Without Colonel Soll, there would be no New Sordland!
>>7865Ironically, you can work with the Sollists and Nationalists to get a more auth constitution passed if you threaten/bribe the reformists in the USP.
Also tbf I did an Allende run and I wasn't coup'd: I was just removed for sponsoring the communists illegally. So it might be possible if you defund the military but pick Iosef's side in every other choice.
My fool-proof guide how to do a successful Allende run:
>Propose a moderate constitution. Limit your power, reduce term limits, reduce % barrier as much as you can, don't trigger the Sollists with the immunity for justices and ex-Presidents (perhaps you can put these in the draft and then bargain for lower % barrier, needs testing)
>Downplay your power levels when convincing the liberal justice later on and say you are changing the constitution in order to make it more democratic
>Don't rock the party boat past the boat and focus on fixing the economy
>Minister of Interior will try to coup you, but if you do this right then the party will crushingly vote her down
>Make a deal with Marcel Koronti
>Use all investment options that are presented to you
>Don't be afraid of a deficit, as negative income doesn't seem to do anything
>Fund Healthcare and Education. I think you can fund other 2 as well, since as I said, deficit does nothing, but its optional. But perhaps boos military to be safe.
>Give money to your cab driver so he could pay for his kids education. You do this because you are a nice person AND NOT BECAUSE OF ANY OTHER REASON
>To afford the last point, only invest 1 personal wealth at the start of the game, as you won't be able to afford it.
>Trade with Wiktor, that small nation Hegel attacks and Hegel. Ally with the later but stop at that point and don't join the Warsaw Pact. Naval docking rights are ok
>Nationalize the industrialist porky, leave Marcel alone
>Don't abolish conscription
>Pretty sure you can steal the Gendarmerie from Josef and give it to Interior and he doesn't mind enough to coup you
>Play hardball with the Monarchist fag. She will attack you just before the end game. Call in Hegel as an ally and let Josef btfo her even with your shitty army.
>Do whatever with other options. I picked the most socialist / liberal ones and it worked out fine
Important note. This was done on the earliest version of the game, so it might be different now, but I'd guess main points remain the same. Also I think if you get the assassination attempt during the parade, that might mean you are fucked, as I seem to recall that not triggering in my victory run and it going smoothly.
>>8070> is there any reason not to give money to healthcareNah spending on healthcare saves you money later (as you need to vaccinate people for polio), and if you privatise you get that money back.
>and law enforcement? No unless you are doing an anarchist run. Tho if you are keeping all the factions friendly it may be an idea not to target anyone using the anti corruption or secret polices.
Also if you don't fund the police, Linias is more likely to challenge you to the USP leadership.
Only real reason not to is making sure you don't get a financial crash and/or a debt crisis.
>>8076i lost reelection very badly, Lileas defected from my cabinet and took over the party, Lucian betrayed me to join her, i had the Sordish Great Depression
but i retired peacefully and wrote an autobiography, my wife remained in politics, and my son was educated in United Cortana
i wish i knew whether or not your changes get repealed if you lose, i made good advances in healthcare, military modernization, education, and infrastructure, but i didnt know that you could/should run a deficit until like halfway through the playthrough so i initially only invested in healthcare and the military
just how different is the game depending on your choices? is it worth doing other playthroughs?
>>8083>just how different is the game depending on your choices? is it worth doing other playthroughs?Considering you are
still alive, very very different.
>>8083The game differs a lot depending on your choices.
BTW, a bit of deficit is good (-1/-2) but more than that and your economy is fucked.
>>8128yeah but after one playthrough, you've seen it all. Like the pandemic always strikes at that first point of the game, which just railroads your development. it's pointless, the only difference is slightly different starting parameters.
Whereas Suzerain you can be everything from Thatcher to Peron to Charles De Gaulle or worse.
>>8139Suzerain is also highly constrained. For instance your son is always a retard who flunks out of school no matter how you treat him, your daughter is always supportive and kind, your wife is always a shrieking feminist harpy who will literally divorce you if you don't bend over backwards for her pet initiatives (it never happened to me because the subtext was obvious and I was in favour anyways but I saw people complaining and they made me realize how retarded it was for the devs to automatically assume your wife was super feminist even if you play as a hardcore nationalist who supported the Young Sords in the prologue) and your cabinet is composed of some of the most braindead sleazy neoliberals ever besides the education minister (the only bearable minister besides Nia) who is obviously a communist hiding in plain sight, and the Sollists who stopped caring about principles years ago besides defending the public sector, and who happen to be too busy playing ridiculously convoluted and Machiavellian power games to retain control and stomp out democratic reform to have much input.
