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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1799130[Last 50 Posts]

This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?


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they're eurocommunist fucks and a split is inevitable since half the JCP supports china and the other half of them don't give a single fuck about diplomacy with their superpower neighbor.


Porn is a drug like any other. ALL people here knows that legalization of drugs is not only beneficial to the users, but to the big drug corporations. In that logic corporatons wants to alienate the worker on the facade of freedom. They just want you to buy their stuff


>twitter shit
Did read.
Still don't understand or care what you're kvetching about fuck off retard cunt.


People here often call people who use marijuana as drug addicts, and yet they themselves are cunsuumerists and porn addicts. I am not moralist by any means, i suport the manga hentai industry, they have the right to publish It, but is kinda of hipocritical to critiziece the CPC for taking an anti-popular instance.


they went from a party straight up rioting over any government overreach to prude pacifists


>Loli avatar

Every time.

Fuck pedophiles
Fuck pornsick westoid hedonists
Fuck sexual exploitation


Is the pro-China faction any closer to retaking the party since Shii's retirement?


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"Communist" parties all around the world will do anything but actually try to strengthen proletarian unity.


The thing is
We dont really have other option


The degeneration of the global proletariat continues
The future of the 'left' is just bands of coomer NEETs demanding freedoms for themselves to self-harm while arguing over which foreign nation-state they must prostrate themselves to


>Fuck pedophiles
That's japanphobic, islamphobic, cathphobic and belgianphobic anon. Please stop doing divisive idpol.


>young animal
mayhaps sir can i bother you asking what is the subject of such magazine of repute.


When glowies boost organized crime (the actual lumpenproletariat) against worker organizations, it works.


imperial core communist parties will do anything except class war against the bourgeoisie


>no link to the Shimbun Akahata article, if it even exists
>link to a random dweeb board
>stealth loli and "erotica for kis" bait thread
>making excessive claims about JPC without substantiation
>account in the picture is a massive anti-china anime account


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Oh great a thread complaining about Japanese communists for being porn-addicted coomers who don't love China enough… for trying to regulate "loli" spreads. Super glad we're talking about this.


Just because the communist movement is dead doesn't mean we as communists have to defend impotent and useless (at best) utter retardation.


>only true communists support degeneracy!


Why are you surprised? This is Japan, a culture most notable for exporting pedophilia, bestiality, and brutal imperialism of a kind only matched by Western Europeans. The only way a communist party could be remotely communist is if it asked for at bare minimum the complete dismantling of “Japan” as a concept, followed by giving the northern islands back to the USSR and the rest divided between Korea and China, fitting as the Japanese are to Sino-Koreans as hohols are to Russians. The “communist” party being a complete joke checks out nicely with Japan’s fundamental roots in hedonism and war


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>Porn is a drug like any other.


why do i even bother coming here anymore


>Fuck pedophiles
You think I'm a child?!


Feel free to prove him wrong, after all that constant chasing of dopamine can’t possibly be an addiction if it feeeeeels goooood so it should be easy for you


those only seeing this as an anti porn thing when its clear they are broadening their targets and going after plain manga for kids(not loli shit)


It’s funny that both the right and the left here oppose degeneracy and drug use. I imagine there are some bone heads that’ll go
>muh freedom to poison me self!

The average, emphasis on average, leftist that you encounter on say Twitter is basically a weird hybrid of liberals and leftism but ultimately subservient to the Democrats. They’re basically just edgy liberals or liberals that like using Marxist lingo and imagery, but they always come home to daddy


>drug is when …. uhm…. dopamine


Comic books and manga are shit anyway. They’re doing them a favor


The Japanese Communist Party is trotskyite in origin and full of socdems and left liberals nowadays. I'm pretty sure it's also full of feds. The Japanese revolutionaries should just create a Marxist-Leninist party, either orthodox or in line with the Chinese model at the very least.


By definition and in practice yes it is. All addiction ultimately centers around dopamine and finding ways to stimulate internal pleasure on a whim, and it very quickly becomes an obsession. The reason places like America and Japan are full of hedonistic coomers is due to prevailing liberal ideology teaching that if it “feels good” then it must be good, and so no thought whatsoever is given to giving kids the means to unlimited self gratification, be it cartoons or video games, which invariably are backed by pornography of the worst sort. Its just basic self control, something that countries outside the imperial core have long since mastered and communists should at the very least be able to practice, so why can’t you?


>By definition and in practice yes it is.


That would require the Japanese to understand humility and temperance, and if they did that they wouldn’t be Japanese anymore. Quarantine the island and let it rot


No, but a drug has two main effects:
1. It lowers your tolerance
2. You can't do without it
True, this is true for a lot of things, but porn can have a negative effect on your mental health. If you can't mastrubate (which is per se a healthy thing to do) without porn, you're addicted to it.

But is not the main thing that people have a problem with, it's that it is a highly exploitative business, and it targets young people.


I’m surprised to see how based and redpilled this thread is


I get a lot of the anti-porn arguments especially if this concerns loli? but fucking with manga/anime is just bad and you shouldn't need to be told why.


nta but you are a fucking retard. do you need my slides from medical school to get it through your thick fucking skull? explain the pathophysiology of addiction then, you retarded layperson.


>If you can't mastrubate (which is per se a healthy thing to do) without porn, you're addicted to it.
I've spoken to more than a few people who have no eal concept of a wankbank or fantasy etc and just think needing porn to masturbate is normal. disconcerting.
Inb4 that one ITG addict anon comes to call everyone prudes and moralists.


Anime is a weird acid trip and is just as harmful. It’s like bronies and other tumblr weirdos in US obsessed with cartoons


Now wtf, WTF Man you are shitalking the BRONiES??????


bronies of the world, UNITE!!!!


What they are saying not that it's a drug but it has similar problems and maluses as drugs, a lot of similar causes and problems.
As someone who has worked heavily with addicts its not thst far off the mark I'd say.


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The Dopamine Theory of Addiction is a 40 years old oversimplified and outdated view of a dialectical process. That your med school teaches it as fact just shows the worth of your forthcoming diploma and your own critical skills.


credentials or fuck right off. your understanding of dopamine theory is garbage and/or non-existent, I can tell. I go to one of the top schools in Canada, you absolute buffoon.


Skip to The Role of Dopamine, fucking retard.


I mean that shit is equally harmful, and you’re still masturbating so the problem remains except it’s easier for you to rationalize


The ultraleft argument "everything is exploitation under capitalism, you are sounding like a nazi with their 'creative and destructive capital' stuff!" and the AnCap/rightoid argument "what if they are consenting, are you are nazi or something?" are truly the nexus where Lenin's theory that the ultra-leftists are the right-wingers of tomorrow and vice versa really exemplifies itself.


he goes to big $$$ school which means he is taught truth because more money = more truth


*when it comes to the "sex work" stuff.

Yes I know the DDR had nudist beaches. If you think that is the same as hentai you are literally retarded.


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>uhhh your school is stupid
>uhhh your school is stupid and rich
thanks for confirming the retardation yet again.
goodbye, retard.


>The Dopamine Theory of Addiction is a 40 years old oversimplified and outdated view of a dialectical process
You've said this multiple times but have not elaborated… all ur saying is "no ur wrong muh updsted science trust me!' It's pathetic.
All science heavily uses oversimplifications, nobody cares rx ept autistd like you selectively also, meaningless complaint.
All I see here is addiction justifying, very common thing.


Like, why waste your time masturbating when you can do new stuff you never did before, try New things, idk, do what you like. Tô me, after masturbating i think how much time i wasted of my time doing nothing. For this while i dont masturbate every single day to """normal""" porn anymore, and now i have more time to do things i want


t. porn is a drug mega-brain


communism is when culture wars


<porn is equally as harmful as memory and imagination.
Retard. Pseud. Idealist.


Class war is by definition the struggle of proletarian culture against bourgeois cosmopolitanism so yes


<y-you think self abuse for the purpose of instant gratification at the expense of your physical and mental health is…le BAD?
Wow it’s almost as if I’m a communist or something


>Like, why waste your time masturbating when you can do new stuff you never did before, try New things, idk, do what you like. Tô me, after masturbating i think how much time i wasted of my time doing nothing.
not to dismiss your experience (it maps with mine) but the fact that you can forget about porn as soon as you get actively involved in anything points at the dopamine theory stuff being wrong. seems to me like porn is just something people with nothing better to do just sort of orbit towards.


if you think the "banning loli hentai" is an unpopular position to have, then boy do i have unfortunate news about the "pro loli hentai" position.


The funniest part of anime is how White characters look. We can criticize Western media but at the very least our animations actually look like people here, for better or worse.

>inb4 but

Yes there are certainly anime that try to have a more natural look, but we all know we’re talking about the bog standard here

I honestly think it all stems from Japan getting BTFO by America in WW2 so hard that it burned White into their collective conscious


Idk what is dopamina theory so i can't argue against that. Will see what that theory talks about


Bro unless you're having multi-hour gooning sessions masturbation is hardly a major time waster. It takes like ten minutes.


I can't cum in 10 minutes man, what are yá talking about.


This isn't concerning anything lolishit related.


You're circumcised aren't you?


Really shit thread.

