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Post general thoughts, comments and marxist or any analysis on the show.

Ep 1 and 2 is out, Ep 3 comes out today.

Never seen GoT and enjoying the show so far, decent political intrigue so far.
522 posts and 109 image replies omitted.

Yeah but COAL's motivation in the show seems to be sheer hatred for Rhaenyra + lust for Alicent rather than some sort of anti-royal agenda.

DaeGLOW Targaryen

This show is fucking boring. The conversations aren't interesting and the characters are all flat. The action scenes are alright, the coolest so far was the twin knights. The dragon scenes stir me like a Marvel movie.

And I get they're making a feminist point about how these two women leaders are being sidelined due to the patriarchy but it's boring watching people doing nothing no matter the reason.

I get where you're coming from bro but much like LOGH, the appeal and greatest parts of ASOIAF has always been the "boring" people talking in rooms about politics and their relationships rather than large action set pieces.

>The action scenes are alright, the coolest so far was the twin knights.
It always bothers me how they use swords against plate armour. If anything, they would be used not for slicing but for breaking bones, that's why most knights in the middle ages used axes and maces preferably, because at this point you are fighting something so beefy that only sheer blunt damage would matter. The only way you could inflict cutting damage would be at the points where the armour pieces are striped together. And then Erick does a Roman general type suicide by falling on his sword, like how? Did he aim for the dick or the little strapping at the underbelly beneath his chest plate where the aromour is tied together? If so, that is like the most fucking painful death ever.

>The conversations aren't interesting and the characters are all flat.
The dialog is written better than most shows, and I don't think the characters are flat. Who is flat, in your opinion? I guess if you don't like the intricacies of feudal power politics then the show just isn't for you.

>feminist point

I mean it's a bit ahistorical to talk about "feminism" when you simply could be an 18th century liberal to point out that women being barred from politics or succession (of rule, not of property) kinda sucks. England was one of the few countries where the Lex Salica didn't exist - even Maria Theresa ruled as Empress Regent, because the actual Emperor just didn't want to do it. The wokest shit the show has are black Velaryons.

I'm saying the non-action scenes are hollow and boring in a way that they weren't in GoT, which I've started re-watching. For example in GoT there's always a strong tension when two characters talk the feeling of death and high stakes rests over every conversation. There's tons, but for example: when Cersei is having a clever conversation with Littlefinger and orders her guards to execute him. When Littlefinger is talking to Ned and he realizes Neds a fool and won't seize the moment. The back and forth between Varys and Littlefinger in the throneroom..

And another thing about GoT: the plot is always moving, in a meaningful way. If two people are having hushed conversations you can rely on it being important.

I realize I'm bitching about a subjective feeling, but HOTD S2 doesn't grasp me at all in the way GoT or HOTD S1 did. It all just seems a bit mushy and ill-defined. The characters don't have strong personas.

I don't like the two queens or Aemond really. I do like Cole and the King. I don't think the show demonstrates feudal politics in an engaging way. I don't have ability to get specific because I wasn't super engaged watching it tbh, so this is just vibes-based. I'm not saying they're woke for bringing up the oppression of women, just that it's a lame reason for our characters to be inert.

HotD is about the quality of seasons 4-6 of GoT depending on the scene. They weren't gonna bottle lightning that was early GoT with a bunch of great scenes from the books, good pacing to start with, and competent writers to flesh out with new material. Fire and Blood (the book the show is based on) is real dry, sparse on details, and introduces a lot of ambiguity on purpose. It's written like a history book where we don't know what actually happened.

>HotD is about the quality of seasons 4-6 of GoT depending on the scene.
People tend to forget about the cringe shit in early GoT (for example, the porn stuff), and only remember the highlights because they were so memerable. HotD has yet to create those, but it's more well-rounded.
>Fire and Blood (the book the show is based on) is real dry
Because it's not a novel, but a fictional historical account, like the Simarillion. Doesn't matter for the show though. At least it's a finished story.