None of your choices even matter in Suzerain because you're railroaded along into so many forced outcomes and events.
What Suzerain excels at is
A) Mostly ok writing
B) Good universe and character building - almost everyone feels like they could be real
C) Presentation - ex. Sound, Music, and UI design
But in terms of actual real choices it's a joke. Outside of the Constitutional Reform package I felt like nothing was ever particularly impactful and doing the Constitution Reform on a second try made me realize that it too was highly railroaded (for instance initial reports on votes in favour will always imply you are not going to pass it even when you already have a resounding majority in favour). Likewise for the Supreme Court vote Nia will always contact her favorite judge who will interrogate you on checks and balances. Your best friend will always be an asshole that cheats on his wife. Your secretary will always be a foreign spy.
thinkThink >>8141Yeah but the stuff that is consistent are the
personal interactions, as opposed to the course of the game. Even passing a broadly reformist constitution can be wildly different on every run.
Also iirc they are changing stuff about your wife, in part because of complaints. I get what they were doing: She's Evita Perón, but yeah she did divorce me on my Hitler run and like, dude, you married Hitler.
>>8140I don't know (or I can't remember) if the other two are the coup by your brother, the terrorist outbrake and the wars.
Fucking wars, always destroying my hardearned infraestructure
>>8140>You don't always get the pandemic, there's like 4 different national crises IIRC, one of them is international economic crash and I forget the other twoBlack Tuesday/2nd Great depression - big debt
Pandemic - always happens, does nothing with good healthcare
War - happens if you don't join a superpower pact or don't bend over backwards to Rumburg
Military Coup - happens if there is no war, you deviate too far from Sollism and don't go Stalin on the Old Guard.
Capital flight/Oligarch flight - happens if you're Socialist, and don't arrest with a buffed up internal security, or manipulate the Bilderberg Club. Also assassination attempt - not technically a crisis.
>>9077Haven't really touched it since I went crazy on it for a few days after I first got it. I'm still planning on doing more playthroughs, but it strikes me as the kind of game that needs a bit of time inbetween runs because of all the stuff that stays identical throughout every playthrough. Got sort of tedious to me especially after failing key moments like the new constitution vote.
What'd they change, though?
>>9092Zelda is an action/adventure game
The first adventure games were text-based
>>9086Well besides bug fixes and wierd text corrections, they made constitutional reform a bit harder and they made it so that there are more good and bad synergies between choices that help with economic recover (eg. Now investing into both healthcare and education gives a slight boost to economy, afaik)
They also added endgame screens with summaries and a customizable portrait.
At this point you could wait until they do a doc, but I think it's worth retrying since it's likely the last chance to beat the game before major story addons or alterations.
>>9119You basically need to go 50% Stalin and focus the anti corruption or secret state police on the old guard, as well as carefully word what you say to the moderate judges.
My main want going the Stalin route is the expanded presidential decrees tbh (To purge the military & control the central bank). The rest can be negotiated.
>>7865>be gommunist>respect the gonstitutionI tried doing this and the old guard deepstate fags cockblocked it by having Soll himself show up to vote down my moderate reform bill.
>>7866This is what got me too. After the constitutional cockblock I burned any remaining bridges with the conservatives and went all the way with Bludish rights, women's rights, allying with the communist countries, telling Rumburg to suck it. But the economy tanked and
Serge died saving me from getting Sadat'd during the parade Then I had an impeachment coming for funding the Red Youth, and the military was still planning to coup me even though I took Iosif's side every time.
There should have been an option to get the Red Youth/communist party to make you their leader and essentially cuck the USP with Malenyev's help to protect yourself from internal threats. Especially if Contana is supposed to be controlling them behind the scenes. Seems very weird.
The biggest downside of a commie/eastern alliance run is that you have ZERO internal power base, your only allies are foreign governments and most of your ministers think you're an idiot or a traitor. Even being maximum nice to the Bludish and letting the political prisoners out they just teamed up and made the independent guy their candidate. They felt very unfinished.
