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/leftypol_archive/ - leftypol archive

Our own National Museum
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File: 1633498447931.mp4 (922.78 KB, 1280x720, Žižek Cat.mp4)

 [Last 50 Posts]

first thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/9920
last thread (>>361470) hit the bump limit, so i'm thinking to start a new one

post /lefty/ videos here! we welcome .webm and .mp4, and others




that echoes the last thread's desc so what's the problem kek
>This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other



File: 1633522255057.webm (2.87 MB, 726x720, taking a dump.webm)

Anyone has sigma male edit of the webm related?



Like I said before: Someone needs to make an official /leftypol/ Youtube channel and repost all the meme videos, documentary videos and other content from the /webm/ thread there. Stuff like Embed related is not enough to get our popularity on its own, the board needs agents in social media (excluding twitter, that place is cancer and is pure liberalism) to promote ourselves and also act as a backup archive of content.


>Like I said before: Someone needs to make an official /leftypol/ Youtube channel and repost all the meme videos, documentary videos and other content from the /webm/ thread there. Stuff like Embed related is not enough to get our popularity on its own, the board needs agents in social media (excluding twitter, that place is cancer and is pure liberalism) to promote ourselves and also act as a backup archive of content.
i've done it, the channel is leftyclips404
le sub for more uploads


also i have a bitchute for all nsfw videos posted
anyway i'm the one who was banned for posting the 9/11 raining men oc



Did someone archive the "Webms that fit 4chan file size limit "thread,,?


Hey I clipped a couple of really good bits from Chapo Trap House on migrants and how both Dems and Republicans have the exact same policy but just pretend there is a difference

I don't know how to make webms though, so if anyone wants to give it a go i've posted the Mp3s



>>492603 (checked)
Also anybody with a youtube account should SMASH that like button and RING THAT BELL and leave a comment so the algorithm is boosted.


nah, but i'm the one who started the thread and contributed like 90% of the WEbms and i can simply do it again


what's the 4chan size limit?


For /gif/ it's 4mb. Also it needs to be encoded in a specific way. The most accessible way to do this is to use webm for bakas

(don't forget to turn on audio)



is there anything comparable for linux?


File: 1633561202571-0.webm (2.55 MB, 720x720, 1628355888237-3.webm)

File: 1633561202571-1.mp4 (3.05 MB, 720x720, 1632617342719.mp4)


File: 1633561442276-0.mp4 (2.28 MB, 480x270, crowder owned.mp4)

File: 1633561442276-1.webm (7.05 MB, 448x336, BrotherHao.webm)

File: 1633561442276-2.mp4 (1.07 MB, 330x360, Hoxha Bunker.mp4)




Critical support to DSA and Comrade Terry Gou in his anti-imperialist struggle, reviving the United Front between the CCP and the KMT!


wrong thread?


I don't see any info about this, must be a retarded joke.


>i've done it, the channel is leftyclips404
Hey, consider hitting a mod up on Matrix to coordinate on how we might be able to support the channel.


File: 1633602657544-0.png (8.14 KB, 250x202, 1567873509451.png)

File: 1633602657544-1.jpg (28.64 KB, 600x459, CybuEaUVIAAF_HV.jpg)

File: 1633602657544-2.jpg (101.74 KB, 803x803, mmmm.jpg)

File: 1633602657544-3.jpg (27.56 KB, 448x545, PJNr8X7.jpg)

<Heut' ist der Sozialismus Weltmacht, heut' stehen die Völker nicht mehr allein


just use kdenlive



why does leftypol's anthem use the rpr anthem?


More clips like this?


File: 1633624937222.webm (620.36 KB, 740x416, 1633332169505.webm)


File: 1633633925072.mp4 (1.93 MB, 1280x720, 1621547516898.mp4)

need more pro-palestine stuff comrades.


This is kinda cringe ngl, but in a good way.


File: 1633641714919.mp4 (2 MB, 640x364, Dpkr will win.mp4)


File: 1633661999070-0.mp4 (5.52 MB, 960x540, Mr Freedom Clip 2.mp4)

File: 1633661999070-1.mp4 (10.53 MB, 960x540, Mr Freedom Clip 3.mp4)




Clean it up jannie!


Lol, the Smash meme needs to go on that new YouTube channel some comrade started. 10/10.


last webm thread cuz op's link doesnt work: https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/361470.html#495826


The funeral march of a fallen comrade during the Cuban Revolution



File: 1633694785516.mp4 (4.5 MB, 480x480, 1698741230702.mp4)


File: 1633695408093-0.webm (3.92 MB, 640x360, 90s russia.webm)

File: 1633695408093-1.mp4 (6.65 MB, 640x360, dont catch flies.mp4)

What are the original names of the songs appearing in these vids?



File: 1633702427073-1.webm (8.19 MB, 640x360, ideology.webm)

Thank you.


File: 1633714003848.mp4 (487.55 KB, 700x700, fat loud thor.mp4)


File: 1633714064207-1.webm (447.05 KB, 1280x592, biden gay.webm)



File: 1633714102643-0.webm (2.4 MB, 720x894, forgiveness.webm)

File: 1633714102643-1.webm (278.86 KB, 320x320, deng beats.webm)



File: 1633714302139-0.mp4 (1.04 MB, 480x480, niggas.mp4)

File: 1633714302139-1.mp4 (234.21 KB, 424x320, 3 type of niggas.mp4)

File: 1633714302139-2.mp4 (2.5 MB, 720x1280, fast pig.mp4)



Does anybody have that Ira-Mountbatten boat video?


File: 1633742540308.mp4 (990.85 KB, 480x852, productive_forces_04.mp4)



File: 1633742649723-0.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 3.13 MB, 848x480, 1629086638056.mp4)

File: 1633742649723-1.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 691.12 KB, 640x352, 1629088844309.mp4)

File: 1633742649723-2.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 2.9 MB, 480x846, 1629225879498.mp4)

File: 1633742649723-3.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 2.18 MB, 206x426, 1629226893812.mp4)

from the US pullout from Kabul


File: 1633742666540.webm (3.92 MB, 480x360, Rodina.webm)


Lol, this never gets old.

Thank you, anon.


File: 1633742812596-0.mp4 (825.76 KB, 476x270, XrhiaKjScQ_CbzJ6.mp4)

File: 1633742812596-1.mp4 (1.19 MB, 640x360, agent_hitler_FBI.mp4)


Flood detected. Post discarded.



