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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Onyo edition
98 posts and 32 image replies omitted.

I wouldn't be surprised if the price hikes are artificial tbh.

Bruh I want to make some Goat cheese.

Goat/sheep cheese is so goddamn good, cow cheese isn’t even close

Right? Makes me think of the time being in Ireland and holding a sheep thinking, I wonder if they also get the milk to make cheese. Be a waste to have all those beautiful sheep just for their wool.

Made a few burgers out of this cuz I was hungry
They're in Canada, cost about 11CAD for 6 patties which is a decent price compared to getting fast food, and the seasoning with a bit of mayo dressing is delicious

It's easier just to add garam masala and a bit of salt to the omelette mix, as well as fried onions and chopped chilli peppers and anything else

>hydrogenated oils are literally banned in USA
I see them on ingredients lists all the time idk what you're talking about.

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No, you don’t, what you do see is “partially-hydrogenated oils”.

Partially and fully are completely different things chemically speaking, and the latter is what creates trans fats (aka shit that kills you). The former does not.

You're quite determined to make poor people eat shit. That's who ends up eating that shit. Fully hydrogenated kills you, it took us 50 years to get it off the market. Countless early deaths and you want to insist that partially hydrogenated doesn't actually kill you, as far as we know. Fucking lame.

>>34024 (me)
Correction: I accidentally typed “partially” when I meant “fully”. Partially-hydrogenated fats are banned and have been since 2018, so you most definitely have not seen them anywhere unless you buy expired food. Fully-hydrogenated fats are not banned, and this is because they don’t contain trans fats, of which are 100% known to be deadly.

Feigning concern for “poor people” doesn’t exempt you from learning basic chemistry.
Partially hydrogenated fats create trans carbon chain configurations. These are man made, and the body quite literally doesn’t know how to metabolize them, so they build up in the arteries and cause heart disease.

Fully-hydrogenated fats do not have trans fats, and are almost entirely stearic acid (saturated fat).

If you’re arguing that fully hydrogenated fats are evil and deadly, then that’s your prerogative, but by arguing that you should know you are also arguing that all saturated fat containing food is evil and deadly, which means almost half of all food is deadly.

Im not claiming its 100% healthy, and everyone should eat it 3 meals a day, (I don’t eat any processed food personally) but I am able to realize that the poor family of 6 getting fully-hydrogenated peanut butter at the food drive doesn’t need some fear-mongering, proletariat-health-hero to tell them it’s absolutely going to kill their children, when most modern science disagrees.

>Feigning concern
Fuck off
> (I don’t eat any processed food personally)
I'm exactly the same. Let's make sure that everyone gets the benefits that brings and nobody has to eat processed shit. Why the fuck would we argue in favor of porky being allowed to profit by poisoning people slowly. I thought I was a science autist, but fuck.

<Im not claiming its 100% healthy, and everyone should eat it 3 meals a day, (I don’t eat any processed food personally) but I am able to realize that the poor family of 6 getting fully-hydrogenated peanut butter at the food drive doesn’t need some fear-mongering, proletariat-health-hero to tell them it’s absolutely going to kill their children, when most modern science disagrees.
Try reading the entire post

Bought a bunch of Indian spices and have been following recipes off the internet to make some basic curries, potatoes, whatever seems simple. It's the first time I've ever really cooked. Pretty easy in an instant pot, a lot of prep work though, well it takes me a long time. I also cut my thumb/nail and it hurt really fucking bad. Was using a cheap knife to cut meat and didn't notice where my thumb was.

I have like 2 lbs of eggplants and a bunch of potatoes, anyone know any good Indian shit I can make?


I did this last time and it wasn't bad. Not amazing either.

>I have like 2 lbs of eggplants and a bunch of potatoes, anyone know any good Indian shit I can make?
Malai Aloo maybe?

>coffee snobs make it their identity and insist you need the best beans and an artisanal grinder for an even grind.
>coffee freshly ground, even from from standard beans, is the bomb tho
>get a $15 electric grinder and grind for 10 secs like the instructions say
>snobs are right, stupidly uneven grind
>pulse grinder for 1 second and kind of flick the grinder so that the beans hit its roof and land back on the blades again
>repeat 10 times to equal the 10 seconds in the instructions
>perfectly even grind
>guess I just saved myself $100

I have to eat bones, anons. the health benefits are apparently outstanding. How do I make bone broth if I can't leave a pot on the stove for hours?

Instapot that shit

Alright reporting back
>health benefits are from eating collagen-rich connective tissue and dissolved bones
>it takes too long to dissolve bones
>$50 stovetop pressure cooker
>3.5lbs chicken thigh pieces
>place in steaming tray above a little water
>40 minutes at 2/5 power is enough to keep it at cooking temp
>everything falls off the bone, plenty of gristle to chew
>bones are cooked soft enough to eat too
>bone broth & actually healthy cooked chicken in 40 mins instead of maybe 6 hours, with basically zero prep
>The optimoozer wins again

I really need to get over my dislike for legumes, how do yall eat them? Beans in chili is the only thing I can tolerate atm.

Why the dislike? They are the same as any other slop but with texture and healthier. Just keep adding ghee and spices lol.

Just make Mexican food

They go in a soup with a bunch of other crunchy vegetables and blend in to the mix.
They go on your tacos when you make a plate.
They go in chili.
Baked beans go on toast.

The bean is simply a vessel for nutrients, their flavor and texture profile isn't the focus. Notice how most any meal with beans has it either mixed in with stuff, fried and mashed, or slathered in sauce.