>>15334The Old Guard are actually among your best allies doing a communist run. Looking back I think it's a bit of subtle meta-commentary on how nationalist goals can align with a hard left push given the right circumstances.
If you join with them in the Emergency Decree route they demand you nationalize more of the economy.
If you work against them in a reformist path Nia can root out the corrupt Old Guard and the rest will default to supporting you because they're the only people besides the communists who don't want to privatize education and healthcare lol.
And of course they're also the only faction that understands the danger of Rumberg and who are suspicious of not-America (forgot what the nation was called that was the equivalent of America) and who managed to figure out that some of the leading opposition figures were literally being financed by the NED.
>>15344Oh I forgot to add: giving Lileana (forgot her name but the pro-cop law and order person Nia has to work with in the interior ministry) extra funding to allow the Old Guard to form a Secret Police is also one of the only ways to stop inevitable Capital Flight during a communist run. Nia's anti corruption squad can root out tax evasion, but it is only the Old Guard that has the capability, connections, force, and will to completely neutralize the Oligarchs as well as to stop any assassination attempts they plan against you.
The other option would be to cut a deal with the media oligarch to form a temporary alliance, and to refrain from nationalizing the media but at the same time nationalizing all his rivals. In exchange he will keep media tame for you and capital flight won't occur because a sense of normalcy is being cultivated. Capital Flight will still occur if you renege on the deal mid-way and nationalize his assets.
>>15345Not always:
you can cut a deal with marcel and then renege on the deal with full nationalization, and then goad Aven, Tusk and Marcel into insulting you and then arresting them. Marcel tattles on the deal but Karl's a loyalist, so if you've been doing good with Lucian, it won't leak.
>>16516Me again - much like Crisis in the Kremlin, it's much easier to pursue economical liberalism and political liberalisation at the same time. Alas.
>>16524I'm not sure what you would consider Dengism, going for the emergency powers act while doing free market?
>>7861Without de-Sollinisation, there can be no future for Sordland!
>>7864> You either have to go Leninist or get Allende'd.Honestly, accurate.
I’m sympathetic towards democracy but capitalist encirclement often fucks that up.
>>16516>>16533My latest game (think I'll stop now for a bit but wanted to try an emergency powers run)
>>16568Ahh, sounds good, I never even considered free market/CSP or planned/ATO, I figured they wouldn't let you join. Personally I don't think taking bribes really does that much, Paskal resigns from the cabinet before the election but it's not that big a deal, on the other hand having personal wealth doesn't mean that much either so you can always just not take them (if you start as wealthy and invest in Armatech you get a shitload of money anyway).
>>16592>>16618Can now confirm that you can join CSP in old guard route, even with extending the emergency to the election, all you need to do is agree to tighten immigration and fully nationalise Bergia Steel and HOS and they will continue to support you (obviously might be a bit different depending on smaller choices you make).
>>16630Nice, Soll was more positive towards me in the cinema restroom on this route than I've ever seen him before, he just loves emergency powers I guess (go figure).
>>20672Watching everyone have a hard time convince the Supreme Court makes me feel like the playerbase is genuinely retarded.
I didn't even need a guide and got the conversation with Edmonds correctly the very 1st time. All you have to do is be patient and choose all the obvious answers that try to argue that you're actually do this "for democracy" lol since it's obvious that she's afraid of a power grab. You can even sic Nia on the Old Guard with her anti corruption squad during a dictatorship constitution playthrough for extra luls because she's not going to turn down the power and opportunity just to spite you, and she works with you until she's done getting them all arrested.
The game is too easy in dialogue related moments. The difficulty comes from the dev's hardcore neoliberal bias raging against you running budget deficits and offering up free budget money every time you privatize with no negative consequences. When in reality it should be the other way around (nationalization gives you extra budget funds and lower overall efficiency, and privatization does the opposite).
>>20683>He meant it should be like that, in game, OK, give me a reason why nationalized industry will become less efficient. Reason that isn't a load of neoliberal bullshit, because i can't think of any.
Also, we're playing as a reformist, not a hardline revolutionary. It makes sense you have to pay compensations. Hell, even revolutionaries had to more often than not. And i'm pretty sure it gives you more budget later on.
