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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1707977077636.png (6.25 MB, 1678x2324, ClipboardImage.png)

 [Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1465628
>>>/leftypol_archive/1465628 (if it gets archived by mods)

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:



File: 1707977186877-0.webm (5.79 MB, 360x640, demcent.webm)

File: 1707977186877-1.webm (750.65 KB, 640x360, vooshfolder.webm)

File: 1707977186877-3.webm (5.33 MB, 540x960, mazov.webm)


I rely on other people to upload it to the booru because 1 other person deeming it good enough to preserve is the bare minimum memetic fitness test.

If nobody cared enough to save it, that means it was coal.


Meh people are lazy I see nothing wrong with doing it yourself


>registrations on booru.org are closed
speaking of, is the booru backed up in any way? what if booru.org goes down or decides to enshittify?


To everyone thinking of making propaganda: mind the "mucho texto" factor


File: 1708060733752.png (1.65 MB, 1724x1724, ClipboardImage.png)


that first one is the perfect normie meme. it truly gets the concept across with zero effort but it makes me cringe for some reason


File: 1708060959189.png (424.88 KB, 791x1200, 1680224522910-0.png)

to be fair xtians don't actually read the bible either


File: 1708064082662.png (787.48 KB, 601x604, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1708168750821.jpg (97.63 KB, 576x1024, oc_16.jpg)

Agreeing with this.
>Meh people are lazy I see nothing wrong with doing it yourself
Cannot upload images to lefty.booru.org because Tor exit nodes are blocked, even with a account.
Upload failed. IP was flagged by stopforumspam


Ass man


Abs, Adam's apple, calves, cock


File: 1708170352154.png (204.65 KB, 320x426, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1708171417736.jpg (180.99 KB, 1000x1080, SniffingSample.jpg)

guys I think the question was asking about jesus' preference not your own


Well I think Jesus was like me


It's like how I feel about Prolekult (the youtuber). It might be good beginner material but if you eat your veggies and read your theory it's just not interesting.
NB: this was my sentiment before they "came out" as russia haters or whatever like more than 2 years ago before Ukraine existed as an entity to the avg westoid


Who doesn't hate russia?


Wow I'm so impressed seeing some chauvinist lib
damn it's not like it's happened thousands of times before or something


File: 1708179799591.png (40.56 KB, 649x595, based_dept_mao.png)


File: 1708181234795-0.jpg (112.19 KB, 750x783, Kafka fan.jpg)

File: 1708181234795-1.png (1.13 MB, 1282x615, everest.png)

File: 1708181234795-2.jpg (313.27 KB, 1920x1200, darth putler.jpg)

File: 1708181234795-3.png (1.32 MB, 600x972, master bang.png)

File: 1708181234795-4.png (1.61 MB, 1350x759, Di-Matteo.png)

I like making these little collages of misattributed quotes. It's very 2000s
Plus an extremely obscure reaction image and an out of season joke about the Everest.


what's fucked up about everest is not only does it kill P. Booj, it kills locals who have to herd and guide them. Also it pollutes the landscape with winter gear that doesn't biodegrade quickly and is made out of nonrenewable resources. Good meme tho.


File: 1708249367683.png (109.75 KB, 800x623, ClipboardImage.png)


>not only does it kill P. Booj, it kills locals who have to herd and guide them
Ya sure.

There is something to say about cheering on violence and destruction. It's a bit of a tightrope to walk if you are trying not to put people off, which really I'm not going for. One needs to be precise when mixing violence and death and humor into some potent tincture. This ain't your grandma's sitcoms here. The only time you need to be more careful is when you add some sex to the mixture.
The cleanest way may be or has previously been motorsports or F1 (except the case where cars or parts collide into spectators at very high speed). This is because only rich fucks (are even able to) engage in that sort of shit.
Now, me and my friends have somewhat of a running gag going on that F1 has become too safe and thus pointless because rich assholes don't get game ended driving their stupid death machines into walls anymore. These people are mostly what I'd describe as vaguely left-leaning or liberal. I don't remember which of us came up with the joke originally tho. It might as well have been someone who is not very tankie-ish and in fact bugs me about almost anytime I veer too tankie in my statements. What this tells me also is that this sort of behavior (maybe call it super-charged or extreme Schadenfreude) is not exclusive to any specific political position or family (like authoritarian etc.). So I don't personally care if you engage in either decrying this ultra-Schadenfreude or engage in it. I'll still make fun of you if do either in the wrong place or time.
Think of what the japanese call TPO - Time, Place, Occasion

And that's my theorypost for the day.



I've just taken a local copy, I know the current leftybooru admin has made copies in the past but idk if they do it with any regularity
>or decides to enshittify
It's already shit lol. If you don't hide them manually like admin did, there are porn ads everywhere. The software version is frozen at 0.1.11 which released in 2008. Upgrading to 0.2 costs money.


File: 1708494738127-0.png (603.74 KB, 682x1000, IMG_5318.png)

File: 1708494738127-1.png (401.15 KB, 682x1000, IMG_5317.png)




dale earnhardt's head was on backwards when they looked in the car


we need a 'tuber who does daily search engine optimization and makes an agitprop video that is tangentially related to whatever people are searching for on google


Prolekult is actually very artsy fartsy. not very normie. he's an arthoe. not a football and chicken wings type guy. not a tik tok dance type of girl.


File: 1708522046830.jpg (39.86 KB, 768x512, apeman.jpg)

I'm a football and chicken wings type but I don't have anything against the artsy type. Peace and love to everybody.
Or MotoGP, you can never make that safe. When you think about it, that shit is stupid beyond measure. Bikers are also called "organ donors" in certain circles. I don't follow turn left, so I've no idea how that works (but why was he still driving at 49?).
I was specifically talking about F1, that shit is so safe now. I think you can crash into a wall, roll over several times and just walk away.
Now in the lower divisions (F2, F3) there's some carnage still. I see it when I read the sports news, which is about the only thing I read these days. I don't celebrate when some 18 year old gets killed in a wreck (feelings famously are not rational).
My favorite sport is football, I'll now do a deep dive (I am of course talking here about divegrass, not the american shite) into that.
There are two things to observe in gladiator games, participants and spectators. Participants are in a superposition of wanting to do moderate amounts of violence to their opponent (not too much or you are off) and also experiencing psychological shock when a serious injury happens.
Spectators are in a superposition of cheering for violence, for bad to happen to the "enemy" and shock when something serious happens. If you watched a certain amount of football, you'll probably know what I'm talking about.
I just realized I could have made the example much simpler if I took boxing instead. Imagine you are watching a boxing match, cheering for one of the boxers (maybe bet money on them). Now they KO their opponent. Opponent's head hits the ground and is dead on impact. That would put a damper on your evening wouldn't it?

Violence. Funny.


