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Why does it seem like the crux of the liberal/idpol Left is an obsession with pity and being pitied?

Look at social media, for instance, and you’ll notice how everyone uses their identity labels or difficulties surviving in end-stage capitalism as a means of competing for pity. Autistic people demand pity. Trans people demand pity. Diaspora Palestinians and Zionists compete against each other for pity. And so on.

For what reason has there become such a fixation on pity rather than, say, empowerment? Real revolutionaries don’t allow themselves to fall into pity because all it does is demoralize them in the long-run. People who truly believe they have a cause to fight for and sacrifice for don’t hyperfixate on themselves but seek to transcend and push back against whatever hardships they have.

What cultural forces would you pinpoint as the reason for why demand for pity has become such an obsession?
132 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Because they are idealists, they value intentions over acts. They think capitalim is the natural state of things and that "harm reduction" is progress. A marginalized group, without addressing the material reasons, can only hope to be integrated in bourgeois politics and indirectly lifted from that status.


>Are you suggesting autism is only considered a disability because of capitalism?
Diagnosis is always fraught with politics because the norms against which "deviation" and "fitness" are measured are historically contingent.
>How would a level-3 autistic person
I'm a bit more concerned about the other 3/4, and the many that are undiagnosed but still experience the rejection of a fascist social order obsessed with its perfect material and ideal reproduction. The ones who actually progress the material world instead of insiipd cosmic melodrama people are conditioned to say they enjoy.
>Yet, autistic people do things which are frequently offputting to other autistic people
And? Do you think you have a right to intimacy with everyone, you emotional rapist?
>Bourgeois society isn't destroyed by dropping out.
No, it is destroyed by preventing its successful reproduction. I thought fascists and liberals (same picture) knew this stuff? In any case, this is all in Marx, which you would do well to read instead of the fascists who stole his name.


All ancestor worship is a prepubescent disorder. Hero cultism is crap.


Because they are american liberals spooked by race and gender. They believe in the same ideas of race and gender as white supremicists just turned on their head.

People should have come to the correct conclusion that race and gender are completely made up bullshit designed to reproduce capitalist relations.


I’m an early-diagnosed autistic (cis) woman who has studied my diagnosis extensively, and I’m willing to bet the vast majority of these “autistic” content creators on TikTok and IG aren’t actually autistic at all. Actual aspies don’t go out of their way to seek attention and validation; people with BPD, however, do. If someone is telling you that being autistic makes them anti-capitalist and a threat to the system, it’s far more likely they have BPD and are after credit from others.


You’re missing one key component: under neoliberalism, one’s identity becomes their brand, the way corporations have brands, and the goal becomes to promote one’s brand over everyone else’s brand the same way corporations compete with one another in the marketplace. Autism, queerness, etc. are all “brands” under this era of capitalism. Validation of identity is simply about promoting oneself against everyone else. Social media has also made this 100x worse since everyone’s social media persona is a de facto brand.


>Identity in the postmodern world has very little material basis anymore and has largely been reduced to an aesthetic
youre a fucking moron i literally have a materially transgender body. i have a dick and titties. you stupid fuck. and i will be in many circumstances viciously punished for this fact by society. shut the fuck up you dumbass


>Trans people are the most visible they've ever been. Transphobia is now becoming taboo and you can be canceled or fired for saying anything remotely deemed transphobic.
you fell for the spectacle instead of caring about material factors like homelessness, trans kids being kicked out of their families homes, it being literally legal to murder us, etc. you stupid spectacle burger. god i hate morons like you. you should just shut the fuck up if you dont know what youre even talking about


But anyone can identify as trans or non-binary now regardless as to their actual body, right? That’s what they meant by “no material basis”.


>Trans people are the most visible they've ever been
you say this like its a good thing? our main visibility is fox news spreading propaganda about us you stupidass fuck. then that spreads into every other right wing country. youre literally a dumbass and you should feel bad about yourself. you wrote this whole thread and it accomplishes what exactly? youre post is stupid as fuck

you stupid fucking liberal


>But anyone can identify as trans or non-binary now regardless as to their actual body, right? That’s what they meant by “no material basis”.
first off lots of non-binary people are trans people who are physically transitioned or even bordering on intersex in some way, definitely material. secondly supporting self-identification is to give solidarity to people whos situations are different, not everyone can transition, some trans people are trapped by circumstances to continue performing cis hetero lifestyles. so calling them "not trans" is disrespectful of among the most fucked over trans people of all. you just dont know what youre talking about and you once again fell for the "i can identify as an attack helicopter" fox news meme without knowing what the fuck youre even talking about.


