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join the based clean arteries gang

Veganism is fascist.

Slaughtering the defenceless for your own enjoyment is fascist actually

my comr8 I can barely manage to feed myself eating shit that is already just objectively bad for me in general

my fren veggies are cheap, I got a whole 2 bags of groceries for 21$. My secret to prepping them is to toss a bunch in the food processor, chop them up and have a salad mix ready to go. Pair it with rice and some beans/lentils and you are healthy n stronk

Veggies may be cheap, but there's a big difference between "veggies" and a nutritionally complete vegan diet.

Oh look, it's the 'nutritionally complete' talking point again coming from someone that currently eats the American diet

borgors are true nutrition akshually.

It's got all the essential food groups, white bread, pink slime, and American cheese-like amalgam

vegans have reduced risk of virtually every disease. cope harder meatcels

I gave the vegan diet a genuine try actually. I did the research to balance the foods, bought a cookbook, the whole deal. If you actually want to eat properly and vegan it's significantly more effort. Going on a vegan diet is good, if you are able to do it. Advising people that they can just stop eating animal products without further thought can be genuinely dangerous (mainly due to certain nutrient deficiencies), but only and specifically toward people who actually will do what you want people to do…

This is specifically a "vegan fitness" thread. Nutrition is one of the cornerstones of health, so to balk against the subject in a thread about fitness is totally out of place. Somebody cutting animal products out of their diet is not automatically eating healthy, in the same way that somebody on a regular diet who simply stops drinking idk soda is not automatically healthy. Eating nutritious food is generally going to be at least a bit more expensive and require more effort + time investment learning about the subject. If you want to screech about meat eaters go make a veganism general. The original subject line (before moved to /hobby/) was "vegan fitness/bodybuilding." Bodybuilding in particular requires good attention to nutrition, down to things like meal timing. Vegan bodybuilding is 100% doable, but it does require more effort than non-vegan bodybuilding. Arguing otherwise is infantile and only makes the lifestyle choice more unapproachable to people.

I'm already swoletariat. I want to become Vegan but I'm probably going to ease myself into it by cutting out red meat, then white meat, then eggs/dairy, then the rest of it, probably over the course of several years.

give me vegan recipes snacks for weight gain that are good and easy to make

Something else you might try is incorporating vegan alternatives starting like 1 day per week so you can adapt that way. It's not going to affect you that much at that rate but it will get you building up the foods you know how to make. Already building up those options will make it easier to do the kind of transition you're talking about.

>liberal OP for a liberal idealism

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>Advising people that they can just stop eating animal products without further thought can be genuinely dangerous (mainly due to certain nutrient deficiencies)

Continuing to consoom animal products is much worse. It should be stopped cold turkey, I did. I used to eat a crapton of chicken, eggs, and beef to gain mass and last I checked my cholesterol and blood pressure were borderline heart attack levels. I immediately went vegan and feel much better.

To successfully permabulk and actually live a normal lifespan, the only real diet option IS veganism. This is largely why most bodybuilders die of heart attacks at 50, but of course people just solely blame the steroids without ever considering how much they fucked their health by eating a crapton of steaks and chicken every week to maintain their mass. And nutritional deficiencies are far easier than meatcels make it seem, just buy a multivite or a supplement for whatever you'll need. picrel proof

i gotchu.

Garbanzo bean salad sammich:
1 can garbanzo beans drained
some vegan mayo and honey mustard
chop some onions
add some relish spices and cranberries
Roughly 500 cals
Mash and put inbetween bread and eat.

overnight oats:
1 cup oats
A few tablespoons of chia seed
1 cup of milk alternative (i like rice)
a bit of coconut yogurt
frozen berries/walnuts/almond butter whatever topping u want
500-600cals depending on what you put

holy shit. this might finally do it for me. 13 mins in

i had a really nice falafel pita wrap a few days ago
there was feta cheese in it though so not vegan, just vegetarian

Why does this thread say "Vegan SWOLETARIAT ThreadⓋ" when the original was called "Vegan fitness/bodybuilding thread"?

Unfortunately the driving force of history is conditions of production and not ideas, so animal exploitation will continue until technology renders it obsolete (simultaneously normalizing a vegan morality as a result of the new material conditions) but abstaining from animal products is still very noble and praiseworthy.

Here are some vegan recipes which I make a lot (most meals I eat are vegan, but I still eat dairy occasionally, especially at restaurants):
tofu, rice, and broccoli (or peas)
chickpea curry
lentils and rice (you can put whatever vegetables you have around in this, very convenient and easy)
beans and rice
black bean burrito
lentil soup
black bean soup
falafel and rice with some vegetable (broccoli and brussel sprouts are my favorites)

Put garlic, onion, and tomato in everything you eat, eat lots of legumes, and eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. I didn't really start getting into nutrition or cooking until after I stopped eating meat, and it was one of the best decisions in my life. I highly recommend eating a varied, mostly plant-based diet of whole foods, with lots of vegetables and legumes. It's cheaper, healthier, more ethical, and better for the environment than your typical diet.

There are two pita places near me, and 99% of the time I go to one of them if I want to eat but I don't want to cook. I could eat falafel pita wraps with hummus, cucumber, and tomato every single day of my life. It's so fucking good.

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Finished this video. It was a great ride. Particularly good summary is at 48:08 when this pops up:

>yellow = vegan diet prevents this cause of death

>cyan = vegan diet can treat this cause of death
>red = vegan diet can reverse this cause of death

None of those are yellow.

I doubt chicken is why people have heart attacks. Saturated fat is the real problem, not meat itself

Dawg, being vegan is good and all but you are extremely naive if you actually believe this is true. This kind of worship of veganism as a magic bullet scares the normies away because they can smell the cult brain on you. This isn't even the actual claim being made in the video or the studies. "Can help prevent" or "can help treat" DOES NOT MEAN that it's going to fix you (especially not by itself). Mitigating risk factors is not the same thing as "preventing" a cause of death, let alone reversing one. And that's to say nothing of the way he frames the question of diet vs medication, as if diet can be a complete replacement for medication when it absolutely cannot.

This man (Michael Greger) is widely known to exaggerate his claims, cherrypick data, and has named his non-profit in a way that is clearly intended to make people think it's associated with the Nutrition Facts labels on food, to make it seem more legitimate. Vegan diets absolutely can be healthier than standard diets, but this shit is dishonest, irresponsible, and bad for veganism. It is primarily going to make current vegans feel validated and make veganism appear more cultish towards outsiders.

Chicken has a ton of saturated fat, especially at the quantities that a bodybuilder qould eat to gain or maintain mass. And dietary cholesterol in chicken is insanely high, though the science is still hazy on whether its a direct link

Im not being cultish, I ate meat up until a month ago. The proof is in the pudding though, the meal plan I had with meat was fucking my cholesterol and blood pressure and it is a scientific fact that animal products are the cause of cholesterol.

I created a vegan meal plan instead and am eating roughly the same calories without the negative health effects. Why would I ever go back to eating meat aside for 'taste,' which I dont care about? Ive been bbing a while so switching up diets is easy for me, it just takes a tiny bit more effort to make the vegan meal plan as opposed to the meat one. And the recommended amount of protein that bodybuilders tout is BS, natural bodybuilders dont need that much and the only thing they'll do by eating that much meat is give themselves a heart attack early which is pretty common. You can get the same amount of protein easy with lentils/beans/chickpeas so its all good

>I didn't really start getting into nutrition or cooking until after I stopped eating meat, and it was one of the best decisions in my life. I highly recommend eating a varied, mostly plant-based diet of whole foods, with lots of vegetables and legumes.
Same, I agree. I'm only a month in and feel the same way. My skin is already glowing and my blood pressure dropped. I used to wake up with headaches and shit and that stopped. Though ngl, I feel bad because I already feel like I probably fucked my health and arteries already.

I dont like red lentils much, but split chickpeas are great. Garbanzo beans and hummus veggie wraps are good too. I add some avocados and hummus with cucumbers tomatos and red onions for a quick 500 calorie wrap

>Dawg, being vegan is good and all but you are extremely naive if you actually believe this is true.
No need to "believe" anything since the research and evidence was presented throughout

>This isn't even the actual claim being made in the video or the studies.
That is what the color coding corresponded to. Watch the video. The highlighting isn't something I added. He marked yellow each one veganism prevents (as in lowers risk), marked cyan each one veganism treats (as in makes less bad), and marked red each one veganism reverses (as in helps you recover from).
> "Can help prevent" or "can help treat" DOES NOT MEAN that it's going to fix you
good thing I didn't say that
>Mitigating risk factors is not the same thing as "preventing" a cause of death, let alone reversing one.
I was using the word "prevent" as in the sense of "preventative care" which means the same thing as mitigating risk factors. Just watch the video. I'm using the word "prevent" in the same way as the medical doctor giving the presentation did.
>This kind of worship of veganism as a magic bullet scares the normies away because they can smell the cult brain on you.
I'm not even a vegan, nor do I worship veganism as a "magic bullet". I'm considering becoming one. how am I "scaring normies" away from a "cult" when in fact I'm a "normie" who is considering becoming vegan? I was literally commenting on the video because it convinced me to become vegan. Yet you're accusing a person who's considering becoming vegan of scaring people away from veganism? you make no sense.

Everything except #5 has a yellow highlight. It might look slightly greener than that to you because of the blue tint of the screen and the darkness of the room.

>Chicken has a ton of saturated fat
I love good broscience presented confidently. This thread is not it. Saturated fat is not in itself unhealthy. Eating sugar or processed foods while saturated fat is also part of your diet, while living an inactive lifestyle, is unhealthy. 90% of americans eat sugar, processed foods and live an inactive lifestyle.
Why is everyone on the board talking about "bodybuilders"? They are dumb extremists. There's a whole world of healthy sport, bodybuilders are 0.5% of it. Your local box gym is not health. Outdoor yoga and some vanity pressups before an outdoor lunch, ideally with company, is health.

>Saturated fat is not in itself unhealthy
lmao. ok eat a gallon of ice cream every day and follow up with some bloodwork in a year.
>90% of americans eat sugar, processed foods and live an inactive lifestyle.
Yes the burgers are the shining example, the epitome of health and fitness. their saturated fat consumption has nothing to do with half of their country being lardasses and dying of strokes.
>yoga is health
>just exercise brooo
Seems like the saturated fat is already clogging ur braincells

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>>Saturated fat is not in itself unhealthy [omitted part] Eating sugar or processed foods while saturated fat is also part of your diet, while living an inactive lifestyle, is unhealthy
>lmao. ok eat a gallon of ice cream every day and follow up with some bloodwork in a year.
Ice cream (in almost all cases) has both sugar and saturated fat in large amounts. That's exactly what anon was talking about.
>hurr durr is fat clogging ur brain?
Did you run out of blood sugar before you could finish reading the post?

