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Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp

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the virgin harry potter vs the chad skyrim

Who is the war criminal this is in reference to?

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Jacobin also has some interesting take on the phenomenon https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/01/harry-potter-magic-liberalism-fantasy-fetishism
Still gotta admit tho that I still like the movies (or at least the first three) a lot mostly because of nostalgia. The EA games were great too.

Some ex-CIA guy that operated in Guantanamo wanted to get into PSL leadership iirc

This entire thread is made up of some of the most shallow rad-lib takes. This isn't Dialectical analysis, this is just jumping on a Harry Potter Hate bandwagon "becuz dats wuts cool in leftypol"
Idiots the lot of you. Actually post something new rather than cringe tweets and reposted effortposts/articles you scarcely understand yourselves.

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Yeah, I forget his name but the deal was that he refused to disclose what he did with the CIA, which pretty much guarantees he did worse shit than most people could imagine.

The movies are actually pretty bad in retrospect tbh. They're all over the place tonally and stylistically and most of the acting is terrible. The OG dumbledore was pretty ok, but when he died they replaced him with somebody who didn't understand the character or didn't care, and it's right at the time that the kid actors start to act better.

>with somebody who didn't understand the character or didn't care
The actor isn't to blame. The director is. A good series of reviews on the whole movie series is IKOTIKA who is really fun. The Dumbledore of the 3rd movie was the closest to the book version; funny and kooky, yet wise and clever.

I don't know or care but I really wish you fags would stop

The only "books" in my quarantine are these ones and the more I see these lib cringeposts the harder it will be disassociate

Are you nigga seriously expect some kinda Marxist dialectical materialism analysis of fucking Harry Pothead? Lmfaoooooo go back to watching Jack Saint and Lindsay Ellis

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here you go, detailed analysis of why harry potter is reactionary

If I liked Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality am I based and materialist or even worse than Rowlingfags?

>Jack saint
who the fuck is that?
>Lindsay Ellis

The fact you know these people and I don't speaks more about you than me.
>some kinda Marxist dialectical materialism analysis
Yes you piece of whitebread. I've seen it done and quite well, because Harry Potter's world has a lot of interesting details when analyzed. FOR EXAMPLE, why a society that can quite literally make near-infinite supplies of food and other commodities, has very rigid systems of class.

>FOR EXAMPLE, why a society that can quite literally make near-infinite supplies of food and other commodities, has very rigid systems of class.

TBF magical items can't really be reproduced with effort (IIRC) and the whole society is based on your magical power and prestige and ability. The best jobs seem to be basically reserved for who is the best at magic too.

>FOR EXAMPLE, why a society that can quite literally make near-infinite supplies of food and other commodities, has very rigid systems of class.

They can't make things like food or money, but I wouldn't overanalyze Harry Potter's world: it doesn't make much sense anyway.

>basically reserved for who is the best at magic too
&ltDolores Umbridge
&ltCornelius Fudge
Really nigga?
>can't make things like food or money
They can infinitely replicate food and multiply food as well as use charms like engorgio to increase the size of portion.
> it doesn't make much sense
It does considering that the USA and other capitalist countries have similar oxymoronic organization

>marxism is when there's tons of free food
It seems your gripe is that you like Harry Potter and you are desperately trying to rationalize how the series is actually based and commiepilled

Jesus Christ how the fuck did they even entertain the thought of letting him even give out leaflets

>marxism is when there's tons of free food
Are you retarded? Where did I even imply this? Post-scarcity is a part of dialectical analysis, and I presented it as an example since charms that multiply and engorge food are stndard household abilities taught and known to even the poorest magic families.
>you are desperately trying to rationalize how the series is actually based and commiepilled
Where did I say that? I said that the series has plenty of interesting dialectical takes one can find in it. If you think that = "marxism" then you're the idiot here.

>Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
Truly some of the most autistic writing ever put down by a human. Couldn't get past the first few chapters. Not that I disagreed with the point it was making, but Harry didn't have to be Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.

The DSA elected a union cop to some administrative position a few years back and there was a similar scandal. US orgs are just that retarded.

I don't think the magic system is defined clearly enough to do any meaningful analysis of the economy in Harry Potter. If anything it seems like they don't have scarce material resources, but the spells they use function something like programming and everyone is protective of their intellectual property. Magical organizsms presumably have the value they do because wizards don't understand them well enough to synthesize or cultivate them.

Supposedly the Malfoys hate the Weasleys for being poor, even though in theory the Weasleys could magic up a fancy house and all the material possessions they could want. They just choose to live in a ramshackle favela-tier house because it's comfy or something. And Rowling is happy to write about it in an idealized way, so presumably there's some kind of charm to that lifestyle and the real differences between wizard classes is purely aesthetic. It might as well be - there's no substantive class politics of in the series, just racism and discrimination. Hogwarts is some kind of boarding school yet even the lowest classes of wizard get in. Even kids with magic talent from outside the wizard class system get in.

Meanwhile Harry inherited wealth from his parents but it never comes up except for enabling him to buy wizard commodities to show off the magic of the world. In a particularly bizarre scene in the first book/movie, Harry (very new to being a wizard) manages to fill Ron with wonder by buying some magical snacks with his money. Normally the fish out of water is the one being wowed, but even an outsider can wow the poormie wizards by waving money around. Shit, Harry isn't used to money either. He grew up living in a closet.

Where did the Potters get their money? Where did the Malfoys? Why don't the Weasley's have any? There's not really an explanation for this AFAIK. Wealth doesn't seem to have any material basis in potterland.

>Where did the Potters get their mone
Skelegro and other medicinal shit as well as playing with the Muggle market.

You're right over-all Rowling, while trying to make a rich and fun idealistic world of magic did miss quite a few major holes. It still fun to fantasize about tho.

So Harry's parents are big pharma and day traders? That's even worse.

>Magical organizsms presumably have the value they do because wizards don't understand them well enough to synthesize or cultivate them
I think most of the rare magic items were made with parts of magic creatures. Because of reasons, the wizarding world is stuck in a pre-industrial phase where most production has to be done on an artisinal level and these products are only available to these rich.

I liked Caleb Maupin's interpretation. In his opinion the book is just a self expresion power fantasy by the GenXer hippie middleclass leff. Fundamentally it is a story about rebelious collage students fighting against the injust system, man. Scary racist rightwingers are the enemy along with the asshole other students, while the aurhority figures (ministerium) only hinder them. The good teachers are all hip and, and one of them is an oppressed minority (werewolf), while rhe favourite one is a gay cooky but wise old guy. And the dreams of the main characters are libshit as well, like Harry who wants to become an Auror (in my interpretation basically like wanting to become a good kind of lawmaker or other lawman who would change the rotten syatem, man). Anyway, I'm a bit tired, hope what I wrote is ledgible.

Honestly I don't think there is anything in particular that attracts liberals to Harry Potter. I just think that the majority of young adults and whatnot who post on twitter are liberal leaning; and Harry Potter is an extremely popular book series, one that many many people read when they were kids.

>Harry's parents
His dad's side yes.

Fucking this. Harry Potter is by far one of the most popular series to exist. It has 2x the amount of fanfiction as the next most popular fandom - Naruto - and was written and made in the transition from the 90s to the 2010s, which is the demographic most young liberals come from.

>Because of reasons, the wizarding world is stuck in a pre-industrial phase where most production has to be done on an artisinal level and these products are only available to these rich.
It might be possible to reverse engineer the stupidity of the world building and justify this by saying that the rich people maintain their class superiority by preventing any scientific inquiry and restricting magical practice to superstitious or ritualistic methods. Mr. Weasley is kind of a pariah in the books for doing experiments, trying to learn from Muggles, and accepting muggle medicine. This doesn't make much sense though because they don't do much to enforce it like feudal societies used to do.

>It has 2x the amount of fanfiction as the next most popular fandom - Naruto
There's like half a million MLP fanfics.

Is Harry Potter an isekai?

Sort of… its still "this world" but its an almost Alternate Dimension

>half a million MLP fanfics
Fanfiction.net has 778K non-crossover HP fanfictions alone, that's not including AO3 and Adult.fanfiction.net and HarryPotterFanfictionArchive which collectively reach 1 million fanfictions. That's ignoring the hundred thousand or so MA fics deleted in 2012.

Naruto has 408K non-crossover fics on fanfiction.net and numerous others on adultfanfiction.net, AO3 and Narutofic.org as well as some other sites. All together they reach roughly 1/2 a million.

MLPs biggest source of fanfiction is (I think) called Fimfiction which I don't have the numbers on. MLP has roughly 31.1K fanfictions on FF.net and roughly half that on AO3

How many of those HP fanfictions are Obama visits Hogwarts?


None that I know of

The thing that irked me the most about Harry Potter is how Harry is rich as fuck, with literally pīles of gold at Gringotts, yet he gets awesome, free shit all the time (cloak, broom), while Ron, who is poor as fuck, has to get by with garbage despite being Harry's best friend. Harry laughs at Ron when his broken wand nearly kills him. "You need a new wand Ron, haha, (thinks:) too bad you can't afford it, you poor, disgusting shit ". For the prom gala thing, he lets Ron go in his aunt's robes. Like dude, get your friend a suit at least.

But this just shows JK Rowling's worldview that everyone has their position in life and the key is to make the most of it (Ron's parents are always happy and positive). Only way to change your conditions is to do something impressive or marketable like invent joke spell trinkets that people want to buy or write some books. If you don't have a special talent then you're just condemned to whatever your socioeconomic position is.

I see it mentioned as a criticism that Rowling praises elite education in Hogwarts, but she isn't, she is praising public education. That is why the school is constantly falling apart and why Voldemort is just the Tory boogieman (eugenics, black, "death eaters", we're-coming-for-the-NHS and we're going to destroy public education). The education is there to give you the basic knowledge so that you can utilise your talents. Hermione, for all her book-learning, doesn't become anything amazing, like a minister of magic, she just gets a job, and marries Ron, the working class idiot of the group. Harry marries Ron's sister (again, poor) and becomes a cop. Fred and George drop out and become successful. Meaning that once you've had enough education to join the market you should. Hermione is the most educated and she's poorer than Fred and George.

It's the liberal, free market ideology where all institutions are just offerings on the market. Education isn't something that should give structure, but something that is to be utilised by people to the best of their ability, just like one utilises places, friendships and people (Harry is only able to do what he does because there are people willing to do shit for him without him even asking or sometimes knowing they did it, see: the whole plot of the series). In fact, turns out, had Voldemort been able to kill Harry sooner he would have killed himself sooner, because of the whole linked souls thing. Everyone protects Harry because it's the "right thing to do" and that's really the fantasy of Harry Potter, that everyone will work together when the time comes and calls for it. It's what gives liberals this false sense of security, that people "just do the right thing" when necessary because of some inherent, shared feeling of belonging to our society. Neville Longbottom is the backup, meaning that someone will come along. If not Harry, then someone else, if not Churchill, then some other stout Englishman. Rowling sees "good" and "evil" not as a particular set of material circumstances which we consider good or evil, she sees them as real forces in the world and the most important thing is to choose the right side, stiff upper lip and a happy disposition, and don't try to change the status quo, stay in your lane and make the most of your station in life that is determined for you by birth.

It's explained by claiming that wizards basically think they're better than muggles and therefore can't learn anything from them. They patronise muggles and protect them like children who don't understand what's going on around them. And "scientific" inquiry in the wizarding world is allowed, you had Nicholas Flammel and others. Their inquiry must be about magic, though, it's kind of like how modern universities look down on Marxism (or STEM on humanities). It's all very elitist. It's how when Europeans went to Africa, India, Central America, declared everyone who wasn't European savages and uncivilised, didn't even bother to understand the different cultures or think that they may learn something from them. Not saying Rowling is promoting this view, but she doesn't condemn it either, it's just how it is, she understands it and everyone accepts it. Remember, despite defeating "evil" and everything just goes back to the way it was, "the end of history". In Rowling's Potterworld the Hogwarts Express is forever the same and always on time.
In the beginning of Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron miss the train because it leaves exactly on time.

> don't try to change the status quo

Isn't it cool that Hermione is the only one who realizes that slave labour is wrong and is treated as crazy and hysteric for it? And she's a muggle born too.
Isn't it cool that Arthur Weasley, the only wizard interested in muggle society, is poor and portrayed as strange?

Now that I think about it Harry having Ron as his best friend is some kind of class-collaboration meme, isn't it? It's like when wokies try to address class by saying that poverty is VALID and needs to be REPRESENTED instead of as a problem to be solved.

>Fred and George drop out and become successful. Meaning that once you've had enough education to join the market you should.

I'm not up on my Harry Potter lore, but all the main characters drop out in the last book. I don't know if Hermione goes back to finish school or something, but they are ALL dropouts.

>Everyone protects Harry because it's the "right thing to do" and that's really the fantasy of Harry Potter, that everyone will work together when the time comes and calls for it.

This is actually ripped off from LotR. Tolkien called it "eucatastrophe," the idea that evil plans would unravel because people choose to do the right thing while villains anticipate they will be selfish. It's the whole idea of "The only thing required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But it falls apart if the villain is savvy enough to plan according to good people trying to be good (like SJWs/wokies) or if people are socialized thoroughly enough to be selfish pricks (like lolberts).

I don't think there's anything that ameliorates the chattel slavery thing, but Arthur Weasley being a nerd about muggle stuff ends up being helpful a number of times. It saves his own life when he accepts experiments in muggle medicine, and the car saves Harry and Ron from the spiders.

You literally copy-pasted this, which got rebuked on leftypol before. Unlike >>4809 you're just being pretentious.


no argument

I like the way magic functions in Harry Potter. One can criticize Rowling for many things however magic is where she did rather creatively in her series (at least initially), often referred back to moments written prior to expand on them indirectly. I'd like to compare this to 2 other fantasy series; Lord of the Rings and Young Wizards.

First the LOTR-verse: It has magic but more passive, acting rarely as a semi-divine ability. It makes the Elves, Dwarves and Wizards live MUCH longer and have abilities and talents (physical included) unavailable to mortal men. It also allows for minor spells (light, fire etc.) and is more atmospheric and internal. It is very weak compared to most magic in other media. This is a low-magic fantasy approach and is fine for a work like LOTR but it also takes away the sheer wonderment of a fantasy setting. In layman's terms LOTR magic is largely spiritual, and grants minor 'stat boosts' to objects and people of magical descent

The second mentioned here >>2073 Young Wizards, written by Diane Duane, has plenty of power/creativity in the magic (and variety dependent on species and situations) however the approach is so clinical it becomes a bit bland, using calculations into the territory of Physics. In other words, stops being magic, becoming a "magic is unknown science" meme. Magic has its rhyme and reason, but the point is that it ISN'T science, but mystics that work with the metaphysical with low-medium reality-warping.
An example from the Second Book Deep Wizardry, SPOILERS: "…characters appeared. "Okay, print four eight zero times twenty… Good, print nine six zero zero divided by three… Great. Cubic meters… uhh… Oh, crap. Kit, what's the volume of a cylinder again?"
"V equals pi times r squared times the height."
"That's it. Now how did I do this before?" Nita chewed her lip a little, thinking…"
The excessive calculations needed for the magic makes it lose its mystery and the sheer complexity makes it hard to write and thus spells are rarely detailed (the excerpt above an exception). Other times the magic follows NO such complexity or logic; later on in the same book the binding magic needed is from an operatic theatre (though this can be explained with the fact that this magic is done by whale wizards).

In Harry Potter Magic works primarily through intent and belief. One feels the magic, working in the flow, leading to how well it turns out. For example Potioneering; rather than scientific chemical reactions it is a reaction based on mythological properties and their internal "stories" imbued with magical energy and how they interact.
An interesting description comes from, a well written Xover fanfic called Umino Iruka and the Will of Fire by Leicontis; recently finished and a delightful read for fans of Harry Potter and Naruto, but I digress. On Chapter 38 we get the following from Professor McGonagall,
"The Study of Ancient Runes is, in earlier years, primarily a language course. Students learn to decipher various runic languages, and to scribe and engrave runes themselves. In its later years the class begins to cover the usage of runes in magic, a topic not entirely dissimilar to the 'seals' you are all familiar with. Runes are primarily used in the creation and anchoring of long-term and permanent magical effects upon objects and locations. A thorough grounding in Runes is therefore essential for any profession involving the creation of such effects, such as warders and enchanters, or the dismantling of existing effects by cursebreakers and the like."
"Arithmancy begins with basic numerology, the study of the magical properties of numbers and how they interact with each other and with magic and the world. At more advanced levels, the course covers the calculations involved in understanding magical effects. These calculations are essential in the crafting of new spells and potions, and in analyzing existing magics. Aspiring warders, enchanters, and cursebreakers again will find this field essential, but so will spellcrafters, Potions masters, and others that seek to research magic and its many mysteries."
"Care of Magical Creatures is essentially a counterpart to Herbology. In it, students learn about many forms of magical fauna, though some creatures are discussed more in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Obviously, anyone who might wish to work with magical beasts of any sort would be well-advised to take this class. This not only includes the more apparent careers, such as dragon-handling or magizoology, but also wandmaking and others that utilize parts or products from magical creatures. A Potions master would thus benefit from such knowledge, as would a master Herbologist."
The excerpt beautifully summarizes the sheer potential of magical creativity created by Rowling, which she ironically only scratched the surface of, but fans and fanworks have eagerly delved in. Later in the fic during the Horcrux Hunt the methods in breaking down Voldemort's defenses and his response to the shinobi's abilities allow for a creative demo of fan-made and canon spells and their use in quick succession. Another example of this is shown in the fanfic Divided and Entwined by Starfox5, where a good example is a lengthy arc dedicated to deciphering mysterious Houngan Necromancy.


Unfortunately, the whole Chosen One story in the Canon Harry Potter books began to escalate, the magical side of things became side-material and thus ground to a halt in terms of new things introduced or prior mentions being expanded. This is the problem the Young Wizards series also faces. Each book has a specific set of antagonists and protagonists and a certain goal that must be reached. Magical items mythical and original are found and new spells used in situations, but magic itself is rarely explored or given understanding. Due to the physics-like nature of the 'Book-magic' one would assume it is limited by physics and calculation and thus cannot be used inventively without careful longterm study (like runes/arithmancy) and lacks others like Charms, Jinxes, Curses, Hexes, and Transfiguration. Mythical creatures are either aliens or deities in mortal animal disguise, potions are nigh non-existent etc. Then there is the magic of the whales which is done with singing/opera which comes from the heart and thus requires writing similar to a Musical play, which is hard enough as it is. It is both too specific and too vague and thus cannot be expanded on by fans without, essentially creating almost an original work entirely. It essentially tries the "alchemy" shtick of Full Metal Alchemist, without actually showing enough to have a real grasp of it, and because it's deconstructed scientifically you cannot wonder/let your mind run-wild, as you hit certain blocks.
LOTR lacks this issue because magic was never big in its story in the first place, the quest(s) being told were what's important, but when looking for prominent magical ability in a story you can't have this either.

