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Onyo edition


Best /ck/ thread ever

you can learn about history, medieval cookery, and cooking here






super underrated channel





daily reminder that the michelin star is a scam
under socialism we will have a true rating system untainted by frenchmen or capitalism! viva le revolution


That was an awful thread and I regret reading it


Eaten with either steamed rice or paratha bread


Forgive me for sounding corny but paratha is basically crack in the form of buttery flatbread
Slather it with ghee instead of normal oil while it's cooking, though
You can also look up recipes for stuffing it with curry ingredients which makes for a pretty good snack


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bread with butter is tastier


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Comrades I have a niche interest in cooking.
Cooking en masse.
None of this cook enough for one or four people, no. I want to cook to feed the thronging masses of the proletariat. I am the canteen made flesh.
What techniques, gear, and cuisine (with few but versatile ingredients) can be prepared in a home kitchen, but in copious volume?
I notice Sikhs tend to do this well, as do the Chinese and the Spanish.


Big pots big bags of rice


This guy is pretty pretentious and tedious about onion soup and beef broth


look up wedding cooking, temple cooking, feast, "dawat"

those "cooking for entire village" videos are pretty popular for some reason

how are you going to fund it tho?


mods please solve this bug where even if you post the link it doesn't go through if you post while hovering down


I'll check those out


But ghee is butter.


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it is a sort of clarified butter, which is fat separated from butter, however ghee also includes simmering the butter while the fat is separated which gives it a unique flavour
idk what the other anon is getting at though


>clarified butter, which is fat separated from butter

AHA! this is why bread and butter tastes better!
bread butter better
bread butter better
bread butter better, say that fast five times

has anyone cooked bread with ghee?



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Roasted Eggplant with Bell Peppers, Chicken and Mozzarella
—1 medium eggplant, sliced lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick pieces
—Sea salt
—3 tablespoons melted ghee or clarified butter, divided
—2 red, yellow or orange bell peppers
—4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
—8 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded (substitute with Fontina for Gaps)
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (218 degrees C) and adjust rack to middle position. Lay eggplant pieces on a baking sheet and season both sides with sea salt. Let sit for 20 minutes.
2. Pat eggplant pieces with a cloth to dry. Using 1 1/2 tablespoons ghee, brush eggplant pieces and bell peppers (the peppers will be whole) with the ghee. Place bell peppers and eggplant slices on a baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes, until edges are turning golden brown. As soon as you remove the eggplant and peppers from the oven, place peppers in a large bowl and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Let peppers cool for 10 minutes, then peel skins off, remove seeds, and slice.
3. Heat remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons ghee in a large skillet over medium high. Place chicken breasts in pan and cook for 3 minutes, until bottom is golden brown. Turn chicken and cook another 3-4 minutes until golden brown on second side, and chicken is cooked through.
4. Divide roasted pepper slices on the 4 pieces of eggplant. Place a piece of chicken on the pepper slices and top with cheese. Bake for 15 minutes until bubbly. Serve immediately.


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fuark that looks good


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>mfw I cut an onyo



they need to make glasses that can protect us against the evil onion

is it true that it hurts because of the dirt in the eye


stay stronk bruva




useless cunt supermarket managers. they should be whipped with sticks.


…which country do you live in? Sounds illegal.


i don't know but i eat them by cutting off the green parts


What's wrong with green potatoes, have I am not been meaning to eat them?


bro… they're poisonous


Potatoes and kidney beans need to be cooked to be edible.


