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Always wanted to make this thread, but could never find time for it until now. Discuss lore, art, modding, headcanons, C0DA and other stuff related to the games.
140 posts and 44 image replies omitted.

First for OpenMW VR is very good.

Possible to underlevel, but difficult
You have to be retarded to fuck it up with so much static stuff in the world. Halo kiddies who got it with their xbox hueg console could handle it.

I dont mean unplayable as in hard, Morrowind if anything has exact opposite problem, there are so many ways to break the game player will inevitably do it just by accident. But I like roleplaying, and the leveling in those games is overly complicated, unintuitive, and encourages power-gaming.

>the leveling in those games is overly complicated, unintuitive, and encourages power-gaming
skill issue

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Why yes, I only use immersive mods. How could you tell?

for some reason I watched the whole thing

Skibidi Toilet mod when?

Sorry but toilets aren't lore-friendly. New Vegas has you covered. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/85489

toilets would quickly get raided by orcs, who literally worship a pile of shit

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Hello guys. Want to hear something interesting? Did you know that real Cyrodiil patriots oppose the Imperial occupation of Morrowind? The Imperial elites are just Daedra-worshippers in disguise.

lizard hands typed this post

Just now realizing that Nords and Redguards have exactly the same racial backstory. How would you make them distinct, /leftytesg/?

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I have been cooking up a headcanon that Redguards were from Akavir originally, then settled Yokuda and left it for Tamriel after the conflict rendered it inhospitable. Mostly because Redguards have snakes as a recurring motif in their stories and a bit of Japanese inspiration in their lore (which frankly is not much considering even the ham sandwich Nord race has that, lol @ wasabi shields).

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Made for BBC (Big Barbed Cock).

The snake thing makes too much sense to ignore. Would the Akavir->Yokuda migration take place around the other side of Nirn then? You a round-Nirner, anon?

I've been toying with the idea of Yokudans as analogues for the Roman Empire's foederati, where warring states of Hammerfell increasingly relied on their services (with gold and land as payment) until eventually they dominated the region militarily and started taking castles and forts for themselves when their patrons couldn't, or wouldn't, pay. For Nords I suppose they could stay the same. Or giving Nords the new Redguard backstory and having Redguards stay the same. I'm just wary of including TWO martial cultures with their own sacred cultural magic escaping from a doomed continent and killing all the elves they can find.

Only tangentially related, eventually I'll make a thread just for talking about games that are in development, but some of the original TES devs, Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay, are making an RPG called Wayward Realms with their new studio, OnceLost Games. I guess they've been working on it as a passion project for a while now but put it on kickstarter a few days ago and it's racked up 500k CAD so far. Obviously not a lot when it comes to game development but I guess the goal is to raise enough funds to be able to work on it full-time for a year so that they can cobble enough of a product to woo some publishers. They say it will be a spiritual successor to Daggerfall, complete with a huge procgen map, supposedly 500,000 square kilometers. That's huge.

>procedural generation

Oh boy….

Isn't that the case for a lot of TES games?

idk but they already have a problem with 'wide as an ocean deep as a puddle', a 500 sqkm world will just make things even worse

Yeah that's fair. I know Starfield was largely procgen and people seemed to hate it but so was Daggerfall and that game is beloved. Hopefully there's a tasteful way to do it because the scale of open world games has always felt off to me. Even if it's largely empty between POI's I'd still have fun romping around.

I mean Daggerfall came out like 30 years ago when people were more easily impressed.

It's still loved by modern audiences. The subreddit is in the top 5% of the site by userbase. On youtube, videos that are only weeks to months old have tens to hundreds of thousands of views, extend that search out to just a few years and it's in the millions. On Steam and GOG the ratings are very positive. Daggerfall Unity (a mod) was developed for nearly 15 years between 2009 and like 6 months ago and was finally completed. idk I dont think i'd even be talking about it right now if the game was merely coasting on 30 y/o nostalgia

I think its because people are starved for genuine sandbox games. Within RPG genre, what else is there?

Semi-off-topic, anyone here played Dread Delusion? Its been on my radar for some time and finally came out of early access, clear Morrowind influence.

New trailer for Avowed, which Im posting here because realistically this is the closest we are going to get to a good Elder Scrolls sequel.

>I think its because people are starved for genuine sandbox games. Within RPG genre, what else is there?
Capitalism doesn't like wide open sandbox RPGs because the average player is not going to see most of the content, which means that it's a "waste" to put all that effort in. The suits don't care about the art or about the fun, only the return on investment. That's why games tend so much towards being cinematic and on-rails.