TL;DR: Harry Potter's magic system is defined, yet fluid enough that creative license can be used freely without fearing contradiction of in-universe rules. This allows for the most important part of a fantasy's world-building; the imagination of the audience to take hold and develop it further, past the main story and characters, without everything being scientific or weak or vague.

>Inb4 HP has a weak Magical system

Debatable and irrelevant as Magical function and system aren't the same. A large point of magic being MAGIC. Magic has changed in modern view. In the past that which couldn't be rationally explained was 'magic' or 'divine' however this was also embellished with legend/myth, so that real science behind it has long been expanded into a new realm. Today it has evolved further to embody, first and foremost, the power of imagination and willpower put into direct ability; magic.

Was it Mike Prysner? He needs to stick to podcasts and personal atonement

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>Muh hermione bleeding heart put down!
>Muh slaves!
See >>4175
An in depth take on the whole House Elf issue: https://www.resetera.com/threads/hermione-the-sjw-because-the-house-elves-are-being-fucked.97580/
Another well written argument pointing out the idiocy of taking S.P.E.W. as direct allegory for slavery: https://aminoapps.com/c/harry-potter/page/blog/welfare-does-not-equal-freedom-hpa-debate-against/nlTL_uMNwZqMjnXrJvjYoWWdpmN81e

>mysterious Houngan Necromancy
In other words, negromancy.


Obama would have dronebombed Harry Potter in that diner he met his friends in after the wedding was attacked by fascists. That literally happened to the son of that American citizen Obama assassinated.

>If I liked Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality am I based and materialist or even worse than Rowlingfags?
Soulless libertarians are infinitely worse than liberal Christians. That fanfic is not fanfic, it's a complete negation of the compassion and liberation of those dumb books.

HP is a Christian anarchist story that obscures the working class and pretends nonviolence can stop fascism, it's the purest form of lib ideology possible.

Reposting a Nuclear Take

Voldemort represents Communism, ever since the 2016 US Elections, liberals have been eager to compare to Trump to all sorts of things: Adolf Hitler, President Reagan, and even Lord Voldemort. I am here to tell /leftypol/ that these comparisons are mistaken, as I will explain throughout the rest of this post. Voldemort's life and ideology actually have more in common with Lenin, Stalin, and that of the Soviet Union. Here is my reasoning:

1) At the beginning of Tom Riddle's journey into the Wizarding world, he is a very poor orphan with extreme talents in magic that were very unusual, far beyond the likes of mere charlatans like Hitler and Reagan. He considers death a "human weakness", as in, a contradiction innate to all men that he wished to overcome after suffering the death of his mother. He recognizes this contradiction, but does not yet recognize how to overcome it. His talented side mirrors Stalin's talents in religious knowledge as a young boy. His struggle mirrors Lenin and the death of his brother
2) In Tom Riddle's sixth year, he questioned Professor Horus Slughorn about a key to immortality, the Horcrux. this is considered forbidden, but known, knowledge by "high-ranking" individuals who were considered "loyal" to the traditions of the Wizarding world. Knowledge that would resolve the problems caused by death. Might I suggest this is most similar to the knowledge of Communism? Communism seeks to resolve the effects of exploitation by sublating them under a new system, one that requires class struggle and blood sacrifice. The horror on Professor Slughorn's face when Tom Riddle poses the question could basically be put in the context of a student asking a question about Communism to Slughorn's muggle, liberal counterpart.
3) After Tom Riddle discovers the Horcrux (Communism) he develops a new admiration for magic, putting it on a higher pedestal than he could've possibly imagined before. Historical necessity was calling to him. That is, the historical necessity of magic. The liberal interpretation of Harry Potter is that the muggles are, to put it bluntly, ethnics. But this couldn't be further from the truth. The muggles are in a privilidged caste of society that oppresses Witches and Wizards, forcing them into hiding and doing everything in their power to stop the development and integration of magic into the world. Tom Riddle comes to a fateful conclusion: in order for immortality to blossom, Witches and Wizards must overthrow the muggles and become the ruling class in society, forming a Dictatorship of the Witches and Wizards where magic can be integrated into it. The dynamic between muggles and wizards mirrors that of the bourgoisie and the proletariat.
4) Tom Riddle traveled abroad and experimented on the Dark Arts for 10 years. pushed magic to farther boundaries than they ever have been pushed. He developed his ideology and theory in order for the great revolution that would push the world into the next era of civilization. Much like Marx and Lenin during their banishment. "I have experimented; I have pushed the boundaries of magic further, perhaps, than they have ever been pushed —"
5) Voldemort started the First Wizarding War by taking advantage of one of the wizarding world's greatest weaknesses: the beings and creatures that they had persecuted. Giants and werewolves. The oppressed and outcast. This is not unlike how the Bolsheviks used the Jews in Russian society to their advantage: the Jews had been subject to open harassment in the Russian empire for decades, peaking during the recession caused by WW1. Lenin knew how to speak to the oppressed and the forgotten. Those that wanted a better society for themselves and for everybody.
6) In spite of the Death Eater party's threat to the established order of the Wizarding world: that of ethnic segregation and chattel slavery, the status quo was soon restored by the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's army. The threat of Horcruxes and the violent outburts of the oppressed in wizarding society were soon considered to be extinguished and all but forgotten. Much like the Soviet Union and its ideology of Communism, which Capitalism replaced for good. Unless another wizard as powerful and ambitious as Voldemort should choose to discover it again…

We need to make this the next "Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha" meme

>no-one even replies to the enormous effort post except 1 joke
a fat shame that is

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Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach. I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.

I like your post anon.

The magic in Harry Potter always seemed kind of like programming to me. Characters are able to invent new spells to do certain things they have in mind beforehand, so it's not simply discovering the spells that already exist. On the other hand, the teaching of magic seems to revolve around rote memorization of specific already-known spells. Half Blood Prince had one of the most interesting themes/plots with the idea of Snape going outside the box with magic while he was a student (against the rules) which fit into the larger theme about the wizards being closed-minded.

It was pretty disappointing that magic never got much exploration later on. With the protagonist sloucher Harry it makes some sense, but Hermione and the various other characters would be a lot more likely to get inventive with magic. But the plot starts revolving around the backstory and magic that was already done years ago, so that doesn't really go anywhere. Harry continues casting expelliarmus throughout the series.

Bloody this; all I ever hear from people is ether pure wank, or whining about the magic with little middle ground about the good parts and lack of exploration of the subject. Good to see someone else see that!

I'm upset it hasn't been brought up yet:

>Would you bang JK Rowling
Yes, why the fuck not. It's not like I'm marrying her.

>oh shit hermione i didn't see you there
>i'm just admiring the barren wasteland that we call earth - full of death, famine and expensive replacement earpads for sennheiser headphones.


Kek this is such a typical HP fanfic.

Debunking a hot take from someone
>The Wizarding world lords over Muggles who are sub-human to them, thus Harry Potter is fascist
The Wizarding World is not in control of the muggles, they live around them, fool them and hide FROM them, but cannot control them. The opinions of the upper elite of Wizarding kind comes from antiquated views created by the technological and socio-economic gap that magic causes, which makes medieval traditions stay alive so long.

>Where did I say that? I said that the series has plenty of interesting dialectical takes one can find in it.

Saw a based take on JoKe Rowling
JK Rowling was in fact a prole when she started writing Harry Potter. Right up until she started collecting royalties for the IP she was a prole, and when she sold the movie rights for a huge cut she transitioned from petty bourgeois to full blown bourgeois. Even still she is just barely a billionaire, along with Paul McCartney and a handful of other very successful proles-to-start-with. This kind of social mobility is possible but exceedingly rare. But JK Rowling is bourgeois because of her ability to leverage her labor into class mobility, not because of the nature of that labor. Most writers are proles.

Too old

Older women have better experience.

>barely a billionaire

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she's a blairite

Would still bang, the disgust will make it just feel so much better.

I feel like there is a significant fandom built around hating Harry Potter and its fans ought of sheer edgy "I'm not like the mainstream" mentality, even when most people who say this either read it long ago or didn't read it at all and couldn't be arsed to filter ideology from simply enjoying a work of fantasy fiction.

It's not so much Harry Potter itself as the fact that so many shitlibs love it.

True, but too many band-wagoners shit-talk Harry Potter itself even when they actually know nothing. Like who, in their right mind, gives a fuck what some Twitter idiots say?

People who make superficial Harry Potter comparisons almost make it obvious that they've done almost no reading in their lives. "Bad person = Voldemort" is the most blatant example of this, Voldemort was a puppet master trying to racially purify wizards from behind the scenes until he could gain enough power to openly lord over Britain. He was an obvious and fairly decent depiction of Hitler. If the person you're comparing Voldemort to was never attempting to be hidden, and not openly espousing how much they want to make a pure race through genocide, they're not Voldemort.

This is irrelevant to the actual story's merits however. The first few were competent mysteries with good character interactions. Not great works of literature but head and shoulder above a majority of the young adult genre written in the past and following 2 decades. As the series went on it declined a bit, but was still interesting and its good parts were appreciable.

Hate-sex then, what's the problem?

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As an ironic side note. The constant reminders about elvish slavery and other wizard supremacy is actually proof that Hermione Granger cannot feasibly black.
What dark-skinned muggle-born would be fighting for elfish welfare and NOT bring up Black Slavery even in passing? Especially given the dislike of Muggles by purebloods like Malfoy. Rowling may be a Blairite-liberal but she's probably more than aware about The Civil Rights Movement in the USA and slavery in the South (especially since chattel slavery in Britain was abolished shortly before the US Civil War).

Also superficially in the description of the story dark-skinned characters are specifically noted (Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Dean Thomas), yet Hermione is never even implied to have dark skin. The closest being that line from PoA, "They were there, both of them, sitting outside Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour, Ron looking incredibly freckly, Hermione very brown, both waving frantically at him." Which obviously describes a tanned hermione, again, something most black people can do, their Melanin levels are so high there isn't really much to tan up from. Black people CANNOT go pale or visibly blush after-all. Most famously when in Prisoner of Azkaban. J.K. Rowling herself states that Hermione "turned white" in that she "lost colour from her face after a shock." This is not exactly something any non-white - even a mulatto - can really visibly do as is described. A non-canon stage play is one thing, but a canonical description is another. It's the same rubbish as Rowling's "wizards shat themselves and vanished the mess" tweets or her statement of Dumbledore being gay; which gave all the Fujoshi the perfect reason to push their horrific slashfics as 'canon'. The idea of 'Hermione can be black in canon!' utter virtue signalling rubbish and to no tangible positive result, other than tumblrinas cheering about how 'the only Hermione they won't accept is a white one'. Trollops, the lot of them.

Moreover Rowling's original drawings of Hermione depicted her as pale-skinned and caucasian-looking, and the film casting was handled by her in-part, meaning that if she had wanted a black Hermione she would have cast it.

>In Harry Potter Magic works primarily through intent and belief. One feels the magic, working in the flow, leading to how well it turns out.
I would also add emotion (and of course wand movement). Crucio failed to properly work on Bellatrix when Harry used it because his emotions were jumbled and he lacked the appropriate hate and vindicative emotions required.
As Bellatrix explained, "You need to mean them, Potter! You need to really want to cause pain - to enjoy it - righteous anger won’t hurt me for long"
This is later demonstrated in Deathly Hallows, when Harry uses it on Amycus Carrow after the bugger spits in McGonnagal's face
“I see what Bellatrix meant,” said Harry, the blood thundering through his brain, “you need to really mean it”.
This applies to all spells, especially powerful ones, the Moody imposter put it simply, "Avada Kedavra’s a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it — you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt I’d get so much as a nosebleed."
This applies to non-Unforgiveables as well:
- the Patronus Charm requires focus on a happy memory and positive emotion in general to even be produced, let alone be corporeal.
- Wingardium Leviosa (a source of much humor) required specific wand movements, pronunciation and focus
Even a broom required this, with sufficient confidence required for it to jump into ones hand

Emotion is more important than the wand or verbal/somatic components. Wandless/wordless magic (basically telepathy) is treated as a much more advanced version. IIRC someone explains that the stuff other than the thought and feeling is kind of like a mnemonic device that helps the user control the mental part. Probably from Half-Blood Prince, where they do the most exploring how magic works. The point is that if you're good enough and have mastery of your mind you can dispense with the flashy stuff and just shape the universe directly through your will.

>What dark-skinned muggle-born would be fighting for elfish welfare and NOT bring up Black Slavery even in passing?
The kind written by J.K. Rowling. There's confirmed black characters at Hogwarts. Even if they're from the wizarding world, surely the wizards were aware of slavery… especially since some of the British wizards are black. How did they get there, did they all immigrate from Africa voluntarily in modern times?
>Which obviously describes a tanned hermione, again, something most black people can do, their Melanin levels are so high there isn't really much to tan up from. Black people CANNOT go pale or visibly blush after-all.
This isn't entirely true, it's just less visible depending on melanin level. Black people definitely can tan darker or go pale. It's just relative to the individual's normal skin tone.
>The idea of 'Hermione can be black in canon!' utter virtue signalling rubbish and to no tangible positive result, other than tumblrinas cheering about how 'the only Hermione they won't accept is a white one'. Trollops, the lot of them.
The wizards live in a more or less post-racial society (at least regarding human ethnicities) so it really doesn't matter what race the characters are for most purposes. If you wanted to adapt Hermione as explicitly black then yeah having her talk about IRL slavery relating to the house elves would be important.
>Moreover Rowling's original drawings of Hermione depicted her as pale-skinned and caucasian-looking, and the film casting was handled by her in-part, meaning that if she had wanted a black Hermione she would have cast it.
Doesn't she explicitly state the ethnicity of various nonwhite characters in the books? Dean Thomas and Lee Jordan are canonically black. So is Kingsley Shacklebolt. If Hermione is black presumably she would have been described as having dark skin like the comparatively minor black characters.

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>Black people definitely can tan darker or go pale. It's just relative to the individual's normal skin tone
True, but what I said is visibly. Heremione's nose goes red or cheeks blush or pale and at times this is stated as being seen at a distance. Such reactions are hard to see up-close on most dark-skinned people. Hell its hard to see on someone with a heavy tan, let alone full-time melanin layer.
>did they all immigrate from Africa voluntarily in modern times?
It's implied that Black wizards were very much free to operate in Europe and were not discriminated against. It's an interesting thing actually, the wizarding world care more about ACTUAL race (goblin, elf, troll, giant, centaur, werewolf) than superficial human race when being racist.
>really doesn't matter what race the characters are for most purposes
True, but then she should have been stated as such from the beginning. I don't care if a play adaptation is black, BUT there is a disconnection between the actress and the character when everyone who isn't a liberal assumes she's a white character, especially given the movie depiction and book illustrations, which Rowling had control over.
>she explicitly state the ethnicity of various nonwhite characters in the books
Yep, I listed that in the post
I feel like anyone who isn't looking to be offended or virtue signal agrees on this.

>Emotion is more important than the wand or verbal/somatic components

True, however I think that unless one is a truly powerful magic-user (or a house-elf) wandless magic and emotionally-based magic, must have the supporting basis from which to work from. In other words as is seen with teaching students in 6th year to have nonverbal spell-casting (and point-casting) the ability to manipulate magic more freely must be learned through basic rules first.
Also some magic relies on the absence of emotion, such as Occlumency.
>mastery of your mind you can dispense with the flashy stuff and just shape the universe directly through your will
Mastery being the keyword. Dumbledore was assuredly a master, yet even his wandless magic was not more powerful than wand-magic. Even a top-tier witch like Bellatrix or Hermione relied on their wands and Harry's few wandless moments were accidental or impulsive.

>Lindsay Ellis
I hate that skank so much. Tell me a place where I can shit on her.

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Man fuck Rowling and her shitty world building. Why are some of the 1st year movements so much more intricate than later year? Is there a specific language to wand movement or is it just random memorization? Why are there such specific movements for random shit like turning a cauldron into a guitar? How does the movement of the wand correlate to what's being said, and how are spells developed? It woulda been cool (and consistent) if she took actual stuff from sign-language and turned them into a simple wand-language.

polite sage for off topic

Youtube. Also, (if there isn't one already) you could make an eCeleb general and rant on her there.
>I hate that skan
I don't like most of her radlib videos but a few are actually worth watching (for example her Cats deconstruction).

No need to sage, it's on topic.
>Why are some of the 1st year movements so much more intricate than later year? Is there a specific language to wand movement or is it just random memorization?
Probably because it works in reverse. As students become MORE proficient in using magic, they need FEWER wand movements to get the job done, until finally you get to silent and point casting.
>How does the movement of the wand correlate to what's being said, and how are spells developed?
That is a good question
>took actual stuff from sign-language and turned them into a simple wand-language
Sign language is largely for the hands, and is poorly replicated by stick movements, but I get your point.

>RAD cliffe
Speaking of, Guns Akimbo was great. >>5670

>muh magick systems
cringe, it's fantasy.

Fantasy doesn't mean "magic works however I like" because that's the easy way to engage in no-limit fallacy.

I had an odd but not unexpected realization today that Hogwarts very much resembles a private school in many regards given the way Pure-blood vs Muggleborn conflict exists and the interhouse clashes and how many of these Purebloods make a big stink over heritage (while also sniping each other down) similar to how rich-kids in private schools constantly try to shit-talk poorer students and one another.
Fitting for JK I supposed.

>Rowling sees "good" and "evil" not as a particular set of material circumstances which we consider good or evil, she sees them as real forces in the world and the most important thing is to choose the right side, stiff upper lip and a happy disposition, and don't try to change the status quo, stay in your lane and make the most of your station in life that is determined for you by birth.
This is everything wrong with British society. Seriously, how have the Anglos fucked up so badly?

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Out of the way Mormon Blairite simps, actually good magic school based Children's media CUMIN THRU

Any idiot who isn't currently 15 or younger knows that Worst Witch was a partial inspiration.

>she sees them as real forces in the world How are they not? A social construct such as good and evil is usually a material reality otherwise the social construct would not be so widespread.
>the most important thing is to choose the right side, stiff upper lip and a happy disposition, and don't try to change the status quo, stay in your lane and make the most of your station in life that is determined for you by birth.
While I agree on "don't try to change the status quo, stay in your lane" being not so stellar an idea, the concept of making the most of your life and carrying yourself as a mature and good person is important and is something that pertains to socialism as well. Frankly Rowling's liberalism is more of a subconscious ideological write-out, than an intentional one.

