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8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

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Come to Hong Lim Park on Wednesday you fucking humji kias.


Southern pride be like


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Happy reunification day/may day fuckers!!!


It was NVA, and VC tactical victory, but it was also Amerikkka strategically victory.


>we still won
Keep coping dennis prager. You still won the urine and feces award.


>it was also Amerikkka strategically victory.
In what sense? That Vietnam was a Soviet ally instead of a Chinese one? That the domino effect they obsessed over didn't come to fruition?


Malacca strait the vital blood vessel of capitalism is still sucure.



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Is this possible? I heard that China, Indonesia, or Brunei are trying to build high-speed rail to link up every archipelago and speed up their goods delivery. Why not try this too?


Woah malacca strait is in Vietnam?!? Mind fucking blown. Yeah that you have to ask the chinese to why they tell the CPM and CPT to self destruct and turn the CPK into a bunch of nazis to ally with nixon. That wasn’t our fault.


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It might not be easy but surely it isn't impossible. A few strategic man-made islands and a rail connection will be enough to ferry people straight from thailand to australia.


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sunda and sahul will rise again 😤


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I thought about it and a second line through borneo and papua are also possible.


This is a good thread for the most part.
So please fuck off with your attention seaking schizo /siberia/ tier ideas, shay, you worthless fascist in denial faggot.


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Went to the same Labour Day rally as last year. The population is still disproportionately women and minorities. Hell some people, especially malay women, came wearing white and black keffiyeh. I personally feel like a bit out of place especially when I came alone. Perhaps if i had more courage and social skills, I could have talked to them about Palestine.

Significantly more people and especially media presence. Newspaper and radio station reporters were there getting interviews. What is weird is that small and obscure podcasters were there too, I am told one of them may be connected to the government…

The same advocacy groups from last year came too. What is interesting is a new one is here for sex workers. The person at the booth described themselves as essentially HR department for the sex workers, to provide protection and testing kits for them. What is odd is that for a group that believe that sex work is work (the person is literally wearing a button that says that verbatim in chinese), it is rather agnostic on the question whether to legalize and regulate it or to diminish and discourage it. I was like, surely if you believe that sex work is work then you have to advocate for its legalization, regulation and unionization as a permanent solution to their plight. We also discuss the nature of work and what is it for a while. Regardless, I personally found testimony of a sex worker and the type of her clients interesting.

Also there was a booth that who was against ISD (the law lets the government catch people without trial or judicial approval) and clearly the remnants of the Old Left. They even had a book cataloguing Barisan Sosialis statements and documents since its inspection. Too bad it was all in chinese and the books were taken up quickly. Also there was a kid that came to the booth claiming that these people were communists and deserved to lim kopi. He literally looked like a soyjak with a Jordan Peterson tier understanding of marxism. He claimed to read Das Kaptial and the Communist Manifesto and based his understanding of it on communism, when neither didn't really discussed what exactly socialism or communism would look like. I mocked his theoretical ignorance and got him to admit that Singapore is a social democracy, not a free market capitalism. But apparently social democracy is capitalism to him. At least he wasn't harassing the booth people anymore.

The speeches were the same as last year. Talking about labour issues and rights. They had a few malay woman talking about the need for welfare programs for the poor and homeless. One of them was homeless for a time. I wish they brought back more performances and speakers from last year to have some continuity. They even had a short skit about migrant workers, I thought it was cringe. Again the final speaker did tie everything up, bringing all of it back to class struggle.

Significantly more members of my succdem Workers Party this year. Even more MPs came too. They got interviews with the reporters and the organizers alike. Was good publicity for everyone involved. Even the disgraced MP came too, was wild to see him after the whole fiasco. The members that did came were much younger than the normal WP member, and one even volunteer for one of these orgs.

All in all, I walk away feeling more optimistic of the future of the Singapore Left. One of the organizers of this event told me he wants to see a socialist party for Singapore. And I do believe all the people who showed today will be the founding members of this socialist party. Even more is that big presence of WP members and MPs here shows that there is potential for Workers Party to be this socialist party. Or failing that, a split to form said socialist party (not unlike PAP/BS split). It can be done, but we all have to congregate and rally around WP and ensure it gets to form a government first.


