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This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet


Just seems like authors getting bored with what they've made so far and expanding upon it so there's more to work with.
Though, I do find authors leaning toward making the priorly flat bad guys revolutionaries more often than they make the priorly flat good guys revolutionaries. Usually I think they're trying to humanize them, but perhaps there's liberalism there.


A murderous antagonist with agreeable opinions is more compelling to the average normie than a villain who just does it for da evulz. Whatever. Pop culture thread.


The fact that so many people notice the trend of taking antagonists with reasonable seeming revolutionary ideas but then making them act comically evil for no reason kind of indicates this isn't a very effective propaganda tool.


propaganda will never be stronger than material reality


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Depends on how it's written really. You want to have your antagonist be relatable for some stories and I think Spider-Man lends himself well with his cast. On the other hand there is Black Panther which is infamous for having the villain be objectively correct but then he for no reason kills women and is power hungry.


maybe 1/10 'culture critics' on twitter notice but 9/10 probably will just accept the framing unthinkingly


Liberal ideology surfacing in media really


On the reverse what about portraying business men as the hero.

A funny one is how batman is a capitalist swine going out and beating up lower class criminals. But iron man is even worse, i think stan lee said he wanted to create a hero who left wingers would hate and make them like him. Iron man is not only a capitalist but he makes money off war.


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reminded me of this meme


>Ummm akshually batman spent all his money to improve gotham and uhh he only invests in good things and uhhh gotham is also cursed to be forever a shithole uhh

Batman is fascist/billioner who loves beating up poor people, makes comic fans absolutely seethe with anger. It’s such a popular criticism of the character that the comic books come up with bullshit reasons why he is good actually and why his programs to improve gotham don’t work. In the end it’s all because batman can never end, his story can never come to a finish and gotham can never truly imrpove or there won’t be anymore batman comics to produce.

They want to make the setting deeper and keep on mass producing the toys and comic books. So they added superficial “depth” to the characters and the story.


>What are your thoughts on portraying inherently evil, simple, fictional characters as revolutionarie
Making Megatron his people's Spartacus Gigabased

For >>41747


Is this another means to program society into docility?
>Yes, you are correct in pointing out this issue and demanding change
>Ah yes, complain within the impotent confines of our system. Just voot for the right candidate next time


It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just liberals being liberal. They think character with a point but who get too “violent” is good character writing. They genuinely believe that you should do activism within the confines of the so called “democratic” system. Look at the comments under post about israe and palestine on reddit or tiktok, there will be libs bitching and moaning about violence while at the same time masturbating to it when it’s done by the “good” and “democratic” guys.


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I don't care why they think they do it as long as they do it


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>Making Megatron his people's Spartacus Gigabased
Honestly yeah


Anyways decepticons have always been cooler then the autobots. Soundwave for the WIN!


Main characters are scripted to be these soulless goody-two-shoes because its the profitable character most customers can relate to. Artists have more freedom to script the nemesis the way they want to.


>implying burgers didn't make the same argument back then


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>I freed prisoners wrongly convicted by an unjust police state based on a lie I exposed, gave people the power to punish the perpetrators and the corrupt ruling class that has tormented them for years
>also I'm nuking the entire city for no reason lmao


Worst movie in the trilogy by a mile. The whole trilogy is an ultimately liberal work, but the first two still had interesting things to say. The third one is just a half-assed mess that you can tell Nolan didn't really wanna make


It has aged horribly in both its themes and effects. It's the least talked about of any superhero series, and the only people who even think about it are bane plane scene shitposters


It was literally made in reaction to the OWS movement.


Bravo Nolan


Are you really going to ignore all the edgy/"""deconstructed""" bullshit that's plaguing the medium for well over a decade?


I mean Oppenheimer still has its mandatory anticommunist jabs. It's kinda like the Oingo Boingo guy going from anticommmunist conservative to screeching libtard that dedicated a whole album against Trump.


>It's the least talked about of any superhero series
I mean, yeah, because it ended, while others keep going. The second movie (the one with the joker) has basically secured its place in the broader cultural memory, but I'd agree the other two have largely faded

Nolan's evolution from "making an anti-OWS" movie with TDKR to basically making a movie about the depravity of the American state with Oppenheimer has been truly weird to behold. The fuck happened to that guy in the space of a decade

I always roll my eyes at this take. The peak of "edgy" genre deconstruction was the 90s/00s, it faded in the 10s in favor of the more squeecore-style shit. The stuff that's still doing it gets put on blast and overexposed precisely because it's kind of a novelty for reviving/continuing it



>>41764 (me)
Also, I do wish fans of genre fiction would understand that "playing a genre serious/straight" and "deconstruction" are not necessarily always the same thing. Just as a popular example MCU Civil War is a cape movie that tonally takes itself fairly seriously and it's far, far, *far* from a deconstruction


I don't even think deconstruction is even a thing beyond TV Tropes users being complete fucking pseuds who haven't even read Derrida. It's a meaningless term that can be applied to almost anything.


