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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
62 posts and 10 image replies omitted.

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>I do enjoy a few fanfics, mostly Naruto crossovers on SpaceBattles
Since the thread is active again, I'll post the 3 fics I was talking about

This one is good, but probably abandoned

Whirlpool and Eye of the Hurricane: These 2 are connected and are complete and pretty fun.


I think fight scenes are not that fun to read in general, maybe that's just me.

Oh Christ, it's yet another Invincible/Incorruptible clone?

it's actually worming time when the main character worms all over the world

I hate how every arc so far has to raise the stakes with a new even more broken overpowered threat.

Yes and no.

It gets exhausting to read at times. I remember just skimming fights in the latter half of the story after a certain point, when I first read it.

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pacing could be better if there were more warlord chapters after leviathan and the slaughterhouse 9, or between leviathan AND the sl9.

also the weaver arc could have more developmet, barely cared about the chicago wards. can't comment much later on because i forgot.

>pacing could be better if there were more warlord chapters
The inevitability of her capture feels like a plot device. I don't buy that she needs to be a paracop to effectively combat the coming apocalypse, especially when canonically there are far more villains and rogues than heroes, organization being the only thing they lack. Considering the portal situation, the undersiders could very well strongarm the PRT economically over a span of months.
What I'm getting at is, that developing her warlord phase would have made what follows just seem even more ridiculous.
>barely cared about the chicago wards
Did you skip most of the Echidna and Behemoth fights? I agree they were a slog to get through, but i think they introduced the chicago wards quite well in spite of how jarring the timeskip was.

>I agree they were a slog to get through, but i think they introduced the chicago wards quite well in spite of how jarring the timeskip was.

I don't even know what half their powers are still, like Grace and Cuff were non entities basically

Fair point. Only Tecton, Wanton, Gully and Golem were really developed. I recall Grace having a bit of characterization and Cuff using a poorly specified metal power.

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Ok I finished it… Skitter definitely did a lot of things wrong, she should have just joined the Wards to begin with like Armsmaster told her to.

Can you not spam your soul-less wojak-slop here?
>inb4 Skitter fan
I'm not a fan of her or most of her friends.

Sorry I just thought it was funny

Alright, who's your most hateable character/characters in the series? I'll start: The Slaughterhouse Nine. Easily the most vile of the entire villains catalogue.

Trickster, what the fuck was he thinking?

He was arrogant and overestimated his own capabilities, and when his failures began to catch up with him and his deteriorating mental state, he became a follower rather than a leader.

Trickster wasn't hateable for me, annoying and stupid sure, but he has nothing on the utter vileness of the Slaughterhouse Nine. The fate of Mouse Defender is something that genuinely made my stomach turn, and I've seen a lot of vile shit in my life online and IRL.

Trickster was a charismatic antagonist, far more so than Jack Slash.

To me the S9 didn't really piss me off in-character but they more annoyed me because I don't like 'uber powered serial killer' as a trope and it felt lazy and cheap, especially their dumb trials and tests and stuff, like come on who seriously acts like that. I can't even think of one instance where serial killers worked as a team in real life.

Jack Slash's character just pisses me off, because on top of already being a boring character he also has a bullshit secondary ability to explain why a reddit edgelord is able to do cross country murders with a mediocre power and not get instantly sniped by literally any cape, let alone convincing/forcing a bunch of other people to do it with him.

He could've been offed by any non-powered person, which could also have worked within the history. Just replace him with someone else who triggered with Broadcast.

His main power is really cool, and lends itself well to animation. Too bad there wasn't much fights with him exploring this.

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In general the series seriously never addresses the fact that trained soldiers with guns should be able to kill most capes. The only people it wouldn't work on should be people with danger sense/precog/thinker powers or people with invincibility but most capes aren't like that even the ones in say S9. Most of S9 should have just been killed by like crack government death squads.

Also the idea that Cauldron is selling powers for as little as a million dollars or so yet the government hasn't been able to fund/recruit any cape teams directly.

I think one of the things that annoyed me the most though was the idea of the Undersider's 'territories', like how exactly were they making any money from this? Yes Coil was bankrolling it initially but surely even he must have wanted to monetise the process, and after he was gone, apparently Skitter et al still refuse to even sell drugs in their territories (which just comes off as parochial and absurd considering they're warlords), so how did they even make money for the next two years? Real estate? But that doesn't involve them 'controlling territory' at all unless somehow the ownership of the docks just defaulted to them. I mean I guess it does say that Tattletale took over all of Coil's investments but still seems silly idk. This might just be my personal annoyance though since I'm pro-legalisation.

Overall I don't really know why Worm is considered 'rationalfic' aside from just that Wildbow was apparently part of that group.

To be clear I wasn't talking about anything past Worm, I haven't read anything else, I just meant his decision to betray humanity as a whole and even his teammates and help Echidna even after she turned into a giant evil fleshmonster, like what the fuck seriously? I know that was his girlfriend but puppydog teen love shouldn't be that strong.