Don't you dare insult Shay's geological engineering proposals! When world DoTP is established, they will all be undertaken.


i wont argue here, but imagine 1 billion indonesians and all of the citizens of ASEAN being capable of simply buying a high speed train ticket and riding all the way to queensland or the northern territory of australia from singapore or thailand within the course of 12 hours or less. i don't know what riding a train is like but to me it sounds like an easy way to overcome australia's overly protective border policies.


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Would a proposal forming a new more radical party from the ashes of the WPS better than radicalizing the current party? Or would it be self destructive to bring attention of the PSS alligned cops on the socialists. Like the socialists are kinda fine intermingling with socdems but i'm afraid they might be targeted if they form their own org.


I am saying it is better to radicalize the current WP and if that fails (ie the socialists get purged or sidelined), we can use that as an impetus to make a socialist party. There is still many benefits to being in WP, learning how to run an electoral machine, how to write policy, do media and campaigning etc etc. There is a reason why other parties struggle to maintain its presence in the political landscape, let alone win any votes. Look at PSP as a counter example.

The organizers once told me he found WP to be too moderate to really change anything, but the point is that WP at its current state isn't the end goal, but a stepping stone to something more radical. If it has to fail, then it must be made to fail faster.


Now that the dust has settled, what can we learn from this shitty predicament? What will happen for the next five years under their reign? What is to be done?


Honest question, why is pindad like this?
>half the parts for your assault rifle is either Chinese or Singaporean
>the firing pins for bullets is Chinese
>the propellant charge is Australian
Better off just buying norinco guns jesus


Jokowi has already ousted himself as an opportunistic bastard that is power hungry as any fucker from subianto’s party. Most of his ideas for welfare came from the “gib me that” mindset of southeast asian electoral politics rather than anything close to a socialist or leftist inclined backbone. So subianto will begrudgingly have to continue that policy until the voting population forget about it. The next term would probably a milder version of a return to new order style economics which can be very easily come crashing down just as it did in 1997.
Currently there’s no plan for increasing tax on the rich or anything of the sorts so this welfare would probably be funded by massive imf and chinese loans. New santara would probably be a disaster in the making with no one willing to fund it while jarkata sinks into the sea with no cure. The papua war would probably gets much much worse with even more atrocities with no one willing to cover it.
True. I think WP participation would just be used to gage reaction and poach more radical elements at gatherings and other events. A steppingstone to build towards some actual change. Speaking of which are there even a left wing of PAP?


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makes sense


why? I thought they were US butt-buddy? Did China manage to win them over with money and better deals?


>why? I thought they were US butt-buddy? Did China manage to win them over with money and better deals?
It's a process but seemingly a forgone one at this point, with time and I think at this point even the americans know that.
Gibs are the superior mode of politics and you will never convince me otherwise.
Free water filter gang gang! All anyone else has is depression.


>why? I thought they were US butt-buddy? Did China manage to win them over with money and better deals?
Only Conservative Boomers and gen x unironically like China since they were taught to hate amerikka despite amerikka saved them from communism yet keep sending their's offspring to study there, and keep complaining why their's offspring aren't conservative like them. Meanwhile, Amerikkka is villiianized among progressive liberal, centrist, and leftist. Younger thai people prefer scandinavian states, and canada for being SocDem welfare sates(and trying to not remember who invented welfare state, and it's true purpose). Moreover, they are huge weeb who really care what Japanese thought about their's country.


that's why China won amerikkka on that chart.


They've been friends since forever. Way back when China told the CPT to commit suicide then backed the Thai monarchy. That was 1970s. Nowadays after the US abandonned Thailand post 1997 Asian finnancial crisis most Thai weapons are bought from China.


>Most Thai weapons are bought from China.
This is the indicator i tend to look at too.
There were lots of joint deals the last year and the noise over Ream Naval Base in Cambodia have been quite telling, i think.


>Vietnam being so much in favour of the US


It was pretty good till 2014. Now it cratered. All over China can't stop their oil and gas cravings.


