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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 [Last 50 Posts]

👁️🪬🧿Secret Societies & Cryptocracy Study 🏛️🤝🐲

Being well aware that capitalism is the root of all problems and not some Catholic / Zionist Masonic Lodge or a Council of 13 I want to dedicate a thread towards the study of what these organizations actually are, how they accumulated their wealth from their foundation, what their influence is and what their goals are.

This is not a Poltard thread about "da jooz"! This is a thread dedicated towards the study of said esoteric societies / "magical" organizations and their spheres of influence.

From the illumnati, to the anarchist The Black Hand, to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood, to the Mormons, to the pyramid scheme of the Church of Scientology, LaRouche and so on! How they infiltrate government positions, political parties and what we know about them.

Recommended books for analysis (links not included, might post PDFs in the thread):
-Occult Features of Anarchism by Christopher Scott Thompson and the Erica Lagalisse
-Bakunin's Anti-Jacobinism: 'Secret. Societies' For Self-Emancipating. Collectivist Social Revolution by Robert M. Cutler
-Revolutionary Demonology by Gruppo Di Nun
-Any book on the illumnati (c'mon they're in your supermarket's books aisle! Lets have a laugh)
-Magick by Aleister Crowley
-The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites & Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order by Eminem aka Marshall Bruce Mathers II 's Ancestors (just kidding, Israel Regardie and John Michael Greer)
-Liber Null & Psychonaut: The Practice of Chaos Magic by Peter J. Carroll and Ronald Hutton
-The Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality by Gordon White
-Don't touch this book by Jan Udo Holey (Jan van Helsing) ((Funny rightoid schizo))

Lets turn on the vacuum cleaner to start hunting spooks and demystifying them!


Book 1.
Brief description:
<Erica Lagalisse’s ‘Occult Features of Anarchism’ is a wonderful and learned provocation. Taking the concept of modern politics as a form of theology and magical ritual, she traces some aspects of the origins of socialist and anarchist politics and performance to the Hermetic tradition which influenced the Radical Enlightenment and its originators, in for example, the work of Spinoza. But she also argues that this ‘magical’ or Hermetic tradition rested on masculinist coup against women’s knowledge, especially in the tranformation of women healers into malevolent witches. But this work is not merely a work of academic research. Lagalisse then argues that the gatekeeping behaviour of anarchist and radical militants in the Global Justice Movement. Occupy/Square Movements, and their more recent spin-offs replicates the masculinist keepers of the esoteric knowledge of the Free Masons or varieties of secret societies drawing directly or indirectly on the Hermetic tradition.



Here's some of my occult knowledge
>rosicrucianism was invented by a lutheran
>oliver cromwell was a puritan who started the bank of england, later acquired by rothschilds
>knights templar came from the islamic assassins, who ended up worshipping a severed head called "baphomet" which some render as "mohamet". Templars also invented the first international bank.
>Eliphas Levi later calls baphomet the "anima mundi" (world-soul) that represents love-wrath
>babylon invented the first banking system, including debts
>vatican is richest country on earth and is biggest real estate owner through its churches that it pays no taxes on
>soros wrote a book called "the alchemy of finance"
The occult is inherently tied to finance
This is why christ literally says that you either serve money or you serve God. He drove out the moneychangers. But judas sold him out for 30 pieces of silver.
The occult is the religion of capitalism. Resist!


also its no wonder nazis are literally demonically possessed pedos that want to kill innocents. It is the last ditch effort by satan to enslave man to capital once liberalism's facade fails
In capital, marx described capital as a vampire that sucks out our life to feed itself. Marx is a christian prophet.
>Christianity was originally a movement of oppressed people: it first appeared as the religion of slaves and emancipated slaves, of poor people deprived of all rights, of peoples subjugated or dispersed by Rome. Both Christianity and the workers’ socialism preach forthcoming salvation from bondage and misery - engels


>Marshall Bruce Mathers II
Small correction - III.
Eminem's ancestors allegedly by the family tree of Mathers, really are connected to the occult - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Liddell_MacGregor_Mathers

Reminder that the "rags to riches" story is always complete bullshit.


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How much truth is there to the human sacrifice memes? Ruling classes have indulged in human sacrifice to varying degrees throughout history. Considering the sheer scale of the brutality liberal powers indulge in openly, a lot of the schizo theories about them don't seem particularly shocking tbh.

What's more interesting to me than the truth about that though is the public perception. Like the fact that Hillary Clinton can make it her personal mission to destroy Libya is something that is not a secret, but most people are not particularly bothered by it, to the point of forgetting even if told. Meanwhile, there's the schizo notion that if she was exposed as a cannibal who eats babies that people would suddenly care and rise up or something. But would they? IDK, it seems like there's something about the horror being more tangible and specific that seems to bother people. Social murder and other systemic atrocities just don't seem to have the same impact on people as a whole. At the same time, what would people even do then? The crimes would still ultimately be systemic ones.

I can't help but think that the idea of unraveling some mystery to expose the real crimes of the bourgeoisie is fundamentally a reactionary fantasy. It's pretty clear that a lot of people are just going to believe whatever they want anyway. If they think the faction of the bourgeoisie they identify with farts and it smells like roses, nothing is going to change their minds. The ongoing situation with Israel and all the Biden simps are pretty strong evidence of that.


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Here the name of Samuel Mathers appears, but the date of birth is wrong and the spouse is different.
According to Glowpedia 8 or 11 January 1854 is around the time Samuel Mathers was born.
According to this site it is 1848 https://gw.geneanet.org/tdowling?n=mathers&oc=0&p=chester+william&type=tree
nonetheless another interesting part of it is that if you go back enough the site shows up a connection to a Richard Mather with the title The Reverend who was a New England Puritan minister in colonial Boston.

It is more than likely that Eminem inherited most of his wealth from a religious society that his ancestors were part of.


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There are a lot of "Mathers" and since the Glowpedia date is uncertain and unbacked it is safe to assume that it is the same Mathers. Perhaps he had an affair, or perhaps some of the info is questionable.


if people stopped looking at human sacrifice and started looking at animal sacrifice they would see how our society is built on oceans of blood to serve sin. Its just demonic science.


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I mean you can make up bullshit justifications for western intervention in MENA whereas you can't really do that for eating babies. If Clinton was revealed as a cannibal it certainly wouldn't be the proles who got rid of her but the bourgeois. You can't have someone blatantly letting the side down so much. If it was revealed that every bourgeois person was a baby eater then idk, I guess they would just try their best to crack down and keep power anyway, possibly that would be enough to make a revolution happen but it's also totally possible that people will just be like 'yeah we're ruled by fucking insane cannibals, but, the police are still protecting them so what can I do?'.

I mean obviously not every rich and powerful person could be involved in human sacrifice so what's the purpose of obsessing over it? Even if we rooted out the cannibals it would just leave the bourgeois still in charge anyway. It gets people thinking down back lines of thought where they accept the premise that capitalism is okay as long as the evil people are gotten rid of. That's why we should steer clear of that kind of conspiracy bullshit.

Eminem grew up in poverty, are you saying his whole life story is a lie? Obviously it's not impossible but isn't it simpler just to think he managed to luck out and attract the attention of a record exec and get rich.


The documentary about ALF Behind the Mask exposes how a lot of this "science" is useless and pointless. Because the human anatomy is different from the animal anatomy, so the experiments are without any practical use. I think most of it is just money laundry simulating activity.


>Eminem grew up in poverty, are you saying his whole life story is a lie?
>isn't it simpler just to think he managed to luck out and attract the attention of a record exec and get rich.
That is the story that is being pushed around in capitalist society. That if you try hard enough and struggle hard enough you can become rich. That eventually luck will finds its way to you if you scratch enough lottery tickets. If he really does have connections to esoteric societies it is more than likely that resources have been poured into this fabrication of his life story.


I remember watching a video of animal activists breaking into a lab and they found monkeys with speakers plugged into their ears with full music blasting (like the torture in guantanamo bay).
Animal shelters also torture and kill animals.
Animal sacrifice is an outlet for psychopaths and factory farms are a religious artifact dedicated to satan


I mean do you really believe that NOBODY ever gets lucky and gets noticed by record labels though?


Lets not forget that cults serve an economic purpose, they are ponzi schemes. A lot of them require their members to give up their belongings and fund them. They allow the leaders to completely operate with their finances and lives. We have seen it various times in cases like Aum Shinrikyo from Japan and the Universal White Brotherhood from Bulgaria.


I don't believe any celebrities got rich or popular by "sheer luck". Most of them have connections.
For one the whole "its da jooz" narrative comes from a distortion of the wealth accumulated by noble families and cults, it completely neglects that it is not inherent to just jews as it tries to push in the narrative for eugenics.
For example a lot of them describe the Freemasons and Masonic Lodges as "jewish" despite a significant portion of the Masonic bodies being Catholic and multi-religious. Even the requirements for entering a lot of them only ask to believe in "a God" and not Yahweh exclusively. The obfuscation between jews as ethnic groups and judaism as a belief plays a major role in the Poltard's confused and retarded view of the world. This is also used by Zionists to cry out "antisemitism" - for one the semitic people refers to a multitude of peoples and not just ethnoreligious jews lol.


>I don't believe any celebrities got rich or popular by "sheer luck". Most of them have connections.
Exactly. If you believe otherwise you are a "temporarily embarrassed millionaire".
Do people really think they would let the underclass join in the elite? The freemasons still racially segregate for God's sake!