Yeah, basically this.

People think "deconstruction" is a catch-all for "any work of fiction that's in some sort of active meta dialogue with its own genre." Like for example you see weebs go "Evangelion is a mecha deconstruction" - well, okay, sure, it is certainly in dialogue with its own genre and does things that weren't common at the time in mainstream animation, such as the bizarre experimental interludes or the increasingly fourth-wall-breaking narrative that feels like a postmodern conspiracy novel. But the specific plot elements that people claim are "deconstructive" were already done long before it came out - hell, Mobile Suit Gundam already did the "your YA protag would actually be a traumatized child soldier and kind of a little shit" thing all the way back in 1979

Point is fandom folks need to read more nonfiction


Narrative fiction should be banned


>good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks
originally they weren't war-based bots, they were basically a repair so the idea is all their weapons and transformations were tool based. according to the Sunbow G1 toyline the autobots were the civilian class and the Decepticons were military


Honestly with the appeal to Caesarism in the second movie I'd say it was more of a Fascist work.

That said, to address the point that >>41737 is making, I think a lot of writers want to make
interesting or compelling villains, but the problem is they might not feel capable of writing a character with personal charisma. So instead they go for charismatic motivations and portray them as "taking things too far" which ends up ticking off a lot of people.

There's a difference between someone with a compelling motive and someone who's personally compelling. I think Zenos from FFXIV might be personally the best example of this because his motivation is almost comically evil/insane: he's bored and he wants to have a fun fight at the end of the world. However his lines are written well enough and his voice actor provides enough gravitas that by the end of the expansion this outright sociopath quickly becomes one of your favorite characters.

But like I said, a lot of writers may feel unable to actually write someone who's personally compelling, so they give him a compelling cause while have him killing babies.

That aside, I'd also say that the worst thing Bioshock Infinite did is make Daisy Fitzroy try to kill a kid, then walked it back when people whined loud enough. It should have committed and in fact doubled down on it imo.


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What about taking a real-life person who was not really revolutionary and making him a being of pure evil? Oda Nobunaga seems to be the best example
Many stories and portrayals depict Oda Nobunaga as a villain or demon bent on the conquest of Japan too
He appears frequently within fiction and continues to be portrayed in many other anime, manga, video games, and cinematic films. Many depictions show him as villainous or even demonic in nature, though some portray him in a more positive light.
the novel and anime series Yōtōden portrays Nobunaga as a literal demon in addition to a power-mad warlord
Nobunaga is portrayed as evil, villainous, bloodthirsty, and/or demonic in many video games such as Ninja Master's, Sengoku, Maplestory, Inindo: Way of the Ninja and Atlantica Online, and the video game series Onimusha, Samurai Warriors, Sengoku Basara (and its anime adaptation) and Soulcalibur.

prepare for cringe
and make it double


The problem isn't "edgy deconstruction" itself which can gave a genre story an interesting twist. The problem is edgy deconstruction for it's own sake that doesn't work with the larger story.
Also, beyond rain's star wars I can't think of any other mainstream movie where that happens.

>the worst thing Bioshock Infinite did is make Daisy Fitzroy try to kill a kid, then walked it back when people whined loud enough.
What's also bullshit is when main characters never make hard choices because the audience's self-insert, waifu or husbando might look bad.


>making a movie about the depravity of the American state with Oppenheimer has been truly weird to behold. The fuck happened to that guy in the space of a decade
Nothing? He's a libshit.

>erased Oppenheimer being a commie

>shows him dunking on those stupid Western commies
>wow, JFK! *soypog*


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Holy fucking shit. The imperialistic propanda runs deep in this shithole of a country.


>he thinks a movie from 2012 is something
Wait till you hear about Marvel
Cinematic Universe and Black Panther, where the protagonist is a legitimately deposed king of a secretly advanced African country plans to usurp the throne back with the help of the CIA, to stop the new king's vision to bring the country out of isolationism and help other African free themselves from the yoke of their oppressors and start a global revolution. He even shares technology with the CIA, and helps them kill his fellow countrymen. What makes the new king bad? He's a king, expects to stay a king and is a misogynist.


the thing is that Killmonger's plan would literally mean Wakanda would be America, just because it found a magical space rock that allowed it to advance to a super advanced civilization (which for some reason still has dirt roads and fights with spears)


Exactly. Support the status quo!


