first playthrough?
I honestly think I'm the only one in existence who went through Hidden Valley, then to the Scorpion Gulch, past the El Dorado lake and then continued on normally through the 188.

They were raiding the entity who had them in chains lmao.

Nobody knows about this version of events because they show up at the start of the game and are portrayed as the fodder enemies hassling the poor townsfolk. Even without gamer brain, you'd still have to go out of your way to talk to them to realize there's an option besides killing them, and once you do that you are hard-locked out of their content. They might have been meant to be better fleshed out. A lot of stuff was cut from the game.

The thing about the Powder Gangers is that they aren't really just one faction. There are 2 big groups with a coherent organisation with the rest being small bands in camps and roads that answer to no one.

The first of the big ones are that of Eddie's in the NCRF. These are anti-NCR, of course, but they're also raiders who harass towns not affiliated with the NCR like Goodsprings and Nipton (or used to for the last one), and also caravans.

The second one is that of Samuel Cooke in Vault 19. Cooke is who led the prisoner revolt in the first place, and then left NCRF with a group to the Vault. Under Cooke when the game is first started, they don't raid and are hostile to the NCR (infact they aren't even technically a part of the in-game Powder Ganger faction, so you can kill Eddie and most southern Powder Gangers without making Cooke's group hostile). The group is currently split between Cooke's faction who want to join the Great Khans, and Philip Lem's faction who want to surrender to the NCR. You can help either Cooke or Lem, ignore the quest, or blow up the Vault. Doing any of the latter two will result in the Vault 19 group becoming raiders in the endings, though.

>They were raiding the entity who had them in chains lmao.

They were mostly sent to prison for raiding IIRC.

Thematically Dead Money is great and fits perfectly with the main story, but I agree it isn't very fun to play. Never cared for the other DLCs either.

All of the fallout games are 75% off on steam. I'm going to grab all of them up to FNV but what's the verdict on 4 and 76?

FO4 is 'ok', if you're bored you can get fun out of it, but in retrospect it's not particularly memorable, the story isn't very good and the characters are silly. If you had fun with Starfield you can enjoy FO4

Expect Bethesda rather than Interplay or Obsidian and you'll have a good time

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Thanks. That about sums up how i felt playing it on PS4 when it was new but I was hoping the modders on PC had salvaged it.
I've only ever known Bethesda's Fallout 😭

picrel, a pretty good haul if you ask me

meant to add, I own 2 but still haven't gotten over how old school it is enough to play it yet. one day

I didn't play it with mods TBF so I'm sure there are ones that make it better.

I'm so fucking bored right now, tell me if you find anything decent to play

I take it no one has played 76? I wouldn't even be asking about it as it was pretty widely panned when it was released but surprisingly it has crawled up to a 'mostly positive' rating on steam
Not to derail but ya Im in the same boat. I know my buddy is having fun with the new Rimworld DLC but i dont like Rimworld and him talking about it just made me want to play Factorio, i guess cuz its another isometric resource management game. Another game thats coming to mind is Kerbal Space Program 1
You probably dont want game recs from me my most played game by a wide margin is Victoria 2 idk if you get down like that (autism)

I actually looked at the Rimworld DLC but I don't really like horror and the last DLCs just seemed lame to me. Overall Rimworld is just kinda IDK, ehhhhh, I tried to play it like a year ago and I just was bored after like 15 hours without really doing anything

I never really bothered with mods for Fallout 4 aside from bugfixes, the first half of this guide covers everything important https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/
They also have a guide for an FNV overhaul and a modlist that lets you play FO3 and FNV in the same game, I haven't tried them but I hear they're good. Other than that, there's a settlement overhaul called Sim Settlements that just released a big update and is supposed to be excellent: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/73394

Bethesda games are peak when you execute the uninstaller.

This list is so fucking large. Just driving the point that FO4 is fundamentally fucked tbh.

