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They are being incompetent anon



you can zoom into any random place in iran and get topology, I'm sure paid-for services are better than this too


>It does
It can tell you your elevation, which is the same as the ground level if you're in a ground vehicle. It can only tell you the ground's elevation if you have the area mapped in your GPS device.


What kinda banana republic can't get their people in power some decent jets. What kinda banana republic can't make basic precautionary decisions in bad weather. Now I get to watch libs and Zionist at large meme about the fog real bullshit.


They have found the wreck some time ago now but it looks like there is still no official statement from the Iran gov that Raisi is dead. What gives?


I mean yeah I agree it's embarassing but it's not like jets never crash either.


I'm already seeing zionist making helicopter memes like fascist Pinochet fans


>Fuck this is embarrassing this is making me a western lib on this issue. The Islamic Republic has gotta go this embarrassment
>amerikkka should invade and kill millions because some guy crashed a helicopter
I think it's possible to hold these seemingly contradictory opinions in your head at the same time: it would be bad for the U.S. to invade Iran (for any reason), and the Islamic Republic is hosed up and just suck. You know, it's possible. Iranian emigres are celebrating. These are apparently the daughters of a woman (Minoo Majidi) who was shot and killed during the unrest in 2022.


They said they found no bodies in the wreckage. hearing some unconfirmed reports on social media that one has been found since then, unidentified.
even if they find raisi dead they'll probably take a bit to prepare a statement, etc before going ahead. fairly typical for this kind of thing.


Mehr News Agency says Raisi, Amirabdollahian killed in crash

The semi-official news agency reports that the Iranian president, foreign minister and other occupants of the helicopter, including East Azerbaijan Province Governor Malek Rahmati, have been โ€œmartyredโ€.

There is still no official confirmation that Raisi is dead, but medics have said that they found โ€œno signsโ€ of life at the crash site.

Watching PressTV live, they aren't reporting his death currently.


I mean yeah Iran does pretty much suck but when you contribute to general western propaganda it doesn't matter if you're doing it for good reasons of not, it's still just adding to the general climate of hate and dehumanisation of Iranian people


Worth noting that fog doesn't just reduce visibility but it implies changes in barometric pressure. Depending on the instruments on the helicopter, they may have had an altimeter that reads based on barometric pressure. Flying into the fog could have thrown off the readings.

That site only has 20m resolution between topography lines in the area near Azerbaijan. That's not very good. And how good were the instruments on this helicopter? Did they have topographical maps integrated? Would the pilot get a warning when approaching an area with a rise in elevation? This is the president's transport but it's the president of Iran. They don't necessarily have state of the art equipment, and clearly don't have the best guy to fly it since he flew a helicopter into dense fog through a mountainous region while transporting the president.


The social contradictions in Iran are more intense than in other U.S.-enemy states like Russia and China. There are periodic and highly destabilizing mass protest movements. I think that's a legitimate worry though. The choice of government is up to the Iranian people, not anybody else.


You know you fucked up when even leftypolacks who usually are "THE CIA-NATO-MOSSAD ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING BAD THAT HAPPENS IN THIS WORLD" are going "yeah this is just incompetence and bad weather lol"


It honestly could be either, but regardless it's full retard to try to fly through foggy mountains in a helicopter.


I've read that Raisi was a possible successor to Khamenei who is 85 years old so that adds another twist.


PressTV now confirming.


Even allowing riot police to contain protest without proper gear or communication which ended in some of their deaths is incompetence. Allowing scientists to be assassinated and not giving them proper protection is incompetence. Generals and soldiers getting matyred at the border and in the field is incompetence. Soleimani should have never been exposed in an Iraqi airport to allow orange burgerman even the opportunity to strike him.Another incompetent moment that should have never happened when you look at how the CIA even knew he was there. Now to top it off the Foreign Minister and the fucking President of the Islamic Republic used a old chopper and crashed out in the mountains. The cherry on top of all incompetence moments that the Islamic Republic has been doing. It shows how despised the opposition is that the Islamic Republic is still standing strong. Khamenei needs to start a purge and actually get there shit together. They are lucky there is still a strong base of support for the revolution but they should start actually having investing and looking at how different BRICS countries like China and even Russia handle security.


Apparently the chopper was made in the 60s, so it would have been approaching 60 years old.


