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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1762168[View All]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

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Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

208 posts and 129 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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the fuck was his deal



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Due to lefty booru issues (>>1764572), I have been re-uploading some content to knowyourmeme.




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>Uses the guy who was the first to recognize Israel as a state
LOL. LMAO even.


his only mistake. 70/30


Stalin was against zionism


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To be fair the early Israel wasn't as fanatically genocidal as it is today. There was some tension between a labor movement and a chauvinist wing. In the end the reactionnaries won but it's understandable that at some point some left wing figures gave it the benefit of the doubt.


A careful reading reveals that the other anon (not me) wasn't denying that early Israel was genocidal, but was merely saying that it wasn't quite as genocidal as contemporary Israel. Yes it was always a genocidal settler-colonial project but the fanatical devotion to this project has increased over time, as evidenced by the increase in the scale of killing. They went from simply pigeonholding Palestinians in Gaza, to depriving Gaza of water/electricity, to bombing Gaza, to invading Gaza, to blockading food from entering gaza, to bombing food aid drops, universities, and hospitals. It has gotten worse over time, no?


I didn‘t say that the other Anon claimed Israel wasn‘t genocidal before. I understood them the first time and am saying it is has been the same level when it comes to their genocidal attitude. You are making a consequentialist argument, which is fine, I was referring to attitude though. I would explain every fluctuation in outcome based on Israel‘s capacity to follow its goal, which may be restrained in one form or the other depending on context.


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made just now


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Blue Sea, Red Earth, Oceania will be Red


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It was just as genocidal, retard. Ever heard of the Nakba? Zionism was denounced by leftists, including Jewish ones, as early as the late 19th century.
Truth Nuke


this is wholly negated by the fact that the ussr doesn't exist anymore, and that china has never been in better shape than today


> china has never been in better shape than today

The people of China would disagree.



Imagine back then when you and other leftists clashed in views, you could just go to the nearest military base, take a tank, and reason with them. Why not use tanks against liberals? Because all the liberals have already been sent to the Gulag.



In absolute power, China has never been more powerful than it is now. In living standards, the average quality of life far exceeds that of the past. Only in relative terms could you say that China is relatively weak. I guess people aren’t educated on what the 20s and 30s were like.


Not my OC just thought these are cool.


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good job, twitter janny


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triumphant post-national anthem in which amerikkka takes the samson option rather than let the working class win


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Lol is this made with ai?


>are taquerias petit bourgeois


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this is is like what a liberal graphics arts student makes after reading 1984 for the first time


>To be fair the early Israel wasn't as fanatically genocidal as it is today.
Google "the Nakbah"


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shitty sketch i made lol
if someone could digitalize it that would be great


"Zionism—a reactionary nationalist trend of the Jewish bourgeoisie, which had fol- lowers among the intellectuals and the more backward sections of the Jewish work- ers. The Zionists endeavored to isolate the Jewish working-class masses from the
general struggle of the proletariat. Today the Zionist organizations are the agents
of the American imperialists in their machinations directed against the USSR and
the People’s Democracies and the revolutionary movement in capitalist and colonial countries." - notes in Marxism and the National and Colonial question
stalin only supported israels creation because he believed it would weaken british influence in the middle east, only for him to realize it had the opposite effect and increased imperialist influence in the middle east later one




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this was posted a while back


I like how the noose just sticks out of Gitler's head every time. sovl


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Unique IPs: 37

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