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(The writer uses "we" to refer to her family)
Prawn Bhuna
This recipe is an Indian restaurant-style king prawn curry with a thick aromatic sauce made of onion and tomatoes. Bhuna curries are originated in Bangel, India, and are popular across the UK Indian takeaways and restaurants. Restaurants and home cooking recipes are slightly different. In restaurants, pre-cooked prawns, precooked curry sauce base, spices, and herbs are used to make the Bhuna prawn curry sauce. But at home, we usually cook the curry sauce right away.
—400 g King prawns About 14oz, peeled and deveined
—1 Green Pepper Cut small squares
—3-4 Shallot onions Finely chopped
—4 cloves Garlic Grated or finely chopped
—3-4 Tomatoes Ripen vine tomatoes, finely chopped
—2 tsp Tomato puree Tomato paste or concentrate
—2-3 Green chilli Cut thin slices
—3 tbsp Cooking oil Vegetable or neutral flavour oil
—1 tsp Salt
—handful Coriander Roughly chopped
—1 cup Water
—1½ tsp Chilli powder Or paprika powder (see details in notes)
—½ tsp Turmeric
—1 tsp Curry powder Mild/hot Indian curry powder ( see details in notes)
—½ tsp Coriander powder
—¼ tsp Cumin powder
—Heat the pan into medium heat, drizzle 3 tablespoons of oil and saute the onions are 2-3 minutes until soft. Then add the garlic and stir for another 2-3 minutes until the onions are light brown.
—Next, add the chopped tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes are reduced and colour changed. (It usually takes about 3-4 minutes to soften and reduce the tomatoes.) Then add the tomato puree and follow with the spices, turmeric, chilli powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, and salt. Stir it well for few seconds.
—Pour the water in, and bring it to simmer. Then add the king prawns and cook for another 3-4 minutes and follow with the bell peppers. Cook until the prawns and peppers are cooked through.
—Make a taste test and add more salt or water according to your preference.
—Turn off the heat and sprinkle chopped coriander. Transfer to serving plate and serve immediately with plain rice, naan, or chapati.
—Prawns - You can use regular prawns, shrimp, king prawns, jumbo prawns, or tiger prawns for this recipe. Make sure prawns are peeled and deveined.
—Instead of prawns - Fish fillets, squid, boneless chicken thigh or breast can be also used. Hard-boiled eggs, mushrooms, paneer, or firm tofu goes well with this bhuna sauce too.
—Shallots - Shallot onions are ideal for cooking curry. If you cannot get shallot, use regular brown onions, baby onions, or red onions available.
—Curry powder - We usually use Indian mild Madras curry powder for this recipe. You can use any mild/hot Indian curry powder according to your preference. If you prefer a more strong pungent curry flavour, you can add garam masala instead of curry powder.
—Chilli powder - Chilli powder brings both colour and flavour to the dish. Spiciness can be adjusted by adding more or less chilli powder. Or you can add paprika powder instead of chilli powder if you prefer the mild curry flavour.
—Water - Bhuna curry is usually is prawns or meat cooked in a thick sauce and do not contain lots of water. But you can always adjust the sauce consistency to your preference when you make it at home.
—Can you make it ahead? Yes, this recipe can be prepared ahead, and also fridge and freezer friendly. Once the curry is cooked, allow it to cool, store it in an air-tight container. Keep in fridge or freezer for later use. It usually lasts in the fridge for a couple of days and in the freezer for a couple of months.
—How to reheat it? Add a splash of water and stir it well if the sauce is too thick. Then simply reheat it over the stovetop or in the microwave until piping hot. Add extra chopped spring onions and green chilli just before serving.


Do you know the secret to a good paneer dish base?

Is it cashew nuts or some other spice


Palak paneer is really good
Never had a cashew based curry


So apparently most people think reheated fish smells disgusting and I should feel bad for eating it as leftovers for lunch
Is this just an anglo meme or what. Ive never gotten a complaint about it and Im not going to stop eating leftover fish or drowning everything in garlic regardless but i need a second opinion.


well fish smells incredibly strong in general, it's not exactly a good food for the office breakroom


Any good recipes for cheap that serve a large group of people? Preferably under 100 bucks. I go to a street kitchen that could always hand out more food


beef chilli is usually low cost low effort and easy to make for a gathering


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I made pizza and cinnamon rolls today


Lentils and daal



Based. But work out or something tomorrow


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Chinese Gastronomy by Hsiang Ju Lin and Tsuifeng Lin is probably the best introductory book on Chinese cooking methods and standard and regional recipes as well as a lot of other tidbits. It's very literary and poetic too, while being straight-forward as possible in its instructions. The only PDF I could find of it online was a restricted copy of it on archive.org that you have to sign up for:
You can also find a copy of Abebooks:


on Abebooks*


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Masala omelette

3 eggs
1 small onion finely chopped
1 small tomato finely chopped (optional)
1 green chilli finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh coriander chopped
½ tsp kashmiri chilli powder (or cayenne pepper)
½ tsp turmeric powder
Salt to taste
2 tbsp vegetable oil or butter
1 tsp lemon juice

1. Add the chopped onions, green chillies, coriander, chilli and turmeric powder to a bowl. Give it a mix. Break in the eggs and whisk lightly. Season to taste.
2. Heat the oil in a large non stick frying pan. Pour in one-third of the egg mix in the pan. Give it a quick swirl making sure to distribute it evenly across the pan. Cook the underside for a minute on medium heat till it sets, is light brown and slightly crisp around the edges. Flip the omelette over and cook for a further minute on medium heat. Set aside & keep warm. Repeat and fry two more masala omelettes.
Fold over the ready masala omelette, pour over the lemon juice and serve stuffed in bread or rolled up in chapatti. And dunk in sweet chilli sauce or tomato ketchup.