> Black Panther


I still find it utterly hilarious that the movie where an ‘advanced’ African kingdom:

>used spears and rhinos in warfare,

>had a tribal society based on worshiping animal gods(including famous Indian gof hanyman)
>one tribe literally chanted like fucking monkeys

is somehow seen as anti racist in this day and age, Also the only reason they were so advanced was because of an alien space rock


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The problem is that real Africa was mostly colonized so it's hard to imagine what an advanced modern Africa would look like with little to no influence from the west.


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not really thought,if Africa was never colonized it would most likely be ruled by an Islamic Arbaized states, which would be the high culture of the region, literally the first centers of learning in sub-Saharan Africa was madrasas in the 10th century


Spears are good tho


>never colonized
>ruled by Islamic Arabized states
colonialism isn't synonymous with white people lol


Yep, it's something in the Dindu thread too >>13193


>England was colonized by William of Normandy


>all the nobility was Norman
>every high skilled trade has a French origin
>everything word considered "more refined" is French in origin
>a peasant's cow, pig and sheep becomes a lord's beef, pork and mutton
>every English word related to war is French in origin
>H and W got reversed, in "when, where, and what" because fuck you, Anglo-Saxon peasant
I mean… kind of?


The Norman Conquest was incredibly unique. Unlike the vast majority of conquests, where only the head nobility was changed, William literally took away land from the highest lords to the smallest landowners, including bishops and officials. Everyone was replaced by Norman French-speaking nobles. This is one of the reasons why English evolved into the retarded language it is today


It's the eternal dichotomy of superhero movies: treating them realistically is generally stupid, because the source material is pulpy commercialised garbage for children; but at the same time, they mostly only get interesting when you complicate the simplistic premises with the problems and limits of the real, adult world.
I actually liked Logan if only for the WMD level threat posed by a psychic superhero with dementia.


Michael Bay couldn't help but make Transformers super fascist. I haven't seen the cartoon since it was first on but I remember it being pretty goofy. Then the second Bay movie starts with Optimus and and some other autobots hunting down and executing this Decepticon 10 to 1.


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To answer your general question. I think a lot of the deeper reasons are valid here, but I think the more practical reasons are the stronger factor. The practical reason being, once you make the villain a 2d monster, you basically remove them as a character. They have no motivations, or character arcs, or etc. That's why in the case of zombie movies, where the monsters, the zombies, are never the main antagonists because they can't be actual characters so instead it's the other humans trying to survive the zombies and fighting the other survivors that are the real villains.


Technological determinism and teleology is retarded, actual historians and anthropologists don’t cop to it, what you’re engaging in is more or less literal western chauvinism where advancement = looking like the West

The spears still function as ranged weapons
The rhinos are carbon neutral transportation
The dirt roads are carbon negative and their infrastructure isn’t meant for wheeled transportation anyway
The West also largely worships a completely fanciful godhead and the Wakandans don’t seem very fundamentalist to begin with
You only saw the chanting as racist because at least subconsciously you made an association between Africans and monkeys

The criticism that the film is about a deposed monarch teaming up with the CIA to take down a revolutionary is mostly valid, but the “Advanced = Western Europe” one is pure bullshit.


I'm not saying it should look like the west, I'm saying it should look the actual established african states that actually existed, which again were mostly Islamic states with an Arabized aristocracy


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>what you’re engaging in is more or less literal western chauvinism where advancement = looking like the West
NTA but no, it's not. It's material dialectics, the depiction in the film is fundamentally impossible, you cannot have the capacity to build impossible space-ships and energy shields without massive industry to provide the qualitative and quantitative capacity to reproduce components necessary. Said industry cannot appear from scratch, as it must develop and improve, or utilize technologies and knowledge from other societies that already have gone through the process, like China and the USSR did during their 5 year industrialization plans. The film's depiction is retarded because we don't see real industry, we see a mine and some advanced technology, but where it or any other infrastructure (such as tall glass and metal buildings) originated from is a mystery. Also I find it ironic that you bring up the point that it's not supposed to be like the West… except for the city that looks just like any Western modern city, with sky-scrapers and grids and ports, just miniaturized. How is that not just taking Western culture and tech and superficially slapping an African spin onto it?
In comics and cartoons prior to the film, Wakanda is depicted as primarily agrarian with high technological development in some areas, but which they choose not to pursue further than necessary and with limited production because they wish to retain their isolated culture and way of life. Their development is not to the point where they have immense industrial capacity, but where they still make and utilize ore and produce it, which is actually more accurate to African pre-colonial development with Iron smelting and various African city states prior to Arabian and European colonization.