The only way you can get away with something like Daggerfall in terms of scale is if you do it by procedural generation. Which is what they did back then. Today you could make it more hand-crafted, but the economics forbids it. And consumers aren't going to be as interested in exploring a procedurally generated open world, so even doing it that way would be hard to convince them would sell.

You're talking about Morrowind specifically right? There's already 5-7 TES games if you count TES6 and TES online

No, I am talking quality of Bethesda RPGs following consistend downwards trend and having no hope about TESVI changing it.

>Semi-off-topic, anyone here played Dread Delusion?
I played the demo. It was the definition of style over substance, extraordinarily barebones. The art direction was really good, and the only thing keeping me from dropping it. Everything else felt like a design by checklist open world.

We can hope that after Starflop they'll course correct and start making deep mechanics again right?

It was a massive commercial success, and with Fallout TV show bringing new casual audience to their Fallout, I cant see scenario in which they dont double down on slop, its clearly in demand.

After getting back into Starfield its clear now they just dont finish games on release. I like it way more now but the real crime is paid mod support, and mod support at all coming as late as it is

VGH the Third Era has fallen.

Any gameplay mod recommendations for OpenMW?

Here's what I've currently got loaded:
Attend Me
Persuasive Speech
Pursuit for OMW
CHIM - Movement and Stamina
Friendly Wildlife
NPC Schedules
Sensibile Races and Sensible Birthsigns

Also waiting on a good "survival" mod, a la ashfall. Frostwind doesn't do it for me.

Recommendations for must-have mods/mod packs for Daggerfall Unity? I would like to give it a try, but really dont want to spend entire weekend researching and installing mods.

>the closest we are going to get to a good Elder Scrolls sequel.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance was kind of like a good elder scrolls game in a lot of ways

Thanks. These seem to be what would make the game feel more alive. I have not found Friendly Wildlife, but I found Sei's Dynamic Wildlife which adds dynamic animal and monster spawns.

In that case it's probably my own mod. You can easily make your own by opening your editor of choice and changing the fight and alarm values to your liking.

I have over a 200 loaded, so way too many to list. My recommendation is to go look around on the nexus and grab whatever seems interesting.

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Finally trying Morrowind and it's super fun. I played it briefly on Xbox when I was too young to appreciate it and didn't get much farther than seeing Tarhiel fall from the sky and being attacked by a Kwama. Pretty sure the relative lack of hand holding in general but particularly my inability to find Caius did me in. Now I'm ripping through the game with a build that ended up being pretty well suited for a completionist playthrough, to the extent that it's possible. Picked Redguard because I wanted to be a stereotypical warrior and tend to be intimidated by being a mage in these games but the character creation quiz suggested I play as a Spellsword so I rolled with it. My birthsign is The Tower which in retrospect probably isn't the best–I never use Beggars Nose and it doesn't take long for the Tower Key, the thing I picked the sign for, to be made redundant–but at least RP wise it helps me justify being in all three guilds at the same time. Speaking of Guilds, their jobs, in addition to dungeon crawling is what I've spent most of my time doing. Otherwise I've gotten to the point in the main quest where you need to bust someone out of the Ministry of Truth and I've just joined but haven't yet done any work for House Redorans.
Since it's my first time I'm playing vanilla but there are two things that really annoy me and that I want to mod out asap. One is that shopkeepers will wear the armor/clothes that you sell them and two is that stupid shimmering neon glow that all of the enchanted items have.
First picrel is me and my wife. no but really why are all of the High Elves so hot 🥵. Seems to be a thing in the lore since one of the Altmers I talked to said something about being proud, wise and sexy
Second picrel is my bff for buying all of my skooma and moon sugar. I realize he's not the only one who buys it but since I was largely based out of Balmora and he's conveniently located between a silt rider and a guild guide he was my #1 customer

>orcish armor has less armor than glass
Medium armor bros, they did us dirty.

