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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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👁️🪬🧿Secret Societies & Cryptocracy Study 🏛️🤝🐲

Being well aware that capitalism is the root of all problems and not some Catholic / Zionist Masonic Lodge or a Council of 13 I want to dedicate a thread towards the study of what these organizations actually are, how they accumulated their wealth from their foundation, what their influence is and what their goals are.

This is not a Poltard thread about "da jooz"! This is a thread dedicated towards the study of said esoteric societies / "magical" organizations and their spheres of influence.

From the illumnati, to the anarchist The Black Hand, to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood, to the Mormons, to the pyramid scheme of the Church of Scientology, LaRouche and so on! How they infiltrate government positions, political parties and what we know about them.

Recommended books for analysis (links not included, might post PDFs in the thread):
-Occult Features of Anarchism by Christopher Scott Thompson and the Erica Lagalisse
-Bakunin's Anti-Jacobinism: 'Secret. Societies' For Self-Emancipating. Collectivist Social Revolution by Robert M. Cutler
-Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo Di Nun
-Any book on the illumnati (c'mon they're in your supermarket's books aisle! Lets have a laugh)
-Magick by Aleister Crowley
-The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites & Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Eminem aka Marshall Bruce Mathers II 's Ancestors (just kidding, Israel Regardie and John Michael Greer)
-Liber Null & Psychonaut: The Practice of Chaos Magic by Peter J. Carroll and Ronald Hutton
-The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality by Gordon White
-Don't touch this book by Jan Udo Holey (Jan van Helsing) ((Funny rightoid schizo))

Lets turn on the vacuum cleaner to start hunting spooks and demystifying them!
211 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


To extend my 3-pointer metaphor, saying "Jesus, Mary, and Jospeh" has no effect. Stupid mental concepts have nothing to do with reality, this is what we call "superstition." Psychic phenomenon is real, your stupid religion isn't.


How lame a universe if the secret was petitioning some dead uyghahs like Yeshua of Nazareth and Mohamed. Unfortunately petitioning dead uyghas verbally and mentally has zero effect. Petioning Jesus and Mohamed won't give you one more ounce of strength nor will it give you one more ounce of psychic power.


I should really make it my life's mission to prove this stuff huh? I've proved it to myself many times over. I use my powers to fuck people up. One time I was in a foul mood and I used my powers to clear a whole half of a busy fast food joint in Hollwood. Just sitting there, using my evil powers. I burned my own brother, I was mad at him and I imagined sending my evil vibes right on his head. He came in and told me about his pains on his head shortly after. I've cleared many more spaces with my evil vibes when I wished to.

My favorite experiment. I spooked horses from 100s of yards away. I know my power is 100% and a simple switch I can flick in my head. 100% real.

Like I've posted here previously, speaking hypothetically, what would you say this means?


Operative magic's not much harder to understand than pre-algebra, once one is of an age to experience and experiment with it — but symbols do help to get a grasp on some of the operative parts and forces, and rather more easily than one might from a hundred semiotics, psychology, sociology, etc. papers and books.

>he doesn't know about hyperstitions

That's true, but it trains you to peaceably petition instead of revolting against the ownership class.


>Operative magic's not much harder to understand than pre-algebra, once one is of an age to experience and experiment with it — but symbols do help to get a grasp on some of the operative parts and forces, and rather more easily than one might from a hundred semiotics, psychology, sociology, etc. papers and books.
Yes, I've heard such theories. My initial instinct when I discovered "magick" was real was that all the top people must be aware of this secretly, but now, with further observation, I think most are retards.

>he doesn't know about hyperstitions

No I don't. Wikipedia says: "Land coined the term "hyperstition", a portmanteau of "superstition" and "hyper", to describe something which "is equipoised between fiction and technology".[15] According to Land, hyperstitions are ideas that, by their very existence as ideas, bring about their own reality.[16]"

No idea what you or he meant by this. Superstition is just pure retardation. I live in a physical world where physical actions bring results. Everything is either a consequential physical action or not.

That's true, but it trains you to peaceably petition instead of revolting against the ownership class.
The secret is SPOILER You ARE the Owner Everyone is make believe, this society, this reality is make believe.


If supernatural shit actually existed then governments and corporations would be using it, literally no supernatural phenomenon has ever been scientifically demonstrated


Think about that, if there was 1 point of consciousness in the universe, and everything in the universe points towards it.


>If supernatural shit actually existed then governments and corporations would be using it, literally no supernatural phenomenon has ever been scientifically demonstrated
So you are saying that the current governments have all technology that will ever exist?