Im totally going to give 1 and 2 a fair shake, currently restarting after getting killed after aggroing Killian somehow but man the lack of any real exploring of the wasteland is a bummer cuz that's 90% of why I like fallout. Still, enjoying it so far.
Thanks anon. Not sure if its in that modlist but I saw someone on twitter recommend a mod called Better Locational Damage for removing bullet sponges which was always a gripe I had with the Bethesda games
Ya its crazy that most of that is just to fix the game I was thinking more along the lines of overhaul mods cuz I recall not being a fan of the map or story.

FO4 is too fundamentally broken to fix with your typical mods tbh. Maybe any mods at all depending on how much support there is. When it came out there was none. You would essentially have to gut the core mechanics.

muh civilization and order

yeah let's all scratch in the dirt instead, and be at the mercy of deranged slavers

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colonel autumn/the enclave wanted to poison the water so it would kill anyone who was mutated though. that's the whole point of the story.

The super mutants and deathclaws in FO1 are no joke. Starting to think small guns is a waste of skill points cuz even with it maxed out I can't kill them.

>yeah let's all scratch in the dirt instead, and be at the mercy of deranged slavers
like the NCR?

The NCR aren't slavers, they're capitalists which is objectively better than slave based economics. People in the NCR heartland are living the best lives in the whole USA in terms of basic needs.

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>People in the NCR heartland are living the best lives in the whole USA in terms of basic needs.
wow, so not unlike the USA vs the rest of the world now. huh, I wonder if the creators meant anything by this

How are the NCR exploiting the rest of the wasteland? Their influence only extends to a few hundred miles outside their borders ie. the Mojave. They allow settlements to sign up to become part of the NCR if they want. Sure the people on the periphery have harder lives than the ones in the heartland but that's just the nature of the gradual economic development. Even if NCR is profoundly unequal (it is in a lot of ways) being a smallholder under the NCR where you're protected from raiders and slavers and having basic rights and living standards is better than living in the wasteland.

Living under the legion is just as well

Except the legion are deranged slavers who destroy every civilisation they come across and enslave most of the population that they don't exterminate.

the legion is anti-imperialist

yeah it's a real shame for the legion to destroy the proud civilization of *checks pipboy* insane drug addicted cannibals they are the real monsters

The Legion massacred and/or crucified everyone in Nipton except for three people who won a 'lottery' just because the mayor agreed to sell out the NCR troopers/powder gangers to them that boozed there. Like the devs really can't make any clearer to you that they're psychotic mass murderers.

>knight titus from the show represents titus interactive
>his death lets max step into the armor
>max is bethesda


oooh aaah the legion killed a bunch of people oh noooo unlike the ncr which definitely isn't committing genocide on "raiders"

Both of them are bad, that doesnt mean the legion is better then the NCR. The legion is a bunch of weirdo larpers who fight primarily with swords, while the NCR hás tanks, power armor, and helicópters. They are extremely behind, its not even close.

The only really good faction is the folowers of the apocalipse, the anarchist Saints of gaming.

Legion is le multipolarist faction.

Legion has 0% chance of winning. BRICS can send mankind to space and make the west bleed billions of dollars each year. Brics already won. They are not the same.

Been playing Fallout 76 andI cant find any problems with it. I feel like new vegas fan boys lied to me about this game and I missed it completely because of it.

it was dogshit on launch but it's supposed to be much, much better now

what's the point of a fallout game with no NPCs or moral choices?

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J Sawyer dropping insights into the high-level design process of New Vegas.

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What do you mean? Fallout 76 is full NPC factions and moral choices. Are you implying that having ending credits about gameplay decisions makes New Vegas a proper RPG?

This is terribly written and the font is annoying. Is it from 76?

