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Post general thoughts, comments and marxist or any analysis on the show.

Ep 1 and 2 is out, Ep 3 comes out today.

Never seen GoT and enjoying the show so far, decent political intrigue so far.
453 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anti-piracy measure lol
If you stream the video, the file is never downloaded, just portions get loaded to your RAM while playing. If you could pre-download the file to watch in full quality then it would be easier to pirate it. Yet another case of making things worse for the paying customers than the pirates.


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>wouldnt you want more bright and colorful images so an hdr screen can show them off more?
Yeah but that competes with hiding the flaws in the CGI. Everything is super dark now, even unrealistically dark. The lighter areas are restricted to highlights and often backlighting/rim lights that define edges, which keeps most of the subject darker while also compensating for an indistinct silhouette. It's fine for certain kinds of shots, but it gets overused because it's budget friendly since it allows you to skimp more on the CGI and it simplifies compositing to have less light and fewer sources.


My hot take after passing three graduate school economics classes is: Daenerys did absolutely the right thing in Slaver’s Bay, especially by taxing the slaveowners who were illegally in the market to buy freed slaves. Imposing a duty on slaveowners was intended (and likely succeeded) to discourage people from buying slaves and went to the Meereenese government. Contrary to the opinions of people who want to hate her, Dany never pockets the money herself. She put a (relatively common irl) tax on buying slaves to de-incentivize it to people in the market for them; if buying slaves is more expensive than not buying them, the propensity to do it decreases greatly. She did the right thing here.

GRRM obviously doesn’t really touch the issue of CAB + FAB = 0, Balance of Payments, Federal/Official Reserves, bonds, etc. but assuming that Slaver’s Bay has a central bank of some sort and that they either can use official reserves with a neighboring state/bank or something to otherwise stimulate the economy (even in terms of export subsidies, quota rents, or import tariffs), it would take a maximum of a few years for the Slaver’s Bay economy to restabilize. With the right counsel and investments, it could be a matter of months (assuming she gets back to Meereen from the Dothraki relatively soon and we don’t see the mess of Tyrion trying to negotiate with the slavers like we did in the show) before it got back into full swing. The economy is whack right now because it’s a transitionary period where the current accounts balance and financial accounts balance are in a deficit. It’s expected with her abolishment of slavery.

I’ve said this once and I’ve said it again. Daenerys is an inexperienced sixteen-year-old ruler in Meereen. She made mistakes, for sure. But in terms of the economy? She’s taken all the right steps to ensure it’s eventual success. Daenerys did nothing wrong and the people who say her economic plans in Slaver’s Bay were all missteps clearly haven’t done their research.


Okay, but what about Aragorn's tax policy?


>be me
>use a screen recorder

>be you

>buy HDMI screen recorder hardware



i mean are you really surprised a retarded american celebrity doesn't know victoria nuland put poroshenko and the banderites in power in 2014 throw a CIA coup and that there was 8 years of ukrainian civil war against donbass and luhansk before Russia got involved? Liberals are retarded. They literally think Putin personally put Trump in power.


just torrent it lol


>If you stream the video, the file is never downloaded, just portions get loaded to your RAM while playing. If you could pre-download the file to watch in full quality then it would be easier to pirate it. Yet another case of making things worse for the paying customers than the pirates.
I think it's just a bandwith issue. Netflix lets you pre-download full movies and they too only give you super compressed files. At lossless compression, the file sizes are huge. Standard blu ray is 135 minutes per 25 gb disc so about 12 gb per hour for HD, 4k even more obviously.


Who torrents TV shows and movies these days? Literally everything everything is available to stream for free, and when something is so niche that you can't even find a stream, you won't be able to torrent it either.


Yeah, but GRRM seems like someone who has an interest in stuff like history, most events in Game of Thrones are inspired by historical events from British medieval history, especially the War of the Roses. The Red Wedding was inspired by an infamous "black wedding" for Scottish history where an entire clan got wiped out during a wedding celebration.

