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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1829062[View All]

In this thread we will prove that we are not revisionists of a Lassallean (protestant work ethic), Schachtmannist (campism that derisively refers to developing economies while defending first world economies), US Nationalist/Kautskyist (FatSocs or MAGACommunists), Liberal Reformist (vooting over direct action), Opportunist Demagogue (people who take advantage of peoples' fears of minorities or the oppressed to gain power), or some other variety of slimy Revisionism that needs to be culled from the board.
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im sure everyone on r/communism thought this was really clevef


He was literally named after an injun lop.


its true that him and grant during grants presidency were actively complicit in genocide against natives. no need to deny that to say they were contextually good, even perhaps historically progressive

john brown is ofc the actual example of did nothing wrong but he doesnt make confederoids as angry


Truer words have never been spoken, Lenin was a genius.


>its true that him and grant during grants presidency were actively complicit in genocide against natives. no need to deny that to say they were contextually good, even perhaps historically progressive
Well more than complicit.

>Sherman's views on Indian matters were often strongly expressed. Following the 1866 Fetterman Massacre, in which 81 U.S. soldiers were ambushed and killed by Native American warriors, Sherman telegraphed Grant that "we must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children."[236] In 1867, he wrote to Grant that "we are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress" of the railroads.[237] In 1873, Sherman wrote in a private letter that "during an assault, the soldiers can not pause to distinguish between male and female, or even discriminate as to age. As long as resistance is made[,] death must be meted out, but the moment all resistance ceases, the firing will stop and all survivors turned over to the proper Indian agent".[238]

His middle name was still Tecumseh.


I agree that it is disgusting and unforgivable. I still consider him and Grant objectively to be liberators, though they were undeniably hesitant and unlikely liberators that, like Lincoln, were pushed by history into an admirable position


Yeeah I just think it doesn't matter when talking about confederates vs union. We're talking about Indian genociders vs Slavers AND Indian genociders.

It's like Nazi germany vs the British empire. The Brits are the lesser Nazis and the Union are the lesser Confederates.


>john brown doesn't make confederoids as angry
dude what
the only person who makes them angrier is nat turner lol


I mean most confederate shills probably don't even know who John Brown is.


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Lol no. They still teach them all the John Brown dis tracks in the south. He is like a Guy Fawkes tier legend.


nah any sober view of history would consider the british empire to be x10 as horrific as the nazis. US history is closer to the nazis and still probably worse.

>inb4 this is nazi apologism

no, its not

good to know if true, but i was under the impression they just considered john brown a crazy terrorist, worth contempt but not as seethe worthy as the commanders of the "northern aggressor" forces who easily trampled their little slaver kingdom as soon as lincoln promoted people who actually wanted to fight to win


Even worse is they got the rest of the country to believe their bullshit too when Confederate sympathy was at an all time high in the first half of the last century when they're making Gone With The Wind and all that bullshit.

>Two notable screen portrayals of Brown were given by actor Raymond Massey. The 1940 film Santa Fe Trail, starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, depicted Brown completely unsympathetically as a villainous madman and Massey plays him with a constant, wild-eyed stare. The film gave the impression that he did not oppose slavery, even to the point of having a black "mammy" character say, after an especially fierce battle, "Mr. Brown done promised us freedom, but … if this is freedom, I don't want no part of it".


of course. the sabotage of reconstruction was the death of the last chance the united states ever had to be an even relatively progressive historical force.


John Brown's terrorism arguably kicked off the civil war, dude. Lots of confederoids blame him for losing their slaves and romantic southern aristocracy.


i am fully aware of his actual historical influence but idk what dixoids teach about him, but i am very glad to hear he is still a bogeyman


A "crazy" (which is to say christian) terrorist who kicked off the civil war. I think it's pretty clear what happened. The framing in this case doesn't matter too much.


I have been an active member and helped build up a youth and adult party over the past 5 years.
All the kinds of marxist -isms are sects born from 20th century geopolitics. There is only things that work, and things that dont work. Things that help the global proletariat, and things that harm it. All other things are a matter of strategic differences, not fundamental rejections of workers liberation from capitalism.
We already live in a multipolar world. This multipolar world is made up of several capitalist powers, from which we see new camps emerging as we speak. There is no marxist parties in power anymore anywhere, as a core value of a marxist is the spreading of marxism through supporting and founding marxist parties abroad, which is not happening by any party in power. There are no internationals which do anything, there is no serious internationalist politics on a global scale.

It is up to marxists to take our new situation and make the best of it. To see the chessboard we are born into and play to the best of our ability. The multipolar world offers the global working class both unseen slaughter of our peoples and also opportunity to build our power on the borders between the ruling superpowers.

We must look at our own local situation, gather our local comrades, train each other in theory and praxis, and see in which way we can best advance the global cause in both the international sphere as well as the local sphere. For some in the imperialist core, this may mean sabotaging and frustrating the imperialist machine. For those in the periphery, it may mean fighting directly for victory. For those in capitalist powers straddling the imperialist camps, it may mean building the infrastructure of the international movement, helping out and protecting our comrades persecuted abroad, being the place where our movement is able to operate in relative openness, safety, well funded, the headquarters of the global guerilla war against big capital.