Or to put it in a more succinct way:
You don't think violence is funny? Guess you had to be there.




File: 1708608500833.gif (477.67 KB, 280x320, i refuse.gif)

top 10 marx quotes


>I don't care what you do. you get that all stuff to the printer's, tonight
<I'm working on it
>go work on it
<I am work-
>do you realize
>do you realize something, let me tell you
>if the police sees these manifests that you put on your damn desk they could shut down our newspaper and we would be deported
>so you go an get those goddamn manifests off of there, and fast!
<I'm working on it! I was writing an article making fun of Proudh-
<It's out of my control!
>you get 'em off
<It's out of my control. I don't know where to go!
>you put them on there you get them to the printer's
<I'm working on it!
>go do it!
<I am work- I am doing it!


File: 1708762586872.png (121.79 KB, 787x960, ClipboardImage.png)


This looks funny XD
Nice job!


File: 1708998939205.png (2.8 MB, 1538x2331, triangle wallet meme.png)


Has someone resonded like that to to the triagle image? The triangle image is anti-class reductionist, like you pull it out if someone is being class reductionist.


It is class reductionist because it claims all these demographics basically have the same share of wealth which denies the reality that they do not. In a not so sly way It attempts to consider socioeconomic differences along e.g. racial lines by making them different, but only negligibly so, ultimately denying their impact. You can just check actual socioeconomic data in the US and the end result will not look like the triangle. Black people, native people, and latinos are largely congregated at the bottom. The Asian one is almost correct, it would have to be as thin as a piece of hair to be correct making the share of wealth for white people the most pronounced. The triangle is already wrong for depicting all these demographics as equal in population size when white people make up 70% of the US. But as said, the share of wealth is much more unequal.

Yes, class is most important yet still these secondary contradictions pose a colossal influence that is denied by this near equal depicted representation.


Please someone redo the meme but with actual statistical data.


File: 1709017757887.png (5.88 KB, 400x315, strainjak.png)

>this leftist meme isn't wordy enough


No, I am saying the graphs should reflect real statistical data. It‘s like treating a racist‘s self-drawn graph pertaining black crime as evidence.


File: 1709054050239.png (646.18 KB, 1070x1067, acorn.png)

something to post in response to cops and bootlickers


Nani?! He's too fast!


the meme is suggesting that even in the case that social liberals got what they wanted, e.g. racial/gender equality, it would only create an equal distribution of identities in a necessarily heirarchal class system, and that the real goal is to unmake the class system itself.

this works on its own terms and isnt terrible, but still fundamentally a flawed and unconvincing analysis. first of all, a pyramid is a bad depiction of how capitalism functions, and its continued use is only because its a flashy superhistorical representation of class society in general. but capitalism regularly destroys sections of itself and rebuilds in different ways, it proceeds through its own cyclical collapse and reconstitution, and gender and race (etc) are not seperate issues, theyre social relationships contained within the totality of capitalist social reproduction, being adjusted haphazardly to fit the needs of the historical moment. they can potentially be discarded and capitalism would still function just fine, but in this particular historical moment capitalism is able to make use of the existing distinctions for all theyre worth. in the US for example, racialization serves as a primary tacit justification for keeping millions of poor either in prison or under legal oversight, which keeps that large portion of the surplus population from causing too much trouble and justifies their repression. at the same time, racialization allows for many different specialized markets for all kinds of culture wars and identity crises, which also functions as a kind of release valve for investment in social injustices like the above prison system. if the investment in black media markets ends up having a domino effect that leads to prison reform thats fine, capitalism in general will still be just fine even if theres social unrest and companies change hands or go bankrupt, capital will find another way to incorporate blackness into the logic of capital reproduction

tl;dr image is wrong because capitalism is not a pyramind, and discrete categories of identity still function within the logic of capital reproduction, so they can neither be excluded as irrelevant or valorized as independent of capital reproduction


What the fuck
I thought it was a meme


File: 1709158467780.png (360.24 KB, 1181x1400, nazi punks fuck off.png)


mucho texto


File: 1709351325046.png (731.75 KB, 674x803, 156464512.png)


god the shit here sucks. Right wingers definitely have the edge on funny ocs with soyjaks, the information and effect gets across more effectively


ok faggot, make something instead of whining and trying to make everyone else feel bad


>finding RW shitjaks funny
maybe your taste is just shit and you're a deluded/closeted reactionary? go make another schizo scribble of some glasses man shooting blood out of his nose to add to the soy booru


>soyjaks are biting satire

lol, lmao even


repulsive and subversive aren't the same thing


youre not wrong but youre giving soyjaks insane amount of credit when they are essentially low-effort simulacras of simulacras that have overstayed their welcome for years now

faggots treat this kind of shit like theyre playing with dolls. theyre not subversive, theyre not cutting edge, they are just template-driven self-inserts fighting phantoms with rudimentary sense of aesthetics. just bogging trite ad nauseum



these are neat anon


We need to replace all instances of "uygha" with "nighra" in our memes
It only takes a minute


File: 1709378806684.png (266.58 KB, 500x501, hold me back.png)

what is wrong with the filter
other way around you know



Cause I'd find it amusing


File: 1709392670852.png (1005.25 KB, 1070x1086, 28358923523.png)

I agree, why not start with yourself? Get off your high horse and learn Gimp, Paint.net, or Photoshop which are all easy to understand instead of waiting for others to do it for you


these are very gen x; they remind me of shit my anarchist mom sends me sometimes


(i mean that in a good way, btw)


File: 1709420980426.png (27.68 KB, 1022x650, not untouchable.png)

heres my try at the style, can't tell if I should have elon's face on it or keep it as gojo's. Kinda split on it


it's kind of funny how "untouchable" means the opposite thing in india. here it means "so powerful nobody can touch you." There it means "member of the lowest caste, the sudras"


File: 1709423973948.png (196.27 KB, 980x1106, ClipboardImage.png)

you can reproduce this style in GIMP by going to image -> mode -> indexed, reducing the color number to 2, using floyd/steinberg dithering, and then going to the palette and modifying the two colors to black/white


the text would look better if it wasn't filtered


File: 1709425914602.png (2.38 MB, 1920x1080, landlords.png)

maoist doomguy maoist doomguy
also OC


File: 1709426858185.png (522.08 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1709427604858-0.png (130.84 KB, 299x225, IMG_8249.png)

File: 1709427604858-1.png (19.52 KB, 1495x1125, IMG_8250.png)


>superman stares down an ugly impersonator vigilante
batman did this too


File: 1709428864269.png (31.13 KB, 1600x1000, nfo.png)

Some free (CC BY-SA 4.0) fonts that can match this art style.



the circumcision discourse made me sad. I was circumcised at 5 years old. Don't ask. I actually got to have a normal dick until kindergarten.


some advice? when getting screenshots you can use ctrl+shift+m in firefox to get custom resolution that matches your video so you don't have to scroll left/right over large comment


File: 1709457235383.jpg (483.44 KB, 1920x1080, 100000_revenants.jpg)

I used this as the base


Bruh you think that’s bad, I had a buddy who was Filipino (we’re both burgers by birth) and his mom took him to the Philippines to get circumcised when he was 13


I saw this in the booru and edited it a bit


File: 1709465277189.jpg (233.78 KB, 1024x1001, göring on goebbels.jpg)


File: 1709471513479.png (58.57 KB, 800x1000, vuash.png)

Good night sweet prince


File: 1709485859770.png (244.49 KB, 540x513, bordiga liberals.png)



holy fvck. he was on the verge of getting to use that thing


Sex is inherently good. Catholic sexual negativity is a pagan import which means that catholicism is satanic. Luckily the bible warned of infiltrators who would deny marriage and looky looky the catholic church did that.