No? But there isn't some super secret technology that already exists that some random guy on imageboards knows about and they don't


>No? But there isn't some super secret technology that already exists that some random guy on imageboards knows about and they don't
The things I say could have 0% practical use to anyone but still be 100% factually accurate. Your argument is nonexistent.


Practically every piece of scientific information has use to someone. What do you know then that proves the supernatural is real? Even if it had no practical application anyone who discovered it would be like one of the most famous people on earth


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> Just sitting there, using my evil powers. I burned my own brother, I was mad at him and I imagined sending my evil vibes right on his head. He came in and told me about his pains on his head shortly after. I've cleared many more spaces with my evil vibes when I wished to.

Can you use your psychic powers on the CIA right now brother?


>Practically every piece of scientific information has use to someone. What do you know then that proves the supernatural is real? Even if it had no practical application anyone who discovered it would be like one of the most famous people on earth
I said "could" as in it was a hypothetical.

>What do you know then that proves the supernatural is real? Even if it had no practical application anyone who discovered it would be like one of the most famous people on earth

I already described it. The easiest application is to force my mental onto other living creatures be they mammals or humans. It is 100% real and I frankly don't care if people discover it or not because I don't give a fuck about humans. I'll go where I go where I die and you will go where you will. So be it. I have little sympathy for humans.


>If supernatural shit actually existed then governments and corporations would be using it
I mean thats the whole point of researching magical organizations and their rituals.


>Can you use your psychic powers on the CIA right now brother?
Yeah perhaps but why? I guess I am not powerful enough, but come on, anyone would say most of these American faggots deserve what is coming to them anyways. Let them CIA fag it up like always until they no longer exist.


For realsies, even if I could kill any CIA faggot I wanted today, another CIA faggot would replace them tomorrow. Killing CIA faggots is not the solution.


If you actually have mental powers as you claim then you could talk to a scientist and have him verify experiencing them, then he could get in touch with a wider group of colleagues and they could experimentally verify your claims. You might not care about 'humanity' but this would lead to huge wealth and fame for you, you'd never have to work again a day in your life.


> then you could talk to a scientist
Who specifically. I've entertained this idea.
>then he could get in touch with a wider group of colleagues and they could experimentally verify your claims. You might not care about 'humanity' but this would lead to huge wealth and fame for you, you'd never have to work again a day in your life.
Well I do feel somtimes for doing wider things for humanity. But at the same time why? I really don't think there is anything to be taught to humanity. Let's say hypothetically I had the secret to live to 200 by mental power. What difference would it make? Most of humanity is a bunch of faggots who want to artillery, snipe, nuke, biowarfare, each other and etc.


Maybe a psychologist or someone who is interested in esoteric fields, you could just spam emails to a bunch of people.


>Maybe a psychologist or someone who is interested in esoteric fields, you could just spam emails to a bunch of people.
What would be the cutoff for responses. How credible of a scientist do I need the response from? Ivy league etc?


I dunno, not that famous, even someone from a local university would have some contacts


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They aren't interested in it. Who really cares. Why not adress my hypotheticals? I hypothetically prove what I'm saying true, then what? Truth is it doesn't matter. The world isn't shit for lack of technological knowledge. Humans are just shit. No matter what information they have available they'll produce shit.


I'm not interested in your misanthropy because I find it fucking boring, humans have created every bad thing and every good thing in the world, they're obviously extremely variable, we have the capability to build a dream or a nightmare of a world for ourselves, it just depends what systems we allow to rule us. Socialism is the only answer


>Humans are just shit
Post-civ, post-human
Also do you think you are the only one with said psychic abilities? What do you think unlocked them? What unlocks them?


>I'm not interested in your misanthropy because I find it fucking boring, humans have created every bad thing and every good thing in the world,
not at all. Every good thing has been invented completely independent of our existence or we would not exist.


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>Also do you think you are the only one with said psychic abilities? What do you think unlocked them? What unlocks them?
Not at all. I say every time that every human uses them to some degree. It is why we have popular expressions like ringing ears and staring daggers.


I mean obviously there are good things humans didn't create like fresh water but you get what I'm saying, without human morality we wouldn't even have a frame of reference with which to say humans are terrible and so on


>I live in a physical world where physical actions bring results.
Vulgar materialism ain't it, chief. Symbols do things and classical conditioning encompasses much more than salivary gland activity.
>the secret
The real secret is that ownership isn't real.


> I say every time that every human uses them to some degree.
Yeah but doesn't the fact that you claim to be conscious of them elevate that to a degree where you can actually control it?