Some other masala omelette recipes I found in a Guardian article:

OG French omelette recipe cuz why not: https://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/how-to/article/perfect-french-omelet-hint-will-butter


Just watched The Menu



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ya, ground beef is usually one of the cheaper meats and there's a lot of things you can do with it. Fajitas, Chilis, stuffed peppers, pasta sauces, the list goes on. In fact, tonight I'm having Sheperd's Pie
other than that, can't go wrong with soup


Green Salsa
-5 serrano peppers (2-3 if you want it mild)
-5 tomatillos (husk tomato)
-1 piece of onion that's a pinky long and a bit less thick than a pencil
-like half a handful of cilantro
1.wrap the serranos and (peeled) tomatillos in foil and roast on skillet until the serranos are black and look shriveled
2. remove the stems of the serranos and tomatillos, chop up everything and throw in blender, adding half a mug of water to loosen it up
I like to add a tiny bit of garlic salt

-3 avocados
-3 red tomatoes
-3 serranos
-3 pieces of onion like described above
-2 limes worth of lime juice
1.Cut up everything and mash the avocados in a bowl by themselves.
2. Throw everything else into the bowl and mash. Add a pinch of salt.
I recommend getting a molcajete and a tejolote to do the mashing




just ate some eggs with diced habañero in them, shit is cash


these are legit recipes.
t. mexican.

Here's my variation of the recipe:
-3 avocados. Ideally avocados should be somewhat soft when squeezed. If they're too hard, maybe wait a few more days.
-3 red tomatoes (this adds volume. If you decide not to add, that's fine too.) You want to cut squares the size of the top phalange of your pinky finger (like the size of a cooked garbanzo bean/chickpea)
-3 serranos (or some form of fresh spicy paprika/pepper, eg a fresh jalapeño. also optional)
-half cup of raw onions cut in small squares (optional, I personally don't like it)
-2 limes worth of lime juice
- small handful of fresh cilantro/coriander leaves. Parsely might work if you can't find cilantro. Optional, I personally dislike cilantro.
- a tablespoon of stock. Chicken stock or vegetable stock.
- two pinches of salt

- Add cumin
- Add paprika powder
- Add any other shit
- Throw it out when it oxidizes a little (it looks black)

- Store it in the fridge, with a good seal.
- Finish it within a few days.
- Throw it out if you see mold.

The green salsa recipe is solid. I don't like raw onion so I would caramelize a bunch of chopped onion. You can also do the same with garlic, cut it up and roast it on a pan with a little bit of oil. You don't have to add cilantro if you don't like it. I don't and it still tastes amazing.
I would also add a tablespoon of stock. This really seals the deal, it rounds up the flavors really well.

You can also opt out of the blender and just mash them with anything, like a plastic cup or whatever. This leaves some texture and it's nice.

You also shouldn't peel the tomato skin. Leave it on. If the tomato is wrapped in leaves, then yeah, remove those.

Here's a variation that's very ez pz for all you lazy fuckers, with specific instructions and variations since I know you are lazy fucks.

Super simple delicious lazy mexican salsa
- chop tomatoes into 4 parts, or whatever, doesn't matter. these can be red or green. If they're red tomatoes, maybe remove the stem part that's inside the tomatoes, it's optional. Chop as many as you want as long as they fit in your largest pan or pot.
- chop onions. doesn't matter how, but they should be thinner than your thickest finger, so no big chunks. Cubes are fine if you prefer, this is the easy mode we're talking about. Thinner will be easier to cook.
- chop some garlic. Doesn't really matter how many nor how you chop them. For some like 5 large tomatoes, or 10 smaller tomatoes I use 1 or 2. I know you fuckers love garlic, but don't overdo it.

Up to now, we've only chopped tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Nothing fancy.

