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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Just post pictures of delicious food and we'll all try to figure out how to cook it later!
149 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


sounds like a really bad stir fry, a national dish doesn't have to be a grab-bag of all the regional dishes. why not biscuits and gravy, hushpuppies, chicken fried steak, or shrimp and grits?


damn you mentioning those made me hungry
i want some biscuits and gravy rn. or hushpuppies


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gross but funny


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>/k/ strike again
Have the original you fags


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I want hashbrowns



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>'not censored by mods
>censored by mods
double standards much?!


File: 1650168951209.jpg (2.14 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220417_061016.jpg)

This is lefty/ck/. We post here what we cook.

I start. Keep in mind, my dominant arm is broken, so I'm starting with a joke of a cookery.


File: 1650169147819.jpg (2.33 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220417_061826.jpg)

Onyo: done.


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3 shrooms are dirty as fuck.


File: 1650169523832.jpg (2.87 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220417_062440.jpg)

Cleaned & cut




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Precut bacon


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Goose fat & sour creme


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Single egg, scrambled


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2 stock cubes & cumin seeds


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ein pot


Thx for moving my thread from an irrelevant board (siberia) to an even more irrelevant one (hobby), dear Janny.

p.s. Cooking isn't a "hobby, " neither a lifestyle. It's basic life skills like cleaning your home.

p. p. s. I'm like dodging 3 bans here, good job with your official Rules, none of which I violated

t. communist


"my" garden


File: 1650171350227.jpg (2.81 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220417_065506.jpg)

Fat in. Burner on.


you never mentioned what you're cooking op


File: 1650171507934.jpg (3.19 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220417_065751.jpg)

Caraway seeds in,
Shrooms in


It's because a "whatever it turns out to be" kind of deal. Most likely a "random soup."


File: 1650171655983.jpg (3.1 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20220417_070022.jpg)

Niqqas be sweating


lol wut
that sounds like a good way to make something that doesn't taste good.

but the mushrooms look good tho


>banned from OC thread
good job, jannies

end of thread, lmao


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Bit of wine in


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On and off high flame, burning alcohol


hell yuh, get a nice deglaze going


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Peppa in


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Salt in


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Jam-like consistency


put more salt in brutha


throw a can of tomatoes in and you can make a spaghetti sauce


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Bacon cubes in


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Water in


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Stock cubes in


why no garlic OP? why no carrots or celery? no peppers either?

wasted potential my guy


aren't those full of sodium, two cubes probably just made your meal rly unhealthy


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Preparing creme for temperature compensation


I would do an garlic or two but have none.


Cooking w what I have


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Temp comp 1


you should care about your health anon

but i'd prob eat your soup, looks good. throw some cilantro in w/ the parsley if you got some


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Tc 2


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Tc 2


File: 1650173558874.jpg (2.1 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220417_072931.jpg)

Tc 2



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