What's the best Harry Potter parodies/bootlegs have you read?
Barry Trotter is a hilarious series and Таня Гроттер was also really fun.

Y'know, with all its popularity I'm really surprised that Harry Potter never got an animated series or spin-off of anykind.

Why would you read a ripoff? read Hollbeque instead

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Didn't Little Witch Academia sort of ripoff this too?

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>>9129 >>9139 Has some decent Bellatrix related posts. All I can add for now is that the beautiful Helena Bonham Carter player the part phenomenally. Also for a very crazy, evil villain (canonically), I, inexplicably, can't help but have some strange sympathy towards her, but not other Death Eaters or Voldemort… might be cause she's an attractive woman.

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Hate to say no one mentioned this before, but obviously the Death Eaters and Voldemort are in some ways based on the IRA and the troubles in Ireland.It's safe to say that a British writer will use British tropes and not American ones. The KKK just look ridiculous to us, in their dunce’s caps, and the first two Potter books were written at the height of the IRA bombing campaign on the mainland, at a time when Islamists were barely a pinprick on the horizon. The Death Eaters are not a legitimate Party or ruling government nor do they have actual genocides en masse. Their activites are of a scale closer to the IRA's

to quote a quora poster Claire Jordan, "they parallel the IRA and other Irish paramilitaries. They wear black cloth hoods with eye-slits, like the Balaclava helmets worn by the IRA. Their period of activity, from 1970 to 1998, coincides with the height of the Irish Troubles to within a couple of years. The arguments about the Ministry becoming nearly as vicious as the terrorists they were fighting and secretly using torture and murder match real life arguments about British security services and the IRA, UDA etc. The terrorist attacks which the Death Eaters carry out in summer 1996 coincide with a spate of real-life IRA bombings on the British mainland.

"]Azkaban, with its prisoners going mad and starving to death and its mass break-out by Death Eaters, is an obvious parody of the real prison called The Maze, with its prisoners starving to death on hunger strike and its mass break-out by the IRA."

"The period of activity of the Death Eaters - 1970–1998 - coincides with the Irish Troubles - 1969–1998. Every Briton of my/Rowling’s generation grew up with Irish-origin terrorism as part of our everyday lives, with a minor attack (usually in Northern Ireland) three or four times a week and a major attack (often on the mainland) two or three times a year. The Death Eater attack on the Brockdale Bridge happens within a few weeks of the real IRA attack on the Docklands Light Railway, which runs on bridges."

"the IRA and INLA, the Republican side, were the main perpetrators of terrorism on the mainland and they were broadly communist and not racist, so they are not the origin of the racist aspect of the Death Eaters - but there were also Irish terrorists on the Unionist side, mainly confined to Northern Ireland, and they were of the far right, had links with the Waffen SS old boys’ network and were notorious for their use of torture."

At the end of the day J.K. Rowling uses a lot of different types of arch type imagery and references in her work along with generalize concepts that apply to people in different generations. In the end her work is a product of its time that continues to influence us today

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> J.K. Rowling uses a lot of different types of arch type imagery and references in her work along with generalize concepts that apply to people in different generations. In the end her work is a product of its time that continues to influence us today
"I think Harry will take his place with Alice, Huck, Frodo, and Dorothy and this series is not just for the decade but for the ages." - Stephen King

>Harry Potter, however, is not over. Its appeal has endured, embarrassingly, among a scary proportion of self-consciously bookish liberals who use the series as a reference point for absolutely everything.

- https://theoutline.com/post/1181/liberals-your-harry-potter-political-references-are-embarrassing?zd=1&zi=zqy23qbg
- https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/01/harry-potter-magic-liberalism-fantasy-fetishism

>The BuzzFeedification of the internet over the past five or so years has also certainly played a role in this phenomenon. The ascent of the listicle encouraged journalists to churn out keyword-heavy but conceptually thin pop-culture mashups — most notably, the now-ubiquitous reimagined Disney princesses — and the result, selected for by sub-ideal conditions, is essentially a 16-year-old in a 30-year-old’s body.

&ltThe skillset needed to score a staff position within the dregs of new media is as follows: a thorough knowledge of three or four pop culture franchises often binge-watched by aimless college freshmen, a familiarity with the latest slang purloined from black teens, and, most importantly, a complete lack of self-regard. After BuzzFeed and Upworthy rebranded themselves as having serious news components, the clickbait mentality was carried over and subsequently escaped into the wider world of journalism like a fecally transmitted disease.
> In one sense she is right, but there is also a particularly neoliberal authoritarian fantasy to Potterworld. “Magic,” as it is discussed in the Harry Potter universe, is a force that allows its wielder to have a profound and measurable impact without organizing, sacrificing, or indeed doing much of anything. JK Rowling presents her reader a fantasy world in which “being really good at homework” makes you a literal superhero.

>or spin-off of anykind
but it did

I used to laugh so hard at how miscast and aggressive the new Dumberdore actor was. There's a scene in the 4th movie where he runs into a room shouting at Harry, shoves him against a stone wall and shakes him while shouting, "Harry! HARRY! HDID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!" I think he might have even slapped him?

The kindly old man from the books was turned into a fucking thug. In every scene the new Dumberdore looked like he was glowering at someone and was ready to lunge and kill every single person at Hogwarts.

I pretend that Cursed Child and the Grindelwald movies didn't exist… their retcons and dumb bullshit are not worth the world-building.

What I meant as a spin-off would be something like The adventures of the Marauders in their school years or perhaps some stuff about the founders.

Kek this, I wonder if the actor was having a really bad time while filming?

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The new TitTok meme about "muh stereotypes" in Harry Potter are just such liberal cringe I sigh heavily like an old man.

Like FFS, Cho-Chang, whose race is hardly even mentioned in the story is in Ravenclaw, as a stereotype about "Asian's being smart" and I have to wonder… so fucking what? Even if this is the case (and it probably isn't) that has 0 impact on the story or her character (and her relationship to Cedric) and TBH the "smart asian" stereotype is a fucking compliment, because the entire implication is "oh yeah these people are super smart!"
Where is the downside here? It's not untrue in the least.

And the whole "muh Muslims" and "muh latinos!" is such burger-shit. Harry Potter was written in the 90s/2000s in BRITAIN, when the Muslim population wasn't high, and where Latinos aren't even a blip on the RADAR. Look at black characters in the series, where do you see racism? Angelina and Lee are both good folks whose race is barely even touched upon, hell NOBODY'S race is touched upon in detail because it doesn't matter! The point was a story about magic with a child of prophecy and his adventures in an ancient castle as he learned about the secret magic world and its inhabitants, while preparing to face Wizard Hitler.

The only TikToks that weren't boring as fuck was the one about "If Rowling wrote a slavic character" which is actually fucking accurate to the Klyukva meme ( http://lurkmore.to/Клюква )

TL;DR: Liberal idpol is moronic, and their attempts at humorous satire is poor.

>TBH the "smart asian" stereotype is a fucking compliment, because the entire implication is "oh yeah these people are super smart!"
Positive discrimination is still discrimination. Also ignores massive cultural influences for such a behaviors that westernized asians might not have anymore

>Positive discrimination is still discrimination
Bull fucking shit
>massive cultural influences for such a behaviors
The fuck are you talkin' about? I know Asian families, I grew up with one. Hell Read Amy Tan's work on her own family and it's fairly consistent.
>westernized asians might not have anymore
like I said, we know nothing racial about Cho-Chang besides her being asian and the (interpreted) stereotype of her being in Ravenclaw, despite it being shown that this is not racial at all, demonstrated with the Parvati Sisters being split between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor (which makes the other Tiktok about "Rowling's Indians" also bullshit, since we see no stereotypical stuff about Indians)

Responding to an old post but whatever.
>Harry having Ron as his best friend is some kind of class-collaboration meme
It sort of reflects the whole relation between Bilbo Baggins and Samwise too. Ron honestly is an overhated and underrated character who gets really poorly portrayed in the movies compared to the books.
Related post in the Fantasy thread equating Hobbits and Weasleys >>11623
>all the main characters drop out in the last book
Nah, the Weasley's dropped out a year before the events of Half Blood Prince, and most of the people who drop out during Deathly Hallows were muggle-borns and half-bloods who had to escape. (TBH I don't get why they didn't just escape into the Muggle society, Death Eaters are absolutely shit at what they know of Muggle life, so hunting down Muggle-borns would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
>the idea that evil plans would unravel because people choose to do the right thing while villains anticipate they will be selfish
Are you sure it was ripped off from LOTR? Tolkien may have coined the termin, however such a story trope has existed for long before that. This is a plot point of Batman: The Dark Knight as well.
>falls apart if the villain is savvy enough to plan according to good people trying to be good
True enough I suppose

Dude, you can like Harry Potter so long as you keep it separate from your perception of reality.

1) That post is from the very beginning of the thread and is almost 1/2 year old, you're lucky I'm actually still around
2) That's sort of my point, people on /leftypol/ (back when this board was newer) tended to have kneejerk reactions to Harry Potter content and the like.

>and TBH the "smart asian" stereotype is a fucking compliment, because the entire implication is "oh yeah these people are super smart!"
The point is that all racial stereotypes are harmful, regardless of whether you view some of them positively or not, because they are about making statements about a whole racial category, implying all the people are homogenous, thus de-humanising them. We recognise variety in Humans, while we make general statements about whole animal populations, "dogs are this way", "cats are that way".

This really should not be an argument to have in a Harry Potter thread.
>all racial stereotypes are harmful
Except they aren't unless a specific stereotype is meant to be negative, the whole "but it puts pressure on individuals" is fucking bullshit, because nobody except racists are going to assume a stereotype applies 100% to all members of a group. Asian kids who struggle with math and school are more likely to be faced with pressure from their parents than other kids or society.
>because they are about making statements about a whole racial category, implying all the people are homogenous, thus de-humanising them
Except that's not true, that's just a liberal assumption. It's the same kind of crap as "Orcs are black people", it speaks more of the internal racism of people who 'notice' this, than the racism of a depiction. A stereotype does not arise out of nothing, it arises from widespread displays of ethnic culture.
>while we make general statements about whole animal populations
variety =/= presence of general traits.

You are rally insecure about intelligence. Every post you make is aggressively insulting people about their intelligence. Why didn't you fart out your own one instead of wasting all this time being a shit person? Is it because of what I said at the start and you think people will treat you like a subhuman? If this is how you build yourself up (idealist-brained) then yeah I bet your ego would take a sledgehammer blow.

You didn't type one. No one else had. So where do you get off? You think you can treat people like that for no reason at all that isn't some religious idea that everyone is not being Lenin.

Harry Potter is written by some fuckin Veronica Tuppensworth bourgy. The best anyone will want to do is a "radlib" (what) pointing out of her ideas can be related to something in the real world but her cartoonish ignorance of how the world works means Voldemort is Hitler and took over the ministry of magic and all his evil dudes wore black cloaks and shoot skulls in the air because that's scary and aesthetics is more important than strategy.

You can't apply dialectical materialism to liberal ideals. Harry Potter isn't real. Yeah also why the hell is Comrade Voldemort leading his cadre against Hogwarts? None of this is fun when you are going to call everyone a gay piece of shit because of some shit like the elder wand. Ideas like this and individualism are basically like if we said finding the spear that pierced Christ's side is what we need to take down international bourgeoisie.

Am I missing something here? Diamats cant demystify new words. That's her job making Hagrid quadriplegic micropenis

Took you 5 months to make a response to a post from the very beginning of the thread and you couldn't even spell half your shit right. Christ.
>Every post you make is aggressively insulting people
The only post being responded to has ONE phrase that can be presumed as an insult; "Are you retarded?" By that metric I can claim your posts are also aggressively insulting people.
>fart out your own one instead of wasting all this time being a shit person
My own what? What are you even trying to say here
>this is how you build yourself up
&ltmuh ego
&ltmuh idealism
Stop using words you don't understand.
>You didn't type one
type one what? What are you even responding to?
>where do you get off?
Where do you, child?
>her cartoonish ignorance of how the world works means Voldemort is Hitler and took over the ministry of magic and all his evil dudes wore black cloaks and shoot skulls in the air because that's scary and aesthetics is more important than strategy.
Read the posts in the thread and stop making ignorant generalizations as if it's some kind of revelation about Harry Potter.
>You can't apply dialectical materialism to liberal ideals
NThe concept of scarcity/post-scarcity has nothing to do with liberal ideals you speed-reading dumbass.
>Harry Potter isn't real
Ya Dannae fookin' sei!?
>None of this is fun when you are going to call everyone a gay piece of shit
Are you responding to JK Rowling or to a post you incoherent shitposter?
>That's her job making Hagrid quadriplegic micropenis
What autism is this?

What are the best fanfic elaborations/explanations and creative spells of magic of Harry Potter?
Outside of what is mentioned in post >>5174 from Iruka and the Will of Fire and the various Egyptian and Houngan spells and magical creatures created by Starfox5 in their fics
I can't remember any decent fanon spells that aren't OP or really stupid (for varying reasons).

>Wizard Hitler
Oh you mean Himmler

… Why Himmler? Is it because of the occultist formation of his followers?

>the whole "but it puts pressure on individuals" is fucking bullshit,
But then you say:
>Asian kids who struggle with math and school are more likely to be faced with pressure from their parents than other kids or society.
Thanks for arguing against yourself for me.
>A stereotype does not arise out of nothing, it arises from widespread displays of ethnic culture.
A display needs an observer, someone to perceive the display, so we go back to the point that stereotypes speak "more of the internal racism of people who 'notice' [them]", rather than them being a reflection of actual behaviour of an ethnic group. Besides, stereotypes for people vary from culture to culture, showing that stereotypes depend more on the culture in which they are formed, rather than on the culture on which they are based. For example, the stereotype that "asians are smart" relies that the culture in which the stereotype is formed has several things, including, but not limited to: a hierarchical educational system (can't call others smarter if you don't have educational rankings); a belief that some races can be superior to others (remember, we're not talking about different, we're talking about better/smarter); a belief that doing well in math and science, and/or classical instruments, is a sign of intelligence (very Western-centric, don't you think?). Now, if two cultures do not share these features, then it is unlikely that they would come up with the same stereotype for Asian people. AND THEREFORE, stereotypes are about the people making them, not about people receiving them. Q.E.D. motherfucker.
>variety =/= presence of general traits.

Dude owned a wizard castle.

Why are you restarting this bloody argument again? IRL racial bullshit is a derail of the thread.
>Thanks for arguing against yourself for me
I didn't you're cherry picking my argument and ignoring the details when I specifically denied dealing in absolutes in such an issue.
>stereotypes speak "more of the internal racism of people who 'notice' [them]"
You do realize that I am not stupid and recognize that you took this right from (my) post about how Orcs are not a representation of Africans and it is racist to assume that. You are twisting my words to an utterly different situation.
Stereotypes are a widely held belief or image of something or someone that is somewhat oversimplistic. This does not exclude it being largely accurate about a general population.
Jewish stereotypes are largely true, the differences is how they are presented. How do I know this? because I am part-jewish and grew up among them and I know my own community. I am also part Asian, I know their attitudes. The stereotype of smart Asians arose from factual evidence - Asian kids getting higher grades and scores, to the point where even /pol/ admits this, despite their anti-chinese hatred. The pressure I spoke of before would exist without the stereotype as well, because the whole stereotype exists BECAUSE parents pushed their children to do their best of face consequences.
>stereotypes for people vary from culture to culture, showing that stereotypes depend more on the culture in which they are formed, rather than on the culture on which they are based
The Asian stereotype about high grades and workaholics is accurate in and out of Asia. This is a fairly obvious thing given that it is somewhat of a social problem in Japan and China.
>a hierarchical educational system (can't call others smarter if you don't have educational rankings)
Heirarchy =/= bad
Socialism is against social heirarchy like class, race or gender superiority/inferiority. Japan was influenced by the USSR in its education system.

Some people ARE smarter than others and some people do better than others. Socialism does not deny this, as is writtten many times, it is not 'Uravnovilovka'
>a belief that some races can be superior to others
Not necessarily. Asian is not a race any more than South American is not a race. They are cultures and as we see win /pol/ you can admit to educational superiority of 1 culture without conceding that the culture itself is superior. This depends on the ideology at hand, not on the stereotype in and of itself.
>a belief that doing well in math and science, and/or classical instruments, is a sign of intelligence
And yet again you're wrong. Such a concept exists in the East and the South, because it is the concept of a developed civilization where it has materially developed enough that knowledge has grown in importance to society.
>if two cultures do not share these features
But they do
>it is unlikely that they would come up with the same stereotype for Asian people
But they have
>THEREFORE, stereotypes are about the people making them, not about people receiving them
Except in this case and often enough, they are. The general fact of the matter is, your argument only applies to a stereotype that fits your definition and the 'Smart Asian Stereotype' does not fit this category.


Stay mad, you proved nothing but your own cultural absolutism and ignorance. It's frankly hilarious how much this reminds me of white liberals shouting down african-americans who talk about how ghetto-culture causes way more deaths than even cops do. Or people talking about how 'pro-gay' Indians were only for a real gay Indian to tell them off for making shit up.

>Stereotypes of animals

Hilarious no-argument.
1) Human stereotypes are societal, animal stereotypes are based on what amounts to urban legends of the limited behaviors we supposedly see. We do not live constantly in the presence of Owls or see their activities much, we do see and experience the activities of other humans however.
2) The stereotypes of animals exist as much from mythology and as stated "anthropomorphization" of them as they are from real observed traits. While some are inaccurate (like those about bats, others are very much accurate, such as Beavers, Bears and more).
If anything your link confirms my argument, outliers of something are not applicable to the general trend of it.

Now we shall argue this no longer, before this shit gets a ban for derail.

Oh yeah, I knew that… but wouldn't that make Dumbledore Himmler!?