>Ice cream (in almost all cases) has both sugar and saturated fat in large amounts. That's exactly what anon was talking about
Ok eat a pack of bacon every day then and see how healthy you get, no sugar but tons of saturated fat.

What kind of retarded argument is that, "hurr durr its not saturated fat its just the other stuff that comes with it." Every food has multiple ingredients in it, the problem is the saturated fat and more specifically saturated fat from meat since it raises bad cholesterol without raising the good.
>Did you run out of blood sugar before you could finish reading the post?
The diabetic retinopathy have you incapable of reading between lines?

"People whose diets contain relatively little palmitic and stearic acid – saturated fats composed of 16 or more carbon atoms (longer-chain saturated fats) that are typically found in meats – and eat plant-based proteins instead have decreased chances of myocardial infarction."

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Isn't it possible that the very poor in India are just less likely to get diagnosed and/or the life expectancy is lower so not as many cancers in older people? I'm sure bad diet also plays a role though.

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Argument presented against/restrictions on veganism itt:
>It's costly
<One in time, seeing how you need to research to make a nutritious diet so you don't do "Chips and beer veganism", plus time to research how to cook that stuff
<But also in actual cost, which goes hand in hand on the time issue since you need to research the sources of cheap food
<Both issues, which can be over come, are massive hurdles that only privliged people can really accomplish. A situation as low income high hour workers, or those not in food deserts – will prevent them from being vegans.
>This is also ignoring that the junk food is designed to be addictive as possible, and is defended on the nonsense of will power – (it's easier to stop yourself from eating cookies when you're not in the room with the treats than it is to be in the room with them).
>These issues, again, not impossible to overcome – are overclocked in building a diet that can sustain massive exercise.
>Also veganism has an issue on hype

Incomplete issue mentioned: >>38380
Idk if issue is similar to the nonsense of overpopulation, or shitpost, idk lol.

The COUNTERS get ready folks!
Here. We. Go!
Straw man that kill animals for just enjoyment.
Also inadvertaly plays pro-life crap of pretending that animals are observed as an equal to human as if this is an argument that hasn't been made yet.

Insanely incomplete diet explanation, and repsonse that is a local solution

Straw man, and also fucking mental breakdown, of someone DARING to wanting to have a complete diet! Anti-porn level behavior.

Straw man on burger meat being the exact same as the ones used in McDonalds. Also, no understanding that the big issue is the sides.

Failed to argue position, drops video instead of explaining args in video, inadvertently admitting they don't know themselfs.

Fails to respond to transition of the diet. Because when you switch to veganism you magically know everything needed to succeed in second.
>To successfully permabulk and actually live a normal lifespan, the only real diet option IS veganism. This is largely why most bodybuilders die of heart attacks at 50
<No backing
>but of course people just solely blame the steroids without ever considering how much they fucked their health by eating a crapton of steaks and chicken every week to maintain their mass
<Because considering that people have eaten chicken for thousands of years did not cause issues until steroids came into the picture is irrational.
>And nutritional deficiencies are far easier than meatcels make it seem, just buy a multivite or a supplement for whatever you'll need. picrel proof
<The vegan diet is possible! But also you need vitamins so it's actually not possible and we're lieing. WEEEEEEEEEEE veganism best diet!!!!!!!!

Has issue like >>38381 on just humanizing the animals already.
Still good post.

I'm a no life, so I'll watch the video at some point – that said, this is a very incomplete image that doesn't justify veganism.
Further, these benefits gained because veganism is incompatable with, lets say, eating pink slim, something that also can be done with diets that include meat?
The red flag shines brightly: "prevents diabes" – fucking why? Sugar is vegan, that will fuck you up. Fucking christ.

>Dead video.
Lmao. Fucking use yt-dlp, or PRESENT the arguments from the video, fucking loser.

>The proof is in the pudding though
<Except your pudding is at your house
<Except "though the science is still hazy on whether its a direct link"
<Except "I created a vegan meal plan instead and am eating roughly the same calories without the negative health effects" even though this pudding is no where on this page, or the pudding that others can create it.

Similar issues with >>38404 and >>38409

This: >>38429 highlights it, but it was an incomplete comment.
Saturated fats aren't just in junk food – such as coconut – and as such the problem is that junk food.
Maybe talk to a NUTRIONist before acting smug.

Straw man argument eating bacon is given the okay to eat because saturated fats aren't being blindly comdemed.
>What kind of retarded argument is that, "hurr durr its not saturated fat its just the other stuff that comes with it."
Veganisms weakness: people being allowed to research.

From where?
How does it answer about saturated fats that aren't just in meat?
Is this quote even correct?
Answer: Lol!

No argument presented on India's diet, strawman on if not Indian diet ergo eat Mcdonalds only.
Good response: >>38434

Holy shit, you'd think these posts were made by people who wanted to slander veganism.
Obviously, not all vegans, even some in this thread were good – but holy shit, actually get help levels of brain damage.
That wasn't a joke, get help

That is a factor to be sure. Another is that India is less industrialized and that people are less exposed to carcinogens in general. Another is that a lot of Indians aren't getting diagnosed with these kinds of diseases either. There are a lot of confounding factors in research like this.

>noOoOoo everythings a strawman!!!
Man meatcels really are brainlets. Seems like u already livin that stroke life

how much do you weigh and do u even lift fatty?

These are some terrible arguments against veganism in the orange text. Only the privileged can buy groceries and cook? and fruits/grains/veggies are always cheaper than animal products

Not when you consider the nutritional value in relation to money cost. imagine paying more for less nutrients, which is what vegans do.

Vegans also have to supplement their nutritional lackings with supplements.

Also, ive seen many vegans give themselves diabetes. They supplant essential meats for excess fruits and grain, which gives them diabetes.

>imagine paying more for less nutrients, which is what vegans do.
They don't though.
>Vegans also have to supplement their nutritional lackings with supplements.
Supplements are cheap.

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> ive seen many vegans give themselves diabetes
you probably haven't "seen" a single vegan give themselves diabetes. You probably don't even know a single vegan. You probably are just repeating shitty talking points you heard. The only vegans who end up with diabetes are the ones who eat too many sweets instead of vegetables.

>They supplant essential meats for excess fruits and grain

Meats aren't essential and excess grain/fruit is bad whether you're vegan or not. Eat the vegetables.

>meat is essential cuz uh uh uh muh protein

eat some nuts

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Sources cited btw :^)

36. Fraser GE. Vegetarian diets: what do we know of their effects on common chronic diseases? Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;89(5):1607S–1612S.
37. Tonstad S, Stewart K, Oda K, Batech M, Herring RP, Fraser GE. Vegetarian diets and incidence of diabetes in the Adventist Health Study-2. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013;23(4):292–9.
38. Nolan CJ, Larter CZ. Lipotoxicity: why do saturated fatty acids cause and monounsaturates protect against it? J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009;24(5):703–6.
39. Evans WJ. Oxygen-carrying proteins in meat and risk of diabetes mellitus. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(14):1335–6.
40. Egnatchik RA, Leamy AK, Jacobson DA, Shiota M, Young JD. ER calcium release promotes mitochondrial dysfunction and hepatic cell lipotoxicity in response to palmitate overload. Mol Metab. 2014;3(5):544–53.
41. Estadella D, da Penha Oller do Nascimento CM, Oyama LM, Ribeiro EB, Dâmaso AR, de Piano A. Lipotoxicity: effects of dietary saturated and transfatty acids. Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:137579.
42. Perseghin G, Scifo P, De Cobelli F, et al. Intramyocellular triglyceride content is a determinant of in vivo insulin resistance in humans: a 1H-13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy assessment in offspring of type 2 diabetic parents. Diabetes. 1999;48(8):1600–6.
43. Nolan CJ, Larter CZ. Lipotoxicity: why do saturated fatty acids cause and monounsaturates protect against it? J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009;24(5):703–6.
44. Goff LM, Bell JD, So PW, Dornhorst A, Frost GS. Veganism and its relationship with insulin resistance and intramyocellular lipid. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005;59(2):291–8.
45. Gojda J, Patková J, Jacek M, et al. Higher insulin sensitivity in vegans is not associated with higher mitochondrial density. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013;67(12):1310–5.
46. Goff LM, Bell JD, So PW, Dornhorst A, Frost GS. Veganism and its relationship with insulin resistance and intramyocellular lipid. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005;59(2):291–8.
47. Papanikolaou Y, Fulgoni VL. Bean consumption is associated with greater nutrient intake, reduced systolic blood pressure, lower body weight, and a smaller waist circumference in adults: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2002. J Am Coll Nutr. 2008;27(5): 569–76.
48. Mollard RC, Luhovyy BL, Panahi S, Nunez M, Hanley A, Anderson GH. Regular consumption of pulses for 8 weeks reduces metabolic syndrome risk factors in overweight and obese adults. Br J Nutr. 2012;108 Suppl 1:S111–22.
49. Cnop M, Hughes SJ, Igoillo-Esteve M, et al. The long lifespan and low turnover of human islet beta cells estimated by mathematical modelling of lipofuscin accumulation. Diabetologia. 2010;53(2):321–30.
50. Taylor R. Banting Memorial lecture 2012: reversing the twin cycles of type 2 diabetes. Diabet Med. 2013;30(3):267–75.
51. Cunha DA, Igoillo-Esteve M, Gurzov EN, et al. Death protein 5 and p53-upregulated modulator of apoptosis mediate the endoplasmic reticulum stress-mitochondrial dialog triggering lipotoxic rodent and human ß-cell apoptosis. Diabetes. 2012;61(11):2763–75.
52. Cnop M, Hannaert JC, Grupping AY, Pipeleers DG. Low density lipoprotein can cause death of islet beta-cells by its cellular uptake and oxidative modification. Endocrinology. 2002;143(9):3449–53.
53. Maedler K, Oberholzer J, Bucher P, Spinas GA, Donath MY. Monounsaturated fatty acids prevent the deleterious effects of palmitate and high glucose on human pancreatic beta-cell turnover and function. Diabetes. 2003;52(3):726–33.
54. Xiao C, Giacca A, Carpentier A, Lewis GF. Differential effects of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fat ingestion on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, sensitivity and clearance in overweight and obese, non-diabetic humans. Diabetologia. 2006;49(6):1371–9.
55. Wang L, Folsom AR, Zheng ZJ, Pankow JS, Eckfeldt JH. Plasma fatty acid composition and incidence of diabetes in middle-aged adults: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003;78(1):91–8.
56. Cunha DA, Igoillo-Esteve M, Gurzov EN, et al. Death protein 5 and p53-upregulated modulator of apoptosis mediate the endoplasmic reticulum stress-mitochondrial dialog triggering lipotoxic rodent and human ß-cell apoptosis. Diabetes. 2012;61(11):2763–75.

