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/hobby/ - Hobby

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What does /hobby/ smoke?
62 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Stop smoking fags!!!
They are bad for your health


why do burgers have this reaction? is it the moralist and puritan culture they are from?
yes we know smoking is unhealthy. so are a lot of other things. and most of us smoke in the privacy of our own home or among friends who are ok with it.
I will never understand this objection to smoking when smoking is already banned in public spaces and the effects of second hand smoke are pretty much gone.


people love to feel better about themselves when their lives are so full of shit someone oughta help em deal with it, they hate you because they hate themselves


Not them, but being American has nothing to do with being concerned about health. Why do you faggots have to think that everyone who criticizes an habit, taste or practice that you don't personally dislike is an American and/or Anglo? What the fuck is wrong with you?

And they didn't sound like they hate smokers, either. I agree with them and not out of disdain but concern, I'm also not even a first worlder. If you can, you should stop smoking.


>Why do you faggots have to think that everyone who criticizes an habit, taste or practice that you don't personally dislike is an American and/or Anglo?
i would uneducatedly guess that on this site, population of the anglosphere is the majority but without stats thats nothing but shit talk of my part
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
we just hate them
there really is no other reason for it other than the sheer psychotic hatred towards the fans of Anglo and American empires
>I agree with them and not out of disdain but concern
its hard to filter actual concern from malicious concern especially on this site with a shitty and malicious userbase in general
tell the fatties to exercise all you want, theyll give you the evil eye because they view their self destruction as none of your business
>If you can, you should stop smoking.
i should start organizing and exercising too and stop drinking, swearing in public, staying up late and furiously masturbating to rule 34
i should probably also stop coming to this entire site as its not exactly the best for my mental health or me being a communist


1) it was a joke about oral sex and gay people
2) i live in india…

but if we are having this conversation then

smoking is bad because you are actively poisoning yourself with something which will later give you and others some disease that will take up medical resources but isn't even essential to live in the first place

even fast food junkies have a defence in saying that they are at least eating food which is necessary

i say this as a person who thinks smoking looks very fun and actively puts anything stick shaped object in my mouth to imitate cigars



I haven't smoked in two years (I would smoke erratically and purposefully take breaks for about 10 years. Never more than 2 or 3 cigs a day on average) I'm about to pick up a pack to celebrate something. I plan on making it a permanent quit after that though.

That being said I was always a hipster buying American Spirit. All Camels make me sick for some reason. I liked Marlboro Blacks when I wanted a cig that was really easy to drag. AS cigs are packed tightly.


I only smoke after work, otherwise I can go without it for days,


joints. stop smoking blunts bros, it's bad for you. if anything roll a leaf but not a backwood.


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As a mineiro my self I only smoke The crème de la crème of minas gerais.

Does you guys in your countries, have any kind of cigarette equivalent to the "corn straw cigarettes" here in Brazil?


and yes, its says on the label "this produt causes cancer, stop smoking"


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Y don't they make softpack cigarettes very much anymore anons? Tapping out cigs used to be cool to see just for fun.


Fucking this


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benis :-DDD




Anyone seen the Truth campaign against vapes? They are trying to say nicotine causes depression and getting eviscerated in the comments of their own paid promoted posts.


Apparently the UK has fully embraced vaping as a medically and scientifically approved smoking cessation device.

The US is trying to ban independent and DIY vaping to secure tax profits for the master settlement agreement with Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds now Altria who owns Juul. All the flavor ban scares and anti-nicotine propaganda. the PACT act etc, are a push to monopolize the industry through oppressive regulatory hurdles and maintain the $XX dollars a day spending.


Montengo Red 100's cus cheap but I smoke American Spirits for celebrations.


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whatever it takes to stay sane in these times.