File: 1709487450305.png (31.18 KB, 1026x652, no bell.png)


Careful you'll make cpusa anon cry and go on a multithread rant about how based fascism is


you can also set it to 1 bit by default instead of going to the palette, but the lighting results are better if you used optimized palette and then change the colors to black and white afterwards


thanks pimp


File: 1709499749909.jpg (55.16 KB, 366x469, 8gz4h1.jpg)

made a week ago for r*ddit


Very nice! Also, do u have picture that has Stalin and the text with the transparent background?


File: 1709550995602.jpg (141.26 KB, 800x1000, vaush.jpg)

no dithering version


what if the Agent Kochinskiite consents tho


File: 1709582772524-0.png (11.25 KB, 1025x650, image (1).png)

File: 1709582772524-1.png (17.47 KB, 1025x651, image.png)


File: 1709762071744.png (350.36 KB, 474x356, ClipboardImage.png)


Holy kek



File: 1709839482572.mp4 (1.03 MB, 720x720, hoe-cakes-anime.mp4)


File: 1710120881793-0.png (1.15 MB, 943x1201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1710120881793-1.png (1.11 MB, 1079x615, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1710120881793-3.png (3.25 MB, 1415x2000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1710120881793-4.mp4 (3.29 MB, 720x720, U5bbMCVEyYtdzPoO.mp4)


I like the female mason in the OP


File: 1710124219655.png (1.13 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1710193380051.png (461.48 KB, 395x650, ClipboardImage.png)

Reaction image for any time /pol/ uses one of their stock lines.


File: 1710260421664.png (467.59 KB, 790x675, ClipboardImage.png)

yikes fam


File: 1710262845481.png (1.68 MB, 1200x800, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1710263919273.png (1.49 MB, 1642x1004, ClipboardImage.png)


No OC saw this on twitter a few hours ago


horrible truly horrible
I r8 it 8/8
This meme could only originate in the deranged mind of xitterfolk


File: 1710563242496.jpeg (129.51 KB, 1000x816, IMG_8438.jpeg)

Franco’s buddy Tito was still alive though


File: 1710780122140.mp4 (3.24 MB, 1920x1080, Karl Marxxing.mp4)


you forgot to photoshop headphones onto Marx's head


how was this real?


File: 1710864364008.png (384.77 KB, 1280x720, Amoipiedini.png)

Just for you anon. Perhaps a gramophone version is also in the cards


id like to see a nick land version reading "Kant, capital, and the prohibition of incest" at (x2) with jungle breakbeats


fuck it, ill do it


File: 1710886321260.mp4 (1.38 MB, 1280x720, w4yJATGzw02_nvqv.mp4)


File: 1710915486597.png (385.53 KB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)


Based because Chinese Internationale is best Internationale.



File: 1710917094898-0.png (489.41 KB, 684x824, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1710917094898-1.png (492.22 KB, 775x744, killporky.png)


File: 1711049559412.png (494.25 KB, 591x585, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1711058457418.png (205.93 KB, 579x431, ClipboardImage.png)

billions must flee


File: 1711060106841.png (203.71 KB, 549x454, ClipboardImage.png)


It would reflect the triangle regardless


File: 1711073175185-0.png (421.29 KB, 489x935, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1711073175185-1.png (17.29 KB, 207x467, ClipboardImage.png)

>horn as brain splatter
Fun fact, you can generate a link to share these from the dropdown menu. Then other people can edit them.



Beats "AI images"


File: 1711122977043.png (370.59 KB, 606x541, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1711138295309.png (440.91 KB, 474x566, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1711151660265.png (1.71 MB, 1200x1200, ClipboardImage.png)


very clever use of the meme format


File: 1711157953688.jpg (60.53 KB, 720x531, EreqPVOXAAAx-MX.jpg)

Chile-only meme.


can you post pngs of these?


File: 1711214128716-0.png (322.15 KB, 644x703, alunya2.png)

File: 1711214128716-1.png (378.22 KB, 684x824, alunya3.png)

File: 1711214128716-2.png (130.15 KB, 397x629, palestinealunya.png)

File: 1711214128716-3.png (159.94 KB, 339x681, Marx34.png)


File: 1711284449395-0.jpg (112.79 KB, 1065x1112, example.jpg)

Blank GIMP template in zip file.


File: 1711306224751-0.png (1.2 MB, 948x1949, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1711306224751-1.png (1.46 MB, 1123x1953, ClipboardImage.png)


porky not chunky enough


why a zip instead of a PNG?


you can edit it with the link


GIMP uses its own filetype for project files so it can store separate layers and things like that. Same as photoshop. The Trump pic has a layer in front for the cat and window and a layer behind Trump.


File: 1711325312346.png (979.87 KB, 1065x1112, ClipboardImage.png)

yeah but you can just paste the layer with the transparency directly on here


Just export it as a png file with a transparent background so people can use it in any editor


why would you use any editor besides Green Is My Pepper?


Get with the times.
Krita is 10x better for meme production.


File: 1711384799169-0.png (494.6 KB, 600x1014, mcchvd.png)

File: 1711384799169-1.jpg (77.75 KB, 680x538, package_soy.jpg)

you can have my GIMP memes when you pry them from my cold dead GNU+hands


File: 1711386016518.png (547.84 KB, 600x398, ClipboardImage.png)

>my cold dead GNU+hands


File: 1711390751706.gif (37.27 MB, 960x540, glow so hard.GIF)


File: 1711394166555-0.png (1.8 MB, 838x1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1711394166555-1.jpg (765.13 KB, 2797x1623, 2486720496720468092.jpg)

Reposting some old stuff


why does azovchan still have her legs?


I still use GIMP but I never save anything as an xcf so even for GIMP users just putting the PNG transparency on here is better. There's no reason to export/upload the file either, you can ctrl+v files on here. ctrl+a+ctrl+c to copy a layer then ctrl+v to paste right ITT


This antiquity predate the leg statut meme.