>The freemasons still racially segregate for God's sake!
Their main thing was that Freemasonry was exclusively for men until they introduced masonic lodges for women. You could call it a sort of reformism to "get on with the times". Yet it still excludes.
There are a lot of parallels. For example there is an island in Greece that is exclusively for men only called Mount Athos or "Света Гора - Holy Forest" which follows a prophecy that if a woman steps on the island it will sink. It has a few Christian Orthodox priests inhabiting it with some tourists coming in to visit and some construction workers and some food delivery ships, most of them are bulgarians following the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. However all of them are men.

I've always thought it would be extremely funny to see someone drop in a woman with a parachute on the island and record it in secrecy. Then after years of nothing happening, expose them.

(Video unrelated)


Even buddha says that women cant reach enlightenment
The occult knowledge is that you have to convert your male sexual essence into kundalini
This is why it says in the old testament that if you crush your balls then you cannot go to heaven
Jesus once more repels this old order in one of his verses where he says that any "natural enuch" can be saved. Jesus also obviously hung around women and sinners.
The esoteric worldview is just elitism. Thats why i contend that in large part it was a creation of modern dynasties


>Thats why i contend that in large part it was a creation of modern dynasties
America itself was founded by Freemasons. That is well known.

A russophile coworker I once had who was a Zigger type contended that the USSR and communism itself was a product of "da Jooz" going into links between Lenin's mother being part of the Blank family, Marx, going on rants about Trotsky and pointing that the symbolism of the hammer in the hammer and sickle being symbolic of stonemasonry. The compass in GDR. Labour Zionism and Bundism.

However truth there may be to this, I don't see any reason to discredit them. The point that a lot of the anti-jewish sentiment stands around is that they run a "global NWO" to "control everything through controlled oppositions". This completely ignores any and all contradictions and fails to argue about all of the differences all of them have - treating them all as sharing the same mindset and same mentality.

The same coworker also argued that Nazi Germany was funded by jews, who allowed Hitler to be visited in prison and continued by stating that Hitler himself was a jew. He pointed to a propaganda film produced in Nazi Germany called Die Rothschilds from the year 1940 *(YT Video included). It was an interesting watch. His claim however was that, because they knew all of this information to produce such a film that they themselves were involved and part of it.

I think that a lot of these socities, as real as they are, are still human. A lot of them are miscellaneous, but sometimes renegrades come along the way to challange them from the inside. This is also why we see a lot of Russian nobles reject their status as Tsars and Knyaz in order to combat the monarchy in favor of the people. We see it in Tolstoy, in Kropotkin, in Bakunin and more, whom despite all the disagreements we may have on their views should be able to agree that they opposed monarchism and the royalty. I think it is just as possible that the children from the families of secret societies are just as able to oppose them as any other person, if they have the will to.


> I don't see any reason to discredit them.
And by this I mean the figures who are of jewish descent. Not the coworker and those with his rhetoric.
We see it right now that there are more jews than ever who are opposing Israel and standing with Palestine. They should not be treated as the same as Zionists. They are not the same.


This is the 85 lQ schizo thread, I see


the song in that video is such a banger


We're doing analysis of the wack claims. You've got to be an lQ score of 85 to not see that. This isn't a thread of "magic real haha", but clearly your reading comprehension is that of a child.


Another claim of his was that all "isms" as in ends of the words for ideological currents - communism, fascism, anarchism, nationalism, patriotism etc. - were a part of a "jewish ploy". He was extremely hostile towards the english language and saying that it is by extension a continuation of Hebrew.

He made claims that the word communism comes from hebrew and stands for "like one" or "as one" in a claim that it is the idea of acting in unity as one. I asked him if its just the translations of words or if the words themselves that are affected by "it" by giving the example that the word anarchism while certainly is an "ism" the original word is greek as αναρχία ending in "a" and has no "ism" to it. To which his claim was that "they" are purposefully distorting language. However the distortion of language isn't at all exclusive to jews or judaism at all. Deleuze for example did extensive analysis on language and order words to see how it is being used as a weapon. We see it ourselves how for example in America "liberal" is being made synonymous with "left", "libertarian" being stolen by disciples of the Austrian School of economics despite being used by Anti-Property anarchists. There is no "they", as language itself is used and changed by the biases of the speakers.

This was fueled by a sentiment of what he perceived as "natural" and what to him is "unnatural". He pointed to all of it in the start of Judaism being two main branches - Reformist and Conservative. One which sought to make an interpretation of scripture while the other followed it as it was practiced since its inception. This however is not really exclusive to Judaism, as a lot of belief systems have either changed or remained in line with their "traditions" (despite how obfuscated a lot of them are).

I think this is what a lack of analysis does, it is a cognitive dissociation. Marx's writings On The Jewish Question already clear up a lot of these claims, but it is way easier for reactionaries to blame one ethnoreligious group instead of the foundations of the system itself. That is capitalism. To them since capitalism is just an abstraction they do not wish to understand it is way easier to direct issues at groups of people. It is not even exclusive to jews. They do it with racial groups, people with different orientations and generally all the identity politics one can imagine revolve around that.
Capital is an abstract matter to them, while jews are an existing one. They cannot accept that an abstraction originates from a societal standpoint, so they make it a private matter of a selective character. At least that's how it might be. It seems purely cultural to me rather than being founded in any significant analysis of the inner workings.

Rightoids always have to pretend that they've uncovered a grand mystery, acting like "leftist liberuls never talk about da jooz cus dey finance dem". It really doesn't matter if we do cover these topics, we shouldin't be trying to impress them. They denounce antifascist protests in my country as "being funded by Soros". They want an easy scapegoat, a boogeyman.


>It seems purely cultural to me
*Here I'm not referring to capital. I'm referring to the Rightoids' line of thought.


wicca was invented in the 1950s by a british government worker named Gerald Gardner


w thread.


schizo thread


That's a normal occurrence around here to be honest.


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Made a post earlier about this channel, but found out I was wrong to call it a "Q-Anon" type, it is obssesed with esoteric messages in movies and specifically references and potential references to 9/11 in movies.
A lot of these videos are interesting while some are banal. It follows the "illuminati confirmed" style of 2012, but takes itself seriously.
It really wouldin't be surprising if the messages were put in intentionally knowing what kind of freaks run Hollywood. While a lot of it can be passed off as schizo shit, there is some legitimacy to it. Although at times its just silly.


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Alex Jones is a comrade exposing the reptilian right, playing LaRouche against conservatives.


pfft everyone knows in conspiracy lorw that alex jones is a controlled opposition that works for the cia


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Our comrade is a double agent. Just listen to how he praises the DPRK, China and Russia!!!
He probably infiltrated the CIA and everytime they question him he goes "nah guys don't worry I'm with you, Murica", but in reality he's a proletarian nega-LaRouche, his heart is red, flowing with hot red blood.


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He Will Always Be A Comrade


1 Day after 9/11
>Calls out Bin Laden as CIA
>Speaks out against US Imperialism
>Speaks out against Israel
>Takes Gadaffi's position on Palestine
>Predicts Patriot Act, warns against it


when I first saw the portrait I thought the same thing.


>I'm not a Stalinist
>Goes on rant about Trotskyists and Ukrainian Nazis
Holy based.


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Its official


What are they up to now?
Can't anyone send a drone in with a camera now that technology has reached this stage? Drop in a camera with some sound or get a small remote control vehicle with a camera in there while they're doing their ritual?


CPUSA anon you know what to do…


The 88 in the channel name suggests that it is simply a German reactionary or fanboy thereof having a normal one.

I'm sure they also bring suitable countermeasures, now that technology has indeed reached that stage. These are very special VIPs who must maintain full control over their image as a "being".


So what, was Sandy Hook actually fake then?


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>The 88 in the channel name suggests that it is simply a German reactionary or fanboy thereof having a normal one
The channel connects the number 88 among other numbers as part of some "astral code", it's not referencing Heiling Hitlers, it's a lot more schizo than that.


AJ admitted he was wrong about that.


I mean to be fair it's a short walk from numerology to esoteric Hitlerism


When sued for hundreds of millions yes, he then claimed his entire 'news channel' was a satirical entertainment product that no reasonable person could believe, you realise that makes him worse than if he actually believed it right?


Here is an example from a private video dug up from the community page - see the comments (they're just as schizo).

I remember two very similar channels doing shit like this
the other I can't find but it was ran by the same dude who went on schizo ramblings like that. Even saw some memes about it long ago.


>he then claimed his entire 'news channel' was a satirical entertainment product no reasonable person could believe
I doubt anyone on this thread actually believes in him lmfao. Of course there are some decent comments made by him, though in irony most are aware that he's a grifter.



As someone with a disturbing percentage of WASP blood in me, I'm afraid I can't risk being in close proximity to the grove. Y'know my grandfather, who's Scottish-Presbyterian, he sat me on his lap once and said
>"CPUSA anon, my boy, remember these words: we are born of The Blood, made men by The Blood, undone by The Blood. Our eyes are yet to open. Fear the Old Blood."
And those words really resonated with me. The unholy blood pact my WASP forebears made ages ago can awaken at any moment. One minute it's normal ol' CPUSA Anon, the next I'm speaking in a transatlantic accent, dancing naked in the forest before Moloch, and buggering effete looking foreign boys.


