Let's make a thread to discuss, review and analyze tv shows. Everybody is binging something these days.
Argue about dvd commentaries, Post your thesis on King of the Hill, Reminisce about a tv show you used to watch but don't quite remember it's title. Just about anything related to shows. Post your highscore on those Ben 10 CN flash games. Anything goes.
>>31107what material??? FETISH?
>>31098it's pretty bad but i watched all the seasons until the recent one. i think the first season is probably the best. there's some cool moments but it has a strong radlib stink in its setpieces. lot's of needle drops when a girlboss moment happens. really cringe.
uhh.. but the first season isn't that bad. see if you like it. i like the premise so i stuck with it but it gets into a pattern of nothing happening, or the same thing repeating, and the main character having ridiculous levels of plot armor.
>>31176idk about nuclear war but there's a major fertility crisis worldwide. one of the plots points has mexico's ambassador visit gilead to see if handmaids are a good idea for raising up their numbers or something. gilead is still managing to have children while the rest of the world stagnates (i think)
>>31227Yeah, same
Star Wars is like, not good. It’s bad
>>31225it did give us that "rich people use the blood of the young" scene
but yeah i didn't even watch the ending seasons
suppose some flash forward happens where the CODE IS ALIVE
he was in mama mia and thor as well
>>31328Well what do you think the show's politics were in the end. At least the manifesto isn't stupid enough to believe in incrimentalism and plurality against the fascists. A smart liberal, so to say. We don't know what freedom in that context represents anyway, it's not like communists have never ever used terminology like that.
Also that funeral procession scene was worth watching it alone, that score was beautiful and the cinematography was top-notch. Also the cops are hilarious and it was top filmmaking when they make you barely feel sorry for Dedra because they might have wanted to rape her which makes you realise she is a woman and not just a monster albeit an evil woman.
The one thing I criticize about this show is that it clearly borrows from other shows and mashes it together like House of the Dragon and Squid Game..
>>31371Show sucked. Wednesday is a primary psychopath serial killer. She only hates "bad people" if they target her family, but even then, she more hates them for their incompetence. Everything she does is essentially to get people into a position where she can kill them. Remember the movie? Where you see her have a love interest in the nerd kid, and you think through the entire movie, Wednesday has actually warmed up and genuinely has feeling for this other kid, to the very last scene of the movie, where she reveals/brags when she murders people "She's not caught" and springs the trap on the nerd kid to kill him.
TV show would have been way better if at the end, it just reveals everything has been set up by her, she was the mastermind serial killer and she's just framed someone else. Wednesday TV show would need to be more along the lines of Death Note or Dexter.
Movie Wednesday despite being what a 12 year old girl? Is extremely menacing. At not point was Wednesday in this TV show anything but goth Daria.
>>31390> At least the manifesto isn't stupid enough to believe in incrimentalism and plurality against the fascists.It is no better than this. "We should resist. What do you mean "what's the plan"?. Just resist(c)(tm) and somehow it all will work because empire bad and people want free". It is a schizoid anarkiddie nonsense.
>when they make you barely feel sorry for DedraI was only disappointed she wasn't killed.
The only real good part was prison and showing how backbreaking labor affects people. If they had balls or brains, they would also show how tis labor is not much better outside of prison and changing the "bad" boss to "good" one doesn't really make that much difference.
>>31225>and pretty much pushes the whole meritocracy entrepreneur myth without any critique?
This scene blows apart that myth
"These definitions only include horses kept for their meat, hides or for use in farming the land, such as ploughing or drawing farm vehicles. They do not include horses kept for recreational, stud or equestrian purposes."
>>31736I'm watching it. It's decent but the lead actor is just not charismatic enough. Still believe setting it in the 20th century was a mistake, it's weird when they look vampiric with the eyes, the hair, the fingernails but wear suit and tie. The costumes of the early 19th or 18th century would be way cooler. I mean, if you gonna have a black Louis you can make him a black slaveowner, yes? Those existed.
Better than expected, decent show, can approve. But it's definitely overpraised, those Rotten Tomatoes reviews are ridiculous.
>>31339dropped season 2, first season was a retelling of great gatsby in some ways which made it pretty decent but now they decided to make a season long thing about how
bad cheating is. did they fire all of season 1 writers to hire middle-aged sexually bitter Karens?
i miss armond >>31738>>31825Is there really gay vampires? I want to watch some gay shit. Any recommendations?
I watched Heartstopper. Its the type of series I would hate but I actually liked it. And at first I hated the characters but then grew to like them. I was also watching sex ed which is gay-coded cause the main character is cute.
Any recommendations?
>>31827The vampires are extra gay
its Anne Rice after all just watched the first episode. Lestat is beautiful.
>>32048i like it cause it's vacation themed
but yeah, idk even know what the commentary is about between the weird daughter and the gen x mom
like they're both ill, and too online
it's just a commentary i guess of our current times
>>27906>How do they use photo cameras for moving television? That's weirdMoving television? I'm not watching the vid but I heard that they shot Succession mostly on 35mm. It's simple, they just shoot film, scan it, and cut it digitally.
>>27908>Is Succession good? The theme song slaps.Yeah I think it's pretty good. I ended up binging the 3 seasons. Honestly kinda got tired of the theme. I have a loud woofer and the bass in the theme shakes my whole room when I have the dialogue at a comfortable level. I'm fucking tired of the Nolan 'soundtrack 4x times loud as the dialogue' shit.
>>27911>That stuff about shooting at day and lowering the exposure to make it look like night is ingenious stuff, fascinatingBruh you never heard of 'day for night' before? Literally the oldest film making trick in the book.
>>27911>Yeah it's good, I almost want to rewatch it again too, It's a dramadey like BCSYeah kinda reminds me of Veep with an ensemble of generally unlikeable characters always quipping at each other. At least it's not Sorkin level, haven't seen anything he did besides The Social Network but I doubt I'd like any of it. I hate that kind of overstylized dialogue where everyone sounds the same.
I think story wise they did a good job of making all the characters 3-dimensional and sympathetic even, but maybe that would be a black mark for leftypol. Makes me want to be rich too haha. When Logan rants about his "this is the real world" shit I felt that lol.
>>32115Forgot about those, but still Severance is way more stylistic and out of the lane you'd think of for him(comedies.) That said, another great thing about severance is it's very funny too despite the horror aspect. Very spooky, very surreal, but all the characters are very lovable goofs at the same time. Also it's Sci-Fi, I don't want to give away anything about it.
I'm sad I'm the first to mention ITT. Seriously, everyone check it out right now.
>>32127i'm surprised nobody came up with this before tbh
next TV will be 'pedophile island' or some shit, there are no boundaries anymore, the more controversial you can be the better
>>32246I'm sure it will be 100% dogshit like the other seasons. Who's that Tom Paris looking guy? Picards son? Clone? A new Shinzon? How many Datas/Soongs are there, my god.