File: 1711407730699.png (165.15 KB, 451x402, ClipboardImage.png)

makes sense


File: 1711408562539.png (361.18 KB, 1000x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

The better to hold on to.


File: 1711413441070.png (95.98 KB, 326x394, ClipboardImage.png)


can you make a version with the new glownonymous name instead? :3
Love this gif btw


File: 1711424749778.png (307.77 KB, 800x450, Legal.png)


jenny is a cute!


Is he ok?

Also I declare a stay of execution for Jennyposter


File: 1711449009420.gif (37.26 MB, 960x540, glow so hard v2.GIF)

Replaced the 'Glowing Anonymous' with the new 'Glownonymous'


>mods think that they can get rid of ms. /co/
lol. also saved
>37MB .gif
anon pls


>37MB .gif
I know right
My blade screams for blood


File: 1711450445698.jpg (148.05 KB, 1080x783, every_week.jpg)

mashup incoming


Good posts with a relevant reading commendation


Even with all the .gif noise, it goes down to 2M pretty easily.


File: 1711461114659.zip (32.44 MB, book.zip)

I love GIMP so much 🫑❤️.
The .xcf file of >>>/tech/20835


File: 1711463172790.png (433.78 KB, 996x506, ClipboardImage.png)

>go to glowiepedia
>any time they call a Communist a dictator replace it with their actual job title
>"soviet dictator Joseph Stalin" gets changed to "General Secretary of the CPSU Joseph Stalin" for example
>get banned for "vandalism"


same but with regime -> government


I also recommend the opposite: the Biden administration -> the Biden regime


Your job title and what you actually are can be two different things. Anyways aren't you guys proud of all the internal cleansing he did?
Notably Lenin's article is far more reluctant to delcare him a dictator, it's almost like he didn't slaughter thousands of communists.


I actually see "dictator" not in the article of the person themselves, but in other articles. For example, Stalin is called a dictator in Enver Hoxha's article. You can get away with it more easily if they aren't the main topic.
>Anyways aren't you guys proud of all the internal cleansing he did?
Except the great purges were not conduct by him alone, but by several people in the party hierarchy. Attributing it all to Stalin is just a repetition of the tired dictator trope. Even the CIA admits this in one of their older declassified cables from around the time of Khrushchev's ascension.


Woah, several people that could get executed by him at any moment(as previously already happened), truly as undictatorial as it gets.
>muhhh CIA
Yeah you are CIA if you happen to disagree with me and and my several friends :/


take it to the glowiepedia thread >>1531900


File: 1711470234257.png (8.74 KB, 806x547, itamar soy-gvir.png)


File: 1711470757810.png (305.89 KB, 732x1000, ClipboardImage.png)


>not changing it to soymulacra and soymulation
missed opportunity


File: 1711479257964.png (488.81 KB, 544x728, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1711479378406.png (195.19 KB, 686x386, ClipboardImage.png)

This image seems exploitable


File: 1711480548864.png (238.55 KB, 732x1000, soymulacra.png)


File: 1711480915224.png (29.71 KB, 128x128, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1711651054210.png (346.3 KB, 612x978, ClipboardImage.png)


delete this


File: 1711660072095.png (442.37 KB, 680x529, ClipboardImage.png)


What the fuck


Clearly a skit


File: 1711662881252.png (1.11 MB, 1800x1000, Common Sense.png)


The Assad curse taketh again


I know. But it still hurts


File: 1711663378183.png (330.52 KB, 612x875, ClipboardImage.png)


i wrote the lyrics years ago but the song was generated with suno AI. there's a thread in /music/ where I pasted the lyrics.


File: 1711958306839.webm (4.02 MB, 360x360, TRPF.webm)

another song

In capital's realm, where profits sway,
There's a force that pulls them down each day.
A tendency we can't evade,
A contradiction firmly laid.

The rate of profit tends to decline,
As contradictions weave their design.
From surplus squeeze, capital flees,
as outlined by these tendencies.

The profit squeeze, it tightens the hold,
just as Karl Marx foretold.
Machinery grows, then labor shrinks,
as surplus swims before it sinks.

Organic composition, ever in sway,
Constant to variable, in its play.
Technology rises, then labor fades,
and profit rates become afraid.

Surplus value, the heart's endless quest,
But its extraction can't always be pressed.
Labor's intensity has its ceiling above,
As profit margins slowly lose their love.

In crises deep, the system shakes,
and then its' strained foundation breaks.
with flames of contradictions fanned,
the script is flipped by workers' hands.

In crises deep, the system shakes,
and then its' strained foundation breaks.
with flames of contradictions fanned,
the script is flipped by workers' hands.

In crises deep, the system shakes,
and then its' strained foundation breaks.
with flames of contradictions fanned,
the script is flipped by workers' hands.


these are uncanny. great effort nonetheless


Thanks. Yeah, AI sucks ass but it's not like I'd ever be able to afford a band to play dumb things I wrote. You know, maybe one day this stuff will actually sound good? Might take a decade or two. Assuming we don't all perish in nuclear hellfire or climate apocalypse by then.


You're doing a good faith assumption that Magas actually read any book they are talking about


The biggest issue is you can't give the AI notes on how to change the performance.


File: 1712233621876.png (1.7 MB, 1684x2384, Firm Statement.png)

I made this because I was pissed/saddened by the death of Zomi Frankcom, an Australian woman executed by the zionist bastards and the spineless cucks in Canberra have nothing but "a firm statement" to say about it (hence the title). No sanctions, no meaningful condemnation, no actual repercussions on the Israelis baiting an Australian humanitarian into what they declared to be a safe zone and fucking murdering her. Nothing.

I've been going to protests for months now. It's all so tiresome. Free Palestine.


File: 1712447791499.png (65.92 KB, 600x599, launch.png)

haven't heard about this. sounds fucked
Palestine will be dezionized within our lifetime
also OC


File: 1712448125435.png (65.82 KB, 600x599, launch2.png)

further improved


>Inside dystopian Chinese ‘Sunshine Jail’ holding UK ‘spy’ where 12-to-a-cell inmates are made to chant Communist mantras
>On Friday, Beijing officials revealed for the first time that Brit businessman Ian Stone who vanished six years ago had been secretly jailed for spying.

A good meme would be Porkies in a cell being forced to chant Mao's Combat Liberalism and then told to say it louder.


>say louder
reminds me of that scene in mad max 3


>communist mantras


>I've been going to protests for months now.
If you're in Syd or Mel, definitely make sure you're across upcoming direct actions or specific protests like ZIM actions, weapons manufacture protests (Quickstep in Western Syd).
The only* useful thing about big weak protests is to bring engaged people into more useful actions which challenge the system.


