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 No.7861[View All]

Without Colonel Soll, there would be no New Sordland!
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I dunno if it cuts off UC, but for sure it cuts off Heligoland (or whatever) trade deal which isn't worth it IMO, I think it's best to just agree to the steel price that Agnolia wants, you still get some of the trade benefits from the deal.


I ended up agreeing to their terms but now Im -3 in budget just before I need to spend another 2 to do nationalizations. I guess I shouldn't have invested in Bergia and Morna port? idfk


Possibly not. I find nationalisation runs to be much harder than privatisation ones.


I was straight up ready to merc that guy until he assasinate me. I'm going to get that charm from the car driver to protect me from assasins and find a way to kill his ass if possible.



If you do not pick the SSC for megaprojects, you get a slightly smaller economic recovery I think due to the "confused economic policy"


can you get 225 votes from the Assembly while doing a dictatorial constitution? I was able to get 170ish without campaign financing so I wonder if I can get the rest with it. Its the only way I can get the votes I need from the Supreme court since I need SSP for oligarchs and will nationalize HOS


No for the dictatorship constitution you need both wings of your party (USP) as well as the nationalists (NF) which will demand that you pass an anti-Blud bill so you lose the independents and you automatically lose everyone else in the assembly since the rest of the parties want to decentralize power.


Thanks for the detailed answer but lame. I guess I'll have to compromise on the SSP and have the oligarchs extradited instead


You can't use the Secret Police against the Old Guard because the Old Guard ARE the Secret Police (run by Lileas lol). The only options to target via SSP are the Oligarchs, the political opposition, or the punching bag minority blamed for everything (Bluds).


Second term dlc when


it should be noted that you can fake out the nationalists by doing the languages in school order and then giving them nothing else you promised, this requires dialog choices after the constitution is passed that are kind of tricky and almost require hindsight. your aides basically go "are we really doing an alliance with them?" and you have to be like "actually lets not". The supreme court was way harder to convince for me


Watching everyone have a hard time convince the Supreme Court makes me feel like the playerbase is genuinely retarded.

I didn't even need a guide and got the conversation with Edmonds correctly the very 1st time. All you have to do is be patient and choose all the obvious answers that try to argue that you're actually do this "for democracy" lol since it's obvious that she's afraid of a power grab. You can even sic Nia on the Old Guard with her anti corruption squad during a dictatorship constitution playthrough for extra luls because she's not going to turn down the power and opportunity just to spite you, and she works with you until she's done getting them all arrested.

The game is too easy in dialogue related moments. The difficulty comes from the dev's hardcore neoliberal bias raging against you running budget deficits and offering up free budget money every time you privatize with no negative consequences. When in reality it should be the other way around (nationalization gives you extra budget funds and lower overall efficiency, and privatization does the opposite).


>dev's hardcore neoliberal bias
>nationalization gives you extra budget funds and lower overall efficiency, and privatization does the opposite


He meant it should be like that, in game, nationalisation costs you money and causes problems, whereas privatisation gives you money and solves problems (if you do it in the right way). In some ways I think this is kinda realistic, because for a president with 2.5 years or so left of his term, privatisation would be politically useful and give short term cash, though yes it should make inequality a lot worse than it does. Overall liberal democrat is the easiest and 'best' way to play the game mechanically from my experience. This is a problem shared by many government sims though most of them at least make social democracy the optimal route (ie. Democracy series, most all citybuilders, etc etc)


>He meant it should be like that, in game,
OK, give me a reason why nationalized industry will become less efficient. Reason that isn't a load of neoliberal bullshit, because i can't think of any.

Also, we're playing as a reformist, not a hardline revolutionary. It makes sense you have to pay compensations. Hell, even revolutionaries had to more often than not. And i'm pretty sure it gives you more budget later on.


It doesn't give you more money later on as far as I remember, I'm pretty sure it doesn't give any benefits except for the fact it can be used to screw over one of the oligarchs (but you can do that in the privatisation path too and it causes way more issues with the oligarchs overall).


Because with nationalized industry socialists usually keep a lot of people employed just for the sake of reaching full employment targets even if it would make the sector as a whole less productive. It's either that or divert funds away from the sector to the general budget thereby impairing future investment.

And no it doesn't give you more budget later on it's a net loss in-game which is just stupid.



Nationalization doesn't by itself hurt economic development; Its only if you piss off both Tusk and Koronti that it does, without sticking the secret police on them that is.

You actually get an efficiency bonus from consistency if you picked planned economy.


>Because with nationalized industry socialists usually keep a lot of people employed just for the sake of reaching full employment targets even if it would make the sector as a whole less productive. It's either that or divert funds away from the sector to the general budget thereby impairing future investment.
Look, if you have to cover for high unemployment and budget deficit — you obviously have a full-on economic crisis. And yes, governments frequently try to remedy a crisis with nationalizations. By buying failed porky companies, usually. And trying to present cause as effect is exactly that: a neoliberal bullshit.