>Has issue like >>38381 on just humanizing the animals already.
Animals don't need to be exactly like humans to be worthy of moral consideration. It would indeed be anthropomorphization to demand that animals have the right to vote, or that they should pay taxes, but to deny them the status of moral patienthood altogether is spurious. The claim that animal agriculture is immoral is justified by the immense suffering endured by animals in factory farms. The reason it's wrong to cause suffering to animals is the same as the reason why it's wrong to cause suffering to humans, because suffering is terrible. No humanization is necessary to oppose cruelty to pigs and cows, just like no humanization is necessary to oppose cruelty to cats and dogs.

>Straw man that kill animals for just enjoyment.

I guess farm animals are slaughtered for profit, not enjoyment, but I hardly see how that justifies anything. And you don't need to value an animal life the same as a human life to oppose killing animals. I don't value the life of my pet bunny as much as the life of my mother, but I'd rather not kill either one.

>Supplements are cheap.
vegans are paypigs who must consume supplements to survive.
>They don't though.
They do. They pay more money for less calories.
none of this is credible because this "research" is entirely flawed. Chiefly due to poor sampling. All of this is biased as well, as the vegan corporations sponsor this pseudoscience.

>eat some nuts

Vegans are actually more likely to get diabetes, because they must eat extra beans and nuts (which contains carbohydrates, which causes diabetes in excess amounts) to cope with their nutritionally and economically inefficient diets

It's almost certain you should eat supplements too fatboy. Almost nobody has a perfect diet.

>They do. They pay more money for less calories.

Clearly the best food is rice then which is vegan, if only calories per dollar matters.

This is ad-hominem fallacy. You attack myself rather than my statements. I am a bodybuilder and my diet is optimized for peak performance.
Excess rice consumption will likely cause diabetes, as excess carbs must be processed by the body.

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I started eating only red lentils, split chickpeas and garbanzo beans in place of all the meat and I lost 6lbs in the first few weeks without doing anything else. Most of it was belly fat and it seemed like some might have even been visceral fat since I have a less bloaty look now. EET DA LEGUMES

Good recipe for date powerbars I use. Just sub the white choco chips with ones with no milk.

peak performance at what? lifting weights and putting them back down as opposed to life?

>Supplements are cheap.
vegans are paypigs who must consume supplements to survive.

As opposed to meatcels who consoom borgors and preprocessed garbage microwave meals pushed by multibillion dollar corpos? And supplements are cheaper than statins or heartmeds that meat eaters and disgusting burger lardos constantly take, making the taxpayer subsidize their fatasses just so they can cart themselves around walmart

>They do. They pay more money for less calories.

Veggies, oats and rice and even avocados are far cheaper than meat.
>none of this is credible because this "research" is entirely flawed. Chiefly due to poor sampling. All of this is biased as well, as the vegan corporations sponsor this pseudoscience.

The meat and egg and dairy industry fabricated the food pyramid to get rubes like you to consoom meat.

>Vegans are actually more likely to get diabetes, because they must eat extra beans and nuts (which contains carbohydrates, which causes diabetes in excess amounts) to cope with their nutritionally and economically inefficient diets

Imagine thinking beans and nuts have more carbs than the average meatcel consooms with their burgers, cheesesteaks and pizza. Large sodas and meat always coupled with copious amounts of simple carbohydrates like whitebread.

>as opposed to
uygha you stupid

You do know that excess protein is converted into carbs too… right? Right!?

>Imagine thinking beans and nuts have more carbs than the average meatcel consooms with their burgers, cheesesteaks and pizza
Are you on drugs right now, or do you actually live in some weird rural American Walmart town where they serve [quote]pizza[/quote] to kids for lunch every day?

> I am a bodybuilder and my diet is optimized for peak performance.
Yeah because peak performance is just standing around and lifting a dumbell. If you did any real athletics youd drop dead from a heart attack or would gas out since you've fucked ur arteries and VO2 max

they literally served pizza for lunch everyday at my school retard

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Totally not the lard making everyone a lardass guys!!!!!

oh shit. my condolences, comrade. that is literal child abuse.
normal (western) humans have, like, sandwiches and fruit and nuts and shit packed for school lunch.

Sorry bud, this was in America in a rich suburbanoid neighborhood so cope harder. Guaranteed thirdies have better diets than westernoid disgusting slobs ever would. I cant even shop outside without my eyes being assaulted by obese hogs taking up the whole aisle. America should be nuked

>vegans are paypigs who must consume supplements to survive.
>They do. They pay more money for less calories.
>none of this is credible because this "research" is entirely flawed. Chiefly due to poor sampling. All of this is biased as well, as the vegan corporations sponsor this pseudoscience.
the book was written by a medical doctor and the meat industry is far more influential and puts out far more propaganda than the "vegan corporations"
>Vegans are actually more likely to get diabetes
No. they're 78% less likely

>This is ad-hominem fallacy.
I cited a bunch of sources and responded directly to your statements about diabetes
>I am a body builder
lots of bodybuilders die young from heart attacks due to the excess cholesterol they eat to maintain mass

That doesn't make me cope, it makes stare forward and contemplate the future of our species.
Fuckin capitalism, man.

that screenshot isnt actually science. it is pseudo-science, which vegans are very prone to falling victim to.
<Reducing belly fat may be the best way to prevent pre-diabetics from turning into full-blown diabetes
Incorrect. Reducing carb intake is the precise solution. Legumes are high in carb content. This is actually bad advice for pre-diabetics: telling them to change nothing, except eat MORE carbs, LOL. refuted utterly
living longer and healthier than the starving vegans. Being more sexually attractive than i'd be on a shitty vegan diet. Saving money and not giving myself diabetes from a shitty rice and bean vegan diet.
Youre just seething. my cardio is literally peak level. I run a 5 minute mile easily.
This is incorrect. Some energy from protein catabolism is used to form glucose.
>As opposed to meatcels who consoom borgors and preprocessed garbage microwave meals pushed by multibillion dollar corpos? And supplements are cheaper than statins or heartmeds that meat eaters and disgusting burger lardos constantly take, making the taxpayer subsidize their fatasses just so they can cart themselves around walmart
This is textbook straw man fallacy. I eat the finest omnivore cuisine, not that garbage. I can just as easily point out the fact that most vegans eat like shit, because their weak and failing bodies clearly demonstrate this. They consume too many carbs and give themselves diabetes. Their b-12 deficiency rots their brains, giving them dementia. They tend to have bones like swiss cheese due to their chronic calcium deficiency. Their hair always falls out prematurely and their skin becomes dry and irritated because they get no omega-3. They tend to become suicidal after a while, due chronic hormonal imbalances and having no money thanks to their shitty and expensive vegan diets. They chronically suffer from anemia as well, thanks to iron deficiency.
>Veggies, oats and rice and even avocados are far cheaper than meat.
Meat has zero carbs. That shit has carbs. That shit gives you diabetes. Meat does not, though the vegans are forced to grasp at straws to futilely attempt to dispute these facts.
>The meat and egg and dairy industry fabricated the food pyramid to get rubes like you to consoom meat.
The vegan types while malding, as he chokes, consooming his supplements
>Imagine thinking beans and nuts have more carbs than the average meatcel consooms with their burgers, cheesesteaks and pizza. Large sodas and meat always coupled with copious amounts of simple carbohydrates like whitebread.
Beans, nuts, fruits, etc. give the vegans diabetes, because they are forced into consuming excess amounts of them to survive, thanks to their shitty vegan diet.
>I cited a bunch of sources and responded directly to your statements about diabetes
I refute all of them, and your statements, directly.
>lots of bodybuilders die young from heart attacks due to the excess cholesterol they eat to maintain mass
Lots of vegans die young as well. The many causes of which are expounded upon above.

when I visited SEA, literally everyone was normal weight opposed to the US. Their diet consisted of eating their locally grown food obtained from their farmers market, they made it fresh everyday, always had some local veggies on their plate, meat was expensive so always small portion of it and smaller portions in general, and they walked around more. Grocery stores in the west are filled with cheap processed crap, in SEA the processed crap was too expensive for the locals (which was a blessing in disguise for them). In yuro half the ingredients that are in mericas stores are banned and what we would consider 'premium' foods that wed find overpriced in whole foods or someshit they had in their normal grocery stores. Burgers are just more brutal and late stage with their capitalism

Literally insane. yes because the group most known for diabetes is… vegans. Lmao retard.
>This is incorrect. Some energy from protein catabolism is used to form glucose
And what do you think glucose is retard? So is it still incorrect?

>starving vegans. Being more sexually attractive than i'd be on a shitty vegan diet

Muh starving vegan. As if you know a vegan cant just simply.. eat more? And gtfo out of here with attractive, you're skin is probably trash and have bacne all over.

>Meat has zero carbs. That shit has carbs. That shit gives you diabetes. Meat does not, though the vegans are forced to grasp at straws to futilely attempt to dispute these fact

Literally retarded. Pecans have less than 1g net carb. I bet you dont even know what net carb means. TVP and tofu have about the same. Low carb vegan diets exist too.

Also keep seething about carbs and following broscience and eating unnecessary amounts of protein and having it convert to fat.

I show you several studies and evidence that vegans have lower rates of diabetes and all you can say is "lol pseudoscience."

meanwhile you simultaneously say vegans don't get enough carbs, but that legumes are too heavy in carbs and therefore vegans are diabetics.

>visited SEA
A street food dream. Seriously, communal eating and street food are two of my ideal dreams. Not only much better (in most cases) than most Western commercial ready-to-eat foods, but so damn cheap. Cheaper than industrial slop.

* and I'm jealous. Never been SEA

>Lots of vegans die young as well
source? at a higher rate than most people? seriously doubt it.
>The many causes of which are expounded upon above.
Cite a single source. I cite sources but you just vomit out the word "pseudoscience" in response
If vegans die young it's because of shit unrelated to veganism like drugs/alcohol/not enough exercise/not eating enough/eating too much. technically alcohol is vegan but any vegan will tell you alcohol is bad for you. veganism isn't a magic bullet. you still have to use common sense. Technically a lot of peanut butters are vegan, but you shouldn't just eat peanut butter all day. That's a good way to get diabetes.