Put the onion first with a little oil in your pan or pot. How much is a little? Well just a drizzle. If you want to not fuck it up, then just use medium heat, and stir every so often. You want this shit to be cooked so that when you press a piece with a spatula, you can break it into two without there being any crunch. So all the freshness is out of the onion. If it gets to dry you can put a little water maybe a little more oil. You don't want this shit to be an oil soup either. For faster cooking, put on a lid, totally not necessary though.

Whenever the fuck you want, put in the chopped garlic. Be sure you're mixing this shit every so often. If it's burning too fast then just turn the heat down. Once the garlic looks brownish (doesn't really matter how brown, as long as the color has changed), then put in the tomatoes.

You want to cook these tomatoes for as long as you can be patient. You want to cook them at least as long as the tomatoes are soft, and if your shit is now a paste, then you've cooked them more than enough. Add water until its not a paste again.

You can optionally add some fresh peppers, like serranos, jalapeños, or another pepper-like paprikas. They should be chopped into small squares.

Add some lime juice. If you don't have, then put some vinegar, whichever you want. If it's red tomato salsa, then it shouldn't taste acid per se. If its green tomato, then just add a small splash to liven things up, green tomatoes are already acidic.

Next, add salt. You don't want to add too much because you can always add more but removing is impossible. A pinch is probably too little. I always eyeball it. Mix it, and taste. The salsa shouldn't taste salty either.

Add some vegetable or chicken stock. I always eye ball it. This will tie in the flavor too. TBH I think I always overdo it with the chicken stock and it still tastes nice.

If you don't have spicy peppers/paprika, and you like/tolerate spicyness, then you can outright just mix in any spicy powder you have to make it spicy.

- chop onions
- begin to cook with a little oil
- cut garlic
- begin to cook
- cut tomatoes (or don't, whatever you like)
- cook everything for as long as you like
- stir everything.
- add some water until it's not a paste.
- put some acidic liquid (lime juice or vinegar)
- put salt
- put stock
- mix everything




—Prepare a sane amount of diced onion, salt, pepper, garlic powder and any other seasoning that you like
—Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce are good umami adders
—Mix it all with a preferred amount of lean ground beef in a bowl to taste
—Take out chunks of the beef mixture and press them into equally sized patties
—Preheat a skillet/frying pan to medium heat with a couple tablespoons of fat or salad oil
—Cook the patties for a solid 4-8 minutes each, flipping them to keep them from burning on either side
—Melt a square of American cheese on them before they cool
—Toast enough potato buns, add personal toppings and condiments
—Become fat like the average hinterland American


Replace the lean ground beef with a higher fat content ground beef and you don't need to add the fat or salad oil in the skillet


Trying some recipes from an old Indian cookbook I have Madhur Jaffrey's Illustrated Indian Cookery) and its yummy, even for this somewhat picky leaf
>Beef Baked with Yoghurt and Black Pepper (Dum Gosht)
self explainatory. You can get the cheapest cut of meat and it will come out incredibly tender
>Mushroom Pullao (Khumbi Pullao)
rice cooked with mushrooms, onions, garlic and ginger
>Flat Bread (Chapati)
you might think making bread for dinner sounds excessive but this this is very easy and fast and my understanding is that its an important part of indian cuisine. My recipes has two ingredients, 250g (9 oz) of sieved wheatmeal flour and 175 ml (6 fl oz) of water, and this will give you 15 chapitis
Looks good. Its a small detail but I always put the cheese on right after the first flip so it really melts down into the patty. Also idk if peameal bacon is common outside of Canada but its so damn good on burgers


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excuse the lighting and yes im eating in bed
rainbow trout and rice, I practically live on this meal because its cheap and easy. how healthy/unhealthy do you think this is? the veggies are sweet peppers and green onion on the rice and theres some garlic and lemon on the fish


Oh and I usually put a big glob of minced ginger in the rice while its boiling but I forgot this time




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made my best pizza yet. Didnt do it intentionally, but letting the dough rise in the fridge for a few days seems to make a difference, but more importantly, you need to let the tray youre cooking on heat up with the oven, so get some parchment paper or something to transfer the pizza back and forth
also made soup in the crock pot, you guys DO have crockpots, right?


bros my mother just told me that you can't preboil water in a kettle for a boiled egg, you have to start with cold water or get salmonella. I never should've showed her tiktok


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>preboil water
>in a kettle
>have to start with cold water or get salmonella
that post just kept getting worse and worse with each passing word. ill just stick to my raw eggs to avoid all the complexities, thanks.


