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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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It all looks like it was made for an early 20s college girl. Can I fucking have something a little less cutesy pls.


File: 1716409945252-0.jpg (786.62 KB, 1231x834, PSL flags.jpg)

File: 1716409945252-1.jpg (43.9 KB, 600x393, PSL flags2.jpg)

File: 1716409945252-2.png (311.9 KB, 874x463, company flags.PNG)

Not surprising, their flags suck ass too, they literally use company style flags instead of rectangular ones w/o gallery.
Whoever is managing them right now and spending their budget on this shit should fucking kill himself ASAP.


Everybody contact them and tell them their merch is bad and they need help.


File: 1716410361864-0.png (57.2 KB, 380x413, 2.png)

File: 1716410361864-1.png (100.36 KB, 338x413, 1.png)

inoffensive cutesyfied merch :3

"We have much compassion and we ask much compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for being super nice." Karl Marx


Let the merch suck as much as they do


>It all looks like it was made for an early 20s college girl.
Probably was!


File: 1716412021631.jpg (17.44 KB, 320x395, nice.jpg)


>5 year plan to achieve socialism with art-hoe characteristics


holy shit that third pic has the bordiga flag of pizza communism



>>5 year plan to achieve socialism with art-hoe characteristics


>It all looks like it was made for an early 20s college girl

that's probably most of their members so…


File: 1716425781983.jpg (35.87 KB, 165x250, full.jpg)

>"We have much compassion and we ask much compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for being super nice." Karl Marx

based and harmonic socialism pilled


What a ridiculous complaint. Would you prefer if they sold skull shaped mugs dyed red with blood and shirts made of tanned human skin with phrases like "your death will be slow and painful"?

Wait actually that sounds rad as hell, why AREN'T they doing that?


not your personal army fag


File: 1716426657869.jpg (669.44 KB, 1536x2048, n0p1a5ack3h81.jpg)

based and murderpilled


She got better


Either do it or dont i dont care faggot



>society returns his labors to him in an alien form


File: 1716467669656-1.png (2.08 MB, 1600x1200, nathan_1-020917.png)

>What a ridiculous complaint. Would you prefer if they sold skull shaped mugs dyed red with blood and shirts made of tanned human skin with phrases like "your death will be slow and painful"? Wait actually that sounds rad as hell, why AREN'T they doing that?
Unfortunately, you're just replacing early 20s college girls with early 20s college guys. There's this huge, vast pool of middle-aged workers who you need to recruit, and by sheer volume of book sales, Michelle Obama is crushing the competition. Maybe… more flowers?


File: 1716467982634.png (296.48 KB, 500x375, yourshitsuck.png)

>Build Not Schools, Prisons
>fight for socialism
How $17 plus shipping coffee mug? By drinking more coffee produced via child labor?


Do you want to fleece the normies or do you want to kys for being a fascist drama queen?


File: 1716468440277.jpg (90.64 KB, 1080x729, look.jpg)

>Do you want to fleece people
peak psl praxis


Marx's income came from journalism and playing the stocks, so….


File: 1716469510116.png (144.47 KB, 641x473, dogshot.png)

So the psl is literally up there with Marx now?


How’s CHAZ working out for you?


If you're looking for a church, look elsewhere.


Now I just had a funny image of the people who got roped into the PSL becoming a revolutionary army (this will never happen though) but they're wearing beanies like that.


File: 1716470145958.jpg (237.35 KB, 960x1440, bruhrly.jpg)

How's those sexual assault allegations working out for you guys?
Hey now, the church and psl have a lot in common. Both fleece people and have a history of covering up sexual assault.


at least my sales go towards buying food and paying rent and not a vanity run for sexpests to run for president

also the PSL only serves to legitimize the current system. If you really think we can "vote in socialism", you're a laughable liberal.




Crazy how if this was Bethesda or some tech company with this type of track record, people would be up in arms, but since it's "The party", well, we can't say anything or else we're against "the movement". What movement? The movement to empower sexual predators? The movement to co-op events? The movement to peace police?

PSL = Feds and I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut because "they are the vanguard party". Castro shot rapists, PSL protects them.


I dont trust this shit. PSL is doing stellar organizing for palestine and running an actual socialist candidate. You're the ones who sound like fucking feds trying to prevent people from organizing. What does this petty shit matter if people are actually doing socialist organizing? Frankly shut the fuck up you actual fucking wrecker, fedjacketing pieces of shit. Literally the same take as Agent Kochinski, thats how dumb you are.


nooo anyone who doesnt want to work with a party who has a track record of covering up sexual assault is a wrecker!!

nooo you have to excuse the sex pests, thats what being a communist is about!

Don't you have dues to pay?


Ah yes, anyone in support of Palestine is automatically an authentic socialist now, beyond critique.


All this shit is either over a decade old, or literal fucking twitter drama. What the fuck. Do you retards just like losing and self sabotaging?



