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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Since nobody has made a new one and people keep asking for it I made the next one.
Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky" - http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Swole-Soldiers Edition

Previous threads on >>>/alt_archive/
54 posts and 14 image replies omitted.

Abandoned the gym, attempting to ease back in starting this Friday. Sports 4 times a week.

I'm not making any progress in fact it's the opposite.

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Exercises for getting a thigh gap, the channel is called Women's Workout Channel and it's actually pretty good, even for men looking for a more lean build. No clickbait either.

>Best Inner Thigh Exercises! Get a Thigh Gap


Other exercises for thighs:
1. Plié
2. Plié heel lift (right)
3. Plié heel lift (left)
4. Alternating plié heel lift
5. Elevated plié pulse
Long story short, Pliés are important! Make sure to keep your core tight and breath. Can be done with weight.

>"toning" muscles to get a thigh gap
You get a thigh gap through losing fat, and you can't spot-reduce by working specific muscles. It's also just a genetics thing - different people have differently shaped hips.

Well, that's not quite true. Thigh exersizes, reduce the loose meat of the thighs and raise the ass, which in turn tightens the area and widens the natural gap. I'll try to post detailed images when I get on a computer.

Why do you think you got depression? Good luck comrade, you can do this.
If you want to burn calories, then doing lots of low intensity exercise will help the most. Eg brisk walking for an hour or two, ideally on incline.

As for squatting, yeah, I just don't see the point. I was doing with the smith machine but I was doing too much weight and I felt it was injuring me. Maybe a day that the gym is not too full I'll give the cellphone recording a try.
Nice! What sports do you do?
I've only heard >>42007 before too. I don't have a gap. But I do have big legs. I'm cutting so let's see how that goes.

As for a big ass, I value it highly and unfortunately don't train it enough.

A video on the "Hulk" body builder culture scam

Martin Ford on the other hand ought to be an inspiration to any /fit/itzen as he achieved his goals and overcame his issues and problems.

>smith machine
not ideal for a lot of reasons, but in particular it won't help your form because it stabilizes the bar for you, you are much safer starting with minimum weight and making sure you get the form right.

>If you want to burn calories, then doing lots of low intensity exercise will help the most
for sure, but I'm trying to maintain muscle mass while I lose weight so I'm still doing resistance too, just in a different "mode"

North Korean Athlete Kang Hyon Gyong recently set world records for the snatch and clean & jerk with 104kg and 131kg respectively at 55kg bodyweight (though not at the same competition).

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most feeble north korean

what's crazy about that clean & jerk WR session is her opening lifts were above everyone else's maximums and she kept going up from there. simply built different

North Korea's super soldier program continues apace

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>Some of his feats included lifting a platform on his back holding 18 fat men, lifting a 500-pound weight with his finger and pushing a freight car up an incline.
>One of Cyr's most-talked about stunts occurred on October 12, 1891, in Montreal. On that occasion he restrained four horses - two pulling in each direction.

What an absolute Samson

Thoghts on the 1x20 protocal?
>upwards of 20 or more exercises
<moderate weight
>single joint "greasing"
<technique learning focus
>not much use for Intermediates onward

I've lost 10kgs of fat, while putting on muscle. I'm getting lots of compliments too. Only got serious about it around December. From 84 KGS to 74 KGS.

Who would've thought that doing diet actually works lmao. It was very fucking hard at first, but now I literally have to go out of my way to get more calories in, so I don't drop weight too fast and lose too much muscle. Last night I almost forgot to take my protein shake.

I've tried to lose weight throughout my life and never really succeeded. When I see fat people say that calorie reduction doesn't work on their bodies, I totally fucking get it. It feels like you only eat a pea a day and still somehow gain weight.

Start easy, comrades, and this goes for everyone looking to get more of an aesthetic build but have a few extra KGS they might want to lose, the gays looking to get a big physique, or the ones that want to get a thin or even twink look, also for the they's, and the girlies who want a toned body or a muscular build.