I mean, the man writes books about political intrigue, power politics and manipulation - you could at least expect someone to be a tiny bit away of what is going on in the world. He was a draft-dodger during Vietnam, but now he wants to set the Kremlin on fire.


witness the wonder of how people's politics change according to their class position!


drafting is freaking autism bro
real non-autistics type out an entire book in a single session and have it published the same day
GRRM is just lazy and is more focused on cash cows like Elden Ring nowadays
the mythologization of "old school nerds" is cringe as well


Watched the first episode, my impressions. Spoilers ahead.

What I liked:
- the Greens were no longer villified but humanized. Aegon is no Joffrey and this is a good thing.
- the acting, especially by Olivia Cooke. Also, the guy who plays Jacerys (?) improved a lot, he was a catastrophe last season.
- the sets and costume design. A lot of money went into this, looks much better and saturated than GoT

What I disliked:
- Alicent fucking Criston. It would have been better to leave it more open, whether or not they were intimate with each other. They both have their twisted sense of honor and duty, but now this is reduced to sexuality.
- wayyy too easy to infiltrate the Red Keep when Larys is this mastermind security chief.
- the motivations of some characters are still unclear, or make no sense.
- the dialogue should be a bit more stilted, I hope they don't make the mistake of the later GoT seasons where they write modern dialogue for a medieval show.


episode sucked. we laughed out loud in my house when daemon teleported to king's landing undetected and hired the two most incompetent bumpkins to assassinate epic eyepatch man who's supposedly better than everyone at fighting. we laughed even harder when they took a mangy dog with them for no reason. and then when they were in the sewers both their hands were full and they supposedly were able to climb the ladder with the dog (insert jump cut). Then they kick the dog for no reason and don't use it for anything after squabbling in the hallway. Then they have zero fucking stealth as they snoop around the royal quarters, and then when they have an opportunity to kill both children AND the witness, they decide to just randomly kill one child, and then let the woman go so she can sound the alarm to everyone. It was completely idiotic. Supposedly they do even worse in the book.
>drafting is freaking autism bro
>real non-autistics type out an entire book in a single session and have it published the same day
you're talking out of your ass. publishers are extremely strict and will not publish stuff like this. well… sort of. on one end of the spectrum you have people trying to push their uneteid first drafts and their incoherent AI generated slop, and on the other hand you have people trying to publish their plotless pynchonian tombs that explore too many themes, have too many characters, etc. publishers like a market-researched novel with a popular target demographic that doesn't overstay its welcome, has a page-turning plot, and works after 2 or 3 drafts.


Yeah the last 5 minutes of the episode were straight up laughable


>you're talking out of your ass
it was a joke


legally streaming hbo is kind of a hassle outside of the US
also torrenting is literally just the path of least resistance as long as you have a good vpn


The new episode was alright. The grief from the events of the last episode of the first season is shown a tiny bit, the reality of impending war is being confronted, a rift between the Hightowers and Alicent's children seems to be growing, and the assassination plot adds some tension. Kind of a slow burn, but whatever. I hope the other episodes are more eventful, though.


>- Alicent fucking Criston. It would have been better to leave it more open, whether or not they were intimate with each other. They both have their twisted sense of honor and duty, but now this is reduced to sexuality.

Pretty sure they were fucking last season too?

Anyway my additional thoughts, me and my BF were laughing that Aemond is presented as this epic strategist when the strategies he proposes are literally 'let's march to the enemy and on the way visit our vassals to get more levies', AKA literally the most rudimentary type of feudal warfare. But I guess the writers are implying that everyone has forgotten how to do anything because dragons OP.


>Pretty sure they were fucking last season too?
It was implied, but not seen on screen.

What about watching "illegal" streams?That must be for sure the path of the least resistance, at least in my country there has yet to be a single being charged for staring at a screen without downloading something.
I use this all the time and never had any problems.

The first episodes of GoT were always forgettable. Just an exposition dump and checking on everybody. So far they are doing everything better than GoT though, for example there is no porn which was forcefully inserted into every GoT episode.