>This is textbook straw man fallacy. I eat the finest omnivore cuisine, not that garbage. I can just as easily point out the fact that most vegans eat like shit, because their weak and failing bodies clearly demonstrate this. They consume too many carbs and give themselves diabetes. Their b-12 deficiency rots their brains, giving them dementia. They tend to have bones like swiss cheese due to their chronic calcium deficiency. Their hair always falls out prematurely and their skin becomes dry and irritated because they get no omega-3. They tend to become suicidal after a while, due chronic hormonal imbalances and having no money thanks to their shitty and expensive vegan diets. They chronically suffer from anemia as well, thanks to iron deficiency.

It's funny you bring up B-12 deficiency. I was diagnosed with a genetic B-12 deficiency and even when I ate tons of eggs and shit it didn't help because my gut wasn't absorbing it. I had to get shots and sublingual supplements. It was totally unrelated to my diet because I ate a ton of sources of B-12, both Vegan and non-vegan.

>This is textbook straw man fallacy. I eat the finest omnivore cuisine, not that garbage. I can just as easily point out the fact that most vegans eat like shit, because their weak and failing bodies clearly demonstrate this. They consume too many carbs and give themselves diabetes. Their b-12 deficiency rots their brains, giving them dementia. They tend to have bones like swiss cheese due to their chronic calcium deficiency. Their hair always falls out prematurely and their skin becomes dry and irritated because they get no omega-3.
You really just come across as an illiterate brainlet who doesnt know shit about nutrition, which is not surprising since youre a meat eater. Nutritional yeast has more b12 than many meats and kale has more bioavailable calcium than milk. Anything else you want to cry about?

>Literally insane. yes because the group most known for diabetes is… vegans. Lmao retard.
The vegan group is most known for starving themselves and their children to death.
>And what do you think glucose is retard? So is it still incorrect?
Do you actually believe that glucose = carbs??? Retard. "Excess" protein is NOT transformed into carbs and carbohydrates are NOT glucose. Therefore, it IS incorrect.
>As if you know a vegan cant just simply.. eat more?
This would simply accelerate their diabetes, and they still wouldn't even be getting the essential nutrients from their food alone.
>And gtfo out of here with attractive, you're skin is probably trash and have bacne all over.
Ad-hominem fallacy. Every vegan I've ever seen is both unattractive and mentally ill, mainly due to the fact that their bodies are failing them due to lack of nutrients. Vegans often do have bacne, because they lack nutrients which maintain healthy skin. These problems stop immediately when vegans start getting their nutrients naturally.
>Literally retarded. Pecans have less than 1g net carb. I bet you dont even know what net carb means. TVP and tofu have about the same. Low carb vegan diets exist too.
>Also keep seething about carbs and following broscience and eating unnecessary amounts of protein and having it convert to fat.
It isn't your fault. You are vegan and your brain is in decay this very moment - lest you take your supplements. Continue eating your overpriced animal feed and telling yourself that you actually are eating healthy.
This is your baby on veganism. Give a human a shitty vegan diet from birth - instead of the optimal omnivore diet - and they will always die faster.
<Background: Vegetarian and vegan weaning have increasing popularity among parents and families. However, if not correctly managed, they may lead to wrong feeding regimens, causing severe nutritional deficiencies requiring specific nutritional support or even the need for hospitalization. Aim: To assess the prevalence of vegetarian and vegan weaning among Italian families and to provide an up-to-date narrative review of supporting evidence. Materials and methods: We investigated 360 Italian families using a 40-item questionnaire. The narrative review was conducted searching scientific databases for articles reporting on vegetarian and vegan weaning. Results: 8.6% of mothers follow an alternative feeding regimen and 9.2% of infants were weaned according to a vegetarian or vegan diet. The breastfeeding duration was longer in vegetarian/vegan infants (15.8 vs. 9.7 months; p < 0.0001). Almost half of parents (45.2%) claim that their pediatrician was unable to provide sufficient information and adequate indications regarding unconventional weaning and 77.4% of parents reported the pediatrician’s resistance towards alternative weaning methods. Nine studies were suitable for the review process. The vast majority of authors agree on the fact that vegetarian and vegan weaning may cause severe nutritional deficiencies, whose detrimental effects are particularly significant in the early stages of life. Discussion and conclusion: Our results show that alternative weaning methods are followed by a significant number of families; in half of the cases, the family pediatrician was not perceived as an appropriate guide in this delicate process. To date, consistent findings to support both the safety and feasibility of alternative weaning methods are still lacking. Since the risk of nutritional deficiencies in the early stages of life is high, pediatricians have a pivotal role in guiding parents and advising them on the most appropriate and complete diet regimen during childhood. Efforts should be made to enhance nutritional understanding among pediatricians as an unsupervised vegetarian or vegan diet can cause severe nutritional deficiencies with possible detrimental long-term effects.
>Nutritional yeast has more b12 than many meats and kale has more bioavailable calcium than milk.
<Nutritional values for nutritional yeast vary from one manufacturer to another. On average, two tablespoons (about 30 ml) provides 60 calories with five grams of carbohydrates
<Raw kale is composed of 84% water, 9% carbohydrates, 4% protein, and 1% fat (table).
Enjoy your diabetes. Imagine eating carbs by the spoonful. Don't you now see how your shitty vegan diet forces you into either diabetes or imminent bodily failure? I have proven how vegans are demonstrably nutritionally illiterate.

Lastly, consooming more kale wont help your hair grow back, or get rid of your vegan bacne. You gotta take those supplements or quit your vegan diet.

Yeah some crunchy herbal retard feeding their baby only mashed potato or whatever is clearly representative of all vegans

Find me one vegan baby that lived past 5

Are you aware that babies are supposed to drink their mother's milk? How do you expect them to randomly die without animal products?

Oh never mind, you're clearly just trolling at this point

>if not correctly managed
so, skill issue

"managed correctly" actually means giving your baby the nutrients which a vegan diet lacks. This could be accomplished more easily by just not being vegan.
Excellent point. Vegan parents MUST pay more just to keep their kids breathing.

>Do you actually believe that glucose = carbs??? Retard. "Excess" protein is NOT transformed into carbs and carbohydrates are NOT glucose. Therefore, it IS incorrect.
what a retard, as expected. go read the wiki or do a definition search of glucose brainlet.

>The vegan group is most known for starving themselves and their children to death.

Most known by whom? By you and you alone?

>This would simply accelerate their diabetes, and they still wouldn't even be getting the essential nutrients from their food alone

Vegans dont have a high diabetes rate sperg. Cry harder.
>Every vegan I've ever seen is both unattractive and mentally ill, mainly due to the fact that their bodies are failing them due to lack of nutrients.
This is how I know you're lying. You can't just 'see' a vegan by looking at them, you wouldnt know whose vegan or not when passing them on the street.

>It isn't your fault. You are vegan and your brain is in decay this very moment - lest you take your supplements. Continue eating your overpriced animal feed and telling yourself that you actually are eating healthy

Yeah you got proven wrong like a retard with lard for brain so now youre just crying. Cry harder meatlet.

>This is your baby on veganism. Give a human a shitty vegan diet from birth - instead

Yeah it was totally the vegan diet that killed the children and not the…child abuse. Kill yourself you disingenuous illiterate cretin.
> I have proven how vegans are demonstrably
Yeah we should totally listen to you on diabetes, the retard who doesn't know what a carbohydrate is. Just lmao. Kill yourself

>Do you actually believe that glucose = carbs??? Retard
You have to be trolling

this mf is all over the place. one minute he says vegans are starving. the next he says they eat too many carbs.

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> Eating nutritious food is generally going to be at least a bit more expensive
>They tend to become suicidal after a while, due chronic hormonal imbalances and having no money thanks to their shitty and expensive vegan diets.

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>they get no omega-3
not useful
<After putting all the studies together, researchers concluded that there was no longer justification for the use of omega-3s in everyday clinical practice.18 What should doctors do when their patients follow the American Heart Association’s advice and inquire about fish oil supplements? As the director of Lipids and Metabolism at Mount Sinai’s cardiovascular institute put it: “Given this and other negative meta-analyses, our job [as doctors] should be to stop highly marketed fish oil supplementation to all our patients . . .”19

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> They pay more money for less calories.
see >>38488 also picrel

>what a retard, as expected. go read the wiki or do a definition search of glucose brainlet.
Pick up a biology textbook, retard. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. I will define exactly what a carbohydrate is:
<A carbohydrate is a biomolecule that consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, with a hydrogen-oxygen atom ratio of 2:1, and has at least two monomeric units joined by glycosidic bonds.
Glucose does not have at least two monomeric units joined by glycosidic bonds. Glucose itself is a monomeric unit. Glucose is not a carbohydrate.
>Most known by whom? By you and you alone?
By "most researchers" and "most pediatricians", etc.
>This is how I know you're lying. You can't just 'see' a vegan by looking at them, you wouldnt know whose vegan or not when passing them on the street.
Pale, skinny, and weak - dying, in a word. They tend to be a ragged sort, but not poor. This is due to the fact that survival despite their veganism requires much money.
>Vegans dont have a high diabetes rate sperg. Cry harder.
You type feebly, as you consoom your supplements to survive. Your hair falls out. Underneath your stricken and discolored skin, your brittle bones break down further. You exhale meekly, then eat highly processed, carb-rich food just to stay awake - for even longer, to explain how good your vegan diet is.
>Yeah you got proven wrong like a retard with lard for brain so now youre just crying. Cry harder meatlet.
Demonstrate where you believe you've "proven me wrong". I've already proven you wrong, tenfold.
>Yeah it was totally the vegan diet that killed the children and not the…child abuse. Kill yourself you disingenuous illiterate cretin.
Veganism to children is no different from child abuse. Extreme veganism to a child is extreme child abuse, and concludes only in murder. That's what the scientists who study veganism and its effects on children have concluded at least.
>Yeah we should totally listen to you on diabetes, the retard who doesn't know what a carbohydrate is. Just lmao. Kill yourself
You actually think that glucose is a carbohydrate. You're nutritionally retarded: you're vegan. I'd also tell you to kill yourself, but just keep being vegan.
>You have to be trolling
<A carbohydrate is a biomolecule that consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, with a hydrogen-oxygen atom ratio of 2:1, and has at least two monomeric units joined by glycosidic bonds.
<The term "carbohydrate" often means any food that is particularly rich in the complex carbohydrate starch (such as cereals, bread and pasta) or simple carbohydrates, such as sugar (found in candy, jams, and desserts).
Glucose fits into neither definition. Therefore, saying glucose is a carbohydrate is like calling a brick a house.
The vegan who eats pounds rice and beans a day is still starving no matter how much they eat, because they're starving themselves of essential nutrients by being vegan.
This is actually a self-own on your part. The picture you share explains that "AN AVERAGE SERVING OF VEGETABLES COSTS FOUR TIMES MORE THAN AN AVERAGE SERVING OF JUNK FOOD". This means the vegetable diet is FOUR times more expensive on average than the junk food diet. The made up "nutrition" metric is irrelevant to the cost, which is the actual question.
See the attached picture. Omega-3 is an essential nutrient. Read any fucking textbook.