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Classic Mignonette
—¼ cup red wine vinegar
—1 tablespoon minced shallot
—¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
—12 large oysters, freshly shucked
Stir vinegar, shallot, and pepper in a small bowl. Drizzle over oysters.


>I never should've showed her tiktok


Rustic Pork Rillette
—2 pounds skinless, boneless pork shoulder (Boston butt), cut into 1" chunks
—1 pound pork belly, skin removed and reserved, meat cut into 1" pieces
—4 sprigs thyme
—3 bay leaves
—Kosher salt
—Freshly ground nutmeg
—Fresh lemon juice
—Toasted bread or crackers (for serving)
—2 wide-mouth pint jars
1. Preheat oven to 275°. Place pork shoulder and belly and skin in a large saucepan. Tuck in thyme and bay leaves and add ½ cup water. Cover and braise, stirring occasionally, until meat is falling-apart tender and fat is soft, 2 ½–3 hours. Remove from oven, pluck out thyme and bay leaves and let meat rest until cool enough to handle.
2. Using a slotted spoon, transfer meat and skin to a large bowl; pour fat and any cooking liquid in pot into a heatproof measuring cup (you should have about 1 cup).
3. Shred meat with a potato masher; do not hold back. Pour in ¾ cup fat and mash meat a little bit more—mixture should look and feel almost pasty (but in a good way). Season with salt, nutmeg, and a splash of lemon juice, which will temper the richness of the meat. Taste and adjust as necessary (err on the side of too salty—it will mellow as it cools).
4. Pack rillette mixture into jars, pushing out any air bubbles. Top each with a few spoonfuls of reserved fat and chill until set, at least 2 hours.
5. Serve with bread or crackers.
Do ahead: Rillette can be made 1 week ahead; cover and chill. Let sit at room temperature 2 hours before serving.
Recipe with chicken in case you don't like pork: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/potted-chicken-rillettes


>salmonella from an egg
isn't that kinda rare these days


An outbreak was in the news recently


I just boofed a raw egg.
I am growing stronger


what do you mean by boofing?


Where were you when you found out nutritionists of various schools of thought (mediterranean, LCHF, keto, vegetarian and vegan diet) have pretty much teamed up to collectively dunk on what is now called the 'S.A.D.', or 'Standard American Diet'?





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What do YOU mean by boofing, Senator?


It's an anglo thing.
If you know, you know.


>Twinkies and Happy Meals are bad for you



>Average daily sugar intake = 22.2 tsp

65% of Japans daily calories is in the form of sugar.

This is an asinine factoid that means nothing.


It's "nutritional science" aka making money off of insecure people with disposable income but with a lab coat


pretty sure rice/etc isn't 65% sugar


>Place butter between the two steaks


You’re right, it isn’t 65% sugar, it’s 93%


more nutmeg


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Carbohydrates and sugars are not equivalent, that's why they are listed separately. Complex carbohydrates chain together many units of sugar and behave differently metabolically because in order to access the sugars they have to be broken off the chain. Adding fiber can make them indigestible and not "count" as carbs, although rice is low in fiber.


No, carbohydrates can, and often are, metabolized exactly the same as sugar. The only exceptions are super complex polysaccharides, of which rice is not. It is primarily simple starch, and starch is largely turned into sugar the moment your saliva touches it via amylase, thereafter acting just the same as pure glucose (sugar) would.

This fact is doubly true for non-starchy veggies and fruits, which straight up just have tons of simple sugar via fructose, glucose, and sucrose.

For the record, I’m not saying carbs are bad, but highlighting that people who claim sugar is evil, yet praise blue zone/veggie heavy diets like Japan are delusional.



How do I afford protein while also being vegitarian and trying to bodybuild.


Someone mentioned peanut protein the other day. Whey is a super common protein, it's made from milk. No idea what creatine is made from. If you eat eggs, super good protein source. Legumes of course. Soy products including tofu. Gluten, like seitan. Low fat high protein yogurt or cottage cheese.


>I’m not saying carbs are bad, but highlighting that people who claim sugar is evil, yet praise blue zone/veggie heavy diets like Japan are delusional.
You're too educated for this. When people say sugar is evil they are correct and they are obviously not talking about blue zone or veggie heavy diets. They are talking about the average western influenced simple sugar + hydrogenated veg oil heavy diets. "Fruits contain sugar" is not a gotcha.


