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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I think reading up about these guys should be mandatory because they are a perfect illustration of what not to do. They were without a doubt perhaps the most incompetent and embarrassing armed group that has ever existed. Everyone, White Working class union members, Black Panthers and feminists all made fun of them and thought they were embarrassing retards
All their members hailed from very privileged backgrounds and were university students, Not surprisingly, when they were apprehended, only a handful faced any consequences or retribution from the government. Their grand "revolution" against the United States turned out to be a decade-long spree of meaningless bombings and vandalism. Law enforcement dubbed them the "toilet bombers" due to their penchant for targeting government building bathrooms. The pinnacle of their incompetence was when they accidentally blew up one of their own safe houses. Some of their members managed to evade capture for years(cause no one was actually looking for them), only to be astounded by the lenient punishment they received upon surrendering. cause law enforcement simply didn't deem them worth prosecuting. the majority of them are still alive and continue to enjoy their wealth to this day and are college professors and social activists.
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Is that relevant



you are actually a drooling moron if you somehow think fanon is a purely academic thinker lmao


i made a effortpost a few months ago responding to some similary retarded misunderstanding in a thread about fanon, i hope somebody screencapped it because i do not really feel like reiterating everything


Anon that guys being trying to spread this retarded headcanon here for years, don't even bother, just for your own sake.
He's got a bunch of fruity autismo conspiracies about basically every remotely famous modern philosopher too iirc.


>Achieve nothing
>Paint the left as weird, misguided and disgusting
>Alienate masses
>Receive no actual punishment
>Get cozy and prestigious positions in universities
Do you not know the term "controlled opposition"?


its worse, they didnt even need to be controlled


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I really wanna know how these third-worldists reacted to Mao and the CPC siding with the US, specifically with Richard Nixon, who was like the devil to them.


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Algeria is perhaps the single worst example of the use of revolutionary violence. Early revolutionary violence almost ended their movement because they kept being arrested, interrogated and more members were subsequently arrested. Leaving the cities was the smartest decision the FLN made. After that they became more cautious and organized, and would lead the French Military on wild goose chases. It was not about "winning" the war but Ben Bella understood the political situation in France, he knew the war was unpopular and costly and thus it became a slog of retreating to rural regions or neighboring Libya or Tunisia until they built up their strength and then ambush and retreat, also it's best leaders were men who had previously served in the French Army and knew enough about military discipline and how the French Army functioned. but when independence was finally won, Bella and Boumédiène (who due to their history, were Francophiles by habit) took power. They immediately came into conflict with Algerian society. During the war there was some Islamic support from France because the French bothered to create a head religious authority for the region and they had to be removed this angered the religious conservatives, then there was the issue of the Berbers and what was to be done with them, all of these decisions led to various minor conflicts


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>Receive no actual punishment
Again, I gotta bust this myth because some of them did go to prison for an armored car robbery. A few of them got away free because of the COINTELPRO scandal. (It's amazing people will cite COINTELPRO and don't know its disclosure is why the Weather Underground members were not charged.) It's very common among right-wing conservatives in the U.S. too and spinning theories of how the U.S. has been compromised by ~communists~

Fire up google and marxists dot org erol

But most Maoists didn't make the break with China until Mao died. There were some at the time that claimed the U.S. was the lesser evil vis-a-vis the USSR (because that was the line sent to them from China) and came around to supporting the U.S. and NATO.

>During this period, one of the most controversial debates within the pro-China forces in the New Communist Movement concerned the issue of what role, if any, U.S. imperialism could play in the international struggle against “hegemonism”. In the late 1970s, I Wor Kuen warned the U.S. against “appeasing” Soviet social-imperialism and by 1980, CPML chair Mike Klonsky was stating that the U.S. has a role to play in the worldwide anti-hegemonic front, while The Call was writing about a Soviet “master plan for conquest.” The question was posed most starkly by the Communist Unity Organization, which published the pamphlet Sooner or Later in 1980. Sooner or Later called for an alliance with U.S. imperialism in the “world anti-hegemonist front,” and illustrated the consequences of its position by opposing “appeasement” and the withdrawal of U.S. bases from the Philippines or Puerto Rico, while expressing support for a strengthened U.S. military.