I do appreciate this show for really killing any fanboy sentiments I have, I can perfectly enjoy TNG for what it is, without the weight of this turd destroying past memories or current pleasure. Picard's very existence is like a mindfulness exercise, a reminder to enjoy the present moment, experience it fully, to have no expectations for the future, and a reminder that the past memories don't change because of the future.
>>28354>>29096I'm watching Babylon 5 now and I must say that no leftist could have crafted a more realistically unpleasant liberal future! They have an ongoing homelessness crisis on a space station for heaven's sake! These "lurkers" are forced to live in the "undeveloped" sections of the station, while there's a vash lush garden/farm in the middle of the station that seems unoccupied and used only when important characters want to take a walk.
The show honestly rocks.
Aight, I've watched a lot of shit the past year, so here are my thoughts no one asked for:
The Wire: Massively revered show, owed large in part to its initial cultural impact, and as such, feels like it has objectively faded as the years went on. Don't get me wrong, it's absolutely in the higher echelon of television, but it has problems that have only been exasperated as the years progress, yet its initial prestige has clouded a lot of fans perception. First of all, the pacing in earlier seasons, especially season 1 is shoddy. Episode 1 for example is easily one of the worst paced episodes of television I have ever seen, and these issues continue infrequently throughout the second season. Many characters seem to entirely change motives off screen, while others are introduced, and removed with very little stake in the story, and some scenes are extremely gratuitous. These broad issues waned around the end of S2, but still should be mentioned. Season 5 is also pretty laughably peculiar, and a step down from the rest plot wise. But disregarding those issues, S3/S4 are excellent, and alone bring it up to worth a watch. Still, as the years have passed, I think the initial strong points of The Wire (high budget action, suspense, layered cat-and-mouse plot, characters that can actually act, etc.) that were rare in early 2000's became commonplace, and so it definitely is not what I would consider the best show of all time, like some do. Comfortably in top 15 though.
Better Call Saul: I watched this over the span of 2 years, with the final season disjointed from the rest, and I think it detracted from my enjoyment. Better Call Saul is much less frantic and bombastic as Breaking Bad, and so the period of rest before the final season reduced the energy even more. I see a lot of people saying BCS is much better than BB, and perhaps it's because I have monkey brain, but I can't see where they're coming from. BB is miles more thrilling and stimulating both consciously and subconsciously. BCS on the other hand takes a more interpersonal approach, with most of the run time comprised of talking. This is not inherently bad, and does not make BCS bad in the slightest, but I will take BB's constant thrill and cat-and-mouse plot over it any day.
Six Feet Under: An HBO golden age show I rarely hear about, but thought it was just as good as the other offerings of the time. Its almost solely character driven, but makes it work in an extremely entertaining manner. You actually somewhat care about each character, as they curate them in a sympathetic and realistic way, and so even a simple conversation between the leads is engaging. The "death of the day" aspect of each episode is also very creative and conducive of entertaining plot threads. It slows down a bit in the later seasons, as it feels like characters start to retread arcs they already completed, and just meander, but I feel it ended before it became genuinely annoying. The ending is also very satisfying, albeit blunt.
True Detective (S1): Probably the most overhyped show I've watched, but still good nonetheless. Performances are the highlight and saving grace of the entire thing, as both leads are immensely believable and entertaining. The plot is where the show kind of falls off though, as the mystery is never allowed to mull on, nor satisfyingly converged and resolved. Every episode seems to introduce a new aspect to the mystery, yet solve it before the episode finishes, even extending to the finale, which was laughably akin to a "monster of the week" type show. Nothing felt lasting, or all that impactful, and the trope of "child molester cult with ties to businesses" is not as enthralling as it once was.
Fargo: I've only watched seasons 1-3 so far, (season 4 seems to suck), but this is definitely one of my favorites, which surprised me, considering I despised the Fargo movie. S1 maintains a high the entire time, with likely one of the best pilots in television history. I particularly like stories with a cat-and-mouse dynamic, as aforesaid, so this season is my favorite, as it establishes multiple converging threads from the start, and constantly has they intertwine and confront one another. My only nitpick is the stuff after the flash forward felt a little rushed, especially regarding Lesters delve back into voyeuristic killing, but other than that, it was amazing throughout. Season 2 was a small step down, simply for the fact that the characters felt less real and fleshed out. You barely get to know the main characters, as they seem very one note for most of the runtime, and the villains seem bland and underutilized as well. The plot, however, is the same quality as the former season, and elevated it significantly. Season 3 was far more cerebral and relaxed than the previous 2, but I enjoyed it about the same as S2 for its characters. Season 3 is sort of the antithesis of season 2, wherein the characters and plot inverse in quality. Ewan McGregor killed it along with Mary Winstead, and the British villain guy is genuinely vile, which I feel not many shows capitalize on with their antagonists.
Andor: Like a good little consumer I gave into the hype and watched a Star Wars show, despite my best judgement, but Andor is pretty solid. The plot, dialogue and overall direction are easily the best thing Disney has done with Star Wars, and the acting is for the most part great as well. Some performances can be a little hammy (especially the stuff regarding police vs rioters), but overall, it's essentially in the same league as some prime time shows. Sucks that their initial vision of 4-5 seasons was axed in favor of 2, as I think that means it will have to rush through the plot development, but even if S2 is garbage, this one was surprisingly good.
South Park: Early seasons are great, but cracks start to form around season 12, and then the entire show falls off a cliff at 18. Honestly think they should scrap the whole social commentary aspect, as it feels like it's consumed every episode for years now, and personally, even in the good seasons, I never thought it was as interesting or funny as they seem to think it is. The best episodes were just kids doing dumb shit, and Matt and Trey literally say they like those episodes the most, so it baffles me as to why South Park has evolved into just being a "look at what we think about yesterday's news!" with gore. I have to assume it's because the social controversy was what jettisoned them to fame initially, but it is easily the least sustainable aspect of the show, and functionally killed it during the Trump era due to them trying to predict events to write around before they happened.
Cowboy Bebop: Probably one of the best, if not the best anime I've watched, though that isn't saying much considering I don't like anime all that much. Characters and direction are very vibrant and dynamic, plus the dialogue is a perfect blend between realistic, everyday banter, and poetic type ramblings. The story is just okay though, as it operates largely on an episodic basis, varying in quality a lot, and only having a few episodes sprinkled throughout that offer any semblance of character development, or plot progression. Not a bad thing, but not anything to praise either. Also, the music and action sequences are peak.
Samurai Champloo: I don't have much to say, because this is essentially just Cowboy Bebop, but with worse characters, and a more consistently entertaining plot. Overall worse than CB, but not by much, and definitely more cohesive in its story.