>Aemond is presented as this epic strategist
is he?


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I interpreted this as a factionalist struggle within the Iron Throne, between peace favoring Alicent , somewhat reluctant but eager to war if necessary Otto, and jingoist Aegon and Aemond, the later which is just proposing common war tactics that aren't discussed openly because the Hightowers are not all in on declaring war.


Are you trying to talk about a Federal Reserve on what is a medieval adjacent show? Central banks did not exist. Medieval treasuries only extended to plunder which they could use to pay lord's with for their loyalty and by extension their armies.


I thought they were just worried he'd do something dumb behind their backs considering he started the whole thing by acting rashly.


Does anyone who has read the books know when Criston COAL is going to die? Fucking hate this pumped and dunped orange seller.


idk what that other anon was talking about the Greens being humanized lol. Rhaenyra is the goody good girl being put in bad situation by her shitty uncle-husband, and the innocents in KL are basically non-actors just there to become collateral damage. Everyone else is a scheming cunt.


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They should have reconciled their differences by furiously tribbing and making out instead of killing each other's children


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I can't believe Erryk's twin guy got off the boat for his assassination mission wearing his Kingsguard armour, is he fucking retarded? Maybe it's like how paratrooping agents in WW2 wore army uniforms so they couldn't be executed as spies immediately upon landing lol.


He dies In battle, unsure if it's in this season.

Aegon is no Joffrey, and even Otto tries to prevent bloodshed.
>innocents in KL are basically non-actors just there to become collateral damage. Everyone else is a scheming cunt.
Rhaenys trampled a thousand of them to death, in a supposed girl boss scene. What were they thinking.


He could just be like "the queen sent me on a job" and he'd outrank everyone there. His story only had to hold up long enough to get to Rhaenyra. Kind of the whole point of the sequence was that it was a dumb mission and he would almost certainly be caught and stopped. Him getting as far as he did is a testament to how under-equipped the Blacks are, although you could say the same for Blood and Cheese getting away with it. Considering the resources at the disposal of these royals you would think they'd be able to hire better assassins.

>Aegon is no Joffrey
He's not, but he probably told Crispy Creme to send Arryk to kill Rhaenyra, and he was shouting about wanting blood.
>and even Otto tries to prevent bloodshed.
Yeah but it's still from the angle of wanting to secure the legacy of his house. He's reasonable in comparison to Aegon, but his competency is ultimately directed towards his own interests. Him talking to Alicent basically confirms he is looking for a way for the Hightowers to come out on top as the heroes.
>Rhaenys trampled a thousand of them to death, in a supposed girl boss scene. What were they thinking.
They were thinking foreshadowing. Notice how this episode had multiple scenes from the smallfolks' perspective.


Using an identical twin to infiilate Dragonstone was acutually was actually smart by Cole, and even if he dies he wouldn't have to worry about potential double loyalities in the Kingsguard anymore when it comes to battle. Anyway, I liked the episode, lots of things moving quickly forward, good music and the show still looks gorgeus. It's just good TV, even if it isn't super smart sometimes with a few hickups, it's still better than 95% of what was recently coming out. The only part that really bores me are the Velaryon scenes, like what is the point of this. Corlys does nothing and we are watchimg two brothers nobody cares about repairing a ship - I hope that pays off and is not just just filler to bring Corlys and some black dudes back into the show.


Yeah it's a pretty good show. I think people might expect too much from the evil schemes because GOT set the standard, even though some of those characters were supposed to be exceptional schemers in-universe. This story is meant to be more of a mess, like a comedy tragedy of errors almost.

They didn't take up too much time with the Velaryons this episode, and the dockworker guys (Alyn and Addam of Hull) have main cast billing if that tells you anything. Also the guy playing Alyn (Abubakar Salim) had a main role on the HBO series Raised by Wolves.