>its okay for the working class to suffer because theyre DAMN KKKRAKKKAS
no socialist movement reached those people and now theyre becoming fascistic again. their lack of consciousness is not their fault


Another interesting point is that the more educated and "Europeanized" Algerians were the biggest drivers of independence, while the more rural ones were a bit ambivalent and again many had served in the French Military for two three generations at that point, it was something they saw as duty, . They were doing a good job of pacifying inside of Algeria itself, but the issue is that every country around Algeria had just become independent, and all of them hated the French so much that they were letting the FLN set up for cross-border raids, De Gaulle simply couldn't be bothered to keep troops there until the end of time to prevent the inevitable from happening.




they wanted to get in on the ground floor with the new Algerian government that was about to come to power - they used their ties with Fanon to get an in with the FLN leadership


not too different from third worldists today tbh


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For the past 150 years, it seems that a recurring issue has been young leftists not familiarizing themselves with military manuals and harboring delusions about guerrilla warfare.


>Their grand "revolution" against the United States turned out to be a decade-long spree of meaningless bombings and vandalism.
I think there's a real place for deniable harassment campaigns, rather than bombings and fancy vandalism. Do gangstalker shit to class enemies. Give them Havana Syndrome. Zombify them. But don't give them anywhere to send cops to. Don't take credit. Create a sustainable campaign of accidents and coincidences.
The point is that it's low-risk collective direct action. All it takes is a small cell.


>wow people aren't reading books, educate yourself
>[proceeds to not post any PDFs]
/leftypol/ has fallen.


go back to reddit


literally what damage does it to other then costing the government some government office bathroom property damage that it be payed for by local taxes


what do you guys think of this video? it talks a bit about how these groups where divorced from the masses and their history


The global right it's iching for a new terrorist communist/leftists/ecologist terrorist group. The moment they appear, they will use it as a excuse to kill the internet.


Larping as revolutionaries and spokespeople for minorities and then taking up prestigious academic positions afforded to them by their own ethnic connections while also claiming persecution is peak praxis


Yes more people should know this. The FLN were anti-communists they killed the members of and banned Algerian Communist party. His close friend Holden Roberto was directly on CIA payroll as well.


The FLN were an explicitly Arab nationalist party and they held some negative attitudes towards Berbers and black Algerians


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don't forget this, Boumédiène was a racist ultra-nationalist


>>1851764 (me)
Its also why the French Communist Party stayed neutral on war, because the Algerian Communist party had started out as a section of the PCF and was being attacked and suppressed by the FLN. (not because the French party was 'opportunists' like you see some leftists claim).


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People who's 'politics' are just who they are 'supporting'/cheerleading and their gay little purity spiral nonsense like picrel should be shot.
It makes NO material difference who thry support. denouncing and attempting to create divisions in the Palestine Solidarity project from l



He’s entirely correct, radlibs support an idealized liberal version of Palestine that doesn’t exist outside of their imaginations, crying bloody murder when you so much as imply that Palestinians aren’t a bunch of free love hyper liberals who fly pride flags as much as their own flag


>Why don't you support the 10 year old with disabilities against the ferocious, steroid-fueled champion?


I don't have any special wisdom here but I think it can be both true that Palestinians in the main have no problems with Qassam Brigades shooting at Israelis, and that making that the focus of your messaging in the U.S. might be counter-productive compared to centering slogans like "Cease Fire Now." During the Vietnam War, this was also true, it involved different causes and factions (some more radical than others, the W.U. emerged from one of the most radical), and even some internal tension. But one message everyone could get behind was "Stop the War!"

