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/hobby/ - Hobby

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 No.22171[View All]

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
266 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Feel like Husk (winged cat) is the one getting killed off. He doesn’t really have that much story wise and his death would be big for Angeldust’s character arc.


/anime/ is for graphical arts. It says this in the description.


I love action shows and the Western style is still more refreshing than anime style but tbh when shows like Samurai Jack or Motorcity attempt a different approach they are more memorable. And I'm definitely the kind of person who loves higher stylization.


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Inside Job was fun. Shame it got canned but at least they didn't run it to the ground. The good-natured kind-hearted himbo was the best character.


it wasn't just another dumb rick and morty clone?


Iterative creations still have the capacity to be enjoyable anon.


Anon, I helped CREATE the board's original threads and it is the equivalent of /a/
It is LITERALLY in the name /ANIME/ as in the term for japanese animation and related japanese content. Do not be obtuse.


rick and morty invented scientists


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mfw i realize rick and morty invented scientists


I thought they meant that the MC is a disgruntled cynical misanthrope.


>I think the problem with current animation is that a lot of it is very round and circle
90s' thick-line animation is not "cool" anymore so most studios moved away from it except for Titmouse.
If only
>Studio Mir
Nobody here mentiones Flying Bark Studios who created Rise of TMNT, Glitch Techs and Monkey King. They actually try mimicking Studio Trigger anime unlike Mir's comic-book-inspired art style.


>>39108 (me)
Even the way Mir animate action scenes is more movie-like compared to anime's sakuga one-shots, extremely close and dynamic coomera angles and speed lines.


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I hated the overall breakneck speed pacing of Hazbin Hotel but the show was fun. The finale was good. Hope they get a second season.


I hope they make lots of good r34 of those two angels


Watched the Twelve Tasks of Asterix the other day. It was pretty funny but I admit that I was a bit taken aback by the archaic racialism (the africans with the giant red lips etc)


She's sho cute and fwuffy, like a baby bird :3


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i saw it coming a mile away but im still glad he got the treatment he deserved at the end


i remember stephen universe gays had a meltdown over this when it first came out. probably because it has le sex and le swear words.


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you think he'll score in heaven?


Y'all have your own entire thread FFS >>5447


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you don't tell me what to do
thoughts on Charlie's hooves?


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I love him so much.


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>Tells kids to annoy capitalist CEOs
based show.


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>Bizzy is the CEO's son
>Heloise is a classcuck
The only thing stopping Lucius is Heloise being down bad for Jimmy, otherwise she'd probably tortured him to death already.


>>39758 (me)
Conclusion: a weapons' engineer who's close to the CEO having a crush on you is based.


>>39759 (me)
I'm going to Israel to seduce all the female military engineers so they sabotage the war effort, this is the only way to stop the conflict.


Godspeed, anon.


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Anyone here likes Murder Drones?


I tried watching it but I felt meh.


i watched some, but i couldn’t keep going once the russian ai/robot appeared, something about her voice just made me not want to watch.

Also the guy who came up with designs 100% has something for sharp teeth because why the fuck does every single one of his works have a “creepy” female character with rows of sharp teeth.


Do you hate Russian stereotypes perhaps?
I've heard that some Russian fans were not a fan of Doll's thick accent and being voiced by an American instead of a native Russian.


Saw the pilot, possibly a few episodes, pretty good stuff.


Imagine complaining about the accent being too thick. I personally do not mind that, what's more irritating in Western media is spreading outright lies like in Company of Heroes 2. I'm sure COH2 is a fine game but damn, is the plot in it shite.


sharp teeth are hot and cool



Idk, ithe way she talks just felt weird, couldn’t exactly put my finger on it, might be partially due to the tone of her voice, idk. I don’t want to talk shit about the va, she seems to be fluid in the language, but the way she voiced the character just made me not want to watch.


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Has anyone seen Viking Skool? It looks and sounds interesting.


Vikings… but it's a highschool AU???


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After getting up to date on Bob's Burgers the pilot feels so bizarre and dark, but is still one of the funniest episodes.

>"You're the worst kind of autistic!"

>"You can't even count…"

>Bob: "He looks like a child molester… Louise don't bring him the burger, let Gene do it."

>Gene: "Why do I have to get molested?
>B: "No he won't molest you because you're… heavy."
>G: "Heavy kids can get molested!"
>Louise, pinching his cheeks: "Yeah who wouldn't wanna molest this face?"

You would never get an exchange like that in the show now, nothing even close to that dark. The longer it goes on, the more it wants to be a wholesome family show which is a total waste.


Wait until you see the original cannibal premise.


I guess the first seasons got just the right amount of pussification. Although the bootleg far side art is more appealing than GoAnimate meets Home Movies.



I like this art style more honestly. It's a shame that the higher-ups always want to produce these adult comedy shows as cheaply as possible.


> russian ai/robot
Do you mean Doll?


yeah, whatever she is I dropped the show after the episode she apeared in.


Animation unironically peaked here


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>likes the pilot style better
It's very common for pilots or first seasons to have better animation. Then, you get cases like Regular Show's season 2 episode 'First Day' (turning the pilot into a canon episode) where you can just tell which clips are ripped from the pilot and which are new.
There are also other cases like Gumball S1 where they didn't get all the episodes out (36 instead of 40) and S2 is very clearly degraded in comparison.
Since a pilot is a single episode not made with the same industrial constraints in mind, they're typically much more stylized, even in cases where the animation is more limited.

Digging into the history of shows sometimes just shows how far they fall from what they could have been, and how they changed to fit pop culture, like an original idea turning into a Simpsons family sitcom.

I know it was made after the pitch, but:
>not posting the plank character model sheet


Nobody's gonna talk about the multiple Disney TVA pilots and other material that someone on 4/co/ leaked?

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