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 No.38379[View All]

join the based clean arteries gang
120 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>he fell for the rich piana meme
Kek. If u think his meat eater diet made him that way youre dumb as rocks.


>bbbuut buut muh burger lardo meat eating diet is the most nutritious. And vegans lack b12!!!!!
Oh wait:
<The numbers don’t lie. According to the CDC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA):

< 9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in potassium

< 7 out of 10 are deficient in calcium
< 8 out of 10 are deficient in vitamin E
< 50 percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin A, vitamin C, and magnesium
< More 50 percent of the general population is vitamin D deficient, regardless of age
< 90 percent of Americans of color are vitamin D deficient
< Approximately 70 percent of elderly Americans are vitamin D deficient


>No shit you must eat big to get big; the problem with the vegan diet lies within the fact that digesting all of that overpriced animal feed takes longer, costs "four times more for the same energy", is generally worse, etc

You are literally retarded, read a book uygha. Im 100% sure you dont lift and if you do your body looks like trash. There is no bb'er in the world who would do the dumb shit youre suggesting. No one needs quick hits of energy all the time retard, digestion is a good thing not something which 'costs' have to be accounted for. Why dont you just drink sugar syrup for all your calories and call it a day? You might as well since you dont know anything about nutrition of bb'ing anyways.


What does any of these have to do with whether or not burgers are deficient in omega-3? And the reason they are deficient in the other things is because of what they don't eat, not because of what they do eat. Diet is complicated, there isn't just one omnivore diet and one vegan diet. You can have an omnivore diet without deficiencies or a vegan diet with one.


>…so this statement is false.

Well, still it applies to many ones.

>Caring about anything is moralism.

Not really?

>We don't have to be ashamed of having values. Everyone has values.

This is perhaps right, the superstructure/ideology is not something to be realized, but already realized in between of abstract actions.
My point was that veganism isn't any higher of non-vegan style.
The kiss is the beginning of cannibalism)


the first 'article' you linked was just a pondering about 'but what is zero carbon meat tho' with links to citations, I'm not reading the rest


The point is a pure carnist diet vs a vegan one will always lose out because meat is not as nutritious as the wide range of plants, fruits, and veggies. So for anyone claiming vegans are lacking nutrients are full of shit since borgor consoomers are lacking in more nutrients.


>So for anyone claiming vegans are lacking nutrients are full of shit since borgor consoomers are lacking in more nutrients.
Nutrients aren't just some vague abstraction covering all sorts of nutrition. They are many specific things and you need to consume all of them. Nobody was saying that the standard USano diet is healthy or healthier than veganism. That's a strawman. The problem is that if you start from an already deficient diet, and place additional restrictions on it (instead of actually building a proper healthy replacement diet) you are at risk of being even more nutrient-deficient.

Again, there is no such thing as a standard vegan diet. Somebody who doesn't now any better and just eats potato chips and beans (or worse meme diets like 40 bananas) is going to make themselves ill. You can build a good diet with all sorts of restrictions on your food, but you have to actually do the work to determine how well your food intake meets those needs. Going vegan is not a magic bullet solution any more than paleo or atkins or low-fat or any other dietary restriction. The entire issue is that in order to meet your nutritional requirements you must include foods with those nutrients. You can't satisfy more of your requirements by simply removing foods, or even by replacing those foods without any thought.


>Nobody was saying that the standard USano diet is healthy or healthier than veganism. That's a strawman.
Then you should agree that eating meat is unhealthy since the SAD is mainly typified by meat, dairy and processed food consumption. And there was literally a retard above who is saying eating veggies is animal feed, if anything he is a prime example of a brainwashed burger eating the SAD.

>The problem is that if you start from an already deficient diet, and place additional restrictions on it (instead of actually building a proper healthy replacement diet) you are at risk of being even more nutrient-deficient.

Not if the restrictions someone places force them to eat healthier.

>Somebody who doesn't now any better and just eats potato chips and beans (or worse meme diets like 40 bananas) is going to make themselves ill.

I agree, the thread is about getting swole and eating a healthy nutritionally rich vegan diet. But instead its been filled with meat eating fatasses throwing poor ass arguments about how their shitty SAD diet is somehow better than a vegan meal plan.