There are some people who think protesters should focus on something more like that so as to expand the number of people involved. The more Americans and Brits and Canadians you bring into the pro-peace tent, the bigger the audience you can try to engage about the plight of Palestinians – a U.S.-supported and U.S.-subsidized oppression that most of your potential audience still have little real awareness of. But when you Qassem your protests up, that might just scare people away. It's like using the phrase "global Intifada," which connotes something like an anti-imperialist revolution on behalf of all the planet's oppressed peoples, but that not be how the phrase goes down.

I find these demonstrations by Palestinian guys as showing a lot of bravery and courage, and people might be completely right to celebrate their bravery in the context of the protests in Western cities, but tactically "wrong" in the situation. That's an inner contradiction that just exists. Does that make me a coward? Maybe.

On the other hand, I can understand why protesters might decide not to listen to to me… and not do that. Every protest movement has been like this. People who take to the streets – and keep doing that even after being arresting – tend to be young and unruly, and the incentive structure within such groups often rewards people who extend the frontiers of radicalness. For better or worse, Calla's position is to some extent part of the natural dynamics of mass dissent over an intensely contested issue, and even if her approach is suboptimal, well… that's better than no protests at all.

The radicals saying "Victory to the Viet Cong" in the late 60s could say, well, if you don't like our unruly and radical demonstrations, then stop sending an unending stream of American boys to their deaths in Vietnam! Were they wrong?


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>tend to be young and unruly
Calvinoid fascist detected


Where were the protests when the Syrian government and islamist fighting lead to 600,000 deaths? 377,000 deaths in Yemen, same thing. The fact that Palestinian refugees aren't being taking my surrounding countries due to PLO murdering their leaders in the 70s?


Japanese red army killed 12 of its own members in a "self struggle" incident


>Everyone, White Working class union members, Black Panthers and feminists all made fun of them and thought they were embarrassing retards
das rite
signed, black identity movement extremist nibba


what the fuck are you referring to anon?


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Weather Underground literally sounds like some avant-garde boomer-era pretentious rock band. You would expect a group with that name to put out some album with a single forty-five minutes track played awfully but somewhat considered as new classical music and an unparalleled feat of artistic genius by whole generations of hip "music critics".

>Boomer "veteran" in constant need to shove down everyone's throat he somewhat participated in the aggression and attempted genocide of the Vietnamese
>Historical falsification depicting Burgers and not the Red Army as vanquishers of Hitler
Frankly, someone need to organise some serious effort to balkanise and wreck that bloody place as soon as possible without any mercy at all. Let them descend into a Yugoslavia multiplied by ten thousand and the only few good ones there, please leave as soon as you can.


>Weather Underground literally sounds like some avant-garde boomer-era pretentious rock band.
It was, they took their name from a Bob Dylan lyric. They changed it from Weatherman though to be gender neutral.

<Keep a clean nose

<Watch the plain clothes
<You don’t need a weatherman
<To know which way the wind blows


WW2 soldiers were greatest-generation, most wee in their 40's and 50's during Vietnam


Didn't the panthers beat the shit out of them for trying to get with black women?


>cause law enforcement simply didn't deem them worth prosecuting. the majority of them are still alive and continue to enjoy their wealth to this day and are college professors and social activists.

No, it's not that the government didn't want their asses. They were rich kids who had connections that allowed them to get off scott free. They also had the national lawyers guild covering their asses too.


>They changed it from Weatherman though to be gender neutral.
the eternal libshit


Fuck the haters.


don't be mad they had chicks in the group and got laid.


I guess the native americans just didn't believe in freedom hard enough then.


>accomplish nothing
>invite more government reaction and public support for antiterrorist surveillance measures
>get arrested and spend 90% of your time trying to rescue former members of your militant group
fuck the haters maaaan


Rightoid dog whistle, stopped reading


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Reminds me how modern activists are projecting Palestinians as their ideals

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