>>communist mantras
lol at somebody meditating and being like "firrrrrst assss tragedyyyy, thennn assss farccccce"


yes, "ass tragedy", very dialetical indeed


File: 1712480567412.png (644.27 KB, 1000x1500, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1712480794337.png (53.14 KB, 1000x1070, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1713107259944.mp4 (59.92 MB, 1920x1080, My Movie 13.mp4)

A Happening in the Zionist Entity



>nothing ever happens retards are the human version of those frogs that get boiled alive


File: 1713139745497.png (1.21 MB, 1440x1088, ClipboardImage.png)


We need your help, comrades!!!
Due to an error or a bug that we're still not quite sure what it is or what happened, posts from the OC Thread 15 (which is archived here >>>/leftypol_archive/586385 ) that are dated from 2023-12-04 to 2024-02-13 have their actual data scrubbed, despite being able to recover the thumbnails.
If any of you could please post the actual size version of the missing images/videos, please do so in this thread!

Thank you!


File: 1713141238078.webm (13.94 MB, 960x400, spacehamas.webm)



File: 1713141637761-1.png (685.04 KB, 789x1563, dengpill.png)


File: 1713142236641.webm (5.33 MB, 540x960, mazov.webm)


File: 1713157293075.png (310.15 KB, 2384x1684, trotsky.png)

the fuck was his deal



File: 1713160495939.webm (2.88 MB, 256x384, alunyatheme.webm)


File: 1713182417515-0.jpg (425.58 KB, 532x709, i2p.jpg)

File: 1713182417515-1.jpg (422.8 KB, 532x709, tor.jpg)

File: 1713182417515-2.jpg (422.51 KB, 532x709, gimp.jpg)

File: 1713182417515-3.jpg (208.18 KB, 1000x1000, joe_remake.jpg)

File: 1713182417515-4.jpg (249.95 KB, 844x1024, eat_the_rich.jpg)

Due to lefty booru issues (>>1764572), I have been re-uploading some content to knowyourmeme.




File: 1713290211132.png (1.21 MB, 1432x936, REVISIONISM.png)


>Uses the guy who was the first to recognize Israel as a state
LOL. LMAO even.


his only mistake. 70/30


Stalin was against zionism


File: 1713302271225.jpg (161.84 KB, 392x550, 626694.jpg)


To be fair the early Israel wasn't as fanatically genocidal as it is today. There was some tension between a labor movement and a chauvinist wing. In the end the reactionnaries won but it's understandable that at some point some left wing figures gave it the benefit of the doubt.


A careful reading reveals that the other anon (not me) wasn't denying that early Israel was genocidal, but was merely saying that it wasn't quite as genocidal as contemporary Israel. Yes it was always a genocidal settler-colonial project but the fanatical devotion to this project has increased over time, as evidenced by the increase in the scale of killing. They went from simply pigeonholding Palestinians in Gaza, to depriving Gaza of water/electricity, to bombing Gaza, to invading Gaza, to blockading food from entering gaza, to bombing food aid drops, universities, and hospitals. It has gotten worse over time, no?


I didn‘t say that the other Anon claimed Israel wasn‘t genocidal before. I understood them the first time and am saying it is has been the same level when it comes to their genocidal attitude. You are making a consequentialist argument, which is fine, I was referring to attitude though. I would explain every fluctuation in outcome based on Israel‘s capacity to follow its goal, which may be restrained in one form or the other depending on context.


File: 1713433481705.jpg (252.02 KB, 680x602, matterofoutlook.jpg)

made just now


File: 1713446191420.png (396.21 KB, 800x800, where i post from.png)

Blue Sea, Red Earth, Oceania will be Red


File: 1713482541581-1.png (2.37 MB, 1344x1770, bio_yakub_fit.png)

File: 1713482541581-3.png (1.53 MB, 1120x1570, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1713482541581-4.png (2.64 MB, 1500x2220, ClipboardImage.png)


It was just as genocidal, retard. Ever heard of the Nakba? Zionism was denounced by leftists, including Jewish ones, as early as the late 19th century.
Truth Nuke


this is wholly negated by the fact that the ussr doesn't exist anymore, and that china has never been in better shape than today


> china has never been in better shape than today

The people of China would disagree.



Imagine back then when you and other leftists clashed in views, you could just go to the nearest military base, take a tank, and reason with them. Why not use tanks against liberals? Because all the liberals have already been sent to the Gulag.



In absolute power, China has never been more powerful than it is now. In living standards, the average quality of life far exceeds that of the past. Only in relative terms could you say that China is relatively weak. I guess people aren’t educated on what the 20s and 30s were like.


Not my OC just thought these are cool.


File: 1713795821528-1.png (218.75 KB, 344x515, 3z6mxttvias81.png)


File: 1713874449650-1.png (4.13 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

good job, twitter janny


File: 1713892551063-2.png (438.72 KB, 1163x598, parenti_twitch-chat.png)

File: 1713892551063-3.png (3.64 MB, 1927x1289, gunther-eff.png)

File: 1713892551063-4.png (306.04 KB, 669x781, F1AIlG2XwAMIM6L.png)


File: 1713895063482.png (1.18 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)


triumphant post-national anthem in which amerikkka takes the samson option rather than let the working class win


File: 1714140754011.mp4 (42.97 MB, 1280x720, stalinsongsmall.mp4)


Lol is this made with ai?


>are taquerias petit bourgeois


File: 1714145584235.webm (4.02 MB, 360x360, TRPF.webm)


this is is like what a liberal graphics arts student makes after reading 1984 for the first time


>To be fair the early Israel wasn't as fanatically genocidal as it is today.
Google "the Nakbah"


File: 1714673004960.png (444.23 KB, 640x947, real movement sign.png)


File: 1714711987754.webm (853.03 KB, 376x302, cheka_twist_his_nuts.webm)



File: 1714857691398.jpeg (979.58 KB, 925x1488, IMG_2320.jpeg)

shitty sketch i made lol
if someone could digitalize it that would be great


"Zionism—a reactionary nationalist trend of the Jewish bourgeoisie, which had fol- lowers among the intellectuals and the more backward sections of the Jewish work- ers. The Zionists endeavored to isolate the Jewish working-class masses from the
general struggle of the proletariat. Today the Zionist organizations are the agents
of the American imperialists in their machinations directed against the USSR and
the People’s Democracies and the revolutionary movement in capitalist and colonial countries." - notes in Marxism and the National and Colonial question
stalin only supported israels creation because he believed it would weaken british influence in the middle east, only for him to realize it had the opposite effect and increased imperialist influence in the middle east later one




File: 1714858992918.jpg (132.36 KB, 1280x720, 18583407530754.jpg)