Anyway, I'm not really that pro porn and I rarely consume it nowadays, but trying to ban it because its an 'addiction' is completely ridiculous. I think it could be an addiction in maybe 1% of consumers, who masturbate like 8 times a day, but to most people it is no more of an addiction than television is. Would you really call TV shows addictions just because they are enjoyable to consume, like porn is? This is the complete wrong way of looking at things. It's like the shit about skibidy toilet or whatever being addictive and ruining the youth. Its complete nonsense that detracts from the dangers of actual addiction. Does this train of thought come from some Christian anti-masturbation thing? The stigma around masturbation is unreal considering how natural it is. It's literally healthy to do it once a week, and unless you are ace you will get sexual dreams if you don't. There should be nothing wrong with people doing it to images. Again, this is just completely ridiculous. The problem is IRL porn and exploitative hentai genres like the really gross rape shit and lolicon. Those should be banned because there are actual reasons (sex work shouldn't be a thing and some genres normalise terrible acts). Really you should be campaigning against actual addictions like alcohol, not something you made up in your mind. Alcohol has demonstrably terrible effects on society compared to whatever scaremongering tabloids can scrape together. This is what we need to focus on more than anything else, including illegal drugs.


No? I am not circumcised, why? It impacts something? I actually dont know


>Multi-hour gooning sessions

My sides


Yes the appeal of masturbating is its quick and easy, no?


Easy yes, Quick no. It takes lots of time.


Isk why i am talking só much How i masturbar tbh, i shall stop, dont mind my rant guys


Doesn't for me.
If I wanted to waste lots of time for pleasure I'd just have sex anon.


Exactly. So why are anons so insistent that their extreme porn be around them at all times, and post it everywhere? It's alienating to women.


Nothing can make me cum in 10 minutes, that IS impossible


I shall stop talking, no more i shall do


As a muh Far Right chood I am surprised that there are some commies here who oppose degeneracy and drugs that poison the mind and body. It’s a funny common ground

I guess it’s because the lefties I usually argue with are a different breed
> The average, emphasis on average, leftist that you encounter on say Twitter is basically a weird hybrid of liberals and leftism but ultimately subservient to the Democrats. They’re basically just edgy liberals or liberals that like using Marxist lingo and imagery, but they always come home to daddy


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I'm having trouble parsing this thread and the screenshot.
Everyone is just talking about the morality of pornography, but the screenshot seems to be talking about public obscenity.

Is this about the Japanese communist party attempting to remove pornography from the shelves of convenience stores? That seems to be what the twitter screenshot is talking about, am I wrong?


The irony is the bourgeoisie cosmopolitan is the one thats most sympathetic and dare even say the progenitor of leftist ideology


>The funniest part of anime is how White characters look.
A Japanese viewer sees a Japanese person when they watch anime. The reason you feel it is a white character because your default is white while a Japanese persons default is Asian. Unless the world is specifically European(Vinland Saga, Attack on Titan) most anime including Naruto(that's a favorite with the whole white anime character) are seen as Japanese characters. Drawing big eyes does not mean they are white. Look at this Pre-WWII anime and look at his eyes. They are round and not slanted.


You’re right blonde hair, big tits, blue eyes, and long slender bodies is the typical Japanese biology


Cosmopolitanism is just US nationalism masquerading as leftism because it's the assimilation of cultures into the hegemonic american culture via the mass production of media.


Yeah anime comes from cartoons. Cartoons were never meant to have a race. Stop making up nonsense.


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That seems to be the case. The initial goal of the party was to remove all porn from these stores and they succeeded in this already. The current problem now seems to be they are targeting manga for kids being sold in stores and I can not find a reason as to why.


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For kids?


Unironically I knew this Korean girl in school. She looked just like your typical Asian for lack of a better word and yes she hair squinty eyes

I looked her up recently. Dyed her hair blonde, wears blue contacts, and I have no idea how but her eyes are no longer squint. Idk if she did surgery or if Asians have some type of beauty cope to change their eyes. It’s kind of sad to see how someone will throw out their natural beauty to look White


Multiple magazines exist in Shonen Weekly and they named all of them, even the ones intended for ages 14 and below. That one obviously isn't intended for kids


Black hair, small tits, brown eyes and petite bodies are a Japanese build. No westerner can see themselves in that.


We already went over this in the uspol thread.

As a TL;DR, porn isn't an addictive substance, it's a form of escapism. People use escapism to the extent that they need relief from the real world, and because modern capitalism serves peoples emotional needs very poorly, you see a lot of people indulging in a lot of escapism. Getting rid of porn wouldn't fix the underlying problem, and the "addicts" would just find something else to get "addicted" to. All it would serve to do is punish the people that like to look at the sexy stuff to let off a bit of steam after work.

That said, in my ideal communist society, porn production would strictly be a thing people did in their spare time as a hobby. No porn "industry" like we have now.

For whatever reason, this has become the moralfag general. You got pearl-clutching faggots like >>1799205 acting like a protestant grandmas who think that anime is the spawn of satan.


Anime characters have blond hair and blue eyes for the same reason anime characters have green hair and pink eyes; it makes the design more distinct, and when you're trying to sell manga on a magazine rack, the louder the design the better.


Where did they name all of them?
Do you have link to the article mentioned in the OP screenshot?


They should be addicted to communist escapism. The proletariat needs to believe in a world free of exploitation, not a temporary illusion like porn


I do not care. Fun things are fun


Behold, the individualist “communist”. So caught up is he in personal pleasure and instant gratification, he thinks that every man is an island on to himself, and as long as it “harms nobody” everything should be permissible. Completely ignoring or deliberately discounting that humans are social beings and nothing we do exists in a vacuum, especially under socialism. That time a citizen put into making smut could have been put into labor of any kind, intellectual stimulation, or hell just raising his children, never mind the short and long term loss of productivity and mental degradation that comes with normalized masturbation. Take your liberal claptrap and fuck off


alot of words for some idiotic justification for being a middle manager of other people's lives demanding productivity in everything they do and never enjoy anything they actually like.


>Getting rid of porn wouldn't fix the underlying problem, and the "addicts" would just find something else to get "addicted" to.
Unfortunately for you I don't see the chronic masturbator as the primary potential victim here but instead the women who are increasingly degraded.
What do you say about the link between violent porn and secual assaults such as in India in recent years?


Are you being productive in your, well, anything, to justify being lazy?


i can be lazy and do whatever i like in my free time officer.


H-how dare they ban my porno mags! Damn them! Damn the revolution! If I can’t goon then what’s the point of all of thiis!!! Nippon has fallen billions must goon!


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Here are the other two mentioned in the Twitter screenshot.

I do have some issues with the targeting of seinen manga, but I don't see them targeting manga aimed at children at all. And I don't know why they are targeting these magazines, I haven't read any statements put out by them, I am ignorant of this issue. So it's possible they have some justification that would resolve the tentative issues I have from the outside looking in.


OP, have you read any of the party's statements on why they are doing this? You seem to have a strong opinion on the subject, please substantiate it by acknowledging and refuting the statements of the party.


>That time a citizen put into making smut could have been put into labor of any kind
I thought I made it pretty clear that both porn consumption and production should only be permissible as a things you do in your spare time, and spare time is spare time. You can do whatever you want with it so long as you're productive the rest of the time.

>or hell just raising his children

<implying that we shouldn't have collective child rearing

Isn't porn illegal in India? I know that at the very least there's a bunch of restrictions on it.

Anyway, that sort of behavior results from an inability to separate reality from fiction, which is itself a result of living in fiction, rather than living in real life. People only live in fiction if fiction is better than real life, so obviously the solution is to make real life good enough that people no longer need to live in fiction.

If it really is a problem though, ban violent porn specifically. It doesn't need to be all or nothing.


Real life will never be as good as fictícios life, even in socialism


>Have you noticed that adult magazines, which were supposed to have disappeared from convenience stores across the country, have recently returned? After receiving a request to appear on the Internet news program ``Politas, we conducted an emergency investigation to see if ``adult magazines were stocked in convenience stores.
JCP lobbied for adult magazine removal from stores back in 2018-2021 and successfully had them removed. Recently they have learned stores have been restocking adult magazines once again and are back to swat it down. The attached images were run through auto-translate, it's what's causing the fuss as it's clear they are gunning for more this time

JCP taking credit for its removal


This is beyond retarded. The advancement of humanity can be marked by universality of spare time. The way of life you're talking off is the way of life of the low marginal surplus society; the society of agrarians and hunter-gatherers. Moralistic claptrap, nothing more


Thank you for gathering and and doing a basic translation on these materials, these are so much better than an out of context twitter screenshot.

Please stay on topic or make a containment thread for complaining about bait if you really must take the bait.


They are doing it to stop discrimination against woman and report It to the United Nations,cool. I guess the red comunists were not so bad after all, i think they might be the good guys even!


Real life has the advantage of being real and direct, with no abstractions. A video or a 3D model of the world's sexiest woman will never compare with actual sex with a so-so looking real woman.

There's a disturbing number of leftists that are still locked in to the capitalist mindset that the only way for society to progress is by every one of us becoming a slave to the system and doing work, work, work until we die. The truth of the matter is that there's only so much productive work to be done, especially as technology does more and more of said work for us. To work any more than we need to is wasteful.


