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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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How do I get into board revival as a hobby? pic related


Well you can go on a random board bump some old threads and if you have an idea you can make a new engaging thread
For example I made the Evangelion thread on /a/


Or you can just dump a bunch of semi-related files, pdfs, images webms etc
Just dump a bunch of shit to clutter up the board and allow other anons to sort through it.punkPunk


I can confirm that bumping old threads works. Not everyone browsers the catalog.


you could just post nudes :D


Porn and memes are the wood chips and fertilizer that help the garden of community grow.punkPunk


you can't, it's a misnomer because these boards have always been dead




Make 1 post on every alt board every day
Remember you're here forever :)


Most people are too shy to post anywhere outside of generic general threads
Also, considering this is a chan, your thread will probably just a get a few aggressive replies calling you a glowie fed retard or something like that. Actually, this is the best case option, provided it doesn't just slide to the bottom, ignored


go to random boards
and reeevoooooooooooooove them

post, talk, hate, mastrubate, bait
don't be late!


Literally just post and engage in threads. /hobby/ and /edu/ are fantastic and there's plenty of threads to necropost about interesting subjects.


I do this all the time. It doesn't really do anything because the boards are dead anyways and just full of whatever shitposter from /siberia/ or /ukraine/ decided to check out the side boards and leave some low-effort troll or dunning-kruger post that day. Maybe if someone created an entire other site with good moderation and an influx of decent posters that aren't just the worst imageboard run-off, I'd post there.


Aww, /edu/ has had 20 IPs visit today though! If we post it, they will come!


I'm not exactly the most ethically rigid person, but I'm pretty sure I don't need to feel a personal obligation to keep alive with effortposts a site where it will be met with either nothing or flaming, and where I'm pretty sure a not-insignificant portion of the userbase have Kiwi Farms accounts. Mind you, I've been regularly posting on these boards for almost 2 years now, so this isn't just a bad first impression or whatever.


Man, I just want /lit/ but not fascist.


Also it has the same problem as other online places like social media: it's full of people who want their thoughts to be heard without having to listen to the thoughts of others


>/lit/ but not fascist
Who wants to set this up?
/edu/ is pretty lackluster, I don't really think denying Tienanmen Square is a very useful intellectual endeavor


its summerfag szn so I should start infodumping on /edu/ fr


You can always try creating a /lit/ general thread on /hobby/.


was there a language learning thread or did i imagine it? would post in roulette but i don't know if its appropriate



let’s get newgrounds and metafilter poppin again. Something Awful is already back up and running.


Sorry, but channers are just as incurious about things as anyone else on the internet
Your well thought out reply or thread OP about a topic that you hope is fresh is going to be ignored in favor of a thread about "eastern spirituality" or meme pop history or whatever

Unique IPs: 10

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