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I just beat this game, I remember seeing another discussion thread about this game but I can't find it, but I want to talk about the game, full spoilers.

it good game

What do you wanna talk about gayboi?

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It's a pretty good game.

Agreed, my favorite moment was buying socialist speakers

I think the old topic dropped off the catalog thanks to the schizo that makes a new topic every day about whatever random thing is annoying him

It was nice to harken back to old point and click adventures. A game of talking and words as opposed to the main mechanic being a gun or a combo. The content of said message was also pleasantly on point in the current world's zeitgeist. Communism and fascism extrapolated into caricatures that fit the world perfectly. Themes of isolation, police abusing power, and political corruption were all rotated at such a rate it never felt like it overstayed its welcome. I'm not sure I really enjoyed the ending and the lone crazed sniper man as the actual murderer. It felt out of the blue. it removed the satisfaction of a traditional who-done-it by making the main cast of characters not the one's who did it. I unno, seemed like a crazy twist that didn't have as much foreshadowing as I would have liked. But maybe I just missed out on the part where 'giant bug drives isolated war vet insane' was sprinkled in everywhere. I mean there was the who sub plot about crazy animals that seemed more like a joke than a plot point and the old men were always talking about the good ol' days.

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Something that really clicked for me that this game was made by a communist and Marxist was not things thrown around like bourgeoisie but rather that it "made fun" of communists with the discouraging and sardonic mental discussion in Harry's head and also the small ass two man reading group who discussed esoteric "infra-mazovian" type shit and the fact that they kicked out other members for the smallest of ideological disagreements. It was a love letter to communists and it was little things like that that non-communists would not get being outside of those communities.

Incredible and legendary game. I still listen to the 3 different Whirling-In-Rags themes on repeat.


My favorite fun fact about this game is that the portrait for the Inland Empire skill is a visual representation of the Pale; that mirrors its concept of gaining insight into invisible things.

I'm sorry fellas, but Disco Elysium it the ultimate midwit filter. If you like the game, you're a midwit for (a) not being able to recognize and (b) being entertained by subpar writing. Sorry not sorry.

>subpar writing
Compared to what? Kafka? Dosto? Dumas? Do you expect every piece of literature to be as dense as Hegel?

Also a midwit filter.
Only midwits waste their time with non-great writers. Read some Plato, Dostoevsky, Schopenhauer, Faulkner, Rulfo, etc.

So the distinction between fiction and nonfiction is nonexistent?

About the pale, I'm not sure I totally understand it. It's called the "tissue" that connects the isolas but apparently it's something of a void. We know that there are oceans, I think but also apparently the world of Elysium is not a sphere but flat??

none of these are great writers, stop sniffing your farts and go read the bible.

spoken like a true brainlet who's never contributed anything to the world.
It's been many years since I've played the game but IIRC it's a "miasma" that is consuming the world and makes it devoid of life/matter? Beyond that, the wiki article is more help than I would be: https://discoelysium.fandom.com/wiki/Pale
But this thread is making me want to play the game again haha.

I'm not sure if that's what "grey corona" means, plus there's the whole stars and planets thing going on as well

I like what this guy called key and Skittles or something on YouTube said that the Pale was more representative of basically that saying beyond the pale and that that pale is human society crossing that horizon to establish something new. It's interesting also mentioned in the video that the phasmid said the Pale began right around the time humans showed up. The game obviously is post revolutionary and you assume there's no hope but the end is more hopeful and the people actually freaked out about the Pale are mostly bourgeois especially Joyce. I think the video is better at explaining it and obviously the video creator is a Marxist so.

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This dude did nothing wrong (other than call me a libcuck because I played the boombox)
It's basically an expanding zone of nothingness where everything from physical laws to matter turns to nonsense the further in they go, and shit gets lost in there like radio transmissions, people's voices and thoughts, phone calls, etc. Basically a giant anomalous zone with a gradient of how much it affects matter and physics. But eventually you end up on the other side and into another island of matter containing oceans, islands, continents, etc.

I've been thinking about the game more lately, and it's pretty cool how they represent ideology as having actual physical effects on the world. Being mega rich lets you bend physics, but the collective of people at the church also limits the hole in reality. There are even hints that the Mazovian theory enhancing turnip growth might be real
>assumed I would hate Joyce
>ends up being one of the best characters

I'm still mad he wouldn't let me save him by sending him to the one communist state left because it was a "degenerated workers state".
Come on.

A man of principle.

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world map

Where's that from

very low quality b8

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Male romance with yuri tropes.

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Pretty sure it's fan art

All the mercenaries where pieces of shit but he only did it out of moralist digust, you could feel for what he went trough, but his ultimate motive was not good

One thing i really enjoyed about the main mistery was how much you could peek it into if you pursued the angle but not too hard that it would spoil the whole thing first time trough
>You can have a convo with Kim about how you hope there is sexy/sex thing in the case
>He says of course there is not
>Difficulty inland empire roll to convince him that somehow sex is involved
>If you can talk to the corpse of the merc he will say that communism killed him and you can keep bringing that up in future convos

Maybe the immediate motive, but seeing as he was basically the revolutionary version of a Japanese holdout, and despite his deteriorating mental state he kept his weapon in good condition, remained relatively up to date on happenings in the harbor, correctly identified and eliminated a bourgeois vampire is pretty impressive.

He's the mirror image of Rene except he does something with the dying years of his life instead of accepting his fate as an antiquated fossil. All of the reactionaries like Rene and Gary never do anything to further their worldview and neither do most of the communists, only the old partisan ever does anything concrete, and he ends up driving the events of the entire game with just one shot.