File: 1633749893978.mp4 (819.38 KB, 352x288, 1633379457769.mp4)

cope retard


File: 1633750193826-0.mp4 (951.03 KB, 640x672, 1631969509361.mp4)

File: 1633750193826-1.webm (1.43 MB, 960x540, 1630558332318-2.webm)


File: 1633750475763.webm (7.53 MB, 320x240, 1629224367467.webm)


>uses Chan as a last name
Based Cuckler Tardson


is "the crown" worth watching?


File: 1633787779712.webm (13.82 MB, 1280x720, Yugo_rush_1.webm)

oc coming thru


Does anyone have that one where it shows the consequences of the Soviet Union's collapse. It shows homeless children in Moscow, drug addicted teenagers, teenagers and women who prostitute themselves, etc. It ends on a clip of the Soviet flag being lowered for the last time


Lmao. Was this in the East or the West?


also whats the song name?


File: 1633826059678-2.mp4 (1004.91 KB, 640x640, 9804.mp4)

File: 1633826059678-3.mp4 (3.26 MB, 490x360, sold_out.mp4)


West, you think the GDR would've tolerated this?


>thumbnail is a beer bottle
>other thumbnail is "public forum on the kosovo crisis"
Was this intentional, anon?


that was george soros' antifa you dingus


Thank you for the input, citizen. I shall now cry in the corner like a little bitch for such embarrassment.


song name? love martial industrial, too bad most of it is fash shit


File: 1633862586374.webm (7.1 MB, 1000x600, fascistgottadie.webm)


it wasn't, but damn I would've felt proud if it were.


The Hoxha video song sounds kinda shit.

Can i have the name?


nice, but the Kardelj signed document included is a proven forgery


I'm solid


damn - well at least the words emit a certain aesthetic power


now on youtube


wow that's a lot of webms…
pretty sure it would take some time before all can be posted to youtube and bitchute


File: 1633884903488.mp4 (29.7 MB, 854x480, kapital.mp4)


Couldn't tell you since I just found it and any music software can't figure out the name either.



Your efforts are appreciated. There's no need to rush comrade.


File: 1633892152093-0.mp4 (1.55 MB, 480x480, 1633212224127.mp4)

File: 1633892152093-1.mp4 (14.68 MB, 1280x720, Manifest Destiny.mp4)

File: 1633892152093-2.mp4 (996.14 KB, 750x424, 1633131760862.mp4)

File: 1633892152093-3.mp4 (275.39 KB, 750x434, 1633220066092.mp4)

File: 1633892152093-4.mp4 (4.68 MB, 768x432, 1633046769192.mp4)

small dump



File: 1633897908485-0.webm (5.27 MB, 240x180, albanian nights.webm)

File: 1633897908485-1.webm (3.44 MB, 1440x1080, asian natzis.webm)




the elon one is too fucking funny lol



File: 1633900424419-1.webm (2.36 MB, 604x470, free market.webm)

File: 1633900424419-3.webm (7.17 MB, 853x480, liberals.webm)


File: 1633900633442-0.mp4 (11.03 MB, 576x720, bushiraqis.mp4)

File: 1633900633442-1.mp4 (2.28 MB, 714x720, radicalislam.mp4)

File: 1633900633442-2.mp4 (4.71 MB, 648x480, DASH_480.mp4)

File: 1633900633442-3.mp4 (760.27 KB, 828x478, 1627780338213-1.mp4)



a small promotion


>ppl trying to do the internet lingo irl
>shocked when no one in meatspace understands your gibberish
more videos of the terminally online getting a reality check. lel




File: 1634128626588.mp4 (3.57 MB, 480x480, cpi-maowave.mp4)



File: 1634131052749.mp4 (11.42 MB, 1280x720, eln-che.mp4)


whos that guy painted on the house


Comrade Volunteer Micky Devine


File: 1634133210449.mp4 (1.88 MB, 640x360, a-little-trolling.mp4)


File: 1634134413391.mp4 (27.72 MB, 1280x720, tiocfaidh ár lá.mp4)


File: 1634134529706.mp4 (14.66 MB, 1440x1080, ليلى.mp4)


File: 1634134987202.mp4 (5.33 MB, 636x360, pure-antisemitism.mp4)


Holy fuck this is some epic trips for such an exic response. Excellente! checked


File: 1634137057326.mp4 (10.03 MB, 1280x720, Pol_ vs. _Leftypol_.mp4)


already uploaded


Anyone have the vocalized "Stalin did nothing wrong" vid?


File: 1634166668290-0.mp4 (8.24 MB, 640x360, basedaristocrat.mp4)

File: 1634166668290-1.mp4 (1.53 MB, 640x360, basedirishemilys.mp4)

File: 1634166668290-2.mp4 (2.59 MB, 640x360, uygher_cia.mp4)


File: 1634167096456-0.mp4 (3.26 MB, 490x360, 1633826059678-3.mp4)

File: 1634167096456-1.mp4 (65.71 MB, 1280x720, 1632686199324.mp4)

File: 1634167096456-2.mp4 (315.18 KB, 720x480, 1622584296220.mp4)


File: 1634177814503-0.mp4 (12.31 MB, 640x360, cows_tail.mp4)

File: 1634177814503-1.mp4 (7.88 MB, 640x360, hugepigs.mp4)



meanwhile in the DPR Korea….


File: 1634214271101.mp4 (1.13 MB, 668x522, communist-exorcism.mp4)



File: 1634232966874.mp4 (3 MB, 856x480, soviet vyborg.mp4)


File: 1634331218002.mp4 (778.03 KB, 360x640, gay cop.mp4)



I checked out this Love Life Anarchy guy you just posted and he's some odd kind of white-nationalist, anrchist.He's a huge dumbfuck


whoa, more webms!
you've gotta wait for some to be posted on yt


File: 1634356230694.mp4 (25.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1629338639968.mp4)

Not sure if this was ripped from youtube before it was posted here fyi


started from 545415 up to 549032



>be born this much of a chad
>waste it on some bullshit nationalist pipe dream instead of fighting for Titoism and Marxism
What a waste.