>>20698Because with nationalized industry socialists usually keep a lot of people employed just for the sake of reaching full employment targets even if it would make the sector as a whole less productive. It's either that or divert funds away from the sector to the general budget thereby impairing future investment.
And no it doesn't give you more budget later on it's a net loss in-game which is just stupid.
>>20698>>20673Nationalization doesn't by itself hurt economic development; Its only if you piss off both Tusk and Koronti that it does, without sticking the secret police on them that is.
You actually get an efficiency bonus from consistency if you picked planned economy.
>>20713>Because with nationalized industry socialists usually keep a lot of people employed just for the sake of reaching full employment targets even if it would make the sector as a whole less productive. It's either that or divert funds away from the sector to the general budget thereby impairing future investment.Look, if you have to cover for high unemployment and budget deficit — you obviously have a full-on economic crisis. And yes, governments frequently try to remedy a crisis with nationalizations. By buying failed porky companies, usually. And trying to present cause as effect is exactly that: a neoliberal bullshit.
>>20709>>20713>>20714I see. I must have really botched that capitalist
run then.
>>20721No that's not what I'm saying.
The neoliberal approach (what you're describing):
>Nationalize a company nearing bankruptcy because the CEOs donated to your political campaign and have the taxpayer fund it until it's profitable again whereupon it will be privatized again (examples: British Tories and the Railways, American Democrats/Republicans and bank bailouts)The critique of certain socialist approaches:
>Nationalize SUCCESSFUL/market leader companies, and then saddle them with additional employment targets (lowering productivity), as well as using the company money as a slush fund to be diverted to general national budget expenditures such as Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure, etc. (which hurts the enterprise as a whole because there is less to invest on active development of services/products, a rainy day fund, development for new services, etc.) You don't have to be in an economic crisis for the above to still be true. Socialist governments generally WILL mandate a certain amount of ""useless"" jobs in random sectors to ensure they reach their 100% employment goal, and since budget balancing is hard for literally everyone, even central planners will give in to the temptation of funneling money from the most productive enterprises into the general budget to mask or counter deficits. I'm not saying that doing this is bad or incorrect, but I do think socialists have to be realistic about certain drawbacks of state enterprises and the respective dangers.
>>20723It would be good perhaps if the game was clearer/gave the option on whether the nationalization was with or without compensation.
Maybe with the trade off being that with compensation doesn't trigger capital flight but has a one off costs budget cost whereas without is free but causes capital flight.
>>20507Just confirming that you are correct. I even got the Bluds on board this time and spent 4 wealth points on lobbying and it only made a different of 10 votes in the Assembly. Good thing I had the ACP this time around
Everything was going well until that Graf lady challenged me for leadership of the Party, I think I pissed her off by letting Iosif keep the Gendarmie but it couldn't be helped because I defunded the military and didnt want to piss him off further.
Graf won the election, so I joined the commies and got BTFO (I assume it doesnt help that I raised the election threshold to 15%) and retired. Pretty sure i could've just stuck the ACP on the opposition (or is it the old guard) instead of the oligarchs to prevent that, but now I want to know how to win the elections after leaving the USP
>>7861i pirated the game specifically cause of this thread
played it over the past day or so
it was okay, being able to larp as a dick takter was interesting, and i'm glad it didnt railroad into NOOOO NOOOOO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS PATH OR BAD ENDING
i dont think there's much replay value, though, and i most likely wont play it again
>>20786Lileas is pretty nuanced she's probably the most far left Sollist and she's also religious so there are many minor things you can do to up her approval and stop her leadership challenge even if you go full Commie.
Funding her Ministry, allowing for creationism to continue to be taught in schools, veto-ing the anti-Blud Religious Harmony Bill, building the highway in the poor region instead of cucking to the oligarchs and their railway, etc. all gain approval from her.
On the other hand if you just want to stop the challenge without conceding a few things you can either sic the ACP on the Old Guard which gets rid of not only Lileas but every Old Guard in government, or start the war with Rumberg (which cancels not only the party congress but also any military coup attempt because of imminent attack).
You can win the election as an independent party after losing the ladership challenge. Winning the war against Rumberg pretty much makes you a shoo in. Otherwise getting economy to max and enough of a large voter bloc will do the trick.