I was not even talking about sex and thoughts of It in specificy, but just completely deranged megalomaníaco thoughts that can be made, as an example. The pleasure of imagining that you are the center of everything, an omnipotent god, is extremely satisfeito. Imagine the whole world, every singles person and thing that existem ir Will exist. Of course is Just imagination, It Will never happen, but man, It is fascinating where the mind can go sometimes.


>We already went over this in the uspol thread.
we sure did
>Getting rid of porn
Again with the maximalist binary. Nobody said get rid of porn or ban masturbation, as you're well aware. People are questioning the wider societal issues that surround porn as it exists today, not how it existed in your perfectly adjusted childhood.


My childhood wasn't that long ago. I'm only in my mid-20s. And my childhood wasn't "perfectly adjusted", I just grew up in a place with good decently-good urban planning.


>not addressing the point again
>it didn't affect me again
whatever, anon. I'm finished with this. It seems like you've had the necessary breakthrough
>If it really is a problem though, ban violent porn specifically. It doesn't need to be all or nothing.


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Yes, I agree. Having pornography in convenience stores is indecent and the party has done nothing wrong, Japan should enforce this concession that they have won.
Appealing to an international authority when your government will not enforce the law is one way to apply collective, internationalist pressure against criminal elements of the capitalist class.


I genuinely don't understand how people can have a "THE BODY MUST BE PURE" But also refuse to pick up a fucking barbell
B-but I"m fit
Yeah and so was stonetoss' schtick until he got doxxed.


porn should be banned and masturbation and anal sex made illegal


OP, do you have any examples of the things that the party has done to "piss everyone off"?


retvrn to intercrucial sex eh


They went full idpol and rejected class based material analysis.


yeah its doodoo, any serious communist party in the modern era needs to align itself with china


>choosing a bourgeois state over another
very communist


In what way?


my communism would beat your communism in a fight


Maybe I'm not addressing the point because you haven't been particularly clear on what it is. Up until >>1799353 I was working under the assumption that you wanted porn banned outright and had no reason to believe otherwise. You might think that's an unfair assumption to make, but we're sharing a thread with jokers like >>1799406.

It seems like you have actually nuanced thoughts on the subject, as opposed to the christcuck sex is bad pleasure is bad every sperm is sacred attitude, and I'd honestly like to hear more of what you have to say on the subject.


>Christian Socialism
Oh that explains the anti-porn hysteria.


Do you genuinely think that you were justified in assuming they were a caricature because you were mad about bait?

Banning porn from being sold in convenience stores is hardly "hysteria". I would question why you think you have a right to call anyone who doesn't submit to your exhibitionist abuse "hysterical".


Reiwa Shinsengumi is replacing the JCP at this rate as the opposition. Members of the JCP are joining Reiwa because they actually fight back against Sinophobia and doesn't demonize the DPRK.


You heard Christian and instinctively got triggered and had to blame everything on that. anti-porn "hysteria" doesnt just come from Christian background. Vietnam and China has anti-porn laws and that doesn't come from a Christian background as well as the DPRK. The JCP is proposing the same laws as in those countries.


They are not trying to create anti porn laws, they are trying to make create consumer protections that would ban the sale of pornography in convenience stores. It's about public indecency, it is not a ban on expression.


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why is this even an issue worth going at? In order to look more morally pure for the oldfolks to stop voting for the right there or some shit?
Literal waste of time i imagine the endless amount of cuckoldery, the long hours and low wages and the declining birth rates would be something more worth going at


Please point out to me when the JCP endorsed long hours and low wages.


I just assumed that he was anti-porn. Looking back through the thread, I think I mixed his posts up with those made by others, which is most certainly a result of me phoneposting. I don't think my assumption was unreasonable, but it was made in error.

I'm honestly not a big fan of the way China and Vietnam approach porn law. It's too strict for my tastes. It's smarter to restrict it rather than outright banning it.


unlike the old shitlib carnard, there are things that you have to PRIORITIZE. Getting ESG approved hoes into mainstream vidya game sloppa is not worth the time and effort it does to make that shit happen in comparison to actually say advocating for unionization or some shit.
I agree that hoes should not just be rendered as sex objects, but there are SHIT to PRIORITIZE you can HAVE PRIORITIES AND FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON SHIT THAT MATTERS


What is ESG, and why are you talking about video games?

What does "advocating for unionization" consist of, and how does it help unionization happen?


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the JCP of today is atheist and pretty progressive and not that of the old new left. It's the only party I know that has trans lawmakers, the other left parties are full of old TERFs
no they quite literally want to ban all porn. xbz did a piece on it awhile ago, the porn industry is one of the japanese communists partys biggest rivals. Image shows their party pledge policy on porn to introduce porn bans


Don't know where to put it but Happy belated Birthday to Japan's greatest prime minister. He just turned 100 and actually gave an apology for crimes committed by the Japanese Empire.


I recall a thread here about leftism and sex work and they have always batted heads. It's still awful optics as erotic content overlaps big with manga. It's why you get mangaka such as this. https://leftypol.org/anime/res/23154.html


This is what happens when you give credence to the anti-porn types. It's not just going to stop there when you start moral policing what people do in private.


>Fuck sexual exploitation
Same people that chimp out over cartoons want to legitimize the exploitation of women as work.



Cartoons that are based on tracing CP. The majority of loliporn is the product of tracing.

Please educate yourself. It's not 'just cartoons'. 'Free speech' is liberalism.


Anon do you genuinely believe this or are you just being a faggot


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>Cartoons that are based on tracing CP. The majority of loliporn is the product of tracing.


No, he missed that a lot of it is "drawn" by touhou fans who mistakenly believe their genuinely disturbing looking fanart that scarcely resembles human beings is beguiling and cute.


1.shit thread
2.seething lolifag
3.shit bait
4.irrelevant time provoking question

merge into some anime thread or delete


>implying anyone cares about thread quality
just do it or shut up


called it lol. /thread


cartoons of what, exactly? what are these cartoons depicting?
seems kind of suspect that if i proposed a ban on cartoons spreading anti-revolutionary ideology no one would bat an eye, but as soon as someone starts talking about banning this crap depicting child abuse everyone turns into a libertarian screaming “muh freeze peach cartoons bro, this is just like spongebob or batman comics!!!!”
makes you think


I am sorry but your ignorance on the matter is shocking. Do you people actually now how art works and its inherently derivative nature?

How can you be unaware of the fact that like with anything CP has material that is more popular than other and that someone who consumes a lot of CP is able to point out the base material in derivative art work. You people unironically believe works of loliporn just spring about in an artists mind from nothing? How dumb do you have to be to actually believe that?


Fascist content is more brain rotting than a bit of innocent lolishota fun


What do you think furry porn is traced from then? Or monsters? Tentacles? Artists can't just come up with stuff?


lmao this uygha can't imagine an apple in his mind


This is gonna blow your mind but most furries are just regular humanoid characters drawn with a random color and a few lines to suggest fur.
We have all seen what it looks like when you try to draw your animesque girls without an aid. It looks like touhou fanart. Touhou fanart looks like it was drawn, to put it bluntly, by retarded people who have been patiently taught to make art. And are really trying, but…


>Or monsters? Tentacles?

Yes you fucking idiot. Of course an artist using a tentacle monster is using fotographs of actual tentacles to get their anatomy right. How fucking ignorant are you? Do you realize that implying that tracing material based on animals are of the same moral value as cp makes you sound like a vowshite cp apologist because this is exactly the same argument?


there’s no innocence in being a pedophile, regardless if it’s drawn or “real”
it’s not a good thing to just allow people to fetishize murder or shit like that either, these people need treatment and not encouragement


agreed but also respecting their privacy and autonomy like anyone else and not ostracizing or making their lives shiet for having problematic and potentially unhealthy sexual urges. also I think pedo interaction is influences in large part by societal and social factors etc not just like some inherent thing yes or no


nate you took a wrong turn at 4chin. gangstalking wignats is the door on the left


this party used to firebomb government buildings


right, so let’s ban the child abuse comics?
that’s not ostracizing anyone


Anything that involves child abuse is already banned.


I would say treat it like methadone or some shit and completely decriminalize possession and make sharing or drawing it like a therapeutic intervention or somth


forgot to sage oh fuck oh no oh god oh


Oh no oh no oh no


>western left if wrecked by idpol
Ziggas then:
>you dont want to ban porn? So you support pedophiles?


Pornsick westoids be like:
>Noo, if they are banning drawn CP then they are coming for my hecking furry and mostergirl porn next!!! Solidarity with people who are directly profiting of the sexual exploitation of children!! Btw, I love Vowsh!!!


So true comrade! Any restrictions against things that are objectively harmful is Tankie authoritarian zigger idpol! While we’re at it why don’t we campaign for the legalization of radium water?


Did you know that Tankies invented bed times as a form of oppressing libertarians? It's true, they did that in the Soviet Union, look it up!


that's like saying anything involving labor exploitation is already banned because labor laws exist, you're fucking retarded
i'm obviously talking about including the drawn stuff into the other behaviors that surround this shit and getting these people into treatment


What are you even talking about? Labor exploitation involves real people, not fictional characters.