File: 1714931909914.webm (316.11 KB, 720x720, poljACK.webm)

this was posted a while back


I like how the noose just sticks out of Gitler's head every time. sovl


File: 1715107546025.png (221.21 KB, 780x491, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1715115048833.png (314.5 KB, 350x478, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1715161493488.jpg (286.84 KB, 919x635, 1620648586674.jpg)

the left invented your memes
Guaranteed to make conservatives and reactionaries butthurt


File: 1715161828963-0.png (103.75 KB, 680x370, 1623876430904.png)

File: 1715161828963-1.png (110.6 KB, 581x582, 1622515309014.png)

Reposting OC


File: 1715166236303-1.png (956.17 KB, 720x1280, _MhV02KCQz6gOMWRLqN_YA.png)

File: 1715166236303-2.png (947.54 KB, 720x1280, vaQhcNHLSVuiYmFOUMFx6Q.png)


File: 1715167005108-0.jpg (190.63 KB, 851x851, 1629587127393.jpg)

File: 1715167005108-1.png (1.44 MB, 1002x1376, 1628713254323-0.png)


K es esa wea de ir a la barber todas las semanas y ocupar ropa pirata que simula ser de lujo


first one is kek


File: 1715295666667.png (814.97 KB, 600x1431, ClipboardImage.png)



None of these look like Hitler lmao


nah. he says "see you on sunday" he still needs someone to read it to him.


File: 1715321443314.jpg (263.24 KB, 1179x1172, 1706139048679.jpg)

I like the idea but a) don't know how Plato connects to materialism / dialectics / socialism
b) I would rewrite the question as well, into "Who was the brainlet what ruined communism?" , otherwise this sentence could be formulated differently or the premise could be reformulated
Apart from that like the premise tho.


File: 1715326338762.mp4 (4.95 MB, 1000x930, chenime.mp4)

AI art is such dogshit. it's annoying to see OC threads shitted up with AI art. These people should at least edit the AI art after generating it so it has a semblance of humanity to it


File: 1715444693924.png (2.96 MB, 1876x3005, defense.png)

Plato wrote Republic, which was the first major work in political philosophy in the western canon and hugely influential for all political philosophy to come.
He also matured Socrates' form of dialogic/dialectic arguments, and among the Greeks is probably most singularly influential since his works have uniquely survived to the present intact, and his school provided the context in which many other philosophers did their work.

Not really relevant, but an interesting parallel is that through both Plato and Marx we know about a lot of their contemporaries who might have otherwise been forgotten (e.g. Diogenes and Stirner)


Oh yeah and the joke is that trying to trace back "where it went wrong" ends up in not being communism at all any more. People do that with Hegel all the time, but they ignore it, so I went even further to Plato who's clearly not a communist, just a utopian thinker.


It's one annoying kid. He's been told a million times it looks like trash and is spammy but idk, he's autistic or something.
I wish he'd just learn to draw, honestly.


Communism as the spectral "end of history" is the impossible object, like the bottom of a fractal mandelbrot sequence. Hegel's point about the end of history and his ideal "civil society" is thst it has constantly been formulated throughout each epoch but failed. History itself is the failue to reach its own end
In regards to plato, part of the tragic logic of this is how he was requested to put his political theories into action but died before he was able to, so the ideal republic is lost to its hypothetical existence.



kek, nice one anon


File: 1715456848655.jpg (15.73 KB, 319x333, ian sneedman.jpg)

Ian Sneedman


Does anyone have the Tsar being "anti-imperialist" meme?


File: 1715526937433.gif (1.69 MB, 2255x1980, 4568945331765481.gif)


File: 1715527282822.gif (749.13 KB, 1920x1080, Dead Pope.gif)


File: 1715527548981.jpg (245.03 KB, 1024x1024, OIG1 (1).jpg)


File: 1715527597661.jpg (239.2 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3.qDh1DqO3AjRizJo.jpg)


FYI there's a couple threads specifically for AI OC as well
>>>/draw/3405 (communist themed AI images)
>>/siberia/456918 (general AI content)


>>>/siberia/456918 (general AI content)
forgot the extra > for crossboard link


File: 1715549802613.png (10.23 MB, 1512x2755, drac2).png)


they don't even have to learn to draw. i would rather the fridge drawings of a 5 yr old than more AI slop


Excellent work, based.

I might try to trace/edit this to clean up the AI's mistakes at some point, no promises tho.


File: 1715608095260-0.png (2 MB, 1518x1084, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1715608095260-1.png (1.09 MB, 1200x703, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1715608095260-2.png (567.44 KB, 1363x867, united-front-leftypol.png)

some banners


File: 1715648082315.mp4 (1.46 MB, 720x1280, RoRM6Lg1nj9aB8HA.mp4)


you got the sauce to the akko holding quotations from chairman mao?


File: 1715658717983.png (771.92 KB, 1000x669, gretano.png)

good morning i hate summer


File: 1715670808221.jpeg (381.92 KB, 750x718, greta.jpeg)


File: 1715699571518.png (44.3 KB, 312x161, MAGAcommunism.png)


someone post the meme of Gorbachev saying "do you think you know better than our 19 million party members westoid" or something


File: 1715849213691.png (1.15 MB, 1000x1000, ClipboardImage.png)

>the modified rorschach quote from the trailer
>not the actual quote
shiggy diggy greta


File: 1715849258640.png (19.62 KB, 1019x740, jannies i kneel.png)

oh neat you modified the janny banner I made a while back


File: 1715865634499.png (898.59 KB, 2622x1929, ClipboardImage.png)

this one?
haha no prob it was a rly neat image :) take a look at the /meta/ moderation thread btw


exactly that! thank you anon :D


File: 1715889612325.png (350.45 KB, 852x480, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1715994534779-0.png (551.16 KB, 867x954, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1715994534779-1.png (187.58 KB, 640x480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1715994534779-2.png (170.28 KB, 860x484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1715994534779-3.png (19.34 KB, 152x192, ClipboardImage.png)

The Eternal Anglo AKA:
>Les Goddams
>Corgi Fuckers
>Ghost Men
>The Sunless
>Zionist's Favorite Demon
>Coal Children
>Angloman's Smile
>Bong 'People'
>We Wuz Romans
>Tea Pissers
>Queen Shits
>Smog Stalks


File: 1716046575049.png (22.26 KB, 1800x1341, socialism diagram.png)


File: 1716075923292.png (676.05 KB, 747x1904, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1716125369516.png (122.16 KB, 500x472, 1716122687437764.png)

More memes for the meme production.


File: 1716156789169.webm (944.78 KB, 256x256, glowfile pic alert.webm)



even children are glowies?