>>29503https://store.steampowered.com/app/1207650/Suzerain/Seems to be quite extensive update.
I am genuinely shocked the game is still worked on. Remember making the first Suzerain thread on this board years ago.
>>29504It's cool, but, I would prefer to hear from someone before I sink a bunch more hours into it.
Some indie devs just prefer to keep updating their games if they made it a big success and can afford to keep working on it - very admirable, obviously. I am kind of looking forward to a sequel though.
>>29503Seems pretty substantial from what I've played.
New scenes with Gus and Alphonso, intervening on a bludish rights court case, new economic decisions on tourism, energy industry, and environmental regulations, more reactivity to previous decisions (Leke/Bluds were big mad at the Whelen deal and more superficial gestures didn't appease them anymore).
>>29519Alphonso was always a bourgeois rat.
Soll and the Sollists represent state capitalism.
The reformists are the bourgeoisie-backed neoliberal puppets who want to decentralize to remove the power of the government and also push economic reforms for privatizations.
>>29502>>29503Kind of sucks. The developers are liberal rats who made it much tougher to run a planned economy. Funding ministries went up to costing -3 budget EACH. You start with 7 budget now but that's actually 5 in reality because you always have to do the stimulus bill in order to maintain your economy enough to raise corporate taxes for +3 to stop debt getting out of control. Then add in all the fucking new policies that cost money (Gaspom investment, Farm investments, Green bill, Tourism bill, etc.) and couple that with the fact that the amount of money raised hasn't changed from the old version (taxes remained the same and don't give more) and it's become a massively shitty neoliberal propaganda game where you either have to cut back on vital ministries and development initiatives or initiate privatization to stop from entering a debt crisis. Since free market runs have always been easier this will just force everyone to liberalize. Oh and did I mention that there are now severe penalties for being in debt in mid or late game even with the economy recovering that now affect welfare like healthcare and education? Ridiculous.
>>29539>green billisn't this game supposed to be set in like 1950s-60s?
That sucks, free market run is basically just free money but if you want to do socialism you get stymied at every turn. I get that's partly realistic but at least you should be able to get more help from the left like merging with the socialist party and so on.
>>30561Trade War can be avoided by balancing your budget between 6 and -6 the first few turns, I think Economics and Student Council backgrounds give you a bit more breathing room here. Debt crisis effects can be lessened by signing the central bank reinforcement act and later removing central bank independence if you have strengthened decrees.
>passed most of the bills except for the GREEN bill Green is good if you're siding with CSP. Tourism synergy + public opinion boost, the economic penalty is negated since Malenyev will later give you a free agriculture industry expansion.
>Some folks claim you can get away with not funding the first megaproject. First infrastructure project generally isn't worth doing anymore, yes.
>Alternatively I might've just fucked up early on and promised I'd align with the East or be neutralThis would be it, economic plans don't affect diplomacy unless you go through with either privatization or nationalization.
>>34952>it's not like he releases the information anywaysHe does. He literally does. It makes it easier for you to get Zillie through AN arbitration and pleases Wehlen, so you might not even have to.
If you send Titus after Su Omina and don't cooperate, you can use it as a chip against Lespia in negotiations. If you exhaust every option, but the last, you can bring up the spy, and either Lespia will give up Rusty to you, and you can nationalize RRG (for +5) or you can have them veto any sanctions against you, if you're going to war.
You will always lose AN arbitration, if you have a shit global image for being a racist asshole, accept ships from Valgsland, and keep ships in the field.
>>35079I don't remember him releasing the information. Even if he did I feel like that being public domain would help my case at the AN right?? That Pales' primary backer is sponsoring terrorism against me. I did manage to get Zille back though without the AN so that's something. Wiktor is a funny guy!
In seriousness the only reason I would prolly consider playing it again is to follow up on the fact that
if you pursue a pro-Valgsland foreign policy Hegel rings you up at some point and is like 'I think we may have a common interest which you have been keeping from everyone around you… is that right?' and you can be like 'assuming that was the case, now is not the right time, and I wouldn't admit it anyway', which makes me think there is some goofy Manchurian candidate path where you allow the country to have a socialist uprising. Possibly added to by the drinking game where you can be like 'sometimes I wish that the republican revolution had succeeded'. But no idea if that's a real fully fleshed out path or just a tease/an afterthought.
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