The channels from these comments are a rabbit hole


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C'MON! Why don't you go kindly preach about Jesus "being a socialist" to the Moloch worshipping, baby eating billionaires? Maybe they'll change their minds, who knows????


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I gave my left nutsack for Cicada 3301, no thank you CIA. Go advertise somewhere else.


How to summon succubus Stalin? Help?


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There is nothing metaphysical about sigils, nothing metaphysical about symbols and how they operate. Reality is localized, especially in the post-modern era. What you believe is your reality, what symbols you interact with determine your reality.

However, most Marxists simply cannot operate on this level, the reason is that they cannot truly "believe", belief systems are a psychic weapon. In order to tap into this conscious experience, one must shed their previous belief systems, wholly and entirely immersing themselves into that new domain. This is a basic concept in chaos magic.

You want to create propaganda, you want to "detourn" culture, and reclaim things from the capitalist realism mind virus, you must believe.


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AJ should stop selling these pussy bullshit vitamins and start selling beer.


Does anyone remember the straight edge polyamory cult? Ironically a lot of post-left anarchists and their writings like those on warzone distro recite the synanon values word for word lmao.


just do the letter method but with the soviet flag instead of the sigil of lilith and succubus stalin will materialize slowly into your life, starting out in your dreams and phasing into the material world as she establishes herself in the mortal realm through you as a conduit


>a lot of post-left anarchists and their writings recite the synanon values word for word lmao
Post proofs



>a lot
<no proof just linking one text that arguably isn't even from the post-left mileu
Disingenuous underage faggot


I knew you'd just write "no proof" and cry about it.
>its not post left
A lot of your buddies on anarchist news would argue otherwise. Go preach no true scotsman. Either way, It will actually do some good.
These texts are dogshit, straight-edge culture is more prominent in anihilists and posties than ever before, polyamory is rampant to a point where they will actively shun anyone monogamous.
I would really appreciate if there were more people like you to denounce them, but it seems that the likes of Julian Langer and Flowerbomb have farted all over the anarchist milieu.


>no proof just linking one text
>one text
There are many, warzone distro is a blog. It shares a collection of these texts under the genres. I didin't just link a text, I linked the entire pages of the genres being promoted which contain many writings. This is not the case of a single author, it is a multitude of them.


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How to be post-left in 2024:
-Be poly and cheat on men with women and women with men, embrace an identity crisis
-Preach insolence and hostility towards drinkers, smokers and drug users, monogamous couples and nonvegans (filthy FASCIST MEAT EATERS)
-Advocate for insurrection, don't actually risk your life
-Dox and send death threats to anyone who holds positive views of technology, spam TedK memes
-Reject equality, inequality is the new cool, send death threats to all leftists, make alliances with ecofascists
-Join an obscure esoteric misanthropic cult
-Don't blame capitalism for anything, blame society and humanity
-Show the world the most hopeless struggle it has ever witnessed by posting on the antiwork leddit
-Defend primitivism, even though we're all fucked we JUST GOTTA GO BACK
-Blast Black Metal and NSBM, make rap music
-Rub dicks together with "Christian Anarchists" and spiritual gurus
-Burn the bread book, cuz fuck those authoritarian red fascist ancom faggots tryna make u live in a commune (who the fuck do they think they are???)
-Post short essays shitting on TIQQUN (phoney shit 4 fags)
-Do anything, anything you want if you got balls for it, anything is ok, burn shit wreck chaos rape whatever brah

Welcome 2 the real world MUTHAFUCKAAAAA


>How to be post-left in 2024:
Post-left is a tendancy specific to the conditions of the 90s USA.
you're retarded, didn't read.


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>tendancy specific to the conditions of the 90s USA.
<He doesn't know about the Mexican, Chilean ,Peruvian, Brazillian Latin America insurrectionary movements from 2000s to today!


<all insurrectionists are post-left
Retarded no-nothing absolutely confirmed.


>all insurrectionists
Ah yes, Caravanas Iconoclastas por el Libre Albedrío, Leon Czolgosz Autonomous and Destructive Forces, Individualistas Tendiendo a lo Salvaje / Reacción Salvaje, Célula Insurreccional Mariano Sánchez Añón, Amigxs de la Tierra, Célula Anárquica Por la Solidaridad Revolucionaria SUDDENLY ALL NOT POST-LEFT ANYMORE! Because some anon said so!


<n-n-no they are I decided!
Retard American. Only you people act so confidently about things you obviously don't understand .


>n-n-no they are I decided!
They have announced it themselves lmfao.
>Retard American
You are the retard who thinks Post-Left is only exclusive to the US. Moreso that it was somehow only exclusive to the 90s. Why don't you open up the anarchist library and go find out.


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This thread needs a hero!


Polyamory is cringe and only popular because the economic conditions have made it so.


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Reminder that the Peoples Temple was likely a CIA experiment.


< Jones had several CIA assignments before this one. The first was to organize the resistance movement in Cuba prior to the Bay of Pigs invasion. He was a seasoned and experienced CIA operative long before the People's Temple, and he even fooled Castro! Days after the Jonestown massacre San Francisco Mayor Mascone, who had extensive knowledge of the People's Temple, was assassinated in his office, and yes it was connected to Jones! Jones literally ran Mendocino County and had the power to do what ever he wished to do, including several murders. The connections Jones had to very powerful people, all the way to the White House, are almost beyond belief.

*Was in the sense that the poisoning likely had higher implications than just random mass suicide out of despair that "Russia couldin't save them".


>only popular because the economic conditions have made it so
if you mean that polyamory is mostly poor people seeking security and stability in their lives and a vocal minority of bored middle-classers chasing "trends" then yea, duh


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weird ass fucker i remember reading about on /pol/ back in 2014

>be Michael Aquino

>be us army officer
>be part of psych warfare operations in vietnam
>joins the church of satan
>finds they aren't spiritual enough and are more interested in talking about the ayn rand and objectivism
>starts his own splinter cult with some big titty goth chick
>was accused of sexual abuse by multiple children from a daycare on a military base in Presidio california five of which were found to have contracted chlamydia
>kids give description of a house that fits the description of aquino's home
>police get search warrant for his house and the house matches the description from the children
>full of satanic and egyptian themed shit
>the daycare building goes up in flames and so does the administrative building which contained all known records about the daycare
>aquino's house also goes up in flames
>get aquitted and walk free
>despite both the scandal and the allegations against him as well as his being a higher up military officer with strange background wikipedia bans any discussion on him as a topic except a wiki page about the temple of set


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>with some big titty goth chick
Was disappointed with the photos. She looks like a propped up corpse.


What does poor people's polyam culture look like as lived? Do you know of any fairly legit field work on the topic?


Heres a short commentary on it.
Also I had read a text somwhere long ago that they influenced the Fellowship of Isis, but I can't find it anymore.


Was looking for this one actually, but decided to post the one about the mindwar cause I couldin't find this by searching for it on YT for some reason


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this entire thread is what i love about /leftypol/


they use libre office calc to schedule date nights in the prole 'cule bc we can't afford that sweet Office 365 subscription fee


That's strange, every middle-class polyam I've ever happened across uses the free Google Calendar. Easier onboarding


However, the sanctuary of Mount Athos has been infringed twelve times (officially at least) since the year 382. The following are the incidents in which this is known to have happened.

– In 382 by the Plakentia, the daughter of Emperor Theodosius I.
– In 1081 and 1108 by shepherd families (numbering more than 300).
– In 1345 by the Eleni, the wife of Serbian Emperor Stefan Dusan.
– In 1404 by the wife of Ioannis Palaiologos.
– In 1854 by a group of young girls who sought protection after the Halkidiki uprising.
– In 1905 by the young Russian princess Tatiana Nikita.
– In 1929 by Aliki Diplarakou, the Greek “Miss Europe” — dressed as a man!
– In 1931 by French journalist Maryse Choisy, who disguised herself as a sailor and wrote about her experience in a book entitled “One Month With Men.”
– In 1948 by a group of women from the Democratic Army of Greece who broke the guard and entered as they were being chased by the Greek Army during the Civil War.
– In 1953 by American teacher Cora Miller.
– In 1971 by French philologist Jacqueline Michele and Italians Luisa Barbarito and Maria Pastterla.

<Greek journalist Malvina Karali was the most recent woman to break the ban and enter onto the territory of Mount Athos, when, as she claims, she entered the sanctuary dressed as a man in the 1990s.

They are so full of shit about the island sinking if a woman steps on it, much like their retarded beliefs.


And this is what religious fucks do, they'll keep turning a blind eye to this and when global warming causes the mediterranean sea levels to rise and sinks their fucking church cult island they will bring a woman and go "LOOK THE PROPHECY". Unless all the monks have gone extinct by then because no one wants to go there anymore.


Greek society is pervaded with the same retardation about women, from top to bottom. It's a shame that such mid thought was conveyed to the future in such fine technique.


>to the obscure Neo-Nazi pedo cults given by the Order of Nine Angels & Temple Ov Blood
Surprised they haven't been mentioned in the thread.
Obligatory link to the ongoing Esoteric Hitlerism thread (and links to the archived /leftypol/ threads): https://nuclearchange.net/praxis/thread/3.html



Don't look up flagrel and Synanon.


Damn, gotta respect the realpolitik though.


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These guys go way back, right now their newest section "764" revolves around recruiting kids on platforms like roblox, disco, twitter and getting them to play the "blue whale challange" into CSAM. Countless articles and youtube documentaries about this.