>>32418I agree
But damn does their formula work, the high production value
>>32389what is it about
>>32421First 3 were pretty good, this 2-episode arch was.. okay. You can really see the "video game" coming out more heavily. I feel like we just hit another save point after an action piece. We went somewhere, snuck around, doomed a community (actually very similar to TWD) and we're off to fuck the next! We also encountered a new enemy type! I suspect this will lose it's critical charm quickly if this keeps up. Should have made it a movie or two instead, we're already stretching content and we're 4 hrs in.
Also, the evil resistance lady was terribly campy.
>>32471Disclaimer: I haven't seen Succession.
Mad Men is really good if you're in the right head space for it. What I mean is, it's extremely slow-paced, generally subtle, and its conflicts are essentially mundane (identity, office politics, marital problems, suburban ennui, stuff like that). It doesn't have a plot per se, instead it's mostly driven by its themes and characters (personally I consider Don Draper to be one of TV's finest, even though it doesn't seem like it initially). The first season lays it on too thick at times and is more prone to cheesiness and eyeroll-worthy quipping, but it's mostly smooth sailing once you get into season 2. The cinematography, sets, costuming, and music are top notch too. If that sounds more appealing than Succession (which is a lot less of a slow burn from my understanding), give it a shot. If not, save for it another time.
>>32487Yeah, pretty much everywhere I look, public opinion is either, "This is one of the greats, alongside The Sopranos, The Wire and Breaking Bad", or, "This is the single most boring show on Earth", with little in between.
I'm inclined to believe the former, cause most people just have shit attention spans and only can stomach blockbuster action.
I guess I'll find out, thanks for the recommendation.
>>32508my only interest in it is to see rlm dissect it but I think even those masochists are tired of it
not that I blame them
>>32557I mean it’s mainstream media, of course it’s not reeeeeeally pro-communism.
I’m just quoting them (vid rel)
>>32631are you fr?
is this good or do i need to read books too?
>>32634is love craft the guy who had the cat with the n-word?
i think he reformed later after going out
>>32631I liked how it did its own thing. It couldn't really stick to the books as most of them are unconnected short stories, and half the time the monsters are "so horrible that describing them would drive you insane!" Shame the lead never really got his comeuppance for
shooting the communist nurse in the head when he was in Korea, but I'm more surprised an American soldier was depicted as the bad guy in an American tv show, and the Native Trans character was done seriously dirty
I honestly thought she'd turn up again next episode and not be able to say anything about how she was murdered because she was a siren, and there would be another subplot where Tick's dad has to try and stop them from removing the siren curse, but that ever happened :\.
It's lib, of course, like how
white people and white people only get banned from magic at the end of the show lol but I don't have any other major criticisms.
I disagree with the notion that it's just about romance too; there are romance subplots, but they're woven into the story pretty damn well, and don't distract from the mystery at all.
>>32696By Emma d'Arcy? Maybe. But Paddy Constantine and Olivia Cooke do excellent jobs.
>>32692Yeah it feels a lot more like royal family drama and pretty much the only location is the Red Keep. If you are into that kind of stuff the arcs are okay. But if they stick to the book, it will be a really action-packed season 2 with hitting locations all over Westeros, you just have to wait forever for it.
>>32829Easily one of the best shows to come out of the past couple years, and a masterclass in nonverbal storytelling.
But honestly, skip the final episode. It drops the ball HARD and makes the show retroactively worse.
what is a good, enjoyable tv series to watch that is
-not too terrible of politics
-not depressing
-not too disturbing
light-hearted or dramatic but upbeat is okay
looking for movie recs too
>>24481gonna stop poooosting for a while thank you very much in advance
>>32869I think it's still pretty bad. I guess the dialogue is mostly ok, that's not the real issue. But no ridiculous plot devices? Picard/Crusher's son is a pretty large one. It also makes no sense from TNG Crusher. It's not believable she would do something that shitty, simply not Picard that he has a son for 20+ years.
And further out of character stuff. It's not believable that Picard would decide to risk the whole crew of the Titan in a reckless way to try to save his son, it's not believable that Captain Shaw would acquiesce after being such a prick, it's not believable that Picard would bitch at Riker in public like that, believable that Riker would shut him down in public like that, etc. etc. That's why I hate it, it's like watching a much, much dumber and hallower version of TNG, which I really enjoy.
Ok so all the characters are trash. But the episodes are also just boring. The action is predictable, you know what's going to happen if you've ever watched TV. There's no need to rewatch this ever again, because it's so plot and action heavy (compare to something like The Neutral Zone, Who Watches the Heaver).
And beyond that, the whole fucking thing is ghoulish. They're old. Everyone's old. No one has any mojo except Riker and Seven to a lesser degree. Patrick Stewart is an effete pussy, with a warbling voice. A blubbering old man, instead of a renaissance man. Even Worf sounds old, you can hear it in his voice. It's sad to watch.
>>32905I agree with most of this, but I approached it not as a Star Trek show but just as another sci-fi show, and as such I can mildly enjoy it. I mean once they start using swear words all the time the immersion that it's Star Trek breaks anyway.
One thing that annoys me though is the camera work. Why does it have to always be shaky? It makes me sick. If you wanna make a found footage movie, make one. But when you are shooting something like this you fix your fucking camera and don't have the intern holding it running through the halls as you film a fucking hallway shot with no action. Eh, I'm still gonna watch it I am numb at this point with regards to that franchise. Can Star Trek pull an Andor? Prolly not.
I liked both of the gay date episodes actually. Frank and the Ellie and her gf one. But yeah I thought the last episode was probably the weakest so far.
>>32838>Tonight's episode was pretty weak tho. Maybe the weakest yet. Didn't do anything interesting with the cult.But then I went on twitter and they seemed to be eating it up.
That the guy Joel killed at the school in the previous episode was the guy they were mourning at the beginning of this one was a good twist, but it doesn't make any sense because none of those guys had guns, yet in this episode, the cult has tons of guns.
The guys starving didn't make any sense. Maybe if some unexpected tragedy suddenly struck them like their food spoiled or infected got into it or something, it might make sense, but that these guys were that unprepared after years of surviving out there didn't. They can't even make traps? Also how were they such shit hunters and trackers? Then Ellie goes out and finds a rabbit and a deer in like five minutes.
The cult leader seemed like he was going to be interesting, seemed like he was more compassionate with his followers, but then we learn it was just because he fell madly in love with Ellie immediately for retarded reasons. Also his whole speech was fucking ridiculous, telling her he's a fraud and doesn't believe in Christianity to her right away. Also after giving her that whole speech, he just decides after the first rejection "welp, time to eat her!" No it would make much more sense that he would be more dedicated to the wife thing after that long revealing speech. You think he would try to break her down over time. At least rape her once before eating her lol. But nope straight to the eating. Also they were making the cannibalism thing look so horrible, when there's really nothing wrong with eating people who died on there own if you're starving.
Joel and torturing those guys when he had them tied up was gratuitous and unnecessary. Also illogical. You think he would keep them alive to try and barter for Ellie. Worse was the reactions on twitter and everyone cheering for it.
