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Inspired by Lord of the Rings: Gollum.
somebody get the franchise out of Amazon's hands


Halo infinite


This is like the most baffling game to even get made. It doesnt look to have particularly high budget, sure, but still, some investor had to make a decision to put millions of dollars into Gollum game. How does that even happen, this was destined to be a flop even if it somehow managed to get good reviews, a game nobody wanted. When I first heard about its existence, I immediately thought of that Ben Hur movie remake from couple years ago, just a product with no audience whatsoever.


Brought to you by the bright minds who funded the rings of power


Yeah, but for that one I am like 90% sure it was some kind of money laundering/tax evasion scheme.


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Anonymous Agony, a game made by a guy with a degree in child psychology who really liked Persona and Metal Gear, and hated pedophiles so he made a game combining all of that. Most people of probably seen the Mandalore video on it. It starts off as an edgy revenge story, and then 180s turns into Persona with MGS conspiracies popping up out of nowhere. Finding out about this game from /v/ several years before that and watching streams of it was the most fun I ever had with that shithole. It's a shame the creator will never finish it (though he claims he's actively working on it). The ultimate "so bad it's good" game.

Also, shoutouts to YiiK for being a game that could've been perceived a lot better if it weren't for it having the most baffling gameplay/narrative decisions I've seen in an indie rpg. The combat wants to be Paper Mario while completely missing the point of most aspects of that games combat. It wants its story to be like a Murakami or Palahniuk novel where the protagonist learns to be a better person (stated verbatim by its dev) but it's just a barely thematically coherent mess of half-baked ideas that either go nowhere or actively undercuts themselves. Devs insisted that people misunderstood aspects of it that they were criticizing but even they eventually caved and redid shit like the infamous golden alpaca scene and letting you choose to just make combat a joke so you don't have to deal with it. Surprised the devs are creating an update that completely overhauls that game's combat and add/reworking story content and I'll give them credit that in both areas it seems far better than it previously did. Not a bad game that's interesting to play through beyond being a textbook example of "How not to make an RPG."


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>It wants its story to be like a Murakami or Palahniuk novel where the protagonist learns to be a better person
I have never played it myself, but I did watch entire Kemonofriendzone playthrough stream, and I couldnt help but notice how characters in the game, and its entire narrative, treats the protagonist as some kind of awful egotistical asshole, even though his worst sin if being kind of pretentious, but otherwise unambiguously a good person. Thing that stick in my mind is the part where you he gets called out for being a lazy neet who leeches off his parents, but the whole story is about him going to extreme lengths in order to save life of a girl he met, but the game explicitly tells you jobhunting should be his priority.


Like >>28043, I've also never played yiik, but the aesthetics and setting of it are repulsive to me. Despite whatever intention the developers had the whole thing comes across to me, from a couple episodes of a let's play I watched, as pathetic, embarrassing, and masturbatory.


This is kind of why I stopped reading Questionable Content.


>Finding out about this game from /v/ several years before that and watching streams of it was the most fun I ever had with that shithole.

>even though [Alex] worst sin if being kind of pretentious
What about screeching at a near-stranger who just confided about a deep trauma?

> to extreme lengths in order to save life of a girl he met, but the game explicitly tells you jobhunting should be his priority.

The point is the tragedy he is trying to resolve exists in his head. Yes, job hunting should be his priority, because he is chasing ghosts.

You made me add and cross out "Explaining YIIK" on my bucket list. Fuck you.


>The point is the tragedy he is trying to resolve exists in his head. Yes, job hunting should be his priority, because he is chasing ghosts.
I understand that is what the game was trying to say, but it decided that the narrative stand-in for Alex being a self-absorbed asshole should be a selfless act. That just does not work. At the end, Alex does not change in any way, you just keep going as you did the whole game.


Oh yes, I agree that the narration is just awful. My bad.


>could've been perceived a lot better if it weren't for it having the most baffling gameplay/narrative decisions I've seen in an indie rpg.
I kinda want to play the latest version which gets rid of the insanely long monologues and simplifies the combat. Also there's an upcoming YIIK game. I don't know how are they financing this.


These both are kinda the fault of the tolkein state being really meager with their licenses. it's obvious that amazon wanted to adapt the silmarillion, yet they only managed to get the ok to adapt a shitty LotR prequel. and nobody seriously sets out to make a game about an impotent, mentally broken little goblin unless the tolkein estate only allows you to use gollum for your upcoming officially licensed LotR game.


>upcoming yiik game
Unless they announced so new stuff, you're probably thinking of the major overhaul update for the game they've been working on. I'd say hold off and just wait for that but there's no release date for it beyond "before the end of this summer"


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Bubsy 3D on ps1.


so fucking pissed that laughing at things like a weird cgi goblin has to be experimental and liminal or whatever now. this video should be 8 seconds long and louder than a real gun


I can't blame Christopher Tolkien (when he was alive anyway) for not wanting to see his father's life's work fucked to death by money grubbing corporations. Now that he's dead though his grand and great grand children are probably going to start cashing in because they don't give a shit.


it's retarded to pearl clutch about 'muh legacy', if the new stuff is shit then don't watch it, if he wanted to do something good he could sell the rights for 50 trillion dollars and give it to charity.