>just one shot.
One shot that had no real political motive which a commentary on crisis in general. On the surface these things seem random which leads one thing to another. You misinterpreted what was happening at the end there, the reality is that the political situation in Revachol was already volatile and this random old man who killed this guy because of senile jealousy but just so happens to be a former communist soldier is the perfect conditions for a revolutionary spark. In reality that's how revolutions happen too, usually some unrelated random thing that simply sets off a series of events that cannot be stopped.

>he ends up driving the events of the entire game with just one shot.

the union is already planning to secede though. he has nothing to do with that, just getting people killed (potentially)

The dude getting killed is what brings Harry and Kim to the scene, without them the mercs would have wiped the floor with the Hardie boys and nobody would realize why Martinaise was suddenly erupting in violence because it was being ignored by the authorities. And nobody would have found the hole in the church and realized what it was without Harry's involvement.

The mercs only tried to kill the Hardie boys because of the dead guy though?

now that Kurvitz got FUCKED by the porkies I wanna steal the int prop and make an illegal game set in that world…

also here's the novel he wrote in 2013.

Revachol gets nuked 20 years after Disco Elysium

im so mad we will never see this fully adapted into a video game

Lol, this reminds me of when I played 'White Gold' (Xenus 2) like nearly 20 years ago and there was randomly a plot related NPC in a bar in it that ranted to you about how the ideosphere/noosphere was a literal real thing and that's where ideas come from.

Then again I was a dumbass kid so maybe I misunderstood what he was talking about lol.

Okay never mind, it only came out in 2008, feels like a lifetime ago though lol

watch this intro if you want an out of body experience

Yea retard this is completely the antithesis to a materialist reading of the story, how did you even get here?!?

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Just realized the portrait distortions roughly have to do with each character's mental state and people who aren't delusional have clear portraits.

>not delusional

who's the 2nd guy?

His name is Idiot Doom Spiral.

He's drunk/homeless and you meet him in the fishing village. He tells you how you crashed your car and also how he became homeless. He used to be a booj finance bro but kept fucking up

>people who aren't delusional have clear portraits.

eh I'd say nearly every character has some kind of delusion. But yes, the portrait does stylistically reflect their mental state. For example, Kim is a moralist and an adherent of Dolorian ideology, hence the halo in his portrait, which I like to think is one of the headlights of his Kinema motorcarriage.

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So is all the supernatural stuff in this game real then? I was skimming and skipping all things related to it because Im too autistic to even roleplay taking it seriously so you can imagine my shock when these things started making an appearance in the game. Still, I remained skeptical, even after seeing the hole in the universe and the light bending man, somehow, and had some new life breathed into said skepticism by the student commies more or less echoing my own thoughts back at me (they say something about the Pale being folklore+bourgeouis psuedoscience or something) But seeing the cryptid at the end of the game was the final straw. So what do you guys make of all that?

>and the light bending man
The light bending was just Harry halucinating-

I mean we know the pale exists so yes clearly the supernatural does exist (from the perspective of our universe). Not that big of a stretch for other weird stuff to exist.

The cryptid was propably the least supernatural thing in the game

>student commies
But infra materialism is also a super natural.

I think it's ambiguous whether that actually existed or not

>The cryptid was propably the least supernatural thing in the game
I mean, it did even take the time to explain it's and evolutionary biology/niche.

Its a giant sapient mythological telepathic insect. Fairy sure would be considered supernatural even by standards of Disco Elysium world.

I thought the 'telepathy' was just Harry imagining it?

No, it's that Harry is dead broke, but Kim manages to save some of his salary, so the ratio of Light Bending Guy's net worth to Harry's is like 1000000:1, whereas compared to Kim it's merely 1000:1 which is nowhere near enough to bend light

Inland Empire for one is less magical than it appears, it seems like it can tell the future or access information you couldn't know, but it mainly tells you things you already knew before the memory destroying bender

Shivers is indeed para-natural, it is a direct line of communication with the genius loci of Revachol

Finally beat this game after putting it off, I was so touched by Kim trusting Harry enough to completely heed the warning about one of the mercs preparing to gun him down.

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Non-alcoholics think this game is fiction and irony.

>+1 Kim trusts you
>+2 Kim REALLY trusts you

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it annoys me that in fan art people depict harry as a handsome at-most 30 year old man, instead of the ugly disgusting off-putting out-of-shape alcoholic drug addict that he is in the game. like the opening act of the game is almost entirely dedicated to driving home how pathetic he is.

I mean that picture is Ryan Gosling, I think it's a joke.

Disco Elysium studio has reportedly canceled a standalone expansion to the beloved RPG as potential layoffs loom
A new report suggests that the threat of dozens of layoffs looms at ZA/UM, as the studio has canceled the development of a standalone expansion to its beloved RPG Disco Elysium.

GLHF at Sports Illustrated reports that ZA/UM has canceled a project known internally as X7, which would've been a standalone expansion to Disco Elysium. According to the report, studio president Ed Tomaszewski told staff the project was "one to two years away from completion" and might have taken "more time and effort than Disco Elysium did."

The report suggests that ZA/UM also canceled a full Disco Elysium sequel in 2022 and put development of a "new sci-fi IP" on hold in 2023. Two new projects, one of which is still connected to the Disco Elysium IP, are said to remain in development.