There’s a pretty distinct difference between “identity politics” and “civil rights”. If queer/trans people were precisely fighting for civil rights (like the right to not face discrimination at work or housing) then that’s a perfectly legit thing. The problem comes with identity politics, believing you deserve to be catered to by the rest of society because your identity has a special uniqueness. That’s where you get this kind of identity competition.


You seem to have emotional control issues from the tone of your post.


>The problem comes with identity politics, believing you deserve to be catered to by the rest of society because your identity has a special uniqueness. That’s where you get this kind of identity competition.
what catering? dumbass.

>There’s a pretty distinct difference between “identity politics” and “civil rights”. If queer/trans people were precisely fighting for civil rights
theyre literally fighting for civil rights such as the right to use the bathroom in public and the right to purchase healthcare. you stupid fuck

>You seem to have emotional control issues from the tone of your post.
you're dumb as fuck anon, you want me to be all nice and polite to people spreading propaganda about people like me? get off this board liberal


>theyre literally fighting for civil rights such as the right to use the bathroom in public and the right to purchase healthcare. you stupid fuck
and that's just in the united states. and among the most publicized issues. did you not bother reading how even in some states of the US it's literally legal to kill trans people if they have sex with you without telling you they're trans? of course not. you think "being legal to kill them" isn't a civil rights issue?

you think "not being allowed to work certain types of jobs" elsewhere isn't a civil rights issue?

you didn't think any of this because you weren't thinking at all, you did no investigation, and yet you spoke a lot. what a shame


A submissive, commercial comportment is not a proletarian virtue.


Identity isn’t internal. It’s external. It’s not about what’s in your head but about what you do and the relations you have with others day-to-day. If self-identification is only about “group solidarity” then it seems like the main goal is finding a tribe and nothing else.


>Identity isn’t internal. It’s external. It’s not about what’s in your head but about what you do and the relations you have with others day-to-day. If self-identification is only about “group solidarity” then it seems like the main goal is finding a tribe and nothing else.
nice armchair diagnosis. only the external exists. how could I have fooled myself otherwise



this is what happens on an imageboard where anyone, even random dumbasses who just decided to click on a thread, are allowed to write things. a lot of dumbass shit gets written.


>Identity isn’t internal. It’s external. It’s not about what’s in your head but about what you do and the relations you have with others day-to-day. If self-identification is only about “group solidarity” then it seems like the main goal is finding a tribe and nothing else.
tell me something, you rambling fool. was I "not transgender" before I transitioned? no, I was transgender. I'm the one who gets to define it. not you. you fucking imbecile. you don't know anything about what you're talking, it's just an abstract lingual construct to you. fucking dipshit.


I think identity politics is that which has taken a deviation from civil rights, which is much more genuine. Civil rights is about getting equal human rights not matter what your disability, ethnicity, religion, or gender identification might be. Identity politics is about building your self-esteem by fighting various psychological wars on many fronts. I don’t think idpol does any good at all to society. Quite the reverse.


identity politics is a liberal phenomenon that liberals use to project a facade of supporting minority rights, when in reality identity politics is a reaction against real civil rights for those same groups, which would in many cases require drastic restructuring of capital, which liberals would never support

unfortunately some of our comrades mistake the liberal identity politics and its talking points, for the real civil rights issues faced by the groups they purport to represent, and themselves end up taking the reactionary framing put forward by liberals to attack those groups, and accept the liberal framing as an accurate representation of the civil rights issues faced by those groups.


Pity certainly can be a weakness but it can also be used in propaganda to portray a just and rightous position against unjust bad people who torture puppies for fun.


>real civil rights for those same groups, which would in many cases require drastic restructuring of capital, which liberals would never support

Care to give concrete examples?


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>Care to give concrete examples?
<universal healthcare to support trans people living a life without malfunctioning endocrine systems
<universal housing to protect trans youth kicked out of their family's homes
<abolish prisons or at least drastically redesign them so trans women don't get put in with male inmates and raped, murdered, or used as political pawns as "rewards" for good behavior of violent inmates


They get that? All I got it was a mix of "you're entitled" and "westoid"


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I wonder what the context for this one is


>Autistic brains are very in-line with the mentality of capitalism. For one thing, autists don’t form social relationships for the sake of social relationships, they form social relationships with some sort of “end goal” in mind. Meaning, autistic brains are wired only to see other human beings as a means to an end, not as a means to themselves. That’s why autists will form shallow “bonds” with others on the basis of a shared interest only to discard those people after their special interest has changed. Do you not see the major problem with this? Why would autism be tolerated in a system where human togetherness is emphasized?
Wow, where did you find all of this info, did you pull it straight out from your fucking ass anon? You dumb fucking ass.