Start easy:
Take before a meal, whichever of your choice, dinner lunch or breakfast, whey or pea protein powder shake. And before every meal, a little Psyllium husk powder with lots or water. The goal is to eat 100+g of protein a day and fiber supplement with water on ever meal. Your body, including your gut flora, needs some time to adjust. Doing this before you even start reducing calories will make it much easier to reduce calories without feeling famished.

Just start there. Be patient. Do this for a month and if you're obese, I am confident you'll even lose a little weight without doing anything else.

If y'all want tips on going to start going to the gym let me know <3

Long live the DPRK.

Checked, based progress comrade. As a side note, how much and what kind of protein shake do you consume, what are the ingredients and so on? I've got the opposite problem, I ate healthy all my life and exercised, but I've always been on the light side despite exercising and eating A LOT and I'm trying to bulk up. Any recommendations?

I take whey protein isolate. I bought from Bulk a flavorless one and mix it with a shitty whey one I found at the store, 50-50. That way it isn't so sweet. The store bought one has nice flavor. I didn't like the Bulk flavors I tried. I do either 60 grams or 90 grams of powder, which is like 83~% protein.

I drink it with water or milk. Sometimes I blend some berry mix in. I don't really do anything fancy. I also use creatine, 5g daily.

For bulking, I necessarily recommend eating enough protein first and foremost. That means somewhere between 100 and 160 grams of protein. With regards to muscle size, really the only thing that will make you grow is to hit the gym and do it in a way that optimizes for size (aka hypertrophy).

This means for each exercise, doing 1-2 warm up sets followed by 2-3 sets trying to set the weight so that you are essentially out of strength and can't do more after 5-8 repetitions.

Keep in mind that not getting injured is really important. So take it easy and focus. Make sure you're doing the exercises correctly, not just pushing as much as you can however you can.

Being in a calorie surplus helps as well, but if you're not a good eater then maybe you'll need to find ways to explicitly eat more calories in "sneaky" ways, or ways in which you don't struggle as much. Honestly though, I recommend just starting out with going to the gym for now and getting used to it, plus upping your protein intake. Be careful in that high protein low calorie meals might suppress your hunger and you might be eating less calories than you burn.

You might want to go more for whole foods instead of protein powders at some point, or since the start. Mostly because you're already lean.

Also, major point, sleep is very important.

And other than that, be patient! It takes some time for your body to grow. It has a ton of other benefits too like thickening your skin, making your bones more strong, making you more resistant to sugar spikes, helps with depression and anxiety, helps in sleeping. So keep those things in mind! Resistance training is not only good for aesthetics, it's a life long improvement for you!

Yeah, I've been mostly doing calisthenics and I have good body strength but I wanna up my muscle mass a little bit. I gotta work on cardio again but don't have many opportunities at the moment and I unfortunately got hooked on cigarettes these past few years which is probably a contributing factor (Got into it a while back because work stress is a bitch, but I'm trying to quit).

I eat a ton of food already, a big dinner plate of food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus plenty of snacks; a lot of red meat, chicken, fish sometimes, 4-5 eggs almost every day, butter vegetables of every sort, fruit of every sort, nuts, bread, honey and so on. I drink probably 1-2 gallons of water a day. Been eating like this since I was a teenager, yet still I've got almost no body fat, and struggle to keep my weight at 65kg. Ideally I wanna be about 67-70kg for my height. I'm okay with most of my body, and my core musculature is pretty good, but I want to do better. I'm caught between mesomorph and ectomorph - I've got the shoulders for Mesomorph and I have good leg, stomach and back musculature, but my chest stays pretty flat even with constant exersize and my arms are muscular but not big - in other words I'm wiry.

I'll try that protein, it might be enough of a supplement to at least help me maintain weight and actually make real muscle gain, without eating myself into debt.