So they’re like Japanese PatSocs


right, so i'm telling you that i want to ban comics books depicting labor exploitation as a good thing because it has an effect in the real world even though it is "just" drawn labor exploitation
the people who read them are real and their thoughts are influenced by what they consume


You shouldn't want to ban any kind of fiction. Living in an authoritarian hellhole that polices fiction would have a much worse influence on people.


>muh authoritarianism!!!


>communism is when you have a dictator and slave society


>not being allowed to fap to pedo comics is le slavery


Thats just irrelevant idpol.


The exploitation of children in form of traced CP is not idpol. That's like saying the exploitation of women is idpol.


If pornsick westoid leftists defended their pedoshit and hedonist spoils of imperialism as strongly as the socialist revolution then would already be living in a communist society. Damn


>talking about if anime is CP or not with a dictatorship enjoyer
I would say this counts as idpol.


Big overlap between them. Know a few big artists for it that are obsessed with anti-kurd stuff+terfs


All states in history have and will have “dictators” and “slavery”. We communists are interested with phasing out slavery amongst men, but men must be slaves to their group. If not, they will surely be enslaved by another. You however are hopelessly enslaved to dopamine, a most pathetic type of slavery that is both harmful to society and a conscious choice


>muh westoids
you think there isnt a backlash in the very country this is happening retard?


>see? It’s not just westerners, the island of porn addicted and extremely aggressive degenerates who embraced western culture the first chance they got also like porn!


everything i dont like is western culture


The more accurate term is “Atlanticism” but people have autistic shitfits over any word associated with “muh nazbols” so I saved the trouble


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>unironic rants against "degeneracy"


>We communists are interested with phasing out slavery amongst men, but men must be slaves to their group.
Absolute state.


wtf LMAO


>objectively harmful
provide studies then if its so objective lol


>Unironically making Hitler and Nazi comparisons to desperately defend your addiction to traced CP

Yes, making products directly derived from child exploitation is the same making funky art. You are certainly being persecuted as much as the jews during WW2. How fucking shameless can you people get? Do you not even realize how this is straight up a for of Nazi trivializing?


>someone who consumes a lot of CP is able to point out the base material in derivative art work
>Cartoons that are based on tracing CP
How would you know? Are you one of those base material consumers?

Personally I don't give a shit if JCP bans hentai. They must have bigger structural issues behind their decline than wanting to ban otaku's sick fetish cartoons from public sale. If you're against that it says a lot about you personally, and I doubt it's all that unpopular an opinion in Japan except among pedo libs (feel free to post a source if it's not). Does anyone ITT actually have a rundown of their history? All I know about socialism in Japan was that guy from Les Rallizes Denudes who hijacked a plane and lived in exile in North Korea.


Had to check if I accidentally stumbled into /pol/, for a second

Nothing exposes the hardasses more than them discussing victimless "crimes"


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as they should. appealing to otakus is a dead end and not worth the betrayal of not even their convictions, but common sense and decency


Spoken like a true liberal idealist. No crimes are “victimless” because human bye ist in society with other human beings, as such their behavior will either directly or indirectly affect others in their group and consequently the society they live in. This is why socialist nations punish criminals much harsher than capitalist ones, because we understand that all must be considered rather than the “rights” of the individual


Blah blah blah. You're not living in a communist utopia yet. Caring about this shit now only helps the prison industrial complex. Until then, let people cope how they see fit if it's not hurting anyone


>This is why socialist nations punish criminals much harsher than capitalist ones


Like the PCP lol


>common sense and decency


>liberal idealist
when you know what words mean


>directly derived from child exploitation
source: your ass
youre absolutely hysterical




Any """""Marxist"""""" who is obsessed with anything regarding pornography is a /pol/fugee you can see it when they use /pol/ slang in their poorly contructed idealist arguements. Reminder that the anti-porn movement is born from insecure whitoid right wingers who believe that you gain magic power from not masturbating. Individualism is cancer someone not consuming porn isn't going to improve society, concern yourself with things that actually matter if you want to be anything other that a pseudo-marxist moral policeman spending your time arguing about porn consumption on the internet.


Again, the Communist party of Japan was denouncing the misogyny and disrespectul media towards woman that exists in Japan, they colected enough data to submit a request to the United Nations for the ending of discrimination against woman.


This has nothing to do with they wanting to ban porn or something, or being moralists



Porn rules tbh. Marx bless every sick fuck out there filming, drawing, and writing it, amen.


Engels was totally drawing lewd pictures in the margins of his notes to Marx 😈


To answer your question since you replied to me. The banning of child molestion eroticization. Which I am in favor of banning because while it doesnt exploit anyone it is an obscenity that should be penalized (along with perverts out in the public exposing themselves at parks or gay pride parades). I am also in favor of keeping sex ""work""" banned because it is also exploitative of women (and underage girls)


>(or gay pride parades)
Not obscene


>public sex
>not obscene


what does this have to do with the comics depicting child rape though? can’t you just read the ones that don’t have the drawn child rape?


There's actual fucking in public in Gay prides?


There's usually a family friendly section and a kink section that's segregated from the former


Why should I? Can't you mind your own business?


>Can't you mind your own business?

1) Anyone posting child pornography, child modelling or who attempts to challenge this rule (e.g. 'this is technically legal') will be permanently banned. Their information will be forwarded to relevant legal authorities.


We're talking about lolishota, not the same thing as posting CP


>why can’t i spread and consume anti-communist propaganda? can’t you mind your own business?
>t. libshit shortly before being shot by the nkvd, circa 1934


Yep, “officially” it’s separated from the kids but there’s generally a writhing orgy going on right behind them. An ex-gay comrade of mine told me that this is on purpose, the children hit by semen are considered “blessed”


>An ex-gay comrade of mine told me

Ok, but can you back it up with a source?


>An ex-gay comrade of mine told me that this is on purpose, the children hit by semen are considered “blessed”
Definitely real, hello /pol/


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Shit thread but fresh OC


Whatever evidence I give you you’ll deny anyways. But look at all the anime porn defenders and what goes on there, is that really so far fetched when we have “communists” defending it in this very thread?


I just think we going off topic, the post of 1799335 anon translated what the communist party of Japan is doing. I think we are doing storm in a glass of water



we have "communists" pretending that a former gay comrade of his participated in gay orgies with children during gay prides, so anything goes.


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He never participated personally, if he had I would never associate with him in the first place. The reason he knows this is because one of his “community leaders” got drunk and bragged about it. But once you get into the higher rankings of the LGBT movement where membership overlaps with NAMBLA agents and Bohemian Grove foot soldiers that kind of shit is almost mundane by comparison. The iceberg of rituals in the name of bourgeois culture is a deep one, it’s not my fault if you’re too afraid to dive beneath the water


Finally some real comedy


>the higher rankings of the LGBT movement
The ones that control fashion and netflix shows?


Let me let you in on a little secret, we actually control the U.S. Navy


Just one more proud tradition we inherited from the UK


The pornography and the JCP both are quite bad.


Once again a perfect example of Anglosphere (Most likely White) Feminists; exposing their reactionary and cultural imperalist tendencies.


Look i think this is a conversation worth having but it is very telling of imageboard users that a porn discussion thred has more replies than irl happenings


You're right, Mr.FBI-man! We should definitely adopt the politics that are most alienating and deeply off-putting to everyone that won't be dead 20 years from now over some moralistic arbitrary bullshit! Then we'll really win!


> Muh death spiral
Get over it. Japan would be better off if people weren't all addicted to porn. Yes, there are underlying material conditions leading to it, but still, we can't ignore the porn-addicted superstructure either.

>they're eurocommunist fucks
What the fuck are you even talking about? The JCP is older than any single "Eurocommunist" party. It comes from the Kautky-era SPD (even before the October Revolution occurred).


eurocommunist doesn't mean literally european and the JCP has changed a lot over the years. the JCP of the 1920's is very different from the JCP of the 1990's


I know what Eurocommunist means, but calling the JCP that is a very unfair use of the term. They are neo-Kautskyists, which isn't a bad thing for a developed nation like Japan. They are a good force in Japan and actually an example for many communists in Western nations to look up to if they did some research. The OP crying about some random porn debate rather than issues that matters is ridiculous as well.


The party bleeding 10k+ members every year, it's red flag subscribers free falling and majority of its voters 60+ from the student movement days is it's real death spiral. Stuff like OP does add up, this is the party that just lobbied to ban swimsuit competitions in Saitama and succeeded. Also the magazines they mention are not adult rated at all, so not sure why people are talking about porn


>The party bleeding 10k+ members every year
Okay, but how much are the other parties losing membership? To lose newspaper subscriptions in 2024 isn't particularly special either.


I don't see the issue with this. Wasn't there a scene in Death Note where Light is in a corner store flipping through adult magazines? Right out in the open. How easy would it be for kids to do that? In fact, I think I even saw a Japanese live action movie where boys were doing this. That's obviously inappropriate.


Based anti-coomer action, but a communist party should be more than public decency patrol. You almost never hear about these guys on an international level for a reason.