>be me

>young communist
>looking at orgs to join
>CPUSA is chauvist
>IWW is dead (rip Big Bill)
>Green Party is a laughing stock, no real ambitions for armed revolution
>DSA is well, DSA
>hmmm what about the PSL?
>look up PSL
>Oh wow, this track record is terrible, one of their top guys was a Guantanamo bay torturer?
>oh wow, the women running for President right now signed a letter doxing an SA victim
>oh wow they have a history of covering for predators in leadership
>hmm maybe I won't join this party

If it was a job, a career, a corporation, you'd hold em to a different stand. Sorry but I think people who are supposed to be representing the working class should be held to higher standards.


>an"com" take….


….and gibs from Engels


>Do you retards just like losing

PSL only serves to give legitimacy to the settler country of "America", you really think you can vote in socialism to reform the settler state? I think you're the retard who likes losing.


There's no point arguing with liberals engaging in bourgeoisie elections. These are the same autists who got introduced to "socialism" through Bernie.


>be burger
>have excuse from joining anything
>can't be accused of anything
<armchair status achieved



I work with orgs like Food Not Bombs to help people vs inflating the egos of sex pests who want to larp as Eugene Debs


No but its literally free fucking advertising>>1863923
. You have no tact and frankly you're just dumb>Oh wow, this track record is terrible, one of their top guys was a Guantanamo bay torturer?
They literally have several articles calling guantanamo bay a crime against humanity and i literally cannot find any other information about this supposed person.

>oh wow, the women running for President right now signed a letter doxing an SA victim
I fucking searched with kagi and used their search engine AI and could not find a single fucking reference to anything like this. Are you ACTUALLY just a fed?


File: 1716490923921.png (156.24 KB, 450x468, Tomoko Berniebro.png)


Even armchairs organize, just look at the ultraleft sub and their endorsement of the ICC and the ICP. Although I prefer Armchair Anarchists.


Ok, so u are literally NGO poster?

Get fucked. Kill yourself.


What people like you don't understand is that the party is who makes the revolution happen. You can't go against the party no matter what, otherwise you're damaging the chances of revolution. What's worse? Some alleged sexual assault? or capitalism?

The power comes from the party, the goal has always been to get people from the working class to join the party is a means to do this. Posts like these about SA or whatever non-sense only hurt the party.


>Even armchairs organize, just look at the ultraleft sub and their endorsement of the ICC and the ICP. Although I prefer Armchair Anarchists.

>le meme about the le discontinued shit: N0

You are a primitive little cuck!


This is generational aesthetic of Millennial/Gen Z motivational art.

Alot of quirky CalArts shit.

Why does the age demographic matter?


Which party? Who is the real vanguard?
>No matter what, the party is always right
Truly Gonzaloist baby boiling action!


U literally have no critical way of talking about the shit, dude.


Why are communist so against feeding people?


I didin't know Stalinoids were communists!… are we supporting Israel now?



You are a news addict that doesn't understand what art schools do.


Because homeless people can't pay party dues so they should just starve tbh.

Gonna tell my friends if they ever need aid, they better be in the party and paying those dues before I help em out.

i'd rather do shit like this
(which no communist party engages in these types of direct actions)
than help some Ross Perot larper travel the country on the dime of the workers.


>>Oh wow, this track record is terrible, one of their top guys was a Guantanamo bay torturer?
<Based on the available information, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a communist party in the United States that was established in 2004. [1] The PSL has been critical of the U.S. government's actions at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, describing it as a site of "crimes against humanity" for the past 21 years. [2] [3] The party is comprised of leaders, activists, workers, and students from diverse backgrounds, organized in branches across the country. [3] [4] [4]

>oh wow, the women running for President right now signed a letter doxing an SA victim
<In summary, while Claudia De la Cruz has spoken out against abuse of power and the need to address sexual violence, the available information does not include any specific letters or statements from her on this topic. The focus is more on her political platform and activism. [1][2]

Source your information right fucking now or go hang yourself for being a fucking retard.


File: 1716491966590.png (245.42 KB, 365x280, 1716214972764 source.png)



Too bad medium doesnt like the Wayback Machine bc there's all the proof I'd need to not want to associate with them in this link >>1863902

If the link said "Bethesda" and not "PSL", you know damn well you wouldn't shit on someone who didn't want to work for Bethesda.



Kagi, it has an AI that scrubs through search results to find key information. It is finding nothing. So give me a fucking source or hang yourself for being a misinformation spreading retard.


>I asked ChatGPT



File: 1716492229289.png (814.78 KB, 538x524, under construction.png)


This is just some unhinged retard whining that PSL isn't violent and doesnt shoot people.

It's not quite that, it's just taking all the search results and summarizing them while looking for key information. Its not literally chatgpt.


This is incomprehensible schizophrenia.


File: 1716492727952.jpg (1.33 MB, 2488x2640, Left Unity.jpg)




Mods please post this on the twitter as a PSA


please don't, this anti femboy autism is just homophobic cringe


Magacoms are neoliberals


>anti femboy
Not it isn't.


Chill with the ableism. Most posters on here are neurodivergent. Smh. Read the room.


Go back to stupidpol or whatever shithole you crawled out of.


Nu-tankie cringe


yes it is

hurr durr attack helicopter meme


Chapter 3 of the Communist Manifesto says you don't belong here.