HAHAHA I know, I wish

Thanks for the tips brotha!

based on Soviet exercise science btw

Can you elaborate on the 1x20 protocol or perhaps post a pdf?

finally started lifting again after a year of inactivity due to injuries, work and lack of motivation. we're all going to make it bros

Same exact boat comr8. I've seen some visible gains in 2 weeks.

>tfw you can see your muscle gains in the shadow you cast


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nice meme

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>post a pdf?
Can't find any from the primary source
>pic related
But from what I've distilled:
<Initial phase (6-8wks up to 12mths)
>Focus on all joints and their movements e.g. Knees only go forward or back, push or pull. But for shoulders you have forward, back, up, down, rotation, etc. now imagine pushing and pulling in those axis.
<Find your 10RM (for each movement e.g. Lateral raises, "leg" extensions, etc.) then halve it. That is your new working weight.
>Create a list that addresses mostly these single joint exercises and program them first. Try for a whole body selection, you can add variety later so just pick and stick with a movement.
<This list will amount to up to 14-32 exercises, averaging out at 18-22 or "20".
>You will do this list three times a week.
<You can add compounds, but only after all the single joint work and if you can recover in time for the next workout.
>You will add the tiniest amount of weight to any exercise you manage to hit 22-24reps on. However, some smaller joints will not be able to go past a certain weight (stall) so for these add reps up to 30-36reps.
<You add every successful workout so long as you can just hit 20 reps with a 0-2RPE.
>However, if you stall three workouts in a row (cannot add weight, cannot add reps), adjust recovery, food, sleep, and change the exercise type for that joint. If none of that works, then you are done and can move that exercise to the next phase.
<That phase is to lower the reps to 14-16, add weight et al. as usual but now also replace a number of single joint exercises with more compunds, so you should have fewer exercises in total.
>Repeat until stall, then drop to 8-10reps but do two sets instead of one. By this time you should be mostly doing compunds at this 2x8-10 range, with only a few single joints still at 1x14-20 in weaker areas.
<once you stall at this level, the full General Preperation Program is finished and you should do another program based on your goals.
>The end result will be your movement patterns, joints, ligaments, will be ironclad and injury proof. Repeat program for shorter periods if you stop training for long periods, are coming off an injury or, and this is important, learning a new skill or movement pattern at which point you will use exercises and joints that are relevant to the new movement pattern (e.g. Throwing a baseball in the fashion of a baseball pitcher, not cricket bowler, etc.).
Hope that helps.

>For extra hypotrophy focus on movements and positions that keep the muscle attached to the joint in a lengthened position that achieves tension
<Pause for two to four seconds at the "bottom" (fullest extent of the stretch under tension)
>You will not need much weight
<You can overload volume by continuing the reps past technical failure so long as the targeted joint muscle partial movement is still under a tense stretch

Tell me what y'all think of this full body dumbbell workout that I've been doing. It's from a vid that was posted in one of the prior threads but can't find it now
Farmer squats (3 sets, 12 reps)
Shoulder press (″)
Tricep extensions (″)
Bicep curls (″)
Single-arm Row (″)
Pushups (3 sets, 20 reps)
Besides cardio is it missing anything obvious? I do have a barbell/bench (though no rack) but like the idea of doing everything with one tool. Also when do you start adding weight? Only the tricep extensions give me any trouble but I'd rather let those muscles catch up than have to add/take off plates mid-exercise

