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 [Last 50 Posts]

Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach. I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.


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Nigga really


what, you shouldn't be able to have an /a/ board without that stupid copypasta
or gay erp for that matter


True, but it usually isn't made into an entirely new thread


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alright mods delete this and i'll do the tradition justice


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Nah you know what, lets keep this thread as a (Naruto) meme thread. God knows I need to repost some Dank shit.


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Yeah that moment ws an uncharacteristically bad one for Naruto animation. The animator is actually a good one who is well known for skilled fight scenes due to hid fluid style, but he clearly overdid it in the attempt to convey the "epicness" of the fight




I'm only aware of one other example of that animator's work (Ghost in the Shell SAC episode) and it looked like garbage and was totally out of place in that too. People do not contort into weird taffy-like substances in realistic action, it belongs in cartoons without a serious plot.


I'm not talking about Shingo Yamashita but bout Norio Matsumoto




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Saitama… its always Saitama


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The Bijuu… if it weren't for his Hax eyes


Finally got around to finishing Naruto myself. Really dislike the cyclic fate-pandering bullshit in the final arc, Kishimoto clearly wrote himself into a hole and pulled the conclusion out of his ass.


Yeah that's the conclusion most of the fandom have.


i love how it is the industrial revolution, but the concept of a secret aristocrat warrior class still exist in this world, but then again they do have magic so, what does historical materialism have to say about that?


>secret aristocrat warrior class
Shinobi are practically everyone in the Naruto world, it's not really like feudal Japan. Samurai are almost non-existent and daimyo exist but don't seem to ever do anything.


>secret aristocrat warrior class
They're not really a class so much as a seperate entity from the rest of civlization.


Anyone have this in transparent PNG?


Open in GIMP, add alpha channel, select by color and delete.




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This gay shit is both horrifying and hilarious


>They're not really a class so much as a seperate entity from the rest of civlization
a separate entity from the rest of civilization, with their own interest different than the ones of anyone else, capable of acting as a collective, i wonder if we have a word for that
i mean you can see peasents all the time in the filler, and the basis for the ninja technically is that they get paid to do shit, like magical mercenaries, impling there is some source of wealth in this world, and they are all divided in microstates each lead by feudal lord, with all the power lying in a military ruler.

Can you imagine how awesome would be a naruto meji restoration? like imagine this. after a war of unification all the lands are one, lead by a mega kage, and an emperor, until it is discovered that they are not the only continent, and that there is other places that also use ninjutsu, with a combination of technology, so a restoration of the power of the emperor happens and he installs capitalism, and the whole show is about how capitalism has taken away the halo of sanctity of ninjas and just cucks them into being servants with no honor, or mercy, reduces them to being mere castrated remanants of humans, and how their essentially magic powers are not turned to mantain honor, or help humanity or anything, but are turn to the service of capital


>a word for that

>a naruto meji restoration
Another lost potential of the Boruto sequel


Super Saiyan God Super Earthling Rose Rage Full Kaiokenx1000 Plus Ultra Krillin can defeat him with a simple kinniku buster if powered with enough Spirits from all the multiverse including the dark dimension and digiworld.




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Someone made a thread on leftypol called: Values of Ramen as a tool for a socialist revolution

listing it as the following:
Are instant ramen noodles the bread and butter of socialists?

In other words the new bread of the Revolution.

This is totally made by either a Ramen-addict or Naruto-gang… or both


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Honestly Boruto only just got interesting and even then it nerfs Naruto so badly that its beyond idiotic.
Like EOS Naruto was a literal demi-god and who was dead-set on worldpeace through people working together, united. He had the power and knowledge to do so… and then we skip 20 years to see the status-quo barely change and Naruto being so weak that he had better feats over a 100 chapters prior to the end of Part II. Honestly Boruto should have been set in the far-future, when we don't have insane gods like Naruto able to one-shot everything. OR if it has to be Naruto's son, then they should have made it focus on small shinobi problems, that Naruto could technically handle, but sine he's busy fighting Ootsutsuki, he'd be too occupied. Maybe go for a Highschool DxD approach and have Naruto and Sasuke, seal themselves with the Ootsutsuki in an alternative dimension, locked from the inside until The Ootsutsuki were defeated. This would instantly change the dynamic in Boruto;
The most powerful Shinobi to live are both gone forcing someone (Konohamaru?) to take the Hokage seat. The change in power leads to remaining warhawks in other nations to see an opportunity for conquest (Something that would make the New Seven Swordsman" idea actually function). Moreover the over-all panic of Konohamaru having to deal with being a new Hokage and Team 7 being plunged into very tense situations would open many avenues for story progression. etc. etc.


There's no point in wasting your time on Boruto, the original author fucked off to do something else. The reason it discards all the development in Naruto is because it's a totally shameless cash-in.


>Something that would make the New Seven Swordsman" idea actually function
That idea was so fucking underused it's almost embarrasing.
On the anime they say "We're gonna coup the fuck out of the mist village lol" and then do nothing about it. If such a thing happened in the actual Naruto series, they would go out and actually carry out the coup, turn that tourist city into an actual warzone so they can try and take power for themselves. Hell, make the guy in power of the water kingdom support the coupists so they can have a better army and try to take the others kingdoms out. Also, we're talking about the mist village, that village that was rulen with an iron fist and had children killing eachother to prove their worth, pretty sure there are a lot of people (mostly boomers, not everyone was on the fourth ninja war to be convinced that working together instead of fighting is best) who wants the old system back because something something glorious past.


I know. Its why I stopped watching it (except for the Time-travel arc, I was hoping - foolishly - that they might do something cool with it, but instead they just made Jiraiya into an idiot and Sasuke look even weaker than before).
The Manga is actually getting to a rather interesting part right now… but that's only if you discount the material it is sequeling.
Fucking this, exactly. EXCEPT as we see, Naruto and the other Jinchuriki/kage are extremely powerful and the rather public parts of the 4th War ought to mean something. FFS, despite new abilities for the Samehada and other swords, none of those fucking kids was in any way comparable to Zabuza or Kisame. Even if they're going for the "neo-nazis weaker than the originals" idea, its still pathetic.


I've had this idea going around in my head on making a fanfiction called "Boruto Remade" which is pretty much me redoing the story of Boruto so it's better.
Firstly, there's some things I would like to change from the start. Boruto and his sister are now twins and have a younger brother called Jiraiya or Neji, probably Neji. Aside from that, I wouldn't change that much, I would change the name of Boruto to Jiraiya but then the Boruto thingy of the fanfiction wouldn't make sense.
Another thing I would like to change is that thing with the chakras intertwining. You know how Sarada is asking herself if her actual mother was Karin. Actually make that a reality, only that it isn't. What happened is that the mother of Sarada is Sakura, and the father is a combination between Karin and Sasuke because Sasuke was everyday sucking off Karin like a vampire, and then the Chakras kind off intertwined, fucked up the genes, and that's it. There's a reason for this, and that's if Sarada has Karin and Sasuke's Chakras, then what about Boruto? With Boruto would happen pretty much the same, his mother is Hinata, and his fathers are Naruto and Kurama, making for an interesting situation, since that would make it so he has, inside of him a kyubii which can't separate from Boruto's Chakras, kind off like a conjoined twin, Himawari and Neji would probably also have that kyubii growing inside of here, independent but unable to separate from birth.
>Then why ahsn't this been discovered before, jinchuriiki exists since forever
Firstly, they don't tend to live that far, be it because of people actively killing them or getting so angry that the monster inside of them gets out. And even if they tried to live that far, they would probably never fuck because of their outcast behaviour. Hinata and naruto were the exception. Also, it's needed for the jinchuriiki to actually have their chakra and the monsters chakra intertwinedm which isn't the case most of the time, jinchuriiki's are a jail, not a hotel.
Also, Sasuke wouldn't have OP powers. I mean, he would have them, but they wouldn't be so OP as to pretty much being a god and being able to change history if he wanted to. He can travel through space, only that like 50 meters or so, and isn't able to time travel.

Ok, let's go with the story:
Another thing I want to add up. In Naruto, you see the occasional technology showing up, but it's quite rare to actually see such a thing. In Boruto, on the contrary, you see how the hidden village has turned into an industrial city, and the school, instead of being a military school where you were taught to kill people, it's now more civilian, there's still the route to become a ninja, but in that case becoming a ninja becomes more of being a policeman than anything else, most kids go to the civilian route to become a civil engineer, a worker, or stuff like that.
This, in turn, means that the hidden village has become into a normal town, instead of a child mercenary camp. In fact, you see trains going around and one of the kids of the main story is a geek which is also the son of a billionaire thanks to their monopoly on the train industry. So, the story is like this.

After the whole 4th world war chimp out, the hidden village was fucking full of rich people, and they were seen as de facto goverment of the region, which is indisputable, Naruto with literal nuking capabilities isn't something to play with and the world was this close to fucking end. Now, about the technology, that was brought thanks to westerners. This is, after the chimpout and everyone turning into fruit, the whole world turned their eye into the region that is where Naruto is located because, you know, the world ending and stuff (Let's not get into the fact that there was a literal war with the Moon, let's ignore that, shall we). the westerners needed some manpower to do some colonizing through the world, and because there was a shit ton of experienced people on that place (I don't know where Naruto is located, like, i don't know how the continent itself it's called, so let's call it NarutoLand) and so they contracted the help from some of these people, which got paid really fucking well, at the same time that they brought with them war loot, and thus, became the richest from the hidden village. These people, seeing the industrialization of the western countries, saw the writings on the wall and started industrializing NarutoLand, most precisely the hidden village, which has gotten so large because something something farm immigrants and XIX century shit. The families that lived beforehand in Konoha have comfy jobs meanwhile the newly arrived need to live in shitty conditions working 12 hour shifts and some of them outright killing themselves because they can't take it anymore. This industrialization, tho, was made with both western and native interests, this is, the west needs materials, and Konoha gives them to them, and in change, the westerners give them technology, machines and money.
The mental breakdowns are still occuring, and everything happens s estipulated till it is discovered the the purple hair girl is the culprit. There are hints, when they arrest her father *thing that I don't remember that great, I don't think it happens, but regardless they see some note saying something something New Ne or New ANBU or something along the likes (This groups are Hanzo apologists, lead by Hanzo's kid, that want to make the hidden village great again, and are cooperating with the other warhawk factions on other states to accomplish such goal and return to a more simple life of cutting each other's throats, they also have the support from the kingdoms, as their power is being challenged by the ninja villages**).
Then stuff go as normal, Sarada discovers that she is 1/4 Sasuke 1/4 Karin 1/2 Sakura. Something, something, maybe Orochimaru's kid doesn't exists, maybe he does, maybe he is substituted by an OC character or someone else, I don't know.
Then we get into the new seven swordmen saga. Boruto and the gang go out to the mist village, where they meet that guy who is the kid from the iron fisted deposed dictator of the mist village, they do their thing, and then the coup happens. And it happens fucking hard. Technology was also brought up in the armament, it's no longer kunai's they need to worry from, but automatic weaponry, yes, Ninjas with AK-47 and shit, maybe even a discounted tank appears. The kids are inside of a warzone with their teachers, and need to get the fuck out of there. Boruto and Sarada, being the retards that they are, try to help the dictator's kid, but he is in too deep, he believes that it's in its blood to be a fucking psyco and thus go with the other swordmen, and they capture Boruto.
You see, Naruto is the main leader of this new world order of peace, which has driven a lot of Ninjas into bankruptcy. So he recieves, as expected, a lot of hate. And then you have these people, that are pretty much Mist Yihadists, and have captured the kid from the most powerful guy on the world which has made your life pointless.
They take some liberties and try to torture him in live television for everyone to see. Sarada and other people, probably Shikamaru's kid and another character, go out to save him, see some fucked up shit, maybe a ninja with his brains out because of a bullet, and reach the plaza were he is being tortured for everyone to see, but they're detected and taken as prisoners. The main guy of the seven swordsmen have a chimpout with Sarada, beating the shit out of here, and then the Kurama part overdrives inside Boruto, getting out of the bondage and fucking shit up for everybody to see.
And until there. What do you think?


Ok this is some good stuff, I'mma need some time to read through the sheer mass and give some feed-back… might take a while, regardless this is an excellent effortpost.


>Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha?
Goku lol


>Truth-Seeking Balls
need I go on?


Edo Tensei - infinite Chakra, infinite regeneration, don't feel pain and can quite literally rebuild from nothing. Unaffected by mental manipulation, can only be affected by divine power


But why a heart?


Super Saiyan God Super Earthling Rose Rage Full Kaiokenx1000 Plus Ultra Krillin with kinniku buster powered by the Spirits from all the multiverses including the dark dimension and digiworld doesn't need big names to defeat him with a single thunderous BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP that echoes around the cosmos.
And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu. I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach. I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Tvåldtäktzohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.




he can't use Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu. Only Sasuke and Itachi are able to use them. It'd be cool to know what ability Madara was able to use with his MS/EMS


Honestly I think the whole Mangekyou shit is fucking retardedly inconsistent


And Boruto chapter 47 confirms my theory (posted on leftyweebpol) that Kashin Koji is in fact a Jiraiya clone.