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You guessed right.
I find most Bethesda Fallout raider gangs to be extremely generic honestly except for Pitt raiders in FO3 and the Gunners in FO4, latter technically not even considered raiders but more of an unscrupulous PMC. Even then they are very flat and boring in contrast to FNV's Vipers, Powder Gangers and Great Khans.

you mean the gun runners? they're a faction from FO1

yeah the writing and dialogue in 76 is embarrassingly bad, dont know what they were thinking

I thought there was only robots in 76, did they change it?

They changed it like 5 years ago.

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>weirdo larpers
what is the ncr but larping as pre nuked merica', shit-for-brains
>that doesnt mean the legion is better then the NCR.
The legion is easily better since they address the original consequences of indiscriminately introducing science/technology. Big MT is testament to that you retarded cunt, the Perillos syndrome is rampant there as it is in current day realities
>The NCR aren't slavers, they're capitalists
<le slavers with extra steps
>of course most /pol/tards side with caser's legion but looking at it almost every single faction
>The NCR is literally a reboot of America that is in the middle of a manifest destiny
>What side is do you choose in Fallout new Vegas ?
<Yes Man with securitron army destroyed,
<Saved Caesar
<Kill President
<Kill Lanius(mercy kill tbh)
<Kill Oliver
<Kill Julie Farkas
<Kill Colonel Hsu
<Kill House
<Kill Gun Runners(reactionary unionists)
<Let Cass have vengeance
<Destroy research from mutant plant vault
<Kill all Ncr head researchers and assistants including ghoul
<Allow Omerta Plot
<Sell arcade to Caesar
<Give Misfits drugs
<Kill NCR sniper team
<Kill Hanlon
<Kill all Fiend leaders except Viola since she is best girl
<Let GoodSprings fight for itself. Petite booj retardism on full display
<Kill Enclave Remnants
<Support Hardin
<Support Boomers(no airplane)
<Sabotage Ghoul cult
<Kill Enclave Remnants
<Troll boone into killing his friend then kill him
<Support Cooke
<Support Legion against Forlorn Hope
<Send Khans on suicide mission lel
<Have Veronica kept inside the Brotherhood
<Bomb Monorail
<Side with powder gangers against ncr. Lumpens FTW
<Murder all prostitutes male and female
<Feed haute bourgeoisie son to petite bourgeoisie
<Spare Ulysses since crypto historical materialist
<Nuke Ncr in Lonesome Roads
<Kill all ThinkTank except Mobius
<Kill Daniel and Joshua cause it is shit and religion is a regressive force
<Skip Dead Money cause it is shit
<Install robo sheriff for the lols
<Crucify Benny
<Kill Chet
Las Vegas is a city which needs to be excised from existence as with all parasite cities

How strong do you believe the "Legion" are in comparison with the NCR and the army of securitrons of "Yes man". Give me an plausible scenario where the Legion can actually win against an organized military .

In your estimate suggestion, how many soldiers does the NCR has? And how many does the Legion?
The technological discrepancy in this hypothetical conflict would play no role? Since you said:

>The legion is easily better since they address the original consequences of indiscriminately introducing science/technology.

Could you elaborate on this further? What solutions the legion found that "are better". You point a lot of:
As an solution, but lets ignore the "moralist" debate for now.

The point is that the legions are outnumbered, don't possess modern technology, never fought against an actual military armie in direct combact. Never destroyed any sort of aircraft or jet plane. Do small acts of terrorism and spionage. I think we both would agree that the NCR is not only using 10% of all its military capabilities to utterly destroy every legion larper in las vegas.

In my liberal pety bourgeoisie mind, i can only see the Legion as a bunch of malnutritioned boys who don't know how to wield a sword doing a charge against machine gun fire.

Your post just illustrates why all Legion fans are utterly deranged, no further discussion with you would serve a purpose.

It's a shame they didn't get the chance to flesh out the Legion some more, so we could see how shitty it was supposed to be and being a Legion fan would be even more embarrassing.