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Put bicep curls after rows. You generally want to put more isolated movements later. You don't want a specific muscle to get tired and then be a bottleneck for a more compound movement. You are going to work those smaller more specific muscles anyway with the compound movements, so if you isolate them after you can push closer to failure for both the compound lift and the isolated one.
>Besides cardio is it missing anything obvious?
- Deadlifts. You can do RDLs with dumbbells. They work different muscles than squats. You can also combine them with the rows (picrel).
- Reverse Flyes to hit your back shoulders in ways that rows won't
- Pull-ups are hard to do if you don't have a bar or equivalent but you should try to find a way to do them.
>but like the idea of doing everything with one tool.
There's a limit to this that you should respect. If you want to do "pull ups" with dumbbells I guess you could hang upside down from your knees but if you can do that you might as well do regular pull ups.
>Also when do you start adding weight?
In general you should be adding weight as soon as you aren't pushing failure in the rep range you're doing with that weight. If you are trying to get strong fast, you should be progressively overloading, trying to do more weight as soon as possible, even each session (you need to take rest days for that). Your rep range is more in line with hypertrophy (growth) than strength gains. It's not black and white, but generally if you want to get stronger, it works better when you lift heavier for fewer reps.
>Only the tricep extensions give me any trouble but I'd rather let those muscles catch up than have to add/take off plates mid-exercise
Unless you are doing supersets (doing one movement during the rest period of another), you will have plenty of time to adjust the weights you're using. You should expect that the weight you can lift for different movements like this is going to be different for each movement. If you insist on doing all your exercises at the same weight, that's going to restrict your progress a lot more than what you were talking about with your triceps.

The most important thing to remember though is that the routine you do is better than the one you don't, so don't try to change up too much at once. Focus instead on improving what you're already doing. Like start by adding exercises.

Thanks a lot for the detailed response, brand new to all of this
Will move the curls to after the rows but any advice on where to slot in RDL's, reverse flyes and pull-ups? I'll get a pull-up bar asap
I'm having to google a lot of the terms you're using and still probably but misunderstanding but assuming I'm not, I was indeed doing supersets which is why I was being lazy about changing weights from exercise to exercise. Judging by how each exercise feels I don't think there's a ton of overlap in the muscles being used so I didn't think the rest was strictly necessary. It seems like only the shoulder presses and tricep extensions conflict with one another whereas obviously I can go from farmer squats to bicep curls to shoulder presses without a hiccup. OTOH there's a huge variance in how much effort each exercise takes, only the tricep extensions are "pushing failure" whereas I may as well not even being doing the farmer squats and bicep curls so I think I should just rest and add/remove weight as necessary. In fact I'm realizing doing everything with the same weight was probably dumb
Sorry if I misunderstood anything and thanks again

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>Judging by how each exercise feels I don't think there's a ton of overlap in the muscles being used so I didn't think the rest was strictly necessary.
Correct, which is one reason to do supersets. You do want to ensure you rest between sets of the same movement, because otherwise you won't do as well as you can and won't progress as fast.
>It seems like only the shoulder presses and tricep extensions conflict with one another
Correct, both use tricepts to extend the arm but they're less involved in the shoulder press. So if you fatigue them first it will make it harder to do a shoulder press. Supersetting lifts that use the same muscle groups is more advanced and if you're doing supersets you'd be better off splitting and ordering the lifts so they don't conflict like that.
>OTOH there's a huge variance in how much effort each exercise takes
That's expected since you're using the same weight for all of them. Depending on the lift you are going to be able to do heavier weight. This is mostly due to how much muscle is involved - you can lift heavier with the "compound" lifts that use more muscles. If you don't use heavier weight for movements you're stronger in, you won't advance very much if at all. You could somewhat get around this by doing more reps, but if you're squatting with the same weight you're curling you would just be turning the squats into cardio with how many you'd be doing. You need to lift heavier for certain movments. Rule of thumb is more muscles/body involved, more weight. You need to find your limit by experimenting though. See how many reps you can do at a given weight and if you can do the rep ranges you gave without failure, then bump up the weight until you feel like you're close to failure. Avoid hitting failure especially if you're new, and learn how to safely fail a lift before you start lifting anything really heavy.
>Sorry if I misunderstood anything and thanks again
I think you got it. The terms might be intimidating but they're generally pretty straightforward.

>any advice on where to slot in RDL's, reverse flyes and pull-ups?