>that is somewhat oversimplistic
>largely accurate
pick one.
>Jewish stereotypes are largely true, the differences is how they are presented.
Fuck off.
>How do I know this? because I am part-jewish and grew up among them and I know my own community.
No way to confirm that, and even if it were true, it wouldn't matter. Just because you are part Jewish doesn't mean you can't hate Jews.
>The stereotype of smart Asians arose from factual evidence - Asian kids getting higher grades and scores,
Would this stereotype arise in a culture without grades and scores?
>Socialism is against social heirarchy like class, race or gender superiority/inferiority. Japan was influenced by the USSR in its education system.
You've identified yourself as a /pol/yp, especially by first coming to /leftypol/ to "explain" socialism to people, and second by explaining it like a retard.
>Asian is not a race any more than South American is not a race. They are cultures and as we see win /pol/ you can admit to educational superiority of 1 culture without conceding that the culture itself is superior.
Fuck you, don't even try to make this about "level of education within cultures". That's not what the "Asian stereotype" is. No one is saying asian people are smarter because of their educational system, they're saying they're smarter because they're Asian.
>But they do
If they share those features, then they're the same fucking culture.
>Such a concept exists in the East and the South, because it is the concept of a developed civilization where it has materially developed enough that knowledge has grown in importance to society.
Yes, because for the last 200 years the world has been getting increasingly connected, capitalism has brought everything under its mode of production and market. So no shit that the educational system in countries will be similar, because it is the kind of educational system that prepares people for work in industrial society.
>1) Human stereotypes are societal, animal stereotypes are based on what amounts to urban legends of the limited behaviors we supposedly see.
You must be trolling. Stereotypes are "urban legends of the limited behaviors we supposedly see". Unless every single Asian you see randomly drops down and starts doing complex math equations on the sidewalk. Not everyone is a teacher, so I know not everyone is observing these amazing Asian school scores. Only a fraction of the population gets to see student scores, and only those who work in schools where there are Asians. So are you trying to say it's the teachers who are spreading these Asian stereotypes around the globe?
>2) The stereotypes of animals exist as much from mythology and as stated "anthropomorphization" of them as they are from real observed traits.
Sound a lot like fucking human stereotypes to me.
>Now we shall argue this no longer, before this shit gets a ban for derail.
You're losing the argument bro, you don't get to decide when it's over, unless you want to admit defeat and tap out.

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>pick one
&lthurr Imma ignore the context of two phrases to create a false dichotomy
fuck off
>fuck off
No u. Are you a jew? Have you lived with them? Talked with them? Read their literature and partaken in their culture? I fucking live it.
>Just because you are part Jewish doesn't mean you can't hate Jews
That's not an argument whiner, saying that Jewish stereotypes are often correct is not "hating jews" anymore than disliking zionists or Israel is.
>Would this stereotype arise in a culture without grades and scores
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
>You've identified yourself as a /pol/yp
No, you're just projecting
>coming to /leftypol/
I'm an oldfag who was here since the days of Aidan-Chaya poster and before /leftpol/ split on 8ch, piss off
>"explain" socialism to people
That makes 90% of all posters on this site /pol/ Good job at creating an utterly meaningless determination
>like a retard
Says your liberal arse? Your bourg moral-faggotry isn't socialism
>don't even try to make this about "level of education within cultures"
It's not you fucking speedreading assmad liberal. It's about the grades and measurements we see given as statistics according to ethnicity/culture you twit. Or do you deny that Asian people score higher in IQ tests, grades, scores, college qualifications etc.? Do you deny that Japan and China and numerous other Asian countries have workaholic cultures that - completely independent of any American stereotyping - push their members to excel or fail?
>o one is saying asian people are smarter because of their educational system, they're saying they're smarter because they're Asian
No that's only retarded /pol/ racefaggots and YOU. Most people who talk about the smart-asian stereotype are also aware that it comes with the "overbearing parent" stereotype, which is why we have "dishonor on your family" humor in media relating to Asians. That's an accurate representation as is seen in Asian works like those of Amy Tan.
>If they share those features, then they're the same fucking culture
You're a speedreading brainlet. The material dialectics of society progress in similar manners, and while there are differences, they all share certain traits and cultural features of some variability.
>because for the last 200 years the world has been getting increasingly connected
&ltcapitalism has brought everything under its mode of production and market
China also imitated the USSR, and while its economy has become revisionist, it's education system is not.
>Unless every single Asian you see randomly drops down and starts doing complex math equations on the sidewalk.
You're just being an obtuse absolutist playing at semantics. That's not how statistics work;; let me give you a Layman's explanation: if you take a poll or a survey or any other data collection method there will be general trends and outliers. The General trend observable in education, business and real life is that Asian people achieve better results. This is a fact, deal with it. Outliers of "some Asians aren't smart or achieving much" is called an OUTLIER and is not part of a general trend. Fuck me this is tutoring highschool students all over again.
>Not everyone is a teacher, so I know not everyone is observing these amazing Asian school scores
They are published for public viewing and Asian kids are, y'know, not the only people in their schools, there are other kids, parents etc. who do see or hear these things.
>So are you trying to say it's the teachers who are spreading these Asian stereotypes around the globe?
No, that's just your projection, because your understanding of social trends is retarded. Your own point about capitalism connecting the world literally shows this you dope.
>Sound a lot like fucking human stereotypes
Sounds like projection to me
>You're losing the argument
So you claim
&ltyou don't get to say
Sure I do
>tap out
Hurr, whoever says the last word is the winner!!!
I shan't engage with you longer after this post, however I will say that you're the encapsulation of virtue-signalling radlib pity-politics with a colossal amount of strawmen, false-equvalencies, smug self-assurance and dogmatic absolutism spat out like shit from an air-cannon, all while comfortably shielded by obtuse, ignorant statements and cherrypicking, patronizing a minority over a projected insult.

what are you expecting from radical liberals who see things in black/white and take politics at face value.
On the otherhand there are like 3 different comments calling this out, so it's not uncriticized an attitude

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>pick one
&lthurr Imma ignore the context of two phrases to create a false dichotomy
It's the same fucking sentence, you idiot. You just don't know what a sentence fragment is.
>Stereotypes are a widely held belief or image of something or someone that is somewhat oversimplistic. This does not exclude it being largely accurate about a general population.
Should be:
&ltStereotypes are widely held beliefs[,] or images of something or someone[,] that [are] somewhat oversimplistic[;] this does not exclude [them] being largely accurate about a general population.
&ltStereotypes are widely held beliefs that are somewhat oversimplistic, however this does not preclude them from being largely accurate about a general population.
It's the same fucking sentence, and you contradicted yourself. "muh context"
>Are you a jew? Have you lived with them? Talked with them? Read their literature and partaken in their culture? I fucking live it.
And you base your stereotypes of all Jews on your tiny lived experience in one tiny region of the world.
>inb4 I'm a traveling Torah salesman
Most Jews I've met have been nothing like the American Jewish stereotype.
>What the fuck are you even trying to say?
You're acting all smart, yet you couldn't even understand a simple point. My point is that grades, tests and hierarchical education are human inventions, that do not exist in every single human society. Societies without these things would not be able to form the stereotype of Asians being smarter because they might not have the concept of "smarter". If you think the world is some sort of homogenous place, you need to get off the internet and walk around a bit.
>I'm an oldfag who was here since the days of Aidan-Chaya poster and before /leftpol/ split on 8ch, piss off
And in all that time you managed to learn fuck all and still remain a retard. Why are you even here?
>That makes 90% of all posters on this site /pol/ Good job at creating an utterly meaningless determination
Lurk moar.
>Your bourg moral-faggotry isn't socialism
&ltthis thing> isn't socialism
You keep talking like a /pol/yp.
>It's about the grades and measurements we see given as statistics according to ethnicity/culture you twit.
All bullshit, have more to do with economics, child nutrition, home environment and social environment, than it does with "ethnicity/culture".
>Or do you deny that Asian people score higher in IQ tests, grades, scores, college qualifications etc.?
I deny that if what you say is true, it is due to genetics and "culture" (poorly defined term in this conversation, can mean anything). They score better for a number of reasons: their educational systems focus on test-taking, so they're not "smarter", just better at taking tests; a lot of this info comes from Asian immigrants in North America, which obviously selects for the well-off (who can afford such an expensive move), therefore the children will have better educational opportunities; and so on.

Besides, Estonia ranks better in math, science and reading than Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.
Only several Asian countries appear on top of the list, but what about the rest? Vietnma, Laos, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Philippines, etc. do they have these "smart Asian" stereotypes attached to them?
Or wait a minute, are these stereotypes just based on successful immigrant groups in the United States? :o What a crazy idea! Think about it.
>Most people who talk about the smart-asian stereotype are also aware that it comes with the "overbearing parent" stereotype, which is why we have "dishonor on your family" humor in media relating to Asians.
You're basing your arguments and knowledge on fucking Hollywood movies.
>The material dialectics of society progress in similar manners, and while there are differences, they all share certain traits and cultural features of some variability.
>material dialectics of society progress
>material dialectics
What, pray, are the "material dialectics of society", and how do they "progress"?
>inb4 they progress in similar manners
>China also imitated the USSR, and while its economy has become revisionist, it's education system is not.
Marx never wrote on education (unless in some letter in passing that I haven't seen) and I don't know any early Marxist literature on education. So how can education be "revisionist" or "non-revisionist"? Oh that's write, you're a retarded /pol/yp who doesn't know what the words he's using mean. Don't you fucking get that we're not your stupid fascist friends and you can't fool people here just by using leftist terminology. "Materialism", "dialectics", "revisionism", all these words have definitions, and when you use them incorrectly it stands out like a sore thumb. LURK MOAR
>The General trend observable in education, business and real life is that Asian people achieve better results.
>general trends in real life
And how do we measure "real life"? God you're so fucking stupid, it's unbelievable.
>Fuck me this is tutoring highschool students all over again.
Stupid, and transparent. Kid, it's fucking obvious you're a kid, because no one talks about "measuring real life" or "measuring business". Those are absolutely silly claims made by an immature mind.
>trends and outliers
Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? "trends and outliers" fucking lol
>They are published for public viewing
You think student grades are published for public viewing? Lol, where did you see that, Starship Troopers?
>I shan't engage with you longer after this post
Of course you won't, because you keep embarrassing yourself. I wouldn't either if I were you.
>however I will say that blah blah blah
Didn't read that part, fuck you.

Ok internet tough guy, do try this kind of stupid whining in a ghetto, see how that goes for you.
>all this shit.
As I said, I'm not engaging your half-arsed fallacies and no-arguments especially when they rely on ignoring context and blog-post articles. None of what you stated is even a decent response, it's all deflection, and smug assertion that "I'm right"
Your only point is about Estonia and even then all it is, is another Outlier. Your comparison to South East Asia is also fallacious, as not only is it obvious that India
>muh /pol/
>muh genetics
I never brought up genetics, YOU did, nice projection. Pointing out that liberalism is not socialism, is the very opposite of /pol/ who love to strawman and associate liberal idpol (such as yours) with /leftypol/ despite us being anti-idpol from the beginning.
>base your stereotypes of all Jews on your tiny lived experience in one tiny region of the world
How would you know? I've known jews from Israel, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belorus, America, France and more. I know our history and know our habits.
For example there is a stereotype, portrayed as negative by Nazis - but otherwise not - that states that Jews often become doctors, dentists, jewelers and other artisan or intelligentsia-type work. This arose from MATERIAL SOCIETAL CHANGES wherein historical anti-semitism excluded most Jews from land-ownership and farming, resulting in them pursuing work in other areas that they excelled in, to the jealousy of fascists. Over time, this became a part of the culture, with parents pushing their children towards these professions as part of cultural standards. The only negative part of this is that fascists are mad over it, as are you. Same applies to Smart Asians. Given that I have Asian family and they're quite strict - as is the common trend confirmed by sociological study - the pressure for excelling in study and results are a general trend that is independent of any stereotype you are offended by. PERIOD. Stop pretending to be the voice for people who don't want nor need your protection from such inane things. Focus on real racism… such as /pol/'s obsessive anti-chinese dehumanization; THOSE are issues worth addressing, and not something so petty.
>Marx never wrote on education
&ltlet's conveniently ignore Soviet efforts on education and it being considered one of the best systems in the world.
It it really so hard to do basic research or do you like showing yourself as a theorylet? There is a literal section in Capital dedicated to 'Education'. Marxists.org has been around for a long time, use it.
>hurr ur a kid
&ltnobody talks about "measuring real life" or "business"
Huh apparently statisticians and economists and sociologists who JOB is to do exactly that and interpret the data, are now immature children. Amazing logic
>Didn't read
Just like the rest
>fuck you
Like I said, stay mad.

>As I said, I'm not engaging
And neither am I then. Stopped reading there. You can fuck off with that kind of bad faith discussion.

Harry Potter with Guns is a fairly amusing shitpost, rather well made for one too.

It's rather amusing but in the actual story context would be quite interesting a change. Divided and Entwined by Starfox5 has Hermione and the Muggleborns use guns and bombs to their advantage, outright killing most of the Death Eaters by doing IRA-type attacks on gatherings. There's also an interesting part where Voldemort uses an old WW-2 bomb from the Blitz to frame them by having them engage with some fodder Death Eaters at Longbottom Manor and detonating it when the Aurors arrive, crippling their forces and putting the muggle-borns in bad light, while also directly demonstrating that the Blitz did, in fact, affect the magical population in WW-2 Britain.

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I don't really give a fuck about PS5 or vidya, but this trailer for Hogwarts Legacy was really neat IMO. I hope someone makes a username of "Ebony Darkness Dementia Ravenway"
The only disappointing thing in the trailer is the lack of the original Hedwig Theme and just parodies the Avengers Endgame theme.


Speaking of Harry Potter Vidya, it seems the new part of Hogwarts Mystery is being released, so looking forward to more Merula autism.

Also maybe we'll finally get an animated spinoff of Harry Potter made by fans (and not slash-fiction made canon).

>I don't get why they didn't just escape into the Muggle society
>Death Eaters are absolutely shit at what they know of Muggle life, so hunting down Muggle-borns would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
This is actually a basic plot-point in Starfox5's Divided and Entwined

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Something I really like about the 5th movie is the line "Nice one James!" by Sirius in the Department of Mysteries. It’s a nod to one of the subplots of the fifth book, perhaps even the main subplot. Many adults, like Sirius and Snape, have difficulty telling James and Harry apart despite their differences in character, largely due to their similar looks, Quidditch skills, and daring heroic personalities.
In both cases it is merely due the fact that he doesn't know Harry as his own person very well yet and it's human nature to view children as extensions of their parents. Couple that with the loneliness he was feeling, stuck at Grimmauld Place and it's not out of the ordinary that, at that moment, he wanted Harry to be more like his old friend. Sirius is constantly being reminded through the book that Harry is not James, and suffers a lapse of deep disappointment when he himself realizes that Harry is more different than he would like. This is all subtle build up to the infamous Snape’s Worst Memory scene where we see firsthand James behave in ways quite alien to Harry’s character. It doesn’t help that Sirius WANTS to see as much as James in Harry as possible. He blames himself for the death of James since he persuaded James to use Peter, and he is not fully psychologically capable of accepting that James is dead (on a subconcsious level). He hopes that if enough of James is channeled through Harry then he can relive his lost years from Azkaban. However at the same time he knows the two are different; Sirius breaks out of Azkaban out of fear that Pettigrew will harm Harry, leaves some southern paradise to live as a dog and eat rats because Harry needed him, and most importantly, explicitly tells Harry that he was a much better person than James was at the same age - i.e. he is fully aware of how different the two are.

Since the film is too cramped to cover this, this line was what they settled for.

A LiveJournal User named Cleolinda* made an excellent post about why this works;
‘"Nice one, James!" was such a wonderful bit of screenwriting economy. It expressed everything that was going on in that relationship, and Radcliffe shot Oldman this wonderful look right after … "like he realized something about Sirius that he hadn't before and it was so sad." And no, I don't think that Harry = James is all there was to his relationship with Sirius, because there was a lot at play there–both of them needing a family, Harry in particular needing some kind of mentor-father (particularly after Dumbledore began to distance himself), Sirius seeing not only James but himself in Harry (where "running away to the Potters' " equals "practically being adopted by the Weasleys," for example), Sirius wanting to recapture the Three Musketeers vibe of his youth, and so on. There are a lot of little love stories in the HP books, many of them more parental or brotherly instead of romantic, and I think Sirius and Harry is one of them, but I think Sirius and James is another, and "Nice one, James!" was the moment when Harry realized how they overlapped, and how Sirius might not be living–might not be able to live–in the present.’

In the book, Molly warns Sirius that Harry isn’t James in a separate scene - scriptwriting economy combines the whole lot of implications above into a single beautiful Freudian Slip. It can also be interpreted to allude to one of Snape' terrible memories; in the fifth movie, when James flips Snape upside down, Sirius says "Nice one James!" as well.

“He's not a child!" said Sirius impatiently. "He's not an adult either!" said Mrs. Weasley, the color rising in her cheeks. "He's not James, Sirius!" "I'm perfectly clear who he is, thanks, Molly," said Sirius coldly. "I'm not sure you are!" said Mrs. Weasley. "Sometimes, the way you talk about him, it's as though you think you've got your best friend back!”

*(known for Movies in 15 Minutes; https://m15m.livejournal.com/2237.html)

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Speaking of moments the movie did better
I have 2 others off the top my head
First is where Harry gets his solution to the 2nd Task in Goblet of Fire;
Whereas in the book Dobby is the one who overhears a staged conversation about gillyweed and gets it to Harry at the last second just before the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, in the movie they clean up the storyline by having Neville talk about Herbology, thus directly firing that Chekov's gun set earlier with Madeye. The book not having Neville do it (and having Madeye berate Harry for not listening to his friend) just makes Harry look far stupider than he otherwise is.

Neville: "You know, if you're interested in plants, you should use Goshawk's Guide To Herbology. There's someone in Tibet who's growing gravity resistant trees…"
Harry: "Neville, no offense, but I really don't care about plants. Now, if there's a Tibetan turnip that will help me breathe underwater for an hour, great. But otherwise…"
Neville: "I don't know about turnips, but you could always use gillyweed."
In this case, dear Neville is the saviour of the day.

The Second is when Umbridge is taken to the Forbidden Forest and Umbridge is being apprehended by Grawp and a forest full of angry centaurs, she cries out, "Please, tell them I mean no harm!"
And Harry answers "Sorry Professor, but I must not tell lies" which provides excellent sass and a witty return of the blood-quill punishment she was handing out to him. this is one of very few instances that I will concede the movie picked up on a brilliant idea that the book did not.
of course it really made the 'centaur rape' meme blow up among the fans lol

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(This is all spoilers, for newfags)
So a while back when I was reading Half-Blood Prince there was the plot point of the curse on Dumbledore's arm from the Gaunt's ring (with resurrection stone) that had been made one of Voldemort's Horcruxes which 'ensured' Dumbledore's death within the year. Unfortunately this creates a problem because it would seem much more expedient to then hurry and eliminate any known horcruxes while Dumbledore and his considerable power was still around… or even use amputation to sever the maimed arm and replace it with a prosthetic. There are three in-universe options - either He didn’t think of doing so, He didn’t want to do so or Doing so would make no difference to the outcome. The simplest reason overall is Rowling simply didn't think of amputation while writing the story. She just wanted to kill off Dumbledore and didn't quite think through the means used.

