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Has there been an uptick in anti-communist games/crypto-ethnonationalist anti-Russian ethnic grievance games coming out of former eastern bloc countries recently?

This game treats the Bolsheviks like they're cartoon villains and acts like the fucking retreating Czechoslovak Legion cared more about Soviet citizens than the Red Army.
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>spends the first half of the game really drilling in to your skull just how evil the white supremacist and christo-fascist society in the game is, specifically against black people and poor workers
<The moment the workers and minorities finally revolt against their oppressors the narrative goes full "both sides bad!" "Violence ain't the answer!' "these commies just want to kill all people with glasses!"
Fun games with interesting settings but Ken Levine really is the biggest enlightened centrist in the Vidya industry.


Funny :)


At first I thought it was just a bad timeline or something, and we'd have to prevent it from happening somehow, but no, the people fighting against a racist apartheid state are once again just blood thirsty murderers.


Daisy should have just told her supporters to voot Comstock out of office


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Biocock Intimate>>>>Bioshock Infinite


anon amazed that people over 45 can be real




well shit guess i gotta execute my dad by firing squad for his crimes of being almost 60


He ismprobably a 30 year old boomer. Can't believe you fell for that.


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>Mfw I realized this and a whole lotta more Bioshock Infinite smut is technically incest porn
Yeah I'm a complete slowpoke and I just finished this 11 year old game like 2 days ago while also somehow avoiding most major spoilers


I'm in awe.


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I always assumed this was meant to be yellow press about the "vile communists" and not actual fact.


>>34418 (me)
Ok so I just finished the Burial at the Sea DLC and I found the "umm ackshually Daisy didn't want to kill the child, she was just baiting Elizabeth into becoming a killer because uhhh… reasons!" retcon to be unbelievably pathetic and a complete pussy move by the writers most likely due to the
backlash they got. Like they're so unprincipled they couldn't even commit commit to the unprincipled centrist bit!


I think America's Army, the american propoganda game should count among them. From what I heard it wasn't that bad of a game but in the end it's still state funded propaganda from the literal government.


To be fair, any shooter game featuring the US Army as good guys could be considered American propaganda… even if it's made by a non-US developper, such as the Arma series (including the original Operation Flashpoint).
Like, OFP had you play the heroic 'Muricans who do nothing wrong against the eeeeviiil rogue Soviet troops. Arma 1 bad guys? Communists. Arma 2 bad guys? Communists with support from le Russians.


Besides WW2 shooters, I think. Taking it out of context and not talking about what happened in Japan, the allied tropes were pretty definitely the good guys of that war.


Yeah, you're right. I was mostly thinking about games set during or after the Cold War. Still, some WW2 games manage to depict the USSR pretty negatively, such as Company of Heroes 2


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Just learned about a game called "Soviet City."

It was a full on famine totalitarianism 100 gorillions game, but was abandoned in Early Access lmao


peak amerikkkan vidya. Does anyone remember when people were making fun of N Koreans for having a video game where you killed US troops? It’s kind of insane that US has somehow managed to monopolise the idea of killing your enemies in your media without looking like a nation full of bugmen psychos.


Crysis 1 was jingoistic and pro american, and had north koreans as enemy troops besides the aliens.


Crysis was a graphics test, and literally nobody remembers the game's "plot".

All mention of "north koreans" as enemies is because game devs are too pussy to use China, like they really want to.


I played that when it was in early access lol, it's a piece of garbage but I actually enjoy the music a lot even though it's by some polish fascist, look up the OST if you like electronic music


I mean it's not exactly being too pussy but that China is a potential market. But yes I mentally switch out North Korea with China in all games like this as that is obviously the intention.

Especially absurd is the Homefront series, you might wonder how the hell North Korea could win a war against the US, but the main cinematic makes it clear that they first annexed South Korea (ok, somewhat plausible), and then… China, a country which is like 50x larger in population and size. They don't even change the flag, it's still just the North Korean flag. God there's so many games with flat out retarded lore out there.


>there is a market for an American WOLVERINES! propaganda in China
Uh-huh. Titles that avert their eyes from China are not true anti-communist games. They are the "perm locked in chastity" cucks of anti-communist games.


>I mean it's not exactly being too pussy but that China is a potential market
Yes. Capital-driven cowardise. If you want to make China the enemy but don't because your boss wants Chinese people to like your game, you're collectively pussying out of your artistic vision.


Not everyone has ideology-brain, there's millions of gamers that just want to play fun games. I've played schizo Ameribrain games and liked them and communist games and disliked them.

Ok fair, I guess it's a fine distinction, you can definitely call it cowardice.


>Ok fair, I guess it's a fine distinction, you can definitely call it cowardice.
And to clarify, I'm not saying that it's something they have much influence over without seriously risking their jobs or getting into legal trouble. Capitalism, yadda yadda. But they're still getting punked.


>and [played] communist games and disliked them.


Literally name 3 (three) communist games other than Disco Elysium and Night in the Woods.


>Disco Elysium and Night in the Woods.
Lol wut.


Everything by Kremlingames, Suzerain, Tooth and Tail, Deus Ex + IW, Mother Russia Bleeds.


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Devil Survivor 2


>other than Disco Elysium and Night in the Woods
Not frothing-at-the-mouth reactionary ≠ communist.


have you even played them?


As much as I appreciate Scott Benson and his (timid) writing contribution, Night in the Woods is barely socialist. Outside of Droz there is very little communist in or about Disco Elysium.
Different Anon from the other two heels. (glow ipso facto)


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>there is very little communist in or about Disco Elysium


I can understand NitW but saying that about DE is just plain stupid.


Idle words. Prove me wrong.
You can't, because you know I'm right.


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Black ice for HOI4


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I am fudged


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The best mode of production: Stalin economy controlling every factory with his big spoon


>Black ICE
But why would you do that to yourself?


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>supposedly hyper realistic mod
>it's still possible to win as the nazis

what did they mean by this?


I like to suffer


these posts made me curious, is black ice good ?


It's trying to simulate as much crap as possible, lagging everything to shit. And you have to micromanage everything. So no. It is not good. MEIOU and taxes isn't good either. Everybody telling you otherwise is just memeing you. Nobody plays bloatshit unironically.


i am still trying to meet the Stalin quota for the 5 year plan, i am trying not to take the lying focus but this is getting tedious.
I believe i found a way though. Mills are considered "industry" and cost half the price of civs.
For some reason you get 150 PP by doing a fucking population census, and then you got an event that "the population actually decreased, weird huh :^)". Also gives you stability for 2 year, so you can't just ignore it.
The tractor stuff is annoying, only now i realize without complete mechanization of agriculture i can't pass better economic laws for mobilization.
The border conflict between you and Japan is another thing that is very annoying that you need to spam.
Anyway, pic rel is my pog champ reddit encirclement, please mom be proud of me.
I will try to finish the next 5 year plan tomorow, is getting late. Good thing i don't have homework for this week lol.


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Stalin, the xenophobe, famously know for having a weekly quota of deaths of 100 people, and after being put as domestic minister, responsible for the death of 20% of the monthly population growth, somehow. Yes completely neutral extremely ultra realistical mod incredible totally not bullshit nazi propaganda.


i mean the whole hundred trillion deaths is very 100% true big wikipedia chungus said so but saying he was a "Xenophobe" is schizo shit, it's Stalin not the God emperor.

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