File: 1634412515066.mp4 (4.21 MB, 1280x720, taiwan who.mp4)



File: 1634412616181-0.mp4 (454.29 KB, 560x640, baby mao.mp4)

File: 1634412616181-1.mp4 (1.56 MB, 1280x720, tsar trolling.mp4)



File: 1634412644865-0.mp4 (3.35 MB, 640x360, Columbus.mp4)

File: 1634412644865-1.mp4 (587.42 KB, 640x360, old scottish woman.mp4)

File: 1634412644865-2.mp4 (130.95 KB, 480x270, mega mind fbi.mp4)


File: 1634412722406.mp4 (3.36 MB, 640x576, gatos.mp4)


File: 1634412773172.mp4 (553.96 KB, 760x720, Z41Fn0ILX6wtqkAm.mp4)


File: 1634412804856.mp4 (1.6 MB, 268x480, food distribution.mp4)


File: 1634412825523.mp4 (434.86 KB, 1188x720, fruitless begging.mp4)





shit finna make me simp for pol pot




left-wing nationalism is based, but this is some reactionary ethno-state bullshit. Gotta admit though his delivery was on point.


File: 1634420130145.jpg (103.19 KB, 372x372, 9ucf28j4d1i41.jpg)


song name?



fartabet no jutsu


kek based


File: 1634480500174.mp4 (1.56 MB, 1280x720, tsar trolling.mp4)


Wrong file



Gas chamber.


anyone have that video which shows 4chan rejecting pol?


don'T know what your talking about


Does anyone have that one where it shows the consequences of the Soviet Union's collapse. It shows homeless children in Moscow, drug addicted teenagers, teenagers and women who prostitute themselves, etc. It ends on a clip of the Soviet flag being lowered for the last time


that one video where pol gets rejected by every 4chan board
that features a montage of pol on other 4chan boards where they get rejected



File: 1634487348115.mp4 (33.47 MB, 1080x720, shiny stalin.mp4)



File: 1634487586176.mp4 (7.11 MB, 1280x720, i am the fbi.mp4)


File: 1634487665266.mp4 (675.02 KB, 750x416, Kermit Gulag.mp4)


File: 1634487704843.mp4 (1.34 MB, 1024x576, khmer son.mp4)



Agent Kochinski be like



File: 1634593759639.webm (2.83 MB, 640x480, homofascism.webm)

Homofascism (compressed 4chan version)


>Jordan Peterson after the revolution
why the fuck is Danny Trejo in Russia lmao
why is that weirder than Kermit being there



War is hell….



anyone got the pol pot "wow look at this room it's so cool" vid?



no, i got this tho.






ooo i thought it was the pol pot thread

remind me to post a webm later to make up for it


oh okay




i'm looking for a similar video which starts with the ussr flag being lowered and at the end there's a picture of a satanic goat
been requesting this vid in a few other webm threads and no luck yet


File: 1634662266022-0.mp4 (12.29 MB, 1280x720, Literally-1989.mp4)

File: 1634662266022-1.mp4 (2.23 MB, 388x240, Funniest-shit-I.mp4)


File: 1634669317247-3.webm (2.52 MB, 1334x750, 1578174194327.webm)

File: 1634669317247-4.webm (3.77 MB, 1280x720, 1627116028422.webm)



File: 1634675055570.webm (730.39 KB, 658x480, ledentisthasarrived.webm)



File: 1634737457933.mp4 (637.08 KB, 640x632, evil mlk.mp4)


File: 1634737714854.mp4 (4.24 MB, 640x360, Thomas Sankara.mp4)


File: 1634737730404.mp4 (621.49 KB, 360x640, what's good.mp4)



File: 1634737754329.mp4 (6.65 MB, 854x480, STALINIST.mp4)


File: 1634737785575.mp4 (3.4 MB, 640x360, piss_off.mp4)




can someone reup this one please?


I want to pound that fat pretty sow.


Big titty pro Trump gun lady lmao.
>They said I'm female Trump and I don't care.
Isn't the right response to take it as a compliment?


Wait how come they're representing vaccine mandates, CRT, and voter fraud as beers? Don't republicans like beer?


They like Coors, Budweiser, Miller.

Those are Tsingtao.



File: 1634766880670.mp4 (13.53 MB, 1280x720, Stressed out [USSR].mp4)



they've got my vote


This looks like an E3 videogame trailer. Clown world.


File: 1634773773490.mp4 (3.16 MB, 854x480, room.mp4)


ah thanks!!!
youtube vid incoming



File: 1634776045688.webm (22.31 MB, 854x480, death of the ussr.webm)


>tfw Google autocorrects weeghurs and jing jang province


File: 1634790719817.mp4 (6.29 MB, 544x360, nestle_ceo.mp4)


blanquism gang



i wanna see her try to zip up her jacket and fail


miami nerd going to cuba to record about how bad they're failiing to deal with COVID and failling



Amazing. BTW "pasar hambre" is translated to "starve". I think "starve" is a much stronger phrase. A better translation would be "go hungry" or something like that.


id love to know what was going through her head


corn syrup, like for most burgers


Cubans are nice people, and the young girls are very cute.


>teacher in shrooms
What time have we arrived in…???


File: 1634811096162.mp4 (171.28 KB, 720x720, white people be like.mp4)


it has been uploaded anon


File: 1634811805805-0.png (287.98 KB, 551x540, Beth.png)


Now available on Youtube


careful bud, this one may get you in copyright trouble


Normal tsingtao bottles are green
t. chinese


File: 1634862237382.mp4 (1.5 MB, 432x360, MLM moment.mp4)


File: 1634989450291.mp4 (4.75 MB, 960x720, Biden Sigma Racism.mp4)


File: 1634989579470.mp4 (13.77 MB, 1280x720, Amazon.mp4)


File: 1634989887562.mp4 (2.91 MB, 640x360, Progressives.mp4)

seen this monstrosity yet?


File: 1634989943673.mp4 (1.53 MB, 1280x720, uncut.mp4)


File: 1634990007114-0.webm (2.32 MB, 1280x720, trolled.webm)

File: 1634990007114-1.mp4 (2.31 MB, 1280x720, trolled.mp4)



File: 1634990081047-0.mp4 (2.04 MB, 788x480, T-Bomb.mp4)

File: 1634990081047-1.webm (264.54 KB, 788x480, T-Bomb.webm)



Isn't this a confirmed photoshop? Kinda fail to keep reposting it at that point as if it's some massive truthpill


>consooomer news
wut ze fuck?