Like you mentioned the Ellie getting away so easily was dumb. Didn't make sense why they did that fakeout where he stuck it down right next to her just because she told them she was infected. Why would that be a reason to not just swipe down on her neck like he was about to 2 seconds before? If anything that would be more of a reason to. If I was cult leader guy I woulda swiped her. Let my follower guy know I think she's faking, but to be safe, put me in the cage and wait to see if I turn. What was even more dumb was using the meat cleaver thing twice. The second time, he SEES her crawling towards the cleaver, but nope, doesn't even think to kick it out of the way before trying to rape her in the burning building. The whole burning building scene was dumb as hell. That's like pure movie shit, showing know concern this building is going to start coming down on top of you and you're about to suffocate before that. He's like "the doors are locked Ellie! There is no way out!" Well then why the fuck don't you go outside dude and wait for her to try and break out? Also why did none of the rest of the cult come to their main fucking building burning down? Did just none of them notice?
But everyone on twitter was really eating up the going psycho on the rapist thing. Ok whatever, could've been powerful, just the whole setup to it was so ridiculous it just had me rolling my eyes.
And Joel going from so out of it he can't even speak, to peak murdering condition in 5 minutes made no sense either. They could've staged that way better.
Also why the fuck weren't the cult eating the monkeys that were running all around the university?
Also, how can you read this and not understand she's joking? It's well crafted bait, but overseasoned.
>>32829>>32833Primal is great.
The choice to go from an episodic format to having a story arc in season 2 is somewhat controversial though. Hopefully Genndy follows through on the idea to make it fully an anthology series, since it worked pretty well with the one episode like that they snuck into season 2.
As for the last episode, the first half is ok but could be turned off after Spear leaves to go sit by himself if you want to skip the badly paced conclusion and a certain questionable scene.
>>33081That is cope. There are several good shows out there, Severance was great, Andor was greatm Better Call Saul was great, etc.
>by streaming companies that don't care about what they're making.The companies don't but they seem to allow for a degree of artistic freedom. 2 of the 3 aforementioned shows aired at some of the worst companies in the world. But still, TV networks censored much more back in the day.
>>33084>I haven't watched these>I can assure you they're complete garbageThanks for your insight. Severance takes the living shit out of capitalist work culture and Andor has an antifascist direction.
>Try not shovelling reactionary slop down your maw.Even if I did, since I am on this board you can assume I could see through that if I was confronted with it cuz I am not a normie baby. You could make a critique that these shows are a form of capitalist realism but you come over as unhinged.
Anyone ever seen an old show called The Torkelsons 1991
also thoughts on the last of us finale, im not ready for joel to die>>33086I'm interested that you didn't deny BCS is reactionary, nta
But I feel like that show is a bit libbed with how much it wags a finger on how jimmy gets things done
Like the system is still corrupt but the writers think he somehow has to pay for all that he has done in an unjust world
>>33131Jimmy getting railed is just to complete the trifecta.
Walter: ded
Jesse: got away
Jimmy: prison
>>33222after watching the ending of the video, i feel like i don't agree with the part about contradictions
i mean they're right and true, but that's just gonna be
for a system of contradictions like capitalism
i see nothing wrong in it, you can take the king's supper to spit at it him with
what are y'all thoughts on anti-cap media made under capitalism?
>>33247I guess it's like a modern day comedy of manners
Out of all of the disgustingly fascistic characters on the show, Tom is definitely up there
He's even more of a bloodhound than Roman, who's really just awkwardly going through the motions because he's scared of his father
>>33245i laughed at least
i don't like that they're making roman the level headed one
>>33248really tom? i mean true he's the head of ATN
and that comment about the left and all that nazi apologia he does
still feels like he's a lib who doesn't realize he's a fascist yet
it's crazy how he was the one who dissed ravenclaw the best
>>33225>really?It's set in a magical high school for "outcasts" and they face racism from "normies" while they're also racist to said "normies"
The protagonist is a golden child from a rich family who works to bridge the divides or whatever
The high school drama bits are reminiscent of Euphoria, with all of the usual archetypes
What is the appeal of barry?
>>33412are the munsters and addams family any different?
>>33418I enjoy the black comedy aspect of Barry and the tension between him and other characters being on the cusp of making the right decision before either tragically making the wrong one or fate intervening to mess everything up.
Then there are some characters like Noho Hank that are just fun to watch.
I don't know how much longer I'm going to be invested in it though. Season 3 got a little weird in places and it kind of feels like it's running out of steam.
>>33494I was watching an episode of ds9 that looked like dogshit. The lasers O'Brien and Bashir had looked like spray painted water guns. The alien weapon that killed them in security camera footage was a photoshop flash effect. The sets were cheap cardboard. But its story and acting made it a fun and enjoyable watch that I'll remember fondly.
I guess I just think that it's a testament to whatever's wrong with the current television industry that original trek that looks like something you'd see on youtube will be remembered in high regard for decades to come while many times the budget of all the original series combined has been pumped into nutrek which is forgotten as soon as it airs.
>>33496Old Trek was actually trying to make interesting stories and do social commentary and it involved a lot of interaction between the creative arms of the production instead of being driven by studio heads. O'Brien's entire character is a testament to this. He was originally just an extra but the crew liked Colm Meaney so much they wanted to keep bringing him back. They gave him a name. They made him transporter chief. They gave him an episode that introduced his wife. And then they brought him back as a main cast member in the next series. Meaney was personally very proud of his ancestors' involvement in labor movements and they wrote that into the show. They relied on the actors, directors, script writers, etc to figure out character and plot details instead of just a handful of producers hovering over the shoulders of a writers' room.
A lot of this is because the shows were seen as underdogs. Yes TOS was pretty popular, but nobody thought TNG or DS9 (or VOY or ENT for that matter) would be successful and they didn't exactly have huge budgets, so the studios weren't trying to micromanage things. It's also a product of the era. TV studios don't think in terms of having a catalog as much as they used to and now focus more on having individual shows be profitable. HBO was one of the last ones with that attitude but after the merger with Discovery they started axing shows that aren't profitable. (an especially dumb attitude to have with a streaming service but I digress) Something as recognizable as Star Trek is today is expected to do impressive numbers and so they go with the conventional wisdom that more budget gets more eyeballs.
It's also reflected in the serialization of the storylines instead of having the ability to be episodic, because you have to get the audience addicted to the show basically. You want them hanging on to every episode and discussing the show online with the communityTM during their free time. The way that the older Trek shows were run was always a mystery to the executives and isn't really an option any more even if it might still be profitable if they actually did it. That's part of why a lot of entertainment has moved toward the periphery with people producing content for "democratized" platforms like youtube, tiktok, or smaller streaming services. The big studios are really only good at one kind of production and it's really only viable if you can turn it into a big sensation. Everything is trying to be Game of Thrones now, but it just doesn't work for every kind of story.