The curse: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Curse_on_Marvolo_Gaunt%27s_ring

If Amputation could have helped, an interesting short-text for the amputation written out: https://archive.is/GW8yd
Moreover Dumbledore is known to be a wizard of equal or of greater skill than Voldemort. Voldemort was capable of making a new hand for Pettigrew after he cut his off so that Voldemort could be revived. However it could have been dark magic (as the hand did turn on Peter) and unlike Peter, it would have been removed from a curse, which as injuries do not recover easily (Deathly Hallows, when George get's his ear cursed off
In Iruka and Will of Fire (mentioned in anothere post), this is also (sort of) done during the Horcrux hunt at the Gaunt Shack.
And interesting idea of why Dumbledore could simply not have thought of it is something poetic; Most Pureblood wizards don't know much about muggles, including their medicine. We've been amputating for centuries because wounds that can't be healed fester, necrotize and spread. However, the vast majority of wounds in the wizarding world are easy to heal and this is the only curse in the books that spreads this way. There would never really be a need for amputations. In other words, it never would have entered their minds. Sure, Dumbledore tends to keep abreast of the muggle world but even still I doubt he knew much about muggle medical practice. However, if he had told more than just Snape about his condition, someone who knew more about muggle medical practices (like Mr. Weasley and his stitches), it could have healed him. Dumbledore being so secretive was ultimately what lead to his death…and it certainly fits the tone the 7th book took towards Dumbledore's character…he was a great man who had faults and made mistakes. However this feels a bit too unlikely, as Mad-Eye Moody probably DID get amputated, though alternatively the clunky prosthetic may have been why Dumbledore didn't want the prosthetic during a key time.

When Harry goes into his Pensieve in Deathly Hallows, we hear Snape say two things about the curse:
- “It is a miracle you managed to return here!” Snape sounded furious. “That ring carried a curse of extraordinary power, to contain it is all we can hope for; I have trapped the curse in one hand for the time being —” And Snape hesitated, and then said, “I cannot tell. Maybe a year. There is no halting such a spell forever. It will spread eventually, it is the sort of curse that strengthens over time.” - (Deathly Hallows, P. 681)
Which implies that the curse was like a late-stage cancer, even removing the affected area will not remove the cell damage spread throughout the body and it will come back over time. It also resembles Brown Recluse Spider bites, wherein hideous, necrotic wounds, resistant to conventional healing and often preventing skin growth or grafting, and cutting away the bite and necrosis does not ensure it being stopped, because venom doesn't remain isolated at the place of bite. Analysis of victim's blood showed venom proteins quickly spread throughout the body; remaining active for a long time.
The withering-away or "mummification" of Dumbledore's hand, proceeds in the fashion of a Brown Recluse bite; only instead of an organic protein-based toxin, it had involved a magical toxin-like counterpart. In other words the withering of Dumbledore's hand had only been the visible and main manifestation of the "curse-toxins." Like the spider-venom counterpart, as well, a major quantity of "curse-toxins" had already proceeded up the arm, and were circulating throughout Dumbledore's body. Or it could simply be magic Gangrene. However, if that was the case, could not Phoenix tears save him?

Of course since this is magic and not science, we don’t know how the curse operates; if you chop the hand off, the “thing” that’s keeping the curse suppressed might break and then it could just continue to spread up the arm as the hand comes off. Since Dumbledore and Snape hadn't talked about having Dumbledore reprise the famous old Celtic Magister's role, right down to the wearing of a precious-metal hand, I'd assumed the wound would inexorably continue to "mummify," no matter how high-up (how far from the "mummy-hand") they chose to amputate.

It also could have been an intentional sacrifice and a subconscious self punishment:
- Dumbledore and Snape knew that Draco was given a mission to kill the Headmaster, and if amputation was not a final solution and just a delay at best, then Dumbledore may have considered Draco’s best interests as well as his own. Knowing that he was dying anyway, amputation or otherwise, he chose death in this way would have been his way of protecting Draco from either being a murderer and from being killed for failing Voldemort.*
- Assuming that amputation would at best delay the curse and not remove it entirely, choosing death in this way was also a way of reinforcing the illusion of Snape’s loyalty towards Voldemort and reassuring him that his faux Double-agent did not switch sides.
- It may also have been to keep hidden the fact he had been cursed, so that Voldemort’s loyal spies don’t learn that Dumbledore found the ring, or that Dumbledore was already dying as that would let Voldemort get a massive upperhand morally and tactically when Dumbley shows his hand too early.
- Wormtail cut off his arm out of fear of Voldemort’s wrath; one would think Albus might have considered the path differently, considering the war of one-upmanship Dumbledore waged with Voldemort to save the wizarding world from the Dark Lord, he may have not wanted to emulate the coward. (Although this would have been an interesting parallel; Wormtail's sacrificed arm reviving Voldy, and Albus's ensuring Harry's survival).

As for why self punishment; Dumbledore had been eager to open up the resurrection stone and get to see his family that he was still guilty over. He had lived a full life and he was quite expectant to see peace and to meet his family, in death, if not in life. He had a plan and people who would carry it out and his death would aid in his bigger plan. So he wanted to hurry it up and at the same time be inflicted with pain. “Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, those who live without love.” - Albus Dumbledore 115, he lived too long without close love.

*The Draco part is probably the silliest as innocent or not, it is one thing to attempt to protect him from failing to murder Dumbledore if it didn’t actually cost a life (as the invasion of Hogwarts did), it’s another thing to deliberately sacrifice yourself to protect an almost-adult from failing to murder you. Snape could have subtly offered Draco an “out” as an offer of protection from Voldemort, and if taken they could have tried to protect him the old-fashioned way, and it’s implied that he probably did make this offer to Draco, but that Draco refused the offer thinking that Snape was trying to steal his chance at glory.

Also; Why Dumbledore didn't use Horcruxes: https://archive.is/irp0Z

Ngl, the films are all very well made. Sure they miss a lot of plotpoints but as adaptations that improve on upon the existing work they are amazing.

Well we're never getting a TV series for sure. Adam Driver would have been a decent young Snape though (they'd have to find a way to make him look shorter though).

There should be a fanfic where instead of doing the stupid reject modernity idiocy the Death Eaters try hijacking one of those nuclear subs and holding it hostage, through teleportation spells, the disguising potions, or whatever. It could be even made into a political piece, with an actual Corbyn Dumbledore and all.

Pretty cool idea, reminds me of when there was a Royal Navy sailor whistleblower a few years ago who admitted that the Vanguard trident SSBNs could be used by a terrorist/madman without even using arms. He said that someone could simply get RN fatigues, tailgate a group of sailors going into the sub and not get checked by security and the two-man rule was not observed in the launch room. Anyone could have gone into the trident submarine, hit azimuth align on the Garmin GPS unit, typed in 144 x 9 sets of numbers, pulled the trigger on the joystick and hit 144 cities with 100kt re-entry vehicles and as the alarm sounded there would be nothing the retarded sailors could do as they rushed the room. He said he did a test run to see how he could board a Vanguard when he wasn't listed on the complement and how he could stay in the launch room unobserved for enough time to launch an unauthorized strike.

if different great socialist thinkers could cast expecto patronum what would their animals be?
I can only think of some obvious ones:
>Posadas: dolphin
>Stirner: cow
>Hoxha: beaver
>Lenin: cat
what about Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mao?

maybe Marx and Engels would be a stork and an owl respectively, one for birthing the tradition and the other for being it’s most diligent student and teacher and delivering it across the world.

Marx lion
Engels eagle
Stalin worm
Mao horse

Found the third-worldist

Personally I would think I'd get a parrot or maybe a shark.

I reckon Stalin would get a Wolf, Lenin would get a Cat and Mao would get a Sparrow… I jest, more than likely he'd get a horse.
Marx, would get a Rooster IMO. As for Engels I suppose a Stork or Vulture might make sense

Took a few online quizzes for shits and giggles, got phoenix twice, and elephant, dolphin and owl once each.

I know its about le epik milk memes, but Stirner embodies cat like behavior

You mean his books. The guy was pathetic IRL.

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His IRL behavior was also cat-like, and as part of [b]human[/b] society he received the appropriate response.
Well cats do like milk…

Pirate Wizards of the North Undersea!

>Pirate Wizards of the North Undersea
*Marxist Mateys

Frankly the magic of Harry Potter is in how it hooked young adults, regardless of ideology it brought a fantastical world to readers who relished this fuel to stoke the fires of imagination.

>Divided and Entwined
got hooked, was pretty good (mostly better than original), although a bit shallow in some parts

Anyone remember this autism?

>a bunch of twitter libs make references to Harry Potter

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>if different great socialist thinkers could cast expecto patronum what would their animals be?

Harry Potter is surprisingly good in how non-formalist propagandistic it is. at best, all reactionary thing-noticers had to go with when it was big was muh demonic magic and making fun of the middle class dursleys

>if different great socialist thinkers could cast expecto patronum what would their animals be
Marx's patronum would be the whole working class conscious and rising. Lenin and Stalin prolly the same but with russian speaking workers only.
seems OP to you ? thats just how a spell based on emotion react to a committed communist.

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no wonder hagrid is the best.

he kinda looks like marx tbh

yea, it makes sense, he's a very working class, marginalized kind of character
sorry, had to repost with punctuation lol

What a shitty timeline we live in. People larping about this stuff instead of making analogies, if anything, with stories such as Fist of the North Star, Cowboy Bepop or some other actually cool shit.

That's just some kind of joke played by someone setting up the props that went undetected through production, just like that porn frame one could see in the original release of Bianca and Bernie or something like that.

would be pretty for it to go unnoticed by the director or editor or whoever

pretty hard*

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for some reason, she's pinned her tweet where she gives uncritical support to the villain of her series

Hagrid would be the one to have a hammer and sickle tbf, both in the sense of the symbolism and the actual utility since he can't do much magic and acts as groundskeeper.

Makes me wonder though, what was going on with the wizarding world in the USSR? Knowing Rowling Stalin purged all the wizards or something stupid. Durmstrang is a broad stereotype of eastern Europe without a defined location, although the wiki says it's in the "far north" of Europe (?) and was founded by a Bulgarian (???). They're clearly based on stereotypes that were played up during the cold war.

Durmstrang is based in Sweden iirc
oh no northern Norway or Sweden, which is ironically Sápmi land
the name comes from Sturm und Drang, which is German
they would've been outside of the control of Stalin for the most part I think. Maybe they have more connection with the muggle leaders of Sweden or Norway idk

the Russian wizarding school is Koldovstoretz

>it's kind of like how modern universities look down on Marxism (or STEM on humanities). It's all very elitist.

ehh, this is really the opposite though. Humanities and philosophy, etc are still seen as the top intellectual subjects. In terms of a global division of labour, what we actually see is that IMF/WB structural adjustment of poor countries often goes hand in hand with education restructuring that tells universities to focus on STEM and entrepreneurship rather than humanities subjects.

>and is treated as crazy and hysteric for it
is she? ron lightly negs her over it, but she gets sympathy from a lot of characters iirc

>is she
NTA but kinda, her S.P.E.W. in the books gets snubbed by Harry and Ron as her being obsessed again, and at best got funny looks or polite declines from people that like her, for example Hagrid.

because she’s a utopian socialist and needs to adopt a Marxist line in SPEW to get anything done

They are good children's books, it's much better for your kid to be reading HP or some other YA shit than playing video games, being on social media or watching some youtuber asshole jabbering 24/7. Yeah grown adults being still obsessed with HP is extremely lame but what's even worse is leftists criticizing a children's book for not having perfect revolutionary marxist politics and radilbs just making up stuff to hate on Rowling.

Fucking this, I never got obsessed like fanboys or actively sought to hate it like many other edgy internet users, it's just a magical adventure I fondly return to for fun and like to analyze on occasion, I don't get the obsessive hatred it garners from many "leftists".

it used to have a genuinely fun online community that interacted with it in unique ways though
nothing like online fandoms nowadays

Yeah, places like Potter forums and Pottermore and The Quidditch Pitch had been great.

>But this just shows JK Rowling's worldview that everyone has their position in life and the key is to make the most of it (Ron's parents are always happy and positive). Only way to change your conditions is to do something impressive or marketable like invent joke spell trinkets that people want to buy or write some books. If you don't have a special talent then you're just condemned to whatever your socioeconomic position is.
This is so Anglo I fucking cringed.

it's stupid
ron's parents are only superficially happy and this is depicted in a lot of subtle ways
ron, along with his siblings, is kind of depicted as ashamed of his upbringing too, and consciously ingratiates himself with middle class-esque lifestylism like with sports or whatever while also being awkward and "insensitive" and endearing in this respect
anyways, it's a magical story, i need to catch myself lol

A neat fantrailer of a fanfic concept: Harry Potter and the King's Requiem (2022) - Movie Trailer Concept - LET'S IMAGINE

Honestly looks pretty cool

looks like generic Hollywood fantasy film shit. terrible
the movies were bad in the first place, and now Rowling is already fucking her own creation with the Fantastic Beasts slop and the Cursed Child play, on top of deciding to become one of the foremost reactionary public figures for some reason. there's no need for this

Are you just here to be negative? You're just repeating generic anti-HP lines.

Swiss Army Man was pretty good.

I liked the original books series a lot. The franchise is profiteering garbage.

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>The franchise is profiteering garbage
You really need to reign in your negativity, newsflash, ALL franchises are profiteering, hell by the time of the Goblet of Fire and particularly Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows, Rowling had been writing closer to the film method to ease the film-making.

The first 2 films captured the magic of the books well, and despite problems the later films had brilliant moments and is better than you give it credit for, as I point this out in >>12727 and >>12707
Obviously there are problems but they're not uniform.

> I forget his name but the deal was that he refused to disclose what he did with the CIA
They didn’t give him the position, did they?

>US orgs are just that retarded.
nah the DSA and PSL (and CPUSA to an extent) are both full of blatant grifters. they're outliers if you really think about it, only noteworthy cuz they have branches across the US, which are themselves a very marginal part of the local left

I just realized that Professor McGonagall is a reference to the poet William McGonagall. I only thought of the connection as I came across a Comedy Biopic on the man called The Great McGonagall, featuring Peter Sellers.
Rowling confirmed this connection: (CTRL+F+"william") https://archive.ph/4r3sh

On the topic of the poet, he is called "the worst poet in British history" but having read some of his poetry, I found many of them rather charming and childlike, the Famous Tay Whale reads like a children's story. But then again, what to expect from stuffy Anglo-saxon Englishmen, other than haughty disapproval of the atypical?

>Swiss Army Man
Yeah it is, kinda like parody of Cast Away

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>you will NOT support gellert grindelwald's invasion of the muggle world in an attempt to assert wizard dominance
>you will NOT pay for a subscription to muggled.com to promote the infusion of wizard genes into muggle bloodlines to increase the numerical advantage of magic users
>you will NOT question the ethics of the department of magical law enforcement
>you will NOT question the isolationist policy of the wizard world
>you will NOT question the goblin occupied banking system (GOBS)

His Dark Materials should have been the one to become the Ur-liberal youth text. At least that one is written by a spergy anti-papist and anti-anglican fedora wearer. Also it has elephant people driving acorns as motorbikes. And while it does a little both-sidesism towards the end, the main takeaway still is that killing the tyrant god through a multiversal revolution is good. Truly the supperior text.

>written by a spergy anti-papist and anti-anglican fedora wearer
That's supposed to be a good thing?

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What would be the right way to handle the House Elf Question or some equivalent? Let's say in the future we don't get communism in the short term, and Monsanto genetically engineers human beings who are psychologically dependent on slavery. Maybe they are controlled in a similar manner to a drug. The mechanics are not that important. What is important is how you deal with that. Assuming that it's possible to have an "biologically ideal slave race" how do you deal with that? Surely throwing your hands up like Harry and (most) friends is a bad answer.

Obviously this excuse is trash and the kind of dependency the house elves in the story have makes more sense as a result of conditioning and not something innate, but it's an interesting thought experiment.

Furthermore the concept cannot be directly paralleled to any humans, even bioengineered slaves, because they're literally house spirits in flesh. So any bio-engineered slave is going to be at most a poor and unethical imitation.

If it makes the story have a tinkerbell-sized revolutionary commit nuclear terrorism on the Geneva Papacy powerplant, then yes.

Old but funnyish and well animated

Also JK Rowling is directly connected to Blairite free market conservatives also read her book after Harry Potter which legit is political and is the most blatant about being against systemic change and only wanting to virtue signal to the poors but never about changing their conditions of being. And especially against the poors taking any agency.

>playing the muggle stock market

Wait, whats the exchange rate of muggle money to wizard money? It seemed they all payed everything in giant gold coins. Did they go to the (((Goblin))) bank with a suitcase of pounds and accepted it and gave them jewels and gold coins?

>Also JK Rowling is directly connected to Blairite free market conservatives
>also read her book after Harry Potter
This run-on sentence is a fucking pain to read anon, pls keep that in mind. On the topic - a book 'AFTER' Harry Potter being political is irrelevant to the franchise, but to JK herself.
>whats the exchange rate of muggle money to wizard money
As of 2018, 1 Gold Galleon = 1,583 Rubles or roughly 19 British pounds.
Also according to Pottermore, (back in 2015, IDK about today) Gringotts supposedly has a daily percent of 15% interest on money in vault (or 50% interest per week, provided you do not touch the funds) and the fact that Harry Potter and Family basically did not touch his vault for 10+ years, leaving it a solid decade of accumulated interest.
It's appropriately steep given that the prices of magical or magic related items in the potterverse is rather steep too.

Garry Potter lmao

Wait until you hear about Gillary Clinton and Adolf Gitler.

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>"I think Harry will take his place with Alice, Huck, Frodo, and Dorothy and this series is not just for the decade but for the ages." - Stephen King
Nobody actually reads The Oz series tho, they only know the one movie.

Random fact: The second book in the series is about a little boy name Tip who then learns he was transformed into a girl to hide her from an evil queen, so then he has to get transformed back into a girl so she can take her place on the throne.Then after she gets transformed back into a woman she lezzes out with Dorothy alot.

>I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!

they had wizard of oz books in my elementary, i think i read them

Never knew Dorothy was a lesbian icon. Amazing that L Frank Baum put that in his books in the early 1900s but Rowling didn't make Dumbledore actually gay in a book series that came out in the early 2000s.