>if an old man's saying it, it must be true
peak brain function


File: 1635008909225-0.webm (7.53 MB, 320x240, 1629224367467.webm)

File: 1635008909225-1.webm (1.94 MB, 480x480, 1629057062172.webm)

File: 1635008909225-2.webm (4.26 MB, 450x360, 1629152330322.webm)




File: 1635099758952.png (659.95 KB, 709x462, 4EDq9OQ.png)

holy based who made this?


>Socialism Beer
Imagine having these as your daily dose. Giga Based. Hope those aforementioned beers hit stores.


File: 1635122518965.mp4 (2.53 MB, 1280x1280, stirner tight.mp4)




These are from r/PDPA btw
and this is from r/genzedong


File: 1635189155187-0.mp4 (753.4 KB, 360x360, IRA Meme _rare_.mp4)

File: 1635189155187-1.mp4 (1.2 MB, 640x360, IRA Meme.mp4)

File: 1635189155187-3.mp4 (727.49 KB, 404x720, The chase IRA meme.mp4)




File: 1635280399633.mp4 (1.29 MB, 640x1138, white chinese.mp4)



File: 1635280442356.mp4 (4.09 MB, 1280x720, dumbfuck anglo.mp4)




and every one else would live under apartaid.


Fucker on the top is white as snow.


>you can grow concrete
excuse me what


File: 1635426368913.mp4 (1.83 MB, 400x292, Cruising.mp4)


File: 1635426414001.mp4 (4.01 MB, 904x720, Össis.mp4)



They took this from us……..



how do you even begin to fix people like this.


File: 1635435731204.jpg (218.71 KB, 2048x1365, abby-and-mike.jpg)


Gonna post this on his birthday


You know what has to be done with them.


Account highly suspended. Kek, you got zuccked.
God damn it.


File: 1635639977958.jpg (26.34 KB, 830x620, chavez-hugo lol.jpg)

holy kek.


This is what happens when you get too much into idpoling.


It would be awesome if at the end of the video all the stenographers say exactly the same thing juxtaposed again, but with a larger segment.


Imagine saying that the right to have water is extreme. Fucking motherfucker.


two important videos


Update: channel got yeeted


Want me to actually start a site where I post my webm videos there?


Sorry anon, the Youtube channel is now unfortunately yeeted…


Now i need to know if there's any "stasi beats the shit out of neonazis" compilation somewhere


kekkkkk who is this man




yes ty




can anyone explain that first video?



Check our new "The Leftypol Video Archive" on https://archive.org/details/@the_leftypol_video_archive!


File: 1635765331869-2.webm (20.07 MB, 1920x1080, tucker redpill.webm)

File: 1635765331869-3.mp4 (6.23 MB, 1280x720, tucker redpill2.mp4)


File: 1635875302583.mp4 (7.57 MB, 854x480, dsa-cringe.mp4)


Last video reminded me how people with downs syndrome are used for mindless cheap labor in my city. Like scanning tickets for the cinema.
On one hand, I'm sure some of them enjoy getting to work, socialize, and generally be integrated to society, but I can't help but see the cynical aspect of businesses hiring cheap labor.



This will never not be hilarious


File: 1635882525935.mp4 (1.64 MB, 426x240, rule-kztjv2ildb861.mp4)

I don't understand why those are "points of personal privilege", but they are both right, if your cadre make a speech people should shut the fuck up and listen, and the correct non gendered pronoun is comrade.


Even Alex Jones hates trotskyites


Anyone have the "Stalin did nothing wrong" song?
vid related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axpfRjs_nnc&ab_channel=GtaSeriesFan






Cliff Richard - She's So Beautiful


thanks, I meant the literal "Stalin did nothing wrong" as a webm of the video link I posted, but getting good music is neat too


Burgers please explain what the fuck is going on the first webm.


The DDR had the best Intro music


File: 1636108563128.png (3.7 MB, 1445x1290, ClipboardImage.png)




DDR never produced that song



File: 1636145486043.mp4 (19.3 MB, 360x360, atheist_egypt.mp4)

Friendly reminder, that religion sucks.


religion is good because it keeps people pacified - imagine if you ripped the hope out of people's lives and the chaos which would ensue.


>religion is good because it keeps people pacified
Yeah, there is a reason why this old hairy dude called it "opium of the masses".


so what?
marx's imperative was that in disregarding heavenly rewards there would be a demand for rewards on earth right now - but i think this is more rhetorical than an actual conclusion. Not all atheists are communists either.


I have nothing against religious people who keep their beliefs private. But I will do everything in my power, to prevent a society like in the video I posted above. This is the great danger of proponents of "religious socialism". They claim to be in favor of socialism, but actually they will bring theocracy!


well if you believe in God then you don't care about socialism as much as you care about getting to heaven - I mean, I like that model, it provides conviction instead of the weaselly chris hedges' "christian" socialism which obviously promotes gay marriage [which can be good for YOU, but dont forget that if you believe in the bible then you have to really fucking believe in it instead of falling for cultural trends]. All you have to do though is separate church and state. I mean, look at america. God is nowhere to be found in the government except in slogans.


Any of you, have that webm where is a tankie ball and socdem ball
the socdem ball call bootlicker to the tankie ball
and ask for the people like the anarchists and the tankie ball just say "I took care of those bugs"
and the tankie ball kills trotsky


File: 1636179168797.mp4 (7.74 MB, 854x480, 1635437863953-1.mp4)



File: 1636187296585.mp4 (15.55 MB, 1280x720, Telecommies.mp4)


File: 1636187359176.mp4 (7.86 MB, 720x720, savage is the body.mp4)



File: 1636187385795.mp4 (614.32 KB, 640x640, bordiga montage.mp4)



Does anyone have that webm saved from some movie of IRA defending a safehouse set to hard techno? Some famous actor was in it, can't remember who. Anyways it was posted in one of the recent webm threads and was v. kino


File: 1636240944923-0.mp4 (16.12 MB, 640x360, Cyberpunk 2020.mp4)


Churches have just as much power in the government as other companies do, because that is what they are. The mormon church, for example, is a for profit organization and has over 100 billion in assets.


Damn, I hope the underage boipussy was worth it.



the guy with the rocket launcher kills me every time

and probably anyone in front of him as well


unironically based


>Fleeing after seeing a bunch of freaks larping as if they were in the 16th century.
Can't say i blame those kids, even if these guys are harmless.