Boruto is non-canon.


Well my nigga, the authors disagree, shitty as it is.


Yeah I'm sure the authors of Star Wars novels disagree too.


Well in the case of the EU its rather valid. Besides the Boruto Manga, unlike novelizations of Star Wars are a direct continuation.


Anyone have good naruto crossover fic reccommendations?


Reposting some of my old posts:

>Is Naruto liberal or is it reactionary? Its obviously not leftist because they constantly defend a feudal government

They don't do that though. The Daimyo stuff is just Japanese LARP and has almost 0 influence on the actual story or world-building. Naruto isn't really about politics relevant to any modern ideology. Their society is essentially a constant Cold War, bordering on hot. This is the background of worldbuilding but is less relevant to the actual plot since the focus is human interactions and conflict; Loneliness and Friendship, Genius and Hardwork, bravery vs fool hardiness, and accepting facts of life or defying them. Politics did become relevant in things like the Chunin exams and the theme about World Peace (Nagato vs Naruto), but again more in the background aspect of political games of diplomacy and war.

For example in Naruto one of the earliest themes was that of Naruto's reason to fight. He started off like a child wanting attention. Then the Land of Waves Arc occurred and he gained a real reason: Fighting to defend his precious people. This evolved into his idea that to be Hokage he must protect the entire village, because the entire village, no matter how they viewed him, were precious to him, because to lead properly, you have to care for the people you're leading, so as to not end up like Danzo (Glownigger Inc), sacrificing everyone to get the political advantage. Back to Land of Waves, Kakashi and Zabuza tell him that to be a shinobi is to be a tool and thus they should kill their emotions… yet it is impossible to truly do and is wrong, and Naruto declares defiance of this. This isn't some Communist ideal, but it is a human fight for betterment.

>What about all the anti-war stuff? Naruto seems deeply anti-war, every discussion of the wars of the past are mostly how horrible they are and every scene of the three world wars is tragic or brutal. How do you feel about it’s stance on war?

It's definitely anti-war, however it doesn't exclude the necessity of it sometimes. An occasionally unavoidable and necessary evil if you will. The stance on war is also realistic. It isn't the feined pacifism of liberal diplomats who just preach about utopian idealisms, it is a genuine statement on avoiding war and related conflict because of its horrific results, and the lack of consideration for innocent, bystanding people that often occurs (Pain's speech demonstrates this well).
Unlike American depictions of war, and similar to Soviet depictions, War in Naruto is brutal and horrific. There can be heroes and good causes, but is a human tragedy regardless.

TL;DR: It is right about War, and matches Soviet attitudes towards it. Hail your heroes and try not to let their sacrifices go in vain, so that new sacrifices will not have to be made.

If you have any more specific questions ask away, Imma head out for now.


The Isshiki x Kashin Koji fight is hardcore TBH, its a shame there is so much dumbshit in Boruto.


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Just imagine:
You’ve received news from a jonin squad saying that his team was massacred, burned to ashes, maybe even torn limb-from-limb.

You have to report it to the Hokage. You walk in, file in hand, a few tears rolling from your eyes - not just because you’ve lost a comrade, but because one of those ninjas was your best friend you’ve known since you were a genin.

”Hokage-sama,” you say, barely able to get it out…

And there Kakashi is…. Reading about two girls in a wet t-shirt fight and giggling pervertedly.


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*family enters without even knocking*
Me: Stop using kamui!


>Stop using kamui!
Is that a fucking Pirates of the Caribbean reference?!


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Narutos like "Bitch please, your using the free trial version of the Nine Tails"
>Kushina canceled her trial
&ltpretty sure her trial cancelled her
>Her trial got canceled by someone else who managed to get her login, then her trial got corrupted and uh… totaled her computer
&ltThe Minato antivirus sacrificed itself to eliminate the malware


Filler garbage doesn't deserve memes.


Filler wasn't always trash m8. THat filler actually helped flesh out Asuma a lot more than the original did.


Boruto manga has some good moments actually, its the nerfs of Naruto and Sasuke that are the issue TBH. The anime is more trash but also has some unique filler that has some genuinely good content, that is sadly rather rare in the show.


And example of the anime taking an interesting thing and being stupid about it is the most recent episode, 159. The Land of Silence (which was dealt with in Shikamaru Hiden way back when) is now apparenlty beyond the authority of shinobi, despite Naruto alone being able to force them to quit fucking around… or Sasuke, or Kakashi, or any other Kage level ninja. Fuck me, its like they want to ruin their own momentum.


>Boruto should have been set in the far-future
Someone's idea on that http://archive.vn/w8O5E


TBH his limbo clones are pretty OP. Naruto Sasuke were slowly wearing him down, but their abilities were literal counters to his own abilities.


>EOS naruto demigod
Honestly given that Naruto was literal ninja god, with the ability to do nigh-magical things with his perfected SoSP chakra and universal understanding of all things (yes UNIVERSAL) he could technically advance technology and jutsu to new levels. Logically, given his ability to do lava-release and other kekkei-genkai (as well as his Hashirama arm) wood release and ice-release are not outside the realm of his ability. Literally an entire series of him literally creating life and doing all sort of god-shit would be awesome.

Also the series seems to just brush off the sheer scale of the war.
The God tree stump is the size of an average mountain at its lowest scaling, and at its highest scaling is easily the largest landmark in the world. The final battle-field alone is riddled with kunai, cooled lava, black-rods, rubble, seals and the various wood-jutsu, such as the giatn wood golem and thousand-arm statue created by Hashirama and Tobi-Yamato. That shit didn't just vanish. That's ignoring the dozen or so Tailed Beast Bombs launched all over the area, the meteors that Madara created and summoned, and the huge wood-release forest in the desert where the 5-Kage faced Madara. We see NONE of this in Boruto. The closest we get is filler when they face-down some dormant White Zetsu and the current arc about the Hashirama-cell.



Had an errant thought: In terms of generation, Mitsuki (Orochimaru's kid) is technically of the same generation as Kushina and Minato, given that he's OROCHIMARU's kid, Orochimaru, being a generation after the Sandaime and the same generation as Jiraiya (who taught Minato).


I'm starting to get pissed off about fucking Boruto nerfing Naruto yet AGAIN (this is the 3rd time). Like, fine you need to hype up the main villain, ok, and the dude absorbs all Chakra attacks. But for fucks sake, its proven that Shadow Clones cannot be absorbed, and Naruto has so much OP taijutsu its not even funny, besides Frog Kata, which fucking jolts your insides into liquid, he has Boil Release Unrivaled strength, which does the same thing Luffy's Gear 2nd does, as well as outright scald whatever he impacts, and unlike Koji's flame fist, Ishikki cannot shrink or absorb this. And unlike Roshi's lava armor, which Naruto technically knows how to do, but doesn't use, boil release is actually something he has used… against fucking Kaguya. The idea that "Kaguya isn't a CQC fighter" is laughable when all the Ootsutsuki are demonstrated to be good at CQC even if opponents of their on league no Ootsusuki has demonstrated good CQC anyway. Naruto should be at least landing a few heavy hits, if only to make Boruto's fight with him more plausible. For fucks sake do people forget Naruto can FLY? Fuck not even fly, as someone with So6P power he can just say "fuck physics" and float. Sasuke can do the same thing with the Rinnegan's 6 paths, simply manipulating gravity. The Rinnegan's abilities would let him do something; the Asura Path's tech is beyond any tech, even Amado's nano-ninja tools. The or Soul pulling and king of hell essentially paralyzes whomever it is used on and even someone as powerful as KCM Naruto and Killer Bee couldn't resist. This shit makes no sense. Hell Sasuke should be able to straight up have no problems seeing his tiny-ass, and Naruto's sensing was powerful enough to find a hidden Kisame who was hidden in Samehada and fight Madara's limbo clones, who exist on another plane of existence and Naruto cannot see.

Fuck this pisses me off. Like I hate Naruto wankers like Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer, but this is ridiculous nerfing.


The simple answer to your frustration is that Naruto was intended to [b]end[/b] by its author, and Boruto is a non-canon sequel to grub more money.


Technically Kishimoto actually drafted the ideas for Boruto, with the designs of him, Mitsuki and Sarada being modified into their current ones and the idea being started with Naruto Gaiden.


Can anyone draw a Ninja-tech Neji? Like the cyborg Ao we got in Boruto?

- Neutralizing
- Eradicating
- Judgment
- Invoker.

He wears a pair of sun glasses and his eyes glow behind them when he activates them.


Ok, so…
Is this gay?


Finally I found the fucking sauce for that one Sasuko image. Thank you.

And no, if its female/male, it's not gay.


But Naruto is fucking his friend, who was a boy like a day ago.


Eh, shit happens. You should watch Switch
(1991) TBH


Post the hentai2read.com versions of nhentai doujins if you can. Download is free and without need for an account


Pretty much. The author didn't even make him like Ranma-chan.


>I've had this idea going around in my head on making a fanfiction called "Boruto Remade" which is pretty much me redoing the story of Boruto so it's better.
I've done it, the first chapter is up (but it's in spanish so…)
Do you want me to pass the link or you don't care?


Post it for sure, It'll be a good way to practise Spanish anyway, and maybe someone will translate it into English when you're done.
I also suggest reposting this in the fanfiction thread on >>>/hobby/8063


Ok, tell me what do you think about it
>inb4 wattpad.
Didn't know where to put it, really.


Rather dark and quite grimy… reminds me of some of the older dark Naruto fanfictions from 2008 or so.


fanfiction.net is free and easy to use.


>reminds me of some of the older dark Naruto fanfictions from 2008 or so.
How were them?

>Rather dark and quite grimy…

That was kind off the intent tbh.


Those fanfics were generally quite good, not a lot like them being made today, I reckon it's cause the 90s and 2000s were when being edgy and emo were really popular and so people were really into making gritty works
>that was the intent
I have no complaints.


what do you think about the writing btw?


Fairly good. I cannot give criticism as to the grammar or style since Spanish grammar and speaking mannerisms are quite different to English ones (English has the unfortunate handicap of lacking el/ella/usted which makes written dialogue much different when translated. It is why the English version of Don Quixote is quite different to the original work.


Konan, Mei, and Tsuande were the only good female characters in Naruto. More proof that anime is for incel losers since the writers are incels who can't write women.


>forgetting Temari
>forgetting TenTen
>forgetting a whole bunch of others
&ltIf it's not about de wymyn it's incel!!!
Ok simping faggot. You do realize that Kishimoto wrote Sakura and Kushina as being inspired by his wife and she approved right? And that she was actually unhappy with Naru-Sakura NOT happening because of this right? And somehow people who are married and with children do not sound like incels to me.


> all sort of god-shit would be awesome
Also given the insane technological progression of the Rinnegan's Asura Path (weapons dude) and the way that it updates its weaponry, Naruto and Sasuke could probably bring their world to the Space Age pretty quickly.


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Speaking of Boruto. Several fillers have actually been decent, comparable to some of Shippuden's more mediocre arcs. The various jutsu and small-level fights Boruto goes through are EXACTLY what I was talking about, where-in instead of Boruto "fighting the Otsutsuki too!!" he's going on minor, but still necessary missions.

The various new jutsu shown (pics related) are also pretty interesting, such as the pyramid barrier used by Konohamaru and other such fuinjutsu. It really throws me back to old Naruto, when shit was more mystical, especially with the several new other-worldly demons being summoned and various kinjutsu/fuinjutsu being used.

As a side note someone had a pretty messed up, but interesting idea for Boruto that mixed the Otsutsuki Plot with the plot of The Last film and ended with the dissolution of the Shinobi era: https://archive.vn/8MKd5


Hinata had a good arc, before she became a lampshade.


>pic 3
The Haze Brother's Suicide techniques was an interesting touch, but the Tentacle Pit was a bit useless since it's first victim is the user and thus means the enemy may escape later. The Final Red Flower technique was literallly just "exploding clones" with the real body and to zero effect on Deepa apparently. How lame. Also while Boruto losing is interesting, the fact that they LIVE is idiotic and the fact that Konohamaru for some fucking reason didn't use the Wind-Rasengan to literally blow these Kara fuckers away. It feels forced AF… but then so is Isshiki beating Naruto and Sasuke like Genin while they don't use most of their best techniques (sage sensing, boil-release, 6-paths of Rinnegan, frog kumite etc.)


>Time-travel arc
I fucking rewatched some of the arc to see some jutsu (because I'm looking for where pic related is from) and because I want to know where Jiraiya used the following jutsu.