"With the cancellation of X7 we are proposing to reshape our team to support our two remaining games," CEO Ilmar Kompus told employees in a message published by GLHF. "This adjustment will almost certainly lead to redundancies, mostly affecting the X7 team but also our non-development teams and non-X7 projects." The report estimates that around 24 employees are at risk of being laid off.

While Disco Elysium was heralded as an instant classic upon its release in 2019, the story at ZA/UM has been fraught with controversy thanks to a messy split between the studio and some of its creative leads in 2022. Allegations of fraud and toxic management flew back and forth between the two parties, and the story only seemed more complicated in the wake of an extensive documentary in 2023 from the folks at People Make Games. Whatever the truth of the situation, reports like this don't paint an inspiring picture for the studio's fortunes.

>be Estonian
>publish communist propaganda
>it gets popular
>thank Marx and Engels
>shitstorm ensues
I'm actually surprised it's not dead yet.

Baltics. Not even once.

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Time to wait for Furies: Tides of Vapor.

Argo Truliik has some interesting stuff to say in this article
<The mask has slipped from the face of capital. What remains at ZA/UM is a cold, careless company where managers wage war against their own creatives, where artistry is second to property, and where corporate strategy is formed by an arrogant disdain for their own audience

The biggest joke to me that they didn't see how this would inevitably end to begin.
Some marxists. Lol.

The fault lies not within their red stars, but within themselves.

I imagine when you get that investor turn up and he once in a lifetime opportunity to work on a passion project you start ro tell yourself all sorts of things how you'll do it different and who can ve trusted and so on.

also harry is in his 50s

lol the voice acting

>Another one bites the dust
>t. Capitalism

He’s technically in great shape for his age because he’s an ex-gym teacher

None of my gym teachers were in good shape.

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This whole fuckup could easily be a chapter in the Disco Elysium universe funnily enough.

Kim points out that Harry is unnaturally good at running which he attributes to him being a gym teacher in the game. I think at least his cardio is great canonically.

>>30831 The Deserter's words hit me like a train. Him saying "It was real. I'd seen it. I'd seen it "in reality"" and the rest of that quote got me teary eyed as a newer lefty.

Yea I cry at that last (penultimate? Or is the last scene with the cops more of an epilogue? It feels there for game reasons more than story reasons) scene every time.
Not that uncommon for other arts but something for me very rare that video games have been able to achieve.

I vaguely remember a character talking about the songs that sprang up during the World Revolution, was it the Deserter?

For a moment, there was hope.

Kim is a reason-oriented individual who incorrectly believes himself to live in a mundane and explainable world, so he does tend to come up with these kind of rationalizations. Harry clearly possesses abilities beyond that of ordinary humans; he is, after all, a miracle.

He's more than a miracle.

He's Hobocop.

for some reason I never thought about the paris commune when thinking about Disco Elysium

I really wanted to like it. But it reminded me how much I hate reading novels.
I really had my heart set on screwing with the NPCs and wreaking havoc. But I gave up after getting lost in the bosses office.
I think I lost the game to an uncomfortable chair.

>I think I lost the game to an uncomfortable chair.


thats how i died the first time too. but then i became obsessed with it after that happened lel

Finding all the weird ways to die is one of the best parts of that game. I died the first time when I got too into being hobo cop.

>thats how i died the first time too. but then i became obsessed with it after that happened lel
Lmao exactly the same.
Tbh I thought it was gonna be low quality meme shit just from seeing memes on this site, never thought I'd get so in to it.

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putting all your points into empathy is a good way to turn it into one of the most depressing games ever

Wow, it's just like real life.

I did this aktually.


You: I'm sorry you have to sit here on the ice, feeling miserable. At your age –or at any age –in this weather… waiting for it to get dark.
She looks you in the eye, her pupils wide, surrounded by a ridiculous amount of make-up
You: The people who build this world intended it to be better for you, but they failed. It is easier to live in their failure with this by your side." (Tap on the tape recorder).
The wind howls. She remains silent.
Empathy: It's real. Tell her.
You: It is not a childish fantasy. It can be a real weapon against what's coming for you now
Acele: "What is…? "Her shoulders shake a little.
You: Nothing, if you got this. Don't be scared.
Acele: Okay.
Her teeth rattle. She takes the device from you and places it in her lap
Acele: "I'll stick to it"

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Has there been any right wing critique of this game? i genuinely want to know how rightiods feel about this game

>helped me get over an ex
>got me to finally finish Planescape:Torment
Good game, glad I avoided spoilers on 8ch and went in thinking it was genuinely copaganda… which I mean it might win her back right? I need more games like this.

>what ex?

Yea playing this only a year ago I was like damn, so could have has this spoilered by the Internet, glad I never did.
Ioved planescape as a kid, think it contributed to my love of this game.

The game now has a microtranshumanist store in its menu..

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I honestly think Disco Elysium (together with Sacred and Terrible Air) might be THE defining piece of art for the neoliberal age.

It's really awful that Kurvitz et al got fucked out of their IP, and I sincerely hope they can one day get it all back, but at the same time I'm kind of fine with never getting a sequel. Le Retour will have to happen in real life.

the game actually flat out tells you this will happen if you pass a certain secret rhetoric check. I think the game is supposed to show that this is only a possible path the world can lead down and not set in stone.

Just played it. So many hate worthy characters in this game and I'll be damned if I let them get a one up over me. So I save scummed like mad, fun though.

found an hour an half one

No way I'm watching this garbage, summarize t

Oh ok this is the placed we can post spoilers for the game, did not notice that.