> You can build a good diet with all sorts of restrictions on your food,

So you contradicted yourself above and agree.

> Going vegan is not a magic bullet solution any more than paleo or atkins or low-fat or any other dietary restriction. The entire issue is that in order to meet your nutritional requirements you must include foods with those nutrients. You can't satisfy more of your requirements by simply removing foods, or even by replacing those foods without any thought

But yes you can, because you are removing some sources that are fucking your health like meat and dairy. So you are satisfying more with less, you are getting more heart health with less saturated fat consumption. Thats even if someones diet was shit to begin with. This is basic harm reduction. And it is a magic bullet because health and biomarkers improve within a week of stopping meat and dairy consumption.


guise meat is the best!!!
>Processed meat was classified as carcinogenic to humans(Group 1).


That’s because of added nitrates and salt, not the meat. Preserved vegetables also cause cancer, look up the increase in stomach cancer and kimchi heavy diets in Korea.


Wrong its not just the nitrates. Its recommended to avoid processed meat even if it says no nitrates added. There is also evidence heme iron causes cancer which is in the meat itself.


>Enjoy paying for and digesting ten cups of uncooked squash a day
you're allowed to cook squash if you're vegan


>Then you should agree that eating meat is unhealthy since the SAD is mainly typified by meat, dairy and processed food consumption.
That doesn't follow, nor is it an accurate assessment to begin with of the SAD or what's wrong with it. The problem is primarily a lack of whole food produce and an abundance of more or less empty calories in the form of added sugars and high in saturated fat. That's not specifically a meat issue - excessive saturated fats from coconuts would also be a problem.
>Not if the restrictions someone places force them to eat healthier.
>poor ass arguments about how their shitty SAD diet is somehow better than a vegan meal plan.
>So you contradicted yourself above and agree.
0% reading comprehension.

>But yes you can, because you are removing some sources that are fucking your health like meat and dairy.

You don't grasp the basic concept of a nutritional deficiency. You are making up wild strawman arguments against an argument in favor of a planned vegan diet because you are hung up on the idea of having to think about nutrition. Your cognition is probably suffering from one or more deficiencies because you don't pay attention to your micros and you are showing clear signs of impairment. You are making veganism more offputting to people and more dangerous to people who do want to go vegan by giving anti-advice about nutrition, and you are feeding the "carnist" trolls who are just here to spite you.


>That's not specifically a meat issue - excessive saturated fats from coconuts would also be a problem.

Yes but we don't live in that dream world do we? In this reality excessive meat consumption is one of the key problems with burger diets


Cooking fruits and vegetables burns away nutrients and is therefore inefficient.
I didn't fall for anything. I take a scientific approach to optimizing my bio-systems. YOU fell for the vegan meme and look where it got you. Rich Piana did not follow "a meat eater diet". Rich Piana ate balanced and optimal omnivore diet.
>You are literally retarded, read a book uygha.
You are vegan, therefore you are nutritionally retarded.
>Im 100% sure you dont lift and if you do your body looks like trash.
ad-hominem fallacy. I am literally riding my cardio bike on maximum level as I type this to you, while my steak cooks in the oven. I'm sure all of your bio-systems are either failing or approaching failure, because you are vegan.
> There is no bb'er in the world who would do the dumb shit youre suggesting.
There are so many. You only demonstrate your vegan diet induced retardation by proposing such nonsense.
>No one needs quick hits of energy all the time retard, digestion is a good thing not something which 'costs' have to be accounted for.
This is an example of why the vegans MUST put down their propaganda books and start lifting real weights. They must understand how actual material things and forces like caloric density and time are better understood and internalized rather than vegan pseudoscience.
>No one needs quick hits of energy all the time retard
>digestion is a good thing not something which 'costs' have to be accounted for.
Is time not accounted for within the vegan mind? Apparently not.
Longer digestion = less eating.
Less eating = less energy.
Less energy = less exercise.
Less exercise = less development.
Vegan foods contain less energy by money cost. THEREFORE, vegans spend LONGER time digesting LESS energy.
>Why dont you just drink sugar syrup for all your calories and call it a day?
It doesn't have protein, therefore I could not rebuild the muscle I destroy through exercise. It would just make me fat because it would give me too many carbohydrates. Since this is basically the same outcome as a vegan diet, then why don't vegans just do this instead of being vegan?
>You might as well since you dont know anything about nutrition of bb'ing anyways.
The Irony.


