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Let's make a thread to discuss, review and analyze tv shows. Everybody is binging something these days.
Argue about dvd commentaries, Post your thesis on King of the Hill, Reminisce about a tv show you used to watch but don't quite remember it's title. Just about anything related to shows. Post your highscore on those Ben 10 CN flash games. Anything goes.
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Are you thinking of world war z?



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This show was funny as hell. Sadly it seems no Tick show lasts. The Tick has always been at the edge of being mainstream but for whatever reason he always seems to trip up at the finish line. I wish the Amazon series had gotten another season, I find myself really enjoying the premise of just having superheroes doing everyday shit and getting into random shit along the way.


I watched The Curse and really liked it, didn't really know much about it beyond the premise. It went places I wasn't expecting for a comedy about petite bougie libs making shitty "eco-friendly" houses in a low-income community they think they're helping.


Watched it since last week. Good show, disappointing ending. Without getting into spoilers, ending on the biggest cliffhanger, it feels pointless.
>There a lot of mystery boxes, but it sort of all makes sense in the end.
I totally disagree.


The Venture Brothers is kind of its spiritual successor, which is kind of funny since the writers worked on the animated Tick show way back when.


May I ask why? As I said, I personally would have preferred a different ending but all the plot points established during this slow burn and world building after the very packed episode 1 and 2 come together in the end - and I can appreciate that, because many shows these days fail to do that. They open up plot lines and then they are just forgotten, never got that feeling in Silo, remember that there is a second season and it's based on a completed series of books.


The mentioned rules are never made clear to me for example (the one about magnification and about any type of sane transport). But all in all the world just doesn't make sense to me. Forcing people to use stairs just slows down any organization, makes social stratification more rigid (it's capitalism pretty much). As for the magnification I looked up the book series but it didn't make it much better for me


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Watching this now. I think it's preddy gud. Would recommend for all hard sci-fi lovers.


Should've ctrl-f'ed first.
>progressively stupider as it goes on.
>can't bring myself to give a fuck after s3 tbh
Oh no, I'm not there yet. That sucks.

>disappointingly lack of any commies as characters or discussion of the larger world

>Previous seasons had anti-communist and jingoist elements, but they seem to have turned it up a notch. I wonder if people complained they were to generous to the Soviets.
It's an American show, what can you expect? I thought them framing the first season around the commies forcing them to do gender equality was better than you could probably hope for. Sucks to hear it gets worse. I didn't read your spoilers.


now that the venture bros got cancelled (RIP) i wish edlund, doc and publick did a collab together


You never know. I'm still kind of holding out hope of some kind of VB continuation. Metalockalypse finally got its finale, even if it took 10 years.


gtfo. The first couple of episodes are interesting but it quickly devolves into Russians are evil and North Koreans are weird and probably evil. I know because I am a corridors and spacesuits addict.


I've just finished reading The Boys and I think I have to disagree. Sometimes it detours into how fucked up or silly the kinds of superhero conventions we see in comics would be irl, but the overarching theme of corporate evil and its effects are there pretty much from beginning to end.

After reading through Preacher, Boys, and Punisher Max, I think his works from 95 to 2012 have several themes that he doesn't really stray too far from
1. America the place and America the concept
1.a) 9-11
2. Corporate Evil and its related corruption
3. Vietnam/American Militarism
4. Atheism/Hypocritical spirituality
5. The hollowness of Machismo

9-11 seems to have REALLY done a number on him, but it's hard to tell how much of that is unique to him and how much is just the culture at the time.


lol what, the show never seems to know what it is trying to do, as over the top as the comic was ennis was pretty consistent all throughout it


hey at least ennis didnt become a fashy lib like miller did after 9/11


>the one about magnification and about any type of sane transport
The way the Silos are designed is basically a gigantic social experiment. The lack of elevators is to underline the class divisions between the sections due to the lack of accessibility. Someone from the top level has to visibly walk down like a rich person visiting the working class (engineers).

The magnifying thing is pretty obvious? It's so they don't detect their shitty photoshop. Even though the image is true in substance, it's still faked to a certain degree. It's like double faked so people clean but it's still a big stinking lie.

In season two you'll see the origin of the Silos which started off as a preventive measure for an apocalypse by the US government but in typical American fashion they already have tons of social engineering in mind, and then after 100 years it evolved it's own dynamic but the American politicians who created this are still in full control


it's just fiction
the drama would be completely different if you had to factor in some real world stuff like almost complete lack of public healthcare in the US


You are right but people don't rail against "docaganda" like they do copaganda because doctors aren't shooting unarmed teenagers. They do still fuck up a lot though, and there's plenty to shit on about hostpitals. If anything the doctor shows are less problematic for gassing up doctors and more for ignoring the whole lack of free healthcare aspect of the system. Sometimes this shows up in the stories, but it's rare.


It's Capaganda to make you believe that Capitalism is a functioning system
>just go to the hospital and a wild autistic doc will dramatically fix everything bro


> The cost of all these procedures is never touched on either.
In universe it's a teaching hospital with its operating funds being based on porky grants and such iirc, so that handwaves that little hangup for the poorfag patients.