Letting Ziggers onto this website was a mistake

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>don't possess modern technology
they use anti material rifles, regular rifles, artillery, explosives, salvaged brotherhood armor, potent herbal medicines, limited autodoc, and powerfists
>How strong do you believe the "Legion" are in comparison with the NCR
ironically the legion is smarter than the ncr via its intelligence apparatus and exploiting vulnerabilities in its entrenched positions and organization
>Give me an plausible scenario where the Legion can actually win against an organized military .
play the game lol
>Could you elaborate on this further?
Unrestricted technologies led to complacency among the masses and its ruling class fostering a culture mutual annhilation and self-destruction
>The point is that the legions are outnumbered
likely yet probably equals out given reinforcements from other campaigns from both sides where ncr get its modest to moderate reinforcement in the form of veteran rangers and legions gets major reinforcements from their campaigns in the east
>don't possess modern technology
see above
> never fought against an actual military armie in direct combac
have you played game? its the 2nd battle lol
>Do small acts of terrorism and spionage
They nuked a 1/3 of the game's map smh
>but lets ignore the "moralist" debate for now.
why mention it then, retard?
>What solutions the legion found that "are better"
stability, meritocracy, selective primitivism
>In my liberal pety bourgeoisie mind
fed confirmed
>Your post just illustrates why all Legion fans are utterly based
fixed, faggot, Mao agrees with this sentiment
>Legion fan would be even more embarrassing.
imagine typing this
favorite faction is Marked men btw

>Give me an plausible scenario where the Legion can actually win against an organized military .
>Play the game lol
The ending where the legion wins is not explained in great detail. I would even go to say that basically all ends are unrealistical. In the yes man ending you end up controlling the whole new vegas region. In the house ending, mr house creates an technocratic utopia and you live in a luxurious way of life. If i an not mistaken, in the NCR ending you are greated by the president or something.
None of the endings should be taken at face value.
>they use anti material rifles, regular rifles, artillery, explosives, salvaged brotherhood armor, potent herbal medicines, limited autodoc, and powerfists

How many of this equipment you think they have. How much does the NCR have in comparison.

Yea i did not remember the endings very well

>I would even go to say that basically all ends are unrealistical
all endings are intentionally open ended whether you think it is realistic is debatable
>mr house creates an technocratic utopia
no, he only consolidates his power in the region and rapes the ncr economy
>in the NCR ending you are greated by the president
no you are awarded a golden branch(gold star) by no one in particular lol
>None of the endings should be taken at face value.
pretty much it relies many implications left by throughout the playthrough
>In the yes man ending you end up controlling the whole new vegas regio
no, it more a liberation ending really and it is the most open ended and vague
>The ending where the legion wins is not explained in great detail
they enslave much of the population what do you expect?
>How many of this equipment you think they have. How much does the NCR have in comparison.
likely more yet in reality less since the ncr is corrupt and uncoordinated in allocation of resources. probably has its share of Fast and Furious Scandals, example being the ncr smuggler you can make deals with

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also not a legion fan, chose yes man ending, asswipe. Las Vegas in-game and irl is a dogshit american city anyone who visits know this

>post deleted
What the fuck is up with the jannies lmao?

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retard take

he is a known liar and pedantic

What if we established underground communist communes and simply outlived all the capitalists?

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hit a wall in FO1 after finding the water chip and decided to take a break and skip straight to New Vegas. Kinda bored of it, ironically, because of how good it is. The game was so memorable that even after not playing it since it was new I find myself anticipating everything that happens. Oh well. The highlight so far has been No-Bark Noonan, that dudes dialog had me laughing out loud.
As for the politics, I agree with the folks saying the Followers have the best intentions but they seem like a charity more than a political organization. So far I haven't seen any evidence that they want to be anything more than that. They're really just helping whoever's in charge maintain power by acting as a release valve for the system, be it the folks running the strip or the NCR, so for that reason I'm throwing in my lot with the NCR as the least bad option.
The most interesting decision I've had to make so far was deciding where to send power from Helios. Do you guys think spreading it around equally at the cost of brownouts or just sending it to the under-served areas is the best move? I went with the former but in retrospect I think I should've done the latter.