The absolute state of carnists…


>Cooking fruits and vegetables burns away nutrients and is therefore inefficient.
Some, not all nutrients are lost in cooking. Same goes for meat. Even though vegetables lose some nutrients when cooked, that doesn't mean you should only eat them raw. Cooking vegetables can actually be pretty beneficial. When you cook vegetables, it can actually enhance the absorption of nutrients that are otherwise difficult for your body to process in a raw form — such as beta-carotene (which is important for the skin), lutein (which plays a role in eye health), calcium (which is essential for bone health) and lycopene (which is associated with protection against heart disease cancer).


>muh efficiency
better flavor is efficient too :)




>That's not specifically a meat issue - excessive saturated fats from coconuts would also be a problem.
No, its specifically a meat issue because the saturated fat in meat is long chain fat and coconut saturated fat is medium. Lots of studies about the harms of meat saturated fat specifically.

>You don't grasp the basic concept of a nutritional deficiency. You are making up wild strawman arguments against an argument in favor of a planned vegan diet because you are hung up on the idea of having to think about nutrition

No u. Prove meat has 'essential nutrients' that people can't get elsewhere.


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>Vegan thread
<entire thread is vegans and vegetarians getting assmad and trying to fight strawmen arguments
Just share recipes, eat your greens and discuss vegetable benefits because this is liberalesque "muh cow farts"-tier posting.

Vegetarian diets have benefits, so do meat-inclusive ones, humans are omnivorous for a reason, end of discussion, I'm sick of seeing this passive-aggressive posting everytime I open /hobby/.

>inb4 [insert strawman about hating vegetables or some shit]

I eat vegetables, I like eating them and have since I was a little kid.


meat was most useful to humans before we were capable of producing massive surpluses of food. Now it is a artery-clogging carcinogenic hindrance. Meat could help a hunter gatherer make it to 50. Now it will stop a modern man from making it to 90.


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Most palatable lentils Ive had so far.

Ethiopian Misir Wot (red lentils)
• 1 cup red lentils
• 1 medium purple onion minced
• 3-4 cloves garlic (minced)
• 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger
• 1 can fire roasted tomatos
• 4 tablespoons butter or ghee to saute
• 2 - 3 cups broth
• 3-5 tablespoons berbere spice
• Add salt at end for taste

Saute garlic onions and spices. Add broth, sauce and lentils and simmer until done.


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1 tablespoon olive oil
(1) 16-ounce block firm tofu
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt, or more to taste
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons non-dairy milk, unsweetened and unflavored


Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Mash the block of tofu right in the pan, with a potato masher or a fork. You can also crumble it into the pan with your hands. Cook, stirring frequently, for 3-4 minutes until the water from the tofu is mostly gone.
Now add the nutritional yeast, salt, turmeric and garlic powder. Cook and stir constantly for about 5 minutes.
Pour the non-dairy milk into the pan, and stir to mix. Serve immediately with sliced avocado, hot sauce, parsley, steamed kale, toast or any other breakfast item.


Tofu Scramble is also good with all sorts of vegetables mixed in. Vegetables to add before the tofu: 1/4 cup diced onion or a few cloves of minced garlic. Saute in the oil for 2-3 minutes before adding and mashing the tofu. Vegetables to add towards the end: fresh spinach, kale, thin sliced red peppers, small chopped broccoli or fresh sliced/diced tomatoes. Add these after you've added the milk to the tofu, and cook for just a few minutes.
Omit oil if desired to make the tofu scramble oil free.
You can use any kind of non-dairy milk you like, such as soy, almond, cashew, oat or coconut milk. Just make sure it is unsweetened and unflavored.

Serving: 1serving | Calories: 288kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Protein: 24g | Fat: 18g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 600mg | Potassium: 168mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 31IU | Calcium: 302mg | Iron: 3mg


>humans are omnivorous for a reason
If God didnt want me to rupture your asshole he wouldnt give me this 7incher.