Children aren't real, anon.


children were invented by glowies to pedojacket people


File: 1716257696348.png (178.55 KB, 812x259, white lives.png)


the pictures are computer generated


File: 1716260180151-0.gif (9.1 KB, 300x100, 1704280115144.gif)

File: 1716260180151-1.mp4 (6.13 MB, 1280x720, 1702504081200.mp4)

File: 1716260180151-2.mp4 (17.48 MB, 1280x720, 1707829155006.mp4)


lul my neighbors hate you now

Equus more like KEKVVS


Also German Idealists get the wall too


>someone saved two pieces of OC I made


the joke is that you can always tell when a PFP is AI generated because it is square aspect ratio and the eyes line up with each other, and are exactly centered on the vertical axis.


lmao, this is funny but I think wallace and grommit references might be a little too old for most people


>Taxes folder next to porn folders
Agent Kochinski confirmed FINGOTH


You don't need to know anything about W&G to get the joke.


classic episode


that's true but to be fair it hits different if you know what his voice sounds like and his obsession with cheese and crackers


Good, but too small


File: 1716410930917-0.png (92.21 KB, 474x726, billions2.png)

File: 1716410930917-1.png (190.25 KB, 563x206, dialectics100.png)

first picrel is my OC so that was easy


The reference turns it into a joke. Like most memes, you can still find the punchline funny and discover the source from the meme in turn, so it's no problem, but it's also funnier if the audience fully appreciate the reference.

Maybe A Grand Day Out is old, but I assumed W&G was a franchise which kept going over generations. You can definitely find meme videos of it being made on YouTube (I can't speak for kiddie apps like TikTok oh why did you have to call me out as old)


>even children are glowies?

<he doesn't know about the CIA trafficking child prostitutes and using them as spies/assets/blackmail


File: 1716581082660.png (143.08 KB, 384x1076, ClipboardImage.png)

deploy when someone pretends to be against idpol but immediately starts doing reactionary idpol


File: 1716581360152.png (60.59 KB, 384x431, ClipboardImage.png)

brevity is the soul of wit


You have to be an absolute retard to create and use something like this.

It's amazing that you can't see this being deployed to directly silence the very thing you set out to confront. Some of you should put down your fucking tablets and read a fucking book.



You posted it first in /siberia/ then came to post it here. You believe you have discovered a way to elucidate some hidden problematic hiding beneath the tensions of leftist dialogue.

Literally all you have accomplished is a new manner in which to silence people.


Guys. I have an idea about what to do with Elon Musk in Minecraft


i'll be using this


thanks comrade
I trust the working class to distinguish between something that deserves to be silenced and something that doesn't.


>I trust the working class to distinguish between something that deserves to be silenced and something that doesn't.

Having had to argue with ten of you retards here, who believing they are socialist have argued directly against basic orthodox Marxist views, I do not.


Shout out to my most favourite recently: >>1854308

In which an anonymous user, having never read On The Jewish Question, argues a position directly critiqued by it. In the process he - by accident of course, because how else could it happen - defends the CIA and by implicit extension the bourgeois state.


Let me put it this way, regarding your wage gap discourse in the other thread. Idpol distracts from class conflict, of course, but the framing of how you point this out matters. The framing has to minimize shitflinging and maximize solidarity. I often see it pointed out in a way that minimizes solidarity and maximizes shitflinging. Patriarchy is not an issue outside of class society, but a part of class society. Capital pulled women into the work force and out of patriarchal idyllic relations, yes, but it only did so to a certain extent because, until we can lab grow humans, a certain portion of a proletarian woman's life needs to be set aside for reproducing class society. And to the extent that her wage is lower than her husband's, she is dependent on her husband during this time, making it harder for her to leave if she does not in fact want to have children, reproduce class society, grow the reserve army of labor, and drive down wages. Bourgeois Patriarchy encourages working class men to drive down wages by increasing the reserve army of labor, the number of future scabs and lumpen, while it encourages women to leave the fields and factories to become home makers and brood mares. Human livestock. So porky uses the spectacle of bourgeois feminism to distract from all of this by making it about a race to the bottom between proletarian men and women.


I haven't made a single comment in that thread, but let me read the rest of your wall of text and decide how low my expectations are about to sink.


My bad, I misunderstood which anon you were. Don't worry about it. It's not a wall of text btw unless you're on the phone. It's about one paragraph. If an elementary school teacher has to grade 28 essays, he has to read about 112 times more.


>Bourgeois Patriarchy encourages working class men to drive down wages by increasing the reserve army of labor, the number of future scabs and lumpen, while it encourages women to leave the fields and factories to become home makers and brood mares.

This fundamentally isn't what happens in the 21st century; to break this down is such a battlefield because wage parity has already formally been achieved both within the purview of the state and the hiring policies of private businesses within most western nations. This cannot be undone. Moreover, throughout the past 100 years the goal of expanding the labour supply was simply based on state-led industrial expansion, not simply to undercut the wage.

If the statesman of any nation wish to press down on the advancement of labour they turn to migration. The Saudis use cheap, replacable labour from India. Canada has turned to this and rather than simply using a two-tier citizen structure like the Saudis, grants immigrants formal visas based on what is essentially a minimum capital requirement (you must demonstrate you have enough money - to which many of these immigrants use fraudulent lending tricks to cheat - and pay for an educational course with a college). This in turn has put their housing market on steroids.

This discussion gets infinitely more complex because the boundaries of the binary sexes have been broken, in which the political reaction to the advancement of women takes place beneath one over what are essentially a niche set of political liberties that have come to define how social progress is viewed in the west, in which the claim to 'womanhood' is itself challenged.

Literally all you've done is outline a brief synopsis of an apparent potential political antagonism and rooted it in the historic subsumption of female reproductive labour to describe how neither contributes to a pro-socialist cause. Go out and view the content produced by Andrew Tate, or any book-tok progressive, and you will find that the reality is entirely different.


If you want a really quick look into the overlapping nature of this, go to 4chan. There are so many competing narratives that it's impossible to set out with a coherent label such as 'bourgeois patriarchy'. They are instead proles, reproducing and contesting competing ideological narratives rooted within a mutual context of constantly ebbing values.

You have literal threads in which those who identifying as transmen or transwomen have ended up sharing spaces with white supremacists.


It's not even white supremacy anymore when you move away from the politics board. It breaks down into a series of regional variations which contest the academic idea of 'whiteness' altogether.


There is a deeper point ot be made here that pertains to the original criticism in the image.

The liquidation of what you call the patriarchal idyllic relations isn't one that simply occurs through the drawing of women into the labour market, but through the technical revolutions that have been carried out over the past 40 years which have led to the situation of today.

In an abbreviated explanation, the penetration of the exchange relationship has brought about a reality in which one's social relations are themselves part of the process of capitalist production, to such a degree that one's gender identities, political beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnic identity, and even mental conditions are categories produced by this system (to a degree this has always been the case, but part of their reproduction occured in a social space that had as yet to be subsumed).