The EKRE party of Estonia is allied to AWD which is allied to O9A sections.

Also not too long ago somebody on the ukraine thread posted a dead ukrainian soldier who had a pentagram necklace. It wouldin't be surprising if they're joining the international legion volunteers there so they can commit warcrimes. They had tried to sent a soldier in Iraq before to kill his own squad, but apparently it didin't work out for them. Their entire doctrine is about infiltrating positions and creating families just to ruin them.
The ecoterrorist / primitivist group of mexico called ITS / Wild Reaction is also allied to O9A.

These are probably just about the worst vermin on earth and must be exterminated along with their allies.


Does anyone know this one youtube channel with this guy who dedicated his life to refuting "magic rituals"? He did like all sorts of crazy shit like Alister Crowley type stuff (rituals of the ars Goetia) and tame stuff like creepypasta urban legends and bloody mary, mirror world type shit.
I can't find the channel anymore because youtube is filled with clickbaity shit and even using the before: function shows nothing. If it sounds familiar someone please share.


I also recon his most famous ones were playing "the elevator game" ,"the midnight game" and "the three kings ritual". His videos had a homemade feel, no clickbait retarded shit with red arrows, red circles, scared emojis and gaping facial expressions. It was all genuine and authentic experimenting. Similar to this vid.



Saw this on the history channel, a skeleton lake with bones from all over the world from over the span of centuries. Wtf is the explanation for this???


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Thanks, was looking for this online recently and couldn't find it. It's surprisingly hard to find information on Victor Norris.


It's interesting because some of those 'comms groups' are esoteric satanic hitlerist, while others are just plain old sadism groups which started independently. The overlap of membership isn't trivial, but nor are they the same.

It emphasises that some of these people are sadists, plain and simple. They are attracted to Nazi symbolism (it's a stretch to truly call them Nazis because of how cosmetic the link is) because they see the Western stereotype (however true it is) of them being powerful evil sadistic villains and want to evoke that.
On the other hand, some are white supremacists and want to blend the two or recruit terror. See the idiot Nazis like pic1rel


What's your guy's take here on psychoanalysis? On Jung? On Gnosticism?

There's been a fair few prominent Marxists who were interested in or followers of Freud. Which makes sense since while he wasn't himself a leftist, he was still much more materialistic in approach, and he was an atheist.
His views aren't at all incompatible with Marxism, and he shares a lot of philosophical heritage with Marx. There's a whole broad designation of people who can be viewed as Freudo-Marxists.

There's not anything about the Jungian system that is inherently right wing, but yet it seems most popular modern self proclaimed Jungians tend to be right wingers or just straight up grifters.

For example Jordan Peterson claims to be a big fan of and inspired by Jung, even though today there's actually very little in common between what they say and their positions.
It seems he did say stuff that built off Jungian ideas if you go back 20 years ago, before he built a career off of crying about hating LGBT people or trying to sell self help guides to bitter incels. But today he's very much not at all a Jungian no matter how he might proclaim otherwise.
Likewise there's also a fair few New Age types who misuse Jungian concepts and terminology to grift from as part of their New Age schtick.

So why does Jung attract the right more than the left? Maybe it's just Jung is more mystical / less materialist and dabbles in alchemical and gnostic imagery that it just happens to turn off a lot of left leaning people and intrigues right wing weirdos more often?
That's my assumption at least.

As a leftist who finds Jung's ideas very interesting and passionately dislikes how people like that fascist grifter Peterson etc try to claim him I feel kind of isolated.
Wanting to understand meaning in dreams, or to integrate the shadow aspects hidden within unconscious mind into ourselves properly rather than repressing our darker aspects, or the ideas of gnostic beliefs shouldn't be co-opted by or claimed as somehow a right wing thing.

On a related note, Norse Neo-Paganism has always had a big Nazi problem, recently (like in the past decade) Nazis also have worked hard to appropriate and take over large parts of Thelemic occult groups which were before largely non-political and welcoming all.
And it seems like now they've taken Norse stuff and Thelema, that Jung and Gnosticism are perhaps their next target to really try to claim is theirs.
It's especially easy since at a very low autism score and superficial level one could turn it into something anti-Semitic, claiming Demiurge = Jewish God, and therefore Jews = Evil, which is total misrepresentation and nonsense.
I hope one day all such occult / pagan groups can really just fucking stamp this shit out.


He's only good for his influence on Neon Genesis Evangelion, I fucking hate all spiritual and religious "people". Shit's all Kabbalist aesthetic. Fucking retards. Retarded as fuck.



the reason the right likes jung is because he isnt Jewish like Sigmund Freud also i recall him saying hitler was a manifestation of odin.

Anyways jung creates the idea of archetypes which is actually pretty useful in story telling

he also talks about astrology, dreams, symbolism, and the collective unconscious, which can be fun to talk about if you are into spiritual stuff


I cannot find any family relation between the Mathers youre talking about


>doesn't know about the Smith family
The masons have nothing on the Smiths. There are millions of them!


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what do you peeps think about astrology?


I'm not an expert on the astrology itself but I noticed that there's 12 voiced consonants in the English Alphabet + X, and 8 voiceless consonants + X, and 5 letters which are primarily phonetic vowels, and 3 which are secondarily phonetic vowels (YWV). Good for signs, planets, elements, and primes. It actually maps to the major arcana really well if you go backwards from Aries, and for planets go by the week from Luna to Saturn, then Neptune & Uranus, and Sol gets X because it's the Sun & it's both a star and a planet.
It's fun what this makes V & W.

Using astrology to determine something about the world feels important but beyond me, just like measuring the luminosity of Algol feels important but beyond me. I always thought "oh just using this science as a personality test is a lame waste" but I've accepted that the microcosmic self is easier to know than the macrocosm, so the self is a tool used to understand astrology.


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A hobby invented by pregnant women and balding men who want to be annoying cunts and use it as an excuse for not reading communist theory. All of whom must be killed, of course. In the name of materialism.


Mao Spontex + Sigils + Detournment


Stars are made of matter dude


The April solar eclipse seemed to bring enough grief along its path of totality.


Where do you learn this kind of shit? I want to make a game with divinations of all kinds as a mechanic


NTA but that is a rich mine for ideas.

Horary astrology is the closest to on-demand omen reading or question answering. For world-level plot turns or grand conditions, you might be interested in mundane astrology. Natal astrology suggests a mechanic of "reading" players' individual nativities and +/- stat points according to aspects in their nativity, or situationally as compared to current conditions, or the natal positions of their enemies, the towns/kings/jurisdictions that govern them, etc.

All these are rooted in the fundamental astrological theory, that the course of a process (life, project, relationship) is more or less constrained by the astral conditions that obtain at the moment of its initiation. "The Only Way to Learn Astrology" is a good series despite the overweening name. "Mundane Astrology: The Astrology of Nations and States" is a 3-in-1 book. The Carter section applies the theory to WWII-era modern states which you can extend forward, and the other two mainly cover older formations.

Astrology, like any cultural object, has changed according to the material conditions in which it has evolved. Those material conditions may include scientific judgments as to whether a planet is really a planet, or an asteroid, or a dwarf, and whether these status changes are reflected in the astrological effects exerted by them in time. Because of the properties customarily assigned to Pluto — death, inheritance, wealth, minerals, power, secrets — it is a question of great immediate import among contemporary students of the art.


Thank you, i'll check it out. Bonus stats based on date of birth is kind of banal, i wanted to look at how divinations can be used to find a better idea. For now it's different signs affecting each other in some way, but it's basically ditching the whole "predicting the future" thing

>constrained by the astral conditions that obtain at the moment of its initiation

Yeah, this. Feng Shui is kind of "place things of this or that element at this or that cardinal direction", tarot, cards, seeds or whatever, is about asking a question and reading what you get, and astrology is kind of weird to implement


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Horary astrology is also reputed to find lost objects and predict the outcomes of contests, which you might be able to exploit. I could imagine looking at the enemy polity's founding chart in light of the sky at the time a battle or war starts, possibly to explore the condition of enemy resources at that moment (military focus, political will, treasury, productivity, harvests, foreign affairs, internal social discipline…) which contestants will exploit or shore up, as advised by their own seers.

But astrology as we know it is a science of a process. It is less of a randomizer than a rhythmizer. Without the planetary cycles, like if the sky is no longer visible or you are in a different kind of solar system, and the weakening of astronomical causal dependence thereby, you might make it into a randomizer along the lines of runes, dividing a circle into 12 equal parts and casting the seven classical planets into them, with no necessary astronomical plausibility. It's a defensible idea.

<imagine the girl from FNAF speaking in scouse: "there used to be rules but the planets have forgotten them"


astral magic can be very powerful desu

why do normie white girls, creepy goth girls, and balding old white dudes (Lenin) ruin everything?


This seems nice and a neat excercise in ridding yourself of colonizer brainworms. Kinda reminds me of memory borrowing in Rust.


>Maybe it's just Jung is more mystical / less materialist and dabbles in alchemical and gnostic imagery that it just happens to turn off a lot of left leaning people and intrigues right wing weirdos more often?
I think this is it. Jung leans heavily into hermeticism. It's mainly aesthetic preferences. He isn't that far from Freud or Lacan.
>I hope one day all such occult / pagan groups can really just fucking stamp this shit out
Maybe there's a chance for the general "occult", but paganism is almost all reactionary "retvrn to the racial cvltvre" drivel where there isn't an unbroken tradition, and where indigenous practices persist they are deeply conservative. Look at non-european neopaganism: Mexican nazis love Aztec religion. I've ever seen a nazi Discordian, however. The more eclectic the belief system, the less it attracts reactionaries.