>Revenue of political parties: JCP (about 24.62 billion yen), LDP (about 19.73 billion yen, of which gov't subsidy accounts for 70.9%), DPJ (about 16.3 billion yen, 83.8%), Komei (about 13.51 billion yen, 19.4%), SDP (about 1.78 billion yen, 50%), PNP (about 1.2 billion yen, 34.9%), and Your (about 253 million yen, 44.9%).
>Business activities in relation to the publication of Akahata and other journals and magazines accounted for 87 percent of the JCP income and 63.8 percent of its total expenditures.
newspaper and membership subscriptions fuels the JCP. Last I checked other parties aren't consistently bleeding like the JCP, they are down 150k+ members in a decade and that's not having updated news for 4 years so it's probably worse.


My understanding is despite the little burst in interest for eco-marxism and Saito's book (quality aside), the party just doesn't appeal much to young people? That, or the LDP death grip on Japanese politics is still as strong as ever.

The other parties also refuse to work with the communists despite it kneecapping their oppositional strength. I think Reiwa is the only party who does?


I just remembered and I'm too lazy to check, but wasn't there a scandal this past year involving Kazuo Shii and some corrupt dealings with the internal elections in the party?

Has anything ever come of that?


>the party just doesn't appeal much to young people?
Trying to ban non-adult mainstream manga isn't exactly great youth outreach. Their boomer-centric approach will be the death of them


A friendly tangentially related reminder that Engels was doing hentai before hentai was even a thing. Someone post the drawing. It even looks anime.


The vast majority of anons here are more like leninists who was actually a bit of a moralfag


Yeah Reiwa Shinsengumi is the only one and is replacing the JCP politically. It is the party gaining more young people than the JCP at this point and will be a force in the coming decade alongside Ishin.


Im interested in seeing this


Kohei Saito is salty about the JCP because they are taking advantage of the success of his book, which sparked an renewed interest in Marx, to try to draw in new members, yet the JCP completely ignores him and disagrees with the ecological aspect of his thought, to instead retreat into blind productivism, nostalgic platitudes about growth for the sake of growth, as if the situation of Japan today was the same as the USSR in the 1930s.

When I hear stuff like this, or look at left parties in Europe, I feel like the left doesn't want to actually gain power. I don't understand what is the appeal of self-sabotaging like this, but here we go.


Has Saito posted or said something about the JCP? I don't know where to look, lol



Controlled opposition


I've never heard a even a semi-convincing argument against allowing adults to look at porn in my life. If such an argument exists, I'd earnestly love the hear it, because seeing people get so passionate about the subject based, at least from my vantage point, moralfaggotry, a misunderstanding of science, or some combination of the two is incredibly frustrating.

>Wordcel refuses to believe that people can picture things in their heads and then draw them
Speaking as an artist, you vastly overestimate how much visual aid a good artist needs to draw a thing. Don't get me wrong; we use reference, but it's usually stuff like model sheets, anatomy charts, etc.

>directly profiting of the sexual exploitation of children
I don't think you know what that word means.



reiwa is cool and all until you learn they are pro-putin and anti-vax. I'll endure the communist party over them even with their prudish tendencies. If we're talking porn, reiwa supports all porn bans
>The Communist Party and Rei have given harsh opinions, including a ban on sexual intercourse, and have responded that the matter will be subject to further consideration.


It's his wife IIRC


>>1803743 (me)
It seems he also invented smug anime girls in the same move.


gem. mary burns wasn't his wife btw. i mean for all practical purposes, she was, they were life long partners, but they never got married.


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perhaps marx and engels' most groundbreaking contribution


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>Pic of woman with her tits out?
<oh wow this reminds me of my images of smugly drawn little girls for some reason
Not beating the pedo allegations.


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Someone should replace the message with "When you post smug anime girls, you upload communism."

If you looked at the face above the tits you would know why the drawing evoke smug you coomer in denial.


>pedophilia is when girls even in non-sexual situations
so glad i dont have this level of sheer neurosis


>pedo pedo everyone is a pedo
you do know that "girl" doesn't exclusively mean a child right


Hmm you seem a bit angry man. Have you had your coffee today? I know how don't talk to me before you've had my coffee you are sometimes. Are you hungry? Hangry even? It's unwise to post on an empty stomach? Here, have a snickers bar they're hecking delectable just like that funny cookie character from the advertisements. What do you not watch tv? Do you think you're better than me? Say that in real life punk. I can beat you down and knock you down and knock you out. Try it. You'll see. You've made an unwise decision today, friend. Look behind your back, friend. You don't know me better than I know you.


>Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth
ironically manga/anime was very crypto-commie back in the 70s and 80s in Japanese society I heard


they dont call it the liberal arts for no reason



This guy probably has suffered from stranger danger brainworms which is unfortunately common with people born after 1974.


It's funny. I was thinking about how much more 'adult' the world used to be. If you look at day-to-day life in the 1970s and earlier, there was this grit to everything that's really hard to describe but is totally missing now. There was this sense that it was an adult's world, and kids just kinda happened to live in it.

I think, in our attempts to childproof the world, we've created an environment where people stay children way longer than they should.


Thanks, it's a nice interview overall


>porn porky

why are western "leftists" like this?


The JCP is correct to oppose porn but remainder times is also reactionary, dogmatic and imperialist.


Stop samefagging you sperg.


I >>1803696 am still waiting on a convincing argument against porn that isn't based in subjective moralism. The closest thing I've seen is the muh addiction argument, which I don't find particularly convincing.


Partys policy here >>1799831 seems a solid enough argument against porn. Only issue with banning porn is the enforcement methods always overstep itself


Someone scan this guy's harddrive real quick


>they are pro-putin and anti-vax.
>(“We don’t want to make the blanket statement that it was Russia’s outburst that created the current catastrophe.Make a sincere diplomatic effort to end this war, focusing on the fact that the U.S. and major European countries have reneged on their promises made at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union not to expand NATO eastward.”)
Literally where are they pro-putin? Just because they said that NATO pushed into Eastern Europe to pressure Russia. They have the same position as Lula. Is Lula Pro-Putin to you too? They are also one of the only parties pushing back against sinophobia and the ridiculous uigher genocide rhetoric. Even the JCP voted for that bullshit resolution. Do you see why the JCP can disillusioned young leftists coming up and this has been an issue since the student movements. Guess which party they are heading towards Reiwa.


They make a decent argument, but I'm not fully convinced. What about stuff like hentai? There's no humans involved in that besides the guy drawing it.

Go ahead. The most hardcore thing you're going to find is non-sexual nude photos I've downloaded and non-sexual nude art I've drawn. None of it is pornographic, unless you're one of those deranged maniacs that thinks anything with a dick in it is porn.

I honestly don't really look at porn all that much anymore. I'm at the age where I'm past the point of feeling horny 24/7. And when I am horny, my own imagination is way more powerful than some corny video of two kind of ugly people pretending to fuck.


noones heading to reiwa, it polls around 1% and reiwa has actively denounced the government for cutting off russias gas and finding alternatives and that's just touching the surface.


>What about stuff like hentai? There's no humans involved in that besides the guy drawing it.
Do ou truelyy believe consuming misogynistic media to self gratify to is not going to colour a person in any way?


Reiwa is not polling at 1%. Reiwa is polling 2%-5% at around the same as the JCP.Thats within the margins of error and should be noted that Reiwa is a new party versus the established JCP who has been losing seats while Reiwa has been gaining seats.


I feel like it should go without saying, but sexual imagery is not inherently misogynistic.

Beyond that, if someone is so affected by the media that they consume that they start mistreating women, it's a sign of a deeper problem that banning hentai won't solve. Mentally well adults can distinguish between reality and fantasy.


You're being disingenuous.
Why even bother?


I'm not trying to be. Any ignorance on my behalf is earnest. If I'm wrong I'd like to know that I'm wrong.


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It has gained 2 safe lower JCP seats that were given up to them due to the joint opposition. Jiji polls are what people look to and currently
>Party support rate Independent 64.8 () Liberal Democratic Party 17.7 () Constitutional Democratic Party 4.7 () Meiji Restoration 3.6 () Komei 2.8 () Reiwa 1.6 () Communist Party 1.6 () Citizen 1.0 () Socialist Party 0.3 () Suffrage 0.3 () Education 0.0 ()
Also attached image shows a big Governor election just a few hours ago, 22.5% of Reiwa supporters voted for LDP and they won. 2nd image shows 40%! of Reiwa supporters voting LDP during the recent Iwate governor election and this is incredibly common with Reiwa voters. Big chunks of Reiwa don't even want leftists


Well you have to know that not only people with 'Deep mental problems' learn behaviour and thinking from media. If they didn't propaganda wouldn't exist as a concept let alone the all encompassing thing it is, right?
You say that "sexual imagery is not inherently misogynistic." But you have to know thst the vast majority of porn hoth hentai and real people is, that it is extremely unlikely to browse this kind of content and somehow only consume this non misogynist subset. there is also no reason such an profitable industry has to say 'no actually overt misogyny Is a step to far." And that's very clear by looking at any mainstream porn website.


>You say that "sexual imagery is not inherently misogynistic." But you have to know thst the vast majority of porn hoth hentai and real people is
The problem still isn't porn itself though; it's misogyny at large. Logically, the solution would be to ban misogynistic media in general, which would include misogynistic porn.


it is crazy that the LDP gets in a corruption scandal a few times a year every year and still somehow is the only option for most people


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>Report to the UN


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The Reiwa SSG sounds good and based, frankly.