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4200 cal vegan meal plan


>2000kcal surplus


Ok retard, back to >>>/siberia/

Thanks, will try.


To gain mass bruh. Some ppl are tall and hardgainers. I start plateauing at 3500 cals.


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>Vegan Swoletariat
Sorry vegan anons; lifting 5 pounds isn't supposed to be an accomplishment.


Still, thats like 2kg gain a week, most of that isnt going to be muscle.


Standard daily caloric intakes are a mere guideline for fat people to not eat themselves to death. A "standard daily caloric intake" CANNOT sustain an active and optimized human being.
>Still, thats like 2kg gain a week, most of that isnt going to be muscle.
Not if he works hard enough. 4300 calories is NOTHING to someone who actually puts in the work. See the attached video. Optimal and active human beings have to chug multiple 1000 calorie protein shakes THROUGHOUT their workouts so they don't shrivel up and die from all the WORK they put in.
This diet plan epitomizes all of the problems of veganism. Don't be fooled by the whacked percentages. Look at that pitiful protein content - those proteins are hardly even bioavailable as well, in relation to meats I mean, because plant foods are indigestible and therefore the nutrients are less bioavailible. Those vitamins and minerals and shit are HARDLY bioavailible either.

You should take every nutrient and divide it by ten, because nutrients from vegan food aren't bioavailible. The only things that your body can readily absorb from this diet are the carbohydrates. This diet will certainly give you diabetes in the long run, as you're really just eating carbs all day.


>Source: random post I found on bodybuilding.com forum


>Not if he works hard enough. 4300 calories is NOTHING to someone who actually puts in the work. See the attached video. Optimal and active human beings have to chug multiple 1000 calorie protein shakes THROUGHOUT their workouts so they don't shrivel up and die from all the WORK they put in.
>the attached video is Rich Piana's 8 hour arm workout
hahahahahahaha get fucking real. You could eat 10,000 calories per day and not be able to do this routine. Or get his gains, for that matter, unless you had a bit of medicinal help.
Nice trolling anon, here's your (you).


Remember meat eater bros. Meat increases visceral fat and damages your organs. Turning vegan can drop visceral fat within weeks. You meatoids are damaging your organs and heart by consooming your meat.


we all gotta die of something


Might as well smoke. At least with smoking you dont get a nasty distended pregnant belly look.


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Remember meat bros, this is the physique you can hope to achieve eating meat. Big ugly distended bellies with high amounts of visceral fat.


>Look at that pitiful protein content - those proteins are hardly even bioavailable as well, in relation to meats I mean, because plant foods are indigestible and therefore the nutrients are less bioavailible.

No help for the clinically insane- proteins are absorbed the same

>The results showed higher absorption of nitrogen and its balance from high protein diets whether derived from lentil or animal source, which may enhance tissue protein deposition.


In fairness, this is more related to steroid abuse. Eating meat will not land you with palumboism.


1) That's not how body-building diets work, they're not pure meat, and actually a lot of this shitter ones abuse protein powder.
2) That's called a paunch and distends when flexed a specific way (unless its palumboism)
3) Palumboism is a roid related issue almost exclusively, it's unrelated to meat. See >>38590 and stop baiting.


>See *meaningless smug post that adds nothing to the conversation* and stop baiting.


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>meaningless smug post that adds nothing to the conversation
Yes your bait about body-building is indeed smug nonsense that adds nothing to the conversation, thanks for confirming that.


Its not baiting, theres no clear cause established for what causes HGH gut or pulomboism. Yes steroids can be a potential cause. But Insulin is suspected to cause an increase in visceral fat. And guess what else increases visceral fat? Meat. So sorry stop trying to deflect, meat eaters do have uglier bloaty physiques. Cope


Anyone got any good Mexican or Indian vegetarian/vegan recipes that I can try? I'm a Omnivore that wants to eat more veggies.



>1/2 cup
>1/4th cup
There are seven different measures in that infographic.


I had to use both systems of measurement on my nursing test today. Americans use both


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>Moralism is when you care
Absolute state

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