Always wanted to make this thread, but could never find time for it until now. Discuss lore, art, modding, headcanons, C0DA and other stuff related to the games.
140 posts and 44 image replies omitted.First for OpenMW VR is very good.
>>34236>OblivionPossible to underlevel, but difficult
>MorrowindYou have to be retarded to fuck it up with so much static stuff in the world. Halo kiddies who got it with their xbox hueg console could handle it.
>>34772The snake thing makes too much sense to ignore. Would the Akavir->Yokuda migration take place around the other side of Nirn then? You a round-Nirner, anon?
I've been toying with the idea of Yokudans as analogues for the Roman Empire's foederati, where warring states of Hammerfell increasingly relied on their services (with gold and land as payment) until eventually they dominated the region militarily and started taking castles and forts for themselves when their patrons couldn't, or wouldn't, pay. For Nords I suppose they could stay the same. Or giving Nords the new Redguard backstory and having Redguards stay the same. I'm just wary of including TWO martial cultures with their own sacred cultural magic escaping from a doomed continent and killing all the elves they can find.
>>35965I think its because people are starved for genuine sandbox games. Within RPG genre, what else is there?
Semi-off-topic, anyone here played Dread Delusion? Its been on my radar for some time and finally came out of early access, clear Morrowind influence.
>>36089>I think its because people are starved for genuine sandbox games. Within RPG genre, what else is there?Capitalism doesn't like wide open sandbox RPGs because the average player is not going to see most of the content, which means that it's a "waste" to put all that effort in. The suits don't care about the art or about the fun, only the return on investment. That's why games tend so much towards being cinematic and on-rails.
The only way you can get away with something like Daggerfall in terms of scale is if you do it by procedural generation. Which is what they did back then. Today you could make it more hand-crafted, but the economics forbids it. And consumers aren't going to be as interested in exploring a procedurally generated open world, so even doing it that way would be hard to convince them would sell.
>>36089>Semi-off-topic, anyone here played Dread Delusion?I played the demo. It was the definition of style over substance, extraordinarily barebones. The art direction was really good, and the only thing keeping me from dropping it. Everything else felt like a design by checklist open world.
>>36136We can hope that after Starflop they'll course correct and start making deep mechanics again right?
>>36155Here's what I've currently got loaded:
Attend Me
Persuasive Speech
Pursuit for OMW
CHIM - Movement and Stamina
Friendly Wildlife
NPC Schedules
Sensibile Races and Sensible Birthsigns
Also waiting on a good "survival" mod, a la ashfall. Frostwind doesn't do it for me.
>>36260In that case it's probably my own mod. You can easily make your own by opening your editor of choice and changing the fight and alarm values to your liking.>>36176I have over a 200 loaded, so way too many to list. My recommendation is to go look around on the nexus and grab whatever seems interesting.
>>36275Didn't see it explained in game but then again I haven't read many of the books. The wiki says the following:
>Morrowind:Glass>Glass weapons and armor are an ornate design: light and flexible, although very difficult to make and expensive. Glass armor is a lightweight armor created using rare metals studded with volcanic glass. The result is stronger than steel due to its ability to absorb and distribute shocks very well.>Lore:Malachite>Malachite, commonly known as glass (and not to be confused with common glass), is a rare, volcanic, milky translucent green crystal that absorbs magicka under the right conditions. It is most often used in creating strong, yet lightweight metallic armor and weapons. The material is similar to ebony, but is less durable and more lightweight. It bears no relation to the common, brittle glass used in windows and ornaments, as it is far stronger and has a much higher melting point. It is most commonly found in Morrowind on the volcanic island of Vvardenfell, but ore veins can also be found all across Tamriel.>The knowledge of using glass and moonstone to craft elven armor started with the Altmer in Summerset, and was once a closely guarded secret on the isle, but a Dunmer slave Ulvul Llaren, who worked under the isle's master smith escaped and as an act of revenge, revealed the secrets of its creation to the rest of Nirn. Thanks to his contribution, it is now known that glass armor is made using rare metals such as moonstone in order to give it the right strength, and is studded with malachite to create an armor stronger than steel due to its ability to absorb and distribute shock. The use of malachite among non-Altmer, however, predates Llaren's contributions, both among the other mer and men. Glass armor is considered the pinnacle of masterful Dunmeri light armor design. Similarly, Elven-made glass weapons feature extravagant use of rare metals and cutting edges made from crystalline volcanic glass to produce blades of virtually unparalleled sharpness and light weight. Glass weapons wear down quickly, however, and require frequent repair.I figured it was justified in the lore but the fact that it's better than all(?) medium armour seems like a mistake gameplay wise. I suppose the trade-off is that it's relatively rare, expensive and the wiki says weapons wear down quickly which I've definitely noticed but not sure if that applies to the armour too. Still left thinking that theres no good reason to pick medium armour over light or heavy other than the fact that Orcish armour looks badass
>>36275Glass is refined ligament of a long dead god wot scattered over Nirn. That is why there is relatively much of it on Vvardenfell.
>>36276When sourcing the UESP on Morrowind, don't use general lore pages. They contradict each other. Better yet: just cite books directly from the Imperial Library.
>>36155This site has curated modlists suited for different tastes if you want to check it out than what
>>36164 said, I always use NCDGMW ( which ties attributes directly to skills because I hate the vanilla attribute increase system.
>>36176Daggerfall Unity has a lot of quality of life options already built in, although the options can be difficult to interpret right away and you don't know what you'll find annoying before you play. UESP explains what each setting does here: ones I'd recommend for everyone are swap health and fatigue, click to attack, and smaller dungeons. The game isn't for everyone and I think it'd be better to figure out whether you like the base before you start expanding on it.
I've been looking at some of the earliest mods for Morrowind and it's funny that the same mods that we're recommending today (non-hostile wildlife, leveling rework) had their own incarnations not even a month after the game's release:'s also a ton of "merchants with a million gold" and ridiculously overpowered weapon/armor mods.
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