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A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
324 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>This indie cartoon only has 2 episodes out and there's already a pop-up store in Japan.
It's popular even with 2 episodes, so it makes sense.

I think both episodes are equally good, but very different from one another, which makes them interesting.


unironically doing the soyjaks pointing IRL, wew


yep 4chan invented people being excited and pointing at things


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Fandom-brain tards are mad the actual character doesn't fit their collective hallucination. Luckily Gooseworx is going to make him even more unhinged.


Actually I think they're doing it ironically. Or self-aware-ly, at least.

>Luckily Gooseworx is going to make him even more unhinged
Based. I don't want another soft-inside I-can-fix-him bad boy. I want Rated R Bugs Bunny.


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>N-noooo you can't Jax actualy be a toxic asshole!
LMAO. Like >>41877 says, unhinged old-school Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny.


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I watched the leaked eps and considering all the shit that happened in production it never even began.


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Had no idea. How bad is it?


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greetings from shinjuku


Fucking nice. Did you take a pic next to the Pomni statue?


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this is like the only ship ive truly cared about in a really long time



im not gonna show my face but yes


I love Jax, its like he is doing an evil character playthough in a video game, instead of saving the Saccharine kingdom teaming up with an evil murderous sludge monster for no reason other than it being more interesting option.


Lets be honest, its probably a good thing no one has tried to continue this show. It just wouldin't be the same, guaranteed to be worse.


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Every commentary video with a thumbnail that has giant text with a character making a facial expression like that is made by a retarded asshole producing hours of pure brainrot that has nothing to do with the story of the show. The worst part is that a lot of times this shit influences the creators themselves to giving into fanservice and implementing the wack shit proposed whenever its a running series and video gets enough popularity. Then it follows up with the channel owner making a live video or a short showing their ugly funko pop figurine collecting face and going "OOOOOH GUYS WE CALLED IT, IT REALLY HAPPENED!!!", actual fucking parasites these youtubers.


Of course. The show should've happened then and there, now it's just too late.


Reminds me of those channels from the mid-2010s like Wisecrack, thinking things like Rick and Morty are "deep and philosophical".


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In the case of TADC the author said at least the first 5 episodes have already been written and that she's going to stick to her initial plan for the whole show.

Before the 2010s you had pop philosophy books like "The Philosophy of The Simpsons" littering libraries.


or "zen and the art of X"


Tigress got done dirty in the 4th KFP movie and by proxy, Angelina Jolie (as did the rest of the Furious Five). I don't get the hate Aquafina got for her role though, I thought she played Zheng pretty well and the fox was a likeable character. I think part of it is because of her voice role for the Seagull in the Little Mermaid movie, where the director clearly just had her act like a racist stereotype of a loud annoying black woman for no reason. The other part is how Tigress got almost no screentime and Zheng was the focus instead, which probably irritated fans, especially with how important Tigress was to all 3 films and the Furious Five being important supportive characters in general through-out the films and TV-series.


that movie had a lot of bad writing decisions in general tbh


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I know. It also pisses me off that the 7 Nation Army cover from the first trailer wasn't actually used in the movie or that it STILL hasn't been released as OST.


Pic rel is an inconsistency about Chameleon's motivations, but it can be reasonably explained: her argument of being rejected for being "too small" falls on its face the second you remember mantis is like 5 inches tall.

Granted it can be argued that this is a different region and we have seen masters reject teaching someone kung fu just because of the way they look like, for instance, Crane had to literally prove himself to everyone who doubted him because of his skinny legs. And Viper technically speaking was seen by her father as someone that he must protect because of her lack of fangs and venom. Plus, it wasn't just her being small as her reason, she also said that some masters said that she was lowly and others also said that it just wasn't her destiny to learn Kung Fu.


leaving this video here
even tho panda 4 (from reviews) seems to be mediocre film that i also didn't watch, i still find this vid about the interview on it's development interesting


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Shrek 2? More like Shrek 2 Rape Scenes.


i like the adventure time/regular show type theme of smiling friends combined with the more 90s grotesque style. although the humor sometimes falls flat for me. also there was a 2 year gap between the first season and this one, so idk if the popularity can be sustained.