This one?


>Milosevic: Mr. Robinson, what I think is not even important at this moment, but difference between August and February 1991 is a time discrepancy of 6 months. I don't know what war crime venture is Mr. Nice talking about- the one from August or the one from February? How am I supposed to ask Mr. Seselj (other Sigma male, the one with glasses) about that?

>Seselj: I understood that, Mr. Milosevic. From 1st of February 1991, I was the only member of United War Crime Venture (it's a joke), I united with myself, and 6 months later the rest of you have joined me. I understood that right away.

>Milosevic: Ohhh, very good, Mr. Seselj, you helped Mr. Nice very well with this. I am very glad you cooperate so well with Mr. Nice (laughs). I will continue with these questions now. (Both laugh now)

>beta Judge: are you questioning the translation or…?

>Mr. Nice (the prosecutor): Mr. Kwon (the judge), I think the soldier was speaking English in this footage.

>Milosevic: Let us see that Serbian Chetnik who speaks English (laughs). I will be very glad to see that and I think the audience in Serbia will also be glad to see an english-speaking Serb Chetnik (both laugh) (lights a cigar)





File: 1636409194025.mp4 (1.09 MB, 640x640, BELLA CIAO.mp4)


File: 1636409393373-0.mp4 (379.88 KB, 640x338, Bordigasm.mp4)

File: 1636409393373-1.mp4 (1.54 MB, 406x720, empty shelves.mp4)

File: 1636409393373-2.mp4 (2.2 MB, 720x720, This isnt cuba.mp4)



File: 1636409634389.mp4 (4.81 MB, 576x1024, Vet screams at Bush.mp4)


File: 1636409753502.mp4 (2.86 MB, 1282x720, Vet screams at Bush2.mp4)


many words

build productive forces instead loser


unfathomably based, although the mass-murder that was the Iraq war isn't vindicated with an apology >>492917
this one is more well thought out because demanding the imprisonment of warcrimnals is like the minimum bar


>"but capitalism won't be coming back"
well, so much for that


that a really nice song


Update: Check out the replacement at https://archive.org/details/@the_leftypol_video_archive! We also provide free audio and PDFs.


File: 1636561103698.jpg (25.29 KB, 474x563, gigachad.jpg)

>come closer moneybag I'll poke your eyes out
holy based


Based looks good anon.


the classic


Could someone provide the name of the band?


Otava Yo


File: 1636687549309.webm (341.16 KB, 360x480, 16366859837090.webm)


Jiang Zemin didn’t do enough


File: 1637036564482.webm (3.92 MB, 640x360, 1635945018646.webm)

does any1 know what song this is please?


Yes but every stupid post of the last few hours has been in lower case so I'm not telling you


Try Shazam



anyone got the SIKE mp4 with the chinese rap?


Said the quiet part out loud


Sure but a "I'm sorry" would at least be something.


File: 1637174593618.mp4 (963.53 KB, 360x360, Chinabad.mp4)

is this what you are thinking of?


File: 1637177923438.mp4 (2.47 MB, 640x352, cpk-comrades.mp4)


>5 guys in the woods
we are so fucked


Where do you even find this stuff lmao


these 5 ppl in the woods have more class consciousness that you, a single person, have in your NEET setting.

let that set in


>5 guys in the woods being wholesome and based as fuck
I think we're going to be okay.


no it started with the US flag with its anthem


File: 1637191640341.gif (1.12 MB, 250x272, 1626229863455.gif)

lol, fuck off doomer.


Does anyone have that webm of Stalin living rent free in what i think was a poljak's head?





the whitoid capitalist fears the singing communist Kenyans



I love you too


File: 1637268905605-0.mp4 (27.93 MB, 1280x720, zionism.mp4)

File: 1637268905605-1.mp4 (12.26 MB, 608x1080, zionism1.mp4)

File: 1637268905605-2.mp4 (10.7 MB, 576x720, zionism2.mp4)

File: 1637268905605-3.mp4 (5.57 MB, 1280x720, zionism3.mp4)


Why do israelis in these kinds of rallies look so weak lol


i love you



they all look like fucking turkroaches and chinlets


File: 1637307793728.mp4 (146.6 KB, 256x250, RENT FREE STALIN.mp4)

This one?


no problem comrade. russian post-punk is based af. It's truly symptomatic of post-soviet russia


Anyone here got an edited version of this, but with Middle Eastern music?


File: 1637495767780-1.webm (5.74 MB, 640x478, Xinjiang facts.webm)

File: 1637495767780-3.mp4 (2.43 MB, 480x480, Yuri enjoyer.mp4)


File: 1637496026242-0.webm (1.98 MB, 852x852, Posadism.webm)

File: 1637496026242-2.webm (650.02 KB, 960x540, socialism is based.webm)

File: 1637496026242-3.webm (3.49 MB, 720x404, Syria bombing.webm)




I looked up the lyrics and it is all about how life will turn out good, that life is plentiful. But that montage and the way band covered the song (the original is more Euro-pop), nothing is as hopeless and tragic than song about hope.


Yes! Thanks.


What is the name of the song in the first video?


Running up that hill by Kate Bush (originally) I believe that is the Meg Myers cover


File: 1637684265611-0.webm (1.41 MB, 720x480, 1618007720616.webm)

File: 1637684265611-1.webm (2.93 MB, 346x274, 420atjapan.webm)

File: 1637684265611-2.webm (3.94 MB, 640x360, 1600757792829.webm)

File: 1637684265611-3.webm (5.72 MB, 960x540, Chinese Century.webm)

File: 1637684265611-4.webm (2.46 MB, 1280x720, DDR groove.webm)


File: 1637684785737-0.webm (3.62 MB, 1280x720, dead society.webm)

File: 1637684785737-1.webm (2.25 MB, 640x632, ewon musk.webm)

File: 1637684785737-2.webm (3.75 MB, 800x450, USSR_more_real.webm)


File: 1637947061678.mp4 (5.88 MB, 1280x720, cpk-flag.mp4)


Anybody have that polish news one with all the pictures of the pope?



how did the leftypol account get taken down so soon?


