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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1709079243858.webm (4.75 MB, 640x360, nordic-socialism.webm)



File: 1709079481966.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.11 MB, 360x360, immolate.webm)


File: 1709080541285.webm (18.32 MB, 540x540, alunya_rises.webm)


File: 1709081523838.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x1280, Zionist True Colors.mp4)


holy fuck dude. This is the first time ive watched this. what strikes me most is the fucking cop who's first NPC response is "get on the ground, get on the ground" as if he's an armed dude ready to shoot and not a man on fire. only after ineffectively shouting at a dude literally on fire some bigbrain decides to look for an extinguisher




I haven't seen it in years but anyone have that webm where Agent Kochinski says the left has never beaten a fascist regime from within and it cuts to some albanian song? it was pretty catchy


File: 1711151170880.mp4 (13.9 MB, 1080x1920, heroiccommunist.mp4)


File: 1711192875554.png (808.42 KB, 495x738, the swede.png)

>sweden is the enemy


does anyone have that webm of matt christman talking about august willich?


No, I've also been searching for a vid of him making fun of the idea of "debate" or debatebros. It's something about jangling keys and Voosh possibly but I remember very little.


Isn't that first video not made in the DPRK?


File: 1711380147673.mp4 (38.32 MB, 400x266, willich.mp4)


I dunno I just repost


File: 1711380677635.mp4 (10.51 MB, 1920x1080, return to tradition.mp4)

also on the same theme



For me it's how long he manages to continue shouting and remain standing. It's a shame he couldn't find a better way to fight than this, but I'm grateful for what he bought with his sacrifice.

Wishing Matt a full recovery.


File: 1711549420693.mp4 (16.89 MB, 1174x576, Joker Haz.mp4)

real patsoc hours
this guy is getting invited on RT now btw


Based send dsa members to gulags in the countryside
They deserve worse


>3rd video
It always tickles me that Roo was name dropped in that lmao, has he said anything about hegel and hegelian dialectics outside of his fallout analysis?


File: 1711934999208.webm (3.72 MB, 406x720, pol3.webm)


File: 1711935779638.webm (12.29 MB, 1920x1080, propane.webm)

another haz classic


It's funny because Haz grew up in Ann Arbor Michigan which is essentially a college town to a family of lawyers. You couldn't find someone more sheltered.


File: 1712576284611.mp4 (6.35 MB, 886x500, Intifada until win.mp4)


File: 1712576962905.mp4 (8.18 MB, 540x960, 1698923418166.mp4)

hahahaha hadn't seen that one.


File: 1712580847941.png (38.32 KB, 300x250, hank x propane.png)


File: 1712629399545.webm (25.52 MB, 854x1066, Nazis-and-Cops.webm)

An example of cops in the US working with neonazis


File: 1715134688759.webm (5.88 MB, 480x852, 1713738574139805.webm)

Why do libs say things like "Black And Brown Bodies"? It feels weirdly patronizing


influence from glow think tanks


File: 1715171952782.mp4 (838.38 KB, 1280x592, 102f7218890b618f.mp4)

I wonder how much my brain has been fucked by seeing stuff like that tbh.


Go back to your Islamist reddit group assp


File: 1715180095174.mp4 (7 MB, 1280x720, NATOpowerFTW.mp4)

I bow to whoever created this (it is someone here). I am spreading it since day one. And I keep watching it. It makes me optimistic, it makes me laugh. It makes my day. I wish there were more but I dont want to get greedy. This is a masterpiece.

I named it this way to lure retards btw.


>Europe is the enemy
It's pretty clear that Haz hates White people. How come so few say it outloud?


he's just the typical non-white white supremacist


No, I don't think so. To me it appears that he has some sort of a complex about being short and half-Arabic, which manifests itself as hatred of Whites. You'll notice he has a pathological need to shit talk the French.


File: 1715182911356.mp4 (512.18 KB, 456x360, short.mp4)

he looks pretty white tbh

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