>>33508DS9 was partly serialized.
About Game of Thrones, yeah. The most annoying thing is that everyone tries to be edgy these days, like you now have people swearing all the time in Star Trek und you also have gore. I think there is one scene in TNG where someone drops an f-bomb but that worked because it was a unique moment, now it's overdone.
>>33514So fucking true honestly. Where's my cozy comfy Star Trek, the one that makes me dream of a better future for humanity?? Instead they give us gratuitous torture scenes and a grimdark Starfleet. Boooooooooring.
>>33474Have you not seen Lower Decks yet? Please give it a chance, it's great. If you want to start with the best episode to see if you like it, "wej Duj" S2E9 is one of the most delightful episodes in the franchise. LWD is pretty episodic so you wouldn't really be missing any context by skipping episodes.
>>33515> grimdark StarfleetBeen watching TNG and I think the utopian Starfleet is a myth of the 90s, where we all pretend that the US is a benevolent, rational, good superpower without critically analyzing what's going on. Specifically I watched The Ensigns of Command, where Starfleet enforces a relocation of a colony that was unknowingly established in hostile alien space. No talk of Starfleet protecting the colonists, the only rational choice presented is to forcibly transport them away in order to comply with the letter of the law.
I also watched the last episode with Ro. Similar plot line there where the Federation is forcibly relocating people because it violates a treaty. And how do we explain all these "bad admirals" in every episode? The fact that they want to disassemble Data, that they they can't cognize him as a living thing? Sure, Picard is nice and refined, Hermann Goering was great at dinner parties too.
What I'm saying is that Starfleet is Space Nazis (America)
>>33516>the only rational choice presented is to forcibly transport them away in order to comply with the letter of the law. Because if they don't the aliens they've negotiated this treaty with will just wipe out the colonists.
ALl this "the federation are nazis" shit always comes down to people consciously misconstruing shit in order to make the federation evil.
>>33682as a kendoll, it was not satisfying
my boy is growing evil
>>33689>if Star Trek was actually real, the federation would probably be imperialist AFThe federation is in regular conflict with empires who are rival factions and foils to the Federation. Imperialism is consistently portrayed as bad.
>I mean the federation are basically NATO in spaceThey're closer to the Eastern Bloc.
>>33516Wouldn't go so far as to say they're "Space Nazis" and I hope you're embellishing because that sort of reading isn't supported by anything in the actual show but I agree that Berman era Trek being utopian is mostly a myth. I think it's a modern myth, though, constructed in response to Nu-Trek's edginess. I don't think it was as common a view in the 90s.
Even in TNG (which is usually held up as the cheeriest and purest of the 90s Trek shows) Starfleet can be corrupt, incompetent, and shady. A lot of the galaxy outside of Federation home worlds ranges from hard-up to basically lawless.
>>33515Reminder that Star Trek is actually existing Posadism arising from a period of multipolarity and popular uprisings on Earth
But yeah, TNG-era Federation is just a liberal NATO that betrays planets full of colonists to the Cardies and does nothing to stop their plunder of Bajor, and actually gets pissed that the Klingons invade them to put an end to their shenanigans (mirroring the situation in Ukraine, with Gowron as Putin). Sisko takes the Maquis uprising personally and goes to the length of bombing their planets out of outrage that they violated his sacred laws and regulations. The Fed is a bunch of libs that kneel at the altar of status quo and legality.
>>33728>betrays planets full of colonists to the CardiesThe Maquis didn't want to be in the Federation any more so they're not entitled to Federation protection. Idk what you expect lmao.
>does nothing to stop [Cardassian] plunder of Bajor,It was out of their jurisdiction lmao. They only got involved after Bajor regained control and it became a neutral area instead of under control of the Cardassian rivals. Implying they should have gotten involved here is basically you complaining that they aren't
more NATO-like, being
world quadrant police. Interference would have entailed war with the Cardassians and likely would have just make things worse for all parties. Bajorans didn't like it but they were always self-centered religious bigots. If anything it's the Cardassians who are most similar to NATO, being that they are run by a deep state and use the liberal type of whitewashing to justify exploiting underdeveloped planets.
>>33744>CardassiansNow's as good a time as any to bring up my observation that despite the Cardassians and Bajorans being commonly interpreted as paralleling Nazi Germany and the Jews, I always felt like the occupation was more analogous to the British Raj. There is homophony between "Vedek" and "Vedic" but I don't think it was intentional on the writers' part.
The Jewish-Bajoran parallel seems more explicit in TNG's "Ensign Ro." I kind of wish DS9 had brought up the Bajoran diaspora more. I have a headcanon that the collective term Bajora (which was later retconned) as used in that episode refers specifically to dispossessed/diaspora Bajorans instead of homeworlders.
>>33247No story requires you to morally sympathize with any of the characters. This mentality is how you get drooling morons like
>>32319I guess Kendall and Tom are fucked now, too
Shiv is back I guess
It really does feel like the show is ending now
>>33766unfortunately sweden is real
mattson was interesting and but then he just became a creep that whole racist bit about france, (the whole bit, coinciding with the currently ongoing french riots, feels very psychic
>>33824how about i hug you instead?
Kendall is the realest capitalist
Using his dead father's corpse, shambling it to say fake things to sell a fake product
Lenin couldn't have said it better
>>33848Don't even know what this means
>>33860It feels pretentious, or maybe better to say the discourse around it does. It's not a bad show, I like it, but there's something in the air about how it's
really saying
something and I don't get that at all.
>>33890It’s about rich failsons trying to take over their fathers media conglomerate.
It’s a pretty good waste of time. The plot goes nowhere, but it’s relatively short enough to binge.
>>33890don't think there's any show that SHOULD be watched
it's a fun comedy that doesn't glamorize the rich tho, those mfers are always miserable and shitting themselves
He's just like me
>>33994Watching the first episode right now. I like it, but yeah the tropes from previous films are everywhere.
I always wanted to watch Three Body Problem but I fear it's not up my alley if it's just technical science without much character development.
>>33928Everyone making fun of this show doesn't realize that that's exactly the joke
The middle class is full of worthless people that no one needs that should be starved to death already
god that shit was so funny last season
>>34037>a lot of it’s improvised Source? The only people I see saying improv plays a significant role is redditors. Actual interviews with cast and crew seems to indicate it very rarely happens, and when it does, it’s almost always physical improvisation (like Tom kissing Greg), not dialogue.
Besides, even if a show is 100% improvised, that doesn’t mean it’s automatically realistic. If I filmed myself yelling completely random gibberish off the top of my head, does that make it “realistic dialogue” just cause it’s improvised on my part?
>>34035Okay I stand corrected lmao, yeah the Betty shooting birds thing was the most absurd thing Ive seen so far (I’m at S6).