I see. I must have really botched that capitalist
run then.


No that's not what I'm saying.
The neoliberal approach (what you're describing):
>Nationalize a company nearing bankruptcy because the CEOs donated to your political campaign and have the taxpayer fund it until it's profitable again whereupon it will be privatized again (examples: British Tories and the Railways, American Democrats/Republicans and bank bailouts)

The critique of certain socialist approaches:
>Nationalize SUCCESSFUL/market leader companies, and then saddle them with additional employment targets (lowering productivity), as well as using the company money as a slush fund to be diverted to general national budget expenditures such as Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure, etc. (which hurts the enterprise as a whole because there is less to invest on active development of services/products, a rainy day fund, development for new services, etc.)

You don't have to be in an economic crisis for the above to still be true. Socialist governments generally WILL mandate a certain amount of ""useless"" jobs in random sectors to ensure they reach their 100% employment goal, and since budget balancing is hard for literally everyone, even central planners will give in to the temptation of funneling money from the most productive enterprises into the general budget to mask or counter deficits. I'm not saying that doing this is bad or incorrect, but I do think socialists have to be realistic about certain drawbacks of state enterprises and the respective dangers.


Also this ties into my critique of the actual game because nationalization would imply that governments can take money from the newly nationalized enterprises to plug holes in the annual national budget but the developers are such neoliberal retards they didn't even think of this very basic point that all socialist countries have exploited before. There is zero reason to not also give additional budget funds on the nationalization path for Suzerain besides ideological bias.



It would be good perhaps if the game was clearer/gave the option on whether the nationalization was with or without compensation.

Maybe with the trade off being that with compensation doesn't trigger capital flight but has a one off costs budget cost whereas without is free but causes capital flight.


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this is my latest game, by my reckoning the only way to have your cake and eat it too on the left wing agenda is going full dictator. What i wonder about is if a similar run is possible where i nationalize koronti's stuff and still get re-elected


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Just confirming that you are correct. I even got the Bluds on board this time and spent 4 wealth points on lobbying and it only made a different of 10 votes in the Assembly. Good thing I had the ACP this time around
Everything was going well until that Graf lady challenged me for leadership of the Party, I think I pissed her off by letting Iosif keep the Gendarmie but it couldn't be helped because I defunded the military and didnt want to piss him off further.
Graf won the election, so I joined the commies and got BTFO (I assume it doesnt help that I raised the election threshold to 15%) and retired. Pretty sure i could've just stuck the ACP on the opposition (or is it the old guard) instead of the oligarchs to prevent that, but now I want to know how to win the elections after leaving the USP


i pirated the game specifically cause of this thread
played it over the past day or so
it was okay, being able to larp as a dick takter was interesting, and i'm glad it didnt railroad into NOOOO NOOOOO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS PATH OR BAD ENDING
i dont think there's much replay value, though, and i most likely wont play it again


Lileas is pretty nuanced she's probably the most far left Sollist and she's also religious so there are many minor things you can do to up her approval and stop her leadership challenge even if you go full Commie.
Funding her Ministry, allowing for creationism to continue to be taught in schools, veto-ing the anti-Blud Religious Harmony Bill, building the highway in the poor region instead of cucking to the oligarchs and their railway, etc. all gain approval from her.
On the other hand if you just want to stop the challenge without conceding a few things you can either sic the ACP on the Old Guard which gets rid of not only Lileas but every Old Guard in government, or start the war with Rumberg (which cancels not only the party congress but also any military coup attempt because of imminent attack).

You can win the election as an independent party after losing the ladership challenge. Winning the war against Rumberg pretty much makes you a shoo in. Otherwise getting economy to max and enough of a large voter bloc will do the trick.


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Big 2.0 update is out.


So is it worth replaying?


Seems to be quite extensive update.
I am genuinely shocked the game is still worked on. Remember making the first Suzerain thread on this board years ago.


It's cool, but, I would prefer to hear from someone before I sink a bunch more hours into it.

Some indie devs just prefer to keep updating their games if they made it a big success and can afford to keep working on it - very admirable, obviously. I am kind of looking forward to a sequel though.


Seems pretty substantial from what I've played.
New scenes with Gus and Alphonso, intervening on a bludish rights court case, new economic decisions on tourism, energy industry, and environmental regulations, more reactivity to previous decisions (Leke/Bluds were big mad at the Whelen deal and more superficial gestures didn't appease them anymore).


>more reactivity to previous decisions (Leke/Bluds were big mad at the Whelen deal and more superficial gestures didn't appease them anymore).