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It's pseudoscience but you agree with its conclusions? If you made it through the whole picture you'd realize that calories per unit of weight is besides the point. Vegetables despite being less calorie dense are much more nutrient dense.

Focusing solely on calorie density… That's an 1800s way of determining the value of a food. Back before we knew what vitamins were, back before widespread refrigeration, back before transportation networks and massive global industrial surpluses of food. Back when people had trouble eating the bare minimum requisite number of calories per day, let alone investigating the nutrition value of their food. And even setting aside the question of vitamins there are also a lot of nutrients in Vegan foods that can't be found in meats, such as the lignan compounds found in flax seeds which reduce the risk of several forms of digestive cancers.

I would actually agree that being Vegan was not only harder but way more potentially deadly before current times. Advances in refrigeration, transportation, nutrition science, agriculture, etc have made it a lot easier to be Vegan, both in the imperial core and in the imperial periphery.

Despite, on average, being less calorie dense, vegetables are more nutrient-dense, which is more important. Whatever calories you fail to get from highly nutrient-dense vegetables can be made up for with calorie-dense Vegan foods like nuts, rice, beans instead of highly carcinogenic meats which are bad for your circulatory system and frankly not that calorie-dense anyway.

Regarding carbs/sugars. Carbs and sugars are less dangerous and less correlated with diabetes when they are distributed over a high fiber intake. You digest them slower and so you don't flood your circulatory system with sugar as quickly. This is why 3 tablespoons of sugar in a fruit is less dangeorus than 3 tablespoons of sugar in a coca cola. The speed at which your body processes something matters a lot.

<Studies show that if you drink a glass of water with three tablespoons of sugar (similar to what would be in a can of fizzy drink), you’ll have a big spike in your blood sugar levels within the first hour. That causes your body to release so much insulin to mop up the excess sugar that you actually overshoot and become hypoglycemic by the second hour, meaning that your blood sugar drops even lower than it would if you were fasting. Your body detects this low blood sugar, thinks you might be in some sort of famine situation, and responds by dumping fat into your bloodstream as an energy source to keep you alive.

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>lmao. ok eat a gallon of ice cream every day and follow up with some bloodwork in a year.
>Ok eat a pack of bacon every day then and see how healthy you get, no sugar but tons of saturated fat.
Strawmen not sufficient for this determined retard, they need to construct mult storey fatmen. Anon, eat some fish, chicken or eggs occasionally and stir fry with butter or coconut oil sometimes. No gallons or packs of anything tbh.

>Pick up a biology textbook, retard. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. I will define exactly what a carbohydrate is: A carbohydrate is a biomolecule that consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, with a hydrogen-oxygen atom ratio of 2:1, and has at least two monomeric units joined by glycosidic bonds. Glucose does not have at least two monomeric units joined by glycosidic bonds. Glucose itself is a monomeric unit. Glucose is not a carbohydrate

You are completely retarded and proven yourself as such to everyone here. Dont act like posting science you dont understand will hide your obvious retardation. Monosaccharides are carbohydrates- period. You disgusting retard, the meat has already rotted half your brain.

Im done talking with you brainlet, dont blab about diabetes when you have no fucking clue what a carb is or understand basic science.

>Monosaccharides and disaccharides, the smallest (lower molecular weight) carbohydrates, are commonly referred to as sugars.

If meat is so healthy and nutritionally complete like you claim, why dont you just eat meat and meat alone? I love how meatoids claim veganism isn't nutritionally complete when meat is far more nutritionally lacking than veganism would ever be.

The thing is, for meat to be a complete diet, you'd need to also eat the giblets and eat them raw and that's palatable to Westerner's tastes.

Especially when you get posts like these: >>38493 >>38458
>Oh? You don't subscribe to veganism
>Then that means you eat unhelathy food and refuse to touch salads!
<What????? That's a strawman??? Ummmmmm, you're the strawman actqually!!!!

The point was that privliged folk are the ones that can handle the experimental cost of transitioning to a vegan diet.
Similar to that of the 60-80h a week proletariot who doens't have enough time to read theory, and needs a communist to help awaken their class consiousness and give that worker the ability to be self-relient on further understanding of theory.

Not surprising you can't understand this when you say
>fruits/grains/veggies are always cheaper than animal products
Jesus fucking christ, look up food deserts.

Even if they don't need to be on the same viewing as another human, the issue is that what leads people to be okay with killing animals is that it's seen as a requirement since of the limitation of society, and vegans just don't understand that view point existence so they instead play a moral card and make themselves look out of touch.
This same thinking is present in those twitter debates on it being more or less moral to kill or have sex with an animal, where it's clear that it's less bad to have sex with an animal than killing it since it's better to be raped than to be murdered, but since sex with animals isn't needed for society it's seen as worse.

>I guess farm animals are slaughtered for profit, not enjoyment, but I hardly see how that justifies anything

I wasn't justifying the killing of animals for the bourgeosis / the profit motive, I was explaining that this isn't how the average prole approaches the rational of killing animals.

Christ the fumble.
Everything was going good until the image.
Yeah we see the data on veganists having lower diabetus, and assuming not wrong, the problem is that it doesn't answer if the health benefits are just in veganism like I've stated.
Vegans for instance usually skip on soda, so the health benefits of that are seen in this, but such a health benefit can be observed outside of veganism.

I'd talk about more posts, but I have a Kaiji clip to re-watch watching the bridge clip since part 4 highlights it for why Kaiji trusts his comrades + powerful scene, and some pomodoros to complete.

>It's pseudoscience but you agree with its conclusions? If you made it through the whole picture you'd realize that calories per unit of weight is besides the point. Vegetables despite being less calorie dense are much more nutrient dense.
Yes, because I only agree with the most obvious truth which it accepts: the vegan diet is more costly in regards to the actual energy content. Vitamins and minerals are not called "nootrition" in actual science textbooks. They are actually called micronutrients, so they hardly matter in relation to actual energy by cost.
>Focusing solely on calorie density… That's an 1800s way of determining the value of a food. Back before we knew what vitamins were, back before widespread refrigeration, back before transportation networks and massive global industrial surpluses of food. Back when people had trouble eating the bare minimum requisite number of calories per day, let alone investigating the nutrition value of their food. And even setting aside the question of vitamins there are also a lot of nutrients in Vegan foods that can't be found in meats, such as the lignan compounds found in flax seeds which reduce the risk of several forms of digestive cancers.
The nootrition metric is absolutely made up. The nootrition metric isn't even relevant, because the cost is the only factor that matters. It is rather strange how the vegan diet is so "nootritious" and such nonsense, yet unsupplemented vegans inevitably lose their hair, their teeth, their minds, etc. if they do not take extra supplements regularly. How is this when the vegan diet is so "nootrient dense"?
>Despite, on average, being less calorie dense, vegetables are more nutrient-dense, which is more important. Whatever calories you fail to get from highly nutrient-dense vegetables can be made up for with calorie-dense Vegan foods like nuts, rice, beans instead of highly carcinogenic meats which are bad for your circulatory system and frankly not that calorie-dense anyway.
It would be more cost efficient to recieve the bulk of calories (actual energy) from "junk food", then just add in the minimal of that animal feed to get your daily vitamin and mineral requirements. This would result in the same nutrient intake at a much lower cost.
Meats are vital to the functioning of many systems, but namely the circulatory system. This fact is proven in the fact that vegans must take omega-3 and b-12, etc.
>Regarding carbs/sugars. Carbs and sugars are less dangerous and less correlated with diabetes when they are distributed over a high fiber intake. You digest them slower and so you don't flood your circulatory system with sugar as quickly. This is why 3 tablespoons of sugar in a fruit is less dangeorus than 3 tablespoons of sugar in a coca cola. The speed at which your body processes something matters a lot.
Absolutley. However, this is but another example of veganism being more inefficient. The faster the carbohydrates are converted into glucose, the better. I don't have the time to waste for my body to breakdown all of that vegan bullshit.

>It would be more cost efficient to recieve the bulk of calories (actual energy) from "junk food", then just add in the minimal of that animal feed to get your daily vitamin and mineral requirements. This would result in the same nutrient intake at a much lower cost

Lmao. The absolute state of meatoids.

Shutup retard, you dont even know what a carb is. Get rekt.

>Yes, because I only agree with the most obvious truth which it accepts: the vegan diet is more costly in regards to the actual energy content. Vitamins and minerals are not called "nootrition" in actual science textbooks.

This is a vegan swole thread. If you're such a pitiful poorfag it doesnt matter whether you are a vegan or eat at your beloved mcd's all the time. You're not gaining mass. Muscle costs money- period. It is biologically more costly to maintain and to maintain it costs more in food and calories.

However if you anyone can afford to bulk, then they can afford to vegan bulk properly. Also stop coping.

Post you meat based meal plan so we can have a good laugh.

>The nootrition metric is absolutely made up.
source: your ass

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>This fact is proven in the fact that vegans must take omega-3
omega-3 isn't vegan and also isn't useful.

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Veganism is Idealistic and Hierarchial ( Animal focussed ) Moralism.

Plant neural system has mechanics similar to feeling pain.

Plants are organic creatures.

The will-to-power will take forms of consumption on supressing the intense hunger. No matter what the eaten thing will be.

The Proletariat will defy those established abstract concepts, in it's own constant, enigmatic journey.

>Plant neural system has mechanics similar to feeling pain.

Lazy talking point, we know plants can avoid certain stimuli but we have no idea if they can feel pain

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It does not matter at all if they feel pain or not, that's not the thing.

Things may be forced to enter into different states by the another one's special, specific will.

Veganism is a moralistic philosophy that has nothing to do with us.

You prefer 'animals' over other organisms and have a spooky framework of morality on that.

But me, I like the plants more than the animals. What is just the point of valuing a thing and judging the other for them to not value it? The elegant, poor plant shall not be on ur plate!!1

>moralistic philosophy

I mean, ideology*

I guess you won't complain if I exercise my will to power on your mom and rape and murder her then

>I guess you won't complain…

Why wouldn't I tho?
Our pursues would definitely clash in such a situation.
But I can't judge your being if you had such a will of assertion.

