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Did proles actually watch this shit?
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>over here:
And in >>1782
>"nostalgia for the present" that numbs the pain of the current situation because at least it's not as bad as the further degraded capitalism from Squid Game and thank god it's not Mad Max.


I think this parody speaks for itself just how much most proles outside the RoK missed the message entirely and just continue to pull whataboutisms not that it isn't funny


Most people got the message. Some rando on YouTube isn’t relevant here.


>Some rando on YouTube
Flashgitz is a popular channel and the video got 1.3 million views and 123K likes in 1 week, that's not a small audience.


How much credence is there to the idea that Squid Game (and Parasite) is, while anti-capitalist, not really socialist, but rather nostalgia for a more welfarist, socially more "fair" form of capitalism even for the authors/the Korean audience? Haven't watched it yet myself, but saw this idea being bounced around. I'm not really up to speed on South Korean history though, so I don't know if they had a period of huge social welfare spending as Japan did before the lost decades.


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It's another one of those episodes


Talked to a bunch of normies about it, literally everyone realizes it's about capitalism. The fall of the Eastern Bloc was 30 years ago, it's not even present in the minds of most millenials and zoomers. Maybe what you say is true for burgers, and even then I would say this would only be true for a section of a population, especially suburban petty bourgeois.


>It's not even a critique of capitalism. It's more about neoliberalism version of capitalism.
I mean, when have communists ever not agitated against the specific expression capitalism takes on depending on the conditions under which they live? It's a critique of Korean capitalism ("neoliberalism" as a term can't be applied to Korea) and as such it does a pretty good job. Debt-slavery and a rentier state are both fundamental columns of state monopoly capitalism.


If all those issues can be solved under capitalism, then there is no reason to be a socialist/communist. Why would I want to abolish capitalism if all its issues can be resolved by social democracy?

Retarded ultra-left take. Korean filmmakers could literally produce a movie where the main character holds an entire monolog about the falling rate of profit and you assholes would still be bitching about it. Tell me, when was the last time American or more generally Western media have released a popular work that portrays social realities and class in such an explicit way?


Because South Korea overdid it in terms of repression of working class movements, via media that is not yet censored, that is the only way they even can express such sentiment. Every actual IRL organization left of liberalism, even social democracy, is banned in South Korea.


>dead boards
use the overboard, faggot.


>nostalgia for something that never existed in South Korea


>Did proles actually watch this shit?
I'm a europoor teacher and even primary school children are watching this. It's having a major cultural impact worldwide in younger generations who find its message interesting (just like they did for similar plot-lines earlier, like those of Hunger Games and Battle Royale.


>Muh alt boards
If you can't use basic chan functions and complain about slo-posting in a small site you're a lazy dumbass.


>even primary school children are watching this
That's just fucking stupid, R-ratings aren't made for kicks.


My mom would have never let me watch this, do today's parents just not care??


Most parents today give their child an ipad and let them look at any shit on youtube. Moreover PoMo ideology has pervaded society into this concept of "Excessive gratuitous violence and dystopian content is totally the stuff that an impressionable, developing child can see!" And if you point that out, the liberals and faux-progressives shit themselves about censorship (ironically censoring other inoffensive content instead).


It's more a combination of the following facts: widespread smart device ownership (you're basically required to be literate in it when starting school now, as much of the curriculum includes the usage of educational apps), widespread Netflix subscriptions via families and finally the smart device literacy thus makes it very easy for today's kids to access Netflix by simply turning on the TV while home (with friends) before their parents get home.


everybody has a fucking phone these days, and pirate streaming sites for tv shows are abundant enough that its not a major issue to get around needing netflix or whatever service.


>education apps
and strangely enough the higher ups of companies like Apple, Google and other companies suspiciously enough do not permit their children to use smart-phones uncontrolled because of the negative impacts. Zoommers can cope all they like, but the "boomer" meme about phone obsession is real.
So yeah, electronics availability under capitalism to even the poorest of people is clearly a negative thing, there's no point in learning or filtering content, it's all online!


no work of art will be perfectly "anti-capitalist" (kind of a dumb term btw)


Sergei Eisenstein's 1925 film Strike is perfectly anti-capitalist.


In defense of the people who are confused about the message of the show I must confess, plot-wise the show is confused, cliched, generic and superficial. It wants us to side with the main character, Gi-hun, but he is flat-out horrible person and you can't really cheer for him. His relative, whatever his name was, is even worse. The elderly guy, who runs the show, has cancer, and misses his childhood and family, and in the games he is at risk of dying, and in one scene where they just slaughter each other in killing frenzy (because why not) you see a beautiful humane side to him, when he yells, that they should stop because at that rate they will die all, and somehow we should hate him. The games are ad hoc since you can end others in their sleep and, congrats, you won.

People where looking so hard for hidden message and deeper meanings where there was actually none. In turn they tricked themselves into completing a picture in their minds to resemble something real, whereas there was just horse manure flung haphazardly around to entertain us.