Quite disapointed with Kim, he was quite harsh with the workers liberation thingy.

>reactionary youtube video essay
>nasally nerd voice
Name a more iconic combo.

>le nerds are le bad twitter meme
youre posting on an obscure imageboard

Just proving The Deserter's right about reactionaries being all pedos

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The game teased an RCM-led insurrection against the Coalition to gain self-determination for Revachol in the future.
Should a communist Harry critikkkally support it?

Obviously yes, the question is whether Kim should.

<“Communists can’t even boil water correctly.” Is a fucking roast holy shit.

incredible stuff

It unironically takes a communist or even anarchist to fully understand the satire in the game and that's why libs of any side always come to the conclusion that it's "making fun of all sides equally and not taking a position", especially if they didn't play all routes.

I clicked around for a few minutes on the video and there was literally a section of him saying communists claiming the game is pro-communist are 'coping', like uygha the writers/leads shouted out Karl Marx at the game awards what more do you want.

>like uygha the writers/leads shouted out Karl Marx at the game awards what more do you want.
potato-induced stupor leading to confused speech, typical of the baltic peoples.

So, i played the game for a week by now, but i believe all my save files are gone. I can't find then anymore anywhere in my computer. Idk what to do

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>play all routes
I tried to play a fascist run but I couldn't go through with disappointing Kim

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>24:00 le politics is bad
I didn't know moralists made youtube videos
>57:30 commissars le shot their own men for no reason
>look at this totally reliable white propaganda poster
>'member enemy at the gates?
I also find it amusing that the video maker rejects inframaterialism despite being a subjectivist. the world of DE runs on belief, much like Planescape. revolutionary crops do exist. you do have to kill the unbelievers. the essayist of course doesn't get the joke. long live the immortal religion of Mazov-Nielsen thought!

I'm sorry, that sucks. I feel like I might have heard that there was a bug like this but years ago, I would think it would be fixed by now. Can't really offer you any advice, you could take it as an opportunity to replay and do different choices, but you could just take a break as well until you feel like playing again.

Ok, i made a lot of mistakes while playing anyway, gonna see if i can correct them now in this new playthough

Found my game files, they were stored in another computer user for some reason. Yay

nvm this "scab leadaer" and the rest of the mercenaries are the worst pieces of shit in the entire game. Fuck psychopaths.

< Mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
That quote pretty clearly hands you the meaning of the game’s events and themes as well as the creators’ intentions behind creating Disco Elysium. It genuinely bothers me when people either don’t understand where that quote is from, or refuse to acknowledge that the quote implies that the developers are very much taking a definitive "side".

ah this retard. He has a weird obsession with claiming leftist media as reactionary and posts about having a brown “girlfriend” all the fucking time. Berk fans try mot to be retard chinlets challenge.

First off this game I felt was perfect for me. Love detective games, adventure games and RPGs. After reading reviews both on here and IGN it was a no brainer to buy.

I immediately didn't like the graphics. Camera is too close and the pace in which your character moves is simply annoying. Never mind, I forgave these short comings. The actual puzzle element is quite good, where the game highlights objects of interest, seen this style before and I appreciated it.

The acting is completely soulless, combined with the over complicated dialog I just couldn't put up with it. The final straw was meeting two 10 year old kids who just continuously swore, the F word, don't mind adults saying this but 10 year old kids, depressing and out of line.

This game is a depressing mess. The only positive is maybe the puzzles make some sense.


>The acting is completely soulless, combined with the over complicated dialog
That seems about right, actually

Go to a poor area sometime, there are kids like that. Especially when you're a cop. IDK what you mean about the writing and acting, I thought it was good personally, all open to opinion though.

It's good you refunded it though since the current owners of the IP stole it.

>cuno called me a fag so hard i died and refunded the game

>filtered by fictional children


Disco Elysium’s most disappointing flaw:

I should be able to fuck the hole in the world.

Look, just hear me out.

The game introduces the plot point of a hole in the world, and confirms that I am playing as a character in possession of a penis.

It lets me wear a jacket that says FUCK THE WORLD.

The hole itself is called THE SWALLOW.

It even has a crab(man) living around it, clambering louse-like through the rafters, sustained by its vicinity.

It’s sexualized!

And yet I spent my whole playthrough braced for it and not ONCE did I ever get the option to try to fuck the world’s swallowing hole. Worse, I didn’t even get the opportunity to discuss it, or even THINK about fucking it.

I realize it’s 2mm across. I also know from experience that foreplay and lubrication can do wonders for aperture size. If the mega-rich light-bending guy can warp physics around him, then it’s not out of the question that reality can be a little elastic, right?

The hole. Fuck the world. The swallow. Hello?! It’s RIGHT THERE. (It’s already full of Pale stuff, so…)

My complaint isn’t that I can’t literally, successfully, actually fuck The Swallow—but the in-game silence on the subject is deafening. Surely Electrochemistry would at least toy with the idea. Going through with it would probably kill or otherwise you… but what if it didn’t? If the Pale can be held at bay by the human ecstasy of dance, maybe a little 👉👌 attention would help it, I don’t know… relax…?

The fact that the game doesn’t even acknowledge the possibility, however absurd, haunts and vexes me months after I finished my playthrough. The world just goes on unfucked. And I think that’s a despicable oversight.

>the hole

I believe that "hole" is what they call "pale", something that is less than nothing. Where the laws of physics and logic start to not make any sense at all. If you were to say, "enter" this hole, it would probably be like entering a black hole . That would mean you would probably get teleported to Equestria. Or die.