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>we have no idea if they can feel pain
(Trump voice) "Nobody knew about it, no one knew!"
bruh what lol

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>omega-3 isn't vegan
Fish oil is just one source of omega-3. You can also get it from various plant foods. It is an essential nutrient, meaning your body needs it but can't produce (enough of) it.

>we know plants can avoid certain stimuli but we have no idea if they can feel pain
people used to say the exact same thing about crustaceans, fish, farm animals, and even human babies

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>It is an essential nutrient, meaning your body needs it but can't produce (enough of) it.

>Veganism is Idealistic and Hierarchial ( Animal focussed ) Moralism.
Some people are vegan because they're convinced it's healthier to avoid meat, and not because they're that concerned about the ethical treatment of animals, so this statement is false.

Caring about eating healthy food is moralism just as much as caring about the welfare of animals. Caring about anything is moralism. True amoralism would be not valuing anything over anything else. It's nonsense to criticize someone for caring about the wellbeing of others, as if it's somehow shameful to care more about suffering than health. The only reason health is valuable in the first place is because it prevents suffering and prolongs life. We don't have to be ashamed of having values. Everyone has values.

They are talking about supplements. Normally you get enough essential nutrients from your diet. If there's no need to supplement something, it means that people aren't deficient in it. You are just demonstrating your lack of basic knowledge with these weird gotcha posts.

yeah and if we find out that plants can feel pain maybe we'll have to reevaluate but until then its a nothingburger

even if we say plants can feel pain, it takes way more plants to feed livestock than if we just ate plants so veganism is still a positive

The absolute state of the vegans is even more pitiful; dying, they are.
I defined exactly what a carbohydrate is within the context of this discussion. You vegan retards actually believe that glucose is a carbohydrate like any other. This is exactly like claiming that a brick is a house.
Paying four times more for the solely sake of your moral crusade is "plausible for everyone?" No shit you must eat big to get big; the problem with the vegan diet lies within the fact that digesting all of that overpriced animal feed takes longer, costs "four times more for the same energy", is generally worse, etc.
<Post you meat based meal plan so we can have a good laugh.
See the attached video. Every day is a wonderful feast for me because I can afford it, because I am not vegan. I eat REAL food. I have the time to maximize my metabolic output, since I am not wasting time and money eating horse-feed and choking down supplements like you. What I eat is not chosen to further my moral crusade; what I eat is determined by purpose.
If nutrition is the amount of MICRO-nutrients - nutrients that don't even give me any fucking energy, then what even is nutrition??? Nutrition cannot be quantified in such as way. For example, eating the vegan diet often gives TOO MUCH "nutrition", to the point that their diets are inefficient. The body doesn't even break down excess micro-"nutrients" and they begin to build up within the body, causing micro-nutrient toxicities - such as aluminum toxicity or vitamin C or E toxicity; these are common among vegans. They also receive excess metals, because the plants they eat are washed with fertilizers and pesticides, and other poisons. All this is but another cause of common vegan problems, like hair loss, vomiting, etc. These micro-nutrient toxicities only compound the nutrient and micro-nutrient deficiencies which the vegans already have.
Omega 3 is an essential micro-nutrient, as per any science textbook. Stop screenshotting quack pop-nutrition websites and bring me real sources.
Those other sources are inefficient, by both COST and DIGESTION TIME. Active human beings don't have the time or money to eat that overpriced pig-feed.
This source is literally an unaccredited screenshot of some quack pop-science bullshit.
1.Requires more land
2. Requires more water
3. Requires more energy to produce the same amount of food
4. Causes soil degradation
5. Causes more greenhouse gas emissions
1. Transforms inedible feed (what vegans eat) into high quality protein
2. Can be utilized in unarable lands, like mountains and hills
3. Enhances soil fertility
4. Prevents erosion
5. Maintains biodiversity
The crux of vegan argument is:
This is swiftly debunked, as
>Although modeled plants-only agriculture produced 23% more food, it met fewer of the US population's requirements for essential nutrients. When nutritional adequacy was evaluated by using least-cost diets produced from foods available, more nutrient deficiencies, a greater excess of energy, and a need to consume a greater amount of food solids were encountered in plants-only diets.

You sound like a false flag of a non-vegan by a vegan.
>Those other sources are inefficient, by both COST and DIGESTION TIME. Active human beings don't have the time or money to eat that overpriced pig-feed.
Spinach? Rice? Squash? That list is mostly normal ass veggies and nuts.

Enjoy paying for and digesting ten cups of uncooked squash a day, every day for the rest of your sad vegan life. The amount of omega-3 with those foods is so low that you will only end up paying more just to stay alive.
That shit is made for chickens. It is not for human consumption, as it contains many anti-nutrients like phytic acid, lignans, cyanogenic glycosides, etc. I'm not eating cups of raw seed every week just to live when animal products offer more efficient, bio-available sources of omega-3.

>he fell for the rich piana meme
Kek. If u think his meat eater diet made him that way youre dumb as rocks.

>bbbuut buut muh burger lardo meat eating diet is the most nutritious. And vegans lack b12!!!!!
Oh wait:
<The numbers don’t lie. According to the CDC and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA):

< 9 out of 10 Americans are deficient in potassium

< 7 out of 10 are deficient in calcium
< 8 out of 10 are deficient in vitamin E
< 50 percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin A, vitamin C, and magnesium
< More 50 percent of the general population is vitamin D deficient, regardless of age
< 90 percent of Americans of color are vitamin D deficient
< Approximately 70 percent of elderly Americans are vitamin D deficient

>No shit you must eat big to get big; the problem with the vegan diet lies within the fact that digesting all of that overpriced animal feed takes longer, costs "four times more for the same energy", is generally worse, etc

You are literally retarded, read a book uygha. Im 100% sure you dont lift and if you do your body looks like trash. There is no bb'er in the world who would do the dumb shit youre suggesting. No one needs quick hits of energy all the time retard, digestion is a good thing not something which 'costs' have to be accounted for. Why dont you just drink sugar syrup for all your calories and call it a day? You might as well since you dont know anything about nutrition of bb'ing anyways.

What does any of these have to do with whether or not burgers are deficient in omega-3? And the reason they are deficient in the other things is because of what they don't eat, not because of what they do eat. Diet is complicated, there isn't just one omnivore diet and one vegan diet. You can have an omnivore diet without deficiencies or a vegan diet with one.

>…so this statement is false.

Well, still it applies to many ones.

>Caring about anything is moralism.

Not really?

>We don't have to be ashamed of having values. Everyone has values.

This is perhaps right, the superstructure/ideology is not something to be realized, but already realized in between of abstract actions.
My point was that veganism isn't any higher of non-vegan style.
The kiss is the beginning of cannibalism)

the first 'article' you linked was just a pondering about 'but what is zero carbon meat tho' with links to citations, I'm not reading the rest

The point is a pure carnist diet vs a vegan one will always lose out because meat is not as nutritious as the wide range of plants, fruits, and veggies. So for anyone claiming vegans are lacking nutrients are full of shit since borgor consoomers are lacking in more nutrients.

>So for anyone claiming vegans are lacking nutrients are full of shit since borgor consoomers are lacking in more nutrients.
Nutrients aren't just some vague abstraction covering all sorts of nutrition. They are many specific things and you need to consume all of them. Nobody was saying that the standard USano diet is healthy or healthier than veganism. That's a strawman. The problem is that if you start from an already deficient diet, and place additional restrictions on it (instead of actually building a proper healthy replacement diet) you are at risk of being even more nutrient-deficient.

Again, there is no such thing as a standard vegan diet. Somebody who doesn't now any better and just eats potato chips and beans (or worse meme diets like 40 bananas) is going to make themselves ill. You can build a good diet with all sorts of restrictions on your food, but you have to actually do the work to determine how well your food intake meets those needs. Going vegan is not a magic bullet solution any more than paleo or atkins or low-fat or any other dietary restriction. The entire issue is that in order to meet your nutritional requirements you must include foods with those nutrients. You can't satisfy more of your requirements by simply removing foods, or even by replacing those foods without any thought.

>Nobody was saying that the standard USano diet is healthy or healthier than veganism. That's a strawman.
Then you should agree that eating meat is unhealthy since the SAD is mainly typified by meat, dairy and processed food consumption. And there was literally a retard above who is saying eating veggies is animal feed, if anything he is a prime example of a brainwashed burger eating the SAD.

>The problem is that if you start from an already deficient diet, and place additional restrictions on it (instead of actually building a proper healthy replacement diet) you are at risk of being even more nutrient-deficient.

Not if the restrictions someone places force them to eat healthier.

>Somebody who doesn't now any better and just eats potato chips and beans (or worse meme diets like 40 bananas) is going to make themselves ill.

I agree, the thread is about getting swole and eating a healthy nutritionally rich vegan diet. But instead its been filled with meat eating fatasses throwing poor ass arguments about how their shitty SAD diet is somehow better than a vegan meal plan.

> You can build a good diet with all sorts of restrictions on your food,

So you contradicted yourself above and agree.

> Going vegan is not a magic bullet solution any more than paleo or atkins or low-fat or any other dietary restriction. The entire issue is that in order to meet your nutritional requirements you must include foods with those nutrients. You can't satisfy more of your requirements by simply removing foods, or even by replacing those foods without any thought

But yes you can, because you are removing some sources that are fucking your health like meat and dairy. So you are satisfying more with less, you are getting more heart health with less saturated fat consumption. Thats even if someones diet was shit to begin with. This is basic harm reduction. And it is a magic bullet because health and biomarkers improve within a week of stopping meat and dairy consumption.

guise meat is the best!!!
>Processed meat was classified as carcinogenic to humans(Group 1).

That’s because of added nitrates and salt, not the meat. Preserved vegetables also cause cancer, look up the increase in stomach cancer and kimchi heavy diets in Korea.

Wrong its not just the nitrates. Its recommended to avoid processed meat even if it says no nitrates added. There is also evidence heme iron causes cancer which is in the meat itself.

>Enjoy paying for and digesting ten cups of uncooked squash a day
you're allowed to cook squash if you're vegan

>Then you should agree that eating meat is unhealthy since the SAD is mainly typified by meat, dairy and processed food consumption.
That doesn't follow, nor is it an accurate assessment to begin with of the SAD or what's wrong with it. The problem is primarily a lack of whole food produce and an abundance of more or less empty calories in the form of added sugars and high in saturated fat. That's not specifically a meat issue - excessive saturated fats from coconuts would also be a problem.
>Not if the restrictions someone places force them to eat healthier.
>poor ass arguments about how their shitty SAD diet is somehow better than a vegan meal plan.
>So you contradicted yourself above and agree.
0% reading comprehension.