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Thoughts on the pinoy army taking constant Ls while still coping with fake victory declarations.
>No NPA casualties


The US is starting to flip out about the ongoing shakeup of the gov. They wouldn’t care if it didn’t mean a shift towards friendlier terms with China.



What happened? Explain for english only speaking dummies like me


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Basically this comes back to the privatization of construction way back in the 90s. A lot of the major building SOEs got broken apart and became real estate tycoons of the modern day. To gain more contracts they rely heavily on cronyism with public officials. However these companies basically met a hard stop during the current real estate crash (since their model is essentially skimming without building anything). These corporations are being purged and with it the officials that vouched for them. To Lam will be next since he's essentially vietnamese beria.


Good news i hope.


Lol is marcos trying to send guns to Ukraine? The pinoy gun industry is dogshit as it is lmao
>The Palace did not release details of the meeting, but it is expected that discussions will center on Ukraine's conflict with Russia, including Moscow's recent ground attack in the Kharkiv region.

>Joining Zelenskyy for the bilateral meeting are officials from Ukraine's Ministry of Defense, Chief Military Advisor, Foreign Policy Advisor, and Chief of Protocol and Charge d' affairs.

They can hardly even make coast guards boats. And now marcos wanna send their trash to Ukraine. Pitiful. This either tell how desperate zelensky is to get fucking anything and the levels of delusion bonbong is on. Maybe both.


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>Human rights activist
<Mastermind of a terrorist attack that killed 9 people
>Y Quynh Bdap, who had United Nations refugee status in Thailand, was picked up by local police on Tuesday, the day after he had met with Canadian Embassy officials as he pursued asylum there
It's always canada where these nazis go
God I fucking love western press


Karen rebels took another town in the thai borders. Kachin took more wins. And the Bangladeshi borders is lost. The country is being cut off from land trade. https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/war-against-the-junta/kia-seizes-myanmar-juntas-last-remaining-china-trade-route-in-kachin-state.html


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>The US military and the CIA doing a years long psyops to discredit the covid vaccine and covid denialism in the Philippines
>A Reuters investigation last week detailed how the Pentagon ran a clandestine influence campaign in 2020 and 2021 to denigrate the Sinovac vaccine and other pandemic aid from China across the developing world. The effort was intended to counter what Washington then saw as China’s growing geopolitical sway around the globe, including in South-east Asia. It began under former president Donald Trump and ended months after President Joseph Biden took office.
Fucking scumbags


This is almost exactly like when the CIA used a fake vaccination campaign to track Osama Bin Laden. Shit like this always helps me renew my faith that Uncle Sam needs to die, swiftly.


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How much anger is there about this in the region? It's the most jaw dropping exposure of western genocidal intent I can remember.


I may be not fan of Prayuth Chanocha, but Pro-West Thai democratic movement(now MF Voters) were the one who spread all these anti-sinovac all accross all the social media platforms during the pandemic time.


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God this shit is so damn vomit inducing.
History of Vietnam gives inspiration, hope to Israel: Israeli ambassador
>As a small country in the Middle East, surrounded by a harsh environment, Israel has to always defend its right to exist but the country has still thrived as a democratic and prosperous nation thanks to its efforts, Mayer told the ceremony.
Lol fuckin clown
>Israelis have found inspiration and great hope in Vietnam's history of struggle and victory over adversity in the past, the diplomat commented.
What part of history are you learning from? The removal of the chams?!?!
It's disgusting that faggots like this got the right to speak. And even worse that the government is letting them.


Interesting to see Israel be inspired by Vietnam when Hamas's 7/10 is almost like the Tet Offensive in hindsight.


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They're full of shit. Since way back during that war israel backed the US. Moshe Dayan himself was traveling with US deathsquads killing vietnamese civilians. This is just flatering nonsense to capture more gun contracts from vietnam.


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What did they mean by this? Is that guy licking her, is that it? Is that how a communist or a chinese doin' in Malaysia?


Bump this thread with a simple vent. FUCK LIPPO, KILL JAMES. RIADY

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