Beans can be good by themselves.
Freshly boiled beans only need salt and a bit of oregano, you can broil them with oil and epazote leaves mixed in the water but that's it.

>They go in a soup with a bunch of other crunchy vegetables and blend in to the mix.

That can be done but I think that lentils, broad beans or garbanzo should taste better on that kind of soup.

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Just got done arguing with a libertarian friend about MSG. I said that it's not much more harmful than salt and gave him sources and his only argument was "I found a source that says otherwise and I don't trust anything government funded."

I love my friends, but goddamn.

Being friends with retards is fine until you want to actually talk about something interesting at which point you realize it's pointless.

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>Just got done arguing with a libertarian friend about margarine. I said that it's not much more harmful than butter and gave him sources and his only argument was "I found a source that says otherwise and I don't trust anything government funded."

>I love my friends, but goddamn.

just learned about fake guacamole where you use squash instead of avocado, it's pretty good

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wanted to get dinner delivered for the first time in a while but a pizza with breadsticks came out to 60 dollars.. That's the same amount I spent on the last grocery run. Settled for bangers with rice and a baked dessert instead which couldn't have been more than a few dollars altoghether.

anon wants to eat more legumes and pulses so here's my recipe
full disclosure: if you eat sugar, or are already fat, eating saturated fat as part of a snack like this, on top of a shit diet, is not a good idea.
I'll pig myself on this when high every week or two but I'm active and ript
-cook and slightly dry a lot of chick peas
-spread them in a shallow baking tray
-paint them lightly with coconut oil (it's saturated fat but it's among the oils with a high enough smoke point to use in the oven)
-apply herbs and spices of your choice. Mexican, Chinese 5 spice, I like Indian curry flavors.
-toast and roast to your taste
-enjoy monke mode with crunchy spicy greasy healthy munchies
Why is this healthier for the occasional feast than processed shit food?
-No simple sugars. This alone is enough.
-contains high protein, healthy fats and complex carbs. shit food contains minimal protein, unhealthy fats and simple sugars and carbs
-not designed by food scientists to mask satiety. you will feel normally full after eating a normal amount
-doesn't contain any additives, entirely whole foods
-you are not supporting porky and a culture of helplessness and obesity by buying shit

I started eating more vegetables and now smell awful due to constantly having awful smelling gas. Maybe being healthy isnt worth it

give your gut biome time to adjust and develop anon. If it's not accustomed to dealing with more vegetables it may take time to grow to deal with a healthier diet.

I think I’m just allergic to beans/cruciferous veggies. No other vegetables/fruits do this to me

I never realized how good tuna steaks are until recently. Cover in lemon pepper and salt, fry on both sides at high heat for about 2 minutes (making sure the middle is still somewhat raw) and serve. They're tender enough to cut through with a fork and taste awesome.

Careful on the mercury

Highly unlikely anon. The standard practice for introducing a new food to your diet is to do it gradually, like anything else, and add increasing amounts to your diet slowly. Next is to make sure that your gut micro biome has the probiotics necessary to digest this food that is new to it. This means maybe eating more fermented yogurt, maybe fermented cabbage, maybe probiotic pills. This will give your gut the bacteria necessary to digest any new foods more effectively. You are not allergic to food, you have more likely normalized an extremely narrow diet.

>Next is to make sure that your gut micro biome has the probiotics necessary to digest this food
has the bacteria necessary to digest this food

Beans weren’t meant to be eaten, and are full of intentionally hard to digest chemicals and compounds. I’m pretty sure they cause digestive problems for everyone, it’s just that in some people it’s low enough that they don’t notice.
Also cruciferous veggies are high in FODMAPs which is prolly what’s triggering you

Random thought: I’ve consistently found caramelizing onions to be the litmus test of a good cook.
The shoddy cook will require extra sugar, supplemental water, constant stirring, and 1-3 hours to achieve proper results.
The true cook only needs an onion and 25-45 minutes.
This has also led me to deduce that most all YouTube chefs are hacks, as they all purport the former technique as the only way.

Best recipe book or cooking youtube channels?

People are saying they don't have time to eat healthy and you're talking about 45 mins. Chop it in 4, throw it in the pot and do cardio/chores/reading while the stew is cooking.

My lazy/fast way of doing it is to just always start with the onions when frying anything. Once they go transculent I'll add the other ingredients and by the end they're pretty well done

>Beans weren’t meant to be eaten
I still eat it with anti-predator capsaicin in chili con carne and it's delicious

I got a bag of barley. It's a nice alternative to something like brown rice or pasta and healthier depending on the variety. It takes a little longer to cook, but if you don't want to wait it's also good and chewy when undercooked.

Based. Nothing was meant to be eaten, that anon is retarded

been on a pureed vegetable soup binglately. easy, tasty and filling.Potato leek still reigns supreme but lately ive been doing a pepper/onion/garlic/tomato/cauliflower medley and its delish. Dont knock is till you try it

speaking of vegetable medleys; onion, celery and carrots. I love cooking these together it just smells so good. It makes up the veggy base of most of my pasta sauces

Number one cooking related cozy maximizer is a double walled borosilicate microwave-safe glass, 3 for $10.
All stay warm so much longer it's amazing. A lid is essential and get or make a protective sleeve.

they're tallboy style glasses almost the same size as other travel mugs

I have a pretty high tolerance for eating the same shit every night but I finally got bored of baked chicken so I've been making a lot of souvlaki with tzatziki sauce on pita and butter chicken and rice on naan bread lately. Still easy to make but so much yummier

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