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I think he submitted to Echidna out of fear more than anything else.
Also, NTA but
>I don't really know why Worm is considered 'rationalfic'
Because it gets dark and edgy and "real". Honestly I reiterate that I find fanfiction of Worm written better and more compellingly than the actual Worm series. It's kind of like RWBY in that regard, where the initial idea had merit and pulled people in but then it slowly degraded into a complicated mess. Only in the case of Worm (and Ward and so on) they don't have the excuse of Wildbow dying and having someone else take over the project.

Perhaps, but my point is that I never truly hated the character.

Yeah I still don't truly understand how the fuck his powers work TBH.

>I can't even think of one instance where serial killers worked as a team in real life.
Pic rel or any other US special ops team… or the interrogators of Guant*namo. Besides I found their dynamic interesting and it seemed plausible to me within the story's reality, even if not necessarily in ours, it's just how vile they were as people that made me loathe them. I would approach S9 as more of a criminal/merc group with a serial killer leading them, rather than a group of serial killers. The characters may have various serial killer tropes but most of them aren't like Jack Slash

because the retards that read "rational fic" found it when it was new and misunderstood it hard.

Pretty much. From what I remember it was specifically the author of that rational harry potter fic recommending Worm that lead to a lot of people flocking to it.

what do you people think about Pact? I have not finished it yet, but it seems like another work with interesting ideas, some cool moments but also a lot of flaws.

I like the setting and the magic but I just think Pact as a story wasn't very conducive to actually exploring them with Blake/Rose being limited on what they could learn and what they could do. The latter plot developments don't help this. The pacing is the big thing people have issue with where things escalate insanely fast but also drag out forever. Personally, I also felt the main conflict could've been done better. It's been awhile since I read it so I might be forgetting things, but I feel every practitioner in Jacobs Bell immediately gunning to kill a Thorburn the moment they awaken instead of taking any other route to deal with them was kind of ridiculous.

Tried getting into Pact but there are so many characters at the beginning that I thought unbearable to read through. Pale is better in this sense but still has too many people imo.

So Claw ended today. It's a solid story, very tense and engaging. Every character that matters is well developed.

Hope it releases in book format.

Enjoyed how much the story gradually paints an image of a US in decline (at least at a faster rate than it currently is) as the characters dig themselves deeper and how the characters are all handled in general. Makes me wish wildbow would do a few more shorter stories before moving on to the next big one.

Horse piss cowboys being the only good faction

Did he say what he's doing after claw?

He's going to release a science fiction story by the next weeks

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>Three storylines from three individuals, worlds and eras apart.

<It starts in two weeks, and announcements will go up on all story sites, this one included.

Wonder if it'll have elements of that sci-fi short story called Sign he wrote. (https://old.reddit.com/r/DoTheWriteThing/comments/hcvznl/episode_64_suppress_bad_east_goalkeeper/fw1ftsq/ ,for anyone who's interested in reading it) wish he compiled all the snippets he wrote somewhere convenient.

I was going to post it, kinda funny there's a large enough Wildbow fandom for multiple people talk about his works in /leftypol/.

Maybe not surprising considering how long the OP has been up. I read worm, hpmor, homestuck, china mountain zhang and eudeamon because of /hobby/ threads.

There's something Mia-esque about Orion's first interactions with the world around him. Except that in Claw this is never shown fully because it's set years after The Fall.

The floor- Orion’s feet were already on the way to the ground when the realization that the floor was metal that would be just as cold hit. Except he was wearing boots. He hadn’t known.

He didn’t know enough. Even with the memories and self awareness he did have, it felt as though there was a roadblock in the way. He had to stop, find a way to what he needed.

The act of standing felt unwieldy. So did turning his head, taking in the fuller scene, eyes moving, putting it all in perspective. As if every movement went a little too far, then had to be pulled back in.


And chapter two. Artificial intelligence biologically intertwined with humans since birth. What could go wrong.

Not feeling the new serial, let's see if it gets better.

Yeah I feel off about the ambient's description and don't know how to situate myself most of the time. Reading the Discord discussion after chapter releases makes it more solid.


New chapter and we're back to Orion. I find his scenario the best conceptually. Android furries are just a bit weird.

>far future
>capitalism, corporations

Lol. Call me whatever you want, but it breaks my immersion and makes me hate the work a little.

You don't think corpocratic state-capitalism could mercilessly crush the workers, fund space exploration and generally transform human life into more of a hell on earth than it already is? Do you even dystopia?

i'm waiting for the story to shed a light on this, pretty sure it was planned to be ambiguous

claw ended months ago and this uygha still forgot to add the last arc to the table of contents

Is the webnovel dead or is it just my depression talking? Nothing good for almost a decade, topwebfiction died, and even the slop is worse than before.

I feel like the flood of litrpgs/progression fantasy kinda kneecapped things. Seems like it's all people want to write or read and it's difficult to sift through it all.

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