A revolution has been carried out; capitalist society now in a real sense is the product of its own being. From the German Ideology:

>Men can be distinguished from animals by consciousness, by religion or anything else you like. They themselves begin to distinguish themselves from animals as soon as they begin to produce their means of subsistence, a step which is conditioned by their physical organisation. By producing their means of subsistence men are indirectly producing their actual material life.

What actually forms here is a contradiction. On the one hand we have concrete socially constructed categories, expressions of the totality of social relations, but their prinicpal form is of the individual. This is not the real, free individual who exists in a society of collective ownership, but the bourgeois ideal of the individual, which is a legal fiction which finds its reproduction in reality in so-far as the bourgeois state has affect.

What these identities mask as the product of this system is the class relation. These social categories themselves are merely commodities, which shift from their abstract nature to a tangible reality where they find reproduction. You can see this in the adoption of the pride flag as the basis for this movement: the pride flag itself, much like in Marx's explanation of money, takes on a reflexive value. It stands for the rights of sexual minorities, but gains a dual use in its representation for every other legal category.

What occurs is an oblation between the reproduction of a material social-economic ideal, and a political fiction. The pride flag now stands not just for one nation, but wherever the capitalist system of production finds sway beneath this civic principle. It stands in general for the bourgeois individual.

A revolution has occurred, but it is a bourgeois revolution.

Proponents for this revolution see in it what they want: they see social progress. But this ideal of social progress ends up in lateral contradictions, that are dispelled as homophobia, bigotry, or whatever have you, when western intelligence agencies, militaries, and so forth don the same flag. Zionists, who take no pause in ordering the mass execution of palestinians, wave this flag just as proudly as they claim to be the only democracy in the Middle East.

Thus the problem with this image >>1865346 is that it risks partially redeeming some of the most reactionary elements in western society, and placing them instead under the socailist banner.


File: 1716607017818-0.png (382.9 KB, 730x700, 1251253263.png)

File: 1716607017818-1.png (94.38 KB, 601x337, 123123123.png)


The lighting is backwards. Mirror either the face or the base image and it will line up way better.


File: 1716794032528.png (214.02 KB, 1080x556, MAGAcommunist.png)

redid it in bigger version


File: 1716962113910.png (546.6 KB, 1001x999, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1716992661913.png (919.47 KB, 1710x571, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1716992981853.png (8.8 KB, 456x173, ClipboardImage.png)


<Brought to you by [infrared logo] and the Tennessee Valley Authority


Can someone make an image of Marx doing this pose?


File: 1717197885699.png (3.33 MB, 1720x2096, ClipboardImage.png)


>or decides to enshittify?
Or, literally, shuts down. The person running the place has basically said the place is now 'winding down operations' or something so Discomrade is helping migrate it to a self-hosted Shimmie2.
See >>>/meta/33221


File: 1717201020090.png (1.06 MB, 1536x864, ClipboardImage.png)

here you go, I'm not the best artist, but it was worth a shot


i love it


lmao great job


This is great lmao


File: 1717387711696.png (1.1 MB, 1536x864, ClipboardImage.png)


>the ring says Moor


File: 1717465483453.mp4 (7.67 MB, 720x400, Шрек 2 - sample.mp4)

Someone on /praxis/ had a go at making a Situationist-style détournement of Shrek 2. Gave me a chuckle.


Fukken saved


Shrek was already based.


Oh hey that someone is me! Crit welcome.

this. I chose that film to test the idea (taking a well-known pop film but dubbed in another language instead of importing an obscure Hong Kong film or anime).
Someone else in the "Socialism in the Mainstream" thread on /social/ already posted PDFrel, chapterrel, and the union scene, along with Puss in Boots calling the abusive police "you capitalist pig-dogs" and getting catnip planted on them. So it's easy to work with as an experiment, and maybe in this case it's less detourning than it is magnifying or reframing the existing undertones already there.


CCK philosophy already did a whole video explaining how Shrek 1 is about class war.


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>>1875767 (me)
Connection is being crappy, attachments didn't upload:


File: 1717477444682-0.png (57.69 KB, 1330x161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1717477444682-1.webm (702.75 KB, 1920x1040, Antz.webm)

Eh, it's ok. It has a lot of small bits of wishful thinking and the comparisons to fascism are often inappropriate or baseless (listing traits common to reactionary ideology in general which predate any form of Fascism, and implying fascism is a set of common traits rather than an ideology). But overall it presents a congruent analogy of the political roles of the main characters from a Marxist perspective (as the title suggests). Critical support for that video.
>did a whole video explaining how Shrek 1 is about class war.
I say that's not quite what the video does. It presents an interpretation/analysis of the film as class conflict, rather than explaining the film itself. It's a slight but important distinction.
Contrast this with Antz, which is a Dreamworks family film about class war, rather than one which can be meaningfully interpreted as a film about class struggle.



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Funnily enough all the people you showed are actually the ancestors of them.


pretty cool

/pol/ tier tbh


can someone send me the jungle gang vid with the angolan and tuvan guys singing and playing


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File: 1718277863119.webm (45.32 MB, 852x480, junglegang4.webm)


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File: 1718374745673.webm (20.87 MB, 720x720, junglegang3.webm)

he said the one with the angolan guys


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post this on /pol/ if you want to break their brains


workers have no country, support for the international proletariat etc


Gaza is with Hasan then


File: 1718652931102.png (512.56 KB, 474x696, ClipboardImage.png)

JDPON NOW!!!!!!!


File: 1718653251928.png (531.34 KB, 474x696, ClipboardImage.png)

fukt w/ it


File: 1718825985978.png (958.37 KB, 1920x1080, Hegel_Confucius.png)

fixed version


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Just stumbled across the xcf for this and figured it deserved a spicy update


not tru thoughever


Very nice


File: 1719316443193.jpg (221.86 KB, 1000x1071, koth valuecrit.jpg)



A+ meme

not OC


File: 1719430434128.png (457.54 KB, 716x708, ClipboardImage.png)


I was also inspired by this but the quality was shit so I went to the actual episode and grabbed screenshots from that


>A+ meme
thank you sir or madam



File: 1719451682698.png (360.02 KB, 1024x1024, mussojak.png)


File: 1719453428169.png (259.4 KB, 836x705, efinita.png)


Who was the original banner of?


File: 1719481133567.png (201.57 KB, 600x600, material interests.png)


Bill Maher. You can see it in the banner rotation from time to time


File: 1719958951325-0.png (857.14 KB, 800x800, ROSA BABBIT - Copy.png)

File: 1719958951325-1.png (2.04 MB, 1800x1800, Toddler Theory.png)

File: 1719958951325-2.png (802.17 KB, 1800x1800, Kautsky Reply.png)


Lenin wrote an entire book denouncing kautsky faggot thoughever

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