>Never knew Dorothy was a lesbian icon.
So much so that "a friend of Dorothy" was a byword for being queer and the US government spent years trying to root out this mysterious "Dorothy" that was the shadowy force behind the nation's homosexuals.

I think Harry Potter is the opposite of an escapist fantasy. Everything and everyone in it is so static and the magic so superficial that it's more like imprisonment fantasy tbh.

Oh shit I had no idea it was that Dorothy.

Also it's notable that the social problems in HP world are very similar to the ones in the real world.

>their Melanin levels are so high there isn't really much to tan up from. Black people CANNOT go pale or visibly blush after-all.
This is all patently false. Have you ever even seen a black person?

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>L Frank Baum put that in his books
He didn't. Like 90% of "Lesbian icons" it's a minority sexuality projecting their sexuality onto a character they like to make them "more relatable".

>This is all patently false
No it isn't faggot, black people themselves understand this and there is nothing bad about it, the point is that you're not going to see the blush on a dark-skinner person from a long distance, and PALE is exactly the opposite of dark-skinned, you fucking cretin.
Pic rel is Oprah, a relatively lighter-shaded dark-skinned person, blushing. Tell me honestly do you see the blush? Could you honestly say you could see it from a distance? Do you even know what blushing is without looking it up?
>Have you ever even seen a black person
Considering I grew up in the projects and had them for neighbors, yeah shitlib.

Having them as neighbours doesn't mean you know them, or have properly met them

>He didn't. Like 90% of "Lesbian icons" it's a minority sexuality projecting their sexuality onto a character they like to make them "more relatable".
Nah, it's pretty obvious lesbian undertones see pic 3:
Also the whole Tip/Ozma thing has obvious trans undertones. Not even undertones. He/she are just literally trans.

Everything gets rebuked on /leftypol/, are you looking for debunked?

>The movies are actually pretty bad in retrospect tbh. They're all over the place tonally and stylistically and most of the acting is terrible. The OG dumbledore was pretty ok, but when he died they replaced him with somebody who didn't understand the character or didn't care, and it's right at the time that the kid actors start to act better.
That was obvious at the time and I was like the same age as the actors.

1 and 2 were not that good but consistent with the same director. 3 they got the new artsy director guy, by 4 I dunno I checked out. I guess after that they stuck with one director.

I dunno how somebody can be obsessed with this book series TBH. It suckss and I say that as someone who read all 7 books. Best thing I'll say about her writing is she keeps it moving. I'd read like the whole thing in like a weekend even when she started making them 1000 page tomes. The formulaic nature of it makes it sort of enjoyable as a HS drama kind of thing with magic. If you like one enough you'll like them all enough because she hardly ever switches up the formula. Actually I didn't really like when it became all pain with the Umbridge shit and all that. But having read all the books and seen every movie, I can't remember anything about the plots except for the first few books. She puts way too much random bullshit in there. All her later books are the directors cut and she could've used a good editor.

Also I don't know how people go for that "what house are you?" because she made the worst horoscope paradigm:
>Brave House
>Stupid House
>Smart House
>Evil House

Her magic was also lame. So what was actually good about them? I guess she started strong and hooked you with that "what if it's really real?" vibe like The Matrix. You watch it and go "holy shit what if we're actually living in The Matrix right now?" And when a young kid reads the first Harry Potter book, you really feel like, "Holy shit what if my Hogwarts letter is going to come in the mail like Hermione?"

There are only two options that aren't shit also she doesn't even follow this paradigm and there is hardly ever any important character who is not from Hero House and their nemesis Evil House.

You can't contradict shit we can see with our eyes, black folks can sun burn too.

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>You can't contradict shit we can see with our eyes
except I'm not you fantasizing white knight liberal. I'm not even white either, and I have a slightly tan complexion and already that reduces the level of sunburn I can visibly get.
>black folks can sun burn too
Read closely fucktard: VISIBLY, a sunburn or blush on a dark-skinned person is significantly harder to see due to melanin making it harder to see it, this is due to melanin protecting the skin from sun LIGHT, and red in the color spectrum blends heavily with darker colors, that is the reason many benthic animals can be red and still blend in at night in the Ocean and the reason red lights are used during the night to reduce the reduction of night vision. You cannot in any honest capacity tell me that you can see a black person blush from a distance, that is factually untrue and I've seen enough blushing black people to know it, given that I grew up around them, fucktard. All this doesn't mean that they can't blush or burn, but that they don't do so visibly.

Nice evasion asshat.
>properly met them
Bitch do you understand the meaning of living in the same house as someone? In a place that has paper-thin walls and a shared yard? Piss off.

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>fraternal kiss is gay
<sororital kiss is lesbian
Modern burger social standards are cancer and unironically more conservative and retarded than they were 2 decades ago despite (or rather because) increased liberalism of society.
>Frank L Baum was totally progressive and had understanding of the idea of trans and lesbianz!
The idea of trans wasn't even an inkling in anyones mind of the time of the second book's publication. Hell even by the time the original film came out it was barely a thought. It was a plot twist, that's it.
If you're forgetting this is the man that advocated for the genocide of Native American tribes and supported populism (a fore-runner to fascism). His "support of suffrage" is middling opinionshit that amounted to the same token liberalism that gets used today by modern social democrats.

2 years late m8, but yeah that too.

Harry Potter sucks
Its main characters are boring and mostly just perfect, flawless and sure about themselves, which is something that I'm pretty sure the average child does not relate to at all
It's not a coming of age story because Harry never changes from beginning to end, except maybe just becoming happier and more sexual

There was also the heyday of skinhead gangs and the BNP from the 70s through the 90s. The Rivers of Blood speech was in 1968.

>It's not a coming of age story because Harry never changes from beginning to end, except maybe just becoming happier and more sexual
Also, there's an overriding sense of people being static in the story
Harry Potter and Voldemort might have both been abused orphans growing up, but Harry Potter was born into a loving upper middle class family and Voldemort was born out of wedlock to an inbred woman who died after giving birth
JK Rowling pushes a worldview where you can't change from who you are at birth and are morally tied to the circumstances of it
She even forgives and humanizes the aristocratic, wealthy Malfoys at the end, portraying them as being manipulated all along
Makes her TERFist biological essentialism less surprising

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The magical secrecy statute wasn't even a thing until the early modern era and Hogwarts was founded in Anglo-Saxon times, so uhhh…the Malfoys and such were probably all fucking feudal landowners.

I was actually just randomly thinking about this a while ago, how Hogwarts would be able to deal with Muggle intruders as time goes on (the castle is charmed to look like ruins with a bunch of condemned warnings signs but urbex fags are a thing, and later on nosy streamers) and then I remembered that most land in the Scottish highlands is in the hands of only a few landowners. It would have been super easy for someone (especially during the Highland Clearances) to secure a bit of land under a Muggle identity or shell corporation, then give it to the Ministry and embed agents as gamekeepers employed by whoever owned the surrounding land.
So they're probably all a bunch of scummy landlords and investors like how the British royal family runs the Duchy of Lancaster.

>how Hogwarts would be able to deal with Muggle intruders as time goes on (the castle is charmed to look like ruins with a bunch of condemned warnings signs but urbex fags are a thing, and later on nosy streamers)
You can explore the ruins however much you like, you won't be able to get in as a muggle
It's like how platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station is hidden in plain site in a very public area with a specific magical method of getting in

daily reminder that caring about someone's past, as if sin is some physical thing that attaches itself to you across time, is moralist cuckery of the highest order

the only thing that should have concerned them was whether he was still in cahoots with the government. not if he had properly "repented" for his past. leftists are fucking children and that's why they're losing

it make senses since his dad was an asshole when he was young

you're a retard, considering the risk of fed infiltration why tf would you want someone with KNOWN former fed ties to be a leader?

>Gringotts supposedly has a daily percent of 15% interest on money in vault (or 50% interest per week, provided you do not touch the funds)
Just when you though becoming immortal through splitting of your soul was the most fantastical element of the book.

Stalin made mandatory for wizards to train in weather magic and necromancy. Which is how he was able to starve-genocide the Ukraine and increase population despite constantly killing millions fo people.

If the parents deposited $1, and it is 50% interest compounded weekly, then in 10 years the total would be
What a good bank!

>daily interest x7 is higher than weekly interest


I don't think whoever thought of that was very good at math.

>>31654 (me)
I mena obviously when it's a compound interest it's just ridiculous, but even when it's not, it's still too high to be plausabe even for fantastic magical world of mathlets.

>making fun of the middle class dursleys
interesting how quickly the anti-petite-bourgeois narrative was dropped in favor of generic anti-aristocrat. Rowling got paid, so she's in the Keeping Up Appearances class now lol
NOOO divination isn't real!!! It's impossible to learn anything about the past, no one knows what's happening in the present, the future is a total mystery! Stop critiquing our neoliberal world order you fascists!!!

TBF I googled it and can't find any source for the claim that the interest rate is 15%/day, I can't speak Russian so I have no idea how the original video worked it out.

I speak russian, but it's a harry potter video, so it's probably very stupid and i don't want to watch it.

You know I never really thought about it before, but uh….
"Muggle" really is suspiciously similar to another real word slur…
Given how lazy she's been naming other things, did she actually just go "hmm the -gger is a bit harsh, -ggle is a softer version, but 'uyghle' is a real word and still to obvious. Better change a letter. M is one away from N. 'miggle'? No still too obvious, how about a different vowel? maggle, meggle, miggle (no that's the same one again), moggle, muggle… yeah that'll do."

It sounds nothing like the N word IMO
I assume it's a mix of "mug", a slang word for a useless/dumb/gullible person in Britain, and -le, a diminutive suffix
It's also used as a word for a fishy tail in the Middle English poem Brut, and as a term for a young woman sweetheart in the 1608 play Your Five Gallants

They do have a doubling charm. It's a really poorly thought out magical setting NGL. Also the anti-semitism

The doubling charm is temporary though.

>Its main characters are boring and mostly just perfect, flawless and sure about themselves
Literally the most idiotic nonsense I've seen stated about the book. Hermione is bookish an often comes off as insufferable because of her social awkwardness and maturity, Ron is often brusque and hot-headed, an Harry is not as brave or smart as he wishes to be and moreover this isn't ignored but actually comes into play across the books.
>something that I'm pretty sure the average child does not relate to at all
Read fanfiction and you'll find Mary Sues all over. And regardless of its applicability to the original books, Harry Potter is one of the most influential fandoms to come about rivalled only by MLP, LOTR and Naruto in terms of size and variability today. There are more fan-sites, fanfictions, fanart, and rip-offs of Harry Potter than most other Fandoms.
>It's not a coming of age story because Harry never changes from beginning to end
I'm not even going to address this blatant lie
>maybe just becoming happier and more sexual
<Becoming older and noticing girls and thinking about relationships isn't real change!
And no he isn't happier, if anything he becomes more miserable, because he endures more hardship and has to fight for things more and more and makes mistakes and they have consequences.

Harry Potter is not a literary classic in the sense of something like Lord of the Rings or War and Peace, but you're just slandering it.

>Harry Potter was born into a loving upper middle class family
<being malnourished, poorly treated and forced to live in a cupboard until he's 10 years old and being bullied by his cousin, to the point that an escape to a frankly dangerous magic world that has him fated to face the greatest magic evil of his time is something he seeks out without a thought. And the Dursley's are horrid, the epitome of stilted suburbanites that live a plastic life and have no regard for anyone but themselves. In the 5th book Vernon, an upper employee for a drill company has a negative an derisive reaction to news of a labor protest and as he is a negative character this is not in support of strike breaking to say the least.
>JK Rowling pushes a worldview where you can't change from who you are at birth and are morally tied to the circumstances of it
Perhaps in some cases, but not intentionally, and in the case of Hermione proves the exact opposite.
>She even forgives and humanizes the aristocratic, wealthy Malfoys at the end, portraying them as being manipulated all along
No, she doesn't. Draco is portrayed as being a product of his environment, a very true statement and as he matures, he feels trapped in the role he plays as that of a Death Eater. Narcissa is a pure blood but clearly didn't care to be an active part of anything, and clearly still values her son over any pureblood ideals. Even the father becomes disillusioned. However they're not manipulated and are simply regretting their folly. The handling of this is another matter, but those are not the same things in story-telling.

>urbex fags are a thing, and later on nosy streamers
Muggle repelling charms are a thing, unless you have magic, the spells influence you by making you want to go somewhere else or remember something you forgot to do, etc. Hogwarts is also unplottable and has a myriad of spells and magic to make it hidden. As the Prime Minister of Britain is made aware of the Minister of Magic upon taking office and Aurors are made part of his staff, this means there are likely wizards that specify in running interference for land sales of territory belonging to magic settlements.
>uper easy for someone (especially during the Highland Clearances) to secure a bit of land under a Muggle identity or shell corporation
Except wizards are generally very ignorant of Muggles and are a reclusive society.

So i recently finished watching the Hogwarts legacy story mode on YouTube (i watch to fall asleep don't judge)

The thing about harry potter is that they can't really escape the racism issue, the game seems fresh by focusing on the goblins and the beast with the wizards having the typical tropes of imperialists (poaching, sealing artifacts, banning goblins from learning magic) but the story is still about racism but you just try to find a golden balance between the radical leader of the goblins and the wizarding world (who ends up indirectly allying you with the racists pure bloods in the positions of power , even the head master is from the Black family and publicly expresses prob purity opinions).

The devs have clearly seen all the twitter threads so they put a trans women in the story and made you hang around people from other houses(unlike the movies ) and you even have Slytherin good boys including a guy who is traumatized by his pure blood Slytherin parents but somehow still got sorted to Slytherin idk how.

The only weird thing and were the weird mix of gamergaters and libs in the dev teams shows is the non White characters, everyone either dresses like a stereotype on talks about his homeland including the Ugandan girl talking about warlords.
Overall 7'9/10 the story kind of disappointing but dlcs will come out

>Hermione is bookish an often comes off as insufferable because of her social awkwardness and maturity, Ron is often brusque and hot-headed, an Harry is not as brave or smart as he wishes to be and moreover this isn't ignored but actually comes into play across the books
None of this has any real dramatic complexity in the books especially since Rowling is not a good writer by any stretch and can only think in stereotypes
>Read fanfiction and you'll find Mary Sues all over. And regardless of its applicability to the original books, Harry Potter is one of the most influential fandoms to come about rivalled only by MLP, LOTR and Naruto in terms of size and variability today. There are more fan-sites, fanfictions, fanart, and rip-offs of Harry Potter than most other Fandoms.
Uh okay
>And no he isn't happier, if anything he becomes more miserable, because he endures more hardship and has to fight for things more and more and makes mistakes and they have consequences.
He becomes a married white collar civil servant living happily ever after at the end
>literary classic in the sense of something like Lord of the Rings or War and Peace
Lol it's very telling that you think those are "classics"

>None of this has any real dramatic complexity in the books
You need to reread them carefully. The films are not even close the further on you go. Throughout the entire series Hermione's bookish know-it-all nature causes abrasion and is in fact the crux of her initial interactions with the other 2. Moreover her being booksmart but not necessarily experienced practically is brought up several times. She also clearly lacks friends outside of Harry & Ron until later.
Harry is constantly making mistakes and often is a normal kid that has a misfortunate, self-fulfilling prophecy that makes him into a famous figure even though he doesn't want it, or the heavy expectations forced on him because of it. He isn't magically eviscerating villains. He scrapes by through his character of quiet determination, yet he is still prone to frustration, being blinded by tunnel-vision and other problems.
Ron is a good friend, but is also by far not perfect and can be insensitive and ignorant at times, also creating conflict.
>He becomes a married white collar civil servant living happily ever after at the end
Ah yes, a 1 chapter epilogue time-skipping decades. This retarded "the story's trials no matter becuz happy ending" is a trash take
>it's very telling that you think those are "classics"
It's very telling you've read none of them, Read the books of Jack London, Hemingway, Remarque, Jules Verne, Tolstoy, Pushkin, A.C. Doyle, Mark Twain and Chehov. Those are classic literature. Moreover your point of contention is asinine. I'm literally saying Harry Potter is NOT a literary classic, but that is not the same as misrepresenting the story.

Dune and Star Trek has races like this. You liberate them by giving them the means to give themselves what they need, be it a medicine or ritual

>Dune and Star Trek has races like this
Races that came into being through magic? Races that exist for a a sole, nigh mechanical function as a conduit for magic?

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>Lindsay Ellis
YouTube girl who got famous by becoming the "Nostalgia Chick," the female counterpart to Doug Walker's "Nostalgia Critic."

Her videos are alright, but she has a tendency to make some pretty dumb radlib takes. For instance, she has a video saying essentially that the only reason Twilight got so much backlash is because society hates teenage girls and you wouldn't see that sort of thing with schlock aimed at teenage boys, while simultaneously having a 9 part series bashing the Transformers movies.

My favorite, though, has to be when she called fujoshis writing gay wolf porn a "queer community" and claimed that some chick having the nerve to write straight wolf porn was a straight person invading a queer space.

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>For instance, she has a video saying essentially that the only reason Twilight got so much backlash is because society hates teenage girls and you wouldn't see that sort of thing with schlock aimed at teenage boys, while simultaneously having a 9 part series bashing the Transformers movies.
What's wrong with this take, she's not exactly defending Twilight itself here and making sure Transformers gets bashed too

>society hates teenage girls
Nonsense. People hate on Twilight because its crap comparable to cheap romance-drama soap operas… but expensive ones.

Years of teen girl shows and movies and books people loved (Buffy anyone?) prove this "society hates girls" is a rubbish assertion.

They hated her because she told them the truth.

Transformers was bashed. That's my point. Saying that people only really dislike schlock aimed at teenage girls and not boys is kind of undermined by having a series on movies aimed at teenage boys that received a similar backlash.

Do you really think that Ellis having some videos on Transformers is the same as the whole of society relentlessly mocking Twilight? What backlash did Transformers receive? There were a couple jokes about Michael Bay and explosions, that's nothing compared the vitriol that Twilight received.

Well, then you recall wrong. Transformers, and Michael Bay movies in general, were bashed for pandering to the lowest common denominator of dumbass Kyles.

I do think that romance can catch particular vitriol, though. It's just that shitty romance that's aimed at guys has never gotten the mainstream popularity and mass media attention that works like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey have. If some harem anime shit briefly got as popular as Star Wars, do you think society would be kinder towards towards it because it caters to men? I don't.

