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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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132 posts and 32 image replies omitted.

with good reason too

Ah, alright. I thought I remembered a long time ago that term being frowned upon, but I might be making stuff up or it might've been a single obscure textboard I was using.

They really are a bunch of self-hating elitists.

/kind/ has been on https://wapchan.org/ for a while now and it seems permanent.

>Most recent active topic is people talking about how they're 'open racists' and/or prefer hanging around with Nazis because they're 'more honest'

Lol. This is why nothing can be apolitical

Yeah and this is why I'm slowly leaving imageboards lol.
I don't need to be around retards all the time.

>literally two posts, followed by two complaints
It's a bit misleading to frame it as 'people talking about' when it's two posts. The same kind of thing happens when /pol/ get linked to /leftypol/.
>and/or prefer hanging around with ["open racists and bullies"] because they're 'more honest'
<I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

I can't post on Erischan, it always redirects me to a login page.

Site admin has said racism is banned site wide hence the argument and complaints caused by one poster bragging about being a racist on /kind/ of all places.

I found leftypol after 4-ch /dqn/ which was my first "chan" (stupid fucking term but I digress). I wish it was more active these days but being borderline dead is all that's protecting it from ending up like your average shithole.

what are some active/large chans with movie/tv discussion?

Try again, you might have triggered the anti-spam by test posting or link posting too quickly.

Can't I just get a shillpass?

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Where we're going, we don't need shillpasses.

Idea for an imageboard gimmick: No unspoilered images of humans. Not necessarily in a furry way, but just a constraint that would make people more creative with their image choices.

Gimmicky, but interesting nonetheless.
I'm guessing things like MLP and furry imageboards which are almost like that by default don't count. And anime boards if you don't count cartoon people as humans.

>'nuclear exchange' would have been catchier
That's a decent suggestion for a catchy name.
The main reasons the name was suggested (iirc) were that it emphasized the core theme of change (rather than just being an alienated chatroom doing nothing), is a pun, and that it was easily contracted into the catchy nickname 'nukechan'. Nukechan was proposed but avoided as we didn't want to be officially named -chan, even if the format is mechanically a chan imageboard. Naming a site -chan or -pol sets expectations we didn't want as a first impression, and it also give generic shitty clone vibes.
The naming was decided pretty quickly, there were other more important things like actually designing and implementing the place.

I have mixed feelings about whether 'nuclear exchange' is a meaningful name regarding the site's goals, rather than merely a catchy name… leaning towards 'yes'. It's also longer, but not by much so that shouldn't be an issue. You're welcome to join the union and propose a name change officially. If it's going to change, better sooner than later, and the ideal time (from a tech perspective) is coming up in a few months.

>why did you

The name wasn't my proposal and it was a majority vote.

<would make people more creative
>reposts soymeme snowclone
i dunno, chief.

none besides /tv/, and that's a quantity over quality situation
imageboard users only care about anime and video games ime

There is a tvch.moe site, but I've never used it so I can't recommend.

Let's be honest here: the unsolvable problem with chan culture is that it's mostly anime fans with bad taste in anime

that's kind of a cool list.

nuclear sexchange

>1d4chan is gone for good
Fuck this gay Earth

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Is this just a mirror though or an actual successor

It's not a mirror, seems to be a successor, but the old content is mostly there. Apparently the Root admin of 1d4chan is MIA and the server went down so a group of anons salvaged, allegedly, "a bunch of shit".

i dont get it

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Ugh, why didn't I think of having that rule.

This rule would exclude 90% of imageboarders.

so much the better

this chan best chan

Is there a new version of this place?

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Has anyone been to /animu/? They ban you for poor grammar.

>They ban you for poor grammar.
gay, i remember when /wooo/ took refuge on there and i got banned for the for shitposting on funny wwe board

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new chan just dropped


Looks like a new 420chan. Nice.

>They ban you for poor grammar.
I'll have to check it out.

good so far

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Correction: smuglo.li/a/, not /animu/

Smug is fairly reactionary, but it's hidden on /a/ by the strongly enforced on topic, no shitposting rules. It comes out more on /tg/.

This rule is taken directly, word for word, from 55chan. It was written by founder Konrad Scorciapino who nowadays works at the brazilian equivalent of PragerU. This moderator is a brazilian reactionary, likely in his late 20s to early 30s, and probably petite bourgeois.


True. Also Christopher Poole is a jewish liberal and all 4chan users are jewish liberals, likely in their 30s and probably work at google.

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Where were you when moot became a based sigmoid male?

I like that most of the users are actually doing praxis, as opposed to most sites which come off as shitposting chat rooms of people doing nothing.
Unfortunately that means the site isn't busy with no-life nerds chatting all day. Alas.

>got users who actually do shit IRL instead of roleplaying all day
<replacing roleplaying with LARP
Going to fucking university campuses isn't organizing the proletariat against global capital.

>malding at shit no one said

They changed the name and address to nukechan. Easy to search up now.

Unique IPs: 28

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