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>Why do anime fans say modern anime is superior to modern cartoons?
Because they're into some turboweeb genres of anime the likes of which were never made in the USA. The closest thing to the moe genre is MLP.


I think I only posted movies ITT. Now for some deep cut American TV shows.

Anyone remember Cadillacs and Dinosaurs?


Why do anime fans say modern anime is superior to modern cartoons? Lowkey sounds like "modern gaming bad" bs. Sure, good Western cartoons don't hit the mainstream, you have to go out of your way to find them but it doesn't mean that modern cartoons are "bad," it's just that anime is massive now while cartoons that get nearly as popular tend to be of poor quality because fuck the executives and their market research or modern sensibilities or whatever bs they ruin popular Western cartoons with.

Basically, watch more indie cartoons, modern cartoons aren't dying, modern gaming isn't dying, modern comics aren't dying, stop consuming corporate slop, thank you for your attention.


Oops, sorry for deleting the post, wanted to add a picture.
Girls' cartoons maybe? I dunno. Slice-of-life anime in general has no proper Western counterpart except… 6teen? Maybe 6teen.

The issue is most cartoons are targetted at kids and most adult cartoons have an edgy/disturbing artstyle. Westerners in general seem to be averse to cuteness… except maybe French? Finnish? I dunno.
Nonononono, doesn't count unless it's Equestria Girls.


most anime is absolute garbage that just panders to their audience of retards and weirdos, I believe that reason why so many animetards are so aggressively obsessed with putting japanese cartoons above US cartoons is a result of a form of orientalism and/or fetishisation of eastern(mostly japanese) “culture”. Those individuals are just looking for an excuse to put their consumer behaviours above those of other consumers in an attempt to validate their consumerism and to feel special, those individuals also often tend to be into some very popular anime, which makes their elitism especially silly.


>most ——- is absolute garbage that just panders to their audience of retards and weirdos,
>Those individuals are just looking for an excuse to put their consumer behaviours above those of other consumers in an attempt to validate their consumerism and to feel special,
one edit and it becomes impossible to distinguish if you are talking about anime or cartoon.
but both of these industries are out to make money, so they gonna make garbage to mass sell.


Who is ready for the West to RETVRN


>female pig
Already Woke


Petunia is a classic Looney Toon but she only appeared in B&W shorts so she has spend most of the 20th century in obscurity.


well that should be pretty apparent that it’s the case with cartoons too, it’s the case with most media created to sell, but japanese media in my opinion is less subtle with it. The less subtle pandering is very appealing to stupid slobs who like to complain about western stuff.


If there is no crossdressing Bugsbunny, then I don’t want it.


In anime's defense, it is easier to find something that's decent compared to cartoons. But that's 'cause cartoons are still a niche compared to anime, most of cartoon shows are relatively obscure. When you talk about Demon Slayer many terminally online people at least know it. When you mention some cartoon from Jetix or whatever most people will look at you with confusion. Also, it's only recently that Adult Swim started investing into action cartoons like Primal and Ballmastrz, before that action cartoons are in perpetual state of executive torment, the only reason Ben 10 survived that long is because it had plenty of aliens to sell as toys. If Ben 10 really only included 10 aliens the execs would be like: "Yep, that's it. Can't sell toys anymore." The consequence of many action cartoons being toy-oriented unfortunately.


For every truly popular anime there's literally hundreds of others that never penetrate the "mainstream". We barely get western cartoons these days, much less cartoons that appeal to a niche instead of general audiences.


Waiting for the inevitable shelving for tax return purposes.


>my consumer behavior > your consumer behavior
People who need to justify their consumption choices with vague leftoidism are so pathetic and a perpetual detriment to these boards.


So which is it? Does anime try to pander to everyone or only to "weirdos" (accuses a poster of a niche imageboard)?