Satanism as a whole glows, but especially Aquino and David Myatt. The latter was a satanist in the 70s, then converted to Islam just in time for the war on terror.

>evangelion fan calling others retards


Freud briefly dabbled in the occult too. He had an interest in telepathy. Also Jung was a right winger IIRC.

There was a time when there was more interest in the occult among leftists but as scientific socialism and MLism took hold interest dried up. Interest in the occult was deemed unscientific and backward, Adorno considered it a symptom of retrograde consciousness. But what this meant in practice is that right wingers were the only ones trying to politicize occultism and esotericism. The left pretty much ceded ground to the far right.

Nowadays, the far right can spread in occult circles because A. the far right is itself a pipeline to pop occultism B. leftism is associated with atheism and materialism and hostility to esoteric systems so many serious practitioners want nothing to do with it. However, right wing occultism and esotericism is intellectually bankrupt and doesn't really make a lot of sense. Go read Evola or Miguel Serrano. They are so obviously full of shit, dumb logical contradictions etc. for the far right occultism takes the place of theory. They don't really have a deep intellectual tradition so drawing on occult and esoteric ideas is a way they can fill that gap and come off as more sophisticated than they actually are.

There are of course good conservative intellectuals, but the extreme far right doesn't really care about Leo Strauss or Heidegger or De Maistre. Some might cherrpick Heidegger and Guenon but that's the limit of their reading ability and I doubt either of those two would endorse the modern online far right. Heidegger became almost left leaning in later life and Guenon hated first world white people and saw them as degenerates.


Holy shit I always thought Yakub was just a meme until I decided to look it up. I always thought black panther nationalism combined with islam was wacky, but this shit is insane.


I think experiencing "the universal human current with the dazzling rays of crime that breaks up and sweeps away all the crystallized reality of the circumscribed world of the many in order to rise toward the ultimate ideal flame and disperse in the endless fire of the new." is the kind of thing that demands socialism of a person. Why isn't there a propaganda focus on people crossing the abyss?


Welp, read your recommendations, and I don't think it's possible to make this engaging mechanically. Just useless complexity. It's just an extra layer over luck at best, and extra layer of stat managing at worst. Like, you can hide content behind some astrological checks, but that's just cheap. You can make a system with predictable "phases", basically HoMM3's weeks that give various effects to everyone, and that's probably the most promising avenue. But then it will just turn into skipping turns, and that's not fun

One book was about drawing circles, and the other one had an explanation about thought-cells, astral bodies, etc. Say, a wind in real world affects both the tree and a man standing under it, at different degrees, but it still affects both. And in that second book they had astral bodies, that get affected by the astral phenomena that moves the planets and stars. It's a cute concept, although it's clearly a reformation of earlier stuff because astral bodies started existing in like 19th century, and before there was no real distinction between material and immaterial bodies


I'd recommend pirating astrology books from z-library


More of a /tech/ thing but still interesting:
I found the rulebook for a pagan echo conference network from the 80's


Flag checks out


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If you took the time to understand capitalism instead of listening to hour long yuppie podcasts about the Illuminati, you'd kill yourself.


>the truth
Yes, this truth.


+ Suicide attacks against the bourgeoisie
<The revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no private interests, no affairs, sentiments, ties, property nor even a name of his own. His entire being is devoured by one purpose, one thought, one passion - the revolution.


>literally a bourgeois economic textbook


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God's chosen? Hmm….


It probably happens sometimes because it's a human universal. If you believe in spiritual forces and beings that can hurt or harm you, why not give them gifts to placate them or enlist their help? And what's a more valuable gift than a human life? The logic "makes sense".

But using occult human sacrifice as a framework to understand politics is going to drive you literally insane and turn you into a reactionary. Even the major Programmed to Kill type cases were other shit. Dutroux, Franklin, Epstein and Kincora were blackmail rings, Manson was a mind control experiment, a lot of the shit McGowan mentions in the book would logically lead you to believe that the main driver of a lot of "serial killings" is organized crime hits and snuff production. Who were the people in the 80s and 90s, and again today, ignoring the intel and organized crime angles and focusing people's attention on the spooky satanists vs God thing? It's the Christian right, who are as implicated in this shit to begin with as anyone. If Larry King was around today he'd be calling Hillary a baby eater, the satanic ritual framing is 1 part truth, 9 parts misdirection.


Its a bit more basic Imo, they do it because some tough dude did it first with other tough dudes around him and now everyone does it and punishes people who don't do it.


This video is basically a shitty/lazy influencer tier remake of an real video taken late last year of a guy, successfully, breaking into the grove by himself using a canoe he bought and abandoned. Whole video was of him getting across the river, sneaking past security and meandering around in the grove, it really didn't look particularly difficult. The guy was/is apparently a 4chan user, rest of his content is just generic self discovery type shit, "finding his way in the world" stuff, but he felt like it'd be easy to sneak in and he was right, he did it quite easily.

But the tldw of the video is that theres really not much back there in the grove itself. Its a lot of hollowed out fake trees, bathrooms, showers, some cool sneaky spots to observe shit from for security, etc. Then a massive mess hall and kitchen too, and then a bunch of empty cabins with bunk beds and shit.

Theres really not a whole lot to it, genuinely appears to be a place for people with money to go fuck, and do their magic larp. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reHm2F-CBxY


Found this playlist on tiktok recently (sorry for not linking with a privacy frontend I don't know any working ones) where the OP makes a grimoir, and it could be a neat buffet of topics to research.

Also it's interesting to watch all the witches on there all have beef with the wiccans for mangling up their practices / making research difficult for them.


As if witches are any less fake than Wiccans lol modern day witchcraft is a joke


>taking tumblr seriously
they both deserve to be burned at the stake


This isn't /siberia/, take your whedonisms to /isg/.


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The "occult" was invented by protestants to combat the catholic church and people still take it too literally in our secular age
"The chymical wedding of christian rosenkreutz" was a text underlying the rosicrucian order that prefixed the freemasons, and was written by a lutheran. The "rose cross" itself is just the lutheran cross which was also later adopted by the anglican church and was spread by england.
Why do you think the templars are occult martyrs? Because they fought the power of the church and their worshipful "baphomet" became the god of occultism for the same reason.
Jesuitism also drained the catholic church from within and "the black pope" of the jesuits is the masonic leader of the organisation.
Both crowley with his gnostic mass and lavey with his black mass are supposed to parody the catholic mass by the same measure.
The protestants won, and we live in that aftermath - but today protestants also work against eachother and that is the next religious saga in the west.
In the occult there have been the masons and theosophists. Theosophy is an eastern import by blavatsky that is the true schizoism which directly leads to esoteric hitlerist garbage. Before this though it was just rationalism and humanism battling religious superstition.


profoundly revisionist.


>sageposter faggot
>no substantial rebuttal
keep buying your crystals, though


You can't start with:
>The "occult" was invented by protestants to combat the catholic church and people still take it too literally in our secular age
and expect to be taken seriously enough to deserve a rebuttal you debate addict. Occult encompasses paganism, and paganism encompasses literally everything non-abrahamic. Hinduism and animism predate abrahamism.
You need to be 18+ to post here, go back to twitter if you want to debate people over things you don't want to do even surface level of research on.



/occult/ tbf this is exactly what siberia should be for.


Chaos Magick is pretty based if you have read shit like Deleuze and Guttari it just makes that much more sense


Don't move this great thread to that cesspool


>black panther nationalism

Nation of Islam is a completely different thing than BPP and far precedes them


Paganism is folk religion, not doctrinal. All occult works are based on texts like the hermetica, which were translated during the renaissance. Thats why the occult is a direct rebellion against the dark ages, by promoting rationalism and humanism.
Also in the (pre-theosophical) western occult, theres no real trace of eastern inclusion.
You are being ahistorical and sageposting, so you already know youre wrong.
Comparing the bavarian illuminati to 4chan's /x/ is the mental sickness that infects people today


>magic is based if you read radical materialists


chaos magick isn't really magick but more like the use of belief systems in a post-modern sense to define and interact with the post-truth reality.

it's closer to something like linguistics than it is kabbalah


Porky wants you believe in a post-truth reality while he makes his millions. You eat the slop of a broken culture.


I just spent the day absolutely tripped of my mind, right off the deep end on acid. Compared to what I've taken before it was a much higher dose than what I'm used to.
What are the materialist leftypol approved explanations for the crazy things I experienced? How do you explain the entities I witness and interact with?
Are they a part of my own consciousness being projected visually? Are extra dimensional entities reconcilable with materialism?


did u redpill them about Marx


They're already far more redpilled than us. Posadas was right about the (successful) aliens / dimensional entities being communist.


it pleases me to know that. do they have a galactic council?


From what I can tell it seems like it, but I don't know if I'm smart enough to translate their meaning 100%


>to the anarchist The Black Hand
Not sure what this has to do with the occult but isn't it odd that the serbian black hand was a nationalist organization? Why did Gavrilo Princip - an anarchist take part of a nationalist organization which according to glowpedia wanted a greater serbia (territorial expansion)? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Hand_(Serbia)
Was it just because they wanted a republic as opposed to a monarchy?