>hit a wall in FO1
head south
>they seem like a charity more than a political organization

isnt that how rpgs are designed in general

what is your video

If you pay attention to the dialog more you'll understand that the NCR are the apex of neoliberal imperialism. In NV, the land barons have been given absolute power by Kimball through deregulation. The NCR basically just collects rent for the landowners under Kimball. It's a common meme to call House the libertarian but it's way more accurate to call NCR libertarian. The first thing they ask you to do is to go murder House so they can steal his resources. They are entirely driven by profit for the wealthy class.

Any token, small community aid by the Followers is irrelevant as are the quest outcomes that benefit them like wasting the Poseidon Energy output with a totally equal distribution with frequent blackouts instead of focusing it on the productive forces or even the death laser is pretty useful as a deterrent. The Followers are a band aid on a gaping axe wound.

House at least has altruistic plans with production and technological development. The NCR want the dam so they can give it to private landowners to make a profit with. The arguments against him usually point at Freeside, which I don't think is valid because Freeside is just a shanty town around the outskirts of what he considers "his" property. He's one-track mind on what benefits Vegas, rather than grasping for profits like the NCR. He also treats the courier fairly even in the ending slides. People acting like he's a greedy miser I just don't see where that is coming from. He respects your perspective in the ending slides if you're good karma.

Yeah House is hardly libertarian. His preparation for the endgame revolves around exterminating people he doesn't like lol.

Textbook libertarian

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I said the NCR is the least bad option, not that they're paragons of virtue, and yet, "neoliberal imperialism" is progressive compared to what's going down in the agrarian, even borderline feudal backwater that is the Mojave, both in but especially outside of the Strip.
I don't care what Mr. House's professed intentions are, in practice he's a rich dictator running a somehow even seedier recreation of Las Vegas (ironic seeing as how he lambasts both the NCR and the legion for trying to recreate the past) while anyone outside of the pearly gates can get bent. He can't even extend a helping hand out to Freeside, which is similarly defended by the walls he had built, for seemingly no reason other than being an elitist prick. What progress has be brought about after so many years? A walled fortress comprising of a couple of casinos run by raiders-turned-mob-bosses that suckle at the teat of the NCR, it's soldiers, citizens, and oligarchs to survive. Meanwhile the NCR is in control of the only thing resembling a modern society back West and is trying to export that revolution to the Mojave. They are the only ones trying to do anything at all to help the ordinary people, as bittersweet (and this is me being charitable, in reality I think the NCR's ending slides are unambiguously the best outcome for just about everyone involved) as that deal is. They are the only ones advancing "production and technological development"–restoring the dam, Helios ONE, the railroads–in short, the means of production. They are the only ones keeping the Legion and raiders at bay and protecting the movement of people and trade that Mr. House relies on to fund his ambitions. In fact, if the wiki is to be believed, since I haven't played a House run myself, after waking up from his coma, Mr. House sat around twiddling his thumbs for 150 years until the NCR arrived to restore some semblance of order. The guy is completely at the mercy of the charity of strangers to accomplish anything he actually succeeded in achieving let alone his frankly outlandish aspirations which depend entirely on the courier to come about. Sure, the same can be said for the NCR but for all of their folly and incompetence–which, let's remember, is largely by design, the NCR isn't exactly treating the Mojave like a high priority target; everyone in the NCR complains about being undermanned and under-supplied–they at least have the best shot at accomplishing their long term goals even in the event where the player character sees to it that they fail at everything they attempt to do. They can always come back stronger the next time around
Like, I can totally understand not liking the NCR for being capitalists (not that there's any progressive alternative in this world) but to turn around and simp for the autocratic billionaire Mr. House based purely on vibes is giving me whiplash. At least be like the typical headcanonfag and go for the Yes Man route, a scenario only marginally better than Mr. House's that totally won't collapse the next time the NCR or Legion comes a-knocking or the courier-turned-caesar croaks.