For me, it's either American Spirit blacks or Newports, if I want a menthol.
I should probably quit eventually, but fuck it.


too expensive


Camel, Davidoff, whatever's there


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>why do burgers have this reaction?
I think it's more a gen-x millennial thing tbh. Zoomer's kinda grew up with vaping, but the 90's had hardcore smoking propaganda everywhere and 9/11 was an excuse to finally ban it in most public places (airplanes, restaurants, etc.). Many of us have family members who died of smoking, I didn't even know my grandfather (died when I was around 8) because of it. Only memory I have of him is puffing for hours on end on the couch, taking an occasional hit of an oxygen mask. Dude was rail thin but had so much trouble breathing he had sleep apnea like a morbidly obese person. It's not a pleasant way to go, usually long and drawn out compared to other fatal conditions. Every time I see someone puffing on the street corner I can't help but think of them lying in bed gasping for air in the future. We're all gonna go one day, but do you really want it to be in your 60's smelling like soot and looking like you have aids? Is it worth it?


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Im trying to smoke less but when I do smoke it's usually "Natives". IDK if thats just a Canada thing but basically our smokes are taxed out the ass here (for good reason tbh) so people go to the reserves and buy tax free smokes, hence the name. A carton (8 packs iirc) of the native smokes costs less than two packs of regular smokes.
Also, has anyone else had their country turn the cigarette packaging into shit like picrel? My preferred smokes (when im not saving money at the reserves), Belmont, look more like medication than cigarettes now. it can get quite graphic. Again, probably doing this for good reasons but still.


Fish. Yummy kippers


I pick up discarded butts and roll them up in fresh papers. It's practically free my uyghas!


Enjoy your aids.


Copiums, 5 a day.


Literally same. Sometimes I don't even re-roll them.


shisha or cigarillos back when I actually smoked
plain packaging is so disgusting. probably for the best yeah

under communism smoking will be healthy and not make you smell like shit but it will still make you 5 percent cooler


occasional weed and whatever my friends let me bum


how are you going to make smoking healthy exactly?


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You're all pussies and lightweights. Smoke a REAL cigarette!


bruh this shit was more effective than any anti nic PSA ive seen in my life



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ctrl+f "black n mild" no results

smoked newports occasionally but used to religiously smoke casino woodtips daily, still my favorite form of nicotine use


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That's hobo shit. It's funny how many cigarillos are sold in the US that people use to just rip open, dump the tobacco, and refill it with weed. Not the black and milds tho, that's just for hobos to smoke.

I wonder if anybody has ever actually smoked a swisher.


This. American spirits with elements papers is my favorite. No filter. Filters are for pussies. I remember when just a few years ago Spirits rolling tobacco used to come with rolling papers and they only costed 9-11 bucks. Now they're like 17-20. Thanks faggots. Everyone is still smoking you're just taxing the poors. Every hobo is going to enjoy the small pleasures in life but now they just feel ever more victimized by your bullshit.


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Oh yeah and I hate smoking prerolled cigarettes, because they're legally mandated to have fire retardent plastics on the paper. Smooth move genisuses. I'm sure burning and inhaling fire retardants is real good for you. That's what the stripes are.


>hobo shit
dont care shit schmack and its cheap af. fwiw I smoked a white owl once and it was actually pretty good and when me and the guy were down bad we'd smoke dirty bowls using blunt guts


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I'm just messing. I've smoked them before. Now I keep my tobacco habit fed up.

Every weed smoker need to try out fronto leaf tho. Way better than rerolling with shitty cigarillos.


some of the homeboys fucking love frontos that shit really is like the best blunt wrap of all time


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Anyone else bought 50 cent 100s singles from their local Korean liquor store?


I smoke reds. I used to dress like a cowboy so the whole cowboy killers thing is funny. My gf smokes American spirit blacks because she’s cooler than me.


any other goth stereotypes here who smoke Djarum Black


Not since they switched it to cigar tabacco in like 2009. Thanks Obama.


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I've been smoking American Spirits Blue Classic but I'm quitting. Day 2 of no smoking so far.


Anya'll do candles / incence? They're like AoE smoking so I think this is the appropriate thread for it.



Starting to quit finally, slow going though

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