People are more willing to forgive rough edges like in early GoT if the high points are really high. That's why the reception of HotD is kind of lukewarm.

And I wasn't criticizing Fire and Blood, just pointing out that it doesn't provide the same basis for adaptation, requiring to the show to interpret a lot of things that GoT could just take directly from the books.

>I don't like the two queens or Aemond really.
Alicent is saved by Olivia Cook's perfomance, whereas with Aemond it's the opposite - that guy literally has a single facial expression. I watched interviews, and he is like that IRL. Why he did chose to become an actor? Compare that with the guy who plays Aegon who does a good job.
>I'm saying the non-action scenes are hollow and boring in a way that they weren't in GoT, which I've started re-watching. For example in GoT there's always a strong tension when two characters talk the feeling of death and high stakes rests over every conversation. There's tons, but for example: when Cersei is having a clever conversation with Littlefinger and orders her guards to execute him.
You may be right about that, they did give off that feeling. Ironically those were mostly scenes not from the books but added by the writers.

Aemond's actor was picked for his uncanny features and creepy presence, clearly.

In the final shot of the first season, it seemed like Rhaenyra's heart had heartened and she was ready for war. But so far in the new season, she's just been running around looking for an excuse to not have a war, lol. Is it some hamfisted attempt at humanizing her for no reason?
No, making him some kinda stoic creep was an artistic decision. The actor seems "normal".

>In the final shot of the first season, it seemed like Rhaenyra's heart had heartened and she was ready for war. But so far in the new season, she's just been running around looking for an excuse to not have a war, lol.
Same thing that happened with the season 1 finale of Better Call Saul. They realized they were moving too fast and had to pump the brakes so they have time to actually cover the story.
>Is it some hamfisted attempt at humanizing her for no reason?
They are trying to humanize everybody when they should have this attitude >>42967

Comrade Mysaria is clearly a pragmatist accelerationist who is playing both sides of the war while also stoking the flames of class struggle among the common folk which will inevitably end in the storming of the Dragonpit, causing the extinction of the dragons and with it the aristokkkracy's monopoly on living WMDs.

>The only reason you’ll get an opinion like this from a dude like this is because he’s older and from an older generation
The younger actors seem to hold the same opinion

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terrible take. both alicent and rhaenyra are depicted as power hungry monsters, it's just that they also happen to experience misogyny on occasion

Honestly all Targaryans in this show look sort of inbred in one way or another. Which I guess was the correct decision to make. Old Rhaenera is the only one who looks normal.

Based. Total monarchy death.

>Honestly all Targaryans in this show look sort of inbred in one way or another.
They're just British dawg

The show is definitely not amazing, saying it's about season 4-6 GOT quality like the earlier anon seems fair, but it's watchable, definitely better if you have someone to watch it with to take the piss though

I wonder what kind of quality the Aegon's Conquest show will have.

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it should be an anime

>The wokest shit the show has are black Velaryons
that's just a random casting choice, unless you're /pol/ enough to be triggered about it or something

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>Rhaenyra having a steamy makeout session with Mysaria right after the latter opened up about being repeatedly raped as a child, then mutilated and left for dead.
Are they trying to surpass GoT at mishandling the topic of sexual violence? The way they handled young Rhaenyra with Daemon and Cole was already mega sus, but in theory at least that was "supposed to be" consensual. Here they're directly using child rape as fetish fuel.

this is just who GRRM is. he's a fat old liberal white guy who faps his dick to rape and war crimes. the show is a reflection of the things he writes with one hand.

honestly i'm glad the Velaryons are black. Otherwise I would keep getting them confused with the Targs. It's not even that outlandish since both families come from Essos, which isn't exactly a "Europe Clone" continent

lol ppl can bond with stories of their past, no matter how negative
also someone saying something about rape before engaging in something sexual is nowhere near touching got's portrayal of sexual violence

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God the kiss scene was so fucking HOT and even hotter if you take this as AliSSent getting cuckqueaned hard.
Mysaria made the first move, dumbass. Go clutch pearls somewhere else.