"Due to multiple violations of hate speech"



>HOPE dealer


That employee shortage be hitting different. Seems, they're just grabbing the panhandlers from in front of the story and just putting them behind the counter now,


I use the same mop and if this legend did that to me I'd shake his hand


File: 1638505107546.webm (1.79 MB, 704x640, 1638117616667.webm)

Thanks for the dump /pol/, we really needed it


File: 1638505382822.mp4 (11.13 MB, 426x240, 1637460981879.mp4)



File: 1638506768876.mp4 (20.75 MB, 720x720, 1635898313452.mp4)


>second vid
reminds me of andrew dice clay


File: 1638570213378.webm (12.48 MB, 1280x720, SyriaGeneralOpening.webm)


File: 1638571010430-0.webm (3.93 MB, 640x360, sanrizuka riots.webm)

File: 1638571010430-2.mp4 (2.28 MB, 480x270, crowder owned.mp4)


File: 1638573325438.mp4 (9.78 MB, 1280x1024, peterson.mp4)



File: 1638597945355.mp4 (6.09 MB, 960x720, Christian Lore.mp4)

because I liked it so much


sauce on the song





idk, I think hiring people like that would be unreliable, maybe company is getting some kind of gibs from an org or government.


Yeah the government probably pays part of their wage, I see nothing wrong with it though, it's good, people should work if they're able to


File: 1638717165507.mp4 (2.07 MB, 264x268, 1637715487690.mp4)






File: 1638821369927.gif (2.53 MB, 600x429, leninsmilingWEB (1).gif)


does anyone have that webm of assad driving over some whore


He did nothing wrong, blueshirt cager had it coming, what's he, the bike sheriff? Fuck off


where's the first clip about cow tail from



File: 1639186315650.webm (3.64 MB, 480x428, 1638889580847.webm)


File: 1639206972689.webm (5.36 MB, 640x360, cia 50 years.webm)


What's the song?




rodey piper is the most based option for any smark pretending to be a mark to use for his soyvideo


File: 1639469128158.jpg (184.02 KB, 2048x1252, skul smotie.jpg)


for a second there i thought those girls were gonna puke and or shit all over the food



File: 1639671634410-0.mp4 (2.43 MB, 750x418, cpc drip.mp4)

File: 1639671634410-1.mp4 (3.02 MB, 720x720, Deng Drip.mp4)





What movie is this from?


not a movie
that's Paul Robeson's Huac Hearing


I bet 99% of these the captions are fake.


>We're trying to make it easier to get rid of your kind too.
What a disgusting piece of subhuman scum. I'm glad that soundbite was recorded and will stain his name forever.


Darude Sandstorm - Song 4



File: 1639944320134.mp4 (5.84 MB, 1280x720, video0.mp4)


Yeah there are a lot of old russian tankies in Israel.


File: 1639944543268.mp4 (2.88 MB, 1276x720, pitfall.mp4)


File: 1639944651313.mp4 (14.52 MB, 720x720, Happy Victory Day !.mp4)











File: 1639947618495.mp4 (5.87 MB, 640x360, Bella Ciao, USA.mp4)




File: 1639949019808.mp4 (4.18 MB, 360x360, DARPA_Type_Beat.mp4.mp4)


Anyone got the version where when thge lyrics mention "Rocket ship" there's footage of the soviet space program?


File: 1639995869881-0.mp4 (2.68 MB, 854x480, rabid dog.mp4)

File: 1639995869881-1.mp4 (1.31 MB, 854x480, operazione gladio.mp4)


I appreciate leftywave but can we at least make it visible


File: 1640094080848.mp4 (1.9 MB, 1024x576, my nigga lenin.mp4)


File: 1640094740099.mp4 (450.85 KB, 1024x576, slavery biz rizk.mp4)


File: 1640095302173.mp4 (8.67 MB, 360x202, IRA.mp4)


File: 1640265074065.mp4 (56.91 MB, 1280x720, Red Dawn.mp4)


File: 1640282129566.mp4 (461.55 KB, 640x480, l834tru9.mp4)



File: 1640289241690.webm (Spoiler Image, 2.23 MB, 640x480, 1640104290399.webm)

(Spoiler gore.)


File: 1640336272698.mp4 (11 MB, 320x240, thomas_szasz.mp4)

Although Szasz had worked with scientology for a short time, he is still incredibly based. Anyone who is interested in psychiatry should check him out.


well that's a new rabbit hole to jump down, thanks


Pretty based tbh. I like how by going off his examples he is pretty much saying that ADHD is rebellion against the oppression children are subjected to.


sow hat's his solution


the fuck is this.


File: 1640623160147.mp4 (36.85 MB, 1920x1080, Post-Soviet Moldova.mp4)

This whole video is a pretty good red pill on what happened in post-soviet countries even though the dude says some pretty basic bitch libshit in it. Old man at the beginning feeling too embarrassed to speak made me sad.


There is some truth in what he says, however, firstly the claim that psychiatric diagnosis ends up mostly stigmatizing people is untrue. Not in the sense that that never happens, which it sometimes does, however that would be considered today malpractice in psychiatry if the end result is stigmatization more so then improvement of the patient's mental state and quality of life. Essentially what he's saying is that there are bad psychiatrists out there, which is true but does not indict the whole field in any way only the particular current circumstances of the field where good psychiatrists may be hard to come by. Secondly, the claim that psychiatry exists to control people is true, however to paint it as "le ebil globalist plot for le mind control" is silly at the very least. Psychiatry seeks to reintegrate people into society when they might have become isolated. Human beings are inherently social animals and thrive when integrated in a community and are lessened and harmed by being isolated from other humans, that is as scientifically proven a fact as anything is. I mean, I'm a first rate autist but I know without any doubt that living in isolation is a bad habit and a less than ideal lifestyle. This is also a very individualist "muh individual personal freedoms" form of thinking. It's essentially the kind of thinking that lead people to say that communism is bad because people as individuals have some sort of special magic in their brains and therefore to curtail their individual freedom is bad. Also, it's not like anyone gets thrown into a psych ward just for being socially isolated…It's only if they are a serious danger to themselves or others. Thirdly, the argument that psychiatry is bullshit because new psychiatric concepts are invented or modified is also nonsense, this is the case in any field of medicine. It just happens that by comparison psychiatry is a much younger science then other fields of medicine and so is currently more volatile and subject to change. Fourthly, the reason that they are called "disorders" or "syndromes" is precisely because they are not diseases and nobody seriously would claim they are. There is literally clearly set out definition for what is a disorder or syndrome and how its characteristics differ from the concept of "disease" in the traditional sense


Holy shit I thought he was Molyneux


I think it's interesting comparing it to when he went to Cuba and Albania. With Cuba, he found a good mix between people who liked socialism and Fidel (the best one was that based lad where they asked him if he was a socialist and he replied "no, I'm a communist"). He also met some people who basically blamed Cuba's poverty on socialism and whatnot.