>So I save scummed like mad
Legitimately a retard.

I started watching this just yesterday oddly.
Concluded its an experimental piece where he says what is the opposite of what the game is about for ?????? reasons.
For bonus points scroll down to the comments; pure specimens.

Finished disco elysium. Good game. Loved it, 10/10

what do you think of kim

Cool guy, unfortunately he is not a "communist" and clearly does not appreciate mazovian socio economics. Even though we work in the Ravacholian citizens Militia. I was talking to Mananã and when we were talking about politics he pointed to a trashcan and said "this is the smell of communists" or something. There is basically 3 or 4 moments in the game Kim gets really emotional in my playthrough, and talking about the commune of Ravachol and Communism in general seams to make him lose his composure.
Cool guy though, very cool man. Helped me a lot, could not resolve the case without him.

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the bond kim has with harry is fucking beautiful tbh. i wish i had a friend half as good as kim one day

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On one hand Kim thinks of himself as some kind of enlightened centrist and seems to be allergic to any kind of political struggle but on the other, he is a hardcore loyalist to the RCM and greatly respects Pryce.
Ultimately I think he would just go along with whatever Harry chooses even if he doesn't want to, just like in most of the game.

Kim is clearly left leaning but is just burned out by the continued failure of any positive political project just like most people.

ok gamers, how do we deal with scabs in real life besides shooting them

target and burn their homes
i.e. this includes mexicans, chinese, and indians for americans

> this includes mexicans, chinese, and indians for americans

You need another beer,

and to go back

scabs and immigrants are completely different things. Asking because of >>>/leftypol/1907434 and >>1907407, asking how to deal with scabs.
Immigrants are not privileged at all, the global inequalities in the world are causes of misery and poor salaries everywhere in the world, in conditions similar to slavery. Nothing like the scabs, that don't disrupt and destroy union organizations to have something to eat. They are trained paramilitary, psychopaths that kill and just bring violence.

>Immigrants are not privileged at all, the global inequalities in the world are causes of misery and poor salaries everywhere in the world, in conditions similar to slavery
none of this is marxist, this paragraph is just pure libspeak

immigration does cause a decrease in wages, this is not up for debate, the problem is the stupid conclusions many proletarians arrive at from this fact because of mystified social relations

< Your great obstacle in America, it seems to me, lies in the exceptional position of the native workers. Up to 1848 one could only speak of the permanent native working class as an exception: the small beginnings of it in the cities in the East always had still the hope of becoming farmers or bourgeois. Now a working class has developed and has also to a great extent organised itself on trade union lines. But it still takes up an aristocratic attitude and wherever possible leaves the ordinary badly paid occupations to the immigrants, of whom only a small section enter the aristocratic trades. But these immigrants are divided into different nationalities and understand neither one another nor, for the most part, the language of the country. And your bourgeoisie knows much better even than the Austrian Government how to play off one nationality against the other:

< Jews, Italians, Bohemians, etc., against Germans and Irish, and each one against the other, so that differences in the standard of life of different workers exist, I believe, in New York to an extent unheard-of elsewhere. And added to this is the total indifference of a society which has grown up on a purely capitalist basis, without any comfortable feudal background, towards the human beings who succumb in the competitive struggle: “there will be plenty more, and more than we want, of these damned Dutchmen[A], Irishmen, Italians, Jews and Hungarians”; and, to cap it all, John Chinaman[B] stands in the background who far surpasses them all in his ability to live on next to nothing.

Glowuyghet a job and stop getting mad at minorities for your failure

Is just a coping mechanism, the glowie is depressed.

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>playing for first time (casual as fuck)
>pick intellecual
>day 1, not even 1pm
>decide to throw balls with old men (90% odds success)
>gets traumatic depression
>has mental breakdown
>game over

>first minute of game
> turn on the lights
> lights are too strong,
> game over

lol, why did you let your health get so low? the only time i ever died in game was i did it on purpose to see what would happen

Bro played with a low psyche build

Just finished first play-though. Got Cuno's respect. Killed one merc, saved Kit from another, three unionists died, no other deaths. Got a very lucky roll and discovered a new species. Got an overall good-ending even if Kitty ratted me out as a blatant communist.

Yes, and also didn't even notice the morale counter or realize you can die from losing it.

>tfw I didn't sleep in the Deserter's bunker and thus missed out on the Dora/Dolores Dei dream sequence for my first playthrough
Idk maybe I'm just a retard but I feel like hiding the most emotionally poignant moment in the game and the climax for Harry's arc behind a very easy to miss prompt was kinda bad game design tbqhwyf.

>All of the reactionaries like Rene and Gary never do anything to further their worldview

The irony of a poverty-striken fellow praising the invisible hand of the market was not lost on me.

Fan art often ignores character. it's tragic, really. I remember Kazerad talking about how the main character of Prequel Adventure: "I don't want to crush anyone's headcanon, but Katia isn't supposed to be incredibly attractive. She's not drawn all curvy and contrapposto like Sigrid because she doesn't look that way. She just looks like Katia."
To which someone replies: "It's weird because when I try to draw characters more like the way you draw them, people keep telling me bigger tits, harder bodies, narrower waists, etc. "
There's a constant recuperating force, just melding all art into a mediocre conventionally-attractive handsome man or curvy watermelon-titted woman. It's sad to see.

That's true, although it also adds reply value.