>But yes you can, because you are removing some sources that are fucking your health like meat and dairy.

You don't grasp the basic concept of a nutritional deficiency. You are making up wild strawman arguments against an argument in favor of a planned vegan diet because you are hung up on the idea of having to think about nutrition. Your cognition is probably suffering from one or more deficiencies because you don't pay attention to your micros and you are showing clear signs of impairment. You are making veganism more offputting to people and more dangerous to people who do want to go vegan by giving anti-advice about nutrition, and you are feeding the "carnist" trolls who are just here to spite you.

>That's not specifically a meat issue - excessive saturated fats from coconuts would also be a problem.

Yes but we don't live in that dream world do we? In this reality excessive meat consumption is one of the key problems with burger diets

Cooking fruits and vegetables burns away nutrients and is therefore inefficient.
I didn't fall for anything. I take a scientific approach to optimizing my bio-systems. YOU fell for the vegan meme and look where it got you. Rich Piana did not follow "a meat eater diet". Rich Piana ate balanced and optimal omnivore diet.
>You are literally retarded, read a book uygha.
You are vegan, therefore you are nutritionally retarded.
>Im 100% sure you dont lift and if you do your body looks like trash.
ad-hominem fallacy. I am literally riding my cardio bike on maximum level as I type this to you, while my steak cooks in the oven. I'm sure all of your bio-systems are either failing or approaching failure, because you are vegan.
> There is no bb'er in the world who would do the dumb shit youre suggesting.
There are so many. You only demonstrate your vegan diet induced retardation by proposing such nonsense.
>No one needs quick hits of energy all the time retard, digestion is a good thing not something which 'costs' have to be accounted for.
This is an example of why the vegans MUST put down their propaganda books and start lifting real weights. They must understand how actual material things and forces like caloric density and time are better understood and internalized rather than vegan pseudoscience.
>No one needs quick hits of energy all the time retard
>digestion is a good thing not something which 'costs' have to be accounted for.
Is time not accounted for within the vegan mind? Apparently not.
Longer digestion = less eating.
Less eating = less energy.
Less energy = less exercise.
Less exercise = less development.
Vegan foods contain less energy by money cost. THEREFORE, vegans spend LONGER time digesting LESS energy.
>Why dont you just drink sugar syrup for all your calories and call it a day?
It doesn't have protein, therefore I could not rebuild the muscle I destroy through exercise. It would just make me fat because it would give me too many carbohydrates. Since this is basically the same outcome as a vegan diet, then why don't vegans just do this instead of being vegan?
>You might as well since you dont know anything about nutrition of bb'ing anyways.
The Irony.

The absolute state of carnists…

>Cooking fruits and vegetables burns away nutrients and is therefore inefficient.
Some, not all nutrients are lost in cooking. Same goes for meat. Even though vegetables lose some nutrients when cooked, that doesn't mean you should only eat them raw. Cooking vegetables can actually be pretty beneficial. When you cook vegetables, it can actually enhance the absorption of nutrients that are otherwise difficult for your body to process in a raw form — such as beta-carotene (which is important for the skin), lutein (which plays a role in eye health), calcium (which is essential for bone health) and lycopene (which is associated with protection against heart disease cancer).

>muh efficiency
better flavor is efficient too :)


>That's not specifically a meat issue - excessive saturated fats from coconuts would also be a problem.
No, its specifically a meat issue because the saturated fat in meat is long chain fat and coconut saturated fat is medium. Lots of studies about the harms of meat saturated fat specifically.

>You don't grasp the basic concept of a nutritional deficiency. You are making up wild strawman arguments against an argument in favor of a planned vegan diet because you are hung up on the idea of having to think about nutrition

No u. Prove meat has 'essential nutrients' that people can't get elsewhere.

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>Vegan thread
<entire thread is vegans and vegetarians getting assmad and trying to fight strawmen arguments
Just share recipes, eat your greens and discuss vegetable benefits because this is liberalesque "muh cow farts"-tier posting.

Vegetarian diets have benefits, so do meat-inclusive ones, humans are omnivorous for a reason, end of discussion, I'm sick of seeing this passive-aggressive posting everytime I open /hobby/.

>inb4 [insert strawman about hating vegetables or some shit]

I eat vegetables, I like eating them and have since I was a little kid.

meat was most useful to humans before we were capable of producing massive surpluses of food. Now it is a artery-clogging carcinogenic hindrance. Meat could help a hunter gatherer make it to 50. Now it will stop a modern man from making it to 90.

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Most palatable lentils Ive had so far.

Ethiopian Misir Wot (red lentils)
• 1 cup red lentils
• 1 medium purple onion minced
• 3-4 cloves garlic (minced)
• 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger
• 1 can fire roasted tomatos
• 4 tablespoons butter or ghee to saute
• 2 - 3 cups broth
• 3-5 tablespoons berbere spice
• Add salt at end for taste

Saute garlic onions and spices. Add broth, sauce and lentils and simmer until done.

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1 tablespoon olive oil
(1) 16-ounce block firm tofu
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt, or more to taste
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons non-dairy milk, unsweetened and unflavored


Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Mash the block of tofu right in the pan, with a potato masher or a fork. You can also crumble it into the pan with your hands. Cook, stirring frequently, for 3-4 minutes until the water from the tofu is mostly gone.
Now add the nutritional yeast, salt, turmeric and garlic powder. Cook and stir constantly for about 5 minutes.
Pour the non-dairy milk into the pan, and stir to mix. Serve immediately with sliced avocado, hot sauce, parsley, steamed kale, toast or any other breakfast item.


Tofu Scramble is also good with all sorts of vegetables mixed in. Vegetables to add before the tofu: 1/4 cup diced onion or a few cloves of minced garlic. Saute in the oil for 2-3 minutes before adding and mashing the tofu. Vegetables to add towards the end: fresh spinach, kale, thin sliced red peppers, small chopped broccoli or fresh sliced/diced tomatoes. Add these after you've added the milk to the tofu, and cook for just a few minutes.
Omit oil if desired to make the tofu scramble oil free.
You can use any kind of non-dairy milk you like, such as soy, almond, cashew, oat or coconut milk. Just make sure it is unsweetened and unflavored.

Serving: 1serving | Calories: 288kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Protein: 24g | Fat: 18g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Sodium: 600mg | Potassium: 168mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 31IU | Calcium: 302mg | Iron: 3mg

>humans are omnivorous for a reason
If God didnt want me to rupture your asshole he wouldnt give me this 7incher.

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4200 cal vegan meal plan

>2000kcal surplus

Ok retard, back to >>>/siberia/

Thanks, will try.

To gain mass bruh. Some ppl are tall and hardgainers. I start plateauing at 3500 cals.

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>Vegan Swoletariat
Sorry vegan anons; lifting 5 pounds isn't supposed to be an accomplishment.

Still, thats like 2kg gain a week, most of that isnt going to be muscle.

Standard daily caloric intakes are a mere guideline for fat people to not eat themselves to death. A "standard daily caloric intake" CANNOT sustain an active and optimized human being.
>Still, thats like 2kg gain a week, most of that isnt going to be muscle.
Not if he works hard enough. 4300 calories is NOTHING to someone who actually puts in the work. See the attached video. Optimal and active human beings have to chug multiple 1000 calorie protein shakes THROUGHOUT their workouts so they don't shrivel up and die from all the WORK they put in.
This diet plan epitomizes all of the problems of veganism. Don't be fooled by the whacked percentages. Look at that pitiful protein content - those proteins are hardly even bioavailable as well, in relation to meats I mean, because plant foods are indigestible and therefore the nutrients are less bioavailible. Those vitamins and minerals and shit are HARDLY bioavailible either.

You should take every nutrient and divide it by ten, because nutrients from vegan food aren't bioavailible. The only things that your body can readily absorb from this diet are the carbohydrates. This diet will certainly give you diabetes in the long run, as you're really just eating carbs all day.

>Source: random post I found on bodybuilding.com forum

>Not if he works hard enough. 4300 calories is NOTHING to someone who actually puts in the work. See the attached video. Optimal and active human beings have to chug multiple 1000 calorie protein shakes THROUGHOUT their workouts so they don't shrivel up and die from all the WORK they put in.
>the attached video is Rich Piana's 8 hour arm workout
hahahahahahaha get fucking real. You could eat 10,000 calories per day and not be able to do this routine. Or get his gains, for that matter, unless you had a bit of medicinal help.
Nice trolling anon, here's your (you).

Remember meat eater bros. Meat increases visceral fat and damages your organs. Turning vegan can drop visceral fat within weeks. You meatoids are damaging your organs and heart by consooming your meat.

we all gotta die of something

Might as well smoke. At least with smoking you dont get a nasty distended pregnant belly look.

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Remember meat bros, this is the physique you can hope to achieve eating meat. Big ugly distended bellies with high amounts of visceral fat.

>Look at that pitiful protein content - those proteins are hardly even bioavailable as well, in relation to meats I mean, because plant foods are indigestible and therefore the nutrients are less bioavailible.

No help for the clinically insane- proteins are absorbed the same

>The results showed higher absorption of nitrogen and its balance from high protein diets whether derived from lentil or animal source, which may enhance tissue protein deposition.

In fairness, this is more related to steroid abuse. Eating meat will not land you with palumboism.

1) That's not how body-building diets work, they're not pure meat, and actually a lot of this shitter ones abuse protein powder.
2) That's called a paunch and distends when flexed a specific way (unless its palumboism)
3) Palumboism is a roid related issue almost exclusively, it's unrelated to meat. See >>38590 and stop baiting.

>See *meaningless smug post that adds nothing to the conversation* and stop baiting.

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>meaningless smug post that adds nothing to the conversation
Yes your bait about body-building is indeed smug nonsense that adds nothing to the conversation, thanks for confirming that.

Its not baiting, theres no clear cause established for what causes HGH gut or pulomboism. Yes steroids can be a potential cause. But Insulin is suspected to cause an increase in visceral fat. And guess what else increases visceral fat? Meat. So sorry stop trying to deflect, meat eaters do have uglier bloaty physiques. Cope

Anyone got any good Mexican or Indian vegetarian/vegan recipes that I can try? I'm a Omnivore that wants to eat more veggies.

>1/2 cup
>1/4th cup
There are seven different measures in that infographic.