Does anyone else find the first two games to be kinda weird stylistically? The Bethesda games went all in for the failed retro-futuristic 50s style, but it seems like for the first two fallout games that's something more alluded to than obviously the case.

Like they've got random statues of heads and vaguely art deco architecture that makes pre-war America look kinda fascist, they've got settlements that have a tribal aesthetic, they've got settlements that kinda resemble ancient Egypt or something like that, there's loads of places that look very 90s sci-fi and retro-futurism is just part of the blend of random styles.

That temple at the start of Fallout 2 for example just seems weird and out of place for a pre-war society that was stuck in the 1950s culturally and a post-war society that has most people living in shacks made of corrugated iron.

Seems like they just threw a load of ancient civilisation shit at the wall and then placed a few 1950s styled ads on top of it.

""BTW, the Temple of Trials was built on the ruins of an older Pre-War building, most likely a church. The carved head at the entrance and some of the carvings/wall decorations on the three sub-levels were done by the Arroyo inhabitants.""

Because the first two Fallout games had aesthetic of post apocalypse, retro-futuristic 50s and its decay into fascism are a thing of the past, it got all blown to shits, Bethesda then took the most marketable elements and stripped them of all substance.

The NCR is a liberal democracy, of course it's more libertarian
House is weird to map onto any political system
Obviously libertarians worship people with more capital but I don't think they want one person to own everything in a feudal type arrangement

Ever since you brought this dude to my attention I've been slowly ramping up my consumption of his vids. I don't know why since i don't care about the OG fallouts, his career as a dev or the industry in general, i.e. the subject matter of 99% of his vids but I just love his vibe lol. He's like your cool, gay uncle. I think binge watching his stuff put the author of vidrel into my recs whom I'm also enjoying
Anyways I beat FNV save for Lonesome Road (just a bit burnt out atm, I'll get to it eventually) and returned to FO1 and decided to try an unarmed build for the first time in my fallout playing career and it's hilariously fun. Power armor+power fist ftw. Most things can't even touch me meanwhile I killed the Master first try in 4 turns. Now I just need to figure out these red force fields in the military base and I assume it's gg.

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Now that I've played (though evidently I have commitment issues as I haven't beaten any of them yet) the first 5 games sans Tactics and BOS I'd rank them as 1>NV>3>2>4. Having 2 ranked so low is probably sacrilegious for most but imo I just found the game to be extremely tedious. It's a bunch of fetch quests and go find/kill x so I give the edge to 3 in that regard, particularly for the side quests but even the main quest is slightly better. Looking for your dad is far a more compelling objective than some random vault tech that you don't even find any convincing leads for until well into the game but both are pretty shit tbh; go find Dad/G.E.C.K. and then beat up the Enclave. I only bothered to get around to them after exhausting the side quests or if I wanted XP.
Another observation: contrary to my initial impression when these games were new, FNV is clearly superior to Fo3 in just about every way. I guess I was too young to appreciate story, dialog and worldbuilding the first time around, preferring instead more surface levels aspects like the map and the atmosphere more generally, things that I still prefer in Fo3 but which are ultimately just facades in front of a rather shallow game. That said I think the voice acting in 3 might be better? Still need to play through to confirm whereas I pretty much 100%ed FNV but man was I getting sick of the one mf'er that voices seemingly every male in the Mojave. In that one regard FO3 has been a refreshing change of pace so far with some standout performances to boot, such as Dr. Li's empathic pleas to be let into The Citadel among others. Meanwhile I'm still groaning at that 10 of Spades attempt at a stutter. IDK if I'm just imagining things or if the voice acting was one of the victims of the game being rushed but ya if I had to nitpick the game it'd be over that.
pic/vid unrelated just thought it was kino

I really enjoyed the Tranquillity Lane section, probably the thing I find most memorable about FO3

Funny how it’s 2024, and there are still people LARPing as Roman legionnaires in New Vegas instead of playing Fallout 76. Fallout 76 just got a big map update, and you're missing out.