Though I think your second example isn’t ”insane”; it’s established (in S1 at least) that Pete and Don dislike each other, having somewhat of a rivalry, and that Pete is a pretty slimy nepotite, so obviously he’s interested in a blatantly important, and unattended package that Don received, and likely doesn’t have much respect for other peoples things given his relatively silver spoon background, wherein he barely had to earn his place in the firm in the first place.
As for your third point, initially I agreed, and thought that was asinine, but I researched it and not knowing you’re pregnant until you’re in labor is relatively common. Some people legit go to the bathroom and give birth unknowingly. It happens more often than you’d think, and so I’d call it realistic.
>>34038Idk the lock of hair thing doesn’t seem far fetched. There’s nothing inherently sexual or weird about a small bit of hair.
And yeah, it’s objectively absurd that a 30 year old would confide in a kid, but I think that was kinda the point. It’s supposed to show the absolute state of Betty’s deterioration as a housewife, and how she has no volition, voice or void to vent into, resorting to her only nonjudgmental option: a tween. It echos back to how her psychiatrist told Don that she still has the mentality of a literal child. It’s supposed to be laughable and condemnable, because it is, but it’s those things in an effort to convey her depression.
Also, above all, Betty is kinda just massively mentally unstable, and that’s a defining trait that doesn’t just go away, relegated as a season 1 plot device. If she was a-ok for the rest of the show, I’d agree it was out of character and “insane” but they follow up.
>>34050Stopped watching
I don't mind slop too much, but slop that takes itself seriously makes me clock out
>>34076Yeah, it was pretty good. I liked Kendall's non-reactions. "Well he's bad but uhhhh… you know uhhh… maybe If I just do nothing for long enough, this situation will resolve it without me having to explicitly support a fascist". It's obvious what he wants, he just wants someone else to pull the trigger.
You really think this will radicalize people? I like it but seems like a retelling of Trump.
>>34076It won't radicalize anyone, also people already know rich people are cynical
It's more about how Fox News helped create a Big Lie for Trump by calling his victory even though he probably lost in reality, making people think the election was "stolen"
>>34091>>34089Also there was literally a scene where Mencken explicitly said to Roman's face that he wanted to create a stolen election narrative in the event that he lost
Do the average TV watchers just like stare at the screen like a cat does or something? Is it just strange shapes and sounds to you people?
i mean he did look like a puppy getting kicked, orphaned in the street after his
father diedbut then you remember what he was right before that, stupid edgy fashy cunt
that line he says in s3, e-girl juul pods and conspiracy theories
that was the moment i decided to hate on that character
>>34093it was so fucking funny when he broke down
you knew it from the momment he was making incestous joke turned up to a 11
the lil bitch was gonna lose when CHAD EWAN DABBED and spoke, his lines were so great
Logan Roy made men's heart a little meaner and the sky's darker
>>34140is he actually pro trans, also crazy that dr.han is also the creator of the show
did anyone else see the korean version? is it good, not seen any clips
>>34318i watched a whole retrospective on it, until about about 1 season
Can't tell if it's lib or not, I guess it goes for everyone is wrong
>>34281I like to think his masochism comes out of a sort of repressed guilt
He's a beaten dog raised by a racist piece of shit and there's so many bad things that were normalized into him
>>34325dd you watch the finale
the leaks were true…
like during the ending, i was feeling all these things but then i realised,
they are all rich fuckers, they've not really lost anything, like it's not that serious
honestly the ones who got out truly won
people jack off sucession way too much when after s2, where it could go some bold places
it just retreads the same step with SHOCKING TWIST!
and just tom set-up for s4 >>34390honestly after the finale i see it too, now
but gonna have to say a no on the TV part
there's so much, we may not be in the golden age of TV but we are in the utopian age,
there's so much TV with so much production now
>>34438That's just TV
They have a very clear commercial interest in not making the story go anywhere
They need people on the edge of their seat constantly, talking about theories or whatever
>>34438Yeah this is annoying as hell. I barely remember a show that had a clean closure that made sanse and wasn't just milked to death. This is why it's important that the producers map out the series from the beginning or base it on a novel. The amount of seasons in The Walking Dead reached satirical levels of episodes which is absolutely not to justify by any means considering that the show revolved around a single theme, Walkers, which have been fully examined by season 2 already.
In general I think a show should have three seasons at best, unless there is large amounts of quality source material like in The Expanse for example.
>>34441Movie endings have been incredibly lazy lately as well. You get a big mystery box and build tup but the ending resolves nothing. Especially horror movies do this recently.
>>34442I've been rewatching Andor, and it's dawning on me how much the show benefits from 1) being capped at two seasons and 2) dividing itself into three-episode arcs. It's still frustratingly liberal, but goddamn it's refreshing in a world of TV shows that don't know when to end one conflict and move on to the next.
It's amazing to me how prestige TV seems incapable of imagining a story that doesn't just stagnate for the entire runtime then end with… nothing? The Sopranos at least had the decency to be meta about it. The rest don't even know what to do with themselves.
With Barry and Succession in particular, I wonder how much of it results from showrunners wanting to tell a story set in the dying days of capitalism while failing to have any understanding of material conditions whatsoever.
>>34444>I've been rewatching Andor, and it's dawning on me how much the show benefits from 1) being capped at two seasonsI was about to say that. I hope we see more of Tony Gilmore in the future, the guy seems to have an independent mind.
>It's still frustratingly liberalAt times, but it is very anti-fascist, it feels like they are salvaging the parts of old liberalism that are worth saving. Mon Mothma tries to work "within the system" and that goes horribly wrong, which is not something a contemporary liberal would tell you.
>The rest don't even know what to do with themselves.Same problem with movies nowadays, somebody has a cool idea to start off a show with, some concept, but doesn't at all plan out how the fuck this should be concluded.
I am pretty sure many filmmakers and showrunners know what capitalism is (in the 50s there were a bunch of Marxists in Hollywood) but you just can't say the word. Even shows that are basically anti-capitalist like Severance tip-toe around the c-word and make it about "corporate work culture" and so on. In fact I don't know a single explicit anti-capitalist product in TV and cinema besides some Italian and French movies and stuff from the Warsaw Pact. Movies like The Last Emperor are pretty much pro-commie but still only implicitely so.
>>34442I have no sympathy for Walking Dead fans because they got exactly what the comic was. It was never going to have a satisfying conclusion and that much was obvious from the earliest issues, which made it clear that the zombies were nothing but a plot device and so everything else was just a vehicle for "you won't believe what fucker up thing happens next!"
And at that point it's like, okay, there's no story, there's no arc, it's just a string of "dramatic" set ups for the next "shocking" event. It's Lost, but with Zombies.
>>34449LMAO no
The characters are fucking stupid and boring and disgusting
>>34453What shows have good characters then?
>>34454…or I have the mental fortitude required to distinguish a bunch of fictional characters doing shenanigans from real murderers.
>>34500>pseudYou wrote this
>>34449 not me
>>34498Nah, I was just highlighting how you are unable to do anything but complain.