>anti-taxation increases, pro-wage increases
>supports anti-discrimination, equity for disabled; and friendly relationships with China and Russia
>for pro-child benefits and anti-pornography
>anti-military base

The positions on nuclear power plants and the position on immigration could be improved, but that could be particularly sensitive in Japan, and the immigration issue still can be corrected. And perhaps they are still somewhat afflicted from liberalism. Left populism is the answer.


All non-mainstream political ideologies are coomer NEETs; even the hardcore tradcaths secretly post porn and thigh pics in their little secret chat servers.



why don't they work together, seem to have more similarities than differences ?


Probably the CIA.


Holy shit this entire thread is headache inducing.
Do people really think this entire discussion is helpful on any level? That actual workers would look and this and go "hm yes makes sense we should focus on this"? Absolutely deranged. """ex"""-/pol/lacks larping as leftists more likely than not.


“Actual workers” aren’t going to base their perception of communists on an imageboard lmao


Fwiw, Reiwa’s leader had a heated gamer moment in the Diet and is relatively unscathed due to a JCP’s veto.


I can't find what xbz even is. Link?
As far as I can tell from actual news reports the JCP doesn't even prepose banning loli/shota.
Seems to only want to ban real life porn, but it's very cut off.
Apparently their position is loli/shota-no legal restrictions (but maybe should be socially discouraged); videos of actual people-banned since it effectively includes prostitution.


>normal people don’t like pedophilia
>your country has a pedo problem
>propose a sensible plan to fix the issue
>get votes
seems pretty fool-proof to me
will it work in japan? probably not, that place is an outpost of western imperialism full to the brim with porn addicted pedophiles who will not let go of their naked child magazines, but the communist party is still right to try and push them in the right direction


>your country has a pedo problem

someone post the meme comparing USA and Japan pedophilia


>muh america
im brazilian, both america and japan (america’s colony) have a pedo problem


>normal people don’t like loli/shota
Honestly when it comes to Japan I doubt that heavily. You don't have the majority of anime having loli/shota aspects if people virulently hated the stuff.


and you think brazil doesn't?


wanting/liking having young characters in a tv show is not the same as wanting pornography of said characters
i don’t know why the fuck anyone would even think about those two being connected unless you were in the latter group


every country does, the big issue with japan specifically is that they have an entire industry based on exporting these child pornography magazines to the rest of the world


they're not actual child porn though, don't be such a moralist


there’s no appeal to morality in any of my posts you braindead pornsick retard
believe it or not but this type of shit is actually harmful to society, can you try and work in your little head the reason why anti-revolutionary propaganda needs to be banned even when the acts depicted in them aren’t “real”?


you seriously think all loli/shota/etc is 'propaganda'? I guess we also should ban all games/movies/etc with murder in them too


I'm not talking about the mere presence of a child. Most anime has child sexualization which is so obvious the only people who ever deny it are either disengenious loli/shota fans or people who hate loli/shota but still want to watch their favorite anime even though it obviously has soft-core shit in it.


>Most anime has child sexualization

lol bullshit. sure a decent amount does but definitely not 'most'


>I guess we also should ban all games/movies/etc with murder in them too
yes, games and movies need to be regulated too, stuff that glorifies harmful behavior should be culled
to give a better picture i’d like to mention one example of where these depictions of children might be adequate: in a book that tells someone’s story and it shows their experience abuse
note how that example can exist in a world where japanese child pornography maganizes that contain fantasies of children liking rape and adults behaving in this way are banned


alright well we clearly have totally incompatible views then. I think society needs to be able to discuss fantasy, taboo, and so on. the most repressive societies are generally the ones where the most fucked up stuff is commonplace


so people should be able to disseminate anti-revolutionary material disguised as “fantasies” and “kinks” too? i’m trying to get healthcare and better work conditions, not placate porn addicts like you


Literally all high school shows will have it, as well as a decent amount of other shows.
I haven't seen enough anime to be 100% sure, but FMA has, it HxH has it, it's basically the whole plot of FLCL and evangelion, almost every miyazaki film has it, ki mi no nawa has it… I'm literally not sure if I can think of a single anime with a major child character where there isn't a sexualized child.


Actual workers tend to not be self-abusing coomers with a desperate need for dopamine release and in fact in the Periphery are very much against bourgeois imposed values so yes this actually is important if you’re not a privileged firstie


>Actual workers tend to not be self-abusing coomers

probably like 80% of workers enjoy porn, fucking weirdo


Buddy the Japanese are literally descended from Sino-Koreans who fled to an island rather than give up their fetishes, you think that has no effect on their people today?


Leave your urban American bubble, they really don’t. It’s you who feels the need to project your issues onto everyone else as if everyone is just as screwed up as you are


bro it's one of the world's largest industries


All that proves is that the financial bourgeoisie have invested a lot of time and energy not to mention arbitrary capital into propagandizing and normalizing their decadences, that says nothing as to its actual popularity. Star Wars is more hated than ever but allegedly all their slop rakes in millions of magically generated dollars even while viewership plummets


You know, people who tend to try to control people's fantasies tend to be the ones the most guilty of engaging in the behaviour they decry. Remember all of those priests who were rahing homophobes that decried gay people turning out to be closeted self-hating gays? Or all of those people decrying LGBT people as "groomers" turing out to be groomers themselves?

I believe that sexuality should be explored. So long as no actual people or children are harmed. If they do harm actual people or children, they deserve prison.


>As far as I can tell from actual news reports the JCP doesn't even prepose banning loli/shota.
i don't think I even brought up lolishit? but no, they support pressuring its removal. JCP supporter Kazuko Ito lobbying is the reason for Australia cracking down on lolishit magazines. If they are going after AV, lolishit wont be spared
>Seems to only want to ban real life porn, but it's very cut off.
direct link is here https://www.jcp.or.jp/web_policy/2021/10/2021s-bunya-007.html
>Akiko Kurabayashi, a member of the House of Councilors in charge of the Japan Communist Party's Gender Equality Committee, said on the 25th, ``The Japanese Communist Party is strongly advocating for more drastic prevention of AV damage, such as including a clause prohibiting actual sexual intercourse, I supported the bill in order to try to relieve the damage caused by AV. (Omitted) Actual sexual intercourse for a price violates the dignity of an individual, and such AV filming should be prohibited. There is an urgent need to develop legislation that directly regulates AV that involves sexual intercourse.''


I'm not able to find that many studies on porn by class, but according to this increased porn consumption is correlated with lower incomes, which is the exact opposite of your claim.


Yes, the only possible reason anybody would have a problem with pedophilia is because they’re pedophiles themselves! Why not? Everyone’s a sick freak and that’s great! Fuck some animals, sacrifice human hearts! If it feels good do it and anybody that could possibly have a problem with it is an Evil Redfash Tankie Authoritarian who hates fun yet paradoxically is also just as depraved as you! Fuck having a functioning society! Fuck stability! Fuck life itself and let’s just jerk off!!!


Is it poke the schizo day on /isg/ again?


>American study
I said workers anon, w o r k e r s. As in someone who exchanges their labor for sustenance. Not trailer trash meth heads and inner city liberals who work some counter “job”. Please try again with statistics that matter okay?


I have heard these arguments so many times before from conservatives when they talked about gay people during the George W. Bush years. You don't actually care about saving children. If you really cared, you'd actually be trying to stop pedo preists and conservative groomers. Not arguing on some obscure albanian leftist basket-wheaving forum.


>i don't think I even brought up lolishit?
You said they wanted to ban all porn, I used lolishit as a counter-example.
>JCP supporter Kazuko Ito
A supporter doing something isn't the same as that thing being on the party platform and that shouldn't be conflated. There are certainly people within the JCP who want it banned, but they either don't have a majority or are waiting for later.
>support pressuring its removal.
There's a huge difference between differring positions which "pressure for its removal". Currently they don't advocate for state censorship at least, so "pressure for removal" means asking people nicely to stop? Or what?
>If they are going after AV, lolishit wont be spared
OK, I'll wait until they actually try banning lolishit before I say they're trying to ban lolishit. I don't see the need to attack them for whatever beliefs they may have that they aren't acting on.


One I’m not a Catholic so that’s completely irrelevant to myself and the rest of the periphery
Two it’s not like giving them a plausible outlet by normalizing homosexuality in the west has caused abuse to go down either
Three again we’re talking about the world, not just the United Sodomites of Amerikkka, do keep up


what country do you live in


I doubt it was the homosexuality but child abuse has been sharply going down since the 90s, so actually there is a correlation.


I'm willing to bet he's a /pol/tard american pretending to be from a third-world country.


Purely geographically I’m technically an “American” whatever that even means any more. But my cultural and spiritual values have always been aligned with Russia so for all intents and purposes no I’m not an “American”
Right, they just call it a fancy new name. Exploring gender identity or something


>Purely geographically I’m technically an “American” whatever that even means any more. But my cultural and spiritual values have always been aligned with Russia so for all intents and purposes no I’m not an “American”


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>Purely geographically I’m technically an “American” whatever that even means any more. But my cultural and spiritual values have always been aligned with Russia so for all intents and purposes no I’m not an “American”

anon, I…


Yep, a retarded American duginite-Wannabe /pol/tard. Just as I suspected.