The new update is pretty sick. I played the pts and they had a communist base in the new area. The lightning people are scary too

Here are some photos of my playthrough.

Are they historically progressive?

A militarist technocratic autocracy… progressive…

dumbass cant read
i would say not as much as many other factions, the ncr and house have done much more for productive forces, even the brotherhood and institute on the east coast have done little infrastructure, if the enclave ever actually took the continental us and rebuilt it then they would be historically progressive.

before the war you might make the argument that starting a nuclear war so the pigs could go hide in their oil rig was a posadist 4d chess move, but nowhere seen post-war is it very progressive historically from what came before.

They still aren’t. Fascism and the principles that follow it (autocracy, enforced social hierarchies, militarism, subordination to the state, patronage to capitalists, and more) have never been progressive. These ideas were dogshit reactions to a series of societal and economic failures caused by capitalism. The enclave isn’t any different; not even by fallout standards.

their ideology is killing everyone else while larping as the government that killed everyone 200 years ago

>killing everyone else while larping as the government that killed everyone 200 years ago
Pretty well done larp then

To some degree yes as the wasteland is chaotic and without a unified state.

They’re still better than the NCR the worst faction of all time.

They literally caused the war

The Fallout London mod is out. Has anyone tried it yet?

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Not yet, I've heard it's a pain to install

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I'm waiting at least a few months until the game is fixed and to make sure there isn't sex slave foot fetishist companions or fuckable deathclaws

The most convenient way seems to be, as often, to just pirate the game, fitgirl made a release here

>I'm waiting at least a few months until the game is fixed and to make sure there isn't sex slave foot fetishist companions or fuckable deathclaws

Which Fallout 4 alignment is the most /leftypol/ one? To me it seems like either the Railroad or the Minutemen. I went with the Railroad in my run.

Caesar’s Legion are the best faction. I would say that NCR are the absolute worst and most fascist.

Let’s be honest here, the legion never stood a chance. The NCR has access to brotherhood tech, missile systems, assault rifles, and an unholy number of soldiers. The legion is literally a collection of raider tribes with marksmen carbines and submachine guns at best. Those dumbass larpers were using actual spears and machetes in their encounters with the NCR. In the lore-accurate battle of Hoover dam, the Legion is fucking obliterated and it isn’t even a fight.

Legion in NV is both unfinished and fundamentally badly designed. As you wrote, even to undermanned, undersupplied and disorganized NCR military, they would not be a road bump in an open fight. The only way this would work as a serious conflict is if Legion was in control of a region before NCR came, already recruited local tribes, and is now waging guerilla warfare on its home turf, completely avoiding direct confrontation.
Second, it should have been portrayed as a tribal confederation, not this weird totalitarian unitary empire. It is supposed to conquer other tribes, suppress their identity and fully integrate them into the legion, which would be fine if it was going on over the course of generations, but the whole history of Legion is couple decades old, you meet legionaries who were fighting against the Legion before being forced to join telling you "Ceasar burned my house down and enslaved my wife, I will give my life for him".
Third issue, from roleplaying perspective, there is no reason to join Legion whatsoever. The only reason anyone does is because its your 4th playthought and you already saw all the other endings. They are catoonishly evil, every member of their you meet is a dick to you personally, Caesar treats you as if you should be honoured to receive orders from him, if you play good character then obviously you will shoot all of them on sight, if you care about money and power then Mr. House or Yes Man are far better choices, if you value stability over all then also the organisation which is going to collapse the moment their elderly cancer-ridden leader heels over is not going to be your first choice, so why would you possibly pick them?

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>i want to better humanity
>…this i will achieve by killing the most advanced industrial society known, creating a better society

Even the brotherhood destroys the institute in their ending its so stupid.

True but I was talking about the legion

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