>>34501not me
>>34477Then how do you watch them? Look up the ending before? And no I don't watch capeshit.
Just look at a movie like Planet of the Apes for example, everything made sense at the end, it all tied together, today we don't get that anymore, everything is "open to imagination" which is an excuse for the writers not being able to figure their own story out.
>>33992First 2 episodes were extremely lacklustre
Maybe the effect is wearing off on me
Maybe the writers are desperately trying to imitate the previous seasons but they don't have that je ne sais quoi
>>34555there's something epistemic about sam levinson's stuff that just makes it uniquely unwatchable
he's a person with very boring, usually reactionary thoughts that tries to make them seem as profound and "artsy" as possible
>>34516the new season was so okay it was mediocre
it lacks whatever the original show had. like funny jokes.
>>35054figured it be some shit like that
what exactly happens there and why is it so intruging that you keep watching?
with got it was politics, what is there here in the bear?
>>35664Finished it and got to episode 3. God episode 2 sucked so much ass. It's funny the reviews on IMDB were all like 10s or 5s and 1s. The dialogue was so so bad. But apparently that resonates with some people.
Episode 3's battle was so shit. Not just because it was dark like everyone was complaining about but the structure of the battle made no sense. They just sent all the Dothraki in to charge the zombies by themselves. Besides being the most retarded strategy it felt fucked up that Daenyrs got the entire Dothraki horde murdered in 2 seconds. She genocided them.
>>35664I just finished S4 for the first time, and a lot of people are telling me to drop it now, as the next seasons suck.
Are any post s4 seasons still good television, and just overheated due to a disappointed fan base, or are they all genuinely garbage?
>>35976Fincher is one of the most individualist directors in hollyweird
I think basically all of his films are about particular persons who seem interesting in a jaded, postmodern world
Now he's onto serial killers and the whole psychological cult of exploring their minds
It wouldnt surprise me if he was a REALLY bad guy irl
I still like his stuff tho. He is a sleek voice for the age.
But like you say, le great man theory, but great man is also evil man, hate the game not the player bro
>>36980semi-related but also no more subscription-based distro
just let me pay once like old-school box offices or bandcamp style stuff if i wanna support
>>35399Speaking of CBS shows:
>One main character is a staunch union man>Another main character is a Marxist-Leninist>One episode features a literal kulak as the main antagonistWhy is the King of Queens so based?
>>37203It was a very woke HBO sequel. Think Lovectaft Country or Westworld but Watchmen.
It was alright.
>>37202i know that episode was so awesome
sad how tho in the later seasons you barely hear any politics or at least the good kind
granted there's like a tucker carlson cameo where doug wakes up screaming, but i know that wasn't how it meant to be
i think there was some commie writer that left the show
>>37423this is true
tv is effectively static while superficially spectacular
>>37499It's called recuperation.
I don't blame the creators though, the way even the most shallow critique can be uttered usually can only happen on the very platforms you ridiculing. Don't get too Adorno brained, socially aware content on Amazon, Disney+, Apple+ (Severance comes to mind), etc. is not necessarily a bad thing and "the worst thing ever" as Adorno said. Radical thinkers in the 18th century always had benefactors from the nobility, recuperation was a thing before capitalism as well.
>>37505ngl, the way the keep cock blocking the only commie character from the boys into a gag
has me miffed, soc-dem writers!!
>>37503what did adorno say
>>37562I was hooked from the first episode. I love realistic space stuff in general. I love the scenes of inside the ships, of space, of the switches, lights, etc.
>DPRK puts the first man on MarsThat was a nice touch.
>S04E01Not a great start.
>Soviet Union is still portrayed as gray, dilapidated. People are suspicious, everything is "totalitarian", anticommunist propaganda.>Asteroid push with the cables was dumb. It was a forced scene because apparently they have to start off every season with an accident.>Americans re-elect a gay, mixed-race, republican woman. Americans elect Al Gore. omg muh best timelinePrevious seasons had anti-communist and jingoist elements, but they seem to have turned it up a notch. I wonder if people complained they were to generous to the Soviets.
>>37808Other people have talked about how cop shows are "copaganda," and part of me wonders if House might not be "docaganda." House and his team are hypercompetent with virtually access to mind boggling levels of medical technology and 9 times out of 10 the patient walks away from being turbofucked with no apparent long term complications or medical impacts on their life. The cost of all these procedures is never touched on either. Like if any one of these patients that House treats would walk away with bills at less than a million dollars after receiving this incredible level of care I'd be shocked.
I don't really watch other medical shows though so I don't have much of a frame of reference, but it does seem like the kind of thing designed to give american hospitals a glow up as these institutions that are committed to saving people instead of deathtraps where they will just as soon leave you to die on the curb if you don't have insurance.
>>37802>>37806I like the Boys. I have always felt that superpowers would eventually detatch you from understanding human basic needs and desires, and no matter how hard you try to uphold your principles, average people would become like ants to you. And now someone actually made a decent show about it.
It is pretty heavy-handed I guess but most of the superheroes are not generic Bad Guy. One of the Seven grew up poor and is addicted to drugs, another one is in an abusive relationship. In the first episode Hughie is just running into the ones who defend the system, the most reactionary element. It's also over the top to emphasize at the beginning that the show is not Marvel or something.
But if you just didnt like it then you prob wouldn't like the rest of the show either way
>>37829I wouldn't call it heavy-handed. The "superheroes" are basically celebrities with powers, which i guess they would be in capitalism. And that is more or less what the life of a high profile celebrity looks like, bar the superpowers ofc.
I explores the topic of propaganda and the difference between reality and the picture that media of the ruling class paints us. I would say that some of the writers are defintely some kind of lefties if not outrigth commies. The fact that everything is about the money is shown pretty clearly including black CEO being willing to tolerate literal nazi just because it's profitable.
>>37830In the comic it seems less like its about the powers alienating them from society so much as all these corporate systems that insulate them in order to keep the money flowing. Like, Homelander isn't a psychopath because he can fly, he's a psychopath because he was raised in isolation in order to be a corporate product. They do a whole bit on the not!X-men where the whole "school" is one big massive pedophilic grooming operation where all the students are both victimized and victimizers, and defend the system because doing so means keeping all the wealth and power flowing.
The real "power" in The Boys is the influence the corporation has. Most of the powers people get are basically useless, and without the corporation backing them they'd be turbofucked. The whole climax of the book
involves Homelander leading a revolt against the US government, which slaughters pretty much all the rebel supers, including Homelander. >>37856Agree. Also the characters are not as cardboard like the comic ones, the other Supes besides Homelander are barely fleshed out in the comic, the show is occasional funny but not as crass as the comic, but still punches the boundaries for a major TV production. Actually, the less I see Ennis' influence on the show it has its best moments. Gen V holds up well so far and is almost completely without his influence.
Let's not forget Ennis produced a load of Amerifat shit and has a hard on for the U.S. military. The writers of the show however seem like self-aware left-libs.
