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 No.32028[View All]

There's going to be a Fallout TV show and it looks like a yoghurt ad. It's also solely based on Fallout 4 and it's going to have even more BOS wank. Thanks Todd!
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>I don't like any of this shit but still I sorta respect the show for being this ballsy and not afraid to make drastic changes to an already established lore.
you say this like all the bethesda fallouts havent been watering down the series from the beginning lmao


>Sorry if I spoiled it for you.
I don't care lol. What works about the show is more in the delivery than clever twists. I already know the big ones.


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Looking at the unnecessarily vitriolic response to "nerds" pointing out the lore or whatever leads me to believe that a lot of people are deeply self-conscious about not paying much attention to the stuff they watch/read/play and feel that anyone who chooses to do so is personally attacking them.


It's one thing when Bethesda retcons shit like when was Jet invented and by whom in one of the games. It's another thing entirely when the companion tv series answers long held questions like who started the war or decides which endings are the canon ones for each game.


You're just noticing this? There's a powerful culture of anti-intellectualism in burgerstan. It's not just about media, it's about anything. If you know more than the bare minimum you're a nerd. If you care more than the socially prescribed amount you're cringe. Ask any autistic person how normies behave when they find out about someone's special interest lmao.


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That guy only gains the super-healing abilities after turning into a Ghoul with the potion given to him by the mysterious witch doctor character, which probably gives you different physical properties than normal ghoulification via rads exposure.
I think the implication is that Ghoulggins also drank the same potion as a way to extend his life and find his frozen family but this is going into headcanon territory.


i wouldn't trust your conclusion: i could see myself being vitriolic for (a) amusement and (b) to bring down people who come across as thinking that knowing lore makes them better than others, despite being the kind of person to spend hours reading bullshit lore online myself.
(a few times i've found myself playing devil's advocate for the show on /v/, it's a fun challenge when you haven't seen it.)


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why does it have a water jacket when it's a shoulder fired gun clearly not intended for sustained fire? it also has cooling fins which might suggest air cooling like a Lewis gun but there's clearly a fill cap on that shroud
also why is there a front post seemingly at the same height as the optic?
more importantly why do they have to carry the bags when knights literally have powered armor that can easily lift hundreds of kilos if not several tons, other than as a penal measure?
>not afraid to make drastic changes to an already established lore
<implying the writers care about the lore


>more importantly why do they have to carry the bags when knights literally have powered armor that can easily lift hundreds of kilos if not several tons, other than as a penal measure?
i think they were trying to make a joke about using companions to carry all your shit in the games but had to choose the dumbest example for it


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You see Ghoulggins riding a horse through a nuclear bombardment in the prologue of the show (with his daughter). Surely that implies he was ghoulified by radiation exposure like standard ghouls.


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me on the right, if you run with em you have to lay with em


>I'm going to find a water chip
>I'm going to find a GECK
>I'm going to find out where all those robots are coming from


A lot of Ghoulggins's backstory is kept vague, either to keep the mystery of his character or as sequel bait. Can't say for sure either but I don't think he turned into a Ghoul during the horse ride while the nukes were going off in the background.
Again, this is basically my headcanon but I believe he took his daughter to Vault 31 (or some other Vault-Tec secret facility) to put her into cryo-sleep, was denied entry himself and later turned into a Ghoul.


That’s fine for the show. I’m willing to grant them artistic license to do whatever they want to tell a good story.
I still don’t want invincible ghouls in the game.



>Fallout 4


not saying it's good, just that ship has already sailed


I don’t see your point. Was he invincible or something?


Vault-Tec dropping the first nuke was going to be in the cancelled Fallout movie while the franchise was still at Interplay. So for all the shit you can give Bethesda vidya, the set dressing is consistent.


he lived for 200 years without food or water (ghouls can't do that according to the original and subsequent games)


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>Games all about surviving in a post-apocalyptic civilization
<Wtf Bethesda why can't you just turn the setting into a regular civilization instead???
This shit is precisely why Chris Avellone wanted to nuke everything again in Van Buren.


the whole point is that it was post-post apocalypse. only the bethesda games are "immediately post-apocalyptic"
this makes sense the moment you ask why fallout 3 takes place more than a hundred years after the war yet everything still looks like the bombs dropped yesterday.

contrast NV: things are unstable, but you've got civilization down. there are farms, Goodsprings is basically an ordinary town, there's a prison system for god's sake. this is civilization - it turns out people won't live for generations in a bombed out house without, for a moment, thinking: should we maybe fix the roof? and while we're at it, maybe we should remove the centuries old skeleton from the inexplicably-still-partially-padded living room sofa?