However in Albania he didn't find a single person who liked Hoxha and communism. All the people he talked to, old and young hated Hoxha and said Albania was a totalitarian shithole with him. I wonder what was the reason for this. Because as you say in his videos on Eastern Europe and Russia he finds tons of people (usually older) that are fond of the USSR and socialism.


Psychiatrists are oppressors and WILL be liquidated. Psychology is not science or medicine and is based off nothing but flawed interpretations (it is pseudo-science). 'Mentally ill' people will finally be freed and given bodily autonomy. They will only be punished if they hurt others or the revolution, not because of what someone else thinks of their mental state. This includes 'schitzophrenic' people, who are oppressed for seeing different things. Psychology is just another form of idpol. Finally, people will be allowed to hurt themselves or end their own lives if they wish. To deny them this is to deny them their bodily autonomy, which is something that capitalists do on a daily basis.

All hierarchy will be violently abolished. This includes the constructed neo-slavery known as psychiatry (I do not care about the difference between psychology and psychiatry). Only when people are free from such imposed labels will they be able to wholeheartedly work to realize worldwide communism. You cannot stop this, only delay it through continued oppression.


the porku one lol


shitty b8


File: 1640841533867.mp4 (4.04 MB, 720x480, PSA.mp4)


the only based anarchist take ever produced on these boards


File: 1640844492416.mp4 (4.69 MB, 1188x640, e5c786114ba861ed.mp4)


File: 1640846992440.jpg (75.7 KB, 723x657, God bless america.jpg)

lmao, the other guy just can respond "wow"
< so you don't like cheeseburgers


File: 1640848073344.mp4 (5.28 MB, 1280x720, MajorPoints.mp4)

based chinese infiltration of the right wing


Those images in there real or no?


File: 1640848507716-0.png (53.37 KB, 643x420, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1640848507716-1.png (1008.47 KB, 973x671, ClipboardImage.png)

Spenser Rapone.


frighteningly based


So much for the global "defenders of free speech" U.S. military propaganda bullshit.


File: 1641041857160.mp4 (1.3 MB, 1280x1280, Welcometohavana.mp4)


File: 1641084200869-0.mp4 (6.08 MB, 404x360, c3i5b.mp4)

File: 1641084200869-1.webm (5.72 MB, 960x540, 1632436098627.webm)

File: 1641084200869-2.mp4 (43.93 MB, 1280x720, 1635661371834.mp4)


To help our comrades lenihat, king lear, eugene and all the other out there


Holy shit that's sad.
Do you remember what the noted reason was for the suspension? Or did they give any?


>posting magmashice(esoteric hitlerist) content


File: 1641118906193.jpg (Spoiler Image, 110.14 KB, 898x1124, 1638901330315.jpg)


File: 1641172030460.mp4 (325.96 KB, 576x1024, Jgr442wgjvr44yhf.mp4)



wtf is that and where are these videos from? lmao


search for "vigilante intelligence" or "johnny gat" on odysee, thers no channel just mirrors of his videos, be sure to check the box filter "exact match"


Spoiler that shit



Why are you using this lol


lmao shit's hillarious
it was a question of time when zoomer /pol/tards will do conspiratard bullshit about muh zionobolshevik Rusha oppressing the western civilization just like their boomer ancestors


maybe, maybe just maybe because shit gets banned on youtbe, oh thats right leftists dont have to worry about that because their policies further monopolize the economy benefiting the big corpos and destroying small businesses hence why their ideas are promoted on msm platforms

kys political illiterate


>/pol/tard sounding like russiagate shitlibs


>Communists employ accelerationist strategy because it works
As the great comrade Stalin said the only thing that is invincible is that which is developing
I'm not sure where the problem is here other than that you don't like it because you're losing and we're winning


I was responding to >>673616
the greentext just fucked up


very insightfull response

you think russia is a friend of the west?

you think russia winning would be a good thing? you are a tankie so im already awaiting a edgy response so can you explain further your position?


>la la la I can't hear you
It doesn't matter if so-called "leftist" (read: radlib) or "right-wing" youtube channels win the so-called "culture war," it's all manufactured bullshit. None if it actually threatens the corporate elite. You people are suckers falling for a distraction, and it works every time, because the internet has fried your collective brains. It's all bread and circuses and you're a retard for continuing to fall for it. Pic related

>you think russia is a friend of the west?

1. "west" and "east" are oversimplified bullshit
2. not a tankie
3. as far as I'm concerned russia sucks, america sucks, and europe sucks, fuck 'em all


>can you explain further your position?
We're winners
You're losers
Zero edge just simple as fact


>"culture war," it's all manufactured
its violence or culture war, I choose the latter
>1. "west" and "east" are oversimplified bullshit
not really, the west is america, europe and australia, the east is russia and china by being agaisnt the west primarily you are benefiting totalitarian regimes
>as far as I'm concerned russia sucks, america sucks, and europe sucks, fuck 'em all
if you are against totalitarian regimes then you should be on the wests side

you are not gona draw furry art in the comune


>its violence or culture war, I choose the latter
yeah all the revolutions historically happened because the people won the culture war, violence is completely innefective


Of course not why would I want to do that
Odds are after we win I keep working emptying containers, stacking pallets and working heavy machinery like I do now
I don't get your point

It's more acceptable to support Stalin on the toot00bz than Hitler

Huge agitation and propaganda win for communism

Sure years of patient work to get there, now we're winners you're losers sucks to be you

Can you explain to me what the fuck your problem is in a way that doesn't just make you sound like a whiney loser?