People are upset because they want to like new stuff, but new stuff keeps being shit. The only two good LOTR pieces of media that came out since Rise of the Witch King back in 2006 have been mods for Medieval 2 and Warband.


I just feel like pretending to want to protect 'tolkien's legacy' is retarded and borderline disgusting, they are still selling the LOTR brand name so what exactly are they protecting here? Who do they think is going to make a Silmarillion adaptation that's good?


I have no idea what the Tolkien estate line of reasoning is. But the Amazon show has no right to be as awful as it is. With modern technology and the obscene amount of money poured into that show, it could have been good. The just fucked it up, cuz it was made by hacks and soulless corporate executives.


>I have no idea what the Tolkien estate line of reasoning is.

They're just completely up their own assholes.


Except Christopher Tolkien didn't sell the movie rights to LOTR, which were already out of his control before he took over control of the estate. The only other project I know of that got the estate's blessing was The Tolkien Ensemble musical project, which is really good imo.

It seems like you've created a scenario in your head about how Tolkien's family treats his legacy. Christopher Tolkien spent almost as much time on the material between gathering it, preserving it, editing and publishing it as his father did, and it's completely natural for him to want to protect it.


>Christopher Tolkien spent almost as much time on the material between gathering it, preserving it, editing and publishing it as his father did, and it's completely natural for him to want to protect it.

Yet he still whores it out for billions? Like pick one or the other, either sell it, or don't sell it, but don't sell half and act like you're some kind of curator.


How is he "whoring it out?" He can't control what is done with the movie rights to the hobbit and lotr because those were sold before he had anything to do with it. All the new stuff being made is derived from either those rights, or the rights sold after he gave up control of the estate in 2017. It was him retiring from that which lead to The Rings of Power being made.


In fact it looks like it was Christopher's son Simon who's responsible for "whoring it out."

>Simon Tolkien disagreed with the policy of his grandfather's estate in regard to The Lord of the Rings films. When Christopher Tolkien issued a statement that the "Tolkien estate would be best advised to avoid any specific association with the films",[14] Simon Tolkien broke ranks, offering to cooperate with the filmmakers, stating, "It was my view that we take a much more positive line on the film and that was overruled by my father."[15] Following up a 2001 interview with the Independent, Simon in 2003 gave interviews to the Daily Telegraph and other media in which he discussed his strained relationship with his father, describing it as a permanent breach;[16] however, they subsequently reconciled.[2]

>As of 2022, he is a consultant on the Amazon TV series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.[17]


Ok, fair enough, I guess I don't know that much about it, just that 'the Tolkien estate' was doing things.

I definitely still kinda resent the idea that Chris's position was noble though, like his family is already fabulously wealthy off royalties so they get to opt out of participation in the capitalist market just like everyone else has to.


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death stranding, its one of the worst, most boring and pretentious games i ever played, barren empty world, basic gameplay, 2deep4u story, if it wasnt kojima doing this but instead EA or ubisoft people would fucking hate it, but instead they adore this game, i really dont understand kojima, he wants to make movies into games, it started with MGS4 1 hour duration cutscenes, middle part is MGS5 where he would put his name all over the game. im tired of this man and his fans



>2deep4u story
Kojima really has a talent for making psueds scream.
Pro-tip: it's way simpler than you think.


>Implying you have to even think when Kojima just has his characters spend 20+ minutes explaining the themes of the story near the end


Yeah. Exactly.


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kojima is a talentless game director, the game is shit, just fucking admit it, the gameplay is fucking garbage, and the story is dumb, people just like thjs garbage because its has holywood people in it, and ofc, because it was shilled by everyone on youtube, game awards, twitter, twitch, you name it, this guy is a fraud, and im hoping for his downfall as we speak



I think the story is dumb, but the gameplay is great. I had fun.
> barren empty world
What is your opinion of Shadow Of The Colossus?


>>28476 but he's spreading communist propaganda, we can't have him falling off


Metal gear rising revengance is the coolest video game ever made.


/v/ moment


its ok, you didnt like the game


I like the gameplay and story.


kys Vermin.


Kojima didn't direct that game


Kojima is still stuck on Metal Gear, and he will double down on Death Stranding 2. The gameplay it's cool, unique and fun. The story should have been more focused and humanistic. Long cutscenes should have been left on Metal Gear Solid.


I dunno if I agree on the cutscenes, but I think the constant grinding dilutes the story beats. I mean it's supposed to be a distributed task, irt building roads, but that system is broken, it doesn't work, so it means grinding.


>more focused and humanistic
Did we play the same game??

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