Yeah, he was already hanging by a thread but 9/11 fried his fucking brain


i really want to watch this crap but i don't know if i want to spend my time actually doing it

someone give me a run down on the story


The new Curb Your Enthusiasms last season (third time's the charm) promo image has the therapist hanging himself

They're really over doing the "thing" bit, just making up unspoken social customs too much now

The writing and irony is good enough, they don't need to do the "i can't believe you're a celery chewer" or a "peanut butter spread" kinda asinine bits


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What is wrong with producers and directors of historical shows always to overdramatize that shit that didn't happen to make it look epic, but refuse to show shit that did actually happen that looks already pretty epic?! Honestly. Shoutout to Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings wearing a Metal/Goth leather coat in later seasons and 15th century armor.

Take the new Alexander series from Netflix for example. There is supposed to be this epic battle at Issos, and what did they give the Macedonian phalanx? Baby spears that barely are as long as a man stands tall! The Macedonian phalanx was carrying a sarissa which was over six fucking meters long. Imagine how epic that would have looked, but no, we can't have cool things appararently.


It's Netflix, what did you expect? Everyone that works there is just picking up paychecks, you can't expect people to have passion. But yeah it does annoy me a lot when writers/directors change what actually happened, but just change it to something worse because they're lazy and don't care about history. I just watched Napoleon a few days ago and it was really bad with that shit.


It's laughable sometimes, like most Hollywood swords and sandals shit, but Oliver Stone's Alexander 2004 tries to be technical during the battle scenes.


"Reality is unrealistic" is part of it, but a lot of it is just budget. Most productions use shared resources. There are companies that make costumes for like Roman pieces or WW2 pieces. Some errors are just common because it's the same work. Some errors are because people copied someone else's work and copied the errors. Some of it is intentionally doing what audiences expect to avoid people complaining that it's not how they think it should be.

Your specific example is a safety issue though. You are not going to get TV production insurance to sign off on getting a phalanx of extra wielding those huge sticks. Even prop versions of spears that size are still going to be dangerous if you clothesline someone with it. They typically use rubber weapons for shots where you don't need to see it solidly take or give hits. You can't make a rubber spear that long without it bending under its own weight.


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Just finished Twin Peaks Season 3, I honestly hated it, I didn't really see anything redeeming about it, apparently critics and audiences loved it though so I don't know.

Too lazy to write my own thoughts so I'll just say I agree with everything judasbooth says in this page





Anyone watching the Curb finale? I can't believe they got conan


GoT was basically just a soap opera, especially after most idealistic characters were killed dragged through the mud early on. The choice of genre actually makes a lot of sense, because under feudalism politics were all about familial alliegences and vassalhood (i.e. sucking up to the right person). Conversely, political power lacked bureacratic traits and didn't rely so much on forms impersonal expertise such as economic management, science and technology or mass manipulation through media. Also you will feel less guilty about peering into the personal lives of the rich if the show is set in a world where even they have walk through mud and horse dung everyday while having the life expectancy of a heroin addict. The ending was so bad because they threw out all the drama, killing primary substance of story and replaced it with a generic fantasy showdown against a non-human manichean evil.


I hated how they never explained the night king or what he wanted or why any of this was happening like it was. This whole conflict is built up to be so important but the central figure to the whole thing is just a big evil question mark that gets rubbed out making everything leading up to that point meaningless.


The Night King wasn't in the books, he was just a device the showrunners invented to have a BBEG. That's why he wasn't thought through at all. They did take the name from an unrelated character in the backstory/history who's only very loosely similar to the character in the show.


night king rule34?


also tv is a cyclical medium
there's no clear beginning-middle-end besides the one within each episode, unless it's a miniseries or a pretentious prestige series
i get they probably decided tv was the best format since the books are a bit dense and tv allows for more total runtime than feature films, but yeah it was a bad calculation in the end, i think


Why did they even include him then, he just shows up and dies, no mystery, nothing.


To be charitable, maybe they had some kind of idea for him (doubtful) before they got handed Star Wars and bailed as fast as possible.


better call saul should have just been a mike ehrmentraut spin-off
i want to strangle saul's munchausen suburban mini-hitler brother to death


finished 4th season and my opinion has flipped
getting kind of tired of gus fring and cartel shenanigans, and saul's personal development is picking up again after constant depressing nothing arcs


Rediscovered Embed rel recently and had a real laugh.
>THE BEST OF: Spike (humor)

I need to rewatch Buffy.


There's kids in the hall
Whitest kids you know

And what was that another show where literal kids interviewed adults, asking them shit like "will you survive the revolution?"

How many more sketch are there like this from the 90s with the title kids


wonder showzen


im at s2-3
i hate him too, can't wait for the inveitable scene that i heard about him

i heard about the ending too, hate it, seems libby to me

i just saw buffy eps in New Mutants (2019) made me laugh

the lesbian kissing one and the silent creepy gentlemen


>And what was that another show where literal kids interviewed adults, asking them shit like "will you survive the revolution?"
Like >>41471 said, although the interview segments were called "Beat Kids" so that half-counts.


I finally finished watching Schitt's Creek. I could've swear that show finished after the pandemic

Well, the thread's about to be over too :)
What a bombulating experience


Wow. How did they train these kids to say that stuff

Was the entire show just kids


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Was expecting some comedy in this but it just a drama with incessant fourth wall breaking. All the "comedy" boils down to lady doing funny face.


every annoying woman online loves this show


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Who's watching the Sympathizer
It's intriguing

Being a spy sucks man, you do big stuff, and even your own side don't know about it

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