It's fucking horrible. Episode 134 has so many things that are downright stupid I feel like facepalming a dozen times, in fact I just might break down a few moments of absolute trash of the Time Slip Arc, simply for how much it fucked up the original (since most of Boruto's main content does not directly involve original Naruto series).


Sauce me this image


Trips and double dubs checked


r/dankruto and r/akuntsuki got no chill LOL


Dissecting this shit article because I'm bored
&ltdoesn't make sense in Naruto as the Hokage is the one who chooses which ninja take what missions
The Hokage has final say however the point is
A) show off the potential of the newest generation of Shinobi of X-village as well as the teaching skill of predecessors
B) richer customers may make specific requests, such as Asuma being part of the 12 Guardian Ninja
&ltnon-consecutive exams removed
The referred to round was the preliminary round which was unplanned for. They did it because the finals would already be a long event and they needed to eliminate excess candidates, SUCH AS those who made it through the Forest of Death through luck, riding the coat-tails of their team or on the barest of margins.
&ltgive the ninja who wins the trial overall a guaranteed spot as a Chūnin.
Wrong. If that were the case then any ninja with brute force can be chunnin… except that's idiotic. Shikamaru became one because of his balanced abilities in combat skills, strategy and level-headedness (outsmarting his enemies and giving up when he was essentially done for to quit wasting time in later rounds of the finals). Everyone else fought well but in terms of technical skill displayed very little. Naruto was hot-headed and Neji caught up in his hubris. Gaara was a total psycho and Sasuke was focused on revenge and power even before the Curse Seal.
Rock Lee, was brave and powerful but didn't know when to stop, resulting in him getting cripplingly hurt by an opponent with no mercy (pre talk-no-jutsu Gaara). Participation medals are not an option in a society of literal child-soldiers.
&ltTenten beat offscreen
A) The anime expanded the fight and pointed out how much of a mismatch she was against Temari
B) The manga versions of Kankuro, Neji, and others opponents are reduced as well. It's a constriction of the medium
&ltChange The Second Stage
I don't understand what is being said here, the Chunin exams in the manga and anime are THE ORIGINAL exams.
A 3 v 3 match is a good idea but not exclusive; each exam is different as shown with the OVA's, fillers and Boruto examples.
>Orochimaru marking Sasuke could have been avoided
'Hurr lets ruin the plot because somehow the Hokage is omnipotent about Orochimaru's interests!'
Orochimaru was introduced in this arc and showed no influence prior to this. He is also a ninja who casually defeats people on the level of Kakashi, let alone avoiding Anbu guards.
&ltmany of the smaller villages like Takigakure and Otogakure only had single-digit participants!
Field promotions, individual exams, etc.
&ltIt just doesn't make sense for so much emphasis to be put on testing information gathering skills when it can be skipped over entirely.
It's said outright look underneath the underneath outside of gathering information the test is to gauge your ability to judge the worth and true point of something. This is taken to the extreme during a filler arc wherein a single quietly disguised ninja set up explosives in the entire village while diverting attention, only to intentionally let himself be marked by Anbu to distract from this as well as pre-planning his faked death and REVEAL of faked death while taking into account military movements of a neighboring country and many other factors. He was playing 4D chess and despite being a dying old man, lead Konoha by the nose. And in the end it was all a big 'Treasure Hunt' he created after letting go of his intent of vengeance. (honestly it's a great arc IMO).
A good fanfiction that really plays on this aspect is https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4590441/1/Cheaters-Prosper


&lthow they'd be able to locate the tower in such a short amount of time doesn't add up
A) They have a literal psychopathic jinchuriki steamrolling anyone in their way with bloody force.
B)Kankuro and Temari are also shown to be highly skilled and grew up in a literal desert and as the Kazekage's children likely received top-notch training, their tracking skills are very plausibly skilled.
&ltwhenever Naruto and the others are standing around waiting for the second stage to begin, he's approached by Konohamaru and friends who ask for his autograph
This is the OUTSIDE of the Forest of Death and in full view of participants and staff. This is equivalent to family approaching their competing members before a match starts. He didn't wander in when there were no obvious restrictions.
&ltgambling on the games doesn't make much sense
LOL what? It's literally a blood sport, which always has gambling on it. Horse-racing, soccer, boxing etc. are literally easy spots for 'whose gonna win/lose' betting matches.
>It's creepy
It is a society of CHILD SOLDIERS who are taught to suppress their emotions and be TOOLS. This is pretty standard behaviour, literal bread and circus a la the Colloseum of Rome.
>that outcome be the only one that's bet on
Where is this stated? We see an example of A BET, but it is not implied anywhere to be the only bet going around.
>observers will often try to sabotage the participant they want to have lose, which is something that straight-up just shouldn't be in the exams at all.
Who says they're intentionally allowed to? The mooks who tried to off Gaara for example were obviously hired goons and were an example of outside interference, and clearly not legal. This is like saying people who try to sabotage horse races means that the race itself is wrong… as if the race legally allows this.

Reminder this is by a person who at time of writing has done 138 articles on CBR…

A good review of the exams (comparing it to the BnHA Sports Festival) by MathWiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7xnwgjkPlQ
I don't agree with everything but the overall ideas are good.


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I remember watching The Chunin Exam OVA from the Blood Prison movie and being mad AF that Naruto was disqualified for a bullshit rule. FFS he didn't even FIGHT with sage-mode, he just entered it after Konohamaru landed a solid set of hits.

It really ruined the filler for me, TBH, cause I like original animation of Naruto, just for the fun value. FFS Kakashi makes jounin as a kid before completing his chidori. And yet Naruto is still a genin after defeating enemies that the hokage should have taken care of. That is some serious bias against him.
"Not fair." I always laughed at that stupid filler. They are fucking Ninja. Come on. Will an enemy not use sage power against his enemy because it's not fair? Shouldn't Ninja do anything in order to get an advantage over an enemy? If they are going to nerf Naruto in the chu in exams, then that means they are well aware of his power. Why not just give the dude a field promotion if you're just going to nerf him for the laughably stupid excuse of "not fair"?
A fic that really takes the piss out of this is https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9913124/1/Rage-to-Chunin
the points made are summarized as;
1) Why nerf sage mode but allow the use of Kekkei Genkai?
2) Weren't there fucking adults/old teens in Naruto's first chunin exams? Look at the scene before the written exam. A lot of those guys look like they are older than shippuden Naruto. And I don't think they were fucking nerfed.
3) Why place a genin on a Kage retrieval mission? and a S-rank hunt of rogue ninja (Gaara, Kakuz & Hidan, Itachi).
4) Helped Take out Kakazu, Pain and got a lot of people that we're killed in Konoha revived. He basically helped revive a shit ton of Konoha's ninjas back to life.

Another fic that does the premise of a Shippuden Naruto Chunin exam is World's Greatest Chunin Exam Team: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/TheWorldsGreatestChuninExamTeam

Naruto really should have been promoted in the first Chunin Exams, or after the Pain fight. He showed great strategy and leadership skills. If not after first two events then at the very least after the War. I'm still lowkey upset that Naruto never had a Genin team. Would've been a great way to create 3 new, super powerful characters, but instead it just feels like wasted potential. The haha, super-strong eternal genin joke got turned into something annoying.


The newest Boruto chapter (51) is hype as fuck with Naruto's new suicide jutsu/chakra form It's really awesome, but at the same time I'm pissed off because it makes Sauce and Naruto so fucking weak beyond measure. Where is the epic planetary scale dimension hopping struggle like with Kaguya. Obito, Sakura and Kakashi didn't fight for the most part, so it was Sasuke and Naruto against Kaguya whose techniques they beat time an again, even temporarily holding her back while using powers they'd only recently acquired (Rinnegan, SPSM etc.). Naruto shouldn't NEED a suicide technique for an opponent whose chakra absorption is the only reason he isn't a smear on the ground.
Fuck, even early Shippuden didn't nerf Naruto this much.

People keep saying Naruto as a show wasted potential and that's true, but frankly the true wasted potential is Boruto, because Naruto at least had way more redeeming qualities than it did problems, even with the 4th War insanity Boruto has been good idea after good idea crushed under idiocy one after another.


It's like I'm really on /v/!


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>Kodachi is stepping down from Boruto after Chapter 52 comes out with Kishimoto coming back. Too bad it's far too late for Kishi to save the story.
FFS Naruto's new "Baryon Mode" is somehow using nuclear fission to be more powerful and kill Isshiki by taking his lifeforce too. Naruto doesn't understand it - (though somehow the chakra beast living in the wilds does) - because apparently along with flight and TSB, his SPSM has lost the "universal understanding" he was granted by (and apparently the Retsudan photonic guns and The Last's moonbusting cannon from Kumo are forgotten by him). The concept of a suicide technique doesn't really have a problem (though I don't get why they can't just pull an 8th gate Guy while they're at it), but the depiction doesn't make sense: he's not really hitting harder just stripping away life-force somehow and it means the nerfing of Naruto and Sasuke is strong as ever. Seriously, Isshiki is shown to even have the regeneration of Juudara or Kaguya yet he's stronger than both of them somehow? Kaguya was the one who apparently took Isshiki by surprise and tore off half his body (and chronologically speaking she pulled this off before eating the Shinju fruit), and Naruto managed to get the jump on her and tear off an arm, yet he can't do shit to a dying Isshiki in an imperfect vessel? FFS at least show Sasuke trying one of his genjutsu or Naruto tearing off a limb and him regenerating, at least then we'd at least see that the dude has other things up his sleeve than antman powers. Also if Naruto dies before he gets to meet Kashin Koji or learn who he is cloned from I'm gonna be annoyed AF. At least we could have Kashin Koji maybe teach Boruto or something FFS

Speaking of, Boruto episodes 174 and 175 has Orochimaru just become OP AF, and nonchalantly dismissing the miniature god-tree. The motherfucker vaporized a jonin-level kunoichi with some wind-jutsu and has a regeneration jutsu that puts the hashirama clones to shame, literally regenerating an arm he had blown off like nothing. (The animation detail for the muscles and skin with that was pretty good tho). While I like Orochimaru as a powerful character this is fucking retarded TBH, because this implies a regeneration level comparable to Juubi-Madara. Like I get Orochimaru is doing experiments and took over a Zetsu body but damn if that isn't OP. Makes me wonder how powerful Jiraiya would have been had he survived longer… then again Kashin Koji's abilities are a good example.
The way Boruto, Mitsuki and Sarada beat Deepa was pretty idiotic pulls a DBZ beam-battle. Meanwhile the compressed rasengan makes no fucking sense, a normal rasengan is as compressed as it gets FFS. Episode 176's previewed idea of a blockade also makes no fucking sense, but what else is new


>Isshiki is shown
*isn't shown


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> Kaguya
I'm gonna be the next Hokage.


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At least someone else thinks of that joke other than me.

The newest episode (176) played with interesting ideas about forced enclosing of the city due to the threat of spies. However it stumbles on a single stupid problem; Naruto's sensory abilities. His Negative emotion sensing and sage mode ought to let him be able to sense every single person in the elemental nations and discern who is a traitor or not through that method. He proved he could do this by
A) Discerning the Zetsu copies from real people
B) Sensing the entire war simultaneously from a far
C) Sensing and discerning the attacks of invisible Limbo clones on another dimension.
The whole thing about the Balloon used for radio communication extension is interesting, and hopefully that chekov's gun is used.

Victor's abilities are also pretty decent, though a lack of absorption hax means that a single rasenshuriken ought to take him out. His regeneration (pic related) is similar to Boro's so it likely means he has a core somewhere in his body, thus a large scale attack like rasenshuriken (which nullifies most regeneration techniques by disabling cells themselves) would take out the core and any other regeneration. Moreover, given that a hot enough flame could nullify it, I would reckon that it functions a bit like a mythological hydra - burning the wound stops regen.


See Q&A >>4344

Find it quite funny that a meme/shit post thread from /roulette/'s trial period of /a/ garnered actual responses and discussion. Time to add in some mems agen.


Anyone else like Naruto’s ongoing theme about just how badly warfare can fuck a person up? Like, as a kid, even as a teen I could understand in broad strokes why Nagato was the way he was; but it wasn’t until adulthood and getting a full understanding of reality that I realized, in-universe how truly horrifying the Great Ninja Wars likely were. Like, hypothetically all we get shown are one-off fights, but if we take it and compare it to the real world you know there must have been frequent civilian massacres, brutal war rapes, mass death, etc. We already know that there were legions of torturers and maniacs such as Orochimaru who would experiment on fucking children Mengele-style that fought in the wars. Not to mention extremely powerful jinchuriki alongside their tailed beasts being controlled by the various villages. Then you finally come to tiny-ass countries like the Land of Rain which were explicitly battlegrounds not because the people or the government wanted involvement, but because they were unlucky enough to be the buffer between the large countries; like, the Land of Rain was a brutal warzone and Yahiko was basically like Ho Chi Minh trying to BTFO all the imperialists so his people could finally know peace.
Honestly this ties to the other thing I love about Naruto, is the fact that there actually are people who objectively want the world to be a better place despite being the antagonists, honestly in another story Pain really could be the hero giving Konoha their just desserts.


