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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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 [Last 50 Posts]

Do It Yourself
Everything DIY
>Transferable skills in revolution/collapse
>Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency
>Guides and Blueprints
>Home Improvement/Maintenance
if you're bougie enough to own your home
Don't post shit that will get you or the site v&.



>Transferable skills in revolution/collapse
Could you post a guide about this please.


I would like to be a 'handy' person that reuses/repurposes stuff but sadly I'm an effete nerd and I suck with anything like tools. Best I did lately was put a sheet of cardboard down over my crappy wooden slat shelves that had like 4 inch gaps between the slats.


Maybe we could make one? And watermark it
Useful skills for a crisis would be broadly
>survival and sustenance
>organizational and communication skills
>fighting and strategy
>technical skills maintaining existing productive forces or building new ones
>knowledge skills preserving science/technology and culture


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posting this
>inb4 "graphic design is my passion"
yeah I know but the overall point is good


>implying graphic design doesn't matter
It's one of those things people don't notice unless it's bad.


> Join the revolution with ifixitdotcom
> ifixitHoooo boy.
>survival and sustenance
>organizational and communication skills
>fighting and strategy
Got some of these kinda books but question is if i upload them how many swat cops will knock on my door 10 minutes later.
>Home Improvement/Maintenance
Does the japanese ASMRish chick on TV who does those home-organizing things count?


>Got some of these kinda books but question is if i upload them how many swat cops will knock on my door 10 minutes later.
If you post militia shit you might get v&, but if it's martial arts stuff or survivalism stuff nobody will care. Organizational stuff might be questionable.
>Does the japanese ASMRish chick on TV who does those home-organizing things count?
Who now?


That dumb Kondo bird


> If you post militia shit you might get v&
> mightT
hat gives me hope.
> martial arts stuff or survivalism
Neeto. When I get back to my homebase PC (I work abroad) I upload some.


DIY Socialist Screen Printing (For cheap)
Flea Market Socialist
I started to make this as a look into screen printing process but it turned in to me just making and distributing propaganda again. I just love agitating 🤷


good post


Are you the real FMS?


No. I just wanted to post the video here. He has good content in general, and multiple videos that apply to this thread.






1. Kitchen island
Needs to be 2ft wide ×4ft length×3ftish height. With both adequate under area storage and above. Ideally should be moveable out of normal door as I'm a renter.
2. Portable garden
No more then 2ft wide×6ft length
Portable due to again renting!
3. Making a loft for a twin bed in a small room.

Remember im not here to bother you on the basic concepts but get design,material,cost… help. Help appreciated.


fuckin bump


what can i use to patch a leak in a roof that should have been replaced years ago


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For some real trash-core DIY, I recommend using the free prio-mail cardboard boxes from the post office.
You don't even need to go in to get them, you can just order them free and they'll ship them free in bulk.
The medium sized ones make excellent shelves that can hold all manner of disc based format (and VHS if you're a dumbass like me).
They can also hold modestly sized books which is of course a plus for comrades.

Cut the closing flaps off the box and you can make supports so they don't totally bend in (I don't know if they'd actually cave in though without them, they might continue to hold but bent as hell).
Add a nice helping of duct tape to hold everything together and you're good, bone-apple-teeth.

One final word on the matter is that these become structurally shitty the more vertical you make them (shocker, huh).
What I've done is lean them back into boxes that are flat on the floor, and their weight holds them without sliding.
That probably only works for carpet, but whatever
They were actually fairly stable at four tall, but five started to present troubles, and six is obviously leaning.
Anyhow there you go, a shelf for the masses.




Caulk and paint make it what it ain't.


Anyone have the rest of this series?



Found a book on making a bazooka.
Sadly it's a tennis ball bazooka.
But change the projectile to something more "real" and the propellant a bit more serious and it can be way better.


Some manuals


survival stuff


Beeswax. Pretty indepth and wallet-friendly. Sorry for not pdf or webm.



local german man creates arms smuggling empire out of plywood and scrap metal


Joerg is based; aside from diy weapons,
he made a union for Youtubers


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Ahh! Thanks for the tree felling one. I've been wondering for ages how people do it, without the trees falling on them.


You're welcome, though today people use different methods (less effective but more profitable ones).


Okay, I try to find this book somewhere (torrent or pdf or epub)
Can somebody help?


Heres the pdf
Got it from libgen at:

If you ever want a book, just check libgen or one of its many mirrors,
there always tends to be someone who archives it.


Blessed be your based soul, Comrade!


This is good shit for people who live somewhere with strict gun laws.


Is there any ghetto praxis we can do to fight covid19?

I know the tyvek material is used for those full body suits, can we make our own masks? Apparently you can glue it with some commonly available adhesives like animal fats of casein. Maybe get cheap halloween masks and use the material as a filter? idk


Drink a glass of Water with a table spoon of apple cider vinegar every day. Use vaseline and penasol in your nose. Use a Bandanna (works better than a mask TBH) and don't stress about it. Stress creates immuno-deficiency which makes you more vulnerable.