Transformers were widely mocked for years

A big criticism of Twilight was specifically that it "pandered" to "teenage girls" meanwhile Transformers was criticized on "objective" merits even though it went all out on pandering to het male fantasies, none of which were ever really brought up outside of a few critics that no one read, which is discursive bias on its own
Also, I'd rather some kid come across "romance-drama soap opera" style schlock than violent war shit

star trek was lampooned as virgin nerdboy shit with much more disdain and vitriol than twilight ever got for literal decades and the whole "people only hate on twilight because little girls like it" is oppression Olympics shit

Meagan Fox's horny bait role was criticised a bunch.

Also, Twilight is hardly a 'soap opera', it was incredibly weird rapey undertones

Amazing, they actually found a way to blame women for it.

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>Also, Twilight is hardly a 'soap opera', it was incredibly weird rapey undertones

So just a standard women's romance novel then…

It started as rape…but became so much more!

Are you implying people think Megan cast herself and wrote and directed her own character?

Unless its nu-trek, people still react to star trek as if you read books. So disgust and animosity.

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Twilight was always getting shit on primarily for romanticizing abusive relationships and rape, and its defenders were its fans, who were mainly teenage girls. She's just deflecting. It's the gender flipped version of making sigma grindset memes and saying people don't like these characters because they hate men.

>Transformers was criticized on "objective" merits even though it went all out on pandering to het male fantasies
LMAO Transformers got criticized specifically on the problems of immature teen boy 'MURICA aesthetic, that's not any different, or less legitimate.

Everyone and their mother shat on transformers, people just enjoyed it more because it's cheesy enough to have fun, even then only for the first 3 movies.

That doesn't really change the fact that there are plenty of legitimate criticisms you could make of twilight. Abuse apologia, pedophilia, and racism pervade it, and it's not a surprise it's so prevalent given Meyer's a mormon.

Yeah, they did, or made themselves believe she casted and wrote and directed herself. She was basically Osama Bin Laden for a few years all for the crimes of a bunch of Hollywood executives and horny consumers.

Come on man, give the feminist persecution complex a rest for a minute.

>Forget the entire zeitgeist for years
I'm not a channer dumbass, no

>Yeah, they did, or made themselves believe she casted and wrote and directed herself.
Provide one example.

people blame actors for the shit their characters do all the time

Okay, can you provide an example of someone claiming that Meagan Fox wrote the fanservice into the film?

This is pathetic

>Make a ludicrous claim
>Can't provide even a single example of said claim
<Y-you're pathetic
This is a stupid hill to die on, my guy. Everyone thought Michael Bay was responsible for the fanservice in the Transformers movies, not Megan Fox. Megan Fox was just the subject of the fanservice and everyone knew that.

The whole point was that Megan Fox's role in the movie was as a particularly gratuitous form of horny bait for teenage boys.

>I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.
>Did your mom love you? Good, maybe you deserve to be a hero, too. The love of Harry’s mother saves his life not once but twice in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Not only that, but her love for Harry sends Voldemort into hiding for 13 years, saving countless other lives in the process. The book and the movie should be named after Lily Potter. But thanks to the revisionist histories of J.K. Rowling, Lily’s son is remembered as the world’s savior.
>What Harry has achieved on his own, without his mother, stems mostly from luck and, more often, inheritance. He’s a trust-fund kid whose success at his school, Hogwarts, is largely attributable to the gifts his friends and relatives lavish upon him. (Coming soon: Frank Bruni’s book, Ambling Into Hogwarts: The Unlikely Odyssey of Harry Potter.) A few examples: an enchanted map (made in part by his father), an invisibility cloak (his father’s), and a state-of-the art magical broom (a gift from his godfather) that is the equivalent of a Lexus in a high-school parking lot.
>Ms. Rowling's magic world has no place for the numinous. It is written for people whose imaginative lives are confined to TV cartoons, and the exaggerated (more exciting, not threatening) mirror-worlds of soaps, reality TV and celebrity gossip. Its values, and everything in it, are, as Gatsby said of his own world when the light had gone out of his dream, "only personal." Nobody is trying to save or destroy anything beyond Harry Potter and his friends and family.

I realized how bad a writer Rowling was with the 2nd book twist doing the anagram. IRL of course Rowling came up with "I am Lord Voldemort" and then made a name that was an anagram of that. But in the story Tom got his birth name first obviously. That implies he pulled some letters from his name to make "I am Lord…" and then come up with "Voldemort" based on the letters that were left over. And if that doesn't tie the code name to his real name enough, he then actively records it in his diary to reveal it to his enemies. It's like something you'd see in a cartoon as a joke but it's played straight as a big dramatic moment.

Also Dumbledore would have already inferred what was going on
Actually, why wasn't Dumbledore the main character? Or someone else, like Sirius Black
Harry Potter is a fucking NPC compared to them

Can anyone answer why Sirius Black never got his memories investigated before going/during his stay azkaban ?.

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I thought I posted about it earlier but apparently I didn't. The HP wizards are so magic-dependent that the concept of subterfuge is rarely in anyone's head. Remember Sirius changed out for Pettigrew as Secret Keeper last-minute & only him, Peter & the Potter's knew to prevent Voldemort from knowing. Thus only Sirius in the minds of everyone else could have ratted them out (hah, rat). Moreover Sirius felt immense guilt for letting them perish & thought he deserved to suffer, believing Peter to have died & mad with grief, he let the courts assume the worst & condemn him. He only escaped after he realized Pettigrew still lived.

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This feels like meanspirited attacks. Only the first article has real substance that is still ignoring a lot of the positive aspects. The first book is also Rowling' first real literary attempt, stretching legs is a fairly common British phrase to the point that its not even utilized as metaphor, similar to phrases like "bit of a pickle" or "innit" (also hearing anyone from Slate talk shit about "muh trustfund kids" is hilarious 2-facedness).
>Nobody is trying to save or destroy anything beyond Harry Potter and his friends and family.
This is just blatantly incorrect. The story is from the narrative PoV of Harry & Co. obviously the problems they come across are mostly regarding them, but as they get older the scale increases to encompass the rest of Magical Britain. It's like these people made summaries of HP based on 4chan shitposts.

TL;DR: This post was made with Dursley hands

You always gotta make the protagonist an NPC so the knuckle dragging NPC masses will find them relatable and can project onto them.

copius extremis

>That implies he pulled some letters from his name to make "I am Lord…" and then come up with "Voldemort" based on the letters that were left over.
I don't think that's how it works in story, I think it was just meant to be Voldemort being a smug smart-ass by casually making an anagram of his self-appointed lord name, using the letters of his original name, and that's all there was to it in the scene we see. It's not that complicated.
>he then actively records it in his diary to reveal it to his enemies
It's a Horcrux and his first one. It is also blank unless you happen to write in it, and writing in it, lets the horcrux soul-suck you over time, letting it control you, very few people know who Tom Riddle was, so very few people would be aware of his link to Voldemort. In the scene with Harry, Voldy presumed that Harry would be killed then and there, and this is a demonstration of his arrogant nature leading to downfall, a central theme regarding him in the books and films.
The Diary was also hidden and as a Horcrux is almost indestructible to conventional means or spells. Hell, almost nobody knows what one is, because it's such forbidden knowledge, and so, he 2 methods of destroying one are not even known, even if they could be found/done (Avada Kedavra and Basilisk venom).

TL;DR: Voldemort being an arrogant arse that le to his own downfall is a main theme of the story.

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it's a condescending children's book series written by a neolib TERF karen for 8-12 year olds without access to better literature

>All these buzzwords and seethe
I by no means think Harry Potter is some great literary work or Rowling some shining example of humanity, but this reads like a literal twitterpost, parroting liberal concern-troll nonsense. Touch grass and stop baiting.

Rowling is literally a neoliberal and a TERF, you're retarded.

A Neolib yes, the "TERF" thing is an overblown hysteria, typical "privileged white liberals screeching over their idpol being contradictory" as usual. Regardless, it's irrelevant to the books or movies of HP.

>the "TERF" thing is an overblown hysteria
>Regardless, it's irrelevant to the books or movies of HP
idc that you have an agenda behind denying her career as a TERF and its connection to the books which very much have that mumsnet sort of ideology

>it's irrelevant to the books or movies of HP
Not really considering how the oppressed fantasy races are depicted or the particular naming conventions that Rowling has lol.

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>idc that you have an agenda
<Oh noes someone isn't assblasted about this social media spectacle I'm mad about? They MUST have an agenda!
Go outside, touch grass.
>her career as a TERF
HAHAHAHAHAHA what the actual fuck are you even on about? Do you even know the meaning of TERF to begin with (or career for that matter)? Rowling isn't even a radical feminist by any standard, being a fairly normal "women's rights" type feminist. As for "trans exclusionary" that also doesn't apply unless you wish to contradict biological fact. Rowling's feminism is typical liberalism, but it doesn't make these claims of hatespeech any more legitimate. In layman's terms, just because Rowling is a cunt in person doesn't make equally cunty people any better. The only book in her career relevant to what you claim is a recent one about the Inky Heart or whatever it's called, and has nothing to do with Harry Potter.
>"I respect every trans person’s right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it’s hateful to say so."
She is correct in this statement and as a biological woman has every right to say as much. Having Gender Dysphoria, even if it is from birth, is certainly not the same experience as being born and living as a woman from birth. Admission of fact is not transphobic, and only terminally online idiots looking to be angry about something, which is precisely who Rowling is replying to.
In fact Eddie Izzard, a GenderFluid comedian found no problem with Rowling's comments
And Rowling herself defended trans people against hate speech and being shouted down for discussing facts within the community.
>its connection to the books which very much have that mumsnet sort of ideology
The books were written in the 90s, were a product of the 90s and a reflection of Rowling's life in the 90s as (at the time) a poor mother raising children during a period of social unrest and the Troubles. No inherent ideology is really pushed in the story until far later in the books (when the main cast are adolescent's and politics are more at play) and at best it can be described as nebulous liberal idealism with a stiff dislike of government bureaucracy, fascism and middle-class petite bourgs - as seen in the bumbling and harmful incompetence of the Ministry of Magic, the villainous depiction of Voldemorrt, and the abusive, labour-hating depiction of the Dursley's - than anything else.
As for Mumsnet, you can't just take something and call it "an ideology", that's not what an ideology is FFS. Even if it were, again it has little relevance given the story involves an orphan main character with abusive adoptive relatives that spends most of the time we see, on a magical adventure quest with little involvement from parents or parentage except in passing. Moreover I re-emphasize, these are books from the 90s/early 2000s before Rowling had even entertained online activism.
> considering how the oppressed fantasy races are depicted or the particular naming conventions that Rowling has
1) read the thread, this has been addressed before
2) Again irrellevant to your statement.

didn't read

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>didn't read
Typical /pol/shit

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As an aside, I've always found McGonagall to be one of my favorite characters, and teen me had a crush on Maggie Smith's depiction of her. She was a bombshell as a young woman too, but her eyes, her accent and her quiet, stern strength of character really drew me in.

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>we're never getting a TV series for sure
Whelp I guess I was wrong, though I still think Adam Driver (if he wasn't so goddamn tall) would make a good young Snape, precoursing the late Alan Rickman's performance. Unfortunately so far as we know the series is just going to be non-plot relevant side-stories for the existing original books…. I really wouldn't have gone for omakes of the story we already know but seeing how they butchered Fantastic Beasts, I have doubts story lines like the young Marauders, would be executed well.


>>>/anime/510 is that-a-way

Im the books, the naruto author even said he was originally gonna do a straight Harry Potter rip off with wizards and a magic school.

>Im the books
>the naruto author even said he was originally gonna do a straight Harry Potter rip off with wizards and a magic school.

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*in the books.

It was one of those end of chapter things where he does the behind the scenes stuff. I'd have to search through all of them. It was a picture of this young kid with these chains and a giant book if anyone knows what I'm talking about.

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>It was one of those end of chapter things where he does the behind the scenes stuff.
The fan-trivia and stuff you mean? I read through most of that, I don't recall it mentioning Harry Potter in the way you say.
>a picture of this young kid with these chains and a giant book
I'll look around, see if I can find it.

From what I recall he planned to use magic in a more abstract way, but changed his mind. The main inspiration being Togashi's Yu Yu Hakusho. Kishimoto claims he newer read the Harry Potter books.
Frankly speaking the similarities are all there is, and Naruto has as many similarities with Star Wars, as it does Harry Potter.

I could be crazy and confusing him with another mangaka. I'm pretty sure it was him tho.

Maybe its a Mandela effect situation. A Naruto much closer to Harry Potter would be… interesting.

>Embedding error.
Anyone remember what the link was lmao?

>What's the best Harry Potter parodies/bootlegs have you read?
My Immortal

>Someone reupped it
LMAO I remember this shit, fun times.

A classic.

Not sure if it counts as a 'parody' but it does make fun of/fix a lot of plot holes from the books, I just read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality again a few weeks ago and enjoyed it.

Yes, it's by Eliezer Yudkowsky, but hey, I still think most of the messages in it are good.


oh yeah, I've been meaning to read this

there's also a audio version with character voices if you like that


Welp it finally happened.

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Reject Rowling
Embrace Rosen

>Fallacious argumentation of "well the Nazis believed X, so anyone that believes it is automatically Nazis"
By that slippery-slope logic, any socialist is a Nazi because of some similarities in ideological belief. Not to mention the fact that the Nazis also believed in other medical facts that remain FACTS, hell some of their human experimentation - while a crime against humanity - confirmed facts that are proven.
I don't care for J.K. Rowling but this is just shoddy bait, and she's an idiot for taking it.

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For sure, and look this is the kind of reason I have no respect for twitter screencaps. Most of the posts are blatantly fallacious.
<The first is an association fallacy (trying to create guilt by association)
<The second just assumes events from mid-air, wishful thinking fallacy
<The third passes. (Even if some would nitpick that Holocaust denial is a specific concept referring to certain denials, I think calling it Holocaust denial is fine and valid mainstream terminology, since JK is definitely engaging in historical denial of Nazi persecution)
<as circled, the fourth just rips up some goalposts, puts them a millimetre apart and sticks a strawman dressed as a clown in front

And as a bonus, unless there are more tweets we're not seeing, the Wikipedia editor also can't fucking read. Seriously, I don't think I'm particularly smart, but my reading comprehension, even when basically asleep, just seems outstanding compared to this shit. Two retards fighting, then one punches the ref.

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The Wikipedia editor can read, because they're blatantly and intentionally misrepresenting the situation to the point that its clearly bad faith action. They get away with it too since 90% of people don't check the sources or what the sources actually demonstrate/say - that's how a ton of anti-communist myths get posted fact there. Also thanks for perfectly explaining each of these assholes' sort of fallacy… it's just *chefs kiss*. Reading that entire exchange makes me feel like an adult watching 2 kids get into a verbal pissing contest.


>"well the Nazis believed X, so anyone that believes it is automatically Nazis"
Bruh she literally went "nuh-uh" when somebody brought up a part of the holocaust.

>simplism and outright parroting the wiki assertion
Oh look, more bait! Go back twitterite.

My opinion on Harry Potter changed after reading Mob Psycho 100. Most wizards are useless pricks that are too over-reliant on magic, they can't change a light bulb without a wand these guys.

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For those who haven't watched it, here is the torrent for all films, but more importantly, extra audio channels for listening listen to:
Wizard People, Dear Reader - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_People%2C_Dear_Reader
(and Rifftrax for all films)


>Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.
We've talked about this on this website about 74 times one after another

I love wpdr. It permanently changed my vocabulary. I wish Neely's other projects were more successful

>replying to a 4 year old post just to say nothing

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I wonder what is going to happen with the Harry Potter show. I can see the Executives being fully okay with lgbt hatred but holocause denial? Well that's a bit too far even for normalfags

>I can (…) holocause denial?
Oh noes leftypol gonna be canceled by twitter intellectuals

ah but she only denied the holocaust of trans people, not jews, so it's fine.

almost every character besides the main cast of harry-ron-hermione is far more interesting than them combined even with barely any focus
it's why its so popular for fanfiction (besides just its general popularity)

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this seems ominous

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It's popular to dunk on Harry Potter for the bad politics, but people don't talk enough about the weird psychology on display.
>Jo IRL is obsessed with trans women in bathrooms
>2nd HP book revolves around the villain hiding his giant snake in a girls' bathroom, and just seeing the snake directly can kill you

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Are you just bumping this thread with loosely related E-Drama every week or so? You're REALLY making a stretch considering what came first and Rowling's current politics having nothing to do with the books she wrote literally 2 decades ago. This is far beyond "Orcs are Black People"-tier fallacy and going into schizo-territory.

you cant complain about "e-drama" being mentioned in a thread about a book series whose author loves tweeting out their thoughts as much as possible
also fun fact, we're on the internet
this argument is e-drama, oh no

when the white boy reaches in his bag 😂😂😂😂🤣🏃💯

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>you cant complain about "e-drama"
Can and will
>in a thread about a book series whose autho
Everything to say about Rowling has been said so many fucking times (ITT included) it's beyond overdone. Posting twitter updates is EDrama and isn't actually new or relevant
>this argument is EDrama
No, that's not what EDrama means, you babbling baboon.
>we're on the internet
Specifically we're on an imageboard website, on a board about hobbies like books and film, and this thread is about the Harry Potter books. Occassional comments about the author may be relevant, but only in regards to the actual written material, these posts malding about some Blairite posting tweets and getting responses from liberals has nothing to do with Harry Potter as a story or a franchise, it's literally Yellow News tier /isg/shit that belongs on that cancerous general.

Furthermore you proceed to pointedly ignore how much of a fucking reach the post I was responding to is. It's basically schizophrenic shit trying to tie two irrelevant things together using very loose threads. In fact >>42343 is absolutely NO different to shit twitter libs say using Harry Potter analogies "Zelensky is Harry and Putin is Voldemort!" for example.

TL;DR: It's boringly trite and a tiresome negative circle-jerking about a topic barely even tangentially involved. Take it to /isg/.

e-drama means electronic drama
youre using an electronic computer hooked up to the electronic internet to argue about this
hence this is e-drama

Almost the entire reason Harry Potter is still relevant is that the author is a raving bigot online.

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E-Drama as a TERM deciphers into Electronic Drama, but you're being deliberately obtuse, because by your metric, nearly EVERYTHING is E-Drama as our lives are intrinsically connected to the electronics at this point. This is of course incorrect. E-Drama is used specifically in reference to INTERNET dramatics that are purely online and/or superficial that illicit high emotional reactions and argument; stuff like "le Culture War" or "memes" of which this is an example of. This does not apply to electronics, any more than Electronic Arts would be used as a term for any type of electricity related 'artwork'. To summarize; Usage of electronics to argue is not in and of itself E-Drama, any more an email correspondence is "E-Drama".