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>Rightoid weebs try to relate to shippuden and fail utterly at understanding it (like with Tanya the Evil)
Itachi is whirling in his anime grave right now.

Seriously how do you misunderstand a quote this badly? (Not to mention the context* of the situation in general). Itachi is literally the embodiment of "sacrifice yourself for the greater good". Moreover, the main hero of the series, NARUTO, is all about the pain of loneliness and the need to rely on and fight for others as well as yourself. It's a more nuanced 'we live in a society'. Itachi was differentiating this idea from the obsession that Kabuto had.

*They live in a semi-feudal world with military-dictatorships and super-human warriors with various elemental and energy-based attacks on top of insane physical stats, societies constantly at war and subsequently having child-soldiers (LIKE ITACHI) having to sacrifice themselves for a greater good, sometimes unnecessarily. Comparing this society and it's values directly to people today is like trying to compare feudal Japan with modern Japan.

Moreover Itachi is saying this while fighting Kabuto, an orphaned boy become medic, spy and scientist whose idol was Orochimaru and his own lack of identity and trauma lead him to essentially BE Orochimaru, whilst ignoring himself and not actually having any real connections outside of a delusional idea of "genetic relation"/abilities.


>Comparing this society and it's values directly to people today is like trying to compare feudal Japan with modern Japan.
Hypothetically what’s the difference beyond trading the Samurai for the Yakuza?


If you don't think there is a significant difference to feudal society and capitalist society I don't know what to tell you. The fact that you parallel Samurai and Yakuza.


They both use swords idk


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They…They lived inside a society


BASED and VERY redpilled. and very Anti-Feudal pilled.

Does anyone have any personal head-canon or has read any fanfiction that attempts to explain the fact that Naruto's world despite being like a feudal warring states era japan has like electricity and running water and factory production?.
Like the place that Jiraiya finds pain and co is literally like a gigantic fucking factory facility + some houses that people are like squatting inside of since most of the city seems to have been levelled by something. Its like seriously who the fuck built all this shit and then fucked it all up to this extent?
I always sorta saw it as a nod that the setting wasn't all it first appeared and was potentially a post-apocalyptic setting with some undefined event (Like a nuke war, Just a massive conventional war with guns and bombs and shit that just dragged on for way to long) that happened in the past causing the world to look like this.


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lore-wise human technology was stuck in the jomon period until aliens came and gave them magic in the form of chakra control


is Deidara /ourguy?


If you think about it the goal of the Akatsuki insofar as what pain and Konan want to accomplish and is trying to guide the group towards is pretty much noble. Obviously everyone else's motives for wanting to basically stop war by taking over the known world is not really ever clearly defined but its never exactly said that any of them (Deidara, Sasori, Kisame, Hidan, Kakuza etc) want to do anything particularly evil / Madera/Tobi tier either if/when they theoretically "win".

They basically just want to put feudal lords and the mercenary warlords that use child soldiers and profit off of said war on an industrial scale in the killing fields and then take away everyone's walking superweapons that can destroy the world at anytime and basically just put them in safe keeping.zapatistaZapatista


>explain the fact that Naruto's world is [anachronistic]
The most popular and probably accurate theory (supported by various ruins and the story of Kaguya - before Boruto retcons) is that the Narutoverse originated from a post apocalyptic past, and when Kaguya arrived she introduced chakra, but otherwise society still progressed as normal. After all there are literally guns in Naruto, yes I say again, there are guns in Naruto, in the shop at Land of Waves for example. But as we can see ninja are clearly far above guns in terms of speed and what not (supersonic reaction times and superhuman speed/senses on average) which undercuts their utility. Additionally chakra makes things easier so construction and innovation is easier and allows for minor amenities and simple technology like electricity, small radios, primitive computers, etc as we learly see that more complex technology is in limited supply (computers were only available to the Hokage and shinobi in limited amounts) and no access for civilians.




>Goku lol
sailor moon :^)


Goku Fused Sailor Moon




Bro how tf is doraemon a fusion of Goku and sailor moon

Doraemon just pulls shit out of his pouch and eat those cakes

He doesnt even fight


Atkatsuki were Communist
>Capture all demons
>Use their power to generate an illusion that creates world peace
>No more private property
>No more states
>No more classes
>No more money
>Everyone living in the utopia generated by the productive forces of their mindsak-47AK-47


I know this is a joke but goddamn if it ain't stupid.
Kakuzu did it for money, Hidan was a blood-thirsty sadomasochist, Hidan and Deidara were "artists" and Orochimaru was one out of curiosity, Zetsu was a grand manipulator that sought to free his mother. Kisame enjoyed his work, even if he simply sought a world without lies, Itachi was there to keep Madara under control (originally he was just a psycho). Out of all of them only Nagato (Pain) and Konan, who were from the original Akatsuki, wanted >the power of the tailed beasts for peace.
to generate an illusion that creates world peace
None of them were aware of this plan Madara had other than Obito.
>No more private property, states, classes, money
Except that's not it at all, the Infinite Tsukiyomi gave every individual their own perfect dream based on their desires, and none of them that we see exclude any of the stated things. It was the status quo but idyllic. Moreover the whole point is it's a dream and it's promises a lie. It's like an organic Matrix.
>living in the utopia generated by the productive forces of their minds
That's not my utopia, when nothing is real and nothing matters, nothing is made, and we don't really go anywhere. It reminds me of that episode of Star Trek, when Moriarty becomes sentient and is sent into a program that lets him explore the world of Star Trek through a computer simulation, but
A) He is not aware of it being a simulation
B) He was never a real person able to live a real physical life to begin with.


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The recent episode 210 of Boruto follows up on the Boro cult that was introduced and it's surprisingly well written (if a little rushed). It kicks you in the feels like the original Naruto did. The religious sacrifices to "meet the gods" reminds me a little of Aztec/Mayan cults.


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It's really weird that Kama/Karma is massively under-utilized in Naruto/Boruto fanfics, and even more so, in regards to Kaguya. Like yeah, Boruto sucks, but the concept is at least interesting, like with the timeslip arc having Urashiki get killed by Naruto, and so potentially leave his mark on one of his opponents, leading to an alternate universe story where dealing with the Karma becomes important.

In regards to Kaguya the only fanfic even attempting to explore it is a rather wonky crossover with DxD that doesn't explore the concept of the Karma and just uses it as a plot device for Issei to have Kaguya with him, it's so poorly paced and hamfisted despite decent grammar, (as well as not actually using the Karma as a Karma mark) that it just pisses me off. Seriously the only fic that approaches this concept at all, is a NeonZangetsu fic where Naruto holds Kaguya and it hints at it being a Karma-esque situation, but it's also one of his more lacking RWBY crossover fics so that ball is dropped too.
Fic 1: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13946589/1/The-Kama-of-Kaguya

I've also heard that Black Zetsu was her Karma Seal, but that fails to hold water - it's more of a programmed organic mass with a directive to resurrect Kaguya.


Embedding error.
Someone noticed that teen Ben Ten and Sasuke's Dub are really similar and made a hilarious video.

It started when a Sharingan passed down did what it did.
It opened up inside his eye with secrets that it hid.
Now he's got a Sussano, he's no ordinary kid, he's Sasuke.

So if you see him, you might be in for a big surprise.
He'll summon giant boney arms before your very eyes.
With ninju- genju- amaterasu, everyone in front of him dies.
He's Sasuke.

Armed with defenses he's got a plan.
kill the leaf village to avenge his clan.
He'll never stop till he makes them pay.
Cause he's the badest kid to ever save the day.



Shippuden speed-run


Remember for haters
>>10532 >>10533


I generally don't like Naruto Rock Lee SD since chibi stuff isn't my cup of tea, but some of it is funny, like Embed related - naruto doing a Jojo stance parody scene.


>Naruto and Team 7 are in Fortnite
The trailer is funny, and despite the autism of that game it's good to see Naruto get some love again instead of Boruto. It's kind of hilarious that among Sasuke's dance moves, Sakura appears in the background crying.


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>t's good to see Naruto get some love again instead of Boruto.

>Naruto is still this MASSIVELY POPULAR

I don't care bro, i hope we get the dragon ball treatment bros, i don't want it to end (yet). I've been thinking that every since chapter 700. God I wish Boruto was better, at least we have something


>Dragon Ball treatment
Nah, it doesn't fit at all, that's the reason Boruto come off as trash, DBZ at least made SOME sense in its power creep, it doesn't make sense in Naruto.
The 2 most annoying antagonists I've seen yet, that and her retarded Seinen "brother".


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By "Dragon Ball Treatment" I mean I just want multiple installments or the series continuing in some shape or form, preferable anime. Not sure what you mean.
>The 2 most annoying antagonists I've seen yet, that and her retarded Seinen "brother".
How so?


>random image
Y tho?
>How so
Pic related is literally one of the 2(3) antagonists currently after the the bullshit of Isshiki ended like a wet fart. She's inane as a character, has inane abilities and Daemon is even more of a obnoxious brat. It's generic as fuck and painfully stupid, even for Boruto.
>Not sure what you mean
I thought you meant in that it should be in the style of DBZ/DBS as a sequel series that "ups the ante"


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>Y tho?
fun surprise
but ah okay, was just curious on what you didn't like about them, valid reasons. I like their designs and abilities, no real opinion on their personalities though haven't really seen that much
>I thought you meant in that it should be in the style of DBZ/DBS as a sequel series that "ups the ante"
The funny part is is that it could have worked until aliens were introduced, then even revealed that more aliens exist and they go from planet to planet, like wtf. Now everything before that moment and after feels terrible. If kaguya never happened it could have been feasible.


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Kaguya had never been an alien ironically, she had been a demigoddess that ate a forbidden fruit and gained power to end the constant fighting of her time. Even assuming the alien subplot actually continued it'd be far better if Naruto and Sasuke kicked Momoshiki's ass and then decided that the threat is too great and started hunting the Ootsusuki - traveling dimensions together to pursue them and leaving Boruto and the others to handle keeping the peace at home - thus Kara could be a legitimate threat that doesn't get sensed by the literal gods of Konoha.
>I like their designs and abilities
They're too overpowered and it doesn't make sense in the chakra setting. They're characters that'd make more sense in Hunter x Hunter or Boku no Hero, rather than Naruto.
Also personally I detest Ikemoto'd art style for a multitude of reasons. Even Boruto's design'd be better if they at least used the original Naruto art style instead of this polished stuff.

Honestly there are moments in Boruto that actually kept me aboard, but it just keeps castrating my interest just as I think shit is improving. Kawaki and Naruto's dynamic is so good and interactions like your pic are interesting, but it gets shunted aside for idiotic plotlines that make me facepalm. The Baryon Mode (and lead up to its use) is retarded but the anime fight at least is good, the line of "true resolve" is truly among the best Naruto has had, but the uyghling feeling in my mind that "this could have been GREAT" honestly just hurts.

>fun surprise

oh ok, sorry, too many people post stupid spoilered shock pics, so I'm paranoid


>They're too overpowered and it doesn't make sense in the chakra setting. They're characters that'd make more sense in Hunter x Hunter or Boku no Hero, rather than Naruto.
>Also personally I detest Ikemoto'd art style for a multitude of reasons. Even Boruto's design'd be better if they at least used the original Naruto art style instead of this polished stuff.

shit makes zero sense and everything has been tossed, i agree, but that shit is fire i can't lie. Code, Eida and her brother are only the really ones i like. I don't like his art style for naruto but i've warmed up to his style in general after initially not liking it. Most of the recent chars look cool and what it looks like on the rest of the naruto cast is kinda nice, it's a different vibe.

>Honestly there are moments in Boruto that actually kept me aboard, but it just keeps castrating my interest just as I think shit is improving. Kawaki and Naruto's dynamic is so good and interactions like your pic are interesting, but it gets shunted aside for idiotic plotlines that make me facepalm. The Baryon Mode (and lead up to its use) is retarded but the anime fight at least is good, the line of "true resolve" is truly among the best Naruto has had, but the uyghling feeling in my mind that "this could have been GREAT" honestly just hurts.

agree. what's one of the really annoying aspects to me is there's a ton of interesting things that are going on but in the context of the previous world of Naruto it just does not mesh, but i still like what's going on. If this was a standalone, same naruto universe but a different reality(?) it would be better, though the rehash of akatsuki is kinda lame for a first villain. for now we have to settle with a manga that has peaked at a 6/10 rating(so far)

>Kaguya had never been an alien ironically, she had been a demigoddess that ate a forbidden fruit and gained power to end the constant fighting of her time. Even assuming the alien subplot actually continued it'd be far better if Naruto and Sasuke kicked Momoshiki's ass and then decided that the threat is too great and started hunting the Ootsusuki - traveling dimensions together to pursue them and leaving Boruto and the others to handle keeping the peace at home - thus Kara could be a legitimate threat that doesn't get sensed by the literal gods of Konoha.