Who said neoliberal Japan's diet is optimal for health?
>I’m not saying carbs are bad, but highlighting that people who claim sugar is evil, yet praise blue zone/veggie heavy diets like Japan are delusional
Okay? Nice strawmanning exercise you've time-wasted with then.


>Who said neoliberal Japan's diet is optimal for health?
Most academic journals and health studies.
>Okay? Nice strawmanning exercise you've time-wasted with then.
It's called extrapolation not a strawman friend. The person I was responding to was villainizing sugar and the S.A.D, going on to quite literally say:
<(mediterranean, LCHF, keto, vegetarian and vegan diet) have pretty much teamed up to collectively dunk on (…) the 'S.A.D.'

So the conclusions a normal functioning human would draw from that are
1. Sugar is le ebil
2. America is exceptionally bad because of said sugar
3. Mediterranean (which includes Japan diet wise), vegan/vegetarian diets are much better

I was just pointing out the implicit hypocrisy.


That's true. After that idea is drilled down, then maybe go on to explain to people that fat and oils are very calorie rich and should probably not be eating so much all the time.


>they are obviously not talking about blue zone or veggie heavy diets. They are talking about the average western influenced simple sugar + hydrogenated veg oil heavy diets
Youre right, they arent thinking about blue zone or vegetable heavy diets, and thats my entire point, as blue zone/vegetarian diets are much more similar (regarding carbs/sugar intake) to the S.A.D than people are willing to admit.

And if what theyre "actually" meaning is sugar + hydrogenated oil (which hydrogenated oils are literally banned in USA so your hypothesis is bunk regardless) then why don't they say so? Ill tell you: its because their knowledge is solely "Sugar = evil…carb = good", without realizing carb=sugar.


Whey protein has been getting more expensive though because there's increasingly higher demand for it. I think it ends up being a byproduct from cheese production, so I guess it would depend if people want more whey than cheese or something.


Doesn't the US produce an ungodly amount of milk (and cheese) that they don't even know what to do with?


Whey is a fucking rip off right noe and a joke. Like 10$+ per lb. You can buy steak at that point for the same price.


Literally just make your own cheese and use the discarded whey.


I wouldn't be surprised if the price hikes are artificial tbh.


Bruh I want to make some Goat cheese.


Goat/sheep cheese is so goddamn good, cow cheese isn’t even close


Right? Makes me think of the time being in Ireland and holding a sheep thinking, I wonder if they also get the milk to make cheese. Be a waste to have all those beautiful sheep just for their wool.


Made a few burgers out of this cuz I was hungry
They're in Canada, cost about 11CAD for 6 patties which is a decent price compared to getting fast food, and the seasoning with a bit of mayo dressing is delicious


It's easier just to add garam masala and a bit of salt to the omelette mix, as well as fried onions and chopped chilli peppers and anything else


>hydrogenated oils are literally banned in USA
I see them on ingredients lists all the time idk what you're talking about.


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Thread theme


No, you don’t, what you do see is “partially-hydrogenated oils”.

Partially and fully are completely different things chemically speaking, and the latter is what creates trans fats (aka shit that kills you). The former does not.


You're quite determined to make poor people eat shit. That's who ends up eating that shit. Fully hydrogenated kills you, it took us 50 years to get it off the market. Countless early deaths and you want to insist that partially hydrogenated doesn't actually kill you, as far as we know. Fucking lame.


>>34024 (me)
Correction: I accidentally typed “partially” when I meant “fully”. Partially-hydrogenated fats are banned and have been since 2018, so you most definitely have not seen them anywhere unless you buy expired food. Fully-hydrogenated fats are not banned, and this is because they don’t contain trans fats, of which are 100% known to be deadly.

Feigning concern for “poor people” doesn’t exempt you from learning basic chemistry.
Partially hydrogenated fats create trans carbon chain configurations. These are man made, and the body quite literally doesn’t know how to metabolize them, so they build up in the arteries and cause heart disease.

Fully-hydrogenated fats do not have trans fats, and are almost entirely stearic acid (saturated fat).

If you’re arguing that fully hydrogenated fats are evil and deadly, then that’s your prerogative, but by arguing that you should know you are also arguing that all saturated fat containing food is evil and deadly, which means almost half of all food is deadly.

