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Do you guys know any Movies where the dad is openly perverted and the daughter just kind of deals with it? I'm looking for something like the relationship in lucky star with Konata and her father.



porn sites are full of them


Are you legit this lazy? Are you looking for live action? Then ask in the film thread.


is that a fetish thing?


Porn doesn't have the same attention to story as a full on movie.
I'm not lazy, I was thinking of asking there but the thread is specifically titled "films you have just watched". Yes i'm looking for live action.
No, it's just a weird cuteness thing.


Ok then, sorry if I came off as aggressive.
>Live Action
That's a tough call TBH, that kind of dynamic rarely works outside of anime and the movies it does work in are father-son kinds of things that I barely remember from the 90s and 80s
>specifically titled
Actually there are 2-3 film threads at the moment FYI


>Actually there are 2-3 film threads at the moment FYI
Oh wow, sorry, next time i'll search the catalog first, i thoughts there was only one film thread.


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It's called incest.

>No, it's just a weird cuteness thing.
I doubt that.

>the dad is openly perverted and the daughter just kind of deals with it
Unless he's fucking dudes or ladies, then type "incest movie" on the internet.


Forrest Gump?


>it's called incest
I meant whether OP had an investment fetish or was looking for something more serious and not father-daughter attraction (like a daughter who has to deal with a perverted parent in a realistic way, not creepy shit like Konata and her lolicon father)




I'm not looking for father daughter attraction Movies since i could looking up through incest movies, i'm also not looking for a daughter having to deal with a perverted parent in a realistic way. I'm specifically looking for something light hearted like Konata and her father.


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>I meant whether OP had an investment fetish or was looking for something more serious
Just going to say be honest and type pls give incest movie, so anyone can pls no faster

>not creepy shit like Konata and her lolicon father

If that was the case then op would've said I'm not looking for something like the relationship in lucky star
>go to op
>click on video
>Title: Lucky Star: Lolicons
oh dear lord the video was actually about that.

>light hearted like Konata and her father
I still doubt that. And the video didn't help.

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