Honestly didn't know this. Everything post Narutos entry into the War is one big blur for me, stuff just gets. At first she's this, then she's actually this etc etc, really annoying.


Embedding error.
The Naruto vs Ichigo animation by SethTheProgrammer is looking pretty hype, I hope it matches the previews.


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Dont even like / pay much attention to the story of Boruto (Though to be fair i did/don't really care/like the story of part 2 either)
Got good bois though.



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Dont like 'Boi's-In-Luhvu'?


Not if they're that young.


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I find the side characters much more interesting compared to the main cast, the fillers might have inane moment but conceptually are more unique and explore better things.

TBF Mitsuki's odd obsession and Orochimaru being that one that set him on that course is kind of wack, not to mention absolutely sidelined also Sumire is best love interest for Boruto



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ur wrong.
naruto is maoist third worldist all the way up yo the conclusion of the Pain invasion arc.
after that it devolves into mystical muh cycles and oh btw here's god kill her spirituality nonsense.


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>Chapter 65
>Cover is toad-sage naruto and for some reaosn his mouth is covered for most of the illustrations he's in
>Toad-sage naruto BARELy features in it
>momoshiki does that timestop shit and takes over Boruto- the pills do jack shit
>Start spamming Massive Rasengans at Code at random
>uses bullshit Rasen-Dan (bullet) because suddenly Momoshiki, the character specifically personifying unoriginality and not working for his power created a jutsu that Naruto is apparently too stupid to make in the decades since learning the rasengan
>Eida tells Code to retreat because it's too much for him
>The same Code supposedly as strong as Jigen, going against Boroshiki that is feat-wise at best matching Naruto in the Pain Arc, but somehow is apparently a greater threat than Kurama-sage cloak Naruto and got to sasugay's rinnegone and all that shebang
>But shikamaru manages to get the jump on Boringshiki and toad-sage naruto manages to outspeed Boroshiki's reaction time then begins totally jobbing again. The same toad sage mode that let Kashin Koji BEAT Jigen
>Naruto doesn't even try to use a clone to ambush Code at the same time or make Boruto go unconscious, nah fuck that it's jobber time!
It's truly amazing just how horrible this manga is that anime filler arcs are superior by far. Kawaki is the only part of the manga that is actually any fun to me and even then it could have been done so much better. I'm starting to really LOATHE the manga, it's not even at 70 Chapters and it's inferior to its OWN anime fillers, let alone Naruto anime fillers. Every fight and scene of an OG character in this manga, and the fact that it's so agonizingly slow is like a spit in the face of every person that enjoyed and got something meaningful out of Naruto. God fucking damn it.

Also in this latest chapter Momoshiki mentions "Kara dregs" and knowing Code had the fruit. Fucking how? How would Momoshiki know of Kara when in his first appearance he intended to destroy the Earth, ssucking it dry using his tree with NO Knowledge of the fact Isshiki was there or had an organization under him. Why the fuck would Momo have ANY info on Kara much less Isshiki? Or rather Y didn't he have it at the start?
Seeing Boruto's memories doesn't excuse it since he states things that Boruto does not have any knowledge of (Code's fake Karma had been talked about to Kawaki and Naruto, not Boruto as far as I recall. And he DID have knowledge of Kaguya). The only real answer I can think of is Retroactive Story Telling - Isshiki and that Kara mess didn't exist originally in the story (neither had been the Karma seal as demonstrated by Boruto the Movie) so clearly after Momoshiki got trounced thy needed Karma as a method to create a reason for a power-up on Boruto and thy just tarted speculating and ruminating like cows chewing cud until they decided to just rip off a meme-version of Akatsuki - seriously, the "Otsutsuki resurrected in the body of the secret organizations leader" and more is just a speedrun retelling of Akatsuki's path to the 4th War, and the resurrection of Kaguya. Logically after mentioning Kaguya in the beginning of the anime, Momoshiki should also be confused as to the location of Isshiki, Hell, given that Kaguya had been meant to be the sacrifice to Isshiki, his first query ought to have bee about Isshiki and confusion on Kaguya's mention.

I just wish the left it at the movie TBH, because it hurts me to see good idea in Boruto get started, only to be pissed on over and over and over again.


If you hate it so much why are you wasting your time on it? You know it's not even canon right?


still ew

i want big men, not bitch ass children


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The people in the Naruto universe carry weapons and technology that would allow 1940s-1970s era methods of combat yet fight as if they’re still in the copper age. This fact bugs me.

It’s been revealed on multiple occasions that civilians in the Naruto franchise have access to steam power, explosives, mechanical devices and electricity. This ultimately means weapons like guns(which can be seen in one panel of shippuden), tanks, jets, artillery, warships, mass production of weapons and food(this is especially important because more food means more potential fighters and workers), heavy bombs etc can all exist and this ultimately means that if any society in Naruto ever used these weapons in combat a small army equipped with these weapons could potentially take down a hokage but just don’t which creates massive plot holes that only get more aggravating in the show to think about considering how drawn out most fights are, not to mention the chronically low amount of troops used in most armed conflicts…

This doesn’t even get into other shit that’s blatantly shown in Naruto and Naruto shippuden like the fact that the main characters have access to radio based mics but can’t produce satellites or radios that can dox a targets location wait shit no they do have that and birds that can do the same and rarely use them, why street lights are seen all over the hidden leaf village dating as far back as the first episode of Naruto but no one can make LEDs or circuit screens, why everyone dresses in the most overly revealing clothing imaginable etc etc

I’m not even gonna get into the ninjutsu shit because that gives me a different kind of headache


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>fight as if they’re still in the copper age
LMAO no.
chakra like magic makes technological advances in weaponry rather less likely and the verse itself is only some centuries old, since Kaguya's time, so the anachronistic advancements are more plausible.
Ninja move so fast in verse that getting a bead on them is pretty much impossible, and the guns are usually flintlocks, something that is nearly a millenia old IRL. Radios are old as shit too and telegraphs existed before those.
>radios that can dox a targets location
Radios do not function like that, certainly not those kinds of radios.
>tanks, jets, artillery, warships
All pointless given ninjutsu and ninjas that can punch, lift and kick with several tons of force as children. Aircraft aren't really a priority in a non-industrialized society based on national mercantile armies using devastating life-energy-based magic, any tank and artillery that in't immediately on the level of the past couple decades IRL are fodder.
Also they do have trains as far back as before Shippuden and airships and trucks too, for civilians and mostly rich ones.
>mass production of weapons and food
They do, kunai and shuriken and basic katanas are mass-produced in Narutoverse and only specific special weapons are custom made. Same for food.
>a small army equipped with these weapons could potentially take down a hokage
Ah yes, because bomber planes and tanks are great anti-personell weapons against people that move so fast that they can disappear in a blink of an eye and move underground like fish in a stream. So no, no plotholes, it's logically consistent. Industrial Revolutions advancements especially in the military had importance because people constantly improved their ability to kill by supplementing them with tools and machines or increasing complexity and effectiveness. If there is a magic system, it makes the development of such arms unlikely as the predominant military can just improve jutsu using chakra, that can do almost anything, including raising nearly unstoppable facismiles of the dead that have nearly the full ability of their living lives. That's not even mentioning sealing jutsu, elemental ninjutsu and genjutsu.
>no one can make LEDs or circuit screens
They have small laptops by the time of the 4th war as a limited military resource, and LEDs took over a century to even be created (let alone mass produced) IRL after the creation of incandescent light bulbs.
>why everyone dresses in the most overly revealing clothing imaginable
The fuck are you talking about? Most of the cast has clothing covering the majority of their bodies and only a few have revealing clothes.
>heavy bombs etc can all exist
Explosive tags and their variations make this pointless, not even mentioning

TL;DR: such tech may exist, but does not develop because unlike the real world, it has a very widespread ability - chakra - that can do all that such technology can do and more. It works as that they only have things seen as necessary (lights, fridge, steampowered train and ships, old school photography, etc.) and can actually be more easily created due to elemental manipulation (lightning jutsu -> study of electricity).

I can't help taking a look at it on occasion, it's like a train derailing, so I can't help bursting out on occasion.
>not canon
I wish


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Boruto 66's Kawaki killing Boruto is literally the same shit as pre-Shippuden Fanfiction that had Orochimaru in Sasuke's body being restrained by sauce for a moment to let older Naruto kill him to save everyone, except at least those fanfics this made sense given the incompletion of Naruto, and thus its themes and Naruto's story in itself. Hell it's even emulated in hamfisted style by having Boruto say "do it bro" like a fucking parody. I'm not even going into this making the entire plot of Naruto moot (although the previous Boruto chapters already did this, so more like it made it moot cubed).

On a side topic Boruto has been going 6 (SIX) years and only has 66 chapters, 1 per month, and having horrendous artstyle, paneling and more. Compare this to Naruto Part 1, in 5 years it had 244 chapters (238, excluding Kakashi's story), a chapter every week, all as it retained quality in paneling and artstyle. Even if Boruto mangaka only did 8 hours for 5 days per week, for professionals this ought to be at least 10-15 pages at least and usually 20 or more, and that's just as a small group, as Kishi started out. Ike-pedo, has much larger resources and far more time yet produces inferior products.

PS this is a spoiler post but the Boruto manga trashfire deserves it.


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>killing Boruto
Thank god.


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That'd be great… except Chapter 1 Spoils it as being some kind of bait n' switch.


Anyone have updates on this? All I can find on it is retarded Tiktok edits.


Embedding error.
Internet Historian just dropped one… on the Area 51 "Raid". Naruto references are in the entire video, but the final 10 minutes are the treasure. Enjoy.


Analysis of Boruto Chapter 33 - not the best but an interesting opinion. I still think that Delta shouldn't have been able to do anything against Boruto and Kawaki and Hima, so Kawaki's 'sacrifice' shouldn't have happened at all. Instead they should have had at least Himawari, run closer out of concern for her dad (feigning injury to bait Delta) to justify that plot-point. This is of course dismissing Delta being able to keep up with Naruto at all.
Also given the latest chapter (68), makes me wish for pic related's tsundere dynamic more.


Given the stupid and still ongoing debate - Naruto in Boruto (prior to the Kurama kill-off) had Six Paths Sage Mode and so the claim of nerfs of his character's abilities are absolutely true.


can i just say that i've recently started reading boruto as opposed to watching the anime and i want to kill whoever fucking designed saradas outfit. really? high heels? on a 12 year old? who would be comfortable fighting in this? anime design was much better in my opinion.


is the manga worth reading?


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No, not really unless you like to ironically laugh at shitty action, nerfs and poor story-telling, hell Boruto anime fillers have better story, ninja skills and charm than the actual canon plot. See above rant posts on various episodes and general dislike.

There's a reason Ikemoto is called 'Pedomoto' by the fandom. He literally makes Hinata into a flat midget… y'know the big titted naruto vaifu that was barely shorter than Naruto? pic rel.


All this time and Kishimoto still can't design women


i was wondering why that hinata design made me so uncomfortable, you're totally right.
the very obvious pedo pandering is disgusting.


nor can he write them. japanese men (from personal experience) see women as objects and plot devices though so its not surprising. they think women are aliens that they'll never be able to understand when in reality women are human and they should just be written like normal people, maybe with different challenges to overcome.


>in reality women are human
prove it


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Kishimoto isn't doing the art for Boruto you retards, he only came back as an advisor to the manga over 50 chapters after it began and has no influence on art direction. This is all on Ikemoto.
Yeah. Note that in Naruto and even Shippuden Hinata didn't have fanservice much, she dressed in such thick clothes that not a lot of open boobage and skin is visible. Pic rel.

Ok /pol/
You need to re-read the manga. Naruto's female characters are not the strongest but they're hardly "non-understandable aliens". Hell a lot of the story is focused on how little sex matters in regards to people as humans, malice and happiness, seeking revenge or impulsive emotions are present in male and female characters alike, that's part of the theme of Naruto.

>they should just be written like normal people


i'm mostly talking about sakura who got written terribly


Yet, people go wild for loli lesbianism.


Borutos horribleness aside, what are everyone's favorite characters that were introduced in Boruto? doesnt matter if its the manga or the anime, I personally prefer the anime though.

I'll go first:
I love Mitsuki, his design is simple but striking and he's very cute. His character brings up good moral dilemmas about science, how far an experiment should go, and issues of individuality. He always makes me laugh and in general just makes me smile :)
I also like Inojin. He's the good mix of Sai's social ineptness and Ino's sass which makes him funny, although not super likeable, but he's also cute when he gets flustered. His design is also appealing just like Mitsuki's.

pic rel


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forgot to add the pics


She's not the worst TBH, certainly not as bad as a lot of other female characters in Shonen, and has her moments, but yes she has plenty of issues.