I can't help but love a game that trolls the player like that, as long as it's not the whole schtick.

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Lots of secondary characters that are "neoliberal" are beggars, dealers, criminals, child abusers, corrupt moralintern officials, and bootlickers from wild pines.
Am i forgetting someone?

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Also this guy.

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oh hey look its me ^^ >>36647

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> mpv-shot

Who is the first woman?
I dont remember her

a "resident" of cape side apartments, Real Estate Agent (Marielle Charpentier).

"A representative of Revacholian landlording class, Marielle absolutely detests having to put up with Harrier. She is currently trying to clean up the apartment for rental, popping low-grade performance enhancers likely Preptide or Pericanine, but is absolutely burdened having to do low-grade labor. Especially after another of her subordinates screwed up locking down a foreclosed apartment and allowed the tenant to take his belongings after the Realty Associates tried to steal and auction them."


I might be wrong, but she might be lying when she says she is a "real state agent", since the cleaning lady never heard of such a thing, and asked you to see if there were any intruders into the apartment.
When you knock in her apartment, she remains silent to avoid being discovered, i believe.
And then, after you find her, she leaves in a hurry. You can only talk with her once before she leaves.
Capeside apartments are not a lucrative venture. Most rooms are in rubles, the sealing falling and the walls can barelly contain the outside coldness. Most residents don't pay rent, for example Cuno's dad and Cindy the skull, both extremely poor.
So i believe, that she is just a homeless person, just like most in Ravachole. People are always trying to find new locations to sleep in the abandoned ruins, like the "main antagonist"".
But that is just my theory.

Went into the game thinking Joyce would be the villain of the story for being a corporate lackey and kinda looking like Margaret Thatcher but she's legit pretty helpful to the player, gives out the lion's share of the game's lore and you can see she holds some sympathy for the communards and their failed cause even if she's an ultralib.
In contrast there's Evrart, the union leader who's just a corrupt asshole and antagonizes the player right out of the bat. The game is legit so well written it made me consider switching my political alignments simply because of how much I liked or disliked the characters.

Yes, Joyce is very nice. She doesn't help at all in "the trial", but that is a minor point.
I personally like Evrart a lot. Very corrupt rat, yes, but practical too. Got this whole plan to shut down the harbour, start something big, start a true revolt.
The only problem is that his methodies are not that pretty Selling drugs, taking land from the poor and sell it to multinational contracts for proffit, having an "eye" on everything that happens, being corrupt, hiring the main antagonist to kill people, etc.
But nothing is always fair in war. He is a fat boy, but he is a union man. A true socialist.

The game did the impossible and made me like the Fr*nch Language

Disco elysium made the impossible and made me like stuff more. Life more.

I appreciate that they made the stronk aryanist race-theorist and the loyalist royalist both non-White. Reactoids are basically given the choice to risk irony poisoning, or choose between the pudgy lorry driver and the nerdy cryptofash… neither are really worth putting on a pedestal. They clearly tried to portray a broad spectrum of each of the mains ideologies, including a range of different forks of nationalism and fascism.

>Go to a poor area sometime, there are kids like that.
Yep, I played basketball in a youth centre (I was around when they were playing and joined in) and one of the kids, I guess 10-13yo, was just casually yelling the most horrible shit where you would expect light banter at worst. Not just the words themselves, but that they screamed them. I don't even think they were trying to offend anyone, they probably didn't understand the weight of what they were parroting, but you can't help get a bit concerned.

Kids learn shit from their environment. When their parents are racists, or homophobic or abusive, that stuff can rub off so casually that a kid doesn't even question it, or often even know the meaning of what they say. It's normal until it's challenged or explained.

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>tricking Measurehead into opening the gate
>Kim's face when

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The thing is that Evrart Claire is what happens when a socialist tries to pick up the pieces of an overthrown communist state. The Claires genuinely believe in the socialist cause, but they live in an extremely hostile political climate where communism is viewed as not only harmful, but useless. If they try the old methods again, they will be ostracized and killed. So they do the next best thing: learn what they can from their predecessors (i.e. study theory with the Deserter) and apply it in new ways (i.e. a union instead of a vanguard party).

The Claires are some of the only people in Revachol who haven't surrendered to despair. They want to make things better, and have to work a delicate balancing act between building a movement that can accomplish this and staying out of the ruling government's crosshairs. And that means they have to make compromises that very often turn out ugly - nothing is fair in war, indeed.

The question isn't whether Evrart is a good person, but whether the compromises he makes will be worth it, and if they won't end up backfiring.

As a side note, one of my criticisms of the game, or perhaps myself as a detective, was experiencing a few events and discoveries in the wrong order.

>The question isn't whether Evrart is a good person, but whether the compromises he makes will be worth it, and if they won't end up backfiring.
One of the interesting lines of Call Me Mañana was them saying (paraphrase) of course they're corrupt, we all know that, but they're corrupt in our favour. It really throws a wrench in liberal idealism.

>kids saying cuss words is muh trigger


this is why we should stop this forced universalisation of childhood as sterile suburbia.

>one of the kids, I guess 10-13yo, was just casually yelling the most horrible shit where you would expect light banter at worst. Not just the words themselves, but that they screamed them.

have you tried not being a huge pussy? i cant even imagine how sheltered someone has to be for this to be surprising or alarming to them, jesus christ. i see 10 year olds smoking blunts on the train and while i dont condone it, it also doesnt surprise me or make me clutch my pearls

have you tried not growing up in a shithole where kids being abused is unsurprising?