I had to use both systems of measurement on my nursing test today. Americans use both

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>Moralism is when you care
Absolute state

fat causes insulin resistance thus diabetes, not carbs.
tacos with beans rice and salsa

>be freegan
>out of town gf comes to visit
>eat out a lot over the weekend
>feel like shit
>offer to cook
>she wont eat because veggies are "bland"
I'm so glad Im back to my usual kale, lentils, and rice now that she went home. I grew up pescetarian, but I'm intrigued by veganism. However, the only vegan I knew started eating meat again because he shoots pests that get into his crops and fruit trees, so venison and squirrel.

How do you practice freeganism? Like do you dumpster dive, or literally eat nothing over your nutritional requirement?

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Any advice for meal plan on cut? Currently at 175g of protein on 2100kcal, I would like to add those 25g to get to 200 while keeping calories the same. Adding more protein power is not an option, I already get around 64g from it.


One of my coworkers is an Indian woman through and through, who lives and breathes her culture, including food. Chicken is a massive part of Indian diets, which is a meat and extremely high in proteins. Plant focus in Indian diets is primarily because of historical extreme poverty in the country with famines being common-place and also religious restrictions on the consumption of Cattle.

You do realize that part of Bruce Lee's rigid diet was, and I quote, Chocolate Ice Cream, and not that low-fat shit either. I don't think anyone would argue with the statement that Bruce Lee was an example of peak human physical conditioning, dedicated to improving his body, including through diet.

Deficiencies from Vegan diets (such as of B12, proteins and amino acids) cause hair loss (for women and men), hormonal changes, skin issues, hypothyroidism, sarcopenia (muscle loss) osteoporosis, and bone fractures. Vegan diets are also tied to cardiovascular diseases. There is a REASON humans evolved to be omnivores. If you do not want to eat animals that is fine, but do not falsely claim it is healthier, because you're dead wrong, same as any idiot who would claim that only eating meat is good. For example fat is good for the body but too much is bad. The issue is not meat, the issue is processed foods, something that has been apparent to everyone but the mutts since forever, especially in the USSR, hence Soviet people maintaining health while consuming a higher number of calories compared to the USA. >>37563

Not even gonna adress the garbage you wrote, out of the 5 "sources" you posted one is a supplement e-shop, a "faith-based" institutiom, a harcare product brand representative, blog-post by a grifter trying to sell me his teeth book, and exactly one actual study, which concluced that on average vegans get less calcium than other diets, an issue that can be solved by simply eating calcium rich vegan foods or simply drinking mineralized water.

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>not even gonna
<I don't have an argument so I'll attack the source without actually addressing anything!
Ok first-worldist, thanks for having the reading and argumentative capabilities of your average /pol/fag
>"faith based"
Are you talking about St.Lukes? Because that's not how that works you ignoramus
As opposed to vegan blogshit?
As opposed to vegan supplement shills?
>a harcare product brand representative
Meaningless, considering most haircare products are plant based anyway.
>simply drinking mineralized water
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. The amount of mineral water (REAL mineral water that is expensive, and not cheap shit) you'd have to drink would be immense. And this is just for normal consumption. Athletes need a much higher nutrient-per-gram coefficient.
>simply eating calcium rich vegan foods
Proving the point that to acquire even close to the same amount of nutrients as an omnivorous diet, you have to consume far more, because meat generally has double the amount that plants do, and is easier to digest and process due to the trophic system. It's a biological fact that humans require vitamins that can only come from other animals and lack enzymes for breaking down tough vegetable fiber (which is why we cook most of them, and why we have to consume tremendously more plants to be able to acquire the same amount of nutrients as one would from meat, which is also why obligate herbivores have complex stomachs and consume large amounts of plants constantly. Human brain evolution is linked to the consumption of meat, something that came from the common ancestor we share with our closest primate relatives (chimpanzees) who also feed on meat when possible and have been observed using intelligent hunting behaviors to acquire it (such as using wooden spears). We have higher acidity of stomach acid than even some obligate predators to let us break down a larger variety of food items. It's also why all prehistoric human societies started as hunter-gatherers and even when agriculture developed, animal domestication followed. Even Asians, whose cultures don't have as much meat in their dishes as European countries, places importance on meat, and Asian countries consumed less meat in part due to it being harder to acquire or domesticate in large quantities in their environment. Japan particularly is an example of this due to being an archipelago with limited ability to keep livestock and so relied more on fish to supplement their diets. Ancient Japanese peasantry and other lower-class members of the population had poorer health than the upper class, primarily because the feudal system placed priority on the nobility getting food first and they could eat a full diet, while most farmers had to live on plants and rice almost exclusively, which lead to hair-loss, poor tooth health, small size and fragile bones. Biology and material reality doesn't care about your opinion.

Regardless you've evaded addressing any of the main points, mine or the articles linked by, as I stated, using the fallacy of attacking the source, without actually contending the arguments made. Furthermore none of the articles even imply that vegetables and eating healthy is bad, you're just ass-mad that they're defying your bohemian, First-World schtick of "only plants". Non-meat B12 only exists in certain algae (which aren't consumed directly by anyone that isn't a richfag lifestylist), at least two necessary amino acids are completely nonexistent among consumable plants and only found in meats, particularly fish and eggs. etc.

You can mineralize your water with calcium carbonate powder, 1kg costs couple bucks, lasts you for years, nobody ever argued vegan diet has B12 in it, everybody supplements it, and I would really like to hear which two essential amino acids you think are not present in plants.

I am nowhere near a good enough cook to go vegan. I need muh grease to make anything taste good

You dont need to be a good cook to be vegan. My todays lunch (and for next three days) is a vegetable soup with textured vegetable protein. Literally just throw bunch of ingredients into a pot, with some salt and black pepper. Tastes great, somehow. Scratches that peasant part of your brain.

And if you really need grease, add bunch of oil (at least use rapeseed) to whatever meat replacement.

>nobody ever argued vegan diet has B12 in it
More than one vegan has argued that it "provides all the essential nutrients" and what have you.
>mineralize your water with calcium carbonate powder
Not naturally however, which is my point. The most natural mineralized water I can think of does not have nearly the amount necessary. Again proving my point that the diet is not a full one and REQUIRES supplementation to provide enough nutrients and even then it's not the same.
>I would really like to hear which two essential amino acids you think are not present in plants.
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid i.e. Omega 3). The only plant life to have it are some strains of algae, which are prohibitively expensive. And inb4 ALA, ALA does not cover the same areas as DHA and the human body converts it very poorly. The amount of nuts, flax and chia seeds you need to consume to produce enough DHA as a result would be far outside possibility.

Also Vitamin D3, which can only be supplemented for vegans, not consumed as part of a diet.

This is just for regular people. For athletes this actually goes higher. Heme Fe, Zinc and other nutrients that are required in higher amounts (up to doulbe the norm) by athletes and very physically active people are hard to acquire from a vegan diet, requiring supplementation. Supplement pills and shit like that are NOT part of a diet, they aren't food, they're additives addressing the lacking parts of a vegan diet.

Again I reiterate, if you want to do this, that's on you, but rather than calmly discussing food and diets, some posters ITT think they're so clever by trying to diss meat and non-vegan diets as if they're worse, while using the most retarded examples to "prove" their points - processed foods consumed by burgers are not a typical diet around the world, contrary to the apparent opinion of some America-centric posters here.

I repeat the part about diet

lmao this dumb uygha worried about D3.

>literally just go outside

Where the fuck do you think those animals you eat get their vitamins? B12 is supplemented, calcium is suplemented, D3 is supplemented. Somehow eating these poor degenerated beings ridden with genetic defects, fed on gruel and powders and hormones is perfectly ok, but putting fucking calcium powder in tapwater is horrible violation of natural order.
>inb4 I get my meat from my uncles Happy Farm
Overwhelming majority of all meat production worldwide comes from factory farms. https://ourworldindata.org/how-many-animals-are-factory-farmed

When we talk about diet we can either evaluate health outcomes on average, which vegans clearly win over omnivores https://r.jordan.im/download/nutrition/dinu2017.pdf, or potential optimal health, in which case supplements are completely fair game because the whole point is min-maxxing the diet. Nobody is clutching their pearls how omnivorous diet is "sub-optimal" because bodybuilders take creatine and protein powder, but the moment it comes to B12 pills, God protect.

All your post are the same disingenuous bullshit, no sources, just unsubstantiated opinions, fallacies and backpedaling. You start claiming vegans lack "two necessary amino acids", and when pressed, all you can show is one non-essential, while making some vague claim about getting enough from seeds being far outside possibility. Show me one study that proves negative health outcomes in vegans as result of DHA deficiency. And I want to emphasize, outcome. Not comment in a discussion about how we have lower intake which might or not have negative effects, but this issue isnt within scope of present study.

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>J-just go outside
How do you think D3 gets produced by the body, do you know? Or is all you know the "sun hits skin = Vitamin D?" meme?
1) People may have limited sun exposure because of their jobs, because of having higher melanin levels or because of age. Or they live in climates and areas with limited sunlight / live in areas where sunlight is only strong seasonally. You need to spend a significant amount of time in the sun to produce a lot of Vitamin D naturally and you do not produce it from nothing.
2) D3 when produced by sunlight rather than consumption is a result of the Sun's UVB radiation breaking down 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin through a light-chemical reaction that breaks down the layers of the molecule. Said dehydrocholesterol comes from lathosterol, which is a pre-cholesterol that forms from fats, fats that are usually not present in most plants.
3) This is the indirect process. Getting sunlight is (again) not part of diet.

The point is that the extra Vitamin D we need because of the limited process of skin-sun interaction means that Vitamin D3 (which is longer lasting than D2 and better) is acquirable only from animal sources. Mushrooms and the like have D2, but that's very limited.
Again, Read a fucking book.

>You need to spend a significant amount of time in the sun to produce a lot of Vitamin D naturally
Couple minutes. Use search engine before you type your dumb shit retard.

>couple minutes
If you're depending solely on the sun for your source of Vitamin D3? LMAO no.
>use search engine
How about you actually read more than the summaries of articles? Given that you couldn't even read a single sentence before spazzing out a smartass reply, I'm guessing you can barely read a paragraph, let alone a proper response.

Sun produces 80% daily value of Vitamin D. Touch grass nerd

>175g of protein on 2100kcal
Either you're eating more than enough protein already or your calorie deficit is too extreme for your body mass.

I am aiming for extreme.

I don't want wrinkles.

D3 supplements that are fully vegan exist

>new vegan bistro near my house
>open three days a week for cumulative 20 hours

sorry its only for the true fans

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