Im not claiming its 100% healthy, and everyone should eat it 3 meals a day, (I don’t eat any processed food personally) but I am able to realize that the poor family of 6 getting fully-hydrogenated peanut butter at the food drive doesn’t need some fear-mongering, proletariat-health-hero to tell them it’s absolutely going to kill their children, when most modern science disagrees.


>Feigning concern
Fuck off
> (I don’t eat any processed food personally)
I'm exactly the same. Let's make sure that everyone gets the benefits that brings and nobody has to eat processed shit. Why the fuck would we argue in favor of porky being allowed to profit by poisoning people slowly. I thought I was a science autist, but fuck.


<Im not claiming its 100% healthy, and everyone should eat it 3 meals a day, (I don’t eat any processed food personally) but I am able to realize that the poor family of 6 getting fully-hydrogenated peanut butter at the food drive doesn’t need some fear-mongering, proletariat-health-hero to tell them it’s absolutely going to kill their children, when most modern science disagrees.
Try reading the entire post


Bought a bunch of Indian spices and have been following recipes off the internet to make some basic curries, potatoes, whatever seems simple. It's the first time I've ever really cooked. Pretty easy in an instant pot, a lot of prep work though, well it takes me a long time. I also cut my thumb/nail and it hurt really fucking bad. Was using a cheap knife to cut meat and didn't notice where my thumb was.

I have like 2 lbs of eggplants and a bunch of potatoes, anyone know any good Indian shit I can make?


I did this last time and it wasn't bad. Not amazing either.


>I have like 2 lbs of eggplants and a bunch of potatoes, anyone know any good Indian shit I can make?
Malai Aloo maybe?


>coffee snobs make it their identity and insist you need the best beans and an artisanal grinder for an even grind.
>coffee freshly ground, even from from standard beans, is the bomb tho
>get a $15 electric grinder and grind for 10 secs like the instructions say
>snobs are right, stupidly uneven grind
>pulse grinder for 1 second and kind of flick the grinder so that the beans hit its roof and land back on the blades again
>repeat 10 times to equal the 10 seconds in the instructions
>perfectly even grind
>guess I just saved myself $100


I have to eat bones, anons. the health benefits are apparently outstanding. How do I make bone broth if I can't leave a pot on the stove for hours?


Instapot that shit


Alright reporting back
>health benefits are from eating collagen-rich connective tissue and dissolved bones
>it takes too long to dissolve bones
>$50 stovetop pressure cooker
>3.5lbs chicken thigh pieces
>place in steaming tray above a little water
>40 minutes at 2/5 power is enough to keep it at cooking temp
>everything falls off the bone, plenty of gristle to chew
>bones are cooked soft enough to eat too
>bone broth & actually healthy cooked chicken in 40 mins instead of maybe 6 hours, with basically zero prep
>The optimoozer wins again


I really need to get over my dislike for legumes, how do yall eat them? Beans in chili is the only thing I can tolerate atm.


Why the dislike? They are the same as any other slop but with texture and healthier. Just keep adding ghee and spices lol.


Just make Mexican food


They go in a soup with a bunch of other crunchy vegetables and blend in to the mix.
They go on your tacos when you make a plate.
They go in chili.
Baked beans go on toast.

The bean is simply a vessel for nutrients, their flavor and texture profile isn't the focus. Notice how most any meal with beans has it either mixed in with stuff, fried and mashed, or slathered in sauce.


Beans can be good by themselves.
Freshly boiled beans only need salt and a bit of oregano, you can broil them with oil and epazote leaves mixed in the water but that's it.

>They go in a soup with a bunch of other crunchy vegetables and blend in to the mix.

That can be done but I think that lentils, broad beans or garbanzo should taste better on that kind of soup.


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Just got done arguing with a libertarian friend about MSG. I said that it's not much more harmful than salt and gave him sources and his only argument was "I found a source that says otherwise and I don't trust anything government funded."

I love my friends, but goddamn.


Being friends with retards is fine until you want to actually talk about something interesting at which point you realize it's pointless.


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>Just got done arguing with a libertarian friend about margarine. I said that it's not much more harmful than butter and gave him sources and his only argument was "I found a source that says otherwise and I don't trust anything government funded."