>i see 10 year olds smoking blunts on the train
You understand that is in fact bad, and you should clutch pearls about it?

wow, i never considered that! maybe there are problems with the world, i wonder if any political movements or philosophers ever had anything to say about this

yes i should have shed a tear and begged them to cease their unholy behavior. no shit it is bad, and i dont blame someone who isnt used to seeing that kind of thing for being shocked and saddened when it comes to seeing kids openly abusing substances or being genuinely violent, but unfortunately that is a normal sight anywhere in the world that has extreme poverty, which is most of the world. im not saying dont have any sensitivity to that or let your heart completely harden to it. but if you think that of all things kids SWEARING is disturbing, i can only assume you are incredibly sheltered, i have never been around any demographic of children that didnt say vile shit. part of being a kid is about wanting to explore limits, and kids are plenty capable of being very sadistic if they arent taught and encouraged to be sympathetic to others

> 10 year olds smoking blunts on the train
The wokerati need to let kids be badasses.

>but if you think that of all things kids SWEARING is disturbing
I don't. I did all the time. I'm not concerned that they were saying swear words, I was concerned they were casually screaming racist attacks at the top of their lungs whenever someone dribbled a basketball around them. That shit ain't normal, at least not here.
I didn't mention the race part because they probably weren't even racist and they were saying it to people the racial term didn't even describe, they're just parroting someone. But it hits hard when you hear that from a kid. And if it weren't so normalized, even 'faggot' should hit hard when a kid says it, but again its kind of normal to hear from teens on a bus as a generalized swearword.

oh man anon, you shouldve said so thats entirely different. i apologize for going off on you about it. kids saying slurs in private is bad, let alone screaming them in public. yes that is disturbing and you should scold them for it when you see it, theyd probably laugh and mock you because thats how kids are, but kids also internalize shit even when they dont realize it and you could end up being a good influence. when i was a young kid my friends and i would throw around gay and faggot as insults, and some older sort of conservative guy we knew was like "you know if one of your friends is actually gay you might really hurt their feelings saying all that", and at the time we thought it was such a stupid and sensistive thing to say, like he didnt get the joke. now i look back on it as a good example of an adult actually acting like a responsible adult trying to influence children for the better

still i will say you started by talking about being disturbed by cuno swearing in this game which i still think is pretty ridiculous

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Is Disco Elysium an RPG or is it a choice-heavy adventure game with jrpg-tier character customization wearing the skin of an RPG?

It's an RPG. Adventure games are usually linear or at least mostly linear

CYOAs and interactive fiction in general usually fall under the umbrella of the adventure game genre (it's what VNs are actually called in japan).

It's not a visual novel though.

Are you sure? It has a lot of visuals and much novel also.

It has 3d movement, leveling, and non linear gameplay, it's clearly not a visual novel.

Yeah. It's a non-linear adventure game albeit.

To clarify why Disco Elysium is NOT an RPG, notice that the player only ever effects changes in the gameworld by selecting options in a dialogue tree. Every possible action the player can take this way relates to a predetermined set of effects and game states, like a series of flags in a CYOA book. According to some, the main aspect differentiating RPGs from adventure games is interaction with a complex system, leading to emergent gameplay. You could say skill checks and NPC schedules are instances of this, though they never really affected my game beyond spending points as needed or going to sleep.

>interactive game isn't a game because I say so
groan take it to /v/ please

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Mrs evrart may not be so cool after all…

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What do you think of Hegelian VVorldbuilding?

Wtf Evrart Is a Dengoid?

He's talking to a self-avowed crooked cop

ya. This line of dialogue flies in the face of everything he actually does. Stonewalling the representative and striking till the company sends their paramilitary doesn't sound like my idea of working with the company

They're right. Just as an example, the MCU should have been rocked to its core by the events of any given movie. Iron Man made basically unlimited clean energy. Thor proves that gods/aliens are real. In a Captain America movie a clandestine US government agency (under the control of an even more secret society of super nazis) was revealed to have made a giant execution platform for the sole purpose of executing political dissidents. Then you have Endgame or whatever and, what, a full half the population just disappears in a puff of smoke? That's apocalyptic, but you watch Spiderman or whatever and nothing's really changed. Snapping people back into existence is all well and good, but just putting the people back isn't going to undo the total shakeup of every single aspect of a person's life.

You didn't get that from the fact he asks you to evict some slum dwellers for his big huge real estate development?

This is one of the things that annoys me the most about fanfics, or books, or whatever, is the repercussions of things not being taken seriously, like Earth gets invaded by aliens or something and everyone is just making stupid quips everywhere. I was reading Homestuck a few weeks ago and the fact that the destruction of mankind and Earth and so on was barely mentioned by any characters except in passing. Not that that's the worst example but yeah.

>Quite disapointed with Kim, he was quite harsh with the workers liberation thingy.

He still is a cop

>Iron Man made basically unlimited clean energy
IIRC he kept the best of his tech for himself due to his mistrust of others with his gadgets. I imagine the Stark company is a lot like most IRL Silicon Valley startups where they'll show off a demo version of some invention and then never follow up on it

>Thor proves that gods/aliens are real

Doesn't the US govt cover up Thor's arrival? That said, the NYC invasion in Avengers 1 most certainly is not covered up, and makes aliens & Norse gods very much public information, so your point still stands. And then later on Thor pretty much settles down in Norway and instead of it becoming a place of religious reverence or theological research it's just a tourist destination lmao

>In a Captain America movie a clandestine US government agency (under the control of an even more secret society of super nazis) was revealed to have made a giant execution platform for the sole purpose of executing political dissidents

This one is really egregious because the movie makes a huge point about how the ABC agencies and the US MIC overall are modern day fascism, up to the point where US carrier ships are almost used to murder millions of people and terrorize the rest into submission…and then in the very next movie, those same carriers are used for a heroic rescue in Eastern Europestan, with the victim of a US bombing attack saying "I guess [the agency filled with literal Nazis] isn't so bad after all!"

