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/games/ - Games

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what is your what is your f
Avorite racing favorite racing game


Podracing game


SuperTuxKart >>8444


Forza Horizon is the best racing series IMO, the latest installment felt a bit low effort though, 3 was the best maybe


>best racing series
>not Burnout
So you have chosen death.


mario kart 8 unironically


>be a Mario Kart player
>be in 1st place
>get electrocuted by some asshole in 8th place


midnight club 3 and burnout 3
rockstar/EA will never make new ones


The only based person in this thread, smh.


Motor Toon Grand Prix


I mean ok, burnout was a lot of fun, but they haven't released a game in like 15 years


>they haven't released a game in like 15 years
Which is a terrible offense, there's not enough games like Burnout in this world except for Flatout/Wreckfest (which isn't nearly as insane and violent), it's like Burnout has a monopoly on car-centric high-speed combat racing. It's the same issue as with F-Zero GX: its only competitor is that motorcycle game the name of which I forgor.

More reasons to replay the old Burnout games.


ive logged hundreds of hours in GTAV stock car racing online. hours i will never get back


F-Zero X or there's this other similar n64 game I forgot the name of. Burnout 3 was pretty cool too. Oh, and Rally for the gamecube, just because of nostalgia. I can't really get into modern car racing games because I hate cars. Airframe Ultra is looking really exciting though. The Akira-style they're going for is really strong.


>Burnout 3 was pretty cool too
>I hate cars
I'm getting mixed signals here.


>F-Zero X or there's this other similar n64 game I forgot the name of.
The one where you can fly high? Aero Gauge (not popular).
The one with weapons? WipEout.
The one with bikes inspired by Tron? Extreme G.


Star Wars Pod Racing.


guessing this was his favourite mode



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