>I love my friends, but goddamn.


just learned about fake guacamole where you use squash instead of avocado, it's pretty good


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wanted to get dinner delivered for the first time in a while but a pizza with breadsticks came out to 60 dollars.. That's the same amount I spent on the last grocery run. Settled for bangers with rice and a baked dessert instead which couldn't have been more than a few dollars altoghether.


anon wants to eat more legumes and pulses so here's my recipe
full disclosure: if you eat sugar, or are already fat, eating saturated fat as part of a snack like this, on top of a shit diet, is not a good idea.
I'll pig myself on this when high every week or two but I'm active and ript
-cook and slightly dry a lot of chick peas
-spread them in a shallow baking tray
-paint them lightly with coconut oil (it's saturated fat but it's among the oils with a high enough smoke point to use in the oven)
-apply herbs and spices of your choice. Mexican, Chinese 5 spice, I like Indian curry flavors.
-toast and roast to your taste
-enjoy monke mode with crunchy spicy greasy healthy munchies
Why is this healthier for the occasional feast than processed shit food?
-No simple sugars. This alone is enough.
-contains high protein, healthy fats and complex carbs. shit food contains minimal protein, unhealthy fats and simple sugars and carbs
-not designed by food scientists to mask satiety. you will feel normally full after eating a normal amount
-doesn't contain any additives, entirely whole foods
-you are not supporting porky and a culture of helplessness and obesity by buying shit


I started eating more vegetables and now smell awful due to constantly having awful smelling gas. Maybe being healthy isnt worth it


give your gut biome time to adjust and develop anon. If it's not accustomed to dealing with more vegetables it may take time to grow to deal with a healthier diet.


I think I’m just allergic to beans/cruciferous veggies. No other vegetables/fruits do this to me


I never realized how good tuna steaks are until recently. Cover in lemon pepper and salt, fry on both sides at high heat for about 2 minutes (making sure the middle is still somewhat raw) and serve. They're tender enough to cut through with a fork and taste awesome.


Careful on the mercury


Highly unlikely anon. The standard practice for introducing a new food to your diet is to do it gradually, like anything else, and add increasing amounts to your diet slowly. Next is to make sure that your gut micro biome has the probiotics necessary to digest this food that is new to it. This means maybe eating more fermented yogurt, maybe fermented cabbage, maybe probiotic pills. This will give your gut the bacteria necessary to digest any new foods more effectively. You are not allergic to food, you have more likely normalized an extremely narrow diet.


>Next is to make sure that your gut micro biome has the probiotics necessary to digest this food
has the bacteria necessary to digest this food


Beans weren’t meant to be eaten, and are full of intentionally hard to digest chemicals and compounds. I’m pretty sure they cause digestive problems for everyone, it’s just that in some people it’s low enough that they don’t notice.
Also cruciferous veggies are high in FODMAPs which is prolly what’s triggering you


Random thought: I’ve consistently found caramelizing onions to be the litmus test of a good cook.
The shoddy cook will require extra sugar, supplemental water, constant stirring, and 1-3 hours to achieve proper results.
The true cook only needs an onion and 25-45 minutes.
This has also led me to deduce that most all YouTube chefs are hacks, as they all purport the former technique as the only way.


Best recipe book or cooking youtube channels?


People are saying they don't have time to eat healthy and you're talking about 45 mins. Chop it in 4, throw it in the pot and do cardio/chores/reading while the stew is cooking.


My lazy/fast way of doing it is to just always start with the onions when frying anything. Once they go transculent I'll add the other ingredients and by the end they're pretty well done


>Beans weren’t meant to be eaten
I still eat it with anti-predator capsaicin in chili con carne and it's delicious


I got a bag of barley. It's a nice alternative to something like brown rice or pasta and healthier depending on the variety. It takes a little longer to cook, but if you don't want to wait it's also good and chewy when undercooked.


Based. Nothing was meant to be eaten, that anon is retarded


been on a pureed vegetable soup binglately. easy, tasty and filling.Potato leek still reigns supreme but lately ive been doing a pepper/onion/garlic/tomato/cauliflower medley and its delish. Dont knock is till you try it


speaking of vegetable medleys; onion, celery and carrots. I love cooking these together it just smells so good. It makes up the veggy base of most of my pasta sauces


Number one cooking related cozy maximizer is a double walled borosilicate microwave-safe glass, 3 for $10.
All stay warm so much longer it's amazing. A lid is essential and get or make a protective sleeve.


they're tallboy style glasses almost the same size as other travel mugs


I have a pretty high tolerance for eating the same shit every night but I finally got bored of baked chicken so I've been making a lot of souvlaki with tzatziki sauce on pita and butter chicken and rice on naan bread lately. Still easy to make but so much yummier

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