Other than that, I can not prove anything on a text board nor do i have the desire to prove myself to a board that is mainly inhabited by people of such low political character.


ive murdered a person and attacked an idf soldier with a hammer
kinda hard to do anything else as a Georgian communist




Puttana madonna


>benadryl-induced dementia and believed my death was imminent
most stable transhumanist


sono d'accordo


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I am a socialist. I am a revisionist. I also champion the USSR, PRC, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, and all other socialist experiments by defending them on the internet against imperialist lies. My belief system is vague and gets vaguer the more theory I read. My opinions are always correct. We exist.


Me frfr


Visto che OP ha fatto incidentalmente riferimento alla famigerata "ediga brodeshdande", è sempre un piacere notare che il cattolicesimo permette una miriade di bestemmie che chi non ha santi o madonne non può proprio concepire.


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I have this framed in my bedroom


I'm not any of those things.
>Source: Trust me, bro


>Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoists be like 'revision bad!'


Will you fight?


The simple fact that Shay gets defensive and claims to not understand why using the Confederate States flag is a retarded idea is enough to dismiss them and laugh at a lost cause. It's unfortunate, really, like Chris-chan, but what is there left to do but find the humour in the absurdity?


Prove that /leftypol/ is socialist.
Protip: ___


You can't say /leftypol/ without the lefty


Not sure i appreciate being called a lolcow but socialism in the usa is a lost cause especially if that socialism fails to reject the legitimacy of US institutions (including the government and its elections by themselves). The CPUSA was a thoroughly domesticated party for this reason. Even a socialist movement that flies a confederate flag is more likely to succeed than such a compromised "movement" that accepts the "law and order" of an occupying power. People want freedom and prosperity which working within "the system" will never provide for them. It's people like you that are the biggest enemy of socialism.


>john brown is ofc the actual example of did nothing wrong but he doesnt make confederoids as angry

my boss (from mississipi) said her grandma used to use "john brown" in place of curse words, and being historically ignorant she didn't know why that was and I explained to her who john brown was and she turned red as a beet because she puts up a nice "socially liberal" facade at work.

Also John Brown did plenty wrong. His raid didn't have to be unsuccessful but his strategies were poor. His long term plans were promising. He was going to build an guerilla army of escaped slaves. It would have been so based.


dude im too fuckin stupid for this shit please just have a bearded man wave a red flag and tell me whos a bastard and ill be like yea fuck em mate


Everything you said was right but nothing you said supports embracing the flag of a short lived slave state like the Confederacy. There has to be some other flag or symbol that represents your area, right?


>in this thread I will gatekeep all forms of leftism until only my hyper-niche, terminally online preference remains as valid

>why is the left dead, ffs!!!


unironically this, in a way.

isn't capitalism such a complex system based on exploitation, so sublime that goes under most people's noses, that is extremely hard for the average person to comprehend, and how to compromise that theoretical weight with the pure anger necessary for a revolution?

most people are rightfully angry at something, but they can't comprehend it and don't have time for "reading theory", so fascism is way easier to absorb and it gives reasons simple enough to justify violence


The confederate battle standard is not the flag of the confederate states government and never was. It was the flag of military veterans who fought for the south including draftees. It is still the only flag that represents white southerners, same as the new afrika flag represents black southerners.


so glad hearing hes still making them seethe. and yeah ofc im familiar with the strategic mistakes he made, but thats not what were talking about. and afaik he was getting very sick at the time of the raid on harpers ferry and that factored into the impulsive decision to attack before things were ready


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>Ah you see, this wasn't the flag of the CSA… it was simply the flag under which white people were drafted against their will to defend slavery while the sons of plantation owners hired surrogates


> It was the flag of military veterans who fought for the south including draftees.
Those details about it actually representing confederacy troops changes nothing. It's still a symbol of the Confederacy by that association alone not even counting how it's seen in modern America.

Utah got a new flag design, so why can't you? Pick a southern bird or flower and start using that.


>it was the flag of the evil confederate government who forced the poor non-slaver boys to their deaths
ok… so why should we glorify the government that victimized those poor southern boys?


Birds and flowers arent symbols of wanting yankee blood though


Might as well fly the Nazi flag too while you're at it.


I read Michael Heinrich and watch Cockshott so I can increase my brain power to 1000%. Soon the Miami-Dade PTA will TREMBLE


Critical support for Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan against Western imperialism. I mean its better for Asians to be ruled by Asians and Germany has the anti-colonial Free Arab Legion. We must support them comrade!


Hammers and Sickles are though.


Why not a variation of the Maegnolyun? Make it red with hammers and sickles.


I support a dictatorship of the proletariat by establishing a socialist republic. Also that PatSocs/MAGAComs deserve the same fate as the billionaire class for being cryptofascists.

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