Has it actually gone down or are they counting spanking count as child abuse because that started going down in the 1990s particularly in white communities


I dunno, I just looked up "american sexual abuse over time" on google images and every chart had it decreasing from the 90s. I haven't bothered to look at the studies or methodology. By all means feel free to.


All those buzzwords and yet not an argument among them. Curious! It appears the Americans believe everyone who lives among them is one of them. Latent ethnonationalism? Or just stupidity?


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>A supporter doing something isn't the same as that thing being on the party platform and that shouldn't be conflated. There are certainly people within the JCP who want it banned, but they either don't have a majority or are waiting for later.
she is a JCP member, NWA member(What OP is complaining about) and founder of UN Human Rights now! the group that lobbied Australian lawmakers and all deeply linked with the JCP.
>There's a huge difference between differring positions which "pressure for its removal". Currently they don't advocate for state censorship at least, so "pressure for removal" means asking people nicely to stop? Or what?
no it means lobbying the United Nations to pressure Japan to enact legislation? it's pretty clear how they operate and it feels nasty coming off defending it. The attached image is directly from their policy page where they mention United Nations special rapporteur Maud De Boer-Buquicchio report on banning lolishit


>NWA member
I don't know what this is
>The attached image is directly from their policy page
OK, my apologies. I thought the evidence was that OP's stuff was just a rumor.


>thread about SÉXO and porno gets 300+ replies




>Purely geographically I’m technically an “American” whatever that even means any more. But my cultural and spiritual values have always been aligned with Russia so for all intents and purposes no I’m not an “American”

i'll bet my entire lifesavings on you being irish, polish or even english.


>Purely geographically I’m technically an “American” whatever that even means any more. But my cultural and spiritual values have always been aligned with Russia so for all intents and purposes no I’m not an “American”


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Deserve it.


Such fucking losers. Why are there no good communist parties anywhere.


Alright maybe that's an overreaction but it really sucks that the only communist parties in the world that are actually successful-ish in elections are all conservative and traditional. Except maybe Cuba but that doesn't really count because there's no party elections.


>Except maybe Cuba but that doesn't really count because there's no party elections.

Chapter I. Fundamental Principles of the Nation
Article 1
Cuba is a democratic, independent and sovereign socialist State of law and social justice, organized by all and for the good of all, as an indivisible and unitary republic, founded by the labor, dignity, humanism, and ethic of its citizens for the enjoyment of liberty, equity, justice, and equality, solidarity, and individual and collective well-being and prosperity.


Article 3
In the Republic of Cuba, sovereignty resides nontransferably with the people, from which all of the State's power emanates. The people exercise this power directly and via Assemblies of People's Power and other organs of the State that are derived from them, in the form and according to the norms established by the Constitution and the laws.


Didn't say Cuba was bad but as far as I'm aware they have a one party system


As it literally should be.
The fuck you want, government mandated estrogen injections for overly entitled bougie white males? For upper middle class white dudes with no jaw and weak chins to pressure lesbians to fuck them until lesbian bars begin closing down and operating like speakeasies?

Newsflash, literally NO ONE supports this shit, and if you're not a complete fucking fool you'd already have asked yourself where it's really been coming from. This stupid gender shit was literally a coordinated strategy, it filtered through all the ed institutions and it was designed specifically to poison and destroy the proletariet. Jazz Jennings was a premeditated inside job just like 9/11 and Trump. They're literally all coordinated from the top.

And I am saying yet again, let us ourselves coordinate until we reach out to one central nexus like a thousand points of light and illuminate this world with the true ideology.


The (narrow) majority of people are moderately socially liberal though…


They are one party system, that is true.
Only marxist-leninist candidates can participate, as in most MLs countries in history



I will be honest, i think future communist states should have like, "Communist party 1" and "Communist party 2", they will be basically the same party, the diference one is red other is blue, so liberals stop calling MLs countries "not democratic"


There's silly, we should have actual political discourse. There should be trot candidates, demsoc, anarchist, ML, and so on


Yea, tbh i think that should happen too, now that i think about it, one big tent union for the radical left ideologies, you are right


Why do Irish women wear fish heads in their hair?


> Newsflash, literally NO ONE supports this shit, and if you're not a complete fucking fool you'd already have asked yourself where it's really been coming from. This stupid gender shit was literally a coordinated strategy, it filtered through all the ed institutions and it was designed specifically to poison and destroy the proletariet. Jazz Jennings was a premeditated inside job just like 9/11 and Trump. They're literally all coordinated from the top.
Even in fucking TERF island the the least supported policies are neck-on-neck as far as approval goes


Get a hobby man


westerners learning that the JCP is prudish as they come. I think most thought they were absolute degenerates as you see with twitter commies


I don't get their whole "all sexualization is exploitation" angle. They're right in saying that the av industry is exploitative as all hell because of all the young people entering it out of necessity, but that's more a general capitalism problem. If your other policies removes debt burdens and provides dignified living accommodations, then women wouldn't need to degrade themselves and the porn industry will crumble on its own if it can't shake off their old habits

This particular policy sounds like one of their radfems got a hold of the pen


The USSR's biggest mistake is not having having a faux second party that is also regime and then rotating power every 4 years


Yea, like, the Soviet Union would probably never allow Trots or anarchist to form political parties, but at least have a very, very controlled opposition party would confuse the minds of most libs


the JCP is composed of people from the student movement groups, they are just old as hell boomers and stuff like this is sadly very common with them such as that whole swimsuit shitshow. I'm also pretty sure some radfem/TERF mentality exists there, but they are big proponents of pro-LGBT legislation so not 100%. Amazingly these shitstorms always happen right before a big election, can't really say the damage it causes them


They should also relax censorship and develop institutional mechanisms to make criticism toothless and irrelevant when it goes outside of a spectrum of acceptable opinion, just like in the West. The Western model allows dissidents to scream into the void and thereby out themselves and alienate themselves from accessing powerful institutions. It also serves a catharsis for dissident elements and creates a smokescreen of free discourse obscuring the reality of the liberal stranglehold on power. This would be especially easy in countries like China where the economy is doing well and few people have reason to engage in serious opposition. People need to realize that Western methods of propaganda and controlling dissent are far more effective than overbearing censorship and repression.


When you had over a 100 year head start, and it only takes a Japanese Bernie Sanders a couple election cycles to eclipse you, just maybe your outreach is shit


oh no not the manga
it's a twitter post about real life politics, you fucking angsty teenager. extremely useless post




>Noo, don’t touch my shitty cartoons!

You people are so pathetic, you would have hated Lenin for being a puritan.


> The Japanese Communist Party is encouraging members to report fanservice manga to the United Nations. Story below.

niche gamer. akibablog (known japanese anti-korean right-wing otaku). yeah great sources. i tried finding real sources but i only could find crazy netouyo, i saw the questionnaire and it just asks about your favorite magazines. there's no mention of the UN either. deranged lol, and all the retards here are falling for it too


Nepal has this with at least four communist parties running for parliament against each other all the time, the problem is the libs have Nepali Congress and there's a Hindutva party they also have to play ball with


I mean yeah, I probably would if that was really true.


sorry bro no thinking here only outrage


took me a few minutes to find the literal jcp newspaper from that link though? the questionnaire itself has been translated in this thread and clearly states the survey goes to the UN to make it a hassle. here are two leftist lawyers denouncing the effort


Hell the original tweet that exposed it is some porno journalist and full of info such as the JCP been lobbying coomer removal for years


What can the UN even do?


just lobby the shit out of you, Japan has 100s of NGO's with UN status and all it takes is getting one lawmaker on your side. There certainly is some misunderstanding regarding all of this from the usual bunch, JCP doesn't from what I see support laws banning "fanservice manga" but supports it not being allowed to be sold in public spheres, such as zoning it. Back in 2016 they got porn removed from eyesight of kids in airports(eventually fully removed), 2019 they had all adult magazines removed in corner shops by lobbying the union UA Zensen and they caved and today we have this.

A lot probably can see some sense in their past actions, but taking away possible sales from mangaka enrages a lot


Lenin is absolutely not a puritan. You look at Chernyshevsky, Russian utopists and all these crazy (in a good way) thinkers who thought up new experiment in communal sexuality who influenced Lenin to some degree. Being disgusted at the vulgar promiscuity of capitalist society does not make you a puritan. On the contrary, it makes you anti-puritan, because it is in puritanistic and self righteous countries you will always find the most abhorrent form of sexual humiliation, commodification and violence being encouraged on a daily basis


incredible rationalization of moralism


more stuff on pornography, feminism, censorship, etc

>Here is one topical example of how this might happen. Some feminists object to pornography on the grounds that it harms women. Others claim that pornography may not always be harmful to women and may even sometimes be liberating and beneficial. It seems that there is genuine disagreement here. But is there? Not necessarily. For the two sides might mean different things by “pornography.” Suppose that feminists who object to pornography are defining “pornography” as sexually explicit material that subordinates women. So, pornography, for them, is that subset of sexually explicit material that in fact harms women. This definition makes it definitionally true that pornography, wherever it exists, is bad for women. Those who defend pornography, however, may be using “pornography” to mean simply sexually explicit material aimed or used primarily for sexual arousal (regardless of whether it is harmful to women). There may thus be no genuine disagreement here, for both sides might agree that sexually explicit material that harms women is objectionable. They might also agree that there is nothing objectionable about sexually explicit material that does not harm women (or anyone else). If different parties are using “pornography” in different senses they may be talking past each other, perhaps without realizing it.