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>Mysaria telling a really personal traumatic story to the one person who hasn't betrayed her and sees her as human being instead of a sexual object and then sharing an intimate moment together
<Woah the writers want people to get turned on by child RAPE xddddd
Fuck off bro, just say you hate lesbians.

The scene was unscripted and suggested by both D'Arcy and Mizuno. Neither GRRM nor any of the show's writers were behind it.

honestly i hadn't watched it yet when anon made their puke react post. it wasn't nearly as bad as they suggested

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>Fired from her position at the king's table and told to go back to the kitchen
>Almost gets lynched by the smallfolk
>Gets told by Gwayne that her only good son is the one who wasn't raised by her
>Her childhood lesbian crush makes out with some other girl
Worst week ever for Alicent but can't say she doesn't deserve it.

Nah it's just a trope about rape victims and shit becoming lesbians. It's not even a new trope.

How can nobody tell Mysaria is evil? She's got obvious psychopath affect, she probably just made that shit up.

I was raised by lesbians. One of them was a rape victim and the other one had a fat slovenly husband who left her at home to get drunk at strip clubs. There is an element of truth to it. I think a lot of bisexual people go from seeking hetero relationships to seeking gay relationships after getting hurt. There's nothing wrong with that. But yeah it sucks when media fetishizes it.

>The way they handled young Rhaenyra with Daemon and Cole was already mega sus
Rhaneyra was 18 when she first made out with Daemon. That's hardly child rape. With Cole, she clearly abused her power position to have sex with Cole, putting him in a lose-lose situation as he didn't really want it (at this point). And what has lesbianism to do with child rape? Wtf my dude.

I had way more problems with Alicent shagging Cole in a raunchy way, it removes the subtlety about them bc they are both obsessed with purity. Rather had them in Platonic relationship. Also Larys who is supposed to be a mastermind kinda looked like an idiot in many scenes.

Aegon is still my favourite character. Great performance as well.

Dragon scenes still all bore me before of the Marvel-esque fan service.

>Also Larys who is supposed to be a mastermind kinda looked like an idiot in many scenes.
did he? aemond managed to wound his pride with his bait-and-switch joke about becoming the hand, but now larys seems to be maneuvering against him via aegon
the same thing happened in got: being clever doesnt guarantee you against being fucked over by unfortunate political developments, like with margaery and olenna being killed

>It's a show for women
>That means we need to fill 90% of the runtime of people sitting and talking about their feelings and giving each other peptalks
Do women really?

Xena Warrior Princess seems to run counter to that. Or Buffy. Sailor Moon. Supernatural. The X Files. Star Trek.

They have less of a budget for action stuff, I guess. GoT wasn't a Michael Bay movie either, though. Also have sex.

You can be dialogue heavy without every scene being a therapy session.

Some of the best scenes in GoT were people sitting around talking about their feelings.

So I thought the penultimate episode of HotD would be good but instead we just only got dragon shit with literal nobodies claiming dragons. Also if I remember correctly Silverwing was supposed to be claimed by Nettles, a badass chick and possible love interest for Daemon, and possibly a turncloak, instead we got fucking ULF, a drunk barkeeper who treated the dragonride like a fun fair. Nah dude, first episodes were promising, but this is just turning into pure dragon wankery with the political scheming and power dynamic being removed, so fuck it. I can't believe I'd say this but I missed Criston Cole this episode. Daemon and the Riverlords was the most redeemable shit in this episode.

They're combining Nettles and Rhaena's characters into a single one, just like how GOT merged Jeyne Poole and Sansa's storylines.

What do you have against dragons

Nothing. I don't mind a dragon battle from time to time. But they are adding a sort of high fantasy element to the story that undermines the feudal political scheming that made GoT great.

The whole point of the story is that this is supposed to be the turning point away from the height of Targaryen power, because they bungled the politics.

I respect that they've added a dragonfucker character, makes me feel represented

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