>I mean obviously there are good things humans didn't create like fresh water but you get what I'm saying, without human morality we wouldn't even have a frame of reference with which to say humans are terrible and so on
That's your perspective, but mine is that all things in existence point towards god. Humans are closer to god than anything in our reality, yes.


>Yeah but doesn't the fact that you claim to be conscious of them elevate that to a degree where you can actually control it?
So? What are you trying to claim I'm trying to hold some power over you as claiming myself ad a profit or guru or something? Clearly I am not. Maybe you can see it clearly than me. I am only sharing my own personal experience.


Everything that's valued points toward some master value, and everything that's not valued is illegible to the valuist.


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🧿Does this cock-block your psychic powers?🧿 You said symbols don't matter, but this seems like the sort of thing invented to prevent said psychic powers i.e. "evil stare".


Not at all because it would've prevent me from punching it or shooting it with a glock or whatever. I'm talking about real fucking powers.


Real fucking powers meaning really being able to control the actions and motivations of real people.


Isn't that just called influence? Or are you implying into tapping into some sort of collective unconscious?


>humans le god
>humans le bad
These are both anthropocentrist and essentialist takes. Humans are a part of the environment / logistics chain, on par with beavers, ants and coral. Capitalist modes of production are destructive to everything that takes part in it, and there are no non-particiapants; willing or not. Being mad at or glorifying one species is effectively a form of idpol


> would've

I already explained some situations that aren't easily explained. But even then who cares? Humans have zero consciousness. The ideal is sipping champaign while other humans pick your cotton and forever will be.


Humans are the pinnacle of our known species, but we don't act like it.


Can you teach us how to use the psychic powers too? Do I just look at someone or think of someone I don't like and envision them getting diarrhea and then it happens?


>X is the pinnicle of Y
You are gesturing at an essence.


And yes you said that all humans use them to a degree but you seem to be able to direct it considering you were able to describe said experiences.


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I gave an example in the very post.

>Staring daggers

What the image was illustrating. Another popular related expression, burning a hole in the back of my head. Yes it can be felt the power from visual expressions onto the physical without any visual connection on part of the recipient.


>Can you teach us how to use the psychic powers too?
I infact can. Maybe it will be hard to explain. The secret is it's all a matter of perception. You are the supreme god of the universe, the creator, but you believe yourself some random fuck, and so you are, if you realize you are the guy in bed dreaming this reality right now, you will become lucid and can do anything.


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This seems to be a part of psychokinesis, its odd how neither of the two terms yield any results, however. You are right that its hard to describe it.
Yes its like an imaginary extension of yourself manifesting images. I think that my imagination is too dead though, gonna need drugs. See that's why drugs are revolutionary. I'm trying to collapse a ceiling right now with this power. Trying to staring dagger this but if it really is staring dagger then a dagger can't really do that much damage. How do I unlock staring nukes?


1. That's not how manifesting works
2. That is blatantly essentialist.


I'm talking from personal experience faggot. '

>This seems to be a part of psychokinesis, its odd how neither of the two terms yield any results, however. You are right that its hard to describe it.
I don't know about psychokinesis. I don't claim that I've ever moved one atom one micrometer with my mental. But I know that I can transplant ideas from my mind directly into other minds.


Do you have to look at them or can you just do it thinking about them? Can you do it online? To the anons here? To a streamer?


If one were god of their own universe then psychic shielding wouldn't be a thing. How it works is that everything that has agency–not just humans–has some effect psychically. Your attempt to curse something is buffered out by everything aware of that thing.


>Do you have to look at them or can you just do it thinking about them?
Yes just thinking, visualizing whatever.
Can you do it online? To the anons here? To a streamer?
Yes. I suppose so, but why? I leave it to someone else more motivated.

On more serious shit I've contemplated more being negative focused on people who might deserve it like Cheyney, but the thing is you have to be death focused, so I'm busy focusing death rays on my targets I wish death on, then I got to switch it off for all my friends and relations I don't wish death on. It's a hard thing to do and people don't deserve any of it. People will always be shit no matter what. There is no one singular factor making them shit, shit is their natural condition.


>If one were god of their own universe then psychic shielding wouldn't be a thing.
I'm saying your amount of power is relative to your "god realization."
>How it works is that everything that has agency–not just humans–has some effect psychically. Your attempt to curse something is buffered out by everything aware of that thing.
Yes and no. With greater realization you become immune from karma. You say X is X and it is because you understand yourself as the the supreme force of existence.

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