>Two really substantive issues at stake in the feminist debate over pornography are 1) whether any sexually explicit material is in fact harmful to women; and, if so, what should be done about it?; and 2) whether all sexually explicit material is in fact harmful to women; and, if so, what should be done about it? (We can thus phrase two of the important issues, if we like, without mentioning “pornography” at all.)


>Since 2015, expanding research on the Moral Incongruence Model has demonstrated that self-identified addiction to pornography is highly predicted by moral and religious conflicts. Further, these internal conflicts of shame over one’s sexual desires not only predict self-identification as addicted but appear to greatly increase the degree of distress and struggles that people feel about themselves.

>Hating yourself for wanting a kind of sexuality that you were taught makes you a "bad" person understandably increases negative emotions, such as depression, stress, and anxiety, but also increases the degree to which individuals feel that their sexual desires and behaviors are out of their control.


>“I think the overrepresentation of homosexual men in sex addiction centers is strong evidence that the diagnosis is primarily used for social control of sexuality, rather than treating any actual disease that should affect all men equally,”


Can't get access to these two but I skimmed them a bit, need a sci-hub key to dive further
>The Effects of Pornography on Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men's Body Image: An Experimental Study
>Third person effect and Internet pornography in China

Also, just a quick search of "porn made me gay no fap" gives dozens upon dozens of posts like this, which I think do echo a some of the things discussed in the articles referenced above, the last study mentions that 30% of pornography created is explicitly gay in nature, but the majority of other sources discussing ethics, censorship, etc don't talk about those things within a queer context

From a Marxist viewpoint, the idea that pornography is the main reason for the oppression of women and a driving force for the patriarchy seems a bit simplistic at best. Pornography is a relatively recent invention as a medium, really becoming a thing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with erotic photography, yet the patriarchy is not nearly as recent. Marxists would say that capitalism is the driving force of the patriarchy.

That said, I haven't reached a conclusion as of yet.

It's also worth noting that major anti-pornography sites like Fight the New Drug and No Fap were started by Mormons
I'm just saying man, Mormons and Christian conservatives are some of the biggest benefactors and pushers of the patriarchy.

>Empirical research has failed to provide a clear understanding of the relationship between pornography use and sexism. Study 1 showed an inverse correlation between modern sexism and pornography use, such that participants who used pornography more frequently displayed less sexist attitudes. Study 2 found a positive correlation between pornography use and benevolent sexism, such that participants who used pornography more frequently displayed more benevolent sexism. Our studies provide insight into the largely inconclusive findings of previous research on pornography use and sexist attitudes toward women.


>Much contemporary debate about pornography centers on its role in portraying and perpetuating gender inequality. This article compares traditional gendered attitudes between cisgender men attending the Adult Entertainment Expo (n = 294) and a random sample of male respondents from the 2016 General Social Survey (GSS), a U.S. representative survey of general attitudes and beliefs collected every two years (n = 863). Our survey borrowed questions from the GSS to measure attitudes about gender equality across four dimensions: (1) working mothers, (2) women in politics, (3) traditional gender roles in the family, and (4) affirmative action for women in the workplace. Through bivariate analyses, we found that “porn superfans” are no more sexist or misogynistic than the general U.S. public on two of the four measures (women in politics and women in the general workplace) and held more progressive gender-role attitudes than the general public on the other two measures. We conducted binary logistic regressions for those two measures to determine if the relationship remained significant when controlling for other factors. For one dimension, working mothers, it did (p < .001). Our results call into question some of the claims that porn consumption fosters de facto negative and hostile attitudes toward women.

Really need to get me a sci-hub reference so I can actually read these beyond the abstracts


Some actual leftist discussion on the topice
I think I will interview some friends who are/have been in the industry via onlyfans to get some further insight


>Sex Workers Describe the Instability—and Necessity—of OnlyFans

One thing that sparked this deep dive into the relationship between communism and sex work, particularly pornography, was a very rigid response on r/communism101, that basically said these workers are petit bourgeois and thus aren't people we as communists should be worried about organizing with, yet the workers in this article mention things like having mental illness, physical disabilities, living paycheck paycheck, finding themselves in precarious situations in order to survive

A mass line approach calls for organizing the most disenfranchised members of the class society first


Because most people aren't communists because they want to win, they're communists so they can feel superior to others.


I mean what would a communist party that really wanted to win do differently though? The media and electoral financing is still going to be rigged against you no matter what you do


Seems like you're in the wrong imageboard faggot


No wonder the Japs aren't so different with the burgers.


Least fascist capitalist country in the world


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> Do you people actually now how art works and its inherently derivative nature?
> You need the exact irl thing as a reference to draw a cartony form of it


The largest anti-porn organization PAPs in Japan is ran by a trans woman Kazuna Kanajiri who in her early years got outed for selling porn to her classmates. She now holds frequent seminars for the JCP. It's a whole different beast compared to America.


Most kawaii desune.


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This guy thinks hentai is realistic lol lmao.


Uncritical support, fuck porn addicts


Jesus christ anon


Shitting dicknipples…It's been a while since I saw thoses.


It's probably a thing that happens once a year or every couple of years
Like losing the game


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Normal Japanese people agree that pornography is not very beneficial societally; refer to: https://girlschannel.net/topics/3797450/ & similarly linked ^^ previously, so why is the online Anglosphere left favorable of the liberals' position?


Good thing communism isn't about the majority.


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The fact that a sexual fetish has been elevated to a political question is all you need to know about leftoids. Can 'communists' focus on actual proletarian issues sometime? Taking any side on this matter means you already lost.


I think porn addiction is real and is a problem, but this is just retarded as fuck. Like everything else there's moderation for such things (like porn)


Anime is inherently fascist.


Ah, a familiar copy-pasta


If you actually go into the history of anime it’s about post war japan being inspired by american culture (cartoons and animation) to create their own


Pro western romanticism and nostalgia is in nearly all japanese media.


no wonder communism is a losing ideology. they can’t have fun or actually do something productive with their lives. it’s all a edgy larp to own da chinlets.


because most people in the "online Anglosphere left" are not opposed to cumming and constantly bringing up cartoon porn to seethe about it. suppressing porn is pointless, suppressing people's sexual desires is pointless, unless it's already illegal, you should never talk about it in public unless you want to come off as a retarded freak trying to "debate" people with combative accusations


> The Japanese Communist Party is encouraging members to report fanservice manga to the United Nations. Story below.


shut up retard. nobody is forcing you to have sex or jerk off


Do you have any arguments agains pr0n besides "it's heckin cringe bro" and "it's bad because…it just is, ok!?!?"

If you made a post with actual substance, along the lines of >>1813124, I'd be much less likely to think of you as a retarded prude that started from the conclusion and worked his way backwards

I'm open to having my mind changed. But thus-far you haven't presented anything particularly convincing


>'prude' anon.
<open to mind being changed.
Lol. A lmao even.
You're an American coomer weirdo and everyone knows it.


you're so normal for screaming about porn on the internet


See, you're doing it again. You're not actually making a point, you're just hurling insults. You don't accomplish anything with that kind of attitude.


because there are exactly two types of people who care about the JCP outside japan
1. weebs
2. election autists.
weeb leftists see someone wants to ban weeb-smut and rally to the defence of weebs, their position as weebs is much more important in this instance than their position as leftists - particularly because (a) leftists usually hate every other type of communist anyway (b) the JCP doesn't offer much by way of aesthetic or achievements for you to cling to and most of their theory doesn't come with subtitles, making it a boring party to pick if you want a meme ideology.
as always on the internet, it all has very little to do with politics and much more to do with identity. even people who don't like the particuar pornography in question will still rally to defend a sub-set of what they feel to be their community and their hobby. people will argue from a liberal philosophy mainly because it's easiest and plays to current background assumptions in western society - in short because it's easy. it's not because of any deep thought, it's because arguments are weapons and when you feel like someone's attacking your hobby, you grab whatever weapon you can find and hurl it back at them.

t. weeb election autist.


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yoinked from the anime thread, the party is just deeply flawed if you would be asked to leave the party for taking a selfie with some manga. though not entirely sure about the contents of the manga being posed with.


dude, just let them first world communists go. nothing revolutionary will come from the 1st world


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awww what the fuckkk


He's a troll who just gets off on baiting people. He shows up all the time in /usapol/. Ignore him, he'll just pull you in with bullshit


I have no idea what is going on but if they are going after lolicons good. Those freaks think they have had a safe space for too long.


Hang all pedo subhumans.


Retards thinking this is about loli porn when it mentions young jump which serializes Berserk, Captain Tsubasa, Tokyo Ghoul and dozens of more popular manga


There is no "moderation" for porn, it's inherently made to be addictive.


>addictive media


>I have no idea what is going on but if they are going after lolicons good.
retard moment


This guy seems doing what the Dutch guy doing before. What kind of autism is this? Schizos who obsessed with natality?


Any resemblance? Or what the le weebs soy did are rookie numbers?


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The only legitimate communist party of Japan was the United Red Army.
If you consider supporting the JCP or outright support those revisionist liberal shits you should self-criticize immediately!

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