Ennis hit the Zeitgeist because The Boys was released after 9/11 but you can't do the same shit in 2023.
>>37847>My chosen pronoun is the definite article.>I am always "the Meep."That's not even what pronouns are, holy shit.
>My chosen pronoun>I am alwaysBro neopronouns in fantasy/sci-fi races isn't a new trope either. How do you fuck that up?
>>37847>>37925That's just beep the meep
The Beep of all the Meeps
it isn't a full circlejerk, just awkward dialogue from a writer or two jerking themselves.
it could've been more of joke, but the first lines from the doctor was just off.
Silo is pretty good. It is really slow mid-season but it feels like not plotline was abandoned or was filler, after the first two episodes which are an absolute banger and are the best sci-fi I've seen this year. Not sure whether I agree with the ending, would have liked it more if there was indeed a lush green surface but then they had no reason to keep living underground. The dialouge can be a bit dry at times, but the cinematography and music are top-notch. I usually do not like Rebecca Ferguson because she is so emotionless, but it matched this role perfectly. Granted, she is a Mary Sue in this show, but I can overlook that. First I was hesitant to watch it because it's a show that plays exclusively underground, and my experience with shows and films recently is that directors can't fucking film in the night, you can't see shit, but this show was well lit and at now point in the show was I unable to see.
It has a bit of class character as well. The low class lives at the bottom, but does all the work, e.g. keeps the system running, not unlike proletarians. Police is made out of fascist dicks wearing blackshirts.
The way I would describe it is as a dystopian sci-fi mystery thriller. There a lot of mystery boxes, but it sort of all makes sense in the end. It reminded me of The Expanse but underground, and even of Severance (well, it's another AppleTV show). Ngl, Apple+ stepped up their game massively those last two years.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQzVOIMW7WU&t=3The Last of Us
"this is a commune, We're communists"
>>38350Watched it since last week. Good show, disappointing ending. Without getting into spoilers, ending on the biggest cliffhanger, it feels pointless.
>There a lot of mystery boxes, but it sort of all makes sense in the end. I totally disagree.
>>37562Should've ctrl-f'ed first.
>>37564>>37566>progressively stupider as it goes on.>can't bring myself to give a fuck after s3 tbhOh no, I'm not there yet. That sucks.
>disappointingly lack of any commies as characters or discussion of the larger world >Previous seasons had anti-communist and jingoist elements, but they seem to have turned it up a notch. I wonder if people complained they were to generous to the Soviets.It's an American show, what can you expect? I thought them framing the first season around the commies forcing them to do gender equality was better than you could probably hope for. Sucks to hear it gets worse. I didn't read your spoilers.
>>37856I've just finished reading The Boys and I think I have to disagree. Sometimes it detours into how fucked up or silly the kinds of superhero conventions we see in comics would be irl, but the overarching theme of corporate evil and its effects are there pretty much from beginning to end.
After reading through Preacher, Boys, and Punisher Max, I think his works from 95 to 2012 have several themes that he doesn't really stray too far from
1. America the place and America the concept
1.a) 9-11
2. Corporate Evil and its related corruption
3. Vietnam/American Militarism
4. Atheism/Hypocritical spirituality
5. The hollowness of Machismo
9-11 seems to have REALLY done a number on him, but it's hard to tell how much of that is unique to him and how much is just the culture at the time.
>>38967>the one about magnification and about any type of sane transportThe way the Silos are designed is basically a gigantic social experiment. The lack of elevators is to underline the class divisions between the sections due to the lack of accessibility. Someone from the top level has to visibly walk down like a rich person visiting the working class (engineers).
The magnifying thing is pretty obvious? It's so they don't detect their shitty photoshop. Even though the image is true in substance, it's still faked to a certain degree. It's like double faked so people clean but it's still a big stinking lie.
In season two you'll see the origin of the Silos which started off as a preventive measure for an apocalypse by the US government but in typical American fashion they already have tons of social engineering in mind, and then after 100 years it evolved it's own dynamic but the American politicians who created this are still in full control >>37810it's just fiction
the drama would be completely different if you had to factor in some real world stuff like almost complete lack of public healthcare in the US
>>37810You are right but people don't rail against "docaganda" like they do copaganda because doctors aren't shooting unarmed teenagers. They do still fuck up a
lot though, and there's plenty to shit on about hostpitals. If anything the doctor shows are less problematic for gassing up doctors and more for ignoring the whole lack of free healthcare aspect of the system. Sometimes this shows up in the stories, but it's rare.
>>31147i really want to watch this crap but i don't know if i want to spend my time actually doing it
someone give me a run down on the story
>>39177"Reality is unrealistic" is part of it, but a lot of it is just budget. Most productions use shared resources. There are companies that make costumes for like Roman pieces or WW2 pieces. Some errors are just common because it's the same work. Some errors are because people copied someone else's work and copied the errors. Some of it is intentionally doing what audiences expect to avoid people complaining that it's not how they think it should be.
Your specific example is a safety issue though. You are not going to get TV production insurance to sign off on getting a phalanx of extra wielding those huge sticks. Even prop versions of spears that size are still going to be dangerous if you clothesline someone with it. They typically use rubber weapons for shots where you don't need to see it solidly take or give hits. You can't make a rubber spear that long without it bending under its own weight.
Just finished Twin Peaks Season 3, I honestly hated it, I didn't really see anything redeeming about it, apparently critics and audiences loved it though so I don't know.
Too lazy to write my own thoughts so I'll just say I agree with everything judasbooth says in this page
https://www.dugpa.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3544&start=2145>>40961also tv is a cyclical medium
there's no clear beginning-middle-end besides the one within each episode, unless it's a miniseries or a pretentious prestige series
i get they probably decided tv was the best format since the books are a bit dense and tv allows for more total runtime than feature films, but yeah it was a bad calculation in the end, i think
>>41046finished 4th season and my opinion has flipped
getting kind of tired of gus fring and cartel shenanigans, and saul's personal development is picking up again after constant depressing nothing arcs
Rediscovered Embed rel recently and had a real laugh.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOOItZ0-lB0 >THE BEST OF: Spike (humor) I need to rewatch Buffy.
>>41046im at s2-3
i hate him too, can't wait for the inveitable scene that i heard about him
i heard about the ending too, hate it, seems libby to me
>>41411i just saw buffy eps in New Mutants (2019) made me laugh
the lesbian kissing one and the silent creepy gentlemen
>>41470>And what was that another show where literal kids interviewed adults, asking them shit like "will you survive the revolution?"Like
>>41471 said, although the interview segments were called "Beat Kids" so that half-counts.
>>3012I finally finished watching Schitt's Creek. I could've swear that show finished after the pandemic
Well, the thread's about to be over too :)
What a bombulating experience
>>41476Wow. How did they train these kids to say that stuff
Was the entire show just kids
Unique IPs: 308