Did you not play Fallout 1 & 2?


>maybe we should remove the centuries old skeleton from the inexplicably-still-partially-padded living room sofa?
ugh, I'll do it later. gawd! get off my back


This is why you shouldn't glorify certain people involved in the collaborative creative process as the word of god whether George Lucas or Tim Cain. The original Fallouts were made by various people and that is what made them great not Tim Cain being some auteur which he never has been.


post very related lol >>>/hobby/4494


When an author agrees with my opinion:
>Based! Their word is infallible. Sorry but everything they say is canon and official.
When an author doesn't agree with my opinion
>They didn't make the work alone, stop worshipping creators. Death of the author rules!


So you disagree that the first Fallout games were made by a clusterfuck of people just like pretty much all AAA games?


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>When an author agrees with my opinion:
>When an author doesn't agree with my opinion


>Death of the author rules!
did tim cain even write anything


I'm saying that if Tim Cain had shitted on the show you would be cheering because an OG Fallout guy validated your opinion.


Not really. I don't like Tim Cain in the first place. Or Avellone. Maybe Josh.


pretty sure he wrote the "war never changes" speech, and he had the final say on everything that went into the first game


Tim Cain is a good programmer/coder but a terrible writer and designer. Trapped in the past in all the most boring ways possible and thinks all games should be inperceptibly minute variations of GURPs. You won't find anything of value in a game he himself has any control over, and The Outer Worlds is one of them.


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>Respects the non-binary recruit's pronouns and even promotes their rank in the army
Is the BOS actually existing woke fascism?


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i hope avellone drops a fun dramabomb


also josh is very chill and has a good perspective on things

>“There are things that I might watch and say, ‘I don’t think I would have taken this that way’, and then there are other things that I think are really cool. But it’s not my space, it was never my thing. I was a guest working in it. So I try to keep a level of distance between myself and the setting.”


what tim cain really said was that lore drift is inevitable in long-running franchises, that bethesda decides the story's direction now, and that his opinion doesnt matter any more than yours (referring to og Fallout fans)

the same guy who had serious issues with fo2, self-professed that he compartmentalizes every sequel game as being not part of "his" fallout, and "politely disagrees" with bethesdas idea about who dropped the bombs when the reveal of who dropped the bombs is like the whole thrust behind what the fallout show culminates in thematically

basically, people saying cain uncritically praised the show and gave it his endorsement are being a bit disingenuous at best, because it comes with the massive asterisk that he has never held any fallout content as corroborative with his first game regardless


Didn't confirm vault tec dropped the bomb. It confirmed they had this intention.

I liked the show but I'm no lore master, I only played 4 and new Vegas and read the wikia and watched some videos on the older games


BOS is established to not value the lives of the prospective squires, instantly sending "Titus" a replacement, no questions asked. They don't even bother teaching them what sex is. They probably just can't be bothered to care about that stuff.

It's implied Vault-Tec didn't drop it because they would have been more prepared if they did. Like why would you have people rushing to get in the Vault in FO4 or in the show? They would have known it was happening and been able to give advance warning.


>Hell, it's very likely FNV ain't even canon anymore due to all the retcons to the timeline and Mr. House's backstory
you can feel Todd howards influence in this.


Corporate products shouldn't count as canon.


>Gonna be a bitch to write Fallout 5 with all these new additions tho.
Is the show actually canon to the mainline games?


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Yep it's time for my yearly New Vegas replay.




Todd says everything is canon, for what that's worth.


I love BB and all but I seriously don't like the idea of random celebs crawling out of the woodwork to try and worm their way into shows because they like the IP. If Aaron Paul is in S2 I'm actually going to be a bit irritated.


Matthew Perry was put in New Vegas because he talked about playing 3 a lot. Aaron Paul could work in Fallout. The problem is they would probably put a bunch of BrBa jokes in there.


That pic is from New Vegas' launch event.

>If Aaron Paul is in S2 I'm actually going to be a bit irritated.

Maybe if the pics get enough traction on social media but I doubt it.

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