Both, some anime like one piece is extremely mainstream and some other anime like “my little sister can’t be this cute” or whatever it’s called appeals to another kind of audience. Anime is very mainstream, but it has this “niche” appeal to it and anime fans like to overblow how “special” and “niche” their interest in a multimillion ip is. This leads to a certain kind of elitism and a superiority complex.


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Side note about DreamWorks itself: DreamWorks was created by Jeffrey Katzenberg after he felt he deserved the president position at Disney. He left and started his own studio out of spite. Therefore, DreamWorks' early years were split between two visions, Katzenberg's vision to imitate Disney and surpass it, and another vision by the various independent filmmakers he hired to basically mock it. DreamWorks invested a lot of money in elaborate "epic movies" on par with Disney (such as The Prince of Egypt, The Road to El Dorado', Spirit, and Sinbad). Despite the first two being received well, their profits were mediocre, and the financial loss of the last two basically killed the vision for DreamWorks, as well as contributed to the decline of 2D animation in general. Meanwhile, the subversive approach, which based its identity on poking fun at established Disney tropes and way more tongue in cheek jokes, was well-received and made a lot of money. Even crap like Shark Tale made a lot of money, and it created the profit-base that would allow for more nuanced stories to be made and make money, such as How To Train Your Dragon and Kung Fu Panda.



Good film!

Why do all the animals have big asses?


Scavenger's Reign was great. It's exactly the sort of exploration of a harsh and dangerous alien world which I love, and which is severely underrepresented in visual mediums. Books like this are really common in the sci-fi genre but when it comes to TV or film that fit this kind of genre, all I can really think of is Made in Abyss and this. I think it is something that can only really be done in comics and cartoons, since with live action you'd have to rely so much on CGI and you wouldn't be able to do it stylistically so it'd end up a mess. Live action alien exploration stories always downplay the aliens.

I liked it a lot. Overall its a really good film. I didn't really like the character designs but the rest of the art was great, especially for a Western Animated film of which I am not really into the cinematographic tropes of. A lot of thought was put into the detail. Action scenes were kinnetic and exciting, even though as I said I don't really like the tropes of Western fight scenes. It kind of had a wierd ending which didn't sit well with me though, its kind of like a reverse GitS. But, I don't understand why in all robot films where their minds are directly copied from humans, they are still discriminated. Surely if you are going to have a robot backup activated once you die you'd want them to have the same rights you did. Every single person would have the motivation to give robots equal rights because they are all going to die and become robots anyway one day. I will say the story is not exactly the most original ever, but its good enough.

I legitimately hate Invincible. It's such rubbish. There's no consistent world building, and no themes other than exciting alien superhero vs CIA and good guys!!! I hate superheroes. I also hate smiling friends and South Park so much. How can anyone enjoy that rubbish. I feel sick just trying to watch either of them.


>Both, some anime like one piece is extremely mainstream and some other anime like “my little sister can’t be this cute” or whatever it’s called appeals to another kind of audience.
Almost like blanket statements about a whole medium are fucking retarded.


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It pains me that Regular Show was cut short. Pains me even more when I remember what happened to JG's second show. It's extremely disheartening that the crew never shared all that openly announced cut content. At least with Regular Show you had to poke around to know they had more plans for Season 8 but it got cut. Quintel came out and talked about Close Enough's episodes getting cut down with half of almost each one in S1 gone. Plus if you pay attention you can see bizarre inconsistencies in those episodes that imply the cut content had been fully animated and removed at the last second without the chance to revise scenes.

After Close Enough I just gave up on new shows entirely. I'm tired of trying. It's hard enough as it is to find something to enjoy, Close Enough was even a little disappointing since it obviously leaned more into Californian writing, but I still stuck with it because I did ultimately enjoy the characters and I wasn't going to drop a JG show. But even when I do find something to enjoy there's always something that fucks it up for me, usually in production.


They can't, already sold it to some other distributor, so unless they somehow try and get out of that contract , they don't have a say
also sad that WB, the studio that created and is the homes of the looney tunes, sold off a classic 2d LT film because they have no faith

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