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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

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Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

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Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

348 posts and 238 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>or decides to enshittify?
Or, literally, shuts down. The person running the place has basically said the place is now 'winding down operations' or something so Discomrade is helping migrate it to a self-hosted Shimmie2.
See >>>/meta/33221


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here you go, I'm not the best artist, but it was worth a shot


i love it


lmao great job


This is great lmao


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>the ring says Moor


File: 1717465483453.mp4 (7.67 MB, 720x400, Шрек 2 - sample.mp4)

Someone on /praxis/ had a go at making a Situationist-style détournement of Shrek 2. Gave me a chuckle.


Fukken saved


Shrek was already based.


Oh hey that someone is me! Crit welcome.

this. I chose that film to test the idea (taking a well-known pop film but dubbed in another language instead of importing an obscure Hong Kong film or anime).
Someone else in the "Socialism in the Mainstream" thread on /social/ already posted PDFrel, chapterrel, and the union scene, along with Puss in Boots calling the abusive police "you capitalist pig-dogs" and getting catnip planted on them. So it's easy to work with as an experiment, and maybe in this case it's less detourning than it is magnifying or reframing the existing undertones already there.


CCK philosophy already did a whole video explaining how Shrek 1 is about class war.


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>>1875767 (me)
Connection is being crappy, attachments didn't upload:


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Eh, it's ok. It has a lot of small bits of wishful thinking and the comparisons to fascism are often inappropriate or baseless (listing traits common to reactionary ideology in general which predate any form of Fascism, and implying fascism is a set of common traits rather than an ideology). But overall it presents a congruent analogy of the political roles of the main characters from a Marxist perspective (as the title suggests). Critical support for that video.
>did a whole video explaining how Shrek 1 is about class war.
I say that's not quite what the video does. It presents an interpretation/analysis of the film as class conflict, rather than explaining the film itself. It's a slight but important distinction.
Contrast this with Antz, which is a Dreamworks family film about class war, rather than one which can be meaningfully interpreted as a film about class struggle.



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Funnily enough all the people you showed are actually the ancestors of them.


pretty cool

/pol/ tier tbh


can someone send me the jungle gang vid with the angolan and tuvan guys singing and playing


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he said the one with the angolan guys


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post this on /pol/ if you want to break their brains


workers have no country, support for the international proletariat etc


Gaza is with Hasan then


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JDPON NOW!!!!!!!


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fukt w/ it


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fixed version


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Just stumbled across the xcf for this and figured it deserved a spicy update


not tru thoughever


Very nice


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A+ meme

not OC


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I was also inspired by this but the quality was shit so I went to the actual episode and grabbed screenshots from that


>A+ meme
thank you sir or madam



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Who was the original banner of?


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Bill Maher. You can see it in the banner rotation from time to time


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Lenin wrote an entire book denouncing kautsky faggot thoughever

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