I really like screwing in and out.
IS there any job opportunity where I can do this all day?


Construction, industrial construction lines, roofing


Anyone know some good carving tutorials?


Supposedly Zinc and Vitamin D are helpful against corona, especially if you have dark skin (making it harder for your body to synthesize D).


This would belong more on /survive/


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from anons on /edu/


fuark that looks dangerous…


In case you ever get trapped Down Under.


Thanks Crocodile Dundee


It's a jury-rigged system, not actual smithery


Usually I don't like those homebuilding or home renovation shows, but I discovered a series of channels on Youtube of hippies creating amazingly unique houses with very little money in remote places. Like this fellow who created a cheap and cozy domed house in the redwoods with no outside help.



How did such a useful thread go so unused?


Original post file is too big so I'm posting a link of the same content https://archive.ph/gydmH


Also in the same vein is The Lost Ways a book on American Pioneer DIY https://archive.ph/e9ils


Explaining Transistors


Anything on indoor farming?


Modern leftists depend on conspicuous consumerism. Hence why tradies are almost never leftist


Like I got time to do this shit after a day of backbreaking work m8




So my walls are leaking with water from it being near my bathroom

I only have white cement, Can I just fix them without repairing the leak?

I've also been thinking of using a portable heater to dry the damp walls? any thoughts

how dangerous is a wetting wall to keep?


lmfao youre shitposting right
bro you need to fix that leak asap


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uuh shouldnt vinyl be cheaper?


>>28366 (me)
okay that place is just a money laundering operation for property developers or something because I found the same shit at home depot for a quarter of the price and yes the vinyl gutters are half the price of the aluminum ones


im not shitposting, what will happen if i don't fix the leak? i live in an apartment, will the wall collapse?


if you live in an apartment cant you just complain to the landlord?
idk about the wall collapsing but the water will do a ton of damage and fill your place with mold, at this point the wall doesnt matter, needs to be busted down and whatever leaking fixed. Probably isnt even a big job


You might find aquaponics interesting


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Any structural engineer chads? I got some cheap IBC totes to harvest rainwater, but these things can weight over 1000 kilos when full so I want to make sure they are on a firm foundation, especially if I decide to stack them two high. Ive been looking at a lot of vids for ideas but they all seem wrong. Lots of them will put their totes on cinder block legs but these containers are designed to be on a flat surface.
Ive made an illustration, so far I've assumed I need to dig down to the clay and put gravel on top but Im worried about the slight slope as well as the northerly winds, if these tanks tip over into the garage its ogre


what are non adhesive ways to stick things on walls?

i want peacock feathers on my wall but i don't want to use ugly tapes that ruin the walls and look ugly as well

i prefer not to use screws as well


aight, i've called a plumber,
that's the person to call for this job right, or is a mason required instead


You can store them on a normal lawn, they won't magically sink. If you really want to you can dig a foundation but it would be a lot easier to just do the cinderblock thing with a few planks on top, or just planks on the ground.




nails are screws


They aren't but in that case your request is impossible, you either stick it to a wall with adhesive or make it hang from the wall with a nail. You should start thinking about hanging it from the ceiling or putting it on a stand. Consider a picture frame as a last case scenario.


I'll go with the adhesive, I'm the same guy with the wall leaking water issue

I talked to the mason and plumber and they said applying tiles will stop the leaking, and force the water to go down from somewhere else

Landlords aren't the only bastards,
Even the builders who build such dogshit houses are enemies


Thanks. ya I probably was overthinking it.
Ended up using cinderblocks because the whole point here is to get water away from the foundation of the garage, so digging a hole and filling it with grave right beside said foundation is probably a bad idea. Havent actually filled them with water yet but it seems stable enough.
Now im putting on the gutters and jesus its a pain because the garage itself is ancient and practically falling over so nothing is level. Im basically trying to get water to flow uphill but I think ive got it now, waiting for a rain this afternoon to see what else I need to move and or patch with caulk.
In retrospect spending the extra money for seamless gutters might been worth it


Good for you man hope it all works out neatly


Pretty useful site. It is surprisingly very straightforward, relatively easy and cheap to repair most phones and devices to good as new. They tend to be very modular. I might make another post later if I get more experience with different models.


how do i start? the most i've done in repairing is fix a controller by opening it and reassembling it and taking out grime


Should I make a seperate thread for people to post stuff they are fixing/need help fixing? Or should I just post in here? I need to fix my water heater and don't know how…


is it okay to paint my wall with poster paint? i can't afford real paint

Also I want to hang up my UPS which is like 3-4 kg on the wall, ner my PC is there any other better way?

Should I get a custom made wood one by carpenter or do it myself (I don't have a drill) or will a cheap online bought wall shelf be able to hold a UPS?