>spears still function as ranged weapons

And the design is retarded, there's a reason that handguns developed in similar lines; regardless of culture, the human body has the same basic mechanics - limbs are more comfortable moving in certain directions and positions, and those spears do not hold well. shooting is clearly not meant to be the first use of the spear, and that's stupid because that means it's an ineffective weapon for ranged combat. The only reason nobody shot the Wakandan characters when they're outside their hidden country is because plot armor meant bad guys missed or only hit protected areas of their enemies. Remember, only Black Panther has the magic armor.
>rhinos are carbon neutral transportation
Rhinos are not particularly smart, but are particularly aggressive and impossible to control, they are not cows which are docile unless provoked, they are jumpy as fuck. Also to play semantics they are not carbon-neutral, producing methane gas as part of their digestive tract. Finally, in the film these Wakandan fucks are flying around with technology that even Tony Stark doesn't have (built how?) and yet they wouldn't use something more efficient like a hover-craft of some kind, instead going for rhinos we barely see used (because it was so stupid). The rhinos aren't used to pull carts or
>their infrastructure isn’t meant for wheeled transportation anyway
Something quite curious, because I have to wonder how the entire world developed the wheel (or in the case of the South Americans was in the process of doing so) but Wakanda didn't, and somehow it didn't need the infrastructure to develop its industry further (which includes transportability for supply lines) because I guess it was fun for the king to have them haul around stuff on foot apparently? The real answer is that the writers didn't think this through and wrote it as if the magical rock gave them their technology, meaning that it's not their advancement at all, and it was just gifted to them automatically without any of the struggles ANY society went through to develop. Also African cultures had wheeled transportation since ancient times, why the fuck wouldn't it materially improve like wheels did in the West or Asia?
>Technological determinism
This doesn't mean what you imply it to mean. and by that you are insinuating technology is determined to develop in only a specific way, hence your reference to teleology
"ackchual historians" means 'Western liberal post-modernist historians/anthropologists'. People don't understand what teleology is; it is a philosophical concept that something has an end purpose or goal, and has a logical path to achieve it. If development and advancement is the telos of a society, then the logos is material improvement dictated by the rational self-interests of societal leadership, in this case the tribal leaders and king (sort of like the Czar and Duma).
>The West also largely worships a completely fanciful godhead and the Wakandans don’t seem very fundamentalist to begin with
What the fuck does this mean? The society literally has a hierarchy with only blood of nobility and royalty able to challenge candidacy for the throne and regardless of the opinion of those serving, they will serve the king, which is why the guards slavishly fight for Killmonger despite not wanting him as king. It's even a plot point in some stories when Man-Ape took over and Black Panther's fight to return the throne involved him convincing the elders that it was time to let go of outdated tradition. The king is literally the embodiment of the Panther God and the right to rule is considered unassailable after the outdated trial by combat test. T'Challa in the movie is literally just refusing to accept his loss of the legitimate traditions of his own people. In older stories T'Challa usually wasn't the one that lost the challenge, it was his father, and either way it was usually because of under-handed trickery and interference.
>You only saw the chanting as racist because at least subconsciously you made an association between Africans and monkeys
No, that's liberal projection. It's LITERALLY a monkey tribe. M'Baku is literally the "Man-Ape" and his tribe is the White Gorilla Cult.
>the “Advanced = Western Europe
Not what is argued at all, you've literally projected this onto the other anon's post.

Finally Wakanda and the entire character of Black Panther is a figment of Western fiction. They are characters and stories created for a Western audience first and foremost, so when you see these things, you see what the other anon described, a racist, contradictive caricature, because the reality of what this is, is just utilizing surface aesthetics of commonly known African tribal traditions (mixed in from various completely different African tribes BTW) and mashing it with poorly thought out scifi aspects.

The most ironic thing is that the comics have addressed all these problems, pic rel. Wakanda is technological but while it has uniquely advanced areas, it is not impossibly futuristic while lacking industrialization. Its troops carry melee weapons that can double as ranged weapons, but also have vibranium powered guns. The cities resembler old African cities but more technological. Roads are made of smoothed stone, hover-craft are used for transport etc. So there is literally no excuse for the writers to make the movie so retardedly inconsistent other than performative liberal pandering.


I really don't see issue with that.