Or maybe he got confused and thought it was like the spanish black hand.


Materialists have no explanation of things that threaten their worldview


Be careful anon. I got banned on here once for criticising anarkkkists.


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No I'm not criticizing them, I'm just asking. Besides I am anarchist.


>i am an anarchist
In 5 years you will either be a liberal or a fascist


In 5 years you will still be a state capitalist

Meanwhile class collaboration and siding with liberal nazi movements like those punks who go to Ukraine get denounced by most major anarchist orgs.
You can believe the memes all you want, real life is different. What you're seeing is nothing more than another cia psyop trying to discredit the movement.


>the non-nazi punks are liberal punks so youre just proving my point
The point being? Punks don't participate in anarchist orgs lol.
>Anarchism like neo-nazism is blatantly ran by feds
They finance us so well we have to pay for everything out of our own pockets


>Punks don't participate in anarchist orgs lol.
Thats the one good thing about punks then
>They finance us so well we have to pay for everything out of our own pockets
What exactly would you have to pay for? And arent you professional shoplifters as well? Seems like it would all be free.


>Thats the one good thing about punks then
That is? That they don't organize? That they're easily swindled to support liberal movements? That their entire counterculture movement was fabricated by the CIA as straight edge to support the war on drugs? You might as well admit you prefer liberalism.
>What exactly would you have to pay for?
Food, water, shelter, electricity, internet, propaganda material among other necessities. Do you live without those?
>Aren't you professional shoplifters?
No. Are all ML party members guerillas? Or are you all just bureaucrats engaging in parliamentary politics within liberal democracy?


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Straight edge is good and revolutionary
>Do you live without those?
We were talking about political organisations. I see orgs beg for money all the time and was seeing if you had likewise been duped into this scam. It reminds me of the anarchists supporting syndicalism and unions when unions are largely just another tax on workers, like pensions. Charities and churches are another part of this "decentralised" network of funds that just make their representatives rich. Thats why there is no solution to society's problems except by the state and human will. Orgs wont save you - they can barely educate you.
Also, im not an ML. and it gets tiresome when people imagine that you must be if you criticise anarchism. Also i myself am a professional shoplifter which is why i dont complain about the cost of living. Thats for normies who follow the rules of bourgeois society.


>Straight edge is good and revolutionary
Revolutionary nationalism. The proletarian revolution will not be sober, however.
> I see orgs beg for money all the time and was seeing if you had likewise been duped into this scam.
No I wrote it earlier - we pay for everything out of our own pockets and we don't want to hire people to do shit for us either because that places us on the position of the employers which is bourgeoisie.
>Unions and syndicates are bad
If they have a bureaucracy they are just another extension of the liberal state apparatus. Nowadays even cops have fucking unions and syndicates lmao.
>Also, im not an ML.
Posties and Ultras are friends. Even Italian leftcoms - because they deliver a lot of useful criticism towards anarchists that other "Leninists" do not. Believe it or not we self-criticize all the time. More than half of the meetings within anarchist orgs are about problems within the anarchist movement and those who are trying to appropriate it.


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This is what I mean by /leftypol/ having the attention span of a grasshopper. Derailed into 14f in under 200 replies. This should be in /hobby/ or /edu/ for what it is.


I just wanted to know what made that "anarchist" Gavrilo join a nationalist org…


Not to sound too boomerish but you should read huxley's "brave new world". Its a short book but it goes into the dichotomies of today's pharmaceutical anaesthesia (like america's opioid crisis or homeless drug addiction) vs a more sublime livedness of life.
Im reminded currently of foucault's statement that the best feeling he ever had was being in a car crish while high on opium. This cheap phenomenalism is anti-intellectual in essence, and thats why i think so much of today's nietzschean right is about transcending our duty to the intellect, when all they want is non-stop fun all the time. Much of the left is like this too, where they think hedonism is the politics of revolution, when i think it is largely the opposite.
>Believe it or not we self-criticize all the time. More than half of the meetings within anarchist orgs are about problems within the anarchist movement and those who are trying to appropriate it.
Sounds like the same inanity that an ancom vs ancap debate would entail. We wuz the trve anarchists. Yawn.


<In his book L’Attentat de Sarajevo (1930) Alfred Moussett recorded that at the trial of Gavrilo Princip (Gabriel Prince in English) it was claimed a Masonic lodge in France had financed the Order of the Black Hand in their political activities. When he testified, Princip’s co-defendant Vaso Cubrilovic (1897-1990) made the fantastic claim that the assassination of Franz Ferdinand had been planned two years earlier at a meeting of senior French Freemasons in Toulouse. Allegedly at this secret gathering a sentence of death was passed on the archduke. Cabrilovic also said that the Browning automatic pistol used in the assassination had been provided by a Serbian Freemason called Ziganovic. It was also stated in court that Princip was a Mason (although he was far too young to have been one) and the group of assassins had been trained by another member of the fraternity called Tankosi.

<Gavrilo Princip died in an Austrian prison in 1918 from tuberculosis, but Cubrilovic was released in November 1918 when the Allied powers won the war. After he came out of prison Cubrilovic turned into a model citizen. He was a schoolteacher and a professor at the University of Belgrade, a member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, and after the Second World War served as a Yugoslavian government minister during the communist regime of Marshall Tito. Cubrilovic’s anti-Albanian writings in the late 1930s calling for ethnic cleansing are said to have influenced the terrible events of the Bosnian War in the 1990s.

<It was widely known that Austrian Emperor Franz Josef I was paranoid about secret societies and Masonry in particular. His wife the Empress Elizabeth had been brutally stabbed to death by an assassin with secret society links in 1898. The emperor himself had been the subject of an assassination attempt by the Black Hand in 1911. Franz Josef believed French Freemasons were plotting to start a war between Austria-Hungary and Russia. The aim of such a conflict was to bring down both monarchies. His worst fears would have been confirmed by the revelation during the trial of his nephew’s murderers that the Russian military attaché in Belgrade had passed 8,000 roubles from his government to the Black Hand leadership. With this gift came a personal assurance from Tsar Nicholas II that he would support Serbia in any armed conflict with the Habsburg Empire.

So I think it fits to ask in this thread. Maybe this is why OP brought it up. Or maybe it was about the spanish black hand idfk. Seems occult-ish to me. They had a ritual cross whatever that means (picrel) so there must've been some wacky beliefs going on.


Saying "anarchists and ancaps" have lots in common is the same as saying the "communists and liberals" have lots in common. Neither communists nor liberals would agree with that statement, and yet from the perspective of a inflammatory reactionary that would be the truth. This reactionary can only criticize those movements from the perspective of a outsider, a biased view.


>you should read huxley's "brave new world".
I have and I prefer his writings over Orwell. But I think drugs could be beneficial for intellectuals. Its not fair to put them under one umbrella term and say "drugs are bad". What America is going through is a cultural phenomena from within that has been driven by consumerism akin to the conditions they have been brought into. Do american drug addicts study what they take? Have they read the psychonautwiki? Or do they just buy that shit and use it without thinking? I think its way closer to the latter and that even if the drugs were somehow taken away they'd just start resorting to another form of self-harm. Harm reduction is important. I think a lot of drugs have great capabilities to increase cognition that far outweigh the risks.
The point isn't to create endless consumerism but to go through new experiences outside of the dullness and boredom cultivated by the status quo. To bring new perspectives. Not addiction.
>Sounds like the same inanity that an ancom vs ancap debate would entail.
No anarchist org in the world will recognize ancraps as anarchists. Ancraps themselves don't regard themselves as part of the anarchist movement, they just use the name for the militant / radical chic and have done so in an attempt to appropriate it. We see a similar phenomena right now with the MAGAcoms for comparison.
Most of the debates the org I'm in are explicitly against liberal idpol shit trying to subvert the movement and deter from class struggle.


Just sounds like you took acid once but still understand the sludge that weed and alcohol produces as self-medicating devices. I see it in my own city that wherever there is poverty and misery there is obseity (or extreme skinniness), drug abuse, alcohol abuse and gambling. Its all clumped together, like autism and sonic the hedgehog.
Also i agree on breaking from the dullness of polite everydayness (which is the temporal prison of capitalism), but this is what much of straight edge is also about - getting high on life. The "out of body" experience is what someone like jasun horsely calls "the second matrix" of simulacra. The internet itself is the boredom of psychedelic space.
>Most of the debates the org I'm in are explicitly against liberal idpol shit trying to subvert the movement and deter from class struggle.
To me the only theoretically proper place of anarchy is in analysing the interstices between the constructs of civil society - crime and underground culture are what pervade in the surplus of life as the "unconscious" of culture, which is the same arena of a lived anarchy. This is also why in this ontologically open space, one can die easily, because it also open to its self-destruction; like Alice's Wonderland.
I find anarchy interesting as this unrepresentable base of the relations of production.
The attempt to popularise anarchy however exits the notion of this self-consciousness from its essence. Anarchy is anti-political for this reason.
this negative space of anarchy likewise entrances upon the unrepresentable excesses of personal identity too, leading to identity politcs by its broachment. I would say the internet is the ultimate queer space for this same reason - that it gives life to an active anonymity against the pseudonymity of capital's faciality, which normies jump to on popular social media



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>this is what much of straight edge is also about - getting high on life
Mister Jean Baudrillard I beg to differ. Drugs are a part of life. And straight edge is super reactionary CIA psyop for the war on drugs.