File: 1716493813735.png (146.31 KB, 338x330, idpol rant.PNG)

>They don't know the meme was made by a gay anarchist


seek treatment for your irony poisoning.


the irony is I consider myself more of an MLM than an anarchist
>believes in need for transitionary state
>believes in armed revolution (PPW)
>believes in need to build revolutionary culture
>believes need for a vanguard party

It's real simple, communists are much more cringe and often come across as privileged, PMC class college students looking to feel superior to someone.


never happened


Lol wrong reply. >>1864020


not me. infact I would say that poster probably also has irony poisoning


not me. infact I would say that poster probably also has irony poisoning


File: 1716494695888.png (201.4 KB, 216x310, Marcos.PNG)

You had an EZLN flag on earlier posts >>1855879, what a traitor.


File: 1716495915106.png (769.9 KB, 2000x2000, No Doomers 11.png)

it keeps removing it when I clear my cache lol


Where Guantanamo proof


File: 1716496001440.png (1.55 MB, 2000x1125, ClipboardImage.png)

>their flags suck ass too
This rules, actually.


Why do you use it? The EZLN are against vanguard parties. They don't want an armed revolution anymore so they cut off ties with the PRA / EPR .


wow, what a fucking shitlord, somebody make a super succesful mass vanguard in mexico just to troll him


>comparing gas station flags to flags with crossbar gallery
<Woah this rules!!! Its like samurai bro!


>Would you prefer if they sold skull shaped mugs dyed red with blood and shirts made of tanned human skin with phrases like "your death will be slow and painful"?
Yes more or less. They should feel afraid.


one of the leaders of Veterans for Peace was a Gitmo integrator who had a change of heart after he got out. (LMAO)

Veterans for Peace often works closely with PSL, see >>1863969

He's the guy who interrupted the Bush speech with "my friends are dead because of you!"

Tbh I've got a lot of leeway for veterans bc of how our society is set up to create them, but no one becomes a Gitmo torturer without knowing and wanting to be one, without being a true believer.



>thinking your post is such a banger you sat at your computer for over a minute to submit this


Kys weaboo


You and dxm should go to a website for retarded "socialist" glowuyghurs, I suggest reddit, the home of NATO socialism.


Says the retard proposing samurai flags for a socialist org


already ahead of you bro, erikhoudini.com


The anarchist fears the samurai


File: 1716497088380.jpg (21.57 KB, 714x103, samurai.JPG)

>Supporting bourgeoisie monarchist nobility militias to own the anarchists


File: 1716497164437.png (425.8 KB, 616x353, ClipboardImage.png)

Banners are weaboo cultural appropriation now or something?


>NOOOOO you can't support the PSL because… because they are LITERALLY RAPIST SAMURAI SETTLER KKKOLONIALISTS!!!
Do anarchists ever actually listen to themselves talk


You went from proposing that they use fucking samurai flags and imminently switch over to projecting onto party politics. Pathetic. Lmfao


File: 1716497502919.png (911.7 KB, 529x754, ClipboardImage.png)


He just sounds based to me.


>The anarchist fears the samurai

Holy shit fucking kill yourself, insecure little vermin.


File: 1716497616305.png (294.31 KB, 500x500, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck you stole my next shitpost suggestion, had this in the clipboard and everything
>You went from proposing that they use fucking samurai flags
Where did this happen? You are becoming hysterical.


You are literally shaking over a shitpost, go dry off your clammy hands and have a cup of tea.


File: 1716497692403.jpeg (11.56 KB, 193x260, Névtelen.jpeg)





:3 :3 :3


>Where did this happen?
Do you have dementia or are you just braindead? >>1864065 >>1864096


>a shitpost
All your posts are shitposts, you haven't made one coherent post in this reply chain so far.


File: 1716497779899-0.png (225.45 KB, 407x612, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1716497779899-1.png (4.09 MB, 1880x1160, ClipboardImage.png)



Are we shilling for Ziggers now?


>post cool banner from history
>bowels immediately emptied into pants by crying retard
>laugh at this
Sorry but I'm not going to do it (believe your million times reheated strategy of anonymously posting allegations to medium by twitter anarchists)
I will now take the deeply important thread about merchandizing derailed into the obligatory glowie talking points from a twitter schizophrenic as seriously as it should be… oh actually I've been doing that all along.


File: 1716498132890.png (1.54 MB, 1680x947, ClipboardImage.png)

Heh too predictable. Must be an AI script or something.


File: 1716498122638-0.jpg (1.21 MB, 2048x1363, proRussiami.jpg)

File: 1716498122638-1.jpg (45.53 KB, 604x453, RusArmy.jpg)

File: 1716498122638-2.jpg (63.27 KB, 700x448, Pamet.jpg)

I'm sure they're ideologically consistent at least!


Do you self-flagellate every time you buy your groceries too? Do you cry when you open the door (produced via unfair wage slavery) to go to your high school?


This is trve socialism actually because the flags are rectangular and displayed the appropriate way.


Thank fuck the stalinoids used crossbars so that a weeb can promote japanese style flags for american "socialist" parties 100+ years later!


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