I don't think it's a good idea, poster paint is generally pretty thin, would take forever to get an opaque layer on the wall.

a better option would be to find a secondhand contractor supply place (like habitat for humanity's ReStore) and buy an opened bucket of acyrlic housepaint.

as far as your UPS, a store bought shelf should be fine, as long as its anchored to studs in your wall (assuming you have drywall, it's different for masonry/concrete). You will definitely need both a drill and a stud finder to do it safely.

you could also pick up a shelf at ReStore for cheap. Check pawn shops for a good deal on a drill, its a popular item for resale by junkies etc, can often be got cheap.


but it isn't dangerous to use poster tho, right? like lead or breathing the air of it?

i just want cover up little doodles on the ugly spots, you got any ideas?


Guys my scooter tire is leaking air and I noticed its coming from one spot where the rim lip is bent a little. If I hammer it in will it work to stop the leak?


tried it, didnt budge the rim and only dented it more. This is why im not a handyman


It'll be fine I am sure, but you should post pics maybe next time


>hammering it in
You need to use pliers or a other slow pressure methods of bending metal.


Styrene Butadiene co-polymer latex liquid that improves waterproofing

is this good or bad for health? Like breathing in or having this in my walls, Y/N?


Is putting in a sub-basement something you can just DIY? Otherwise I imagine that'd be super expensive. Serial killers seems to pull it off just fine. Obviously I'd need a permit and surveys and what not but other than that? Would love a little root cellar/storm shelter/passive cooling.


Probably not much more than the standard amount of microplastics in everything.
Ventilate well and long while it's drying, and for while after too.


does anyone know how to find a leak in the house which is making the walls moist and crumble? the mason's i've contacted just keep reccing me to break and apply tiles but instead it keeps popping up in new places now


thx for the reply


>kitchen mixer tap starts dripping
>actively ignore as it gets worse over months
>becomes loud enough to distract
>arrange shit to catch drip
>weeks pass
>almost pull sink off wall tightening tap
>fence sitters observe that a plumber costs 150
>spend an hour reading about taps and identify tap size
>new tap costs 100
>bag of rubber washers costs 4
>try and turn off water feed to tap
>doesn't cut off water, fucked like tap
>turn off water feed to entire building
>disassemble tap and replace washer
>turn on feed to building
>no drip
>world is somehow filled with serenity
feels good /diy/


I saw a guy do a dampness examination on a house. He had a moisture probe with a digital readout, the probe was a needle he stuck into walls. You probably need something like that to track leaking pipes.



I'm posting here to express my utter hatred for Torx screws. Robertson screws are annoying but useful for long term stuff and are still useable. Torx screws are some of the most annoying pieces of shit I've ever seen. I'll take a Phillips or Flathead any time.


torx is best screw
uncams, ruining the head
nothing personell, kid
you mean slotted? literally the worst


Torx is fucking garbage, the leverage is shit and the thin little asshole-looking star of the head wears out if a 'driver is a slightly harder metal composition than the screw, and even when it's standardized it still wears out easily, and it cams out even more than any Philips, and a Pozidriv screw solves the issues of the Phillips. Flat heads cam out easily but at least they don't become unusable if you put pressure on the stupid head.


how do you even ruin a torx head? it's literally never happened to me, whereas working with ph/pz all but guarantees camming out and ruining the head, even with the correct bit
>a Pozidriv screw solves the issues of the Phillips
no they don't lol. both are designed to cam out to limit torque rather than using a torque wrench. it's profound retardation
I'll give you that Robertson are pretty good, but I rarely run across them


I can ask the same of you, Phillips and PZ almost never fail for me, while TOrx constantly fucking wears into nothing, no matter how delicately you try to screw it in.
>both are designed to cam out to limit torque rather than using a torque wrench.
Anta baka?
>Robertson are pretty good, but I rarely run across them
Mostly Canadian or in older construction.


what would probably be best is a straight recessed slot, since the force would be perfectly radial and basically impossible to strip, and the slot shape would keep the screw on the driver. the more corners you add (triangle, robertson, hex, torx) the less strong they become
this repeats my point:
>The Torx, or Star, drive style vastly changes the design of the drive recess. Due to the star having six points of contact (6-Lobe), the screw uses a truly radial force rather than an axial force. Phillips and Pozidriv screws use an axial force to drive the screw which is not as effective and is more likely to cause cam-out. For manual applications, Torx screws are quickly becoming the most popular choice.


The problem with the Torx is that unlike other ones trying to improve radial force, it's insert is so fucking fragile that it can't be used for anything heavy duty, and even with light use it wears out too easily, I cannot count the number of times I've had to repair doors or computers where the fucking things have their contact points grind into uselessness if you look at them wrong.


>it wears out
are you reusing them?


When repairing a computer they don't come with spare screws, and if you're replacing a splintered door-frame and the screw thread is fine, then they should be re-usable, but when you have to be hyper-gentle with the head, it makes everything harder, and screwing them in is harder too, an overall pain in the ass, hence my loathing for them.
Also Phillips, flathead and even hex screws are much more common in most areas, and so the appropriate screwdrivers are more common meaning I need to go out of my way to retrieve a specific screw-driver head just for this one type, which is an additional annoyance.


sounds like typical M3 screws in tapped holes. I don't see how you can fuck those up
I use torx for woodworking all the time, never had a problem. granted those are a bit bigger screws but still

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