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This is what happens with addicts. The poison gets in their system and starts controlling their brain, like any other parasite.


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This is what happens to soberfags. The spectacle gets in their system and starts controlling their brain, like any other parasite.


Freemasons in the UK run a bunch of organised crime and have infiltrated the police heavily, to the extent there have been several inquests about it. Just dropping this here so that if anyone is bored and wants a rabbit hole to dive down they have something to do.


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The masonic checkerboard is even on the brim of the police hats. Also, the american police force largely comes out of freemasonry and the ku klux klan as "the invisible empire".


I wonder if this has connection to checkerboards in Ska music.


so is this thread the /x/ of /leftypol/ ???


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Is chess a masonic bourgeoisie activity?


Ideology addiction can be cured


The checkerboard represents the realm of duality and how we are just pieces in a game of good and evil. Eliphas Levi's Baphomet also concords to this, where the pentagram likewise represents a balance amongst the elements. Levi calls Baphomet the "anima mundi" or world-soul whose electro-magnetic fluid of love-wrath determines the shape of reality.
The 64 spaces are the 64 spaces of the i ching.
Also it is 32 spaces for each colour where 32 is the number of degrees in scottish rite freemasonry (where 96 exist in world masonry).
33 is the occult number that connects the material world to the invisible by the realm of negative existence, or the ain soph. In kabbalah there are 22 paths, but if the 0 is first numbered with a 1, then it becomes 22 numbered as 32, where 33 is given as the invisible path to God.
So 32 is the number of manifestation and 33 is the number of God, which broaches beyond duality, like how a 33rd space of your colour in chess would break the logic of duality - the 33rd piece thus is the player himself. We are God and the pieces are reality in all its stations (which also accord to the body).


The number 33 also accords to the number of vertebrae in a human spine; thus, "ascension" and rising in the ranks is about drawing up the Christ (oil of anointing) up the spine where it is crucified in Golgitha ("the place of the skull")
Matthew 27:33 (notice the 33).
So 32 represents worldly existence and 33 means full enlightenment.


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Ive also heard the claim that solomon's temple floor was a checkerboard design, which is important since the masonic myth derives from the archetypal "architect" hiram abiff, which centers in "the temple legend" communicated by rudolf steiner.
In this myth too is the grounded duality of man in the adamite and cainite origin, between worldly knowledge (the masons/goats) and divine wisdom (the sons of light/sheep). Hiram is a cainite and Solomon is an adamite.
The resolution of the prophecy is the resolution of duality itself by the combination of knowledge and wisdom in the composite image of the golden triangle (heaven/logos) and the molten sea (hell).


32 is the 10 planets or sephiroth + 22 paths which accord to the 22 letters of the hebrew alphabet and 22 tarot cards (where the composite 21 cards apart from "the fool" refer to 3×7, or the 7 planes of our 3 natures: the body, the soul and spiritual - at least according to steiner).
33 points to the occult (secret) path that leads to God beyond the kether (crown). The tree of life is a map of the human body, thus representing manifestation.


This level of theory where it's people just yapping about fields they have no idea about is something I really don't see the appeal of. We have enough sources on Aztecs that you don't have to do shit like this, and calling them primitive communism is absurd.


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Surface level internet philosophy shit. All aesthetic. The real deeds don't hide in the symbolism. The symbolism is all out there to be a red herring.


Brave New world is 1984 with hedonic treadmill.

Also Huxley was an associate of Orwell.

Also, you know how alot of rightists like to whine about how we are libubg in 1984 whenever someone disagrees with them?

Theyre wrong. Its more Brave New World.

Even on here, all the "bourg" stuff you all complain about you still gravitate towards.

You all spam threads about ethots and sexlessness or about Putin or Trump being "ourguy", etc.


When at work, it feels like 1984
When at home, it feels like brave new world.
I am always being watched at work, i cant never be bored because the internet entertain me all the time.



Enlighten us, o wise master


As you wish, but beware - the truth hurts.


The final redpill to break out of the 12-dimensional matrix


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what are /occult/'s thoughts on gleb bokii and the bolshevik investigations into things like occultism?


Masonic rituals are so lame, I've seen better acting in Disney World


Ironically the only real power occultists have is the insane projection thst christians import onto them.


Did Freemasons kill him? There was a documentary about how the whole thing aside from the first shot was a freak accident by one of his guards who got scared and fired - ending up shooting him which was covered up to avoid national embarrassment. The documentary was called JFK: The Smoking Gun by Colin McLaren. But how can we know that wasn't a cover up as-well?


who cares? two groups can independently arrive at similar values. being anti-monogamist ethics is quite trivial, it's pretty easy to arrive at the conclusion that being neurotic over "cheating" gets tiring at some point.


The pure facts are that oswald was a patsy set up by the government and mob, who was killed by jack ruby, who was then murdered himself
The actual shooter was likely on the ground.
The "secret societies" kennedy opposed was the newly founded CIA and mobsters, not the masons


>The actual shooter was likely on the ground.
In the documentary by Colin McLaren the claim is that one of Kennedy's "bodyguards" in the row of cars shot him out of "panic".


I mean that is just laughable obfuscation
If that was the case, how did they determine it was this "random" guy oswald so quickly?


I mean after he had already been shot. Though I don't recall what the documentary had to say about Oswald. I watched it long ago. The main claim was that the first shot wasn't fatal, the last was - the one they claim was done by one of his own men. Vidrel


So this is what /leftypol/ has come down to? Magic threads?
>it's for demystifying
Yeah.. I reckon this thread is going to achieve the exact opposite and will end up a platform for idealism/mysticism. I'm gonna try to help to prevent that from happening, but it might only be a matter of time before you start seeing /x/ schizos talking about tulpas and The Nobody.


Way better than the "communist jesus" threads. So far there has been almost nothing but critical analysis?


"Occultism" is so retarded. I have 100% proof of psychic phenomenon being real. I've wrote about it on here but there was little interest. Instead we have "occultism," reality is made by asinine symbols and rituals. Nah uygha, there is insane power inside each and everyone of us. The power of all of existence ready to be tapped by whoever, but rituals and symbology and stupid mental concepts are not the means to get you there.

The analogy I like to use is Sports, you know insane physical feats like consistently throwing 3 pointers from half court. You can't describe in words the skill it takes to throw 3 pointers from half court. It's way too esoteric and nuanced to describe the exact mental and nervouse impulse it takes to initiate a successful 3 pointer from half court, but we can find people who can do it more than others. That's how it is with the psychic powers. It's a very esoteric mental nervous control that can't be easily explained. You need to experiment and find it for yourself mostly.


If you have undeniable proof then why doesn't science accept it?


It's something that really should've been moved to /hobby/ but at this point we should keep this one as a pseud trap and have a separate thread in /hobby/ for non-smooth brained discussion among those with media literacy / reading comprehension.


All the leading lights of socialism have had to play at esotericism to get their ideas in print.
Rituals and symbology and stupid mental concepts are not going to get you there, buddy


Science hasn't accepted .0000001% of the facts withon our existence. Lol science is nothing without novelty.


So we can get it out of the way
<The Religion of Social-Democracy[1]
Six Sermons
<(1870 to 1875)

any% GO
<Friends and Fellow-Citizens: The teachings of Social ism contain the material for a new religion which, unlike any other religion, appeals not merely to the heart and emotions, but at the same time to the brain, the organ of knowledge. From all other earthly knowledge socialism is distinguished by its religious form, by its fervid appeal to the heart and soul of man. Generally speaking the object of religion is to save the suffering soul from the gloom and misery of earthly life. This object it has thus far realized only in an unreal and fantastic manner, by referring us to an invisible God and to a Kingdom inhabited by ghosts. The gospel of to-day promises to save us from misery in a real and palpable way. God, that is the Good, the Beautiful and the Holy, is to be made man, and is to descend from heaven unto the earth, not as in the days of old in the flame of religion and in the spell of wonder, but in reason and reality. We want our saviour, our Word, to become flesh, and to be materialized not in one individual only. All of us desire, the people want to become sons of God.


>Rituals and symbology and stupid mental concepts are not going to get you there, buddy
Huh? How are you trying to use my very post as a rebuttal to my post? The point wasn't about organized sports but it was about having a particularized physical technique that is hard to describe and hard to master.


To extend my 3-pointer metaphor, saying "Jesus, Mary, and Jospeh" has no effect. Stupid mental concepts have nothing to do with reality, this is what we call "superstition." Psychic phenomenon is real, your stupid religion isn't.


How lame a universe if the secret was petitioning some dead uyghahs like Yeshua of Nazareth and Mohamed. Unfortunately petitioning dead uyghas verbally and mentally has zero effect. Petioning Jesus and Mohamed won't give you one more ounce of strength nor will it give you one more ounce of psychic power.


I should really make it my life's mission to prove this stuff huh? I've proved it to myself many times over. I use my powers to fuck people up. One time I was in a foul mood and I used my powers to clear a whole half of a busy fast food joint in Hollwood. Just sitting there, using my evil powers. I burned my own brother, I was mad at him and I imagined sending my evil vibes right on his head. He came in and told me about his pains on his head shortly after. I've cleared many more spaces with my evil vibes when I wished to.

My favorite experiment. I spooked horses from 100s of yards away. I know my power is 100% and a simple switch I can flick in my head. 100% real.

Like I've posted here previously, speaking hypothetically, what would you say this means?