The guy was a genius in both military and economic matters and saw people for their value rather than their birth status. If he hadn't been betrayed and assassinated it's pretty obvious he would have become Shogun himself.
He's only seen as a villain because of that whole burning 20,000 women and children thing.

>"Not one scroll, building, or rectory was left unscathed. At once young and old, men and women from around the mountain, were burnt asunder and left as ash on the earth. [Nobunaga] brought chaos to every corner… Monks, children, wise men, and saints, one by one were beheaded under Lord Nobunaga's assent…"

This is from the Shinchoukouki by Nobunaga's own personal historian.


I dunno it's against all moral codes and laws to summarily execute enemies and criminals in the current year. I guess I was just raised up on heroes can't execute people media. The whole judge, jury, and executioner is a more of a right wing fantasy in my mind.


I think criminals/bad people should be taken alive if possible but I feel like there's no real safe way to keep a transformer in prison, at least not when there's only like 15 good guy transformers, so killing them is fine


>more of a right wing fantasy
Not necessarily, the autobots aren't officers of the law, they're soldiers fighting a war, you can only take a prisoner if they surrender, in this case it's a literal sleeper-agent that proceeded to rampage when discovered, during an attempted capture, putting him down is the only option.


A few months ago, a big name left-wing twitter account posted his AU historical series where speak using africans defeated the christian european imperialists and then out-developed the europeans through pan-African socialism.)He also used AI pics. as well) and It was clowned on for a few days, but this what a lot of western third-worldists sort of meme themselves into believing.


Yeah but they're also cartoon robots and the least they could do is "Surrender, evilbot!" "Never, Cucktimus!"


What about this, then? In Street Fighter the main antagonist, M. Bison (whose actual Japanese name is Vega), design was based on a manga where the main antagonist was a psychic military general. in Street Fighter he was a generic big bad with no serious motivation other than conquering the world.The the Street Fighter movie is where it gets interesting because Raul Julia acted his heart out and wondered what the motivation of a character like this would be. He researched both dictators and druglords to create a character with a more grounded ideological background and worldview.


that sounds kinda funny, post it


The thing is Beyverse Optimus Prime has been noted by fans to be explicitly a violent psycho and I think Michael Bay doesn't even realise it. It reminds me of the comic Stardust the space wizard. These were commissioned superhero comics written by a man with abnormal morality; the writer, Fletcher Hanks was a violent alcoholic who beat his wife and son and was an all-around bully. When you get a man like that to write a superhero comic it leads to interesting outcomes with the type of hero and stories creates. But back to Beyverse Optimus, Micheal Bey throws out basically all conventional tropes for hero stories. Beyverse Prime is a lot bigger and stronger than most of his opponents and fights like a mean son of a bitch. He's more like a violent barbarian who somehow happens to be on the side of the Earth.


samefag, but this extends to the other authorbots In general, they resemble what Michael Bay thinks male friend groups are like, i.e A hypermasculine MMA frat group


cartoon Optimus
>freedom is the right of all sentient beings
bay optimus
>I'll rip out your optics!


I think this is why people don't like Michael Bay's Prime. It's not that he kills. It's HOW he kills.
There's a difference between Optimums shooting a Decepticon that's trying to kill you dead and punching through the Fallen’s back and out his chest, holding the spark in front of his peeled face, and then crushes it. Then he says, “I rise. You fall.” Which is such an ominous line that I have no idea what kind of cocaine Bay was on to think that was a cool hero line instead of a borderline villain one.
It’s fucking bizarre, man. The Autobots are so fucking brutal (especially in the second and third ones) that it stops being action heroes beating the shit out of treacherous villains, into a bunch of hateful soldiers committing cartel-level executions and literal war crimes on their rival faction.
There’s a fucking scene in the third movie where the Autobots first come back after being “killed.” They first shoot down a Decepticon pilot, Optimus then appears and pumps his gun saying, “we’ll kill them all,” and then the Autobots proceed to LITERALLY tear apart the downed pilot limb from limb like a bunch of goddamn crazed maniacs.


Yeah, it's to the point where you have to wonder why the US government doesn't just kill them all off because the autobots aren't really much better than the decepticons.

>I rise. You fall.

Isn't that the line he says after killing Nimoy's robot? I remember physically cringing at that part just from how cold blooded it was. It's been a minute, but weren't he and Optimus supposed to have been friends or allies or something at one point? And then he just murders him.

I guess it is a Michael Bay movie and you're supposed to shut your brain off completely and enjoy the boomy zoomies but did you have to make Optimus Prime a fucking murderer? Jesus.



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and this is superman written by someone who is a violent psycho


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>Stardust slander


>first comic page
insert jojo part 2 reference here

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