Didn't believe you at first but the wiki confirms it. The only glass armour I've found so far are boots and their AR is only 13 but I guess the AR for a particular piece is dependent on the corresponding level? I'm only realizing that now but it makes sense and explains why I rocked Orcish for so long despite wanting to use heavy armour;I was largely levelling medium and not heavy, which is now level 47 vs 36 respectively. I did find a Dreugh cuirass which is better than Orcish but still inferior to Glass and I finally got Daedric armour in the form of boots so I will sadly have to say goodbye to my spikey clown shoes. Looking at the wiki again it seems like Redoran and Indoril is the best medium armour but again still inferior to Glass. Pretty wack I have to agree. The unique armour is where it's at anyway. Not sure what the examples are for medium but my helmet, the mask of Clavicus Vile, currently has 96 AR and my gauntlets, the Fists of Randagulf are up to 108 AR, both with OP enchantments to boot.

>>orcish armor has less armor than glass
Is there a lore reason why they make weapons and armor out of glass of all things? It's not even like obsidian or something it doesn't seem.

Didn't see it explained in game but then again I haven't read many of the books. The wiki says the following:
>Glass weapons and armor are an ornate design: light and flexible, although very difficult to make and expensive. Glass armor is a lightweight armor created using rare metals studded with volcanic glass. The result is stronger than steel due to its ability to absorb and distribute shocks very well.
>Malachite, commonly known as glass (and not to be confused with common glass), is a rare, volcanic, milky translucent green crystal that absorbs magicka under the right conditions. It is most often used in creating strong, yet lightweight metallic armor and weapons. The material is similar to ebony, but is less durable and more lightweight. It bears no relation to the common, brittle glass used in windows and ornaments, as it is far stronger and has a much higher melting point. It is most commonly found in Morrowind on the volcanic island of Vvardenfell, but ore veins can also be found all across Tamriel.
>The knowledge of using glass and moonstone to craft elven armor started with the Altmer in Summerset, and was once a closely guarded secret on the isle, but a Dunmer slave Ulvul Llaren, who worked under the isle's master smith escaped and as an act of revenge, revealed the secrets of its creation to the rest of Nirn. Thanks to his contribution, it is now known that glass armor is made using rare metals such as moonstone in order to give it the right strength, and is studded with malachite to create an armor stronger than steel due to its ability to absorb and distribute shock. The use of malachite among non-Altmer, however, predates Llaren's contributions, both among the other mer and men. Glass armor is considered the pinnacle of masterful Dunmeri light armor design. Similarly, Elven-made glass weapons feature extravagant use of rare metals and cutting edges made from crystalline volcanic glass to produce blades of virtually unparalleled sharpness and light weight. Glass weapons wear down quickly, however, and require frequent repair.
I figured it was justified in the lore but the fact that it's better than all(?) medium armour seems like a mistake gameplay wise. I suppose the trade-off is that it's relatively rare, expensive and the wiki says weapons wear down quickly which I've definitely noticed but not sure if that applies to the armour too. Still left thinking that theres no good reason to pick medium armour over light or heavy other than the fact that Orcish armour looks badass

I forgot there are a couple good unique armors in medium, but the best light being better than the best vanilla medium I never understood. Orcish armor in Morrowind looks so much better than Skyrim or Oblivion.

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Weird, the design doesn't really look like volcanic glass. If it's like IRL volcanic glass it would be breaking into pieces when it gets hit so not great as armor, but a high damage weapon that degrades quickly makes sense. Then again, Nirn operates on dream logic.

Glass is refined ligament of a long dead god wot scattered over Nirn. That is why there is relatively much of it on Vvardenfell.

When sourcing the UESP on Morrowind, don't use general lore pages. They contradict each other. Better yet: just cite books directly from the Imperial Library.

looks gorgeous

This site has curated modlists suited for different tastes if you want to check it out https://modding-openmw.com/lists/
Other than what >>36164 said, I always use NCDGMW (https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/53136) which ties attributes directly to skills because I hate the vanilla attribute increase system.

Daggerfall Unity has a lot of quality of life options already built in, although the options can be difficult to interpret right away and you don't know what you'll find annoying before you play. UESP explains what each setting does here: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall_Mod:Daggerfall_Unity/Settings
The ones I'd recommend for everyone are swap health and fatigue, click to attack, and smaller dungeons. The game isn't for everyone and I think it'd be better to figure out whether you like the base before you start expanding on it.

I'm the other recommender, I also use NCDGMW. must've overlooked it scrolling through my modlist.I have no issues with vanilla's handling of attributes but still definitely prefer this approach.

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I've been looking at some of the earliest mods for Morrowind and it's funny that the same mods that we're recommending today (non-hostile wildlife, leveling rework) had their own incarnations not even a month after the game's release:

There's also a ton of "merchants with a million gold" and ridiculously overpowered weapon/armor mods.

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