The side characters, especially the teams that are given little coverage like Iwabee or Sumire, Inojin included. Mitsuki started off intriguing but kept having his potential nixxed.


also what happened to inojin's english VA? was watching and it suddenly changed. i wanna know what happened but i cant find anything about it online.


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was he an author self insert?


No, that's Jiraiya


rat sings


No, it's a poor meme based on a Western understanding of the anime/manga.

>Vtuber shit


I want to breed the rat


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does anyone have scans of the sasuke restuden novel that came out a bit ago? someones already uploaded a shitty bot translation online so i know the raws are floating around somewhere. i just wanna read it in japanese before the english translation comes out in november.


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oh lol didnt know its been out since 2019.
and thank you but i dont want english translations, i want to read the japanese. thats why its been hard to find for me. i would look for it on the japanese side of the internet but i dont have nearly as much experience knowing what to trust over there


>i want to read the japanese
You can read that? Good for you m8.

Another more complete English version: https://archive.org/details/sasukeretsuden/mode/2up

Japanese version: I'll look around and see if I can dig something up. Peace

retsuden is pretty wack tho TBH


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yeeee i find that the translations for the novels have mistakes and things that are unclear, so i'd rather just read the original sincce i can. and yes im expecting it to be pretty… out there LOL

thanks comrade


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IDK why but pic rel from the boruto anime posters gives me heavy doujin vibes, y'know the ones that have NTR or fat bastard or pedo content or some other shit. I think it might be because they cut off Naruto's face and only left the bottom half, like the covers of many such, aforementioned doujins do.



SethTheProgrammer cancelled it.


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>Boruto anime is ending March 26 of 2023 & a "part 2" is in development (hell), even as ratings plummet amidst the shark-jumping, poorly animated filler
>Naruto is having 4 new episodes released as of September of 2023


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borutards are losing to literal reruns of bleach lmao


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Just had a thought about recent chapters in Boruto: Why doesn't Amado use reanimation to revive his daughter? Yeah his biotech method failed in a Pet Cemetery sort of way, but he clearly has the genetic material for it, & still retains the expertise to create Ootsutsuki abilities (I still can't get over this "Shinjutsu" retcon) so the Rinnegan is probably not a stretch. He clearly has little moral issues in his experiments either, so all it takes is an Edo Tensei or similar 'shell' and then fully reviving the body. The concept that this guy that is making super-jutsu fails to think of this is retarded.


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>Sasuke focused episode & Novel & Manga extra that has him fighting Dinosaurs
>The raptor is literally Blue from Jurassic World
This is fun filler but its so fucking silly



Not sure how it's not obvious by now but Kishi just isn't that great of a writer and the story ended up going in a different way. And some of this stuff was never gonna happen regardless/is not exactly a "forgotten set-up" like Sai, Kurenai and Anko, and that 1010 prediction was never even a thing, i was there, no one thought 1010 was gonna seal Madara.


also (naruto represents tai, sasuke nin, sakura gen) was never a thing. FFS, naruto fans piss me off because they clearly didn't watch the show they supposedly love. Not only was this never established or even hinted at, naruto, the main muddafuckka on the screen you waych, sucks at taijutsu. He technically lost to best tai user (neji) and had to fart in Kibas face to win.


>naruto… sucks at taijutsu
Not as much as you think. As a kid, yes, but from the start of Shippuden he has fairly high-level skill, comparable to the average chunin & Jonin, capable of putting pressure on Kakashi. After sage training he was keeping up in taijutsu with Pain, who bodied Kakashi & Jiraiya (and as Nagato Edo Tensei casually pinned Killer Bee). He also casually handled the Kumo sword-nin.

The reason people say he sucks at Taijutsu is because at the start he fought like a brawler, tanking/dodging hits until he could land a haymaker. Problem is he faces Taijutsu masters from the start.
>Kakashi: Briefly got the jump on him in spite of Kakashi being one of the best Jonin in the leaf on the level of Gai.
>Haku: literal rogue hunter-nin using a broken Kekkei Genkai
>Zabuza: Jonin that killed a class of potential Genin before even joining the academy
>Rock-Lee: Tajutsu master that trains even harder than Naruto, which is actually impressive if you look at Naruto's training ethic
>Kiba: Melee fighter that uses rockbusting attacks (& Nauto had the 5 elements seal practically fucking up his strength & chakra)
>Neji: Broken ass 359 degree vision & precise chakra control + older, & stays ahead of Lee.
>Tsunade: Taijutsu master & one of the Sannin, a literal Kage-level opponent
>Kabuto: Compared to Kakashi in skill, medic nin that could evade Tsunade
>Kimimaro: A Jounin-level kekkei genkai user with insane bone weapons and ridiculous agility that nearly killed Lee & Gaara at the same time.
>Sasuke: In spite of the 2 tomoe sharingan, until the 3rd tomoe awoke he kept up & using a little Kyuubi chakra beat him.
TL;DR: Naruto isn't terrible, he just kept being put against people that are either
A) specialized in unique taijutsu/special abilities
B) are so far above his skill level that him being able to hold his own at all is beyond suspension of disbelief.
C) Both

Naruto visible improved over the series, picking up & imitating Sasuke's Lion Combo (that he copied off of Lee), using kage bunshin to supplement his attack (later expanded on against Gaara) & got better at CQC, such as shuriken throwing.

EOS he's matching Sasuke, managed to hold up against Madara's limbo clones & in KCM1 matches (Edo) Itachi, who was superior in skill to Hebi Sasuke.

Sakura being a Genjutsu type got hinted in the Chunin Exam arc & othe times, such as Sakura's & Naruto's assessment against Kakashi at the start of Shippuden.


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>Kishi just isn't that great of a writer
He's pretty fine for someone that couldn't plan this all out, he still managed to make a comprehensible story that only really got out of hand at the end of the war (& even that isn't as bad as some make it out to be).

That said you're right that most of the video is nonsense. The 1010 set up is more of a n/a/rutard joke from way back then, that a lot of lurking nufag fans took seriously (pic rel example).


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when people talk about kishimoto being a bad writer i think they forget how much crunch there is in the weekly manga industry and such. Kishi barely slept more than a few hours per day and spent almost all day slaving away on naruto with no free time.

with that kind of rushed schedule and sleep deprivation most people would write worse than they would otherwise


This, absolutely. The animator thread talks about these terrible crunch conditions for mangaka & animators. Kishi actually did fairly well, & the horribleness of Boruto under Ikemoto & Kodachi prove that Kishi had a lot more talent than people think… although I think making Naruto for so long, so hard burnt him out, since Samurai 8 rather sucked.


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I agree with all of what you said, I'm only attacking that YouTubers argument of part one naruto's character and story at that point in time, it's pure gobbledygook.

I shouldn't have said what I stated before, you're completely right. What you just said is what I usually say when defending Kishi, I need to work on clearing my thoughts when talking/writing.


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I recognize that from somewhere, character sauce pls? It looks like Ranmaru from the Raiga arc.
>I'm only attacking that YouTubers argument of part one naruto's character
Fair enough. The enormous amount of fanfiction that has terrible characterizations of Naruto are proof of a large portion of the fanbase having not paid attention.
>I need to work on clearing my thoughts when talking/writing.
No problem, hindsight is 20/20 as they say.


>I recognize that from somewhere, character sauce pls? It looks like Ranmaru from the Raiga arc.
Great eye anon, It is Ranmaru, specifically from episode 156.



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YES. I knew I still had it. Honestly I liked the post-Sasuke Retrieval Arc fillers in P1 Naruto. They brought cool ideas, reaffirmed Naruto's conception of the struggles & conflicts of people and gave other side characters a chance to shine. It fleshed out the worldbuilding essentially.



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Decided to rewatch Naruto again & man there is just such magic to that series, the art-style, the old 4:3 aspect ratio, the music, the story. I really miss that energy from old anime. It's such a striking difference compared to, say, Boruto.


> Honestly I liked the post-Sasuke Retrieval Arc fillers in P1 Naruto. They brought cool ideas, reaffirmed Naruto's conception of the struggles & conflicts of people and gave other side characters a chance to shine. It fleshed out the worldbuilding essentially.
I used to believe Naruto had some of the best worldbuilding ( I still do just in a different way) specifically because of this, but I thought it was all canon because it was my first anime. Watching shippuden after seeing every single filler episode brings a new feeling to the show as you see Naruto and CO go on these missions and develop all while still thinking of Sasuke and the effect he left and what they need to do for the future, basically, it's as you said, it was just super cool with how they did some of the episodes, Laughing Shino, 7swordsmen, The domestic terrorist plot (my favorite) Part 1 is just great. They even have some good filler in Shippuden as well.

The magic of that time was amazing, I don't know how anyone can see the differences between part 1 and 2 and decide on part two (not that it's bad, it's great as well up to the War and some other a bit prior). Every aspect you named is superior imo. I'm losing it with age, but I can still give certain quotes, unique conversation instances, episode titles and when soundtacks played and it's all from part 1!

I miss older anime in general.


Not sure why my embed didn't work but


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Foreshadowing usually entails some kind of planning on the author's part. A moment of foreshadowing hints at an event later on in the story, so their presence generally means that the author has what they're hinting at in mind when the hint is written… But that's not always the case, especially not in a long-running weekly series. As time goes on the series may become more popular than expected, or the intended ending may take longer to reach than expected, and writers need to come up with new material on the fly to keep the show rolling. What is a writer to do in that scenario without introducing new content completely out of nowhere? Well, something they could do is draw inspiration from earlier parts of their own work. They could expand on a detail originally glossed over or turn a one-shot meant just to look cool into a recurring motif with narrative significance.

Take, for example, Jiraiya (and the Sannin in general). He wasn't introduced until chapter 90, but there are several things hinting at his existence prior to that. When Orochimaru is referred to as one of the Legendary Sannin during the Chunin Exams, it alludes to the other two members, Jiraiya and Tsunade. In chapter 2, Naruto's graduation picture has him adopt a similar bombastic pose to Jiraiya's signature one, alluding to the close bond they would eventually form. Kakashi pulls out Make-Out Paradise during the bell test, and Jiraiya is the author of this Book Within A Book. Chapter 4's title page has Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura associated with toads, snakes, and slugs respectively, alluding to the Sannin's animal summons and accurately depicting which Sannin will teach which member of Team 7. Even chapter 1's title page has Naruto associated with a toad, with Sasuke riding a hawk as a bonus.

Does that mean that Jiraiya was planned as early as chapter 1? Of course not: his very existence is a plot hole. Jiraiya knew both of Naruto's parents personally and was very close to his father, who he taught, and is for all intents and purposes Naruto's godfather. So where the hell was he when Naruto was all alone after the Nine Tails Attack?

The answer is that Kishimoto didn't think of him yet. He probably only thought of him after Orochimaru was introduced and needed two more Legendary Sannin to train Naruto and Sakura with Orochimaru calling dibs on Sasuke. But he nonetheless used throwaway images as inspiration for his design, power set, and role in the story. Thus giving chapter 1's title page, chapter 4's title page, Naruto's grad photo pose in chapter 2, and Make-Out Paradise retroactive value as foreshadowing.

The Land of Waves arc has a lot of this, despite the arc being a stand-alone story without much long-term planning by necessity. The arc ends at chapter 33, just a little over half a year into Naruto's publication, which makes sense given Shonen Jump's cut-throat policy regarding new series getting about six months to establish themselves or face cancellation. If Naruto wasn't successful right out of the gate, it would have been cancelled at the end of this arc. Kishimoto could have proceeded with the rest of the story without revisiting the Land of Waves arc at all and not lose much, but he didn't do that. And I'm not just talking about Sasuke's brief visit to give Suigetsu Kubikiribocho, Inari and Tazuna's cameo after the Pain arc to assist with rebuilding Konoha, or Zabuza and Haku being revived with Edo Tensei either. Those are just call backs and don't really add retroactive foreshadowing value to the original arc.

I'm talking about things like the chapter 1 title page. Now, Sasuke riding a hawk, at the time of chapter 1's publishing, didn't mean anything. It was just there to look cool, and give Sasuke something to stand on in the air to fill up negative space. And we know Kishi didn't have Sasuke being associated with hawks in mind at the time because Naruto is drawn with a hawk in chapter 11's title page. But of course, starting with Itachi's death and Sasuke renaming his second team to "Taka", Sasuke receives a hawk motif and gets to summon a hawk in his fight with Danzo. Chapter 1's title page retroactively became foreshadowing for it… And not just that. Sasuke is the only member of the team not associated with the toad (Kakashi is standing on it, Sakura is popping out of its robes, and Naruto is surrounded by the smoke coming out of its pipe). This can retroactively be taken as foreshadowing Sasuke's separation from the team.