Operative magic's not much harder to understand than pre-algebra, once one is of an age to experience and experiment with it — but symbols do help to get a grasp on some of the operative parts and forces, and rather more easily than one might from a hundred semiotics, psychology, sociology, etc. papers and books.

>he doesn't know about hyperstitions

That's true, but it trains you to peaceably petition instead of revolting against the ownership class.


>Operative magic's not much harder to understand than pre-algebra, once one is of an age to experience and experiment with it — but symbols do help to get a grasp on some of the operative parts and forces, and rather more easily than one might from a hundred semiotics, psychology, sociology, etc. papers and books.
Yes, I've heard such theories. My initial instinct when I discovered "magick" was real was that all the top people must be aware of this secretly, but now, with further observation, I think most are retards.

>he doesn't know about hyperstitions

No I don't. Wikipedia says: "Land coined the term "hyperstition", a portmanteau of "superstition" and "hyper", to describe something which "is equipoised between fiction and technology".[15] According to Land, hyperstitions are ideas that, by their very existence as ideas, bring about their own reality.[16]"

No idea what you or he meant by this. Superstition is just pure retardation. I live in a physical world where physical actions bring results. Everything is either a consequential physical action or not.

That's true, but it trains you to peaceably petition instead of revolting against the ownership class.
The secret is SPOILER You ARE the Owner Everyone is make believe, this society, this reality is make believe.


If supernatural shit actually existed then governments and corporations would be using it, literally no supernatural phenomenon has ever been scientifically demonstrated


Think about that, if there was 1 point of consciousness in the universe, and everything in the universe points towards it.


>If supernatural shit actually existed then governments and corporations would be using it, literally no supernatural phenomenon has ever been scientifically demonstrated
So you are saying that the current governments have all technology that will ever exist?


No? But there isn't some super secret technology that already exists that some random guy on imageboards knows about and they don't


>No? But there isn't some super secret technology that already exists that some random guy on imageboards knows about and they don't
The things I say could have 0% practical use to anyone but still be 100% factually accurate. Your argument is nonexistent.


Practically every piece of scientific information has use to someone. What do you know then that proves the supernatural is real? Even if it had no practical application anyone who discovered it would be like one of the most famous people on earth


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> Just sitting there, using my evil powers. I burned my own brother, I was mad at him and I imagined sending my evil vibes right on his head. He came in and told me about his pains on his head shortly after. I've cleared many more spaces with my evil vibes when I wished to.

Can you use your psychic powers on the CIA right now brother?


>Practically every piece of scientific information has use to someone. What do you know then that proves the supernatural is real? Even if it had no practical application anyone who discovered it would be like one of the most famous people on earth
I said "could" as in it was a hypothetical.

>What do you know then that proves the supernatural is real? Even if it had no practical application anyone who discovered it would be like one of the most famous people on earth

I already described it. The easiest application is to force my mental onto other living creatures be they mammals or humans. It is 100% real and I frankly don't care if people discover it or not because I don't give a fuck about humans. I'll go where I go where I die and you will go where you will. So be it. I have little sympathy for humans.


>If supernatural shit actually existed then governments and corporations would be using it
I mean thats the whole point of researching magical organizations and their rituals.


>Can you use your psychic powers on the CIA right now brother?
Yeah perhaps but why? I guess I am not powerful enough, but come on, anyone would say most of these American faggots deserve what is coming to them anyways. Let them CIA fag it up like always until they no longer exist.


For realsies, even if I could kill any CIA faggot I wanted today, another CIA faggot would replace them tomorrow. Killing CIA faggots is not the solution.


If you actually have mental powers as you claim then you could talk to a scientist and have him verify experiencing them, then he could get in touch with a wider group of colleagues and they could experimentally verify your claims. You might not care about 'humanity' but this would lead to huge wealth and fame for you, you'd never have to work again a day in your life.


> then you could talk to a scientist
Who specifically. I've entertained this idea.
>then he could get in touch with a wider group of colleagues and they could experimentally verify your claims. You might not care about 'humanity' but this would lead to huge wealth and fame for you, you'd never have to work again a day in your life.
Well I do feel somtimes for doing wider things for humanity. But at the same time why? I really don't think there is anything to be taught to humanity. Let's say hypothetically I had the secret to live to 200 by mental power. What difference would it make? Most of humanity is a bunch of faggots who want to artillery, snipe, nuke, biowarfare, each other and etc.


Maybe a psychologist or someone who is interested in esoteric fields, you could just spam emails to a bunch of people.


>Maybe a psychologist or someone who is interested in esoteric fields, you could just spam emails to a bunch of people.
What would be the cutoff for responses. How credible of a scientist do I need the response from? Ivy league etc?


I dunno, not that famous, even someone from a local university would have some contacts


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They aren't interested in it. Who really cares. Why not adress my hypotheticals? I hypothetically prove what I'm saying true, then what? Truth is it doesn't matter. The world isn't shit for lack of technological knowledge. Humans are just shit. No matter what information they have available they'll produce shit.


I'm not interested in your misanthropy because I find it fucking boring, humans have created every bad thing and every good thing in the world, they're obviously extremely variable, we have the capability to build a dream or a nightmare of a world for ourselves, it just depends what systems we allow to rule us. Socialism is the only answer


>Humans are just shit
Post-civ, post-human
Also do you think you are the only one with said psychic abilities? What do you think unlocked them? What unlocks them?


>I'm not interested in your misanthropy because I find it fucking boring, humans have created every bad thing and every good thing in the world,
not at all. Every good thing has been invented completely independent of our existence or we would not exist.


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>Also do you think you are the only one with said psychic abilities? What do you think unlocked them? What unlocks them?
Not at all. I say every time that every human uses them to some degree. It is why we have popular expressions like ringing ears and staring daggers.


I mean obviously there are good things humans didn't create like fresh water but you get what I'm saying, without human morality we wouldn't even have a frame of reference with which to say humans are terrible and so on


>I live in a physical world where physical actions bring results.
Vulgar materialism ain't it, chief. Symbols do things and classical conditioning encompasses much more than salivary gland activity.
>the secret
The real secret is that ownership isn't real.


> I say every time that every human uses them to some degree.
Yeah but doesn't the fact that you claim to be conscious of them elevate that to a degree where you can actually control it?


>I mean obviously there are good things humans didn't create like fresh water but you get what I'm saying, without human morality we wouldn't even have a frame of reference with which to say humans are terrible and so on
That's your perspective, but mine is that all things in existence point towards god. Humans are closer to god than anything in our reality, yes.


>Yeah but doesn't the fact that you claim to be conscious of them elevate that to a degree where you can actually control it?
So? What are you trying to claim I'm trying to hold some power over you as claiming myself ad a profit or guru or something? Clearly I am not. Maybe you can see it clearly than me. I am only sharing my own personal experience.


Everything that's valued points toward some master value, and everything that's not valued is illegible to the valuist.


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🧿Does this cock-block your psychic powers?🧿 You said symbols don't matter, but this seems like the sort of thing invented to prevent said psychic powers i.e. "evil stare".


Not at all because it would've prevent me from punching it or shooting it with a glock or whatever. I'm talking about real fucking powers.


Real fucking powers meaning really being able to control the actions and motivations of real people.


Isn't that just called influence? Or are you implying into tapping into some sort of collective unconscious?


>humans le god
>humans le bad
These are both anthropocentrist and essentialist takes. Humans are a part of the environment / logistics chain, on par with beavers, ants and coral. Capitalist modes of production are destructive to everything that takes part in it, and there are no non-particiapants; willing or not. Being mad at or glorifying one species is effectively a form of idpol


> would've

I already explained some situations that aren't easily explained. But even then who cares? Humans have zero consciousness. The ideal is sipping champaign while other humans pick your cotton and forever will be.


Humans are the pinnacle of our known species, but we don't act like it.


Can you teach us how to use the psychic powers too? Do I just look at someone or think of someone I don't like and envision them getting diarrhea and then it happens?


>X is the pinnicle of Y
You are gesturing at an essence.


And yes you said that all humans use them to a degree but you seem to be able to direct it considering you were able to describe said experiences.


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I gave an example in the very post.

>Staring daggers

What the image was illustrating. Another popular related expression, burning a hole in the back of my head. Yes it can be felt the power from visual expressions onto the physical without any visual connection on part of the recipient.


>Can you teach us how to use the psychic powers too?
I infact can. Maybe it will be hard to explain. The secret is it's all a matter of perception. You are the supreme god of the universe, the creator, but you believe yourself some random fuck, and so you are, if you realize you are the guy in bed dreaming this reality right now, you will become lucid and can do anything.


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This seems to be a part of psychokinesis, its odd how neither of the two terms yield any results, however. You are right that its hard to describe it.
Yes its like an imaginary extension of yourself manifesting images. I think that my imagination is too dead though, gonna need drugs. See that's why drugs are revolutionary. I'm trying to collapse a ceiling right now with this power. Trying to staring dagger this but if it really is staring dagger then a dagger can't really do that much damage. How do I unlock staring nukes?


1. That's not how manifesting works
2. That is blatantly essentialist.


I'm talking from personal experience faggot. '

>This seems to be a part of psychokinesis, its odd how neither of the two terms yield any results, however. You are right that its hard to describe it.
I don't know about psychokinesis. I don't claim that I've ever moved one atom one micrometer with my mental. But I know that I can transplant ideas from my mind directly into other minds.

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