If you don't superset them it's not as big of a deal, but generally you want the bigger movements first. I'd say do RDLs after squats, pull-ups as first arm lift, flyes before or after rows. There are a lot of variations on these and exactly how much you activate each muscle depends on how you do them. Just start by figuring out your routine (and adjust according to what suits you since everybody responds differently to training). Look up information on your lifts as you go. You don't have to do it all at once. Like before you start a workout look up a demo video for one of the movements and focus on trying to do that one right for that workout.
>I'll get a pull-up bar asap
There are various ones that can fit into a doorframe pretty easily, just make sure you know what you're working with measurement-wise. Just make sure you get one that is actually somewhat secure (like the ones that hook over the door frame) and not something that just squeezes to the sides of the doorway (stuff like picrel is just asking to fall and get smacked in the face).

Thanks bro. I do like the idea of supersets if only because it's faster so I think I'll do some ancillary reading to figure out how to order this and buy some more dumbbell bars if not non-adjustable dumbbells so I don't have to fiddle around with plates as I go.
>There are various ones that can fit into a doorframe pretty easily
that's where my mind went first but I also wonder if I can't kill two birds with one stone and get something that will double up as a barbell rack but that's neither here nor there

Some good hypertrophy programs in this pdf, note that supersets and giantsets will probably have to be rewritten or broken apart if you're in a commercial gym.

Have a strength & conditioning program too
My other post posted twice, typical commie incompetence

>wonder if I can't kill two birds with one stone and get something that will double up as a barbell rack
That's a question of space and price.

Another banger quote from Marx. More inspiration for you
If anyone wonders why I posted twice and a mod hasn't deleted the first, I didn't like the quotation marks and got rid of them, but I accidentally sent the first version with them. I prefer this format

I don't think he meant bodybuilding with that.

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I take it my form is fucked cuz I don't feel these working my legs/butt much even after 3 sets of squats. Rather I mostly just feel it in my lower back.
>Reverse Flyes to hit your back shoulders in ways that rows won't
You weren't lying lol these are brutal. I was comfortably doing 25 lbs on the rows but for these Im struggling with 10 lbs. I'm going to need to break out plates that I haven't even used before cuz they're so light. Evidently they're not too light

friggin fricks

More classic Pavel.

Advice for where to start lifting from Dr. Mike and Dr. Mike.

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>I take it my form is fucked cuz I don't feel these working my legs/butt much even after 3 sets of squats. Rather I mostly just feel it in my lower back.
Your lower back is the "weak link" here is why. Your legs muscles are already strong enough to handle X weight but your back is not. A big thing with this sort of movement is that it requires you to have stability strength (in this case with your core). That means strength that resists movement (in this case keeping your core straight).
> I was comfortably doing 25 lbs on the rows but for (reverse flyes) Im struggling with 10 lbs.
Yeah rear deltoids and the various back muscles involved in those are very commonly under-developed. Lift at your challenge level, don't overdo it so you won't injure yourself.

Two midwits

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After three months I am giving up on bulking, not optimal, didnt gain nearly as much mass as I would like, but I am starting to feel disgusted with my body. Too much fat. For the next month I am going to do intense cut, I aim to shed 3kg in 4 weeks to gain back my definition, afterwards keep on steadily cutting until the end of September, followed by 6 months of bulking and subsequent summer cut. So if everything goes well, I should be happy with my physique in a year time.

I am really bad at running, any tips? Including breathing and what to eat (and when) before a run.

One's a practicing MD and the other has a PhD in sports medicine.

>After three months I am giving up on bulking
Do three more months lean bulk, then reassess. Quitting after 90 days when it takes months for mucsle is ngmi

I know, my previous cut took way too long, so by the time I started bulking it was already almost summer, which is a poor season for fattening up. I didnt even gain that much weight, but enough to lose definition, and I want to get a beach body for nexth month.

I fucked up my lower back while deadlifting 2 years ago and I still feel pain to this day. I know many people will defend deadlifts to death as the king of all lifts but I'm never doing them again. The risk/reward ratio is just not worth it for me.

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