Speaking of Sasuke, there is that time when Kakashi uses the Sharingan for the first time and Sasuke wonders how he got it, since he knows that Sharingan are unique to members of his clan. His panicked thought, "could he be?!", seems to suggest that Sasuke was suspecting Kakashi of being involved in the massacre and pilfered his Sharingan off an Uchiha he killed during it. Now, as noted under TvTropes' Early Installment Weirdness page, this doesn't make sense because it's later established that Sasuke saw Fugaku and Mikoto dead at Itachi's feet personally… but it's also later established that Sasuke thought that Itachi had an accomplice, the third Uchiha alive that Itachi told him about. With this revelation, it becomes clear that Sasuke was actually suspecting Kakashi of being Itachi's accomplice, or maybe of killing them to get their Sharingan. It's entirely possible that Kishi got the idea of an accomplice for Itachi from this scene. Regardless, Sasuke suspecting Kakashi, a Konoha shinobi, of helping Itachi with the massacre retroactively foreshadows a bunch of things: Konoha was responsible for the massacre; someone did loot the victims' corpses for Sharingan; and the guy Kakashi got his Sharingan from is Itachi's accomplice (though Kakashi himself is innocent).

While all that stuff about the Uchiha Massacre wasn't intentional at the time, what was intentional was making us ask the question of how Kakashi got the Sharingan along with Sasuke. A hint comes in chapter 16's title page, which has Kakashi in bed with both of his teams' pictures behind him. A boy with black hair is depicted in the same position as Sasuke, so someone could predict that this boy was an Uchiha and Kakashi has his Sharingan, maybe even be that best friend whose name is on the Memorial Stone that Kakashi mentioned. This prediction would be right on the mark; this boy is Obito. This is one of the few bits of foreshadowing that I think was completely intentional even back then; all the information needed to deduce that Kakashi had Obito's Sharingan was out in the open and if Naruto wasn't cancelled, Kishimoto would have told the story of how Kakashi got it one way or another at some point.

What wasn't intended at first was the form that story wound up taking. I'm talking about Kakashi Gaiden. There are several points of similarity between the two arcs. Most notably, the protagonist and his Uchiha best friend are separated during a mission. The protagonist arrives late to a battle where the Uchiha awakens his Sharingan and sacrifices himself to save his comrades. The Uchiha's apparent death enrages the protagonist and gives them the strength to defeat their enemy. Also, both arcs tackle the conflict of killing your emotions vs. accepting them and a bridge is involved (and this association of bridges with killing your emotions would be used again in the Tenchi Bridge arc for Sai, and in the Five Kage Summit arc for Danzo). The most important point of retroactive foreshadowing here is that Sasuke's survival in the Land of Waves arc foreshadows Obito's survival in his similar circumstance.

One last thing I want to bring up is Rin's death. Rin dies the exact same way Haku does: impaling themselves on Kakashi's hand to protect their loved ones. Kakashi's horrified expression takes on a new meaning, and Haku's death may have inspired Rin's precisely because of the implications it has for Kakashi.

I was going to bring up how Haku and Tobi are both trolls who wear masks and the first thing Haku does is fake a rival of Kakashi's death while Tobi is a rival of Kakashi who is presumably dead, but I'm not sure that connection is strong enough to warrant it being called retroactive foreshadowing. Still, the amount of developments that the Land of Waves arc foreshadows in spite of its stand-alone nature is impressive. I have a feeling that Kishimoto really liked working on it and took inspiration from it when he could. Zabuza and Haku started the whole "villains work in pairs" trend, after all.


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>I miss older anime in general.
Me too. That kind of anime culture isn't very common anymore unfortunately. In some ways current social media, computer graphics & the mainstreamness in the general public of anime today has led to a fall in quality in everything from art-direction & animation to story-telling & characters- there's so many garbage anime flooding the market.
>The domestic terrorist plot
That one with Genno, right? It was amazing and like I said, reaffirmed the narratives concept of breaking the cycle of hatred through compassion & understanding. It honestly resonates strongly with me to this day.


A bit late for the meme but a pretty funny variation of the Livesy phonk


nostalgia over fucking naruto o i am laffin


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>Me too. That kind of anime culture isn't very common anymore unfortunately. In some ways current social media, computer graphics & the mainstreamness in the general public of anime today has led to a fall in quality in everything from art-direction & animation to story-telling & characters- there's so many garbage anime flooding the market.
You touch on a lot of things I think about but haven't put all the pieces together. Also, while it may have been like this before and I am just ignorant, the way anime was viewed completely shifted. Until like 2014/2015 people who watched anime were viewed like the hunchback of nortre dame, freaks, weirdos etc. Now you got this new culture that celebrates this garbage floating around, sneers at the mention of older anime (even things only 10 years old??) and fail to recognize and appreciate certain aspects. Sorry had to get that rant out there.
>It honestly resonates strongly with me to this day.
Completely based, the show has some nice lessons.


There's always been garbage anime flooding the market, it's just that nobody remembers it because it's garbage that gets forgotten

t. millennoid who was around for when anime first started getting mainstreamed in the english-speaking world during the 2000s and saw countless garbage series being sold at video stores that nobody remembers


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>There's always been garbage anime flooding the market
No anon you're clearly too young to remember that, in the times that anime was called Japanimation & got sold in the USA by specific companies, only actually popular products left Japan in any significant amount. Even the "trash" of that time is still less shite than todays trash. Moreover the lack of advanced Computer graphics up til the 2010s meant that animation had to rely on traditional 2D methods, as opposed to the lazy key framing & hundreds of clones, so production of anime in terms of quantity was lower, and a lot of the old guard animators were still active and helped in quality control of content to an extent. Every anime had a style that made it easy to ID. Today the characters look so samey that you could edit them into another anime & it wouldn't look out of place, because they use character templates for base animations far more abusively, in part because animators are treated like shit & have horrific deadlines that make taking easy outs preferable.
Anime was never made up of mostly masterpieces, but even the shitty stuff was entertaining & had soul. Today it's soulless

>t.Manga Entertainment VHS veteran


>No anon you're clearly too young to remember that, in the times that anime was called Japanimation & got sold in the USA by specific companies, only actually popular products left Japan in any significant amount

I'm just barely old enough to remember that, and yes, the selection was more biased towards prestige titles, there was still a bunch of trash that came out because companies licensed shitty OVAs trying to cash in on anime's newfound cultural cache, with some companies trying to find the next Akira (infamous examples: MD Geist, Baoh)


>some companies trying to find the next Akira (infamous examples: MD Geist, Baoh)
True, but again, those in all their trashiness still have a charm, soul & fun. You can see a clip & its not the same as the next anime. That's the difference. You literally cannot tell 90% of current animu from one another because the "art style" (animator templates) & backgrounds are ALL the same generic shit.


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>Chapter 80
>"What Dad Would Do!"
>Sarada & Sumire inexplicably immune to Eida's reality changing ability
>Sarada just gets the Mangekyou, no trauma necessary
>Sasuke is affected by Eida though Sarada talks him out of killing Bort
>Boruto has a "give up on making me give up" moment
This is tiresome.


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Anime is now all just softcore pedo porn for lecherous weebs.


fucking everything is pedophilia to these people, which is kinda sus in its own regard tbh


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>even back in the good ol days, anime still had recycled graphics
Not to the extent that current animu is. The Neji vs Naruto fight takes graphics from a fight in Cowboy Bebop, but its still differentiated by art style and animators applying said style to the fight animation.


>hebephobic much
NTA but yes.

>reddit spacing
>muh nostalgia glasses!
piss off.

>kinda sus in its own regard
lolicon artists admit to using 'real' models. Moe girls have the same big-eye under-developed look that children do, yet people still lust after them.
>Anything that gives positive attention to children is always called "pedobait".
LMAO wut?
>these same people see no problem with cat videos and dog pics.
Are you SERIOUSLY comparing real photos of animals being silly to animated 'girls'?
>people love violnce and drama too much

On that note, please take this to the Animeta thread since its going off topic at this point.


this post is peak american. posting a screenshot of tumblr users believing fake miyazaki quotes is just *chefs kiss*


I appreciate the Naruto thread attracting the worst fucking posts.


Yes because even back then the threads attracted idiots.


>I like watching moe amd


Nostalgia is so fucking embarrassing lmao.


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Not as embarrassing as modern culture.


Go to bed boomer.


the world ends with not a bang but a zoomer.


omgggg why dont anime women look like in the 90s anymore :((((((((( *ignores the hundreds of female characters that arent moeblobs because actually engaging in the medium is too hard and nostalgia is easy social media engagement*


Miyazaki is still making anime


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>Its not pedophilia tho
Never said that you projector, I'm saying that it goes hand in hand with that shit.
1) Shit strawman
2) I'm aware there are esoteric anime that have good design today, the complaint is that most mainstream or well known ones are sameface trash.
<muh social media
Go back

As Wikipedia notes,
>The character of Clarisse has also been cited as a potential ancestral example of moe character design, a trend Miyazaki would later criticize as leading to the promotion of unhealthy lolicon fetishism.
lol, eat dirt smart-ass.

He came out of retirement in 2021 to make a film, he's not making anime full-time anymore


Holy shit Boruto is still so bad, lmao.


>esoteric anime


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Embed is "Kakashi's threaten by Sasuke"
"Rock Lee's Perseverance"
"Внебрачный сын Наруто и Джоджо"
"Boruto's Goofy ahh animation"

in case the Embed errors
out again.


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Chapter 81 came out finally after a massive hiatus and it's still trash even with the timeskip, as predicted.
>Sarada's Timeskip design is basically making her unironically appear like an dyke, even though the look they're going for is basically Sarada dressing and styling in a discount of Boruto's get up (just look at that hair dude). The pouty lips give her a resting bitch face expression.
>No Thousand-Sealings diamond seal mark on Sarada's forehead, so no Byakugō 100 healings ability available
>Sarada and Sumire somehow immune to the Omnipotence Shinjutsu when even Sasuke isn't and it's supposed to only leave Otsutsuki members unaffected. Eida outright states this, yet can't figure out their blatant lie when she asks if they can resist her Charm ability
>The Charm ability and other such "Shinjutsu" are outright magic, there is no feasible explanation for them and no real attempt either.
>The Shinjutsu actually working makes sense mentally, but it cannot change physical reality as far as I can tell, so photos and related items should still depict BORUTO as the son as would computer files and other hard-copy evidence. People as paranoid as shinobi would be going nuts over their information being his compromised.
>On the subject the very name "Shinjutsu" is asinine because the term 'Jutsu' was a human one created by the shinobi as a martial reinterpretation of Ninshu.
>Kashin Koji is still AWOL and forgotten
All this being said, the artstyle has improved, it's cleaner and has less of Ikemoto's disgusting texturing that he throws all over. Code's chinlet face made me laugh, it fits his character and Boruto's design and entrance was admittedly bad-ass. Himawari of course became long-haired and has a fairly ok design.

>Chapter 82 is coming September 18, a month later
What the fuck are they doing lmao.

Also now that I think of it, why the hell did Jigen even call Jiraiya a great man, when as an Otsutsuki he considers humans barely above insects. Why did he have knowledge of Jiraiya's final fate against Pain!? There were so many fan theories about him being involved in Amegakure and providing the technology Nagato used for it, but that went nowhere, so it's just there in the air.
This entire "The Age of Shinobi is Over" shite that Boruto is about, is basically a poorly done parallel of the Meiji Restoration and fall of the samurai… which doesn't even make sense in the context of Boruto. Fuck.


>Himawari of course became long-haired and has a fairly ok design.
I like Hima but it was obvious her design is aped off of Part 1 Hinata. Problem is, is that Hinata's short hair was symbolic of her being a shame to her clan and family as well as to herself, a visual representation to her losing the position of heir to her younger sister Hanabi and her lack of particular skill in using the Byakugan and Gentle Fist techniques. This reflects old Asian cultural attitudes where disgraced women of standing would have their hair cut short. So why the fuck would Hinata do that to her daughter?


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Also the Writers for The Witcher are going to make a Live Action Naruto, woe be upon us. The Live Spectacle Naruto was enough. Thankfully we have a few years.


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The Minato Oneshot focused more on Kushina than Minato but it was pretty fun to see OG style Kishimoto manga illustrations. It's such a balm. I hope Kishimoto does more of these prequel One Shots for Jiraiya.



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Sarada's attitude, haircut and glasses in Part 1 Boruto reminds me of Velma of Scooby Doo. Particularly Mystery Inc.


who reads / watches baruto? why?


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Ironically Boruto Two Blue Vortex sold well, it was the third best seller this month for Shonen, with One Piece being Number 1. I'm guessing its mostly the new generation of anime-fans that either don't remember or didn't watch Naruto, and have lower standards of watchability because of the flood of single season SoL and Isekai garbage. I only read it occasionally, just for the keks. Of course Boruto fans are pretty… unintelligent, even for weebs. Some of it can be excused as kids not knowing better, but damn if there aren't a lot of "adults" that defend it.