You could argue it's not the phones, it's the disadvantages the phones could bring. I use my phone wisely. Maybe Gen Z is drowning in a see of instant gratification but personally I read only books on my phone and use only educational apps.

The mean issue I have with the phones usage is that those who should get a laptop will probably settle for a phone. Phones do not have the advanced tools and apps for doing research and investigation compared to PCs (although they catching up).


> I use my phone wisely.
Same, but I'm also not a Zoommer and my parents didn't give me electronics until I got into Middle School, and it was a flip-phone. Even then I have issues of sitting on the internet too much sometimes and then feeling like shit for basically wasting my day. Besides, in adult life this is fine, but focusing only on computers is just turning society into a cyberpunk dystopia, and I loathe it.


that's what a moralist would think


>it being not that deep and muddling the messages is moralism


>kids watching dystopian fiction about hypercapitalism
Damn, a lot of them are probably too young to do a good job separating reality and fantasy. Imagine growing up seeing this kind of fiction not understanding the satirical context and just taking it as normal.


>Why would I want to abolish capitalism if all its issues can be resolved by social democracy?
Because the soccdem gibs can be taken away at any moment like they did in the 90s in the West. Even Sweden is reverting to neoliberlism.
>Korean filmmakers could literally produce a movie where the main character holds an entire monolog about the falling rate of profit and you assholes would still be bitching about it.
I wouldn't, mainstream media is saturing content with lefty flavours to make people used to it to the point they will ignore the left. "lefty" media fails to provide an alternative unlike the Zeitgeist movies.
>Tell me, when was the last time American or more generally Western media have released a popular work that portrays social realities and class in such an explicit way?


I thought the exact same thing after watching Parasite


Sorry to Bother You does exist for some reason. But Boots isn't making a new movie anytime soon.


>they tricked themselves into completing a picture in their minds to resemble something real
Sounds like the definition of great art but you're upset at artistic choices in terms of the medium?


It's cool that this went viral as an explicitly anti-capitalist piece of media, but it just looks like the same Battle Royale / Hunger Games / whatever the fuck formula so I'm not watching this shit lmao. Watch Kaiji instead


>hunger games
rightoid burger crap, not anti capitalist in the slightest, ripoff of battle royale but filtered through some hannah arendt/horseshoe theory "totalitarianism" crap.


No shit, my point is the story line of Death Game to pay "debts" to society or personally is done to death and basic as fuck.


>Do you not see it as potentially indicative of rising anti-capitalist sentiment?
As much as the popularity of che guevara shirts.



anything flashgitz is rightoid tier shit
even his stale "crusader" persona fits his soyboy face and personality perfectly.


>anything flashgitz is rightoid tier shit
Not all of their stuff, very little of their videos are actually Right-Wing.


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Seems like Squid Game’s 15 minutes of fame are up. The show’s main legacy? A shit-ton of Roblox clones and Elsagate tier YouTube videos.


>Did proles actually watch x?
100% of the times the answer will be yes.


Squid Game was dumb entertainment, nothing else. It's cool that the creator was going for an anticapitalist angle but as a series it did a lot of retarded things, like the glass explosion, the rich assholes being under ten people, having them constantly speak instead of being faceless mobs, the detective subplot, etc.

If you really want the same topics and criticism of capitalism handled in a better way just watch Kaiji. Fukumoto makes it especially obvious during the E-Card game.


The marble episode was easily the best and then got completely ruined by the fucking stupid but still predictable twist at the end.


I thought the premise was pretty stupid. They are just supposed to make their own game with the marbles? Seems kind of lazy. Also, the twist on the pairing up of players was predictable and the entire game just seemed like a sloppy way to move certain plot elements forward (remove Ali, "kill" the old man, shoehorn in some character development for the North Korean person, etc.).


According to recent Burgers news media someone smuggled the show into North Korea and was executed. Cause you know that checks out and makes sense right?


Only reaction:

Omg! Same! *Watches something else*

Consuming Anti-Capitalism does nothing.


This type of Anti-DPRK propaganda reminds me of those sitcom shows for children that were clearly written by out of touch boomers. Agent Johnson realizes that (movie, song, show, etc.) is popular with the kids and writes an article about Kim Jong Un killing 1,000 innocent teens who consumed it. Then he publishes it 2 weeks after most people have lost interest. Every major trend has a "North Korea executes those who know about it" report that is repeated by every major media outlet. I think the purpose of all this is to create anti-DPRK sentiment in the younger generations.


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Just what the fuck happens on Korea bros?



As for the described issues, it's literally just the same in Japan and to an extent the USA. Standardized education is probably the only thing that is an inane complaint, as I can personally attest, non-standardized education a la the USA is the reason some people think that America took Berlin in WW2 and that Russia had been in the Axis alliance.


Also I suggest you check out the Bong thread >>2129


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