Crazy how you dehumanize an entire group that you don't even know then accuse us autistic people of forming "shallow bonds" "based on shared interest" "discard those people" "see other human beings as a means to an end" you ridiculous hypocrite and ignorant fool. Shut your dumb mouth, stupidass


>Why would autism be tolerated in a system where human togetherness is emphasized?
"Why would people with neurodevelopmental differences be tolerated in our society?"
You are literally a eugenicist and fascist, FUCK YOU.


Psychopathy and autism are not the same, but you're either retarded or baiting so it doesn't matter explaining either.
I feel like half of these shit takes with flags on are written on purpose to discredit anyone who farther uses the flag (i.e. Cockshott's face)…


Simple: people are working more hours for less pay. They barely have the ability to take care of themselves, much less other people. Combine that with the effects of social media which has drastically altered how we relate to each other and you’ve got an entire culture attacking each other for not showing any care to anyone else.




That argument is only really made retroactively: see the case of men and boys for the same exact thing



> We no longer say things like "pregnant woman" but "pregnant person" instead
Who the hell is this "we"? A we that denies that transgender women are women under the guise of inclusion, mind you


Dude has never met a libertarian


>I'd liken it a lot to the siege mentality.

>Every identity group (yes, including white Christian males) in post-modernity believes they are under siege, that there's some "man behind the curtain" looking to wipe them out. Some guy on the music board said Zionists see "antisemitism" everywhere and anti-Zionists see "Zionism" everywhere and I'd say this comrade is 100% correct.

Everyone should read this article on the psychology of "siege cultures" (the article is from the 80s so obviously outdated, but still) and ask yourself if you see the same thing in society today.

I would love to see a Marxist analysis of siege cultures because I strongly agree siege thinking has become way too prevalent in society today.


virtually anything pertaining to male physiology causes autism or some oher malady according to some medical paper.

Those entitled autists youre finding are a minority.
Most autists are trainwrecks.
But the real problem is that siciety sy oathises with autism the disease not the victims.

As a high functioning autist, I get fed up with cocksucking liberal sympathing types spouting out platitudes about how autism is a gift and it makes me special and more mature than other kids.

Those people are usually disgruntled boomers looking to get back at society for no longer being culturally alligned.


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Of what would you expect a particularly Marxist analysis to consist?


>Everyone should read this article
<At various historical periods White Southerners, Afrikaners and White Rhodesians
were acutely aware that their cultural beliefs in White supremacy were threatened by the dominant group (northerners in
the U.S.; English settlers and the metro-politan British Government in SouthAfrica; and the metropolitan British
Government in Rhodesia)
<These threatening actions included the abolition of slavery, subsequent wars (the
Americn Civil War and the two British-Boer Wars in South Africa, in all of which the sharply differing racial policies
of dominant and siege groups were a major factor), and other efforts by the metropolitan government (the federal government
in the United States; the metropolitan British government in South Africa and Rhodesia) to destroy siege-group racial
beliefs by incorporating (or threatening to incorporate) non-White groups especially into economic and political structures.
I don't think we can learn anything useful from reactionaries who faught wars to preserve slavery.


It’s mostly about how the notion of being under siege created distinct cultural behaviours in said groups.


How does siege culture derives from and ultimately benefit the economic processes in a given society. For example, we know that physical war helped sustain capitalism by generating a constant demand for armaments and allowing open suppression of organized labour in the name of national security; Siege Mentality probably do the same thing.


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>I don't think we can learn anything useful from reactionaries who faught wars to preserve slavery.
The US Civil War was observed and studied extensively by at least the English and Prussian armies for the new possibilities in it. From our historical vantage point we can certainly understand the level of cruelty that the bourgeoisie and their slaves and retainers will use to defend capitalist social relations, and to practice radical disinterest in their further existence. We can learn how to deface beauty, desecrate tranquility, deny mercy, destroy dreams, and to look at "leaders" and see only aliens.


Why does it need to? It's a social phenomenon. That "economic predestinationism" shit you're trying to flog right now is the EXACT EQUIVALENT to Thatcher's "There is no society". Self crit now.


The whole trans thing is pretty interesting, because at the same time many of them live in poverty, but at the same time the US elite is trying to court them hard. Seems to be another instance of using vulnerable minorities as middle men.


It's the relatively small size of the trans demo that makes it so valuable to the democrats.


Trans people and their rights are being cynically used by the bourgeoisie. All the "progress" they've allegedly made is going to immediately evaporate when they're no longer useful as a cultural wedge to pretend-right over in congress.


All of the things you said are eugenics which is why it shouldn't be regarded as a dirty word.


Queer identites are useful for capital because they have less kids so the costs of workers is lower if the cost of labor does not include the costs of childbearing. Obv. this contradicts with capital's desire to increase labor supply.

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