The Naruto Toonami trailers were epic as all hell, Toonami in general was hype, bringing epic energy to it.

Music Sauce is Treva Whateva - Dustbowl
Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PjFH8nNVDI
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rURGXPt74Oo&ab_channel=TrevaWhateva-Topic


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I just realized something hilarious; Boruto is basically every edgy OOC Naruto neglect fic, but with Naruto standing in for Minato and Boruto taking his place. Did Ikemoto get brain broken by reading bad fanfics?


Boruto WISHES it could be half as good as those cringey trash edgelord fics. At least those are written by angsty teens non professionally. Hell Naruto: Road to Ninja the movie already did an edgy naruto fanfic-like story… and more succinctly.


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>Chapter 2 ends with the teasing of a new fanfic rasengan variant (the 3rd in the story) along with that vanishing rasengan bullshit and the bullet rasengan nonsense from when Momoshiki took over Boruto when facing off with Code.
>Chapter 3 explains the rasengan's impact
<It somehow uses planetary rotation, which doesn't even make sense in real life or the Naruto-verse
<Doesn't seem to clearly do anything except knock Code on his ass, even though it'll supposedly kill him
The only interesting part of this entire combination of 3 "CrawlingInMySkin" retards interacting, is that Kashin Koji is finally back because we see his toads being used (the only bit of ninja work in the series in a long time).


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The 4 new episodes are being delayed. They were scheduled to start in September, but are being postponed in order to improve the quality, the new airing date was not announced. (pic 2 is translation).



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>22 111
<Naruto new episodes delayed
Unfortunate Gets,
娃齢貢裟 音楽を 哀と悲


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I genuinely believe Naruto has decent messages or ideas for would be revolutionaries and radicals to consider, despite itself not being an extremely radical story:

1. The radical potential of love over the gratification of hatred: Here to me is pretty simple, while fucking LARPers intense revolutionary types may view hatred as their ultimate fuel, what truly powers the revolutionary and gets him in the dirt struggling to survive to be an inspiration to the masses is an immense love and compassion towards his fellow proletarians rather than hatred for the capitalists

2. The enemy isn’t the individual, but the system: This ties into the revolutionary nature of love and empathy, the idea that the true villain of Capital is neither its supporters nor the capitalists who possess it but rather the system of Capital itself that rules the entire human race including the ruling class of the system

3. The inevitability of conflict within such a system: Basically as said, conflict is as inevitable in our world premised on surplus extraction and low cost production as it is in the world of Naruto premised on feuding fiefdoms, just as the cycle of hatred fuels suffering in that world, those same bonds of hatred informed by centuries of cruel oppression create a cycle of hatred that never rests in our world as well, only never directed at the system, much like in Naruto


I ain't reading allat. How is a literal god relatable at all to the working class


Naruto isn't a literal God, that's why
The problem is that Americans are subhuman when it comes to media literacy and can't comprehend that Naruto is ultimately about love, war, hatred, loyalty, and revolution.

The story makes it very clear that Naruto couldn't have become strong on his own, wasn't the smartest so needed smart people to help him out, wasn't the wisest so needed wise people to guide him, and literally couldn't have won the war alone because every single other person had a part to play to save the world

The actual god was Kaguya and she was defeated by five mortals working together. The only thing Naruto did alone was save Sasuke, but Sasuke was not only already his best friend, he could only save him using the wisdom he gained from all his past allies and foes.

Naruto is a very anti-individualist story


I'm not American and I do not watch Naruto. Thanks for the pontless analysis though 👍


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>I'm not American and I do not watch Naruto
<People outside America don't watch Naruto
pic rel, retard.

>How is a literal god relatable at all to the working class
Because he didn't start out as a god and his demi-god status came about through hard work and the ideology of everyone working together in harmony and that his strength came from that, not individualist exploitative power. Naruto is more powerful when he works with his tailed beast rather than just exploiting its power for example, and his most prolific jutsu is literally one that lets him become an army of many clones that cooperate to reach a goal such as beating a superior foe.


this infographic about shonen anime popularity is probably built on flawed data and sloppy methodology, probably isn't even peer reviewed(!). I'm pretty sure the most popular anime in brazil is dragon ball z


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Irrelevant to the argument and no proof given


>There's just no way DBZ isn't the most popular anime in most of Latin America.
<Latin America is totally homogenous in tastes
Online memes by or about the most autistic /DBSG/ retards are not, in fact, indicative of taste in Latin America. There are plenty of other maps that have similar data, Latin America and Africa like Naruto, a lot.
>Naruto is mid
No U
>watch FMA
I have, it's a completely different story and idea from Naruto or any of the other Big Three. Regardless this retarded /shonen/ dick-measuring is old as dirt and belongs 6 feet under it.


>Irrelevant to the argument and no proof given

what is with this extremely aggro answer? i was only joking around. Wait, did you call that other guy autistic? Pot and kettle and so forth, comrade


>what is with this extremely aggro answer
It isn't? You gave an overly nerdy reply, I returned the favor.

>did you call that other guy autistic

No actually, I was referring to Dragon Ball Super posters on the internet being autistic, I wasn't saying the other anon was one or an autist.


>>22699 very cool


My friend, are you mentally ill? How does your graph preclude me from being a non-American who does not watch Naruto? 🤔


>sees map
>calls it a graph

You stated you are not American and so you don't watch Naruto, which would imply that Naruto is an American thing, when it is in fact more popular outside of North America; in South America, Eastern Europe and Africa. Moreover the other anon was stating that Americans are awful at themes and cultural comprehension and so miss the details of Naruto when watching it, and you somehow interpreted that as the anon accusing you of being American, or at least that is what your post appears to say. If not, then you worded yourself poorly and left too much up for misinterpretation.


>you stated you are not American and so you don't watch Naruto
I clearly stated "and". A slip-up in basic formal logic, but that is excusable.


The first derail


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On the topic of electricity and material progression, I wanted to bring up something that may be slightly lost in translation.

Electricity is shown to be a material development from the study of lightning jutsu; we see this with electricity seals in the first movie (pic rel) and we see these and lightning (rai) symbols on various electrical transformers. This follows from a Japanese play on Kanji; 雷 (rai, kaminari) refers more to the natural phenomenon of thunder, lightning and such, while the similar looking 電 (den) is used more for things that are powered by electricity (for example 電話, phone, or 電車, which roughly means electric train).


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I translated "Alexa Play Sadness and Sorrow" manually, but translating it back it comes out to "Tribute to the death of a child, music, sorrow and sorrow"
Poetic, but not quite my meaning, lol.

The one thing I don't like about this chapter is that the beginning retcons how Tailed Beasts were depicted at the beginning. Han and Roshi should not have this level of control of their tailed beasts to allow them to essentially be summoned, let alone use Bijudama. We see this happen later with their Edo Tensei forms, but that's while the Bijuu are under Tobi's control, so I don't think it counts. The Third Mizukage, Yagura had full control of his beast as did Killer Bee with Gyuki, with the Niibi being seen as transformed, but it appears like Yugito lost control of the beast while fighitng Kakuzu and Hidan, and Shukaku was a sand-construct, even if animated with the sleeping possum jutsu.
Why wouldn't Roshi use the full form against Itachi and Kisame otherwise?


Saw a person in a Naruto hoodie today.


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Cool. I know someone with a Naruto x Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hoodie, pic rel.


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>Himaware has Kurama again
<After all that drama about his death
I motherfucking predicted this shit years ago and it actually happened. What the actual fuck.


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>They revived Kurama
<Actually committed to the Himawari Jinchuriki meme
I'm not even surprised at this point. It'd be a cool idea if it wasn't inevitably going to be a shit execution.


Looked at the Road to Naruto trailer from a year ago and I'm gonna be honest the older animation was better.


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Got a spare moment so I'm gonna bring up an article that's been bugging me. Long story short, it's a list of Avatar The Last Airbender characters that can/can't pass the Chunin Exams. The Crossover-versus concept is fun, but the author seems to have a strange understanding of the exams and characters involved. An aspect that's heavily ignored is the emphasis on teamwork in the initial part of the exams. I'm gonna go over the characters mentioned. Later I might go into other ATLA characters, not included here. As a preface I wanna say that going by original Chunin exam, almost no characters except the Avatar and the White Lotus members would normally be able to clear the Chunin exam as victors (though you don't have to win the Finals to pass. Gaara, Sasuke, Rock Lee and Neji would absolutely terminate most of the ATLA verse, but for the sake of the post I'm putting it aside.
Ty Lee would presumably be teamed up with Azula and Mai. Mai is close to the performance of Tenten (in terms of fighting style) and if Sakura could pull through the Forest of Death and fight bandits and fodder nin in Part 1, then Ty Lee and Mai could clear that. Their lack of bending is what would probably keep them from passing the Finals (or preliminaries). Ty-Lee's mental fortitude may be weaker than Mai and Azula's under pressure, but she also tends to follow Azula's lead, and if Azula could pass the Written Exam, then so would Ty-Lee.
Little to say here, it's spot-on, team-work wouldn't even be a necessity for him. It just feels out of place to put him in an exam for low-tier characters, as his character is more equivalent to a Kage.
She and her Kyoshi warriors would do okay with the written exam given how disciplined their martial studies are and possibly the Forest of Death due to teamwork and CQC, but they wouldn't make it through the Finals. Azula, Mai and Ty-Lee took them all out by themselves, Suki is the most skilled and she'd only pass the prelims if her opponent's weren't long-distance attackers like Temari.
His fire-bending, even early on in ATLA is fairly powerful, but only late-series Zuko would make it through the exams considering heavy hitters of the Genin. Gaara's sand alone would be immune to his fire. As part of a team (say Aang and Katara or Toph and Katara or really any mix)
This is a heavy disagree - Katara is kind-hearted but she's proven herself capable of taking action and pushing herself to the extreme if necessary. The moments of mercy she shows to Hama and Yon Rha were because she chose not to kill a defenseless opponent. Her use of ice and water blades is deadly and its the show's Rating that spared viewers the sight of dead Fire Nation troops. She doesn't need to use blood-bending (can't without a Full Moon anyway) but she can draw water out of plants, earth and sky and with enough can overwhelm large numbers of people. The Forest of Death has rivers and sources of water that would permit this. Further, she'd be on a team, ideally Toph, Aang and her or even Toph, Zuko and her; which would absolutely have her weakspots covered. The prelims/finals would be the main problem, especially as by that point opponents would avoid using water techniques against her, robbing her of a primary fighting mechanism, which is the real reason she'd likely lose the exams.
Tough Tomboy Toph would pass even as a blind girl, we see plenty of blind or eye-covered Genin, Chunin and Jonin so that's not a problem. Still her blindness and small size would cause opponents to under-estimate her. Her hearing and vibration sense means she could cheat the Written Exam easily (similar to Dosu) and sense the proctors. Considering previously mentioned team combos, Toph would absolutely dominate the Forest of Death, ironically her blindness would make visual genjutsu useless. Prelims/Finals would be mostly easy. Only the Sound Team would have a method of directly targeting her sensitive hearing (and even then it's not her kryptonite) and she's fast enough to defend against fast attacks. Rock Lee and Gaara would be those she wouldn't be able to beat, but most everyone else would be a cinch.
Wouldn't pass but the part about him failing the exam would mostly apply to Early Sokka. Wan Shi Tong wasn't being manipulated and there isn't much you could do to manipulate a spirit as old, cynical and well-read as the Owl-Librarian.
Same as Zuko, except her flames are hotter and she's a more talented fighter. Would still run into the wall that Gaara, Neji and Rock Lee are, and Sasuke's Sharingan would mean he could beat her (the Chidori guarantees it). Naruto would probably beat Azula out of sheer tenacity and quick-wittedness, like most characters.
Like Bumi, completely out of place here. Would definitely pass in terms of physical and mental capabilities, but it would be out of character.
Definitely could pass so long as he already knows at least Earth and Water as well as Air. Fire would be useful, but those would be key in him dismantling opponents like Gaara.


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Forgot to link the ATLA thread >>>/hobby/2562


The latest update for Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is expected to be Chapter 11, which is set for release on June 20, 2024. Here's what we can expect based on online discussions:

The story heats up: The previous chapter set the stage for some intense battles. Chapter 11 is likely to delve into these confrontations, with fans particularly interested in:

Sarada vs. Hidari: Their fight began in Chapter 10, and it seems like this chapter will showcase a proper exchange of blows.
Other character battles: We might also see developments in fights involving Boruto, Kawaki, Himawari, and Jura.
Boruto's struggle: Boruto remains estranged from the Hidden Leaf Village, which has altered everyone's memories. Chapter 11 might offer clues about his future and how he'll deal with this situation.

It's important to note that these are predictions based on online discussions. You'll have to wait until June 20th to see exactly what unfolds in Chapter 11.

In the meantime, you can catch up on the latest chapters through https://borutochapters.com/


Found this by accident and thought it was hilarious and based.

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