Rowling's modern political views are only loosely related to Harry Potter's story. While her ideological beliefs may vaguely appear within and influence the story itself, it is not the focus, nor are her twitter rants usually related to Harry Potter, especially as of recently. Even when they are, it is a case of Death of Author, as they are retroactive claims from after the books and movies were made and finished. Hell, at least discussion of such retroactive shitposts is actually relevant and can be interesting to take apart from a literary perspective, but her purely political screeds and the idiots that respond to them are no different to Steven King's political postings and responses and how they relate to his literature, (in that they don't). Therefore they have no relevance to this thread, and belong in the "Internet Spectacle General" as it is purely online political

I repeat; it's been done to death ITT and outside it, if you wanna wank about twitter screencaps, do so on /isg/, it's tiresome to have multiple posts whining about the same irrelevant shit over and over again when there's literally anything else relevant to Harry Potter to discuss as a story. Culture War garbage belongs in the trash with the /pol/fags and libshits that take part in it.

1) "X is muh bigot!" has been thrown around so much and so arbitrarily that it's become a meaningless phrase. Also, imagine taking sides on a liberal social media slap-fight. The people 'arguing' with Rowling are just as retarded, as demonstrated by the failed "boycott" of the most recent Harry Potter vidya and other idiotic takes.
2) Uh no, you underage idiot. I've posted this before - The Harry Potter fandom is one of the largest online fandoms to exist from the 90s to the 2000s, proven by the fact that the number of fan-sites, fanfics and fan-art as well as rip-offs and parodies of it exceed massive and older popular IPs like Dragon Ball, Marvel Comics and Star Wars. You kids don't seem to remember how insanely popular Harry Potter was and remains to this day. Harry Potter gets referenced constantly, the name is instantly recognizable. This is further remarkable given that unlike some later franchises that got popular in mass-media, Harry Potter did so in the very early days of social media and internet, when things did not go 'viral' easily, yet it spread across the world in dozens of languages and for multitudes of age-demogrphics, despite being initially aimed at child-teens within the Anglosphere. And considering that it did so initially in book format further proves my point, since visual media like film is more easily spread compared to written language.

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People have been making this joke for literal decades, whoever this post was by isn't as clever as they think. Presenting a cold take like its hot unironically is redditor behaviour.

To be fair, re-reading Harry Potter, I start noticing little references to the socio-economic environment from the time-period of her writing, and her experiences in them coming up within the story's details; In Philosopher's Stone for example Mr. Dursley makes a joking remark about Harry taking his time with the mail, asking if he was checking for a mail/letter-bomb, something the IRA did do during The Troubles. Plus Irish people are often depicted as hot-headed, with explosive tempers (the historical materialism behind this is complicated so I'll detail that in another post later) which is also referenced. However people should also keep in mind this was clearly a passing gag/joke, and one that isn't actually referenced very often. I think I can remember only 3 times this gets mentioned over the entire series - maybe 4 - as it was mostly a one-off humorous moment of a children's story, not a political commentary. Neville's fuck-ups were far more focused on. If someone actually gets offended over something this mild then they're terminally burger-brained. Serious classical Russian literature would give them a fit in that case.

As a side note it would be more accurate to say Seamus is the only Irish character seen and interacted with directly. Irish characters appear, Goblet of Fire's beginning involves the entire Irish Quidditch Team, and other Irish characters are referenced directly.

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She does not like trans people bro. She's not even doing the whole concern trolling about "women's spaces" schtick anymore, like she does not like trans people at all. I know you're gonna browbeat me in an excruciatingly tedious manner about how I'm a horrible SJW and doing freaking unwholesome culture war e-drama by pointing out this simple fact, so let me just let you know in advance that I'm not gonna read your text wall.

Look up Medusa

nooo anons, please don't corrupt the purity of the possible discussion of a 25 year old children's book series for children by bringing the author into it!! just because every other fandom on earth would do this doesn't mean we have to stoop to their level!
we should be having serious and interesting meaningful discussions over topics like: could harry potter cast a vanishing spell on 119,980 ballot papers in, say, 2016? does he have the power? is his magic good enough? would he canonically get in trouble for doing so? if one belonged to hagrid would he leave it and pick a different one to destroy??
and what if wizards had phones? haha how would that go. hogwarts whatsapp. (don't cite twitter, no popery here, in my lutheran harry potter fandom we go by scripture alone.)

I'm going to stab you

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>She does not like trans people bro
uygha, I do not care because her twitter shitposts have almost ZERO impact on real life. It's all online Culture War bullshit, and giving it attention is pathetic. What do you think screencapping her and talking about this shit achieves? She's become a multi-millionaire, she has quite literally mocked people for replying and giving her this attention stating verbatim that she can quite literally go dry her tears with her bills of money.
And again, it has basically nothing to do with the main thread topic.
>browbeat me in an excruciatingly tedious manner about how I'm a horrible SJW
<Being a poorly read twitter-tard that can only read small excerpts like the media I constantly obsess over is akchually you being boring
Leftypol used to mock /pol/ for not being able to read/discuss at length… disappointing
>Muh EssJayDubu!
At no point have I mentioned this, you're projecting, because you're a terminally online liberal invested in a meaningless spook of culture war nonsense.
>by pointing out this simple fact
If it was once or twice that wouldn't be an issue, but it's being repeatedly brought up ad nauseum, when nothing has actually changed. You may as well post /pol/ screencaps about the newest OP about how much they hate jews and commies, it's the same old shit that has no real-life impact. Go Outside, Touch Grass.
>Everything that isn't as short as a twitter post is a textwall
Ok /pol/faggot.

>we should be having serious and interesting meaningful discussions over topics like: could harry potter cast a vanishing spell on 119,980 ballot papers in, say, 2016
I agree with >>42418 KYS for being a pretentious slippery-slope strawmanning faggot.

if you've got a magical (heh) third position beyond "talking about the author and the public discourse around the series" (which you've repeatedly said you don't care for) and "talking about the books and films themselves" ("pretentious slippery-slope strawmanning") i'd love to hear it.

no points for retard house if that position is "stop talking about harry potter", however, given you're in the harry potter thread.

What the fuck are you even on about? I'm not making a "third position". You're being blatantly disingenuous.

the harry potter books have no real life impact. this thread has no real life impact. we shouldn't talk about anything. delete this whole website and hecking touch grass
that anon stinks of "centrist" debate bros whose entire schtick is having no real point while getting mad at "SJWs" for caring about something in the slightest

jk rowling hate is mostly corny now i think
shes gotten too mask off with her reactionary sentiments at this point for any dunks to be epic and funny, and the impotency of "cancel culture" against someone with actual wealth/power who can "cancel" back much much harder is becoming more and more evident

she shouldn't be seen as funny, she should be seen as educational. it was obvious that she was a reactionary even when she appeared to have "normal" progressive social views. for those who knew she proudly aligned herself with the 2000s Labour party (which, like Rowling, has a wholly undeserved reputation for social liberalism), everything else follows entirely naturally. what would you expect from someone who wrote a book while on welfare, then promoted and donated huge sums to a government who's first move in office was to cut welfare for single mothers? what would you expect, in short, of an upwardly mobile wealthy british person? of course they turn vehemently against redistributive or even reformist politics, of course they adopt the social norms of britain's paedophile ruling class.

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>the harry potter books have no real life impact.
Provably false. Your entire attempt at mockery is dead on arrival because you go beyond hyperbole and straight into slipper-slop fallacy nonsense. You need to "hecking touch grass" you braindead twitter brained ignoramus.
>If you want irrelevant nonsense to be posted in the thread it belongs in you're a "centrist"… entire schtick is having no real point
I do have a point, you're projecting your own pointlessness. Rowling's political drama is purely online and you're letting her live rent free in your heads, and forcing it on everyone else ITT. Mocking liberals or even Rowling herself for using Harry Potter for real world analogies is one thing, but the past few posts about Rowling is just annoying internet spectacle that belongs on the general literally called that - /ISG/. As stated, everything about Rowling's politics that can be said, has been said ITT and outside it too, we don't need updates that are simply a new repetition of the old, it's tiresome and so irrelevant to the actual thread topic that IT DOES NOT BELONG HERE. Literally NOTHING is stopping you faggots from making a "Rowling Hate" debate on /isg/, it'd certainly get more replies.
<hating SJWS
At no point did I bring up or even implicate SJWs, you two nitwits did. Take meds
>for caring about something in the slightest
<Shit up thread with twitter screencaps that are not relevant to the thread
<Get told that its gotten tiresome and belongs in the existing thread for the subject of internet spectacle
<"Waaaah, why can't I post my irrelevant identity politics squabble on a thread that has nothing to do with it!?"
Disingenuous, two-faced radlibs like you deserve the wall. You come to places and shit there, then feign shock and offense for being told off.

Unironically caring about online drama that doesn't impact anyone and is entirely internet spectacle (e.g. /ISG/). It's not even discussion of media and stories which are still real in the sense of cultural impact and being works of art/writing/music, it's just being snide about some dumb social media post nobody will remember in 5 years time because secretly you're asshurt about what someone said on their social media account: "Wow, Rowling said [insert some neolib shit], she's such a cunt right?", rinse and repeat a dozen times with slightly different wording, like a chatbot. Hell, Rowling probably spends less time on this shit than you morons do. Congrats on giving her attention!

This. Fucking this.

>she shouldn't be seen as funny, she should be seen as educational.
In what way? The idea that a liberal is just an unscratched fascist is well known among actual leftists, and seeing this isn't convincing any liberal to stop being one, they'll pretend it's "just a bad egg" and lean towards whatever particular flavor of liberal cancer they believe in. If you already know the liberal-fascist pipeline, then watching Rowling's social media is a waste of time, because you already know, so why let some online nonsense be your personal boogieman?

lol the OP of this thread is literally a twitter screencap and explicitly prompts discussion about the series' politics
what are you doing man
what fight are you fighting

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The OP image of the thread is a twitter screencap from 4 years ago and was reposted from a leftypol thread mocking Rowling and is about liberals being stuck in their escapist fantasy books to the point that they project it onto real life like idiots and it was still for the sake of discussion about Harry Potter. That is my entire 'fight'. Love Harry Potter, hate it, that's the discussion topic. Not some rich bitches comments. Her also being HP's author doesn't make this shit relevant. If it was funny like mocking her for the random spaz shit like "Dumbledore was totally gay!" that's actually funny, because it's clearly tokenized attention whoring, attempting to ride the fame of her books for clout. Rants about how much of a meanie she is because of [insert liberal debate topic No.12345] is just tiresome and unfunny. Capiche?

I loved the Harry Potter book series when I was 10 but it's very very flat in retrospect. The setting is captivating but is mostly limited by having to accomodate the interpersonal melodrama of the story. The wizarding world might be so sparsely populated as to be nearly extinct. There's a crazy juxtaposition between the extremely high stakes of the story and the fact it's just a petty children's story.
But if you're a small child/early adolescent, then I suppose it's not a huge issue. The psychoanalyses around its supposed political themes are also a bit nonsensical I feel.
Oh, yeah, and the movies suck, even the first few ones. They're absolute checklist adaptations with nothing to add except money into JK Rowling and the producers' pockets.
I would maybe recommend the first 3 books to a pre-teen and leave it up to them to continue. I would also recommend the Earthsea books and The Hobbit since they're similar.

The movies are entertaining IMO, I mean I saw them as a kid but still. The only bad ones are the last two

One of the weirdest things is how few magical people there seem to be, considering 3 schools serve all of Europe apparently.

I watched them in my late teens by torrenting. My family never took me out to movies much so I just read the books from my elementary school's library.
Yeah. But again, it's a story for children. Children can live in small-ish worlds I guess.

I watched them only a few months ago again and found them enjoyable.

Aren't those just the ones participating in the Triwizard Tournament? Could easily be more.

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How did he reconcile being the son of a literal muggle with being a pure-blood supremacist? Or was it a well-kept secret?

Pretty sure that was a secret yes, though I guess you might think Dumbledore would have told people since I guess he knew. I don't think he really cared that much about blood purity genuinely, he just wanted power and immortality.

He's a hypocrite, that's kinda a major part of his character. He's literally a neo-nazi /pol/ak half-breed. His blood purity shit is just an excuse, like any other fascist, because he clearly doesn't ACTUALLY care about it at all, he just cares about power.

>was it a well-kept secret

Dumbledore only found out far later, since his mother had never been a Hogwarts student, and the Gaunt family was basically a forgotten pureblood family that no-one cared about, like some people are descendants of forgotten nobility who had lost influence centuries ago. Voldemort hid this fact from his followers and by the time it was known, nobody in the Pureblood circles that was on his side would even think twice about it.
Dumbledore did tell some people, but I think he kept it hidden because of a variety of reasons
1) Voldemort had too much power for that fact to affect his influence.
2) It would be the perfect excuse for anti-muggle Purebloods not aligned with Voldemort to claim that the muggle blood was what made him insane (after the fact of his downfall of course)
3) Voldemort would more than likely repress such information with brutality, targeting and killing people, and Dumbledore would not want to create a target out of people that knew.

more evidence voldemort was a /pol/ neo-nazi. He killed himself in the but stupid war possible.

Actually although I disliked the last 2 films, they're not actually bad per se, it's just it was so jarringly dragged out to many viewers compared to the prior entries, however from a cinematographic and storyline standpoint it actually makes some sense.

Personally however I would have liked Rowling to have capitalized on the grueling nature of the Horcrux protections like the Sea-cave had been - having The Golden Trio travel the world and meet/make new allies as they searched for the remaining Horcruxes and had to battle through monsters and magic, while risking the possibility that each mortal experience would be a failure like the Locket, maybe Voldemort had false trails or multiple hiding places with false positives and Harry would finally realize that the true location was back home and would return to England with new comrades and begin to organize a new (reborn) Order of the Phoenix resistance etc.
It would be easily worth 2 books of story-telling, expand the world-building and magical creativity while keeping the serious tone. Vid rel.

There are more schools, it's just those 3 are the primary ones in the West-European sphere. The scene in the books of the Weasley's and Harry at their tents or in the stands of the Quidditch World Cup is a demonstration of that.

It was intended as a children's/young adult story that you grew up with. As you grow older the stakes and story become more serious with each book, with the character's progressing maturity and experiences sort of mirroring the reader growing up with them. The political themes are purposefully vague, as this is before Rowling went off the deep end and threw her hat into the political shit-posting ring and began bickering with other liberals about identity politics on twitter. The main antagonists we get are corrupt people with evil intent, lacking empathy and who would use their abilities selfishly (and of course minor monsters and creatures with inhuman mentalities and understandings). In other words its a general concept of good vs evil, right vs wrong, oppression vs freedom, reactionary vs progressive and the grey areas in between.

I would recommend up to the 5th book IMO. Half-Blood Prince was weak in several aspects and Deathly Hallows left me with mixed impressions, both book and film(s).

That whole bit is a reference to Hitler supposedly having Jewish ancestry. The allegory was pretty on the nose by design.

Not saying everything in the last two films is bad, there are still some fun scenes in it like the ministry raid, but they're overlong and padded with boring stuff like the miserable extended camping holiday. Maybe that's how the books are written too but that's no excuse. It just is crazy to me that a lot of HP fans think the last two are the best because they're 'more mature' (read: boring)

>a lot of HP fans think the last two are the best because they're 'more mature' (read: boring)
Do they? Most HP fans I know of loathed the last 2 films, at least relative to the others.

What I meant about the films being good cinematographically is ironically that "camp holiday" you refer to, because it's actually misinterpreted heavily. The trio are, in the story, camping out for weeks, if not months and obviously they aren't doing nothing, but at the same time they have little choice to be careful in their actions after the Ministry-Locket debacle and how they're hunted by the entire Ministry and Voldemort. So we get excerpts of them, for lack of better words, surviving and trying to live, and it leads to developments like Ron leaving (and then returning), and the various traveling they do trying to find a clue as to what to do next.
A good line for example
>“Did you think we’d be staying in five-star hotels? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Did you think you’d be back to Mummy by Christmas?”
That particular argument with Ron is a blatantly misunderstood in the film and book as RON being an idiot, rather than the whole lot of them falling apart as their aimless, fruitless attempts to achieve their task are clearly yielding nothing and they all know it, and the consequences of it. This wouldn't be such a big deal, as it's actually pretty accurate to how a bunch of barely of-age teens would be when given such a monumental task.

What undermines this is how quickly they find and destroy the other Horcruxes. The camping stuff is not a major part of the film, most of what we see is them interacting; the initial healing of Ron and their struggles to remain hidden, then after a relatively brief montage of them surviving as they can, we get to moments that push the plot forward as well as their moving around across England, Godric's Hollow and so on.

I can only interpret it as Ron being an unreliable twat. I mean what else is he going to do, searching for the Horcruxes is literally the most important possible task. Always disliked him honestly. I'm Harrymionie til I die. I don't even remember why they suddenly started finding Horcruxes after he left.

I get that it being aimless is the point but as a story that's boring and unsatisfying. I've already been on enough shitty English camping holidays that seemed neverending, that's not what I read/watch fiction for.


The last movie is the highest rated on IMDB and the second-last one of the highest rated, if you look at the reviews you can see people express that view I stated.

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>unreliable twat
Except he's not especially in the context of the scene, since despite being significantly injured (severe hypothermia, starvation, crippling injury etc.) he's still with Harry. Harry is the one projecting his fears of abandonment onto Ron. Ron was pretty much always there for Harry and never hesitated to stand up against threats and dangers no matter how scared he might have been.
>I don't even remember why they suddenly started finding Horcruxes after he left
They didn't. Ron left and then because of Hermione's wards couldn't find them despite basically trying to find them immediately after leaving, so he was searching for them for several weeks and came in for the save with the Sword of Gryffindor. Hell, he wanted to stay but Harry literally tells to him to leave repeatedly. Ron's biggest problem in the scene (and it's just realistic relative to such arguments) is that in his frustration and anger, he comes off a lot harsher and provokes a similar response from Harry, and Hermione in this instance was being an utter willow.

Also the movies cut out a lot of scenes and switched up dialogue that was important to Ron's character, resulting in him coming off as more of a prat than in the books.

IMDB is not a reliable source I'm going to be honest, primarily because the number of reviews and so on there are paltry compared to the sheer SIZE of the fandom itself. Almost everyone I knew hated it, even unreasonably so.

I agree that Ron/Hermione wasn't a very good pairing, but neither is Harry/Hermione.

Harry Pothead

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