Ugh, every game I took that free oil though


Alphonso is now shown to be more of a bourgeois rat who stays in the country and runs his gas company in the poorest regions of Sordland instead of just being le heckin wholesome former president reformarino fella.
And when the communist guy and union lady stir up an angry crowd outside during your meeting with him, he and Gus offer to let you run away in a helicopter like Ceausescu instead of facing them


Alphonso was always a bourgeois rat.
Soll and the Sollists represent state capitalism.
The reformists are the bourgeoisie-backed neoliberal puppets who want to decentralize to remove the power of the government and also push economic reforms for privatizations.
Kind of sucks. The developers are liberal rats who made it much tougher to run a planned economy. Funding ministries went up to costing -3 budget EACH. You start with 7 budget now but that's actually 5 in reality because you always have to do the stimulus bill in order to maintain your economy enough to raise corporate taxes for +3 to stop debt getting out of control. Then add in all the fucking new policies that cost money (Gaspom investment, Farm investments, Green bill, Tourism bill, etc.) and couple that with the fact that the amount of money raised hasn't changed from the old version (taxes remained the same and don't give more) and it's become a massively shitty neoliberal propaganda game where you either have to cut back on vital ministries and development initiatives or initiate privatization to stop from entering a debt crisis. Since free market runs have always been easier this will just force everyone to liberalize. Oh and did I mention that there are now severe penalties for being in debt in mid or late game even with the economy recovering that now affect welfare like healthcare and education? Ridiculous.


>green bill

isn't this game supposed to be set in like 1950s-60s?

That sucks, free market run is basically just free money but if you want to do socialism you get stymied at every turn. I get that's partly realistic but at least you should be able to get more help from the left like merging with the socialist party and so on.


yeah sollists are alright, we collaborated a lot in my playthrough. i still purged them, desollinizated the country and arrested soll because his conservative cult of personality and fetishism of the past is counterrevolutionary


Gloria Tory will always be the best VP and the fact that she tries to screw you over hard if you privatize healthcare makes the Sollists the easiest domestic faction to colllaborate with in any socialist run. The most hilarious ending is losing to Lileas who then becomes president and then she immediately initiates a mass nationalization program to screw over the petite bourgeoisie. There is a latent and seething hatred towards capitalists that the conservative Sollists were indoctrinated into by Soll.


I don't know how to thread the needle between conservative Sollists and liberal reformers. I end up automatically siding with the liberals every time even though I do nationalisation/funding for agencies. Maybe it's because I always side with my wife, but cmon, happy wife happy life.


On the other hand it seems like you can take on more debt without too many issues? Or was it always like this. Im only on turn 7 but at one point had like -14 GB now down to -9 seemingly without any consequences. There was a trade war but idk if thats related


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I was able to just power through the debt crisis and trade war while going fully planned economy. Maybe the negative modifers are avoidable entirely, I doubt I played optimally. The only compromises I can recall making were using Taurus for the first megaproject; intially vetoing the WRA before passing it after the protest; and investing in Gasom/setting EPA to 49%/selling 2/3rds shares. Otherwise I funded all ministries but defence which i defunded, nationalized everything, privatized nothing and passed most of the bills except for the GREEN bill and the childrens welfare thingy.
Again, I think I could've played more optimally. Some folks claim you can get away with not funding the first megaproject. Alternatively I think if I used the state company but accepted the delay then that's only one money spent and the next megaproject is free? havent confirmed that though. Finally I wasnt able to extradite the oligarchs because diplo with Arcasia never was an option for reasons I dont understand. Less capital flight and another trade partner would be nice. If the devs changed the game so that planned economies cant engage with the West, because I know I've done it in the past, then I at least could've joined CSP. Alternatively I mightve just fucked up early on and promised I'd align with the East or be neutral


Trade War can be avoided by balancing your budget between 6 and -6 the first few turns, I think Economics and Student Council backgrounds give you a bit more breathing room here. Debt crisis effects can be lessened by signing the central bank reinforcement act and later removing central bank independence if you have strengthened decrees.
>passed most of the bills except for the GREEN bill
Green is good if you're siding with CSP. Tourism synergy + public opinion boost, the economic penalty is negated since Malenyev will later give you a free agriculture industry expansion.
>Some folks claim you can get away with not funding the first megaproject.
First infrastructure project generally isn't worth doing anymore, yes.
>Alternatively I might've just fucked up early on and promised I'd align with the East or be neutral
This would be it, economic plans don't affect diplomacy unless you go through with either privatization or nationalization.


>happy wife happy life
all you have to do is pay her lip service, no need to enact reforms or actually give her a voice in anything


DLC March 25th


Looks cool, I wonder if you will be able to abolish yourself


Has anyone tried the new DLC yet?


Yeah it's pretty good, I was a bit pissed off over certain things that can't really explain without spoilers but overall a fun time. The new war system seems incomprehensible at first but eventually makes sense. Overall good fun and much like the base game.


You didn't really think the funny guy would make this easy, did you?


Actually he was fine, it was stuff with Pales and the arbitration that pissed me off.


Ya didn't suck up and didn't want to go to war? Got couped like the weak king you are?

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