One of my biggest criticisms of the first season was the fact that they leaned too heavily on the blacks been too much like the good guys and it showed in how people saw the black faction as good people fighting the “evil depraved greens”. I like that season 2 actually is trying to humanize some of the greens as well as snow that the blacks are equally brutal and horrible as the greens are.


I thought it was dumb too but he’s the Kings guard with all the, what’s the word? It’s not arrogance but a certain naivety that would come from knights that believe that it is dignified to face an enemy in the open and not underhanded like. Think Ned Stark “honor” except turned up to 11. I thought of course he would be so naively honorable and dignified that he’d just step off the boat in full regalia.


Well he wasn't really being honorable though, he was sneaking in disguised as his brother. It just would have been a lot more sensible if he didn't put on his armour until he was on the island.


daemon literally killed his wife so he didnt have to be married to her anymore, and he's arguably the leading figure of the blacks


I think they're intentionally leaning into the idea that the women don't actually have that much control and are being fucked around by the men. Daemon is making moves behind Rhaenyra's back and Alicent's only real agency in the politics so far has been misunderstanding dying Viserys and making the claim. She's otherwise at the mercy of her dad and Aegon primarily. Even Crispy Creme has more agency than her. If they keep it up throughout the show it's going to really undermine the girlboss thing they're also clearly going for, but maybe it's just setting them up for character development.


I mean, that's literally the point of an impersonating attempting? Cloak and dagger wearing a black hood would have probably been more difficult with the Blacks being on high alert. Also, territory wise and the way that castle is laid out, Dragonstone seems like a bitch into get in for a spy or assassin. It was bad luck that he was seen by the Asian girl who I assume told Erryk who was not on guard duty concerning Rhaenery's chamber. Arryk still managed to fooled the gateguards, but mistake is with Erryk, who never conceived that possibility and didn't shave or cut his hair.

For all his faults, GRRM does write women as strong but also realistic without the Hollywood girlboss shit.


>For all his faults, GRRM does write women as strong but also realistic without the Hollywood girlboss shit.
Wish the same was true of the shows although they are nowhere near as bad as usual.


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Otto's actor tells it how it is. Uphold revolutionary defeatism! Total highborn death!


The only reason you’ll get an opinion like this from a dude like this is because he’s older and from an older generation and isn’t swept by the trendy shit about team green or black which is infantile garbage. He gets the point which is both of these aristocracies are evil and don’t give two fucks about the regular folk.


Extremely based and he also probably knows where the story goes lol.

source: ur bum


I have to hide this thread until I catch up. I'm about to watch episode 1.


Well, he's an actor, so he probably doesn't care about fandom shit


Is he talking about the show or the 2024 US presidential election?


good episode but the uncensored cock sucking was distracting. made me think of the 80s movie caligula which was as much a hardcore porn as it was a swords and sandals epic


It's funny they went out of their way to make sure Alicent knows she fucked up. The show is really going hard for team black and putting all the bad stuff on Daemon.

The prop department was probably a little too proud of the fake dick (and lingering on it made it more noticeable).


I thought it was pretty fake looking. But it was impressive that they filmed it so "directly", it's not something you usually expect. Also get over yourself, we've been seeing tits and pussy in film and tv for a long time now, it's about time cocks became a norm.


> Also get over yourself, we've been seeing tits and pussy in film and tv for a long time now, it's about time cocks became a norm.
I also find that distracting to be fair. I'm equal opportunity with it.


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GoT had plenty of cocks but as pointed out by South Park they were never erect, let alone showing penetration. There are actual censorship laws in some places that classify an actual erect penis as pornography, which is a big reason why they don't do it. HBO has been showing hog in their programs for a while (often gratuitously), but they don't really get this explicit. AFAIK it's a first for the network (certainly for the franchise) to show something like that. If it was just a background thing I doubt most people would have noticed, but they put it front and center because that's how HBO does it.

Probably the most ridiculous example was from their limited series The Night Of where they had a scene of investigators discussing the plot next to a cadaver and they did multiple insert shots of a photo right next to the cadaver's penis (picrel).

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