>its violence or culture war, I choose the latter
<deflecting this hard
>not really, the west is america, europe and australia, the east is russia and china by being agaisnt the west primarily you are benefiting totalitarian regimes
1. east and west both have problems with corrupt authoritarian bullshit, some just slap a liberal-democratic coat of paint on it, and as far as I'm concerned burn 'em down on both corners of the world
2. if geographic boundaries on a map were an indication of cultural homogeneity then the untied states would be one big fucking monoculture, which it sure as fuck isn't
>inb4 but muh american traditional culture
fuckin' spend a year in burgerland and then tell me with a straight face that georgia is the same as new york

>if you are against totalitarian regimes then you should be on the wests side

The "west" literally gave us fascism and a long string of dictatorships in south america


Based image.


>you think russia winning would be a good thing?
Undoubtedly yes, lol.
USA collapsing would be a breath of fresh air to social movements around the globe, unlike USA Russia doesn't have ten thousand military bases all over the globe so they can't quickly take US's place as world police.


File: 1641331690475.mp4 (3.95 MB, 750x1080, Stirner man.mp4)


>east and west both have problems with corrupt authoritarian bullshit
the west is way way less authoritarian my guy by far
>if geographic boundaries on a map were an indication of cultural homogeneity then the untied states would be one big fucking monoculture, which it sure as fuck isn't
freedom transcends culture :)
>fuckin' spend a year in burgerland and then tell me with a straight face that georgia is the same as new york
i know that, whats your point? that there can only be 1 culture in one country?
>The "west" literally gave us fascism
the west gives almost everything, most literature and phylosophy came from the west plus you have economic fascism(syndicalism) in every country now

>would be a breath of fresh air to social movements around the globe
dude most leftism in america and europe is funded by russia, you think russia wouldnt turn you into a slave if it were to conquer the west?
>Russia doesn't have ten thousand military bases all over the globe so they can't quickly take US's place as world police.
someone has to make sure the world isnt conquered by a global totalitarian dystopian regime, maybe in the future you will learn the hard way


>freedom transcends culture :)
<moving goalposts this hard

>the west is way way less authoritarian my guy by far

<Ignoring that Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, and Biden all expanded the surveillance state while bailing out large corporations whenever their fuck ups screw over the rest of us
<sincerely believing that getting to vote for one out of several flavors of corporate shill equals "freedom"

>freedom transcends culture :)

<goalpost moving
<meaningless hollow platitude
and how exactly are you defining "freedom" here

>i know that, whats your point? that there can only be 1 culture in one country?

You're the one trying to use geography to defend some concept of there being such a thing as a fundamentally homogeneous cultural east and west, m8

>the west gives almost everything, most literature and phylosophy came from the west

1. enlightenment critiques of the political and economic systems of their day were at least in part influenced native american critiques of european society either directly or indirectly

2. plenty of classic western literature, art and music took inspiration from eastern art, (see: influence of japanese art on impressionism)
>inb4 b-b-b-but it was still western tho
that's not the point, the west didn't come up with this shit out of nowhere, many great works of the western canon were products of a centuries-long process of cultural exchange. that doesn't invalidate them or make them bad, it just means that they're not proof of some form of Unique Genius specific to The West (TM), shit is and always has been far more complicated than that
3. the west didn't necessarily invent democratic governance, various forms of direct and/or consensus-based democracy have been in operation in societies across the world for ages (example: archaeologists have recently found evidence of democratic procedures in early mesoamerican soceities). The west didn't invent democracy out of whole cloth, ancient history and archaeology shows that there have been diverse forms of roughly-"democratic" social structures across the globe throughout history, with the "west" just being one fragment of a larger trend. If anything, evidence suggests that the west is far from exceptional, that the east has never been as monolithically authoritarian as people like to suggest, and that the tendency for people to experiment with various forms of what can be called democratic decision making are closer to being universal among human beings than was previously assumed

TL;DR the west isn't exceptional, if anything there are no exceptional cultures, just people trying different shit out and seeing what sticks at different points in time

>most leftism in america and europe is funded by russia

[citation needed]
>global totalitarian dystopian regime
it's called capitalism, and we're already there


>were at least in part influenced
*were at least in part influenced by

fuck I'm tired

4. name me your favorite works of the western musical canon, right now


Ignoring that Bush Jr, Obama, Trump, and Biden all expanded the surveillance state while bailing out large corporations whenever their fuck ups screw over the rest of us
<bailing out corporations
arent you a demsoc? why do you think thats a bad thing when you are for it?
>and how exactly are you defining "freedom" here
non-state intervention both social and economicly
>You're the one trying to use geography to defend some concept of there being such a thing as a fundamentally homogeneous cultural east and west, m8
here in the west we dont think that in general but our enemies do, thats why we have to too or we will get conquered because our individualism will be our weakness against a centralized society like china and russia
>1. enlightenment critiques of the political and economic systems of their day were at least in part influenced native american critiques of european society either directly or indirectly
PAHAAHAHAHAH, totally dude native american are waaaay more advanced then us dude.
you are just an ethno/cultural-masochist, you hate your own because you are a masochist
>plenty of classic western literature, art and music took inspiration from eastern art, (see: influence of japanese art on impressionism)
is that what buzzfeed tells you?
>the west isn't exceptional, if anything there are no exceptional cultures, just people trying different shit out and seeing what sticks at different points in time
we are just atoms bro, a civilized society is totaly the same as a bunch of tribes raping and killing eachother constantly
>[citation needed]
see my videos above
>it's called capitalism, and we're already there
capitalism? do you exchange comodity(capital) or currency(fiat), because to have capitalism it requires the exchange of capital and this is also marx defenition of capitalism plus if you are against nationalism you should be against fiat money

>4. name me your favorite works of the western musical canon, right now

theres alot, you mean classical music? theres plenty but im not a big fan of it, i do know a guy who is very into it kek


>dude most leftism in america and europe is funded by russia, you think russia wouldnt turn you into a slave if it were to conquer the west?
top fucking kek
Do you have a phone number or email address in Russia I can contact? Apparently I'm overdue a payment.




stop hitting the dog you fucking uyghur


File: 1641385759150.png (103.25 KB, 385x249, ClipboardImage.png)

You're next



Is there an extended version? Anyone know?



File: 1641448214844.mp4 (4.29 MB, 320x240, ollie north.mp4)


Someone please make a new .webm thread


that's a lame remix for a lame scene


i'd just make a face and throw some trash at them


File: 1641745338454.mp4 (687.56 KB, 720x1280, life goals.mp4)


File: 1641756836826.jpg (175.23 KB, 1035x934, 5y4dwys9p2z61.jpg)

[spoiler]pussy paradise[/spoiler]

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