To the MCU's credit, the Avengers do spend more movies hunting down the remnants of Hydra, so it's not like that plot point didn't completely disappear from the world.

>Then you have Endgame or whatever and, what, a full half the population just disappears in a puff of smoke? That's apocalyptic, but you watch Spiderman or whatever and nothing's really changed.

This is the worst one for me. I've always said Endgame is one of the worst MCU movies, and this is a big reason for it. Thanos's plan is so horrifically bad and should've been enough to destroy countless civilizations, but all that happens is a handful of people are sad and NYC is a bit desaturated. It comes off as though the screenwriters are misanthropists who actually think Thanos's plan would work, but is bad only because people would die. And that is not the type of message that needs to be sent as climate change gets worse and worse.

>just putting the people back isn't going to undo the total shakeup of every single aspect of a person's life.

The MCU does try to follow this a good bit, but only from the perspective of the heroes and how it personally affected them. Very little is actually done about the economic & political impact of Thanos's snap story-wise (except for that Falcon & Winter Soldier show, which wasn't very good).


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The child consented tho.

I met someone with the Official Zaum™ Disco Elysium™ Kim Kitsuragi™ Aerostat™ Bomber Jacket today.
He was a military industrial complex tool.

Quelle surprise.

>Kim Kitsuragi -"No. We are stooges of the world's biggest bourgeois organization – protecting the people of Revachol. That's the hand we were dealt. Without the MI, we would be common vigilantes."
< Harry du Bois: (Turn to Kim.) "So when I said I was a lackey of capital, what I should have said is that I'm a Moralintern bitch?"
>Kim Kitsuragi - "Doing one's job doesn't automatically make one anyone's *bitch*. Besides, there are more nefarious powers to work for than the Moralintern."

Kim has the most moralist political view, he is literally a cop, and he doesn't appear in the final espirit des corpes moment, so there is no confirmation he was conscripted in the possible "revachol revolution" after the game.
But he is also responsible, kind, extremely competent and selfless. Wearing his jacket TM doesn't make you into that. You can wear a Jesus TM christ TM, that won't make you into Jesus.

<The Deserter - "Everything is brands with you individualists… Who cares what *brand* my shoes are? Sansa…" He looks at his running shoes, covered in mud. "Some shit."

>deserter doesn't immediately shoot you if you internalize fascism
shit game 6/10

there is an annoying amount of times DuBious critfails a rhetoric and just says something racist, which really sucks because kimmy just accepts it instead of beating him up ;_;

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An spiritual successor made by former ZA/UM employees has been announced (No Rostov or Kurvitz tho)

He's a cop. He's probably heard that and worse every single day.

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Gardening goals.

The anarchist wrecker cunt is in there.
Doomed to fail.

I do really be wanting that schizo t-shirt on their site tbh

Kurvitz seems like he would be essential.

I think what's really mindnumbing is the constant need for apocalypses and hidden aftereffects of said events

Apocalypses are fun, they turn the world we know on its head. I'm playing Project Zomboid right now.

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Quick rundown on the different studios making successors of DE.
I think I am the most interested in Summer Eternal, since unlike the other studios they seem to be doing their own thing rather than just re-skinning the original game and its mechanics under a different setting. Still, I'm genuinely hyped for all of them and wish they find success.

>there is an annoying amount of times DuBious critfails a rhetoric and just says something racist, which really sucks because kimmy just accepts it instead of beating him up ;_;
He does pure go into you if you fail at the rave, but yea.
>I'm playing Project Zomboid right now.
Just play Catacylsm:DDA instead of it's inferior youtube bait version.

PZ is much more userfriendly and IMO fun than CDDA. CDDA just becomes a pain in the ass after a while. Sprite based games are dead old man

this also

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Hard as hell art. I find myself gravitating more towards the Kurvitz Loyalists because the thing I liked the most about Disco Elysium and ASATR was their world building for its particular universe rather than the writing or gameplay mechanics, something that sadly is never coming back. Still, I really hope all of these new projects turn out to be great in the end.

ooh, interesting

Happy 5th anniversary to Disco Elysium

I found it interesting. Gave me hope for hte project they're up to, he seems to think they'll win in court. Genuinely nice guy.
I also appreciates the care the host takes around the obvious issue of the ZAUM fallout, think he's been really good in general even though to begin with i didn't think i'd listen to such a niche podcast.
>Happy 5th anniversary to Disco Elysium
Happy Aniversary!

We were fucking ROBBED.

we still might get it, anon.
time. :)

>Ironically, the game was not banned in China itself, and instead became extremely popular in the Chinese market due to a high quality localisation and its deep, resonant story. However, the name of the Communism ideology was changed from the correct Chinese word (gongchang zhuyi - 'common-good ideology') to the made-up term kangmi zhuyi (kangmi is just gibberish that sounds like the English word 'commie') in order to get around Chinese censorship rules concerning politics.


Shenpai played disco elysium for the first time 3 days ago

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