Eh Raisi was not going to chosen he was pretty low but he was going to play a crucial role for the next Supreme leader


Honestly, whether this was a Zionist/Turkish/Azeri Assassination or an accident caused by a retarded Iranian pilot flying a Helicopter into a mountain due to Foggy weather (you would think the Cobe Bryant Fuck up would of thought big shots the world over to stop using these things in bad weather), it is an extreme embarrassment for the โ€œIslamic Republic of Iranโ€, which is compounded by the recent Kabuki โ€œattackโ€ on the Zionist state with worthless Drones that got blown out of the sky (they did launch some MRBMs which hit some empty buildings, but that is nowhere near equivalent to what the Zionists deserved in response to their Genocide of Gaza), ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ! These absurd events really emphasize how tragic it was for the Iranian people that the Communists didnโ€™t win the Iranian Revolution (instead the Reactionary U$/Zionist-backed Islamists won), because as much as I critically support the โ€œIslamic Republic of Iranโ€ against Zionism and U$ Imperialism, I would 100% support a Maoist PPW in Iran to establish a Socialist State that is genuinely Historically Progressive, Anti-Imperialist, and Anti-Zionist (actually willing to go to War with the Zionist State), with Self-Determination for all Ethnic Minorities (ie. Azeris, Kurds, Balochis, Arabs, etc.), and full equal rights for Women and Homosexuals combined with a Maoist Cultural Revolution to eliminate all Reactionary Superstructures (ie. Organized Religion, Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, National Chauvinism, Bourgeois Femininity/Domesticity, etc.), โœŠ๐Ÿ˜œ!


>Iranian drones search for Raisi for 15 hours
>a single (one) Turkish drone dispatched
<finds him within an hour
It's joever


>Al-Qassam fighters were able to liquidate 15 zionist soldiers
holy shit, they can't stop winning


the king is back!


just think about it like this: the Resistance is winning, and the zionists are on the run. international pressure is ramping up and even Germany is protesting. It would be a real shame is something were to obstruct this process…


OH FUCK. well let's hope it was an accident and all actors remain calm and don't do anything fucking stupid



I don't want to sound demoralizing, but why does it seem like the Palestinians (Palestinian leadership to be more precise) are so fucking desperate when Israel is (allegedly) a paper tiger about to collapse?

I keep reading articles about how Hamas leaders keep telling people to "ESCALATE ESCALATE ESCALATE" for Gaza, but why would they need to do that if Israel is clearly losing the war? Why are they calling for people in every country to revolt in solidarity with Palestine? Why would Palestine need solidarity if Israel's defeat is inevitable?


hey king, wanna start an enc*mpment?


>found no bodies in the wreckage
raisi confirmed going deep undercover with prigozhin


Damn I'm going to have to listen to you retards tell me this was a cia/mosad action for the next year aren't I?
>>found no bodies in the wreckage
Made up.
Multiple bodies.


GPS you say….? I wonder who controls GPS


This. People are fixating on the helicopter crashing, rather than why they were out in a storm in the first place. Clearly it must have been something high priority.


ICC just issued requests for arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant, and also for Ismail Haniyeh, Mohammed Daif.
Kharim Khan KC of the ICC said there are grounds to believe both Netanyahu and Haniyeh have commited war crimes and crimes against humanity.







He is shaking


Yeah the entire liberal world order is using Bibi as the fall guy to clean their hands off of this whole mess.
Can't believe I'm seeing this sort of scummy bullshit from History books happen in real time!


Palestine can go and claim that Israeli government is illegitimate now, because Israel tolerates Netanyahoo, and refuse to negotiate with him, for example. Same as what Ukraine has done. What will Westoids do then?


On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin NETANYAHU, the Prime Minister of Israel, and Yoav GALLANT, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 8 October 2023:

Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute;
Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i);
Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;
Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h);
Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).


File: 1716223218852-0.png (275.16 KB, 583x588, ClipboardImage.png)

International Criminal Court puts out arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant


They need to drop the both sidesism tho.


>Multiple bodies.
not him


File: 1716228034581.png (481.39 KB, 735x484, ClipboardImage.png)

>deep undercover with prigozhin



You know they wont, what they're doing was already pretty unimaginable not so long ago


File: 1716329169063.mp4 (557.81 KB, 374x360, 1.mp4)


So I don't see genocide there. Does anyone know more about ICC procedures? Like is it possible that they could still charge them with the big one?


Not even close. Operation cyclone was the most expensive covert operation ever conducted and funded by such measures as massive bond fraud in America that helped usher in a recession. Funding, man power equipment, intelligence and propaganda networks across essentially ever major country outside the Soviet Union, even the Chinese. And it was not successful in and of itself. The Afghan government was able to secure the country with the help of the very limited military support given by the Soviet revisionists. It was only when the Soviets pulled out (and then finished a complete counter revolution themselves) that the forces of reaction were able to overcome, in 1993. The Palestinian resistance is more like the Afghan government resisting hard against the waves of barbarians of all the most powerful nations on earth beating at their door. Don't you ever dare confuse the two or you spit on our history, present and future.


The CNN interview suggested that the charge would come up during findings of evidence